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samanddean76 · 1 year ago
Master Post for Kinktober 2023 Fics by SamandDean76 on Ao3
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Oct 1st - Call Me Anytime - Phone Sex - Dom Sam/Sub Dean
Oct 2nd - Dreams Given Form - Size Kink - Sam/Dean
Oct 3rd - Baby (Boy) Doll - Panty Kink - Sam/Dean
Oct 4th - What Can I Get For You? - Exhibitionism - Sam/Dean
Oct 5th - One Night Angel - One Night Stand - Gabriel/Sam
Oct 6th - The Devil Is In The Details - Cock Cages - Jack/Demon Dean
Oct 7th - Backroad Memories - Cockwarming - Sam/Dean
Oct 8th - What Have We Here? - Piercings - Sam/Dean
Oct 9th - Not An Ordinary Sacrifice - Bestiality - Human Sam/Wolf Dean
Oct 10th - His Perfectly Good Boy - Wing Kink & Praise Kink - Gabriel/Sam
Oct 11th - Don't Speak - Deepthroating - Boy King Of Hell Sam/Consort To The Ruler Of Hell Dean
Oct 12th - Alas, Such A Pity - Felching - Endverse Castiel/Dean
Oct 13th - For Always? - Spitroasting - Omega Jimmy/Alpha Dean/Alpha Sam
Oct 13th - Two Is Better Than One - Spitroasting - Sam/Dean/Clay Miller
Oct 14th - Feels So Good - Sensation Play - Sub Sam/Dom Dean
Oct 15th - Keep Your Hands To Yourself - Lapdance - Sam/Dean
Oct 16th - Holding His Sammy Tight - Cuddling - Sam/Dean
Oct 17th - Wicked Games - Role Play - Sam/Dean
Oct 18th - An Evening Out - Bondage - Dom Sam Wesson/Sub Dean Smith
Oct 19th - See That You Do - Striptease - Sam/Dean
Oct 20th - To Love, Honor, & Cherish - Impregnation - Omega Castiel/Omega Gabriel/ Alpha Sam
Oct 21st - The Ride Of His Life - 69 - Sam Campbell/Dean Winchester
Oct 22nd - Bold Words - Edging - Sam/Lucifer
Oct 23rd - Don't Torture Him - BDSM - Dom Jimmy/Sub Dean/Dom Sam
Oct 24th - Teacher's Pet - Mpreg - Omega Castiel/Alpha Sam
Oct 25th - Educational Channels - Daddy Kink - Jack/Dean
Oct 26th - Unexpected Complications - Fuck-Or-Die - Alpha John/Omega Sam
Oct 27th - Shush Now - Gags - Soulless Sam/Dean
Oct 28th - Do You Take This Archangel - Wedding Night - Gabriel/Sam
Oct 29th - Win/Win - Coming Untouched - Sam/Dean
Oct 30th - Negotiations - Grace Kink - Boy King Of Hell Sam/Angel Dean
Oct 31st - Not Their First Lifetime Together - Free Space - Jensen/Jared
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jaredwalkersam · 8 months ago
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#JaredWeek | Jared's roles
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hexedwinchester · 2 months ago
i often get distracted by how handsome Jared Padalecki is, i almost forget how much I love the sound of his voice. As Sam, Thomas Kinkade and Clay Miller he talks in this soft, honeyed voice that's husky with measured pauses. As Dean Forester and Wade Felton, his voice is a bit more crisp but a little nasally. As Cordell and Camden, it's hoarse, scratchy, gruff like someone who barks orders for a living (which his character kinda does). Will somebody get this man to read an audiobook?! 🥺
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wrdlbrmpfd · 1 month ago
25+ years of Jared
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samthechaotic · 1 year ago
i can't explain it but jared padalecki definitely gives the BEST hugs.
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winchestergirl2 · 1 year ago
October Reading Recs
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To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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2023 Reading Recs List
Dean Winchester
The One That Got Away Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | @pink-sparkly-witch
Authors Summary: Childhood sweethearts, Dean and Y/N, are very much in love with each other. When she accepts a full scholarship to an out-of-state college, she finally gets to leave behind her traumatic childhood and abusive father, but it means leaving Dean behind too.
Over a decade later, Y/N returns to Lawrence, Kansas, and finally tries to heal the only wounds she has left… the psychological and emotional scars her father gave her and the heartbreak she endured by Dean Winchester, the one that got away.
