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system-architect · 8 months ago
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wanted to doodle and try to figure out the design of my new chara, inquisitor toza ^_^
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beifong-brainrot · 2 months ago
Referring back to the Mako & Bolin post about being a firebender and earthbender in RC, I think that when taking into account that the Earth Kingdom doesn’t necessarily make a major deal out of earthbending in comparison to the Fire Nation and firebending, and upon applying that Bolin’s character, it creates this interesting picture of his character and what it says about him.
Considering the EK’s neutral perspective of earthbending and the Republic City’s origins with FN settlers having more privilege over the EK residents, the abilities of earthbending may be deemed as menial in comparison to other forms of bending (the stereotypes in regards to firebenders and earthbenders being interconnected to Fire Nationals & Earth Civilians is a whole other case in it of itself). Like I said before on a reblog, earthbending can be well utilized in manual labor, but overall it may not appear as anything special if not honed, used for something such as entertainment (pro-bending), or a sort of gateway to a subset of bending (metalbending & lavabending).
With that being said, I find it intriguing how Bolin seems to be, at least somewhat, proud to be an Earthbender — and it’s perhaps due to figures like Toph Beifong (who he looks up to a whole lot) that he’s proud of being who he is as an earthbending. Furthermore, I think this can add onto how Bolin kind of has a hard time nailing down who he is as a person — trying to figure things for himself as someone who is often a follower.
In some way, I can see how the perceptions of earthbenders within both the RC and the Earth Kingdom can impact Bolin when examining such intersections.
You make a lot of good points! I think Bolin's relation to his earthbending is so interesting, because a lot of people seem to downplay his bending abilities. Bolin is a highly capable earthbender, honestly probably on par with Toph, in my opinion. He utilises both earthbending and firebending techniques in his bending, and actively nerfs himself while lavabending. Like he opts for the lava disk, because if he pulled shit like this?
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He'd be a murder machine. Bad guys in the tlok universe should thank their lucky stars that Bolin is a cinnamon roll.
He's able to bend with little to no contact to the earth, he's physically strong even without his bending, he has incredible accuracy, he's incredibly agile on his feet, being one of the only earthbenders to backflip like why does he do that
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And I honestly don't find it surprising that Bolin is so skilled. His bending skills are probably one of the things that kept him and Mako alive on the streets, not to mention that his and Mako's income also depended on his bending ability in their probending days.
So I'm not surprised that Bolin has some level of pride in his skills, despite also being a little insecure about them too.
Knowing the love for bending in the Fire Nation and the neutrality towards it in the Earth Kingdom, I wonder about the difference between San and Naoki's approach to their kids bending. We know that a child begining to firebend is a reason to celebrate in the nation.
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And I could certainly see Naoki celebrating Mako's bending. But I can also see that sentiment carrying over to Bolin too. We don't know much about Naoki, but she seemed to be a good mother, so I can't really picture her being too biased towards firebending over earthbending.
So it's very likely that, even if Bolin's abilities weren't celebrated outside the home, they were celebrated by the family.
I can see Bolin kinda getting slapped by the harsh reality of people's approach to Earthbending. Of course, I mentioned how Lighting Bolt Zolt could've favoured Mako due to his firebending, plus the City's potential disdain toward earthbenders.
One thing I find interesting is Bolin's hero worship of earthbenders who seem to have elvated over the status quo, and particularly earthbenders who have somehow innovated earthbending. Toza is a probender, which seems to be a relatively new sport, which lead to new techniques developing. And Toph is Toph. She revolutionised the bending art. She's an icon She's a legend and she is the moment.
Bolin: Mako! Do you know who that is? It's Toza, legendary earthbending captain of the Boar-q-pines. He's my hero. What do you think he's doing here?
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Bolin: Because it's embarrassing. This isn't the first time I've tried, and I've been wanting to metalbend ever since I heard about Toph. Your grandmother is my biggest hero!
It's possible that Bolin percieves these two as having elevated themselves above the typical stereotype of earthbending being an uncreative, rudimentary bending style that is only based on brute strength and throwing rocks.
Bolin desperately wanting to metalbend is a very interesting and telling part of his character. Beacuse I'm sure that a lot if earthbenders would feel dissapointment over not being able to metalbend, but Bolin is like, genuinely distraught over it. He's ashamed and very uncomfortable on the subject.
