#sammy samson
orangenatsu · 7 months
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sam | stardew valley
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mrsthunderkin · 26 days
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Its my favorite FAVORITE thing to draw Sam next to taller characters
He's just so LITTLE
Hare and Bran being fangirls is also my favorite
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payaso-affairs · 1 year
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she'll never know but that doesn't mean she'll stop either
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samsammysamson · 6 days
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Why is it so cold. Why is it so cold. Why is it so cold. Why is it so COLD-
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pawstism · 3 months
haaaiiii im sam, bodily 16, cringe but free dogboy who uses he / pup / mutt pronouns
fictive of sam from stardew valley (duh) not an askblog but my asks are open for random junk
i love my boyfriend @s3b4sti4n and alex (headmate who doesn't have his own blog)
bi, trans dogboy, polyam
yadda yadda :3
collective strawpage
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badcountryofficial · 23 days
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Happy boy is happy💗 and finally got a collar💚 he's participating in brat summer lol
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krobusfan · 4 months
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sam sammy samson
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sofiaruelle · 6 months
Idk if your avoiding spoilers or not but when I saw Sam's winter glow up I immediately got excited to see your reaction to it
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Hahahah nope not avoiding any spoilers. I am living vicariously through people playing because the update is not available for the ipad yet. 😭😭😭
Samson Samsonite Sammy Sam Sam boi. Looking saur baby gorl 💅 with his lil beanie. I'm mostly surprised he was able to fit all that hair underneath his hat hahaha. Also can't help it but also draw his other 2/3s.
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itsnotzka · 1 month
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Sam Sammy Samson (again) 🤘
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moonferry · 2 months
some sam puppyboy antics because i literally can't get this man out of my head.
* we all know he loves to do the "big dog who thinks they're a lapdog" thing where he will literally demand to be little spoon despite being Massive but please consider: sam with a really strong partner who actually picks him up and sam looks like those pics of huge dogs who aren't used to being held.
* loves i mean LOVES having his hair played with . i feel like he'd just spontaneously combust if you ran your fingers through it or scratched his scalp with your nails.
* gets those big, wet puppy eyes when he really wants something and it's impossible to say no to.
"farmer, can we please get/do [crazy antic]"
* he probably gets the zoomies lol. like if he's been working on one thing for too long, the energy just starts to build up and he needs to run around to let out some steam.
* definitely sticks his head out of the bus/car window. he's smiling the whole time, too, like a goober. and then you laugh when he gets smacked in the face by a tree branch or road sign.
* takes up the ENTIRE bed when you leave the farmhouse / it takes you too long to return at night and you just shake your head.
* wants to be super helpful so he follows you around the farm. he'd gladly hold your tools for you.
* literally holds anything you give him without hesitation or question. like you hand him a strange black and red egg? sure why not. anything you need him to hold, he's going to hold it like a good boyfriend.
* likes to receive words of encouragement/praise when he's done something good. "i watered the plants!" "oh, good job, sammy. thanks." ":D"
* little treats are a must. he isn't picky, but if you have him a joja cola or a mini pizza, he would be so happy.
* i think it would be hilarious if the farmer were to do the "dog owner talk" just to tease him like "oh, who's a good boy?! who's such a good boy? that's right, it's sammy-wammy!" he thinks it's hilarious, too, a bit annoying but funny nonetheless.
* he just likes being in the same room as you. it doesn't matter what's going on. he could even be on the other side, doing his own thing, but if you walk in you two could sit in silence and he'd be content.
* very physically affectionate & (if you're okay with it) loves to give you affection any chance he can get.
* i think he does that little excited shake/butt wiggley dogs do when their person comes back. he'd just be like yeaaah!!!! probably does it as a joke, but he's still super excited to see you. i think it would actually translate more into him running to the door and wrapping you into the biggest hug ever.
* nicknames & pet names are what you primarily call him but if he does something particularly stupid you just pull out the "samson."
* i think he'll just go off in the woods for a period of time and come back with a random trinket and then he's like "hi. i found this and i brought it back because i thought it was cool & that you'd enjoy it."
* very accident prone & is always covered in bruises from running into things or getting himself hurt.
* can fall asleep anywhere - even in positions that seem physically impossible or extremely uncomfortable.
