#sagittarius full moon tarot spread
henryshaa · 1 year
Here are the Sagittarius Full Moon horoscope tarot scopes for the different zodiac signs. Enjoy this replay for the Full Moon in Sagittarius
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thedarkmaidenn · 4 months
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Full Moon in ♐️ on 5/23! Here are a few things to keep in mind, a spell and a tarot spread.
For more stuff like this, follow me on Tik Tok! @followherglow or @maiden_to_mother
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hermitsmirror · 10 months
Spread: Full Moon in Gemini
Flying free with fun
With the Full Moon in Gemini coming up, I thought it was a good time for a new Full Moon spread (the last one of the series!) that you can use for this lunation.
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This season we have the Full Moon in Gemini (4º Gemini 51') happening November 27, 2023 (4:16AM US Eastern Time), but you can use this spread for any Full Moon in Gemini. The fundamentals are the same.
Fuel: What stable core have I created to let myself orbit freely?
Magical peak: Where will my curiosity be rewarded with fun new discoveries?
Purging: What flittering parts of me would do better with stillness and silence?
Clear mirror: When am I most likely to forget who I am in seeking approval?
Dancing luminaries: How can I teach others how to have more fun?
If you’re curious how I created the spread or what’s the basis (or deeper meaning) behind the questions, check out my Musings, which has an explainer for both the New Moon in Sagittarius and the Full Moon in Gemini spreads.
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themagikmirror · 3 months
It's been a labor of love and a privilege to do the work of channeling Spirit and ancestors that want the best for us in 2024! As I prepare to move through 6 more months of sidereal astrology, divination and channeling messages, I want to reflect over the first half of the year. It's always a great idea to look back before moving forward...
Hindsight is 2020
I invite you to review all videos you feel called to! Especially if you never watched any of these videos within the moments they were posted for! The next 6 months (summer + fall 2024) will begin producing fruits from things that we've sown and worked for. Likewise, it will also reveal consequences for areas we've refused to properly manage, take accountability for and grow through. My favorite time of the year is actually the second half. Everything just seems fuller and bigger. I am excited to move into new seasons and to start seeing major manifestations. If you KNOW you've done your best and been in alignment with what Spirit has asked of you, then you have NOTHING to be scared of! I'm excited to experience more retrogrades, our second eclipse season, the conclusion of Saturn in Aquarius and more Jupiter in Taurus because I know that no matter what happens if we continue to align with God's guidance its all meant for our highest and greatest good. This post excludes any written content, reels/tiktoks I've posted and my latest video. You'll have to go find those yourself 😉 2024 long form video content is listed in chronological order below ⬇️ Knock yourself out!
Thank you for being here! If you enjoy my content & it helps you unpack and process what's going on in your life, stop hesitating to connect with me on a more personal level! By clicking the link in my bio or watching these video you'll be led to my Facebook Page where you can find and hit "BOOK NOW" in the bio! This is how you can schedule spiritual work with me that's ALL ABOUT YOU! Meet a divine reflection of yourself by allowing me to help you better connect with your highest path & Spirit. Hope to meet you one day!
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manifestdestinytarot · 4 months
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full moon in sagittarius ritual ✨
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carmenm00n · 1 year
How will this Sagittarius Full Moon affect your sign.
♡ ˖ ☁️ aries : something positive will happen and you might get a deja vu.
♡ ˖ ☁️ leo : you’ll be inspired for art, you’re going to start a new business or a new romance.
♡ ˖ ☁️ sagittarius : new opportunities arr coming for you.
♡ ˖ ☁️ taurus : you want to do things but you have to think deeply about it.
♡ ˖ ☁️ virgo : you’re going to meet someone or you met someone and you shouldn’t trust them.
♡ ˖ ☁️ capricorn : something might upset you or make you really sad.
♡ ˖ ☁️ gemini : you’ll have a deep reflexion and you’ll have to be careful, try to avoid conflicts.
♡ ˖ ☁️ libra : after a success, the universe is testing you again, move forward!
♡ ˖ ☁️ aquarius : someone you're close to will try to irritate you, so don't hide from it.
♡ ˖ ☁️ cancer : there are loopholes that can be closed, so put your pride aside.
♡ ˖ ☁️ scorpio : the difficulties you encounter will have a reason.
♡ ˖ ☁️ pisces : unpleasant events may happen.