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It maybe leads me to wonder if he had been pressured to learn to metalbend at some point in his life, maybe by the triple threats, and was unable to do so.
One thing from Bolin that I've always been fascinated by is when Bolin calls metalbending 'not normal'. Because it's such an odd way to phrase it. Also, really funny thing to say right in front of Wing and Wei who eat sleep and breathe metalbending.
Bolin: Mako, metalbending is extremely difficult. No one gets it right away, if they can get it at all! It's not normal!
Of course, it could just be Bolin lashing out or deflecting, but the idea that Bolin doesn't consider metalbending as 'normal' has been latched in my brain. Because it potentially implies that Bolin sees metalbending as a trait that isn't normal. Maybe a trait that is 'above average'.
I think it wouldn't be too out of the blue for Bolin to want to metalbend due to his perception of metalbenders as 'special'. To elevate himself over the potential demeaning he faced as an earthbender. Bolin struggles with his self esteem throughout the show, some of which may come from his role as an earthbender.
I believe Bolin loves his bending, loves earthbending, loves the martial art of earthbending, but he also wants to surpass the stigma of earthbenders being menial labour, or something of the sort. He was excited to connect with his Earth Kingdom Heritage when heading to Ba Sing Se, and downright giddy when in Zaofu. His identity as an earthbender is important to him (let's remember that he had nightmares about his encounter with Amon for days afterwards) but he has incredibly high expectations of himself. I think he sees himself as 'one of the dirteaters', and he wants to evolve past that. Adding to this is his struggle with finding his own identity and his desire to 'find himself'.
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I really wish this side of Bolin had been explored more, because I think it has some great potential fod a good story.
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beetleboyoart · 1 year ago
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°:. *₊ How the gentle wind
Beckons through the leaves
As Autumn colours fall °:. *₊
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korrasgonefishing · 11 months ago
It makes me kinda sad to realise we got so little of Toza in the show :( He was on screen for what, like 10 seconds? He told Korra to get out, Bolin assured him it was fine, she's with him and we never saw Toza again, excluding the Republic city hustle short. I get that TLOK had around 14 episodes to work with in each book, but I simlpy would've liked if he appeared in the background when the Fire Ferrets were training, or at least mentioned in book 2 when Bolin leaves pro-bending.
You could assume that Toza and the bros aren't that close. Like he's no longer relevant to Mako and Bolin lives, even in book 1, and I find that hard to believe. He's more than just their trainer! You can not underestimate the close bond a teacher and their pupils have, seriously - but that is not all. Republic city hustle showed: Toza got his shit together and won after Bolin told him to never give up, saw the skills of these boys, and then he decided to make them pro-benders and took them in. He even provided them housing, which they haven't had for a long time in their lives. He's like an uncle to the bros at the very least!
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okuryazarlar · 10 months ago
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Yeraltı edebiyatının öncülerinden, Charles Bukowski'ye yazmaya başlaması için ilham kaynağı olmuş İtalyan asıllı Amerikalı yazar John Fante'ı aramızdan ayrılışının 41. yılında saygıyla anıyoruz.
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sammys-magical-au · 5 months ago
Star Wars headcanons that just ✨make sense✨ PART 3!
IT’S HERE Y’ALL!!! I’m doing another one because I have an ~obsession~ 🙃
It takes Rex a really long time to make the transition from calling Anakin by only “Sir” or “General” to his actual name. He’s a creature of habit and Cody finds it adorable.
Cody on the other hand easily made the switch to calling Obi-Wan and the other Jedi by their names.
Obi-Wan has two left feet. Not many people actually know this. Obi-Wan hates this about himself and is really embarrassed about it but Lionel finds it endearing
Rex has ✨freckles✨ and they’re absolutely precious
Fives and Echo would both do anything to hear an embarrassing story about Anakin or Rex. Lionel has plenty of examples for the former and is a little too eager to share them
I think about Padmé and swimming so fucking much it’s actually my Roman Empire. She has a swimmer’s build, not skinny at all, she’s all muscle under those flowy dresses and is very strong for her size. Anakin thinks this is incredibly hot.
