#safe word use
suzukiblu · 28 days
Core four please 🙏
Usually that’s not a thing. Usually it’s Tim who can only do that kind of thing by safewording, and sometimes maybe Bart, and maybe once or twice Cassie, depending, but . . . 
But never him, though. Not–it’s never been him, who couldn’t get away unless he used a safeword. He's got Kryptonian-level superstrength and superspeed and TTK, for fuck's sake. He's stronger than Bart and faster than Cassie and stronger and faster than Tim, and–and if he ever really wanted to get away from something–
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silvfyre-writings · 26 days
Pleasure and Pain (BSD Fanfic)
Crossposted from AO3 || NSFW
“You want me to… hurt you?” It sounds stupid to say it out loud because it’s obvious from the way that Ranpo looks seconds away from just giving up on the idea entirely, that he doesn’t actually want Bram to hurt him. He just wants him to… actually, Bram can’t say he understands what exactly it is that Ranpo’s asking of him. He’d only just woken up from his afternoon nap before being pounced on—quite literally—by his young lover.
The lover that is currently pouting at him from where he straddles Bram’s waist, already stripped of his clothes in lieu of asking for sex.
Which is usual because Edogawa Ranpo doesn’t ask, he demands.
“You aren’t listening!” Ranpo whines, shifting in a way that has Bram’s body reacting on its own. “I want you to fuck me, but I also want you treat me rough. Tie me up, bite me, and drain me dry, I know it’ll feel good.”
“Why?” Bram asks, more confused now.
“Why not?” Ranpo retorts. “It’s a bit of fun with someone I trust, and who knows; maybe you’ll discover something about yourself.”
Bram frowns. He knows himself plenty already.
“Not like that, idiot. I’m talking kinks and whatnot. You are the most vanilla man I have ever slept with, so give it a try and see if you like it. If you do, we can do it again.”
“And if I don’t…?”
Ranpo shrugs. “Then we try something else next time.”
Still, Bram is hesitant. He understands now what Ranpo is asking of him, but he’s not sure that he can follow through with it, nor is he sure he wants to. He knows, that the moment he says no, that Ranpo will stop and reevaluate the situation, which is the only reason why he hasn’t actually refused to indulge his younger lover.
“Alright.” Bram finally says. “Am I correct to assume you want to do this now?”
Ranpo’s answer is a kiss, lips pressing against his own as Ranpo grinds against him. Bram doesn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, sitting up so he can tangle a hand into Ranpo’s hair to drag him closer. His other hand comes to rest on Ranpo’s hip, his nails dragging over the skin light enough to draw a shiver out of the younger.
“We need—” Ranpo presses a chaste kiss to Bram’s cheek before pulling back. “—a safe word.”
“What does that mean?” Bram asks as he tilts his head enough to let Ranpo lavish his neck in kisses and gentle touches.
“It means we decided on a word to use should either of us become uncomfortable. It essentially means to stop what we’re doing immediately and talk it over before continuing. Most people choose a word that they wouldn’t normally use during sex.”
Bram thinks for a moment. At first, he considers using the name of someone they both know, but then thinks that it might be kind of weird to do that. Then he tries to think of a word that he doesn’t use very often—of which there are a lot because as competent as he is in Japanese thanks to everyone at the Agency sitting down to teach him, he doesn’t know every word.
It clicks then.
“Cherry blossom.”
Ranpo nods approvingly. “Okay. Cherry blossoms it is.”
And so begins their usual dance in bed.
Bram is content to let Ranpo take the reins this time, relaxing underneath those beautifully smooth hands of his as they run up under his shirt and drag across his skin. He lets Ranpo pull his shirt off, pressing his lips to Ranpo’s own once the garment is discarded to the side to be dealt with later. He drags his nails down Ranpo’s own back, enjoying the shiver that follows, and he gently bites at the others lip; Ranpo parts his mouth a moment after.
This is the way their bouts of intimacy usually go; gentle touches and caresses as they worship each other’s bodies until it comes to the time for Bram to prep and slip inside of Ranpo. That’s when it becomes passion and pleasure, where they get lost in their desires as they climb higher and higher up the mountain in a desperate attempt to reach the climax that they both seek.