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apollotarot · 1 year
Full Moon In Sagittarius 2023 Tarot Spread: Unleash Your Inner Archer 🏹
As we approach the month of June, a wave of optimism and growth washes over us, setting the stage for exciting possibilities and personal breakthroughs.
The Energies of the Full Moon in Sagittarius
The cosmos equips us with a powerful celestial event: the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4th. Under the vibrant influence of Sagittarius, ruled by expansive Jupiter, we are encouraged to step out of our comfort zones, embrace adventure, and ignite the fires of enthusiasm within.
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Let's delve into the energies surrounding this Full Moon and discover how they can propel us toward new horizons:
Expanding Horizons: Jupiter and the North Lunar Node: At the heart of this cosmic event, Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunities, aligns with the North Lunar Node. The North Node represents our destiny, karma, and the missions we are meant to fulfill in this lifetime. As these two divine forces converge, they open pathways to new possibilities, allowing us to overcome obstacles and release past limitations. This alignment empowers us to transcend old patterns, heal emotional wounds, and pave the way for personal growth and expansion.
The Optimistic Influence of Sagittarius: Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, infuses this Full Moon with its infectious optimism and adventurous spirit. During this time, we are filled with confidence in our abilities and a burning desire to explore uncharted territories. The energy of Sagittarius awakens our sense of adventure, urging us to step outside our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. It ignites a fire within us, fueling our passion for life and our unwavering faith in ourselves.
Unleashing Passion: Venus in Leo: Coinciding with the Full Moon, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Leo, adding a passionate flair to the cosmic energies. This celestial alignment amplifies our zest for life and fuels our desire to experience its joys fully. Our powers of attraction and seduction are heightened, opening the door to passionate encounters and new relationships. This energy favors romantic connections and extends its influence on family dynamics, fostering deeper bonds and shared moments of joy with our loved ones. Additionally, Venus in Leo blesses our financial endeavors, making it an opportune time to explore innovative ways of increasing abundance and breathing new life into our projects.
Embracing Expansion and Adventure:
The Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives as a celestial invitation to expand our horizons, embrace adventure, and ignite the fires of enthusiasm within us. Under the guiding influence of Jupiter and the North Lunar Node, we are encouraged to step beyond our limitations and release the burdens of the past.
The optimistic energy of Sagittarius fuels our sense of adventure, inspiring us to pursue our dreams boldly. With Venus in Leo adding a touch of passion and creativity to the mix, we are empowered to embrace love, joy, and abundance in all areas of our lives.
As we bask in the glow of this Full Moon, let us surrender to the cosmic energies, allowing them to guide us on a transformative journey of growth and self-discovery.
Unleash Your Inner Archer: The Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread
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Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread
The Archer's Arrow: What new adventures and opportunities are coming my way during this Full Moon in Sagittarius?
Releasing Limitations: What old patterns or beliefs am I being called to release to embrace expansion and growth?
Igniting Passion: How can I tap into my inner fire and passion to fuel my journey toward new horizons?
Embracing Optimism: What steps can I take to cultivate a more optimistic and adventurous mindset during this lunar phase?
Expanding Horizons: What areas of my life are ready for expansion and exploration? How can I broaden my horizons?
Divine Guidance: What message or guidance does the universe have for me during this transformative time?
Remember, embrace the energies of this Full Moon in Sagittarius with an open heart and a spirit of adventure. Allow the cards to guide you as you navigate the path toward personal growth, abundance, and joy. May this tarot spread illuminate the way and help you make the most of the powerful cosmic influences surrounding this celestial event.
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Shadow Work Astro Observations | Time To 🦋 Break 🦋 BIG 🦋 Blockages ☆
On this day the full moon moves into sagittarius and venus moves into gemini. It's a great time to do shadow work considering the emotional aspects of the moon become aplified in sagittarius and it translates into AMAZING emotional drive for the next few days and the ability to break through emotional blockages.
However these observations do work all the time and for all signs ☆
I also personally believe that shadow work is harder now than at ANY other point in history because of the infinite distractions we have. Some of these observations come from ways of thinking about astro that have helped me work through BIG blockages. So hoping maybe they can have a similar effect on others.
