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transpanda-1 · 22 days ago
happy birthday Ms. Panda! eat lots of cake, but don't get a tummy ache 😁
🍓Our good friend @sapphirestream baked us a cake to eat, and we appreciate her so much! You can believe that we'll have some lovely cake because of her!! 💚- Cherish
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utilitycaster · 2 years ago
You mentioned you had thoughts about Caleb and Veth vs Imogen and Launda? Not to stir the pot, but I'd love to hear about that!
Answered here! In short, Caleb and Veth (especially Veth) very quickly build relationships with the rest of the party, but also are able to push back against each other or ask things of each other that could be an inconvenience to them in a way I don't see Imogen and Laudna doing.
(The relationship Imogen and Laudna actually remind me of from C2, for what it's worth, is Caleb and Jester, though it's still not a perfect comparison).
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hir4 · 3 years ago
In honor of the end: Pearl, Martyn, Rendog, and Scott
Pearl - Favourite piece of fan content? I have a LOT. Here are some of my favorite favorite ones from tumblr:
A question for the dead: what was the point by theminecraftbee
Out of control (Last Life Animation) by autisticfirelord
Session 6 art by wasyago
This Scar fanart by bebagerie
All of those have fucked me up emotionally
Martyn - Season one or two?
Last life was incredible but 3rd life will always have my heart and soul
Rendog - Any headcanons?
When the characters die, the "poof" is made out of different things. Like with Grian is feathers, Scar shattered crystals, Lizzie pixie dust, Bdubs leaves, Ren fur, Pearl little white rocks, and so on
Scott Smajor - Favourite quote?
I have answered this in a previous ask, but also the "Welcome to Magical Mountain" from Scar, after he killed Mumbo was insane
Last Life Ask Game
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theregoesmylurkerstatus · 4 years ago
Ominous hint for you: Im pretty sure absolutely NO ONE made bingo tonight lol
...Oh. Okay. Without telling me anything, on a scale of 1-10, how insane of an episode did I miss (1 being a shopping episode, 10 being ‘Caleb almost kills the party’ or ‘Yasha gets murderously kidnapped’)?
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pitviperofdoom · 5 years ago
god I love the pov stuff!!! I feel like I knew Jon was Suffering, but I have also gained so much insight from being in his head. Have you considered throwing these into an Ao3 just for posterity? They're delightful! Also, POV? :D
I might! I have three more requests to do and I think I’ll cut it off there, but this meme was a lot of fun and I’d like to do it again. Posting what I have on AO3 would be great, if I can decide how to format it.
He paces furiously, like an animal in a cage.
He knows Elias is watching, can feel it in the burning at the back of his neck, like being held under a magnifying glass in the sun. Elias is watching. Smiling too, probably. No doubt he finds Jon’s growing desperation and helplessness amusing. He seemed pleased enough listening to Jon rail at him over the table.
The table, with its damned webs and fractals and, oh yes, a creature of the Stranger tied to it. And now it’s just sitting there, in the institute, where anyone can wander in and come out not right.
If he were Head Archivist, he could simply forbid everyone from going near it--no, strike that, if he were Head Archivist there wouldn’t be anyone in danger to forbid--if he were Head Archivist he could just walk in himself, grab the damned thing and bury it somewhere. Let the Choke have it. Throw it into the ocean for the Vast. 
But he’s not Head Archivist, he’s an assistant, and he’s an assistant that no one likes or trusts, an assistant with a reputation for skepticism, and now all those carefully placed lies are coming back to bite him.
He can’t do this.
He can’t protect them. He can’t protect anyone. And he’s spent the better part of a year making sure they can’t protect themselves, either.
Damn it. 
It’s not so much that he comes to a decision, as he realizes that he has no other option.
He finds the relevant statements--because there may not be a recognizable system in the archives, but he knows where everything is. Amy Patel. Rose Cooper. Lawrence Moore. Others, who had watched helpless from the sidelines as impostors were welcomed by family.
He leaves them in a neat stack, organized chronologically, on Martin’s desk. He walks away. 
And he hopes that one day, Martin will forgive him for feeding the hungry thing Elias planted within him.
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theropodtheroblogs · 4 years ago
god what a nostalgia trip!!!! I still watch Etho + Bdubs, but seeing Mindcrack content is a trip and a half
It was a wonderful time back then wasn’t it? Such fond memories of pranks and teams and murder games...