Only this time, the dynamic is changing.
Once they’ve danced around each other enough, Ranpo pulls away to grab the bag that he’d brought over with him, pulling out rope—that’s apparently specifically for sex which Bram didn’t know existed—before dumping the bag. It makes a sound as it hits the ground, which makes Bram believe there’s more in the bag, but he thinks the rope is plenty for now. He listens as Ranpo talks him through tying the knots, making sure that the rope is snug, but not too tight as to cut off circulation or too loose that Ranpo will just slip straight out of them. Bram ties Ranpo’s wrist to the bed, and then with some manoeuvring secures Ranpo’s ankles to the bed also.
Honestly it looks uncomfortable if you ask Bram.
But Ranpo looks content, staring at Bram with lustful eyes as his legs and arms rest beside his head, wiggling his hips as best he can to entice Bram into moving.
“Shouldn’t I prep you first?”
“The point is pain, Bram.” Ranpo whines, kicking his legs a little. “You can lube yourself up, but I want it rough.”
Bram frowns a little, but nods, brushing a stray strand of hair over his shoulder. “Okay…”
He’s slow as he slides in, and bites his lip as Ranpo tenses and clenches around him, pulling at his bindings as he instinctively tries to move away. There’s the slightest hint of pain on the younger’s face, one that makes Bram a bit uncomfortable, but as he bottoms out, it fades until Ranpo looks like he’s in bliss.
Ranpo once told him he was a masochist, but Bram hadn’t believed him.
Now he does.
“Hurry up and move!” Ranpo snaps, pushing his hips down even as his stomach is already visibly bulging—Bram didn’t think he could get deeper if he tried to, yet Ranpo seemed determined to swallow his entire body with his own.
The first thrust brings about a grunt, and Bram finds himself wincing a little—no wonder the previous times, Ranpo insisted on a copious amount of lube.
The second comes easier.
By the fifth thrust, Bram finds it easier to slide in and out, and starts to build up a rhythm. He starts off steady, but quickly begins to lose himself listening to Ranpo’s cries and moans. Along with the way that Ranpo keeps tensing around him, it doesn’t take long for that feeling of pleasure to pool in his stomach, and even less for him to spill inside of his lover.
Ranpo grimaces at the feeling. “Wow, okay, you didn’t last long there, did you?”
“Shut up.” Bram growls, feeling a little more confident as he slowly thrusts to regain his hardness. He leans over Ranpo and presses his fangs against his neck in that soft spot where neck and shoulder meet, threatening to bite but not yet doing it. “It felt good.”
“So it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I’m tied up for you to use as you please?” Ranpo grins, pulling at his restraints to prove his point.
Bram reaches a hand between him and grabs at Ranpo’s dick, stroking it slowly, thumbing over the head as it begins to leak over his hand. “You beg me to fill you up normally, this is no different.”
“Well then, stop treating me like your dainty prince and fuck me hard already.”
“As you wish.”
It’s easier to move inside, now that his cum is inside of Ranpo, and that allows Bram to build up a much more brutal pace than before. He snaps his hips forward, over and over, watching as Ranpo shifts up the bed with each thrust. Bram lets go of Ranpo’s dick at some point to rake his nails all over Ranpo’s back, leaving marks that will take days to fade. He listens as Ranpo pulls and shifts away, eyes squeezed shut, but unable to escape the pleasure that he’s being given.
He cums once, yet Bram doesn’t stop.
Instead, he bites down. Hard.
Blood fills his mouth as Ranpo cries out, and Bram drinks in time with every thrust, savouring the sweet taste of his lover’s blood as it flows over his tongue. He’s always held a fondness for Ranpo’s blood, ever since the first time he drank it. There’s a sweetness to it caused by the amount of sweets that the younger consumes, thick as it flows easily from the wounds he creates. Usually, whenever he drinks from Ranpo, Bram will find himself being pressed as close as possible, arms encircling his head, but now, since Ranpo is tied up, it’s up to him to pull Ranpo closer.
So he does.