🌚 Those who identify more strongly with their ascendant may find shadow work harder. Those who identify most strongly with their moon sign may find shadow work easier than average
🌚 Pluto, uranus, neptune, and moon in first, fourth, fifth, ninth, or tenth houses may find shadow work easier than most
🌚 INxJ types in the MBTI may find shadow work relatively easy
🌚 Capricorn is surprisingly good at shadow work
🌚 If you encounter emotional blockages, check what's transiting your 8th house (sounds really weird but it relates to the death tarot card). This house is all about new energy, destruction, and creation. So it can relate to clearing blockages.
🌚 Moon transiting any natal planets will influence the quality of your shadow work
🌚 9th house placements can make you reluctant to confront your shadow and liable to use distractions, especially venus, jupiter, and saturn
🌚 If the moon comes up in a tarot reading - especially if you are a water or earth sign - you are on the verge of a huge emotional breakthrough
🌚 If the moon comes up for water signs, check your 4th house transits for ideas on clearing blockages
🌚 If the moon comes up and you have ANY significant pluto aspects in your chart WHATSOEVER, check what's transiting them ;)
🌚If fire signs have emotional blackages with shadow work, now is a great full moon to break them ;)
🌚 Virgo and libra may find shadow work especially hard. Check the 10th house and your ascendant placement transits to see if there are any helpful aspects
🌚 Cancer is especially sensitive to the environment in which they shadow work and may benefit from lighting a candle or taking a long bath beforehand
🌚 If the moon and death come up together in a tarot reading KEEP TRACK OF YOUR DREAMS and any weird dreams. Seriously this one works ☆
🌚 If you dream on this night your dream will likely contain a clue for any emotional blockages you want to clear. Watch out for unusual and out of place objects and animals in dreams
🌚 You may find you make more progress in shadow work with the following signs at the moment: aquarius, pisces, scorpio
🌚 You can induce dreams and try lucid dreaming more easily on this night
🌚 You can find shadow work VERY hard if you have difficult placements in your 12th house. However, you can wait for positive venus, moon, and mars transits to this to try shadow work
🦂 Scorpio might find shadow work easier on the new moon as opposed to the full moon
If you break blockages as a result of ANY observations on this list, check your aquarius placements. I have both neptune and uranus in aquarius, these are very good placements for breaking blockages in a creative manner and I genuinely hope this energy can spread and maybe help others
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thatdruidgal · 2 years
grimoire organization 2022
Greetings, everyone! This is how I've organized my grimoire for 2022. I use Obsidian to write it digitally.
This is just my personal preference for organization, so no worries if yours looks different! There are as many ways to organize a grimoire as there are witches and wizards in the world.
Tell me what you think! What parts do you like? What do you think I should add? Anything I'm missing or suggestions to make it better? Feel free to comment how you organize your grimoire below!
Farewell, and good tidings!
01.00 introduction
01.01 book blessing + protection
01.02 devotion/dedication
01.03 codes/rules/tenets
personal code
code of celtic druidism
the celtic commandments
01.04 intentions and goals
01.05 learn more/add to grimoire (notes)
02.00 about author
02.01 names
02.02 personal craft
02.03 life path number
02.04 birth tarot card
the emperor
02.05 astrology birth chart
sun in leo
moon in capricorn
ascendant in aquarius
mercury in virgo
venus in leo
mars in pisces
jupiter in leo
saturn in cancer
uranus in pisces
neptune in aquarius
pluto in sagittarius
02.06 celtic zodiac
hazel “the knower”
02.07 personal beliefs (brief)
02.08 favorites
magical tools
02.09 relationships with spiritual beings
02.10 psychic abilities (clair-)
02.11 personal signature/symbols
02.12 ancestry
02.13 how i want to be remembered
03.00 basics
03.01 types of spells
verbal spells
candle spells
sigil spells
jar spells
03.02 ritual work
the ritual model
meditation + grounding
directing energy
clockwise vs. counterclockwise
03.03 types of correspondences
mental clarity
03.04 sabbats 
about sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
03.05 altars
03.06 spirit guides
about spirit guides
ancestor guides
ascended masters
archetype guides
guardian angels
animal guides
03.07 auras
about auras
03.08 alphabets + code language
ogham alphabet [not featured here]
03.09 symbols
celtic symbols
03.10 about divination
04.00 nature
04.01 the three elements
04.02 talking to nature
04.03 lunar phases 
full moon
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
blue moon
black moon
lunar eclipse “blood moon”
solar eclipse
moon void
04.04 herbs
for saining 
how to dry + store
04.05 gardening
companion plants
night-blooming plants
04.06 waters
rain water
storm water
dew water
snow water
moon water
sun water
river water
sea water
spring water
lake water
well water
swamp water
rose water
florida water
salt water
rosemary water
how to make moon water
04.07 aromatherapy
essential oils
custom for calm
05.00 minerals
05.01 crystals (by intention)
ones i own
