#san and naoki
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beifong-brainrot · 4 months ago
So one of my mutuals and I have been making this joke and its been on my mind for ages
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Is this even a hot take tho
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queen-of-paradise · 9 months ago
headcanon alert
i fucking know that for maybe years after mako's parents died, he refused to firebend because every time he did, all he could see was his parents being killed, again and again and he fucking hated his bending because he had the power that took his family from him. the first time he used his bending for years after their death was in the middle of winter. bolin was freezing, and mako got over his hatred in order to keep his brother warm. this was the moment when he realized that it wasn't firebending itself that had killed his parents, but how one chose to use it.
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yell0wsalt · 4 months ago
Day 9: Time and Obsession
When his hands were free– 
When the thoughts were running in circles to only jam at the base of his throat–
Bolin slid his hand into his left pant pocket absentmindedly drawn to the object of desire. Feeling his fingers wrap around it and having it cradle in his palm, the arising fears, concerns, and apprehensions… ceased.
At a steady pace, his thumb traced circles around the pocket watch that resided there. He noted the smooth metal from which it was crafted, the fine details patterning the circumference of the watch’s shell diligently traced. Even the minute grooves of the watch’s locking mechanism.
For as many years as he could remember, it had become a natural reflex of his. Mako had gifted it to Bolin as a present of sorts, if one could or should even call it such.
He didn’t have a need for it, trusting Bolin to hold onto it. 
And so the watch had become a beacon in the darkness when the heavy feelings were too much. 
Talking them out wasn’t always an option. Mako did his best trying to raise the two of them, but he couldn’t always be the mom, the dad, and the “bro” for Bolin. Spirits knew the other people they ran with could cut his tongue with one hardened look. 
No thanks.
So as a boy too small and gentle for the city street rat life he was tossed into, he retreated to the watch stored in his pocket. 
His breaths timed with the watch’s ticking of each second. 
In, two, three, four.
Out, two, three, four
Tick, two, three, four.
Tock, two, three, four.
Repeat until the nasty feeling in his throat went away. Until the tightness in his chest and the sting behind his eyes could pass. 
Until he felt as if he could smile for his brother again.
As Bolin grew and stumbled through finding his way and purpose in life, the reflex to always feel the pocket watch in his hand managed to become less prevalent. But honing in on the ticking of the watch still carried on when it called to him. 
Such as when carrying grief due to loss and tragedy, the feelings themselves don’t go away. 
They never do. 
One only gets better at managing them. Bolin was learning to understand what that meant.
But without fail, when the leaves changed colors and littered the sidewalks and parks of Republic City, Bolin’s momentum would crumble beneath his feet as brittle earth.
One of his knees buckled.
The other followed, bringing him to kneel at gravity’s mercy; the damp earth soiling the front of his pants.
While one hand drifted down to find the old pocket watch, the other swiped at his face upward, desperately clinging onto a fistful of hair.
Trying to gather himself through short, choppy breaths, Bolin glanced at the pocket watch’s face.
And waiting.
As the dreaded hour and minute hit, he brought the watch to his chest and wailed gracelessly. Salty tears pouring down his face stained the earth before him.
Focusing in on the ticking of the watch wasn’t enough to pull Bolin out from the void he found himself falling into. Not that day.
Cracked by the incident of nearly 20 years ago, the hands of the watch’s face haven’t moved since.
Forever frozen in time. 
Forcing Bolin and Mako to move on in life without them. 
San and Naoki. 
Time of Death: 9 October 160 AG, 9:59PM
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metacrisismako · 1 year ago
Dos meses
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Mako invita a Wu, su novio secreto, a una cita a su casa cuando sus padres no están. ¿Qué podría salir mal?
Sus padres habían salido a comprar con Bolin, lo que significaba que no volverían en por lo menos tres horas. Con ese dato en mente, Mako invitó a Wu, su novio secreto, a ver una película en el sofá de la sala de estar. 
—¿Cómo una cita? —preguntó Wu en el chat, causando que a Mako se le enrojeciera la cara.
—Sí, como una cita —respondió, seguido de un emoji de corazón.
—Ahí estaré, baby —seguido de una catarata de emojis.
Mako se puso una camisa de franela roja, su camisa favorita, y se la enrolló hasta los codos, con cuidado de no abrir el vendaje de su brazo izquierdo. Llamó al restaurante japones y ordenó un poco de sushi, para Wu, y luego llamo a la pizzería de la esquina y pidió una pizza de jamón y queso, para él. Sacó una botella de vino tinto de la nevera y debatió un rato entre ponerse un poco de la colonia de su padre o ir así sin más.
El sonido del timbre lo hizo declinarse por la colonia.
Se miró por última vez al espejo y se apresuró a abrir la puerta. Luego de girar dos veces las llaves fue recibido por la vista de su querido novio vestido con un suéter marrón claro sobre una camisa blanca, jeans verdes y converse rojos.
Por alguna razón que no podía explicar sintió la sangre subir a sus mejillas.
—Hola —dijo con una sonrisa tímida.
—Hola —respondió Wu, con una sonrisa idéntica a la de él.
—¿Quieres pasar? —tartamudeó.
—Por supuesto.
Mako se hizo a un lado, haciendo espacio para que pase. En el momento en que cerró la puerta los labios de Wu avanzaron sobre los suyos. Se permitió un momento para dejarse llevar hasta que volvió a sonar el timbre de la puerta.
—Esa debe ser la comida —explicó, dándole un beso —ve al sofá y ponte cómodo.
—Ya lo estoy —respondió Wu dándole un último beso.
Mako tomó la caja que contenía el sushi y la colocó encima de la que contenía la pizza. Sorprendentemente habían llegado los dos repartidores al mismo tiempo. Sacó unos billetes de su bolsillo y les pagó a ambos antes de cerrar la puerta.
Cuando volvió, Wu estaba recostado sobre el sofá y ya se había servido una copa de vino tinto.
—Guarda un poco para mí —bromeó Mako.
—Te serví una mientras estabas en la puerta—dijo ofreciéndole la otra copa.