* unrelated to the puppyboy thing but adhd sam has my heart.
* if you put your hands near his face, he is going to lick you. i'm sorry. like he has a stray hair and you try to push it out of the way? he licked your hand. it's mostly to annoy you and because he wants to be a little goober
* HOWEVER, if he's feeling very soft, he may smoosh his face into your hands and demand you cup his cheeks . just like *gently holds* yk?
* makes little noises or is constantly quoting things. i think he's a big vocal stimmer.
* loves to show you his favorite things!!! it could be some silly video on his phone or whatever but he'd be so proud of it and immediately want to show it to you.
* he would definitely go play in the mud when it's raining outside. you probably have to hose him down with the gardening hose before letting him back in the farmhouse. which also means you'd have to chase him because he does NOT want to shower
adding to this:
* he loves kisses. like a lot. he will definitely cover your face in kisses any chance he gets.
* loves it when you gently hold his face and give him kisses too. bonus points if you give him forehead kisses. he goes crazy for these and doesn't get to receive them that often bc he's so tall.
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oddballwriter · 3 months
The Second: Go Around
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Summary: Upon some further reflection and revelations, Steven finds out that he may have ruined something that he didn't know was there in the first place. But he doesn't even have enough time to think on that due to an unexpected event.
Warnings: Angst, pining, implied unrequited pining, jealousy, sudden turns in plot near the end, mentions of kidnapping and a character getting kidnaped along with an attempt to kidnap the reader
Author’s Snip: Surprise! I've been cooking this up in the drafts for a while now. Technically, it was done, but I was in the trenches of studying for finals week and wanted to see if I could add to it once everything was done. But I figured that this was great as is. So she got a little bit of extra time to marinate.
Notes: This will in fact be a series on my blog so be sure to give some support for a part three.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1,171
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @autismsupermusicalassassin @spicydonut25 @ominoose @iheartlovesickmen
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It should be fun, meeting your best friend's childhood friend. But it leaves something sour in Steven's mouth and puts a pit in his stomach. Something about seeing it, being in the atmosphere of it, hearing jokes and laughs fly by like rapid-fire but not feeling involved in it. Not being in on the joke or being in the dynamic. It plucks at the strings in his heart in all the wrong ways. But he doesn't know why.
You clearly want the two key halves of your life to combine and get along but something inside of him bars him from fully doing it. He sits there listening to you laugh and smile at everything Samson says meanwhile he only gets a nod, and then it's right back to Samson.
You do talk to him of course. You prompt conversation between the two of them but he bars up when Samson starts talking. He seems to just naturally take up all the attention with his stories and references.
It feels torturous when it's meant to be joyous.
Steven can't put the feeling into words until Marc says it.
"Jealousy" he says.
"You're jealous that that Sammy guy is getting all of her attention instead of you," Marc explains. Steven scrunches his nose in disagreement, "I am not." he claims.
"Steven, you just sit there and silently sulk while you watch them talk, and then when they do involve you you just pass it off and then continue to sulk till whatever hang out the three of you are doing is over, and then you sulk a little more." Marc bluntly lays out. "I just don't know what to say. I feel like a third wheel when I'm with them." Steven says to defend his so-called sulking. "Then just talk to her for a bit and then if Sammy comes in you go off that." Marc recommends, "I know you don't do good with new people but I'm sure it'll be fine, they can just translate what gets lost." Marc points out, mentioning that you could act as a safety shoot for Steven.
"It feels inappropriate though, I feel like if I say something then it'll be awkward. I'm outside of their dynamic." Steven excuses.
"You want to know what's inappropriate, Steven?" Marc asks, "Making out with someone right in front of your friend while on a mission to stop the uprising of the apocalypse that they've accidentally been involved in." Marc mentions, "That's third wheeling." Marc concludes. "I get it, shame on me for kissing Layla. Thanks. The punch to the face really sent some mixed signals." Steven remarks sarcastically. "That is not the conversation we're having right now, Steven." Marc claims. "Well, then what is the conversation, Marc?" Steven questions.
Marc sighs, "I'm sorry to break it to you, but after all the signs, you don't get to be jealous because her childhood friend is in town." Marc says. "Excuse me? What are you on about? What signs?" Steven asks. Marc pinches the bridge of his nose in disappointment, "Damnit, I really didn't give you enough social awareness when you reformed after mom died, did I?" Marc grumbles.