Ken-Té gives T’a’ffi little kisses between his montrals. Once the Forbidden Triad adopted Toza, ‘Té started doing the same to her 🥹
Lionel started off as the tallest of the OG Chaos Trio, and ended up the shortest. They are not happy about this at all.
Ahsoka and Rex are FUCKING 👏 BESTIES 👏 and no one can convince me otherwise. They absolutely confide in each other about their respective crushes - something they won’t talk about with ANYONE else (for good reason ofc, but you get my point, their level of trust is that high)
Cody can make pretty much any outfit work, the man is ✨GORGEOUS✨ in everything and he knows it
Lionel and Obi-Wan have five Tookas
Ahsoka not only got taller after Barriss left her but she also got a hell of a lot stronger too. The transition from seeing ‘Soka as a relatively skinny girl about the same height as her to a 6’4” New Order Jedi built like a brick shithouse gave Barriss whiplash but in the best way possible, she LOVED IT
I headcanon that Togrutas in general are just built tall and muscular, T’a’ffi would absolutely be considered a Bear🏳️‍🌈 if he was human
It was actually Obi who wanted to have kids first, meanwhile Nelli was the hesitant one - they’d spent most of their childhood looking after their little siblings so they were understandably looking for a break from that responsibility
Cody and Padmé both had Lionel and Obi-Wan figured out before even they themselves realized that the pining was mutual. Padmé would seek out Cody during any events Obi-Wan was invited to and gossip about it with him when Obi wasn’t looking
Obi-Wan is a giggly mess when he’s drunk and it’s fucking adorable
After joining Anakin’s Order and becoming a Knight, Ahsoka took on a young Mirialan named Ralaince as a Padawan because they reminded her of Barriss 🥺
Once the war ended, Cody and Rex travelled the galaxy together for a bit, just experiencing the beauty of each planet they visited without worrying about the next battle that would destroy all of it. It was very cathartic and healing for both of them
Anakin chose to wear dark colored robes because he has mild sensory issues and lighter colors kind of hurt his eyes in direct sunlight. Also burgundy is his favourite color 😊
When she became Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Padmé founded a program to help properly educate the children of the Lower Levels of Coruscant and to mitigate the extreme poverty of the Coruscant Underworld. Lionel cried of joy when they learned of this.
Lionel occasionally gets phantom shocks as a side effect Palpatine’s Force Lightning attack. They also startle more easily than they used to, experience near-constant tremors, are much more sensitive to touch, and occasionally seem to have mildly psychic premonitions, despite still testing negative for Force-sensitivity
Barriss sometimes uses Ahsoka’s lekku as pillows
Lionel insisted on doing a photoshoot when Benjamina and Jinn both got their lightsabers
Obi-Wan has always loved the name Ben/Benjamin - thus, when they had their first child, Lionel modified the name to Benjamina so they could use it for their baby girl
Rex and Ahsoka do the Star Wars universe’s equivalent of Tik Tok dances. They’re both really good at them
I went on a tiny bit of a rant not too long ago (read: like 20 minutes ago) about Echo having vitiligo and I stand by that, I like it, it’s going in the headcanon folder
I’ve talked about Anakin being autistic but that headcanon fits for Cody to me as well. Also Obi-Wan
Anakin also has ADHD
I know in canon the little marks on Mirialan’s faces are called “tattoos” but I like to think of them as freckles because the idea of diamond shaped freckles is kind of adorable to me 🥹
Anakin and Padmé do the fruit-floating thing they did in AOTC every time they have breakfast alone together
Ken-Té is Anakin’s favourite person to do lightsaber training with and continues to practice with him even after he left the Order
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the-au-collector · 5 months ago
Pumpkins (Inktober Day 4)
In Relinked, Miphon's (Wild and Paya's son) favorite food is pumpkins.
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ft. Wind and Tetra's kids (because I forgot the prompt was exotic instead of fruit/vegatables)
(also shhh we're not mentioning that I forgot Wild's scars)
Zoom-ins below the cut:
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Excuse half of these for not being colored, I don't have the file with the cousins' color schemes right now so I had to fudge them.
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denizeyuruyen · 1 year ago
"O denli yaraladılar ki beni, kitaplara sığındım, içime kapandım..."