Mako le dio un beso en la mejilla antes de abrazarlo.
—¿Cómo conseguí un novio tan considerado? —preguntó medio en broma, medio en serio.
—Después de que un caballero de brillante armadura tuvo el valor de defenderlo de unos matones en la biblioteca.
—Acababa de terminar un ensayo —respondió Mako avergonzado ante el recuerdo de aquel incidente —No hice tiempo de cambiarme el disfraz.
Wu le dio otro beso, haciéndolo sonreír.
—No importa, eres mi caballero.
Pasaron los siguientes minutos comiendo la comida, haciendo bromas sobre el pescado crudo o como Mako comía la pizza con tenedor y cuchillo.
—En serio ¿Quién además de ti come pizza con tenedor y cuchillo?
—Mi mami —respondió cortando otro bocado.
Wu puso los ojos en blanco.
—Por supuesto.
A veces se olvidaba que Mako era una copia casi exacta de su madre.
Después de comer entraron al perfil de Mako en Netflix.
—¿Por qué tienes un gato como foto de perfil?
—No es un gato, es un demonio.
—Lo que digas.
Pasaron otro rato buscando algo que ver, sin encontrar nada que les llame la atención. Hasta que Wu se decidió por ver “Amigos con derecho”. La segunda, de Justin Timberlake y Mila Kunis.
Pasaron la siguiente media hora, con el brazo de Mako detrás de Wu. Comentando sobre el culo de Justin —Wu —debatiendo sobre las ventajas y desventajas de las relaciones de amigos con beneficios —Mako —o deteniendo la película para besuquearse un rato y no perderse la trama —Wu y Mako.
Precisamente habían detenido la película unos minutos antes del final para poder besarse un rato más. Sin embargo, la cosa se intensifico en cuanto los labios de Wu descendieron al cuello de Mako.
Entonces todo atisbo de racionalidad abandonó su cerebro y, aunque un par de neuronas le recordaba que estaba en la sala de estar de su casa, fueron calladas por un gemido proveniente de los labios de Wu.
Entonces toda la sangre abandonó su cerebro y descendió hacía abajo.
—Cinturón —le susurró Wu al oído.
Mako no necesito que se lo dijeran dos veces. Se recostó sobre el sofá y con dedos ansiosos desabrochó el cinturón de su jean.
Apenas hizo tiempo antes de que Wu deslizara sus boxers hacia abajo y envolviera su polla con su lengua.
—Mierda —se escuchó maldecir. Sin embargo, no fue Mako quien lo dijo.
Wu se quedó helado, ya que enfrente suyo se encontraban los padres de su novio, y Bolin, sosteniendo las bolsas de las compras y mirando con la boca abierta, esta situación embarazosa.
Mako tardo un momento en comprender lo que pasaba, ya que estaba de espaldas a la puerta. Pero en cuanto giró la cabeza y vio los rostros de las personas que lo habían traído al mundo sintió que la sangre ascendía de vuelta a su cabeza tiñendo su cara en una fuerte tonalidad de rojo.
Se abrochó los pantalones y envolvió protectoramente a Wu antes de enfrentarse a la peor humillación de su vida.
—Mamá, papá volvieron pronto —tartamudeó apresuradamente.
Sin embargo, sus padres no dijeron ninguna palabra. Haciendo que Wu apretara más fuerte a Mako.
—Sí, es que el supermercado cambio de horario y tuvimos que volver antes —respondió Bolin, tratando de salvar la situación —ahora, si me disculpan iré a mi habitación.
Salió corriendo los pocos metros que lo separaban de la sala de estar a su habitación haciendo un gesto que simulaba un abrazo antes de cerrar la puerta.
Después le tendría que agradecer a Bolin.
—Papá yo…
—Hijo no me tienes que explicar nada.
Mako levanto las cejas sorprendido.
—¿Ah no?
San paso su mirada por su hijo abrazado a Wu, la comida en la mesa y la película en el televisor.
—Mas o menos tengo una idea de lo que paso.
Mako, que todavía no había soltado a Wu, sintió que sus mejillas se enrojecían de nuevo.
—¿Y no les molesta? —preguntó tímidamente.
—Sí te refieres a tener sexo en la sala de estar, sí y vamos a tener una charla jovencito—respondió Naoki haciendo que tanto Mako como Wu se encogieran de vergüenza —pero, si te refieres a tener un novio, eso no nos molesta.
Mako sintió que un peso desaparecía de su pecho, sabía que sus padres no iban a tener problemas en aceptarlo a él y a Wu, pero le hubiera gustado haberlo presentado de otra forma menos incomoda.
Bueno, la vida no es perfecta.
—Entonces…hm, Wu estos son mis papás. San y Naoki. Mamá y papá este es mi novio Wu.
—Es un placer —dijo levantando tímidamente la mano en un hola.
—El placer es mío —respondió San que había extendido la mano antes de pensárselo mejor y volverla hacia atrás—Mako, podrías ir a buscar a tu hermano para que nos ayude a guardar las compras.
Con la incomodidad de la situación, Mako había olvidado la razón por la que sus padres se habían ido en primer lugar.
—Sí, ya voy. Solo…me dejas acompañar a Wu a la puerta.
—Sí, por supuesto ¿Naoki me ayudas a llevar esto a la cocina?
—Sí, amor —Naoki tomo un par de bolsas, antes de darle un abrazo a Mako y caminar a la cocina.
Mako se levantó y le tendió la mano a Wu, acompañándolo hasta la acera de la calle. Ya era de noche, pero por suerte no hacía frío. Mako tomó la mano de Wu.
—Siento mucho lo que paso —se disculpó Mako.
—No es tu culpa, yo… también soy responsable ¿sabes? —dijo Wu mientras pasaba un brazo por el hombro de Mako. —Y me divertí mucho. Disfrute pasar tiempo contigo.
Mako sonrío antes de abrazarlo y darle un beso rápido.
—Realmente me hubiera gustado terminar esta cita sin incidentes.
—¿Por qué? —preguntó Wu.