"All the times she would make time to be around you. The times she could go out of her way to sit with you when you were on lunch break at the museum and then visit the museum to drop by the gift shop and talk to you on your shift. Going to your flat to watch documentaries with you. All the compliments, and comments, and check-ins, and phone calls. And the time she bakes vegan cookies for you." Marc lists off, sparing no detail. Steven stands there as Marc goes off, slowly and almost painfully coming to the realization as he goes on and on, finally seeing it and having it hit him.
"She liked you, Steven. She liked you a lot." Marc says. "She was practically giggling and twirling her hair like a schoolgirl anytime she talked to you." Marc adds.
Steven continues to stand there, shocked at this revelation and the stupid amount of time it took him to finally see it. Steven can only bring himself to ask "What... do I do now?".
"Well, that depends," Marc answers, "Do you like her back?" he questions. Steven thinks about it further and much to his own horror and dismay, he feels the feelings bloom from his chest, unpleasantly violent. Steven never answers but judging by the "hm" from Marc, he can see the blushing horror all over Steven's face. "That's unfortunate, Steven," he says.
"I really wish I could fix this for you, but I don't think I can, buddy." Marc solemnly confesses. "No..." Steven mutters, in denial, "You can manage something. You're good with people and getting them to turn around. I'm sure you can help me with something. Wingman something up for m-" Steven babbles, trying to reason out a way. "Steven, I think too many things are in the way of that now." Marc breaks to Steven, "You're not just Steven anymore. Now it's you, me, and Jake, not to mention that this whole thing also involves Layla too. And you might be a bit too late for the ship. She's probably taken her loss and moving on." Marc explains.
"So I should just move on too after just finding out about all this?" Steven asks.
"You do what you want Steven, but I can only help you so much. This is your own can of beans that you need to sort out." Marc says, "But you might have a disadvantage now instead of an advantage.".
Just as Steven taking it all in and what Marc is implying when saying that Steven has a 'disadvantage', he hears frantic knocking at his door.
He warily goes over to the door, unsure of who would be trying to see him right now, but when he looks through the peephole, and sees you looking panicked and continuing to knock he opens the door.
You're hysterical and look like you ran there.
"Sammy! They took Sammy!" is all you exclaim when Steven lets you in. "What? Who?" Steven asks and he gently grabs you by the shoulders to keep you steady, "Who took Sammy? What's happened?" he questions.
"These guys came out of a van and tried to grab me," you attempt to explain through sobs and gasps. Fearing that you might faint from how distressed you are Steven carefully guides you to a place for you to sit down. "They tried to take me but Sammy got in the way and tried to fight them off! I was able to get away but they took him!" you manage to explain to Steven.
"But they had the mark, Steven! They had the scale tattoo!" you exclaim.
Steven pales once he hears those words and he can feel Marc and even Jake get struck to their cores too.
How the hell are they still around and what do they want now?
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raes-writing-space · 6 months
Childhood Friend!Reader x DogDay (Finding DogDay Hung Up)
Warnings: Mentions of gore and blood, abuse including manipulation, depression, death, cursing, DogDay does NOT get saved in the end, heavy bittersweet/angst warning, etc.
Viewer discretion is advised!
Summary/Notes: (Y/N) was one of the orphans at Playtime Co, reader is said to have been VERY smart and observant child, and found out about the Bigger Bodies Initiative at a very young age (around 8). This happened to affect their relationships with the other orphans, including an orphan name Samson "Sam" who was their best friend, who would later be turned into DogDay. Feeling guilt, they go back to the Playtime Co. after escaping "The Hour of Joy", and hoping to save those left, they find DogDay and imagine what life would have been like if things were different.
Word Count: Roughly 2,250 words? I use Obsidian as my writing doc.
Romantic or Platonic?: Could be read as platonic or romantic, but it may seem like it leans more towards romantic.
A/N: This is heavily based off an OC of mine and an AU I have for Poppy Playtime, but I really wanted to share some DogDay content since I've been scouring the tag for weeks now and need more content. If you'd like me to post my notes about the different AU's I have, let me know!