... demiş bir kitabında John Fante 🤔 🙄
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system-architect · 8 months ago
HOUGH #5 and #7 from your complex inquest character asks for your Inquisitor Tozza!!
x @scourgeblooms
:D :D :D
5. How is their relationship with the concept of violence? Do they view it as a necessary evil, avoid inflicting it where possible, or even enjoy it?
HAHA TOZA IS ACTUALLY KIND OF the character i had in mind while making this question!!
toza is a strange strange beast.... she had a ROUGH, rough life prior to her adoptive father picking her up. she's always been a bit unstable and quick to pick fights as a result, as a sort of defense mechanism. i would say she's very much been altered by all of her traumas and history.
this is relevant because wrt her capacity for inflicting violence, she views this as an innate trait of herself that is as unchangeable and inborn as something like her ear shape or hair color. she feels that all people are generally divided into two groups, one being people who can sort of live a normal above-board life and enjoy society and living as regular people, and the other is people who have one or both feet in the sort of 'underworld' of society and simply Do things like this as part of that life. she feels its as natural and inevitable as if she were some sort of predatory species like a jaguar. im realizing as i type this that she would fit extremely well into the yakuza games setting.. awesome i guess.
in terms of enjoyment, etc... this fluctuates! generally she's pretty neutral, it's a sort of 'necessary evil'. it rolls off her brain like water. she enjoys the feeling of completing a job with aplomb, though, and is prone to.. enjoyment.. if her target is really giving her a sort of cat-and-mouse chase. she likes feeling like she Did Things Good.. she's like a fucked up trained military dog idk
7. "Fun" one: What's their uniform like? Is it a generic-issued uniform, or custom tailored? Are there any features built into it that assist with their job?
custom tailored all the way! i need to make refsheets of all this, but toza has experimental cybernetic augments in her muscles and eyes, and her uniform is tailored around this. there's some 'ports' in her muscle augs that need to poke out or be given wiggle room, and the fine-tuning of her strength boosters are controlled via a sort of subdermal keypad implanted in her chest, and so her chestpiece is sort of wired into this so she can control it without sacrificing defense
her helm is also fully covering and has a sort of gas mask filter attached to it (being an inquisitor is risky business ok.. so many ppl might throw chemicals or fire at u... and not to mention the constant bloodborne pathogen risks !!), and it can integrate with her optical augments (which allow her to have night and thermal vision). most importantly it looks scary.
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beifong-brainrot · 1 year ago
Amused by the fact that there are no age brackets in pro bending.
Bolin is like 16 in B1, and assumedly he's been Probending for at least a little while. And Toza has only recently quit Probending and he's AT LEAST in his late 60s.
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beetleboyoart · 8 months ago
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La la laaa
Am i late to this trend? Yes. Do I care? No.
But look it’s themmm 💅💕
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korrasgonefishing · 11 months ago
Kind of following from my last post: I came up with something horrible. What if... Toza/Zolt? Tozolt? Zoltoza? (choose one, this isn't going far anyway). Old man yaoi, but in an AWFUL divorce way. That rigged match was the last nail in the coffin of their relationship. Love loses </3 They're fighting over the custody of the bros - mostly Mako though, they usually agree that Bolin is Toza's.
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cmatain · 7 months ago
«Toda, reina de Navarra» (1991) / «El viaje de la reina» (1996) de Ángeles de Irisarri (2)
Toda la acción de la novela[1] ocurre en el camino de Pamplona a Córdoba. Pero las peripecias se suceden con ritmo vertiginoso una vez llegados los navarros a la ciudad andaluza: el programa con que les agasaja el califa es intensivo y, además de las recepciones oficiales, incluye una audiencia a la mozarabía cordobesa, diversos espectáculos callejeros en la Plaza de la Paja, una visita a los…
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sammys-magical-au · 5 months ago
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I finally made some information slides for the Younglings in the “Trip” comic, so they’re not just nameless children anymore!! I plan to do more with these lil guys in the future, Ral is already gonna be making an appearance in an upcoming fic, as is Robekody. The others definitely will too, although it’s looking like I’ll have to come up with some more Jedi ocs to be Teesso and Luns’ masters - oh well, that’ll be fun!