—Hoy se cumplen dos meses de nuestra primera cita.
Si la alegría de las sonrisas fuera energía, la de Wu habría iluminado toda la ciudad.
—¿De verdad? Creí que no te gustaba celebrar esas tonterías.
—No es que me gusten solo…quería una razón para pasar tiempo contigo.
Wu sostuvo la mejilla de Mako, haciendo que lo mire a los ojos.
—No necesitas razones para pasar tiempo conmigo. Te amo y adoro pasar tiempo contigo.
Se besaron por última vez antes de que Wu decidiera que ya era hora de volver a casa.
—Cuídate, te enviare un mensaje en cuanto llegue.
Wu camino por la acera antes para luego desaparecer de vista al doblar la esquina. Mako tomó algunas bolsas de la camioneta de sus padres antes de volver a entrar. Sin saberlo, San y Naoki se habían escondido detrás de la cortina para poder vigilar a su hijo. Incluso desde la distancia, se podía notar que estaba muy enamorado de Wu.
Volvieron a la cocina unos segundos antes de que Wu se fuera.
—¿Todavía lo vamos a regañar? —preguntó San.
—No, ya es grande tengo que confiar en que sabe lo que hace —sonrío —además estoy feliz. Viste como se miraban.
—De la misma forma en que te miró todos los días —respondió San, también sonriendo.
—Nuestro hijo encontró el amor.
Mako llamó a Bolin para que lo ayudara a traer las cosas de la camioneta y después de algunas explicaciones, algunos abrazos, una promesa muy verdadera de no volver a tener sexo en la sala de estar y otra promesa, esta vez muy falsa, de no volver a tocar el vino de la nevera.
Más tarde, Mako revisó su teléfono para encontrar el mensaje de Wu.
—Te amo mucho y no me arrepiento de nada. ¿Cita en el cine después de clases?
Mako suspiró aliviado de que Wu todavía lo amara. Tenía miedo de que se arrepintiera una vez que hubiera vuelto a su casa.
—Por supuesto.
Antes de añadir…
—Yo también te amo y tampoco me arrepiento de nada.
Unos segundos después llegó otro mensaje de Wu.
—¿Sabes? Hay un hotel a pocas cuadras del cine —luego envío unos emojis provocativos —¿Te gustaría terminar lo que empezamos?
Este hombre va a ser su perdición, no tiene duda…sin embargo, Mako no espera ni dos segundos antes de responder que sí.
Publicado originalmente en ao3.
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beifong-brainrot · 8 months ago
No but they are literally like that stupid trope where the daughter looks just like the mom and the son looks just like the dad except they're both dudes
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San is literally just Bolin with a moustche painted on with a marker.
his dad genes didn't even tried
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months ago
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Uchusen Vol.184 (Spring 2024) King-Ohger VS Donbrothers/King-Ohger VS Kyoryuger ft. Suit Actor Takada Masashi Interview (translations below)
Publication: April 1, 2024
"The Royal Sentai, Donbrothers and Kyoryugers are going to get wild during this year's Golden Week!!"
The annual Super Sentai VS series will be released as a double feature for the first time ever this year! "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger" will face off against two major legendary Sentai, "Avataro Sentai Donbrothers" and "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger." The battles take place in the Land of Death, Hakabaka, and on Earth, where Gira has become the new Uchu King……?! The original cast has also gathered in numbers, as the King-Ohgers, Donbrothers, and Kyoryugers face a new battle!
King-Ohger VS Donbrothers Story: Kitou Haruka and the other Donbrothers are sent by chance to Shugoddam, a kingdom in Chikyu, a planet in a corner of the universe. They interact with the kings of each country, however……Furthermore, Momoi Tarou also visits Shugoddam to deliver something to Gira.
(middle right) Ono Minoru (played by Sakakibara Takashi) who has turned into a Hitotsuki multiple times, will also appear in this year's VS! Even Saruhara is reluctant to touch Ono, saying, "Let sleeping dogs lie."
(bottom left) From the right is GolDon KuwagataOhger and GolDon MomotaroOhger
(bottom right) Momoi Tarou visits Caucasuskabuto Castle. He's supposed to deliver something addressed to Gira, but what's inside?
King-Ohger VS Kyoryuger Story: Kiryu Daigo and Utsusemimaru set off to space in pursuit of Dagded, who has invaded Earth. Daigo brings Prince back from the future world, but the future is changed by the effect of time space alteration. They arrive in the Chikyu multiverse. There, not only does Gira become the Uchu King, but the conditions and ranks of the other kings have changed as well……
(top left) From the right is Gira Husty, Kiryu Daigo and Kiryu Daigoro, a triple Red lineup! Don't miss the first Kyoryu Change since "Episode 33.5" six years ago!
(top right) From the right is KuwagataOhger Carnival and Gabutyra KyoryuRed. In what way will these two transform…..?!
(middle) The "Evil King," an enemy created by a malicious spirit. Calling himself the "King of Pure Evil," he stands in the way of the King-Ohgers and Kyoryugers.
Takada Masashi Interview Suit Actor for KyoryuBlue, KijiBrother, ZenkaizerBlack and Spider Kumonos among others. He also played multiple police officers, including Asada Keisuke, and the Shugoddam knight in King-Ohger.
Takada Masashi, who has worked as a Suit Actor in numerous Super Sentai series, made his debut as a hero in "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger." 10 years have passed since then……Takada, who in recent years has left a strong impression not only as a hero, but also as an actor, will play "five roles as one person" in "King-Ohger VS Donbrothers. Furthermore, in "King-Ohger VS Kyoryuger," which will be screened at the same time, he'll play the same KyoryuBlue as he did 10 years ago. We asked him about his thoughts on this double feature and the TV series, which can be called the "Takada Festival."
"Unlike cast members whose roles are decided by auditions, Suit Actors like Takada-san are often nominated for "this role." Takada-san, when playing the role of a hero, how do you prepare for it?"