I’m like theoretically still subbed to Guude but I watch almost nothing from him D:
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seafleece · 4 years ago
Can I ask where the news about the sensitivity consultant is? I think I missed it, but it sounds promising in its way
you can find it on their twitter, if you scroll for a bit, or here. they talk about sensitivity consultants at the bottom
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phoenixyfriend · 5 years ago
Hey just thought I'd let you know that this post (/post/624831866986528768/in-honor-of-cishet-pride-day-heres-the-funniest) is from an exclusionist and they probably meant Ace people when they said cishet. Hate that this is still a THING in 2020 apparently, but some people are just gonna be shit I guess
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your-turn-to-role · 5 years ago
Hey, quick question, do we know if the souls are still bound to the beacon, or would they have already been punted out into reincarnation? Thanks!
hi, yeah!
so, the beacons don't really spit out souls on reincarnation? basically, consecution binds someone to a beacon and then they're bound permanently to it
honestly, vess derogna was right in that the raven queen probably doesn't like them, because the beacon basically does her job - if someone whose soul is bound to the beacon dies within a certain radius of the beacon, instead of going through her to be given to whichever god's domain it's supposed to end up in, it goes through the beacon and loops around again, into the next newborn in that same radius of the beacon (i don't think we know what that radius is, but that's why kryn soldiers carry the beacons into battle, without them they're as mortal as anyone else)
but that newborn with an old soul is already consecuted, still bound to the beacon, that part never stopped, it's why the kryn do a lot to look out for reincarnated souls (and presumably have some way of telling the difference between consecuted and unconsecuted souls), because in order to be consecuted they had to have been important in their past life, and they're still bound to that specific beacon
(and also the kryn have specific meditation techniques to help consecuted souls remember their past lives, which i'm sure helps when your body's 14 but your soul's like 700)
so, both the zadash beacon and the felderwin beacon are still attached to the souls of everyone who've been consecuted using it? whether that affects the cerberus assembly's experiments on it we don't know, but i'll be interested to find out
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keplercryptids · 6 years ago
Hey so I was working on the 7/29 page and I was wondering what we should do when a couple of pieces are clearly connected? Should we mention it? or is it better to have them completely disconnected? Specifically I was working on 5 and 6 which are the same picture from the other side, and its very cool to see it visually, but im not sure how to put that in the description? Should I just leave it out? thanks!
oh, i meant to put this in the guide so thanks for reminding me! if multiple images belong to the same set, you can start the description with “1 of #,” “2 of #,” etc for as many images as there are. and hey thank you for helping out!
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sapphire-innit · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
btw @lucemferto if you were curious, this is Kora!! She was just trying to finish her doctorate and got pulled into stopping a dragon cult. Thanks for including her in your stream; Wildermyth seems like a lot of fun and it was a good time watching you play!
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brokenolivejar · 4 years ago
Silently makes a warrior cat AU
Himiko - Adderpool, paw, kit (medicine cat)
Maki - Redshadow, kit (ex rogue)
Kaito - Starpelt, paw, kit (warrior)
Kokichi - Grapefur, paw, kit (warrior)
Tenko - Fieldstripe, paw, kit (warrior)
Rantaro - Greenwing, paw, kit (warrior)
Angie - Moonriver, atua (ex kitty pet, medicine cat)
Korekiyo - VinePelt, paw, kit (warrior)
Kirumi - Spiderthorn, paw, kit (medicine cat)
Kaede - Songbird, paw, kit (warrior)
Tsumugi - Froststar, paw, kit (leader)
Miu - Needlenose, paw, kit (warrior)
Kiibo - Sparkstripe, paw, kit (deputy)
Gonta - BeetleHeart, paw, kit (warrior)
Ryoma - Antflight, paw, kit (warrior)
Shuichi - Sapphirestream, paw, kit (warrior)
Clan - Cliff clan(I have my reasons for making it near a cliff-)
Harumeno (obviously)
Oumugi(Kokichi x tsumugi-)
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striving4averagegirl · 4 years ago
“Awe kitty look at you. So calm. So innocent. I don’t trust you.”