Since this is a writing from my OC, it originally has she/her and feminine descriptors/titles, however I did my best to change them to try and make it more gender neutral, if you happen to see anything I've missed please let me know!
(Y/N) was lead into a prison that seemed underneath the Playhouse, a place they didn't know about from their time at Playcare. They had assumed that was possibly where CatNap had to have been held, when he wasn't interacting with the children. They hated how isolating it already felt, despite the "childish" nature, nothing about a prison was childish. (Y/N) didn't even know what they were looking for at this point, just another way out - away from all these poor starving toys trying to eat them alive. That was when they saw the scene, it took them a moment to really process it all. DogDay, Sam, their first childhood friend they ever had. The friend that was picked for the Bigger Bodies Initiative when Harley Sawyer found out about (Y/N)'s knowledge about the project. That was a guilt they never could find themselves to forgive themselves for. They knew that truly, it was the adults that betrayed them both, but how could they simply still leave him here after all this time? DogDay was hung up by the arms, belts and straps tied to pieces of the cell. Even worse, his legs were missing, only a tightened belt around his waist was keeping his organs from falling out of his body. How long had he been like this? Had those toys been eating him alive as a last resort?
"Sammy?" (Y/N)'s voice called out, in the moment they sounded so small, just like a child again.
As if it was instinct at hearing the nickname, his head seemed to pick up, silent for a moment, as if processing if this was in fact real or not.
"Angel?" He questioned, voice box even sounding ragged.
Even the voice box has aged… (Y/N) knew that they were never really supposed to sound like themselves after the procedure, but things were so different now. Before (Y/N) could linger on it for too long, his voice brought them back to the harsh reality they were both in.
"There's nothing left to save… not here… A million pairs of eyes are on you now. Watching, waiting, hungry. They want nothing more than to crawl-" "Shh… Sam, shh… I know… I know… Let's not think about it for now…" (Y/N) moved closer to him, resting a gentle hand on his cheek for a moment, before a shaky hand goes to wrap around his torso, as another hand goes to undo the straps on one arm. "What-What are you- Angel, listen to me, please, you need to get out of this place, you need to live. You and Poppy can fix this. End this madness, the torment, please, just leave me." He started rambling quickly, especially as he could feel one arm become free. "I…" (Y/N)'s voice became shaky, as he immediately noticed the tears well in her eyes, "I know… I know I'll have to… just… Just let me have this moment… Please, I'm just tired and want to sit for a moment and talk to an old friend…"
There was a silence for a moment, a small grunt when they had done their best to keep him supported as they released the other straps, as the two of them slid down the wall of the cell for a moment. There was no way for him to be truly comfortable, but they tried for him anyway. The two sat side by side for a moment, before (Y/N) closed their eyes and leaned their head against his shoulder. DogDay must have been hung up for a long time, almost unaware that he could move his arms again. He seemed to then move his arm a little, before rotating his hand to be palm up. (Y/N), in their paranoid state since arriving, had noticed the small movements immediately, before they put their hand in his. Maybe it was the effects of the poppy gas finally getting the best of them, even after how hard they had been trying to fight it. Maybe they really were just tired, tired of running, of fighting for their life, of seeing their friends suffering, of all of it.
"CatNap will be coming for the both of us if he knew you released me… Angel, please… you have to go…" DogDay attempted again. "No… I'm sure he knows… And I'm sure he knows the power he already holds… Before the Hour of Joy… CatNap helped me speak with the Prototype. The Prototype was trying to plan something with me, and I was just… too far gone in my sadness to listen… The Prototype had even warned me about the event and how I should escape from it all…" (Y/N) trailed off, and DogDay seemed to turn to them, almost as if in shock that they had known this whole time, alongside the rest of the monstrous toys. "CatNap knows that I'm just trying to find answers, I don't know if Poppy is right, or if the Prototype is right, but I at least want to come to that decision on my own… So, CatNap knows… as you said, there's a million eyes watching… so, just let them watch, and listen… for now…" (Y/N) spoke again, as they rubbed their thumb against the palm of his hand, it was always much too big compared to theirs.