Takada: I ask the Producers what kind of character they're looking for during costume fitting for the suit or during still photo shoots. Since it's several months before we film the show, some things may not be decided at that stage, so we work on it gradually. I get an idea of what the role will look like by listening to how the script is progressing, and then I'll consult with the Action Director based on that and think about what kind of performance would best suit the character while creating the role.
"You sometimes get an idea of the character while filming, right?"
Takada: Of course. Sometimes we meet the cast members playing the pre transformed roles only after filming has started. They watch our performance during the recording for the dub, but we don't know what kind of voices they'll use until the broadcast. Some information is learned only after the broadcast starts, so I update my image each time I go out to shoot a scene.
"Before getting into King-Ohger VS Donbrothers and King-Ohger VS Kyoryuger, which will be screened during Golden Week, we'd like to ask you about your memories of the TV series. First, Takada-san was the motion capture actor for KijiBrother in Avataro Sentai Donbrothers. In order to play the role of KijiBrother, who's depicted in CG, for the motion capture, were you required to act differently from the other actors?"
Takada: It was all new to me, and I was fumbling my way through it with Okada Kazuya, who played the role of InuBrother. In a normal Sentai, we all act together in front of the cameras, but in Donbrothers, it was just me and Okada acting in separate locations. Because of that, I wasn't able to get a sense of distance between myself and the actors in the background, nor was I able to act while being aware of the camera's position. The line of sight was especially difficult, and I had to do retakes many times. However, I don't think I had that much trouble, as compared to KijiBrother, who flies through the air, it seemed to be more difficult as InuBrother, who literally has his feet on the ground, At the same time, Suzuki Hirofumi-san was saying his lines in a way that felt as if he was actually talking on set. When he said things like "Miho-cha~n!" he would create the kind of "pause" that's typical of Kijino (laughs). Then, before the dub recording, I'd tell the recording artist what kind of lines he'd be saying, and when Suzuki-san heard this, he'd add a voice that matched my movements during the recording. Such a thing was very KijiBrother coded.
"Did you play the role of ZenkaizerBlack differently than when you played Zenkaizer in Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger?"
Takada: In the end, they never revealed who he was (laughs). In Zenkaiger, he said something like "Chou-wah!" all the time, so I thought their character development wouldn't be the same. Before Goshikida Kaito transformed, he would just read books and say things like, "I have it (aruyo)" in a nonchalant tone, so I was aiming for the image of a mysterious hero who doesn't do anything.
"In addition, you played the role of the police officer Asada Keisuke in Donbrothers. At first, we thought you were just playing the role of a police officer, but when he was given the name Asada, he began to leave a strong impression on viewers."
Takada: Actually, the name Asada was chosen when I asked Komura Junko-san (Scriptwriter for Lupinranger VS Patranger), "Did you have any rejected ideas for Asaka Keiichiro's name?" That's because, for me, Asada Keisuke is like the alter ego of Patren1gou/Asaka Keiichiro. Just as Keiichiro was chasing LupinRed, Asada was chasing Inuzuka Tsubasa. So, I was acting with exactly the same intensity as when I was playing Patren1gou. However, it was a pleasant miscalculation that he appeared more frequently. There was a detective named Sayama who was chasing Inuzuka, but he turned into a Juto……I found myself appearing in more scenes than Saito Kenya-kun and Fujita Yohei, both who played Sayama's subordinate detectives. In addition, on the set, I kept saying to Assistant Producer Matsuura Daigo-kun, "This police officer is Asada Keisuke," and then he wrote in the script, "Also known as Asada Keisuke." It made me happy. You could say this is my win (laughs).
"In Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger, Takada-san served as the Suit Actor for Spider Kumonos. How did you prepare for this role?"
Takada: Ikeda Masashi-kun, who plays Jeramie, appeared in the first episode as the narrator, so I knew his way of speaking even before he started acting. That's why, based on my understanding of his vibe before transforming, I was able to work with the Directors during costume fitting to match my image. Based on Ikeda-kun's vibe, I tried to create a cool yet noble aura in my performance. As an additional warrior, his weapons are different from those of other heroes, so I was conscious of making him able to perform actions that require alot of effort.
"Takada-san has wide shoulders, so what kind of gestures did you keep in mind when playing the same role as Ikeda-san, who's more slender?"
Takada: Ikeda-kun doesn't close his legs when he acts, but I always close my legs to give the impression that I'm slim. In episode 28, the swapping episode, Sakai Taisei-kun, who had been watching my performance, acted by closing his legs like Kumonos, and without thinking I told him, "You don't have to do that! I just look big when I open them." Another thing I do is mutter "otto" every time we film (laughs).
"Kijino said, "Miho-chan," while Jeramie said, "otto" to create a pause (laughs)."
Takada: Ikeda-kun's "otto" is useful to create a pause during conversation. I also incorporated it into Kumonos.
"Now then, in King-Ohger, Takada-san played the role of an unmasked knight. What was your impression of this?"
Takada: In the first episode, I played a mean role. I thought, "I don't like this" (bitter smile). He had a forceful attitude toward the citizens, didn't he? I thought that I'd like to appear in the second episode and beyond, since he seemed like such a big deal. The children threw rocks and other junk at him and he ran off pathetically, so I guess he wasn't such a bad guy. Anyway, I was careful not to make the viewers hate him. Thanks to their support, I've had the opportunity to appear on several occasions since then, carrying Gira's coffin and doing some action with Douga-san, and you can see that he's quite a high ranking soldier in Shugoddam. I found that part interesting as I performed. The person who let me appear was usually Director Hiroyuki Kato. I have nothing but gratitude to Director Kato.
"Although he made a guest appearance in King-Ohger, Takada-san's first role as a hero in the Super Sentai series was KyoryuBlue in Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger. How did you plan to play KyoryuBlue 10 years ago?"
Takada: I had heard that he was the only character making old man jokes. Additionally, he's a power fighter. That being said, I think I started preparing for the role with the idea that I could play it without thinking too much about being a hero. However, because we were on Sakamoto Koichi's team, we had to work hard on the action. That's why I had been practicing with Kinjo Yamato-kun, who plays the role before transforming, even before filming began. There are some parts that I'm alittle embarrassed about watching now, but it was a time when I loved muscle training, so my body was nice and toned.