Smoke Eater Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | @zepskies
Authors Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
Escape Chapter 66 | Chapter 67 | Chapter 68 | @soaringeag1e
Authors Summary: A serial killer is reeking havoc around Lawrence, Kansas, and Detective Dean Winchester is getting really sick of finding more and more bodies. But one day, he gets a call about another victim. But instead of the location of another body, he gets news that this one escaped the hell of this mans actions.
Massages And More @miss-madness67
Authors Summary: Dean really likes your massage.
Meant To Be Mine @negans-lucille-tblr
Authors Summary: A mix up leads to life changing consequences. 
Sam Winchester
Yellow @idreamofhazel
Authors Summary: I listened to Yellow by Coldplay and got inspired. 
Untitled Sam Winchester Drabble @supernaturalfreewill
Relax @imagineteamfreewill
Authors Summary: It’s almost the end of the semester and your schedule is jam-packed, leaving you stressed, overwhelmed, and overtired. Thankfully, Sam Winchester is the best at helping you relax.
Family Friends and Loved Ones @waywardxwords
Authors Summary: You make it home for Thanksgiving to see your family again, bringing Sam and Dean with you.
The Boys
Soldier Boy
New Blood @wayward-dreamer
Authors Summary: The executives at Vought American are enamoured by the new supe at the annual shareholders party, hoping to make her a new addition to Payback. Soldier Boy isn't pleased with the idea, as he's the only one who gets to decide who joins his team. He tells her this fact, and braces himself for a fight, but gets something much better out of their encounter.
Friday the 13th
Clay Miller
Flyers @plus-size-reader
Authors Summary: Going out with Clay to help look for Whitney and bonding with him in a way that you never have before
Friday The 13th (2009) @bored-writer101
Authors Summary: You are Clay Miller’s girlfriend. He’s taken you to the middle of bumfuck nowhere, looking for his sister, Whitney. She’s been missing for a month and a half after she went on a camping trip with some friends. You and Clay are determined to find her, but there is a hockey masked killer who is waiting in the woods for you.
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Wonderwall @deanbrainrotwritings
Authors Summary: teasing beau during work and leaving without finishing. when he gets home he wants to pick up where they left off.
Only Ever Holding Onto You Part 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: When Beau Arlen called and asked Y/N to join him at the Lewis & Clark County Sheriff's Department, she knew she should have turned him down. Sure, he made a great case for her relocation, but it was the sound of his voice that had her put in for an immediate transfer. After all, he was worried and needed her; how could she say no? Yet, the more time she spends in Big Sky Country, the more Y/N wonders if she should have stayed in Houston.
Untitled Beau Arlen Drabble @smellingofpoetry
Montana Stars @spnbaby-67
Authors Summary Just cute one shot between Beau Arlen and his girl, Y/N.
Chicago Fire
Matt Casey
Better late than never @deanstead
Authors Summary: After witnessing Y/N’s interaction with Connor, Matt finally decides to tell her how he feels
Imagine: Seeing Matt at Molly's after returning to Chicago @deanstead
Untitled Matt Casey Drabble @deanstead
Authors Summary: Matt surprising his wife with a puppy
Ten Inch Hero
Boaz Priestly
Movie Night To Remember @daughterofcain-67
Authors Summary: In honor of spooky season, The Beach City Grill is throwing a Horror movie night event by putting on the movie Scream! The employees are excited, and so are some of the regulars. Your friends, Piper, Jen and Tish invite you to come because she knows you're another regular at the grill. But the thing is, you hate scary movies, crime shows or anything dealing with blood. Which will be scarier? Actually watching this movie, or embarrassing yourself in front of a guy you like?
The Body @deanbrainrotwritings
Authors Summary: tish dared priestly to wear a dress to work in exchange for a week off.
Jason Teague
Assistant Hottie @zepskies
Authors Summary: Jason Teague, Assistant Football Coach, meets you in the faculty break lounge at Smallville High. He tries to kick you out, thinking you’re a student. Technically, you are. Turns out, you both go to the same university. 
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empressgeekt · 9 months ago
Supernatural/Trolls Crossover - Branch Winchester AU (Part 2 - Custody Battle)
Okay, for anyone new here, please go read part one. It's tagged "Branch Winchester AU". But the long and short of it is that Branch gets sent to the Supernatural world, as a kid and is raised with the Winchester family.