ones i do not own
05.02 stones
precious stones
hag stones
wishing rocks
heart stones
05.03 jewelry
05.04 amulets
about amulets
charging amulets
05.05 charging
05.06 cleansing + care
05.07 salts
06.00 spirits
06.01 relationships with the spirits
06.02 when making offerings…
06.03 offering ideas
06.04 spirit guides
how to contact
talking to spirit guides
questions to ask
06.05 the fae
about the fae
offering ideas  
(some) types of fae
07.00 altars
07.01 layouts
07.02 what to use/ideas
07.03 for the elements
07.04 for sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
08.00 recipes
08.01 general tips
08.02 infusions
herb-infused oil
rose oil
08.03 foods
lughnasadh herb bread
litha orange honey cake
rosemary-honey shortbread
enchanting flower and herb spread
08.04 drinks
fire cider
08.05 potions
08.06 natural remedies
elderberry syrup
08.07 lotions
rose hip lotion [personal]
08.08 cleaning products
pine needle spray
08.09 misc
four thieves vinegar
09.00 spells + rituals
09.01 affirmations
lunar affirmations
09.02 sigils
passive sigils
active sigils
creating sigils
charging sigils
09.03 sachets + jars
anti-anxiety sachet
09.04 prayers
simple opening prayer [personal]
druids prayer
09.05 blessings
old irish blessing
blessing lavender tea [personal]
garden blessing
seedling blessing
09.06 lunar rituals
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
09.07 sabbat rituals
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
09.08 birthday ritual
09.09 solitary dedication ritual
10.00 divination
10.01 astrology birth charts
10.02 zodiac signs
10.03 celtic zodiac
10.04 basic tarot card meanings
major arcana
minor arcana, cups
minor arcana, swords
minor arcana, staffs
minor arcana, discs
10.05 tarot spreads
10.06 cleansing the tarot deck
10.07 omens
10.08 psychic abilities
about psychic powers
what to use them for
developing psychic abilities
11.00 library
11.01 dictionary/encyclopedia (?)
11.02 science and magic(k)
matter and energy
11.03 celts
celtic clothing
celtic days
11.04 druidry
about druidry
druid organizations
11.05 paganism + animism
11.06 types of divination
sacred geometry
11.07 types of witches/witchcrafts
green witch
eclectic witch
kitchen witch
solitary witch
cottage witch
grey witch
hedge witch
sea witch
religious witch
moon witch
sun witch
elemental witch
fire witch
earth witch
water witch
air witch
swamp witch
faery witch
cosmic witch
divination witch
crystal witch
secular witch
urban witch
literary witch
forest witch
music witch
chaos witch
shadow witch
techno witch
desert witch
art witch
natural witch
hereditary witch
11.08 types of psychic ability
11.09 tree lore
11.10 animal lore
11.11 misc correspondences 
12.00 inspiration
12.01 legends and myths
fionn mac cumhaill and the salmon of knowledge
12.02 poetry
alder dance
the oak tree
augeries of innocence
putting in the seed
to the cardinal, attacking his reflection in the window
nature aria
the gray heron
12.03 artwork [not featured here]
12.04 photography [not featured here]
13.00 shadow book [personal]
13.01 affirmations
13.02 recipes
13.03 cleansing
13.04 warding
13.05 enchanting
13.06 verbal spells
13.07 candle spells
13.08 sigil spells
13.09 jar spells + sachets
13.10 crystals
13.11 rituals
13.12 tarot divination
getting to know the field tarot deck [archive]
13.13 dreams
13.14 craft challenges
13.15 holiday celebrations
13.16 miscellaneous
13.17 craft advice
from mickey
14.00 personal beliefs
14.01 personal beliefs (expanded)
14.02 creation of the universe
14.03 death + otherworld
14.04 time
14.05 “spirituality”
14.06 magick
15.00 index of personal contributions
16.00 list of sources of information
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Park Seo Joon (Korean Actor) Kinky Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
This a digital content only, no physical item will be shipped to you
Due to this fact, there are no refunds for paid readings
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): The Dark Wood Tarot
Spread: Kinky Reading
Turn On
Dirty Secret
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Park Yong Gyu
Stage Name: Park Seo Joon
Group: Korean Actor
DOB: 16.12.1988
Blood Type: AB
Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Sign: Earth Dragon
Life Path Number: 9
Masterpost: Solo Artists
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Park Yong Gyu
Park Seo Joon (Korean Actor)
DOB: 16.12.1988 Blood Type: AB MBTI: N/A Sun Sign: Sagittarius Chinese Sign: Earth Dragon Life Path Number: 9
Spread / Question: Kinky Deck(s): The Dark Wood Tarot
Position - 4 of Swords
While keeping the picture perfect traditional outlook on the surface and in public, being a perfect gentleman and knight in shining armour, Seo Joon actually no longer believes these outdated ideas about relationships. While in public he might maintain the patriarchal facade, in private he believes his partner is equal to him and he always treats them with respect they deserve. He’s not really into power play in relationships. If it was socially acceptable, he would happily submit to his lover (cards suggest them being more likely female but it’s not a law). However, at the same time, he’s a dynamic person and he needs his freedom, too. Equal partnership is the most suitable form of a love relationship for Park Seo Joon, even if he might agree to keep the traditional image in front of the public eye.