"The characters played by Takada-san will be appearing all at once in VS Donbrothers and VS Kyoryuger. Especially in Director Kato's VS Donbrothers, where he played four roles."
Takada: I played both heroes and characters, so I was the only one who had perfect attendance during filming (laughs). Director Kato also said, "Takada-kun, you're so much fun to have around, so I included you in the entire filming schedule." I've already got a cozy relationship with the Director! (laughs). Shortly before filming began, I happened to meet Director Kato at a convenience store near Toei Studios and asked him, "Will the knight or police officer appear? There, I heard that I would be playing several roles by myself and was told, "You're going to be busy~," but it seems that ZenkaizerBlack's appearance was decided at the last minute……I unexpectedly ended up with five roles (laughs). Of course, I couldn't act alone in the scenes where all the members are assembled, so I sometimes had to rely on substitutes, but this was a rare opportunity, so I had alot of fun filming it.
"Takada-san, when you were yourself, what were you most conscious of while working on VS Donbrothers?"
Takada: The police officer and knight both have the same face, don't they? They're different people, but when Inuzuka, being chased by Asada, wanders into the world of King-Ohger, he finds the knight there. The question then became what kind of interaction would take place with Inuzuka and Sononi. It was fun to play the role, and I thought about how to make it more enjoyable. Director Kato also seemed to be very impressed.
"You play the role of KyoryuBlue in VS Kyoryuger, but did you notice any differences from 10 years ago?"
Takada: It was around last Summer I think…..before we filmed the collaboration episodes for King-Ohger, that I heard a rumor that there was going to be a V-Cinext. So, my first thought was, "If I don't do muscle training, my suit will be too baggy!" There was a sense of crisis. When I was filming Kyoryuger, I did muscle training every day, so I was very bulky. I tried to get close to that, but was shocked when I didn't turn out at 100%. Also, I've been doing this for 10 years now, and the action has gotten alittle better, so the dull feeling from back then doesn't really come out. Now, I aim for quick action with alot of moves, but back then I put alot of effort into each shot. So, I slowed down alittle and put more power into each shot.
"VS Donbrothers and VS Kyoryuger, in which you can also enjoy Takada-san's struggles, will finally be screened. These are productions where you can enjoy Takada-san's acting throughout their entirety."
Takada: Taisei and the others may have more roles, but in terms of the number of roles, I'm number one (laughs). I hope you enjoy the differences between Asada and the knight, but I also hope you don't miss the Kyoryuger's activities, which haven't changed in the past 10 years. Only Ofuji Naoki-san, who played the role of KyoryuGold was unable to participate, but I think you'll enjoy "Kyoryuger" as an extension of the original, both before and after the transformations. I'd like you to pay attention to the action before the transformation, which is one of the strengths of Sakamoto's team. Director Kato's love for comedy shines through in VS Donbrothers, so I hope it'll make you laugh.
"These productions also unexpectedly follow the history of Takada-san's 10th anniversary as a hero in the Super Sentai series."
Takada: Thankfully, I've been given the opportunity to play the role of hero every year, and I've learned alot from every production. I think that because of what I learned from my veteran seniors, Fukuzawa Hirofumi-san and Takeuchi Yasuhiro-san, I've gained alot more experience in the field, which led to Donbrothers and King-Ohger.
"Do you have any plans for future appearances?"
Takada: I can't go into details, but "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger" will also have an episode by Director Kato, so there may be alittle surprise in store (laughs). I hope you enjoy VS Donbrothers and VS Kyoryuger, as well as Boonboomger!
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wishingforatypewriter · 3 months ago
October 7: Connect + Only for Emergencies
Written (quite late) for Day 7 Whumptloktober. This one is about Naoki and San, Mako and Bolin's parents!
Naoki always took care before she spoke. She formed her opinions slowly, like water inching towards a boil, but once she came to a conclusion, that was that. And as she walked her boyfriend out of the charity hospital that night—after a check both she and the officer who responded to the crash had insisted on—she was more than prepared to put her foot down. 
“I’m sorry you had to come out for this, Nao,” San said with a sigh. “I’ll get you a cab back to the boarding house.” 
“I think we’ve had quite enough of taxis for today,” she replied. “We can take the bus back to your place.” 
San’s brow furrowed. “Won’t they kick you out if you miss curfew again?”
Naoki shook her head. “The matron wouldn’t dare while I’m still working for Miss Yui and her family. The Agni Kais run the whole borough.” 
San made a quiet sound of agreement, but his eyes were distant. 
“What is it?” Naoki asked. 
“I just don’t like you working for daofei. It’s dangerous.” 
“Dangerous? I sweep hair and make tea—sometimes mind the appointment book while Miss Yasuko is away,” she told him. “I’m much more concerned about you working such long hours that you fall asleep behind the wheel and crash your taxi.” 
“Nao, it was hardly a crash.” 
She waved her hand, dismissing the comment, as their bus pulled up to the stop on Zoryu Way. “You connected with a mailbox; it was a crash. And it’s only by Agni’s grace that you’re alive.” 
“I think the cab’s strong manufacturing also may have had something to do with it.” 
Naoki rolled her eyes. “At any rate, you can’t keep working like this.” 
“I need the money,” he told her. “Chow wrote and said my father’s heart has gotten worse, but they don’t have the cash to get him treated at the university hospital up in the Middle Ring.” 
Naoki nodded, her mouth forming a pensive line. “How much would you need?”
“Ten thousand yuans, at least. I’d have to drive my cab twenty hours a day to make that kind of cash.”
“I can get the money,” she said, Miss Yasuko and her pretty bags of cactus dust already coming to mind. An and Ummi were already selling in the shop. It would be easy enough for her to get in. Getting out, however, would be another story. “I have a way.” 
She had told herself that it was only for emergencies. This qualified.