Also yes, Plo Koon, Barriss, and Mill all end up joining Anakin’s new Order after the Clone Wars end, besides Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, obviously.
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regregle · 11 months ago
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Fiber optik ek kutuları, fiber optik kabloların birleştirilmesi ve korunması için kullanılan önemli bileşenlerdir. Özellikle, 3 kasetli ek kutusu ve Fiber Optik Closure gibi ürünler, fiber optik ağların kurulumunda ve bakımında yaygın olarak kullanılır. İşte bu ürünlerin özellikleri ve avantajları:
1. Fiber Optik Ek Kutusu:
Fiber optik kabloların birleştirilmesi ve korunması için kullanılır.
Genellikle dış mekanlarda veya iç mekanlarda kullanılabilir.
Fiber optik konektörleri güvenli bir şekilde barındırmak için tasarlanmıştır.
Ek kutuları, fiber optik kabloların korunmasını ve çevresel etkilere karşı direncini artırır.
2. 3 Kasetli Ek Kutusu:
Birden fazla fiber optik kablo bağlantısını yönetmek için tasarlanmıştır.
3 kasetli ek kutuları, genellikle yoğun fiber optik kablo ağlarında kullanılır.
Kompakt tasarımı, yerden tasarruf sağlar ve montaj kolaylığı sunar.
Farklı boyutlarda kasetlere sahip olabilir ve farklı kapasitelerde fiber optik kablo bağlantılarını destekleyebilir.
3. Fiber Optik Closure:
Fiber optik kabloların birleştirilmesi ve korunması için kullanılan kapalı bir kutudur.
Dış mekanlarda kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır ve suya, toza ve diğer çevresel etkilere karşı dayanıklıdır.
Fiber optik bağlantıları güvenli bir şekilde barındırır ve korur.
Fiber Optik Closure, fiber optik ağların güvenilirliğini ve performansını artırır.
https://www.fiberoptik.net/ sitesi, çeşitli boyutlarda ve özelliklerde fiber optik ek kutusu ve Fiber Optik Closure gibi ürünleri sunmaktadır. Bu ürünler, fiber optik altyapıların kurulumu ve bakımı için önemli bileşenlerdir ve çeşitli fiber optik iletişim projelerinde kullanılabilirler.
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biyosfer · 1 month ago
dedem kendini bildim bileli kırsalda yeşilliklerin arasında, ormanlık hatta belki dağlık bir bölgede bir tepede kendi küçük evinde yaşamak isterdi. sahil kasabalarına, kendi bahçelerinde kendi küçük seraları olan, yetiştiricilik yapan, bitkilerine çocuğu gibi bakan insanların videolarını izlerdi. sıkılınca çıkıp dağda, ormanda yürüyüş yapabilmenin hayalini kurardı, izleyip izleyip iç çekerdi hep. (geçmiş zaman ile konuşmama aldanıp öldü sanmayın bu arada, sadece görüşmeyi kestik, o yüzden) bunu az biraz anlayabilsem de o kadar heyecanlanmasını ya da üzülmesini, tüm gün bunları izlemesini, izlediği ve okuduğu dizi-film-kitap evrenlerinde bu şartları karşılayan hayatlara tanık olunca derin derin iç çekmelerini anlayamazdım, ta ki şu geçtiğimiz 1-1,5 yıllık süreci yaşayana kadar. bir sürü şey yaşandı. gerek küçük bir şehire taşınmak olsun, gerek bizce yeterince merkezde olan ama yerel halkın "çok uzaktasınız" diye tepki verdiği yeni şehirleşen bir mahalleye taşınmak olsun birçok şey bakış açımı değiştirdi. bu süreçte enesle ilişkimiz daha da ciddiye bindi, evlenmeyi zaten hep düşünüyorduk ama artık kendi aramızda öylece hayalini kurduğumuz bir şey olmaktan çıktı, ailelerimiz de evlenmemizi istemeye başladı. nikah tarihi konuşuldu vs vs. böyle olunca biz enesle