Let's jump back to the otherside of the portal real quick, John Dory would get the letter for Floyd as normal, and he would look for Branch first. Figures it will be easy with the pop trolls out of hiding, but once he meets with Queen Poppy, she claims their isn't a troll by the name of Bitty B or Branch in the village. And she knows everyone. With limited time, John Dory has to look for the other brothers. Poppy goes with him wanting to help. Bruce is easy to find, and Poppy comes up with using the funderdrawers to find Clay after the subject of "Why didn't they stay in touch with Bloodhound beetles, they could track you with smell?" comes up in conversation. The Puttputt course gives John Dory new hope, maybe Branch had been here with Clay. He wasn't, sadly, and by that point their out of time to look for the youngest brother, otherwise Floyd wouldn't make it.
It takes a lot of fighting and tears, but somehow the three brothers come together to save Floyd. The First words out of the second eldest's mouth being, "Where's Branch?"
Pop village is their first stop. Floyd needs to see a doctor, and Poppy really needs to talk to her Dad about Viva. In the end Floyd would recover with some discoloration issues and mental scars. The topic of Branch once more comes up and to the bros horror, none of them have heard from Branch for twenty years. Clay mentions that not everyone made it out of the tunnels, but John Dory shuts that down, no one is even mad at him for it, and then vows to find their baby brother if it kills him. Floyd wants to come with him, once he's okay enough to travel. Bruce can't do much with kids of his own, but he'd liked to have updates on the search, and they could use Vacay Island as a home base anytime. Clay doesn't know what he wants to do...Poppy, Viva and surprisingly Peppy join them. Then everything changes.
Peppy would step in and begin to explain, that while they lived in the tree, only a month before they escaped, That their grandmother was harvested by the Chef, but Branch...went missing. This sparks outrage and grief amongst the family. Bruce starts asking questions, Like did they even search for Branch or just assumed he was taken too? Peppy claims they did search, but all they found was a single letter in the old Pod...and that no one could open it. Peppy gives the letter to John Dory before leaving.
They wait a few hours before opening it. Grief over their grandmother needed to be felt, and the letter was terrifying in a way. At first it looked unassuming, just a plain manilla envelope, until you turned it over and written on the front in red was, "Only for the eyes of Shared Blood" Floyd eventually just tells, John Dory to stop putting it off and open it.
When opened the letter reads like this....
" To the blood of the fetched,
You have been judged unworthy of the gift you were given. As such you are marked with the loss that you inflicted on the blood you rejected. If you wish for redemption, repair the cracks on a new foundation, reconnect the severed ties...."
John Dory: then there's just a bunch of gibberish.
Clay: Give me that...This is not fancy talk, is basically, we cuts in our family, and there fore whoever wrote this, judged us unworthy of Branch. So...they took him.
Floyd: Who would take our Baby Brother?!
Clay: I-I don't know...but they say they we can get him back at least. We just have Wish for Redemption, repair the cracks in some foundation, and what ever third thing is...
John Dory: Wish for redemption, I guess that means we need to want him back.
Bruce: What about the cracks
Floyd: It's us...we left. We broke our family part and now we need to put it back together if we ever want Branch back.
Que a bunch of apologizes explanations and settling differences.
Viva chiming in from braiding Clay's hair: And the third part?
Clay: I-...I don't even know what language this is...or if it's some sort of code.
Poppy: Maybe just read it?
Clay: OKay...Suscipe nos in terram animae Fratris tui
The letter flashes and they are not in Pop village anymore. The bros, plus Poppy and Viva, are flashed into woods of small trees on the outskirts of a small town. Their panicking having suddenly swapped species from trolls to something else. Eventually the group gets their barrings, deciding to look for Branch in the nearby town. If there was one upside to having a species swap at least they blend in with the rest of the town. John Dory and Poppy would eventually approach a shop owner asking if they knew anyone by Branch.
"Yeah, I know a boy by that name, poor kid's dad must have been drunk when he was born to end up with a name like that, don't know if he's in town at the moment."
"Any idea where he could be?"
"Anywhere in the country, those boys are always on the move, but their uncle's in town, you should try him, at least you'll get a phone number."
"Bobby Singer, lives just outside of town, up on cherry road, his whole property is a junk yard, you can't miss it. I'd be careful though, the man's eccentric and has a lot of guns."
The walk to this "Uncle Bobby's" Place is tense. No one really knows how to react to the news that Branch had a family in this weird land of pale giants. Bruce and Floyd are relieved that Branch had someone to take care of him, but the other's are a little more upset with this fact.