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captainstrawberrywings · 1 year ago
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Vanguard Koshien
Manga and Anime scenes
From Chapter 34 and Episode 33
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prfm-multiverse · 8 months ago
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A new episode of Nazotoki! Himitsu no Shiho-san titled "National Museum of Science Specimen" will be broadcasted on June 2, 24:00 JST on NHK in 8K.
Mysterious creature over 6 meters long? A human skull, a mysterious animal in a bottle! Perfume, navigated by Naoki Tanaka, unravels the mysteries from selected specimens in the National Museum of Nature and Science's collection.
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beifong-brainrot · 9 days ago
Referring back to the Mako & Bolin post about being a firebender and earthbender in RC, I think that when taking into account that the Earth Kingdom doesn’t necessarily make a major deal out of earthbending in comparison to the Fire Nation and firebending, and upon applying that Bolin’s character, it creates this interesting picture of his character and what it says about him.
Considering the EK’s neutral perspective of earthbending and the Republic City’s origins with FN settlers having more privilege over the EK residents, the abilities of earthbending may be deemed as menial in comparison to other forms of bending (the stereotypes in regards to firebenders and earthbenders being interconnected to Fire Nationals & Earth Civilians is a whole other case in it of itself). Like I said before on a reblog, earthbending can be well utilized in manual labor, but overall it may not appear as anything special if not honed, used for something such as entertainment (pro-bending), or a sort of gateway to a subset of bending (metalbending & lavabending).
With that being said, I find it intriguing how Bolin seems to be, at least somewhat, proud to be an Earthbender — and it’s perhaps due to figures like Toph Beifong (who he looks up to a whole lot) that he’s proud of being who he is as an earthbending. Furthermore, I think this can add onto how Bolin kind of has a hard time nailing down who he is as a person — trying to figure things for himself as someone who is often a follower.
In some way, I can see how the perceptions of earthbenders within both the RC and the Earth Kingdom can impact Bolin when examining such intersections.
You make a lot of good points! I think Bolin's relation to his earthbending is so interesting, because a lot of people seem to downplay his bending abilities. Bolin is a highly capable earthbender, honestly probably on par with Toph, in my opinion. He utilises both earthbending and firebending techniques in his bending, and actively nerfs himself while lavabending. Like he opts for the lava disk, because if he pulled shit like this?
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He'd be a murder machine. Bad guys in the tlok universe should thank their lucky stars that Bolin is a cinnamon roll.
He's able to bend with little to no contact to the earth, he's physically strong even without his bending, he has incredible accuracy, he's incredibly agile on his feet, being one of the only earthbenders to backflip like why does he do that
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And I honestly don't find it surprising that Bolin is so skilled. His bending skills are probably one of the things that kept him and Mako alive on the streets, not to mention that his and Mako's income also depended on his bending ability in their probending days.
So I'm not surprised that Bolin has some level of pride in his skills, despite also being a little insecure about them too.
Knowing the love for bending in the Fire Nation and the neutrality towards it in the Earth Kingdom, I wonder about the difference between San and Naoki's approach to their kids bending. We know that a child begining to firebend is a reason to celebrate in the nation.
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And I could certainly see Naoki celebrating Mako's bending. But I can also see that sentiment carrying over to Bolin too. We don't know much about Naoki, but she seemed to be a good mother, so I can't really picture her being too biased towards firebending over earthbending.
So it's very likely that, even if Bolin's abilities weren't celebrated outside the home, they were celebrated by the family.
I can see Bolin kinda getting slapped by the harsh reality of people's approach to Earthbending. Of course, I mentioned how Lighting Bolt Zolt could've favoured Mako due to his firebending, plus the City's potential disdain toward earthbenders.
One thing I find interesting is Bolin's hero worship of earthbenders who seem to have elvated over the status quo, and particularly earthbenders who have somehow innovated earthbending. Toza is a probender, which seems to be a relatively new sport, which lead to new techniques developing. And Toph is Toph. She revolutionised the bending art. She's an icon She's a legend and she is the moment.
Bolin: Mako! Do you know who that is? It's Toza, legendary earthbending captain of the Boar-q-pines. He's my hero. What do you think he's doing here?
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Bolin: Because it's embarrassing. This isn't the first time I've tried, and I've been wanting to metalbend ever since I heard about Toph. Your grandmother is my biggest hero!
It's possible that Bolin percieves these two as having elevated themselves above the typical stereotype of earthbending being an uncreative, rudimentary bending style that is only based on brute strength and throwing rocks.
Bolin desperately wanting to metalbend is a very interesting and telling part of his character. Beacuse I'm sure that a lot if earthbenders would feel dissapointment over not being able to metalbend, but Bolin is like, genuinely distraught over it. He's ashamed and very uncomfortable on the subject.
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It maybe leads me to wonder if he had been pressured to learn to metalbend at some point in his life, maybe by the triple threats, and was unable to do so.
One thing from Bolin that I've always been fascinated by is when Bolin calls metalbending 'not normal'. Because it's such an odd way to phrase it. Also, really funny thing to say right in front of Wing and Wei who eat sleep and breathe metalbending.
Bolin: Mako, metalbending is extremely difficult. No one gets it right away, if they can get it at all! It's not normal!
Of course, it could just be Bolin lashing out or deflecting, but the idea that Bolin doesn't consider metalbending as 'normal' has been latched in my brain. Because it potentially implies that Bolin sees metalbending as a trait that isn't normal. Maybe a trait that is 'above average'.
I think it wouldn't be too out of the blue for Bolin to want to metalbend due to his perception of metalbenders as 'special'. To elevate himself over the potential demeaning he faced as an earthbender. Bolin struggles with his self esteem throughout the show, some of which may come from his role as an earthbender.
I believe Bolin loves his bending, loves earthbending, loves the martial art of earthbending, but he also wants to surpass the stigma of earthbenders being menial labour, or something of the sort. He was excited to connect with his Earth Kingdom Heritage when heading to Ba Sing Se, and downright giddy when in Zaofu. His identity as an earthbender is important to him (let's remember that he had nightmares about his encounter with Amon for days afterwards) but he has incredibly high expectations of himself. I think he sees himself as 'one of the dirteaters', and he wants to evolve past that. Adding to this is his struggle with finding his own identity and his desire to 'find himself'.