His thrusts stutter as he digs his nails in harder, biting down harder, losing himself in the delicious meal he’s been offered.
It feels good, so so good, and Bram understands why Ranpo finds this pleasurable now.
He thrusts harder, more determined, and Ranpo cums again, spattering the both of them with his release, and Bram follows suit a few thrusts later.
But he doesn’t stop.
He can’t.
He stops when Ranpo lets out a cry and jerks violently beneath him.
Brams pulls away in an instant, ripping himself out of Ranpo, which drags another cry of what can only be pain, and scrambles to the edge of the bed. Adrenaline courses through him as Bram tries to figure out what caused Ranpo to cry out like that, and that’s when he sees the blood on his fingertips, a couple of droplets running down his fingers as he stares at them, shocked and terrified. Gone is the pleasure that he’d just been indulged in—he knew this was a terrible idea, he knew that it wasn’t worth the risk of hurting Ranpo. Yet here he was, a failure because he’d done just that; hurt the man he loved because he couldn’t control himself. There’s a ringing in his ears as he stares at the blood, and normally, normally, the sight of blood doesn���t unnerve him.
He’s a vampire after all, it’s something he deals with on a regular basis.
But there’s a difference between drinking blood to sustain himself, and drawing blood by hurting someone he cares for.
He’s a failure of a partner, a monster, only good for bringing pain and destruction like everyone in his life had told him time and time again. He hadn’t listened though, determined to prove them wrong.
Bram lifts his head, looking into bright green eyes that are tinged with pain.
Guilt runs through him, replacing the adrenaline.
“Cherry blossom.”
Bram blinks, confused why Ranpo’s—oh right, the safe word. He’s still confused why Ranpo’s saying it now, when the damage is already done and he’s already been hurt.
But then he remembers, that it’s a sign that the play is supposed to end when the word is said, and that Ranpo is still tied to the bed, so with shaking hands, Bram shuffles forward to undo the knots that are keeping Ranpo folded in half, before retreating off the bed entirely. He slides down to the floor at the end of the bed, misery coursing through him, and he curls in on himself in an attempt to hide.
“Bram…” Ranpo’s voice breaks through his thoughts, and gentle hands touch his cheeks.
He raises his head, staring through blurry eyes as his lover kneels in front of him.
“There you are.” Ranpo smiles softly at him, and leans forward to press their heads together. “It’s okay—”
“I hurt you.” Bram blurts out, feeling even more guilty that he interrupted his lover. He doesn’t deserve the kindness that Ranpo’s giving him, the gentleness of the touches he’s offered.
“You didn’t.” Ranpo affirms.
Bram pushes Ranpo away slightly, just enough that he can raise his hands to show the blood. “I did.”
“Just a few scratches, nothing that won’t heal after a good clean.” Ranpo says, reaching out to take Bram’s hands into his own. He raises one and places a kiss against the back of it. “You didn’t hurt me, Bram.”
Bram shakes his head. He did, he did, and he needs Ranpo to understand that what he did isn’t okay, yet every time he tries to pull away, Ranpo holds firm, refusing to let him do so. He’s starting to feel stressed, can feel his emotions boiling away and threatening to spill over.
Another kiss is given to him, this time, against his forehead. “I’ll clean us up, okay?”
“No, I can—”
“Bram, it’s okay.” Ranpo interrupts, smoothing his cheek with a hand. “You are feeling a lot right now, so it’s okay if you sit there and take a moment. I’ll be right back.”
Bram nods, and watches as Ranpo stands and turns to head to the bathroom.
Then he freezes.
Because there are gouges in Ranpo’s back, blood trickling down the skin there. Gouges caused by him.
Tears well in his eyes, thoughts of how he’s a terrible person and a monster swirling through his mind as he stares at them. He did that, he created those wounds, wounds that look painful and that are bleeding freely. He’s a monster, he never should’ve believed that he would be capable of love and affection. Breathing is hard now; he feels like he’s being choked, like there is an invisible rope cutting off his air, and he doesn’t like it. He’s never felt this way before and he knows it’s because of what he did, what he should never have agreed to in the first place.