Bobby Singer is surprised when a group of strangers shows up on his doorstep claiming to be related to his Nephew in all but Blood. Sadly he has no choice but to call the boys, after he'd run the strangers through the gauntlet of paranormal tests. Iron, salt, Holy water, silver, you name it. So, reluctantly he calls Dean up and speaks to Branch, who confirms he had bio-brother with their names. He has no idea who the girls are though. He gets the boys to come visit and a shirt for the red-head brother before he deals with the many questions the group has.
And boy do they have them, any doubt that these guys weren't trapped in the same cult that Branch was born into is whipped away once the youngest girl askes what a human is. Bobby explains to the best of his ability. The brothers mostly ask about Branch, how Bobby knew him, if the kid was alright, and where he was. Bobby answers best he could, but keeps a lot of things private for Branch's sake. It isn't until the brother with frizz hair asks about his book collection, that Bobby gets a little defensive. He's not sure how much of hunting he should involve these new comers with. So he locked down for the night, and put the kids to bed in the spare room.
Clay managed to sneak one of the books into there room, and studied it through out the night. Viva asked jokingly, if this place had good sad books, since Clay couldn't put it down. The mood shifts when Clay said it isn't a sad book its a log on something called "demons". He goes on to explain that their some kind of monsters that are dangerous to humans. The question of why Bobby had that book, isn't spoken but is loud in the room.
Branch, Dean and Sam would drive back to the junk yard. Through out the drive, Dean and Sam were peppering Branch with questions as to what exactly happened. Who exactly were his brothers? why would they be here? Could they take him back? Branch desn't have na answer to alot of the questions. but he'd say, "We used to sing together, looking back I think it was to keep the others happy for when trollistice came around. The bergens wanted us happy. Made us taste better."
D: You singing? Like those Weirdo Boybands with their cheap sounding music.
B: Exactly like that.
S: It's not that bad, I kind of like NSYNC
D: What is the matter with you?
B: Good luck getting me back on stage
S: I'm not saying that you should go back to it, I have issues with this whole child labor for amusement in a cult thing, there's multiple laws being broken there. But it's not something to be ashamed about...right?
B: If it's not something to be ashamed about, then why did sound so unsure just now?
Once at the junk yard, Branch would ignore his brothers in favor of marching into Bobby's place, and demanded to talk with his Uncle. Dean and Sam Follow him, leaving the dimension hoppers outside. Bobby confirms they're legit, not shapeshifters, not Demons, not even ghouls and he could tell based on how freaked out they were when he suggested that they should cook up his arm for dinner. Dean wants to know if this means they have more cult escapees to de-brainwash. But Bobby shockingly chimns in that's he's not so sure. Ever since Brozone dropped in He'd been looking a little deeper into Troll and Fairy lore, finding that a lot of what Branch said as a kid and what these adults are saying now is matching up with his findings.
Branch: Okay wait, are you saying that everything I believed as a kid, wasn't just my broken scared out of my ass mind making sense of everything, but instead was actually real. The tiny people living in a tree being eaten once a year was real?
Bobby: It's got a lot more evidence behind it then the cult theory, which son was always just an assumption made by your dad due to a lack of proof. Truth is we didn't know where you came from.
D: This is nuts.
S: And coming from us that's saying something.
Branch: Oh this is nuts to you?! My entire life just turned upside down. Oh god if it was all fucking real...Then they really did abandon me...
D: Well then they don't get to come back.
S: Dean you can't say that.
D: Why the hell not? They left Branch in the dust. Practically threw him to the wolves.
S: Cause I left too..
Branch: Sam stop, the situation is completely different.
D: Yeah, Branch is right, you left for college, and even then you didn't abandon a two year old in a fucking warzone, where folks were getting eaten! Not to mention Branch still had me and Dad, not just an elderly Grandmother who have gone any second!
Branch: And you apologized. I've forgiven you....now while these tow idiots plot their vengeance on my behalf, how do we send them back to what ever realm they came from?
Bobby: That's uh the one thing I haven't figured out yet. I still have a lot of material to go through, I also have a few people I could ask...
D: Dad might know something, he used to research trolls and fairies since you were a kid. Maybe he thought it was more then just a cult thing
S: Of course it all comes back to finding him
Branch: So, what now?
Bobby: You boys stay here for a few days, stock up, help these guys adjust to being human, cause one literally ask me why he needed a shirt, and try not not to kill each other.
Branch: No promises.
Things in the Junkyard are tense after that. Brozone tries to get Branch to talk to them desperately, but he just ignores them. Clay Bruce and John Dory try a more direct approach confronting Branch, talking to him, telling him about their lives back in the troll realm. This leads to more conflict with Sam and Dean, as they keep telling the older three brothers to back off. And it really stings when the Winchesters introduce themselves as Branch's brothers. That sting begins to burn as they watch Branch joke around with his adopted siblings, fixing up the Impala with Dean, and going over omens with Sam and Bobby.