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I really wish this side of Bolin had been explored more, because I think it has some great potential fod a good story.
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violentlyhxppy · 2 years ago
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post dedicated to all the purple hotties i have a crush on
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 2 years ago
Chapter one of my new fic; Fire & Earth: A Tale Of Two Hearts. It’s a San/Naoki fic.
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theballmighty · 1 month ago
To this day I think the funniest and most scathing indictment of FFXVI’s writing is in an interview, when someone asked Naoki Yoshida about how much Jill jobs in cutscenes or gets her ass kicked off-screen despite like, being *Shiva*, he laughed and said something to the effect of “That certainly does sound like [Kazutoyo] Maehiro-san’s writing.”
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silvergreenseraphim · 1 year ago
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“But the team was cautious in its approach to handling Sephiroth. After all, he's one of gaming's most iconic and influential antagonists, so naturally, fans will be touchy about any substantial changes.
"We felt it was necessary to have this very clear depiction of how he came to be the person that he is now in Rebirth," director Naoki Hamaguchi says.
"Even as a developer creating this game, seeing Sephiroth discover the truth and fall further and further into darkness – like falling from grace – and depicting this in his expressions, I could truly feel bad for him. Throughout the course of Rebirth, I believe players will not only grow to relate to and understand Cloud, but also Sephiroth through this game much more."
—Game Informer, 2023
I am going to cry. I am already hurting reading this. I love Sephiroth as a frightening villain but it’s his downfall that grips me the most. If it made Hamaguchi-san feel bad just creating it more clearly than ever in Rebirth, I can’t imagine what we the viewers will be feeling 😢
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captainstrawberrywings · 1 year ago
Misaki the cat whisperer
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jade-of-mourning · 1 year ago
Mako is five; Naoki puts her hands on his shoulders and tells him that Mama and Baba are both busy today, and can he do a job for her? Yes! Mako is small and eager and so determined to be serious and responsible. Your job is to take care of your brother today, okay? And Mako nods and Naoki leaves, and he reaches on his toes to grab the jook off the counter when Bolin wakes and cries, and methodically shovels the food into his tiny baby brother's mouth when it drops open, and watches him while he's sleeping to make sure he doesn't choke on all the drool slipping out.
Mako is six; San and Naoki dress him up in a too-big uniform that will soon be well-worn and grow stitched-over tears again and again, and tell him it's his job to go to school — to learn, to get the education he needs to go further in life than they ever did. He applies himself to this job with dedication, swallowing the knowledge spewing from his teacher's mouth like iced babaozhou on hot summer days, turning the numbers in his head and marveling at how they fit together so perfectly.
Mako is eight; San hastily wraps his scarf around Mako's neck and tells him his job is to run away from this alley and find help and to not look back. There are tears in his eyes and he's scared, but Baba told him it's his job, so he turns away and he runs away from the alley. The screaming starts and Mako looks back, mesmerized by the flames lighting up the dark narrow walls closing in on him and framing his parents' silhouettes as they hit the gravel, frozen by the scent of burning hair carried to his nose by the smokey wind, terrified by the way the man grips his mother's limp body and groans.
(It's the first time Mako fails a job. The consequences are ceaseless. He resolves to himself that he will never, ever fail another job, because he will never unsee this night.)
Bolin is sobbing as they stand in the police station, shaking in Mako's arms. The police officer hauls his little brother off of him, tells him that he needs to recount what happened in a metal room that echoes too much. Mako can't bring himself to speak, his voice caught in his throat, and every time he tries to open his mouth, he chokes and feels like he might vomit all over these pristine floors, so he can't get anything out. Eventually, the officer gives him a sheet of paper and lets him attempt to write out what he can in shaky characters, and sends him back to his brother, still sobbing in the lobby. He holds onto Bolin like it's the first time he's ever touched a person, and remembers what Naoki told him when he was five: Your job is to take care of your brother.
Mako is nine; he is thin and small and alone, putting his food on Bolin's plate when the orphanage staff doesn't watch and holding Bolin at night when he cries. He fights the kids who make fun of Bolin's inability to stop crying at the right times — always with fists, never with fire, but the matron still tells him that he needs to control himself, because firebenders are dangerous. (Mako already knows that.) He's silent and detached, but it's enough for Bolin, until the day a couple comes to take Bolin away from him. Mako can't take care of his brother if Bolin is adopted, so that night, he takes Bolin and runs, and does not look back.
Mako keeps Bolin safe on the streets. He finds places to hide at night, away from the police that might come to take them away, away from the gangs that might try to recruit them. He collects newspaper and cardboard that they can sleep on, begs for scraps during the day and steals from the dumpsters during night to keep them fed. He teaches himself to learn apathy as fire sprouts to life in his palms for the first time in a year, learns to fight other street kids who are just as desperate as them and willing to do whatever it takes to survive, rust on his tongue and gold in his eyes. He fights and fights and fights to stay alive, to keep going despite the temptation induced by weariness — to take care of his brother.
Mako is ten; the cotton mill is always hiring kids to spin and weave to make the clothing that the people of Republic City wear, and searching in the dumpster isn't enough to feed their starving stomachs turned inside-out. The job cuts his fingers open on the vast machines, leaves him sweating like he's in the sweltering heat of the Fire Nation despite being the midst of winter; sends him crawling into the spaces between all the deafening, rattling creatures, because he's one of the smallest kids there, lanky bones and hollow skin and utterly pathetic. It's the first paid job Mako ever works, and every yuan dropped into his palm at the end of the week goes into the layers of his ratty clothes or into feeding their starving stomachs turned inside-out. At night, he bends the heat off of his body to keep them warm inside earth tents erected in the back of narrow alleys, slipping out of himself and forgetting.