resmen 35 yıllık evli, emekli çift gibi köy evi hayali kurmaya başladık ahsdshjfsjh bir sürü detay konuştuk, hayal ettik. daha önümüzde yıllar olmasına rağmen heyecanlanıp evlere baktık, köyleri araştırdık. şehirden köye göç etmiş kişilerin videolarını izledik. doğa içeriklerini daha sık tüketmeye başladık vs. derkeeen..... ben bir baktım bunun hayali ile iç çeken kişi ben olmuşum. heyecanlanan, sabırsızlanan, şehirden iyice nefret edip sahil kasabalarını, dağları, ormanları düşleyen biri olmuşum. ben bir baktım ki dedem olmuşum... o kadar şaşırdım ki :')
hiçbir zaman büyük şehir insanı olmadım, hep demişimdir özellikle istanbuldan neffffret ederim, ama hiçbir zaman da köyde yaşamayı ciddi anlamda düşünüp hayal etmemiştim. önceden korkunç ve çok izole gelen şimdi öyle güzel geliyor ki. bunun en büyük sebebi ise enes. yol/yer yanınızdaki güzelse güzel oluyor gerçekten. yalnızlıktan, kimsesizlikten çok korkarım ben, "köy çok uzakta kalıyor, insanlara nasıl ulaşacağız" diye düşünür çekinirdim ama yanımdaki kişi enes olunca varsın enesle yalnız olayım diye düşünmeye başladığımı fark ettim. sıcaktan eriyeceksem enesle eriyeyim, soğuktan donacaksam onunla donayım, böceklerle uğraşacaksam onunla uğraşayım, toza toprağa bulanacaksam onunla bulanayım. yanımda enes varken huzursuz şehir bile sıcak hissettirebiliyorsa kendi başına da sıcak hissettiren bir yerin nasıl hissettirebileceğini hayal bile edemiyorum. bir evi yuva yapan şey içinde kiminle olduğun gerçekten ve ben enesle gittiğim her yerin bana yuva olacağına inanıyorum, öyle olacağını biliyorum. 17 yaşında aşık olduğum kişi ile 23. yaşımıza doğru ilerliyoruz, yaşımız çok büyük olmasa da yaşadığımız şeyin çocuksu bir aşk olmaktan çıkalı çok olduğunu biliyorum. yaşlanmayı istemiyorum ama enesle yaşlanmayı istiyorum. benim bıdı bıdı konudan konuya atlayarak konuşmalarımın, enesin hiç bitmeyen ve bolca terim içeren felsefe/sosyoloji sohbetlerinin, en ufak şeye kahkahalarla gülüp yere yatışlarımızın, var olmayan yemekler uydurup her seferinde yediğimiz en iyi şey olduğunu iddia edişlerimizin, bazen hiçbir şey yapmadan öylece vakit öldürüşümüzün hatta saatlerce brbirimizle konuşmasak bile birbirimizin yanımızdaki varlığına şükredişimizin bitmesini istemiyorum. birbirimizin yüzüne bakıp atlattığımız şeyleri görmeyi, ellerimizi öperken aslında birbirimizin emeğini ve sabrını öpüşümüzü, çirkin/darmadağın olmuş halimizi görünceki gülmelerimize gizlediğimiz minnettarlığı ve hissettiğimiz ayrıcalığı çok seviyorum. bazen durduk yere ayağa kalkıp uzun uzun sarılışımızı çok seviyorum. bulaşık yıkama kavgası etmeyi, çayı/kahveyi kim yapacak kavgası etmeyi, markete kim gidecek kavgası etmeyi...böyle ufak tefek, önemsiz şeyler üzerine kavga etmeyi çok seviyorum mesela. iletişim kuramadığımız için huzursuz hissetmek ve hissettirmek yerine, güven problemleri sebebiyle çıkan kavgalar yerine, yalnız hissetmek yerine, önemli konularda uzun kavgalar edip ağlamak kırıp dökmek yerine kafaya takacak büyük bir problem olmadığından var olan ufak pürüzlere takılmayı seviyorum. bize dair her şeyi o kadar seviyorum ki.....aşkı seviyorum gerçekten. yer yer acı verici ya da zorlayıcı olsa da hiç aşık olmamış olsaydım nasıl bir hayatım olurdu, nasıl birine dönüşürdüm hayal edemiyorum. aşka inanın arkadaslar🥹
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