"We were best friends before you were chosen for the Bigger Bodies…" "I always knew there was something special about you…" DogDay tried to sound lighthearted, attempting to find the peace they were yearning for. "Theo… CatNap… knew the Prototype before his procedure too… He tried to help Theo escape, but then something happened, and the Prototype risked capture to save him… That's why he treats the Prototype like a God, for him, that is his savior." (Y/N) attempted to explain, hopefully giving him some more clarity, despite it not meaning much now in these final moments. "I like to think… before your procedure, maybe our friendship was on your mind… Maybe that's selfish of me, but as much as it hurt to see you become DogDay, when I heard how happy you were to see me… How you called me Angel and thought I was special… It gave me some peace of mind that you weren't angry with me, for not being able to say goodbye…" (Y/N) trailed off.
"You weren't there?" DogDay seemed to question, as if trying to recollect a memory that felt so distant to him that it almost never existed in the first place. "No… the fucker, Harley Sawyer, the doctor who created the Bigger Bodies Initiative, told me I would be spending the day with him… Purposely made me anxious, and kept me past curfew so I wouldn't get to say goodbye or see you go… Before he told me that you were chosen for testing, but that of course, the orphans at Playcare would be excited to hear you were being adopted… He wanted to break me down, so that I wouldn't somehow speak about the initiative, and… it worked…" (Y/N) answered. "He saw in my files that I once told a counselor that DogDay was my favorite toy and character, because so many people thought I was a sunny leader, like him…" Tears started to well up again, as they could hear him let out a deep disappointing sigh.
"And then they conditioned me to cheer up any kid who looked sad, knowing that out of all the kids, you would be the worst." DogDay pieced together, as (Y/N) simply nodded. "I was used as your reminder… Those sick… Why did you not push me away? You could have-" "No… I never could do that… Yes, you were a reminder of one of the worst days of my life… but Sam you gave me so many days that I consider the best days of my life… I would never trade those days in for anything…" (Y/N) looked at him, tears streaming down their face, as his gentle and slow hand attempted to wipe the tears away. "I only wish I could have given you more days like that… God, after I left… I started to imagine this… alternate world where everything was different… That we really were just kids at an orphanage who would be able to grow together, and maybe get adopted by kind loving families, and hope that we'd find and see each other again, and that… somehow we did, we always did…" "I imagine what life would have been like for us… If we would have told each other about our first crushes, or would get too embarrassed because maybe the truth was that we had crushes on each other… A typical stupid teenaged life, where we'd make mistakes, and learn, and be awkward, and fall in love or out of love, and things would just be easy…" "That we could just be kids or teens or adults just laying in a patch of grass and enjoying the real life sun against our skin… and that even despite all our real world problems, we'd know that it'll all be okay in the end because we had each other…" (Y/N) couldn't help but ramble on about this idealistic dream they'd had for so long, a motivating factor to keep going just one more day… Caught in a world that they knew would never exist, but made them feel genuine happiness as if it did.
"That's sounds like a wonderful world to be in…" DogDay couldn't help but finding himself imagining it, a sweeter dream than the nightmare he's lived in for so long. "I've lost myself in that reality far more than I'd like to admit… I've gone down so many routes, but refused to think about anything that wasn't a happy ending of some kind." "What was the happy ending you imagined the most?" DogDay questioned them genuinely, his body slumping a bit more, finally finding some semblance of peace. "We'd grow old together… It didn't matter how, if we were married, or had kids of our own, or were just best friends until the very end… But I imagined us having a picnic on top of this, gorgeous hill… That our old bones would have taken a while to climb, but we'd leave early, to watch the sun rise… And talk about life until we watched the sun set…" "I would thank you for… helping me understand what any semblance of love would feel like despite no adult ever showing us or teaching us how to love someone… I would thank you for being the closest thing I ever had to a family, for always being there for me just when I needed it… just like right now… I would make sure you knew just how much you meant to me, what you meant to my life, and in the end… all I would want is to make sure that I made you feel just as loved and appreciated as you've made me feel…" "You have. You always have." DogDay is quick to respond, never wanting them to doubt once for a second that he didn't appreciate his time with her too.