Mako is eleven; Bolin is thin and sick and won't get better no matter how hard Mako tries to keep the fever down, and Mako sells himself. The job at the factory doesn't pay enough fast enough for him to afford help, even with the yuans he's been saving up since getting the job, and he can't do two jobs at the same time because there's not enough time in the day. Naoki has always told them to do good, to never get involved in crime, because Mako can't afford that if he ever wants to be someone. He hears about it from the other desperate street kids who say that there's decent upfront pay, and he's desperate. Afterwards, he doesn't limp back to the alley where he told Bolin to wait, instead hiding behind a sleazy bar and digging the heels of his hands into his eyes as he throws up bile and cries and tries to not lose himself to the haze. He hates himself more than he's ever hated someone in his life, aches. It doesn't pay quite enough for him to justify. Every minute now, Bolin is closer to death, and Mako's job is to take care of his brother. He turns to the triads.
(And he feels selfish, because he knows that it's because he can't bear the gross feeling crawling all over him, but. But.)
Mako's first job for the Triads is to run numbers, the delivery boy intermediating the transfer of drunkards' bets. He collects the slips and money, sliding between cigarettes and alcohol and sex, heady from the money dropped in his hands after reaching headquarters. Bolin is finally sleeping inside of walls and breathing easier and Mako feels a stark relief inside of him at the sight of his little brother's peace.
He bookkeeps when Shady Shin smokes too much and slips the numbers over to him, crunches numbers in an instant to ensure that odds are best turned in the gambler's favor if they're in the Triple Threats. People take notice of the way numbers flow in his head and slide some cash his way to use him, and Mako is filled with shame as he remembers his parents sending him to school to get the education he needs to go further in life than they ever did, filled with shame for using that education to fall further in life than they ever did.
He runs messages during drug transactions, stands on lookout during late-night raids. He fights fire with fire when he's told, a fierce intensity burning in his bones, vicious and biting until Viper takes the man out. He refuses to let Bolin get too involved, because there's a roof over their heads and real food in their stomachs, and Mako can handle keeping it this way alone.
Mako is twelve; lightning courses through his fingers and burns through his veins. Zolt catches the bolt and shoots it into the sky, matches his eyes to the seriousness and utter determination in the grimy kid's eyes. Mako is twelve, unrelenting and tenacious to take care of his brother, and all-too-easily forgets to be a person when his brother's safety comes into question. The separation of chi is easy, and Zolt laughs as he conjures up the lightning again and again and again, throwing it back and forth like a dangerous game of catch. He is unparalleled in age, but unknown to the world above the dirt he grew up as.
Mako is thirteen; he closes his eyes and sends cold fire into cold water.
(The scent of burnt hair is floating through the air over the dying screams hitting his ears, but Mako will not be sick.)
Mako is fifteen; he and Bolin are living in the attic of the pro-bending arena, under a conditional that demands them to fight and win. They sweep the arena floors each night after all the dizzy spectators have poured themselves out onto the streets like fish into the bay; they scrub the bathrooms and sinks and inspect the hundreds of seats for remnants of their ever-changing occupants. His job is to become a pro-bender — one that can win the tournament by the time they meet the age qualifications. He trains day-in and day-out; batters back the urge to fight low and dirty; learns to use the distance called for on the floor; refines his flame to be more precise, less raw.
He finds another job at the lightning-bending powerplant, where he can make money while they train up to enter the tournament. They hire him promptly, Mako fulfilling the criteria of performing the relatively uncommon task, and despite the exhaustion weighing down his bones at the end of each shift, he's paid more than he ever was as a ten-year-old spinning cotton between deafening factory machines. They still need to buy groceries, still need to eat and save up money — because even though they currently have a place in the arena while they clean and train, nothing stays.
Mako is seventeen; his job is to win the pro-bending tournament, and Hasook doesn't turn up. They can't participate if they don't have a waterbender. Mako bites his tongue until he tastes rust and narrows his gold eyes and feels a panic crawling up his spine; there are consequences for failing to do the job.
And there is a girl, bright and blazing and clad in blue, and she fights for them without gravity. She's the Avatar and she's terrible at following rules she doesn't know, and they are beaten down, and Mako thinks that it's over — until something clicks within her.
(Mako's life will never be the same.)
The first time Mako has a job that he truly loves without reservation is when he joins the Republic City Police Force, a job that means something more to him. Something he feels redeems himself as a desperate kid on the streets, unable to do anything to help himself, something he feels can help the desperate kids on the streets he used to be. Lin Beifong offers him an application after seeing his work with Korra despite knowing his past in running with the Triads; tells him that he's a good fighter, that he's got a good head on his shoulders and that she'd like him to stay on the right side of the law for it. Tells him that the job pays well, searching his eyes, and he knows he needs a steady way to take care of his brother. Deep down he's always known that pro-bending isn't sustainable, just an opportunity to be something more than the orphan, the scrappy firebending street-rat, the lightning-bending gangster. He applies himself to the job like he's done with every job in the past, a vigor and determination coursing through his veins to do right, and for once, he feels that he's succeeded.
(Mako is twenty-one; his arm is wrapped in a sling, and the city that chewed him up and spat him out is in absolute ruin around him. He's indefinitely suspended from the police force because Beifong refuses to let him work while he's still healing, and there's a gaping hole in his life that he's always filled with needing to do one job or another. Bolin looks at Mako shut in his empty apartment's bedroom, losing himself after his suspension.
You've made it your job your entire life to take care of me, Bolin tells him, swallowing hard. But I'm okay now, don't you see? You can rest now. You don't need to work right now.
But —
No. Bolin is firm. It's my turn to take on this job. Let me take care of my brother.)
my ao3 (not posted there… yet?)
i accidentally spontaneously manifested this in three hours. um. i dunno if i want this on ao3 or not cuz i was planning to just write a silly tumblr post going "do you ever think about how mako has been working his entire life" and it accidentally became 2.1k words. it's a little bit scuffed. it's almost 3:00 AM and i haven't proofread. hope it's cohesive! apologies if not lmfao
(i wrote one completely different paragraph last night, then i was suddenly fixed by a need to write more just now :P)
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