Her owner: “valid”
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theregoesmylurkerstatus · 5 years ago
sapphirestream replied to your post “One thing I always find fun is when Liam sits there on talks and...”
wait when was that third thing
Liam has mentioned a couple times that Caleb has some experience in “working that angle” AKA using his looks and charm to get something from a target. I personally believe (or would like to believe) that it never went so far as sex because he was SIXTEEN, but others do think it may have (because Tront sucks)
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criticalrolo · 4 years ago
IDK if you want to actually talk about this more, but my sister identifies as a Bi Lesbian, and the way she describes it is that she is attracted to women and nonbinary people. I think saying that bi people HAVE to be attracted to men is off-base and ignores the nonbinary part of "more than one gender" - and as soon as you include nb people it is no longer mutually exclusive. ALSO fuck terfs getting to take an id away from people cause theyre shitty, I respect the people who id as that more 1/3
2/3 Of course Bi and Lesbians are full identities, but if people find a label like Bi Lesbian useful, not as a watering down but as a way to speak their truth, then I think it should be respected. It doesn't have to be a scale - maybe if anything a modifier? And it certainly doesn't make Bi or Lesbian less of an identity than the split attraction model makes Ace less of a thing. IDK I'd just rather be extremely inclusive over saying that an ID is bad. IDK about the Bipoc tho as Im white
3/3 one final aside, is I've seen it described as an easy way to explain that they are into multiple genders but not into men. And I think if its useful and easily understood, a useful shorthand, then let people use it. Fuck anyone (esp terfs) who apply it to other people, but I think we dont have to conflate all the ways people are awful to queer people with an Identity itself being fucked up. Anyway sorry to ramble right back, and I hope you have a nice night and Ill see you in the cr tag lol
Hey there! So, to address your points, I do want to say first of all that I totally find it admirable that, given the option, you’d rather stray towards overly inclusive as opposed to Not Inclusive Enough. I totally agree with that sentiment, and think that you’re absolutely coming at this from a good angle.
The things I find difficult about the “bi lesbian” label kind of come from your second ask mainly. So the thing is, all sexualities can potentially include nonbinary people. “Nonbinary” is not a separate Third Gender Option, it’s an enormous array of different identities. People can be nonbinary but man or woman-aligned, completely agender, all the genders at once, etc. etc. etc.... basically the format that you’re thinking of conforms the nonbinary experience into an all encompassing “third gender” when in fact it’s a broad spectrum of experiences and identities that can be extremely similar or dissimilar. 
Because yeah... there are nb lesbians out there. Who are attracted to women, and other nb lesbian/bisexual people who identify with being sapphic or wlw. You’re actually talking to one right now ;) My experience with gender is All Over The Place and I’m not very good at defining it right now, but I definitely identify very strongly as a lesbian who is attracted to women/women-aligned people. Gender Is Lesbian for me personally right now lol
The issue comes when, as you said, you start to use “lesbian” as a modifying term. It’s not a modifier. It’s a full term that exclusively means women who are not attracted to men. I know you bring up the split attraction model here, but I’ve found that that is WAY more useful for asexual identities without getting into some of the sticky areas like this one where IDing as something actually is harmful/doesn’t make sense. I know that the term “exclusive” does bring up some bad associations but in this case, that’s because we have terms for people who experience attraction to Women/NB people who ID as sapphic (basically ur NB lesbians/people comfy with calling themselves NB bisexual women) and for people who identify as being attracted to men and women (and man-aligned etc. etc.)
LIke, see how long those descriptions got once I started including some of the many, MANY different experiences of being nonbinary...? Basically there’s just no single way to define Every Nonbinary Person for Every Single Sexuality since it’s such a broad spectrum of experience, which is why a lot of sexualities might sound pretty binary (like defining lesbian as Woman Who Loves Only Women) but in fact is because there’s no way to include every single nonbinary experience and categorize them into a neat little box, you know? 
So from there, you’ve gotta ALSO consider the points I made earlier about how the identity of “bisexual lesbian” also comes across as lesbophobic, biphobic, and transphobic in ways that harm all of those identities instead of bringing them together. Like, obviously your sister is a Valid Human Being, and it feels weird to be saying an identity is NOT valid... but like. Forcing two mutually exclusive identities together (one that explicitly does not include men and one that does) just ends up hurting the people who ID with those identities in the long run, like how I outlined in my other post. Essentially, it takes away from the overall meaning of What It Means To Be A Lesbian and What It Means To Be Bisexual by trying to force the two of them together. They’re different experiences, and that’s something to be celebrated and something to find commonalities over while discussing our differences instead of trying to mash them together, you know? Like there’s a reason why they became defined as separate identities in the first place.
Anyway, this is probably too long but I hope you can see where I’m coming from here. I’m obviously not going to tell your sister How To Identify, but there’s my thoughts some points you might want to consider showing her while she’s figuring out her identity, you know? So yeah, that’s all I’ve got. Hope you have a good day, and get hyped for the CR episode tonight!! <3
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theropodtheroblogs · 4 years ago
cant believe this is the first stream I caught live ;u;
I’m dead I’m dead I’ve died I’m dead ;-;
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