(Y/N) then started to shuffle themselves up, tears never ceasing as they knew this would be goodbye, there wouldn't be a way to save him, and there wouldn't be an easy way to bring him along, not when things could be more difficult from here… They knew they needed to leave him with something to dream about, on the happiest note they could really give him, and hope that he would forgive her for having to leave him once again. "Then I would kiss your forehead…" (Y/N) trailed off, getting on their knees and leaning forward to give a long and lingering kiss on his forehead, just as they had said, "And a big hug, that I wouldn't ever want to let go from, but knew I'd have to…" arms wrapped around his bloodied "fur" that had become his body, as they felt his arms wrap around them in return, also not wanting to let go, knowing this would be the last time he ever saw his Angel again. "And I'd tell you to close your eyes…" DogDay listened, closing his eyes as best as he could, knowing there would only be hungry monsters awaiting him once they left. "And let the sun feel warm on your skin…" He started to imagine it, so deeply and vividly that he could almost convince himself that he did feel a warmth… and maybe he did in some way… "And finally, thank you for spending your life with me… I wouldn't say goodbye, I couldn't… Because I know that one day, maybe in a different life, or an afterlife, that we'd meet again, like we always do… So instead I would just say… I love you, good night, and sweet dreams, I'll see you later Sammy."
"I'll see you later, my Angel… Thank you… I love you too…" DogDay trailed off, sighing as he let himself get lost in his imagination and not in the sound of their footsteps retreating from him.
(Y/N) suddenly found another pathway, they assume CatNap must have opened it for them at some point. They attempted to wipe their tears and breathe deeply, despite the circumstances, as they let themselves get lost in the fantasy again themself, ignoring the quieted groans of what they assumed must be the final outcome of DogDay's fate. They hated having to leave, they hated knowing as much as they did, but as much as they could linger on the negative, and let it drown them again…
Instead, they decided to take a note from DogDay, the symbol of optimism for his friends, and chose to only think about the good, even if they're just distant memories.
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sunsetinc · 9 months
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Sammi Sam Samson
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thebluestbluewords · 5 months
a pirate by any name +
"Samson Smee?" Ben asks, tapping the name on the list. “Is he related to Captain Hook’s sidekick?” 
Evie leans closer on instinct. She doesn’t need to see the paperwork to know who Sammy is, but it’s a habit now to press close to Ben and tilt her head just-so to see the paper lists and forms when they’re working on VK matters together. It a comfort, to know that she’s not in this fight alone, and Ben certainly hasn’t complained about the increased contact with his girlfriend’s girlfriend. “Yes. He goes by Sammy. He's probably not going to want to come over without his brothers, but we can still make the offer." 
"Can we bring the brothers?" 
The last time Evie saw the littlest Smee children, they were sobbing over a pirate’s body before the adult crew members tipped them over the harbor for the sharks to take their share. They couldn’t have been more than seven or eight years old, and what Evie remembers the most is the way their tears had carved clean tracks out of the dirt on their faces. 
She hums her consideration. “They're young. Elementary age, maybe ten or so now. I think they'd be okay to come, but they're shy, and I'm not sure how they'd do at school. As families go, I think all the Smee boys would do well in terms of goodness integration, but they may be difficult to integrate on a social level unless they can come over with someone they already know." 
"Alright. Who do you think they'd do well with?" 
Their father. 
“Their father,” Evie says, bitingly, before she reigns her tongue back in again. Not that it matters around Ben, who is handsome and kind and just listens when Evie needs to shout at somebody about the horrible unfairness of it all, but it’s good practice. She’s a politician now, just like her mother wanted. She’s got to be the best, because she’s an isle brat, and she cannot afford to make mistakes. Anything she says, anything she does wrong will reflect on the isle as a whole, so she’s got to be flawless. She will prove herself not just for her mother’s sake, but because she’s got a thousand hungry kids waiting for her to mess up and snip their only thread of hope at getting off the isle. “But that’s exactly the problem. Sammy has a crew, but the twins just tag along with him or their father all the time, and I don't think Auradon Prep, or any other high school for that matter, wants to have a pair of kids following their new high school student everywhere,” Evie sighs. She’s so fucking tired.  “We have schools on the isle, obviously, but Sammy doesn’t attend very often. The pirates usually stick with their ships and learn what they need from the older members of their crews. It’s not a traditional Auradon education, but the pirates are actually some of the better educated kids on the isle. It works for them, but it won’t work if we bring them here.” 