Viva and Poppy are the only ones who can talk to the Winchesters Branch included. The girls are pleasant enough and they aren't connected to the family drama. Viva and Dean actually get along well, when she asks him to teach her to shoot (Much to Clay's disagreements). And Poppy is determined to become friends with Branch, which leads to some playful teasing from Sam and Dean about him finally getting a girlfriend.
Floyd's getting hit the hardest. This was his baby brother, he used to be his best friend and now Branch wouldn't even look at him. Floyd's the one who asks if Branch sings, and tries to encourage Branch to sing with him. Sadly he chooses "Total Eclipse of the Heart" Because it was his lullaby that he sang to Branch. Real bad choice to make when said baby brother was preparing for a round of target practice. Branch Shoots at Floyd, luckily it was only Rock salt not bullets and Branch makes sure that Floyd knows that in the end it wouldn't matter what was in the gun, he'd still shoot.
After this Branch goes to Bobby begging for a case, and Brozone is left to regroup.
John Dory: I don't know what where doing wrong?! I thought he'd happy to see us again, especially after living twenty years in this music-less place.
Floyd: he doesn't want anything to do with music anymore John, he's made that clear.
Clay: What are we missing? He can't hate music, he has to sing some time. All trolls sing.
Poppy: Well, what if he isn't?
Bruce: What?
Poppy: Maybe, I know it's a little crazy, but maybe Branch doesn't see himself as a troll anymore?
Viva: Poppy might be right. Branch was raised human. He probably sees himself like that, the few trollings hatched in the PuttPutt course see themselves as Puttputt, not pop.
John Dory: Look ladies, its a good theory, but Branch is a troll. He's our brother we know him.
Poppy: Do you? You haven't had a full conversation with him in a week. And you won't have another chance, for maybe a few more.
Floyd: What do you mean by that?
Viva: Their going out on another work trip, Branch Sam and Dean.
Clay: How do you know that?
Bobby *standing in the door way, intruding*: Because they talk to him about what's he's doing now. Not trying to bring back past events that Branch doesn't want to dig up.
John Dory: Were you evesdropping on us?
Bobby: The walls are thin here. And you better be dang grateful that my nephews are outside right now, otherwise they'd really let you have it and I'd let them. You're not doing anyone any favor by bring up old wounds, especially pink bangs over there. "Total Eclipse of the Heart"? The hell were you thinking, every time that damn song cam on the radio Branch would have a full blown panic attack as a kid. Look I get you all are stuck here until we send you home, but that does not give you the right to drive my boys up the walls.
Floyd: I didn't know
Bobby: Well yah might have if you just shut your mouths and started listening. Boy's been given yah signals to back off all week. Your lucky, I managed to scramble a fun hunt for them, not everyday you get a crack at the Hookman. *Leaves room*
Clay: Listen? We've been listening...have we?
Floyd: Guys what do we actually know about Branch?
John Dory: well he loves to sing, always the first the hug, loves Fluffleberry cake...
Bruce: But that's Bitty B, not Branch...Oh Madonna, we don't know anything about him...
John Dory: Not for long.
Floyd: JOhn?
John Dory: Viva you've been talk to these guys right?
Viva: Yeah?
John Dory: What do you bring to a Hookman hunt...and what's a hookman?
THere will be a part three.
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eucharistsamruby · 1 year ago
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psalm 51:16-17
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strangeshoepatrolbandit · 2 years ago
I am totally normal about this person. *grrr* *bark bark* *grrrr* *chewing on a discarded arm*
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thedeadedhooman · 7 months ago
um I really need to know what's jared padalecki's hair care routine like that man has the most silky luscious and glossy locks that I've ever seen
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hexedwinchester · 6 months ago
@jaredwalkersam made these gifs and I'm forever grateful!! 😍😍😍
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samanddean76 · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005), Friday the 13th Series (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Clay Miller/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Clay Miller Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Movie: Friday the 13th (2009), Kinktober Prompt: Spitroasting, Spitroasting, Threesome - M/M/M, Sam Has A Long Lost Twin, Dean Has Ideas, Salt And Burn That Jason Bitch! Series: Part 14 of SPN Kinktober 2023 Summary:
Sam heard about a hunt. Sam and Dean discover Clay Miller, who bears a striking resemblance to Sam. Dean has ideas...