Libido - XI Justice
Another card speaking of fairness and balance in Seo Joon’s spread. How refreshing to see someone with their mind made up. Seo Joon is likely to stay on an equal basis when it comes to expressing his love in physical acts, too. He’s not really the type who would want to dominate his lover in bed, who would pursue his own pleasure at the cost of his lover’s comfort. On the contrary. Seo Joon is likely to communicate needs and wants with his lover openly and without any youthful embarrassment or blushing on either side. Seo Joon might be even emotionally and physically unable to reach his satisfaction unless he pleasured his partner first. It would simply feel like injustice if he had fun but his lover came spare. As mentioned before, Seo Joon doesn’t really mind being mildly dommed by his lover. He’s not really into anything super crazy but he might have a thing for crime and punishment games. He might become quite daring and bratty and enjoy being fairly punished by his lover. When Seo Joon is more in the dom mood, or his lover is simply more submissive than him, he might also have a thing for corrupting them. Not in the childish way, but in a more mature manner, on a deeper emotional level. For example, if there’s some trauma his lover has from the past a fear which is preventing them from properly enjoying their life, Seo Joon might use his persuasive skills and his dominant position to help them to overcome this trauma or fear. I mean… I simply see him using the corruption kink for therapeutic purposes. I know it sounds a bit crazy and too specific but this is the way the cards speak to me. Feel free to dispute. 
Turn On - XVIII The Moon
I mentioned it before, that Seo Joon’s lover is likely someone with hidden depths to them. And he’s likely to be attracted to people who don’t always show everything, who are mysterious and enigmatic, who don’t just spit out everything that’s going on in their mind. Seo Joon might feel tempted to uncover their secrets, to dive into the depths of their mind and soul and explore the darkest corners. Shallow people are not really interesting to him. The person he feels attracted to might even have hidden issues. But they carry them with certain confidence. They might be bleeding or damaged on the inside but they don’t seek attention for it, they are not overly dramatic about it and live with their wounds as if those were the insignias of honour, the scars they brought from multiple life battles. They might be strong enough to carry them all on their own for the entire life but the fact is, that Seo Joon actually feels called to help out and heal them the best way he possibly can.
Kink - Ace of Wands
I have already mentioned a few kinks in the libido part (and made it an unusually long paragraph) but let’s mention a few more because Seo Joon is a grown man and he’s likely to have more preferences. When truly in love with someone, Seo Joon might feel sudden urges to be with that person. He simply feels like burning from the inside and he needs them to come and put those flames down with their own body on his. He might crave touch and closeness, not only on a physical level but he craves the unity of minds and a kindred spirit. While this is not what ace of wands is about, I hear the term spiritual marriage in my head. Seo Joon might truly want to incorporate his lover into his own being, make them part of his DNA, their words flowing through his veins like additional blood cells. Now it might sound like he becomes obsessive but it’s actually not the case. He’s passionate about his love and his lover but at the same time his love is not a toxic or suffocating one. Only sometimes, when he feels like bursting with all the passion and lust and desire and love, he might ask his lover to pack their bags and spend a week in complete solitude somewhere, just the two of them, getting intimate physically, emotionally and spiritually for days. Obviously, not everyone is comfortable with such an intense connection and it might actually take a while for Seo Joon to find a person who will feel the same way about the relationship like he does.
