Thero does some blogging, and also some writing?
128K posts
A dino enthusiast blogs about her life and things she likes. Things include Critical Role, Minecraft Youtube, Transformers, Resident Evil & more. Now with an about me page! Click it for details of what I blog and what I tag.
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 8 hours ago
Fuck it
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 12 hours ago
"I am securing the apeture, so that my hole is not penetrated."
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 12 hours ago
Special interest level: catching a government's attention because of it and getting invited to their parliament in costume
(Special thanks to deputy Antoine Leaument for the invite and Molly X Chang for the photos and videos!)
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 13 hours ago
"Awkward orgy? Yeah, I mean, the sound of yaks screaming outside would do that."
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 13 hours ago
"I wasn't expecting jellyfish impregnation within the first 20 minutes."
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 14 hours ago
"It's been 15 seconds and the tentacles are already after me."
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 14 hours ago
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Not relevant to me personally since I donโ€™t celebrate Easter, but โ€œEggs are too expensive to decorate right now so you should make these fake eggs out of natural peanut butter, maple syrup, Ghirardelli white chocolate, coconut oil, almond flour, cocoa, spirulina, and matcha powderโ€ is fucking sending me.
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 14 hours ago
I know that realistically you can only fit so many movies into a list of approximately 100, but I cannot take that "How many of tumblr's favorite movies have you seen?" list that's been going around seriously because there are some truly egregious omissions.
Some of it is very clearly recency bias, which makes me wonder if the op truly wasn't on here in 2013 or so, but you're telling me you made a list of "tumblr's favorite movies" that doesn't include Pacific Rim or Mad Max: Fury Road? Because, like, I was there, Gandalf.
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 14 hours ago
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great moments in Mighty Nein history
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 14 hours ago
fun fact sometimes languages sound weird to u because they're not commonly spoken, and sometimes they're not commonly spoken because a concerted effort was made in the past to eradicate them from existence. so. maybe not something to play into.
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 14 hours ago
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WITCHBROOK (2025) dev. Chucklefish
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 14 hours ago
(wakes up in a cold sweat) ga, ga, goncharov, member of the russian mob
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 18 hours ago
if you call a nonbinary person cis bc they don't perform androgyny to a level you approve of i'm omw with a big hammer to shatter your kneecaps
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 21 hours ago
lowkey what is the point in delving so deep into old religions. do u do it for fun because i struggle to see how a like idk 400 year old monastic sect relates to modern understanding of religions. this isn't an attack btw i get delving into stuff that interests u but like. is there any more behind it? also you are cool and smart
400 years ago, in the 1600s, in what is now Germany there was a guy named Phillipis Aurelius Theophrastus Bombastus Von Honenhiem. But he was a big asshole, so his classmates at university called him "Cacaophrastus" which literally means shit-talker.
He hated how medicine worked. See, even up until 1600, medicine hasn't changed much since the ancient world. The most up-to-date medical textbook, the core of physicians teachings in the 1600s, was a book by Galen. Galen was from ancient greece. People had invented guns, but they hadn't really improved on how Galen thought medicine worked.
Theophrastus, who called himself Paracelsus, was a bit of a rebel. He saw alchemists doing all this fantastic stuff with manufacturing new types of dyes and cosmetics and metal alloys, and he thought, why not use all that stuff for medicine? So he got to using cutting edge knowledge for the purpose of healing the sick. Which he did.
Do you know what the pre-paracelcian prescription for a musket wound was? A poultice made of cow shit and feathers. Paracelsus said to keep the wound clean, and let the body do it's thing. This saved uncounted lives.
He performed experiments, giving the same substance, in the same dose, to different people, and even testing on animals with different phyiologies, and observing how the same amount of the same substance can affect bodies didferently. He wrote "The dose makes the poison" thus inventing the occidental science to toxicology. Every time you go to the doctor, and don't get poisoned, you have this 1600s wizard to thank.
And he was a wizard. Medical knowledge at that time involved the construction of astrological talismans, made of magically imbued metals which counteracted the astral forces thought to cause illnesses. Along with inventing the foundations of modern medicine, he also engaged in the construction of magical amulets and potions, the theories of which all informed his work. Work which formed the foundations of modern medicine.
It's important to know that ideas don't just manifest out of thin air. Everything you do and think is built on vast ziggurats of human ingenuity and failure, and shaped by the history entombed within. I've just decided to learn about my favorite few bricks.
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 21 hours ago
i love how sapnap immediately turns into little brother whenever heโ€™s around dream
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 22 hours ago
(also feel free in the tags to clarify Why you made the choice you made!! :0c)
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theropodtheroblogs ยท 22 hours ago
poe poe: its impossible for anyone to leave exile, theres simply no way it can be done
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