Ben puts a warm hand on her arm. It’s all Evie can do not to sink into the touch. She’s so, so tired of this. Of begging for any scrap they can get. Any concession to the norm comes at the price of another sliver of her own sanity, it feels like, and there’s so many children who won’t be able to handle the pressure of Auradon Prep, who will need more exceptions than the system is set up to give them, who won’t be able to thrive without the attention that nobody is able to give them. 
“We can ask the charter school,” Ben says softly. “There's integrated schools, all ages sort of places. My mother’s village has one. We can reach out. She provides a grant each year, they might decide they own me a favor.” 
Evie presses into his touch. Gods below, but it’s nice to have somebody who knows better than her the networks of favors and family histories that keep the kingdom governments running. “Or if we could find a family who would be willing to keep them together and send them to separate day schools, they might get used to being on their own like that,” Evie suggests. “Sort of slow and steady. A gradual break.” 
Ben makes a note, a shorthand scribble on the side of his list. Evie’s eyes are swirling too much to read it exactly, but she knows their code. Foster family, special education, sibling unit. That’s what they need to know in order to place the Smee boys. A whole life, reduced down to three shorthand scribbles. “That could work. What are the brothers called?" 
Evie laughs, exhausted. “Squeaky and Squirmy, but I believe their birth names are Sawyer and Simon. They're not bad kids, they're just shy. They would do better here, I think. Where there’s less adults around to bully them into staying quiet.” 
 Ben slips his hand up her arm, around her shoulders, pulls until she can rest her head on the side of his own. He’s warm and sturdy and if they weren’t in the middle of important work, Evie could fall asleep just like this. And then cause a scandal when the service staff come in to wake them both up, and find the young king sleeping on a girl who is not his girlfriend, no matter how many interests and people they share between them. 
"We can ask. If Sammy's willing to come over without them, who do you think we could bring with him?" 
"Anthony. Dizzy's cousin. They run with the same crew, and they'd do well together. I would say that we should bring over Harriet, but knowing her, she's not going to come over unless we can get the rest of her crew out first, and she's got one of the biggest crews on the isle." 
 Ben skims the list of kids, running his pen down the side as he goes. “Harriet?" 
She’s not on the list. 
“Hook,” Evie explains. “She’s one of the eldest pirate kids. We didn’t add her to the list because she won’t come until we can bring her crew with her, and we can’t promise that yet.” 
“Hook.” Ben echoes, voice flat. “As in—?” 
He’s encountered Harry, and came away with almost as much vitriol for him as Mal. 
Evie presses herself closer to him, so that he can feel her heat, and maybe remember that they’re in her office, not the wet deck of a ship. That he’s not tied to a mast, waiting to die anymore. “Yes. There are three Hook kids, and they all hate each other. We only hate Harry, the middle one, so Harriet and CJ are our allies. Sort of an enemy-of-our-enemy kind of thing."
"Harry's the one who's involved with Uma.” Ben says, so softly that Evie can barely hear the words. “The one who tried to kill me.” 
"Yes. He's....” Evie hesitates. She’s safe to hesitate here, in her own little office that smells like citrus wood polish and old papers. She doesn’t have to preform just for Ben, because she can trust him. Her sweet, kind king.
Trust doesn’t mean she wants to tell him everything. Understatement is a tool that Evie is well practiced at wielding, so she lets herself close her eyes, and forges ahead. “He’s a lot. We don't like him." 
Ben smiles, small and sweet and almost sad. "I take it there's a history there?" 
"Just a bit." Evie agrees. "There's been a few incidents."
"Would it be useful for me to know?"
Evie breathes in, and out, and relaxes her shoulders in an attempt to let go of the anger that she's still holding in her body. "I suppose so. Yes." 
"Do you want to tell me?" 
Honesty is the foundation of good relationships. "No." 
Ben nods. He's too good to them. "You could tell me later. If you'd like." 
The memory of blood spills over Evie's hands. The slippery, awful feeling of insides that were never supposed to become outsides against her leather gloves. The gritty feeling of dirt in her eyes that she can't rub out, blown up from the shattered crates they'd been aiming to take back from the pirates. The blood though, that's the part that she can't forget. She's been a medic since she first started sneaking out of her mother's house, but she's usually restricted herself to broken arms and legs and noses, some shallow stitches, fever medication, abortifacients and concussion care for the kids who can't take the dubious mercy of the barrier's spell. She's done medications for the kids who cared to try them, all sorts of poultices and remedies for the ailments that are within her power to fix. 