Dirty Secret - XXI The World
You probably have guessed it from what’s mentioned in the very long paragraphs above (I truly don’t know why Seo Joon makes me this wordy, I felt called to do his reading this morning when I woke up and clearly he just needed to express all this in some way?) Seo Joon’s love is an intense one. Not obsessive or possessive, but still intense. He’s not the type to tell his partner what should or should not do, he’s not a dom, he’s not manipulative and he’s not a jealous type. This actually surprised me here because there’s not a single mention of jealousy in the reading. I mean yes, he wants his lover to be honest with him but he’s not likely to throw a tantrum over them hanging out with other men when they are just friends. The truth is, that Seo Joon is not insecure. He himself is not a cheater, his lover becomes his entire world once he commits to them, and he wouldn’t commit to someone who would be unreliable. For Seo Joon, there’s a linear development of a relationship. And after he commits to his lover, he drops any doubts about them, that’s simply the threshold, another level where jealousy is not among the accessible traits, if I can use the gaming analogy here. And Seo Joon wants to commit. It might clash with his free spirited inner Sagittarius but he truly wants to find that perfect match for himself, someone so dear to him, that he will willingly put the shackles of love on himself and become truly free through the commitment. And yes, I know it’s not really a dirty secret but what can I do? Seo Joon makes this reading truly long but nothing went the way I expected.
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Stop smiling like and angel, man! Guys, usually I keep the guidebook for the deck at reach when I do readings and I simply quickly check whether there are some specific ideas I might have missed when looking at the card or when I struggle with how to begin the paragraph (and sometimes it's a true labour, let me tell you, especially with the young idols) but today I haven't even open the damn guidebook. And look at the paragraphs! Usually I struggle to begin, with Seo Joon I had to force myself to stop! 😂 I don't know what this man wanted from me. I literally woke up with his name at the top of my head today. I hope this satisfies him enough because I need to go about my day and I can't keep pushing him out of my brain. 😁
But damn! Look how handsome he is... And his reading is probably one of my most favourite ones now.
Anyway! This was pretty specific and not much like me so let me know what you think about the reading. Feel free to dispute or add some more details and thoughts of yours.
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Ah! Total angel! 🥰
Thank you for reading!
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thedarkmaidenn · 1 year
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Which spread are you going to do? I’m thinking I’ll do the Philosophical one, I thought it might be a neat idea ☺️ The energy of Sagittarius is philosophical and wise. A perfect full moon to dive into the philosophical waters of life.
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hermitsmirror · 1 year
TAROT SPREAD: Full Moon in Sagittarius
Riding higher and higher
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Happy Full Moon! It’s a fun one!
This season we have the Full Moon in Sagittarius (13º Sagittarius 17') happening June 3, 2023 (11:41PM US Eastern Time), but you can use this spread for any Full Moon in Sagittarius. The fundamentals are the same.
Fuel: What can my dances with inner darkness teach me about my highest potential?
Magical peak: What expansive journey does my soul yearn to take?
Purging: What bonfire wanderings must I let go before burning out?
Clear mirror: How has my fear of stillness prevented me from establishing fundamentals?
Dancing luminaries: What familiar territory is ripe for a quest of new perspectives?
You can read more about how I created the spread and get some inspiration for creating your own over on my Musings.
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originalcherub · 2 years
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full moon in sagittarius ritual ✨
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turningwheeltarot · 3 years
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Tarot Spread/Journaling Ideas for the Upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius
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sayariastrology · 2 years
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The Full Moon in Sagittarius is tomorrow (Tuesday, 6/14) at 7:52AM.
As a Sag Sun & Moon, I feel more tuned into this lunation than some others.
For my ritual, I plan to light my Moon candle and make a list of all the places I’ve traveled to over the years that have taught me to most profound lessons about life. Some of them were pretty hard ones. I am a big picture Jupiter person, but with the Sun in Gemini, I’m planning to write these travel stories down to the finest details I can remember: conversations I’ve had with people I’ve met and never seen again, emotions I’ve felt in different situations, the decor in hotels and homes I’ve stayed in, etc. 
Whether the journeys required passport stamps, a full tank of gas, or just the shoes to walk through a new neighborhood, there are so many lessons in these experiences which add to the richness of life.
What is your Full Moon ritual?
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