Kinktober Prompt Fill  SPN Kinktober 2023
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wendichester · 5 days ago
ᯓᡣ𐭩 self-care and sasquatch,
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summary. skincare time with sam is something else.
pairing. sam winchester x reader
wordcount. 411
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“You’re pouting.”
“I’m not pouting,” Sam grumbles, arms crossed over his chest. He’s sitting stiffly on the edge of the motel bed, towering and uncomfortable, like he’d rather be getting tossed around by a wendigo than be here right now.
“You totally are.” You grin, dipping your fingers back into the face mask jar. “You look like a sad golden retriever.”
Sam lets out a long-suffering sigh. “Remind me why I agreed to this?”
“Because I batted my eyelashes and said ‘please,’” you tease, scooping more of the cooling clay onto your fingers.
He gives you an unimpressed look. “That shouldn’t have worked.”
“And yet,” you sing, stepping closer.
Sam huffs but doesn’t move as you reach up and smooth the face mask over his skin, dragging your fingers carefully along the angles of his jaw, the planes of his cheeks. His skin is warm beneath your touch, stubble prickling under the slick clay.
You have to bite back a smile.
For someone who’s been stitched up and bled on more times than he can count, Sam is suspiciously bad at staying still for this. His nose twitches when you get too close, his brows scrunch when the clay starts drying.
It’s adorable.
“You know,” you muse, brushing a bit more onto the bridge of his nose, “your skin is actually pretty nice. I was expecting a lot worse.”
Sam scoffs. “Gee, thanks.”
“I mean it! You barely have any breakouts, and your pores are—” You pause, squinting. “Okay, yeah, they could use some work.”
Sam groans. “Why do I feel personally attacked?”
“You’re not. You’re just... skincare challenged.”
Sam rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue, which is probably the closest you’ll get to him admitting you’re right.
Once his mask is evened out, you step back to admire your handiwork. Sam Winchester, hunter of the supernatural, stoic man of the apocalypse... sitting there with a thick layer of pale green clay on his face.
You press your lips together, trying to contain your laughter.
Sam glares. “Don’t.”
“I’m not—” You snort. “I’m not laughing.”
“Yes, you are.”
You make a dramatic show of clearing your throat. “Nope. Completely serious. This is a very mature bonding experience.”
He shakes his head, exasperated, but there’s a reluctant smirk tugging at his lips.
“Alright, now we wait fifteen minutes,” you say, plopping onto the bed beside him. “And then we moisturize.”
Sam freezes. “Wait. Moisturize?”
You grin. “Oh, baby. We’re just getting started.”
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ariesmusingz · 11 months ago
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ╱ one syllable name masterlist ( below the cut is #181 one syllable first names. they are a mixture of feminine, masculine and neutral names, but please use as you see fit. please like / reblog if you found useful. )
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lacydollette · 3 months ago
MASTERLIST (archived)
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dean winchester. sam winchester.
rafe cameron.
jensen ackles. drew starkey.
clay miller.
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LACYDOLLETTE est. 2024 — archive
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samwinjarpadbigbang · 3 months ago
Look at this awesome bingo event that opens for sign-ups on December 5th, 2024. More love for our tall, handsome man.
This one is all about JarPad 💕😍
Must have discord to join
Must be 18+, age should be visible in your bio/ pinned post.
Characters include: Jared Padalecki in RPF Sam Winchester in Supernatural Cordell Walker in Walker Dean Forester in Gilmore girls Camden Casey in Fire country Clay Miller in Friday The 13th
Any and All ships are welcome but please tag accordingly (and I will make sure to tag them when reposting incase someone has any ship blocked).
You are allowed to combine this bingo with other events if they allow it.
Only 1 square per fic, if it’s a series then 1 square per chapter only.
Any type of art welcome. A fic must be at least 100 words long. Gif-sets must be minimum 2 GIFs. Moodbord/aesthetic minimum of 3 character pics.
Must add warnings before fics, I read them before reblogging so if there’s something you haven’t added I will point it out, but please make sure you’ve checked before hand. Respect other people’s triggers and let it be easy for your work to be enjoyed.
Crossovers are allowed.
If you complete your card, I will send you another one but there will be no second cards handed out without the first one being completed.
Must include #jarpadversebingo25 in the first five tags and mention @jarpadversebingo
If you have any questions message me here on tumblr or on discord. Or send an ask.
Lastly, and most obviously, all works must be centered around Jared Padalecki or any of his characters!!
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