She's never been able to fix someone once they start bleeding out. 
She knows the theory of it. Blood transfusions, tourniquets, ways of stopping arteries without killing the patient. The problem is that she's never had to do it firsthand, because they've always known that the spell on the barrier was there to catch them before they died for real. The spell heals the killing blows, so it's easier to lean into the death than it is to staunch critical bleeding. Evie's killed kids herself, those who wouldn't die quick enough on their own, so that they could have the mercy of the barrier and the spell healing them back into a body marginally less broken than the one they'd left from. 
"He killed us." Evie manages, around the memory of blood spilling up from her throat. "They made it a game. Him and Uma and their crew. We killed each other." 
They've told Ben enough. He can figure out the rest, and he's smart and good and kind, so he does, and she can see him go white when he figures it out. 
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hannahhook7744 · 10 months
Descendants name headcanons;
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Elle Athanasiou (daughter of Prince Eric and Ariel).
Arabella Athanasiou (niece of Prince Eric and Ariel).
Henry (de Vil) Crowley (the kid with white hair that may or may not be related to Carlos from Carlos' Scavenger hunt).
Hayden 'Hadie' Athanasiou.
Hyllus 'Herkie' Amphitryon Tiryn-Theban-Athanasiou of Argolis.
Benjamin 'Ben' Florian Léandre.
Maleficent Bertha Fae || turns to Malanie 'Mal' Bertha Fae-Athanasiou || when she is able to change her name.
Princess Geneviève ‘Evie’ Evelyn Grimhilde-Westergaard Of The Southern Isles.
Jakeem 'Jay' Al-Jazira.
Jadeana 'Jade' Al-Jazira.
Harrison 'Harry' Hook.
Chadwick 'Chad' Charming.
Audrea 'Audrey' Rose.
Uma Athanasiou.
Jehanne 'Jane' Fae.
Li 'Lonnie' Lan-Lei.
Li 'Li Shang Jr/Lil Shang' Shaiming.
Pino 'Pin' Liddell.
Allison 'Ally' Liddell.
Gillian 'Gil' LeGume.
Gaston 'Bronze' Legume III.
Gaston 'Junior' Legume Jr.
Frederique 'Freddie' Facilier.
Cecelia 'Cecelia' Facilier.
Rubina 'Ruby' Fitzherbert.
Samson 'Sammy' Smee.
Ginevra 'Ginny' Gothel.
Diego Ramirez-de Vil.
Richard 'Rick' Ratcliffe.
Skipper 'Squeaky' Smee.
Sterling 'Squirmy' Smee.
Claymore 'Clay' Clayton.
Madeleine 'Maddy' Mim.
Reza Vizer of Agrabah.
Harold 'Harry' Badun.
Jason 'Jace' Badun.
Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia.
Zevon Sorcerer of Enchancia.
Yaz 'Lil Yaz' Sorcerer of Enchancia.
Tiger Poeny Rossí.
Hermione 'Hermie' Bing.
Blake 'Big Murph' Murphy.
Edmund 'Eddie' Balthazar.
Opal Facilier.
Douglas 'Doug' Bergmann.
Derek Bergmann.
Robert 'Bobby' Hood of Locksley.
Artorius 'Artie' Pendragon.
Drizella 'Dizzy' Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles ||.
Jedoun 'Jordan' Ayad.
Aziz Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah.
Sophie White.
Glauco White.
Daniel 'Danny' Darling-Cooper of Darling Coast.
Róisín 'Red' Hearts.
Zhu Yi-min (based on @queercendants ' naming post).
Arabella Athanasiou of Tirulia.
Melody Athanasiou of Tirulia.
More to be added if I can think of any more first and last names.
@cleverqueencommander thanks for the help coming up with Elle's new last name!
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babiebom · 1 year
*to the tune of stacy's mom*
And I know that you think it's just a fantasy
But since your mom's checked out your dad can use a gal like me
Samson's dad has got me down bad
He's all I want and he's all I'll ever have
Sammy can't you see you're just not the guy for me
I know it might be bad but I'm in love with Samson's dad
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