Arms wrap around his head, and he feels himself tugged against smooth skin, a heartbeat sounding steadily beneath his ear.
He breathes.
“It’s okay.” Ranpo soothes, running a hand through Bram’s hair. “What you feel is normal, and you’ll be okay.”
Bram feels a few tears run down his cheeks. “I do not like this.”
“I know. It’s okay, though.” Ranpo moves to sit beside him on the floor, opening his arms, and Bram doesn’t hesitate to throw himself into the embrace. Immediately, Ranpo pulls him close, holding him with one hand. The other tugs the blanket off of the bed and drapes it over him.
He should say something about the mess that not cleaning up will leave, but Bram can’t bring himself to do anything about it either. He just sits there, curling up against Ranpo’s chest.
“I’m sorry.” He says.
“It’s fine.” Ranpo rests his cheek against the top of Bram’s head. “I enjoyed it.”
At least one of them did. But he has to say it. “I did not. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. This is what experimenting means. But don’t stress yourself out about it, just take a moment to relax and breathe. Cry a little if it makes you feel better.”
Bram nods and just does that. It’s not often that he allows himself to lose control of his emotions, but he feels as if this is one time that he can without being judged for it. He turns to bury his face into Ranpo’s chest, winding his arms around the other to clutch at his shoulders, and he just cries.
Ranpo doesn’t say a word as he does, holding him in silence and running a hand up and down his back to soothe him.
He knows that afterwards, things will be fine, and that they’ll clean each other up and go to sleep in each other’s arms, but for now, things aren’t okay.
And that’s okay.
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luetta · 2 months
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feminist-diary · 2 months
Why do the standards of human health differ for women? They know that having sex you don’t want every day to survive isn’t healthy. They know that cultures where women’s bodies are highly controlled aren’t healthy. They know that a woman changing her appearance through surgery doesn’t come from good mental health.
They know how degrading and painful all of this shit is. They know that this causes pain. If someone imagines a man being put into these positions, they would sense the inherent horror of it. It’s just that they think women deserve it, that this is woman’s position in society. It’s too normal, the suffering women are put through, for people to recognize its wrongness. But it’s also so normal that I ask, how can you not recognize it?
Why do you view women’s pain differently? Are women not human enough for our pain to matter? Why are you being intentionally obtuse, denying the truth you know deep down?
Patriarchy demands that you deny truth. Feminism reveals truth. Within feminism, there is nothing to hide.
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insane-mother · 10 months
"i don't need a safeword"/"i don't care about aftercare."
stay the fuck away from me tf🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
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forwomenbiwomen · 5 months
Sometimes it just makes me deeply, helplessly angry that we don't even have a word for women that doesn't originate from "wife man". And then I get into a spiral of realising over again just how powerful language is, and how immensely saturated it is with both subtle and overt misogyny. And THEN I get into a spiral of how unbelievably long "women" have been subjected to misogyny that we literally don't have a word for women that doesn't position us as property of men.
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odetoalibrary · 3 months
Rhaenyra’s attitude to Daemon’s twin girls in comparison to her own children is…interesting. But I don’t think the writers themselves realised it was an issue so I doubt it will be addressed
First there is her decision to not let Jace ride out on his dragon (understandable after what just happened to Lucerys!) but she sends Baela instead. You could argue that she believes that Baela, as a woman, would be less hot-blooded than Jace would which matches the show’s theme of men being bloodthirsty and women being the peacemakers. But Baela is very much mini-Daemon judging by her mad chase after Criston Cole.
Does Rhaenerya not know her personality? Have they not lived together for years as one big happy family? Or is risking Baela preferable to her actual son?
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Then there is the insane attitude towards Rhaena, who she can spare because she has no dragon. Rhaenyra can’t bear to let her boys go…but Rhaena will have to be “mother” to them now. She tells this kid, her stepdaughter, to mother her children and how hard this is for her, Rhaenyra. Rhaena’s own mother is dead and she’s 16 years old.
If I thought the writers were exploring some interesting issues with Rhaenyra such as; maybe she has internal misogyny like Alicent but it express itself in a different way; or maybe she like many stepmothers just doesn’t care as much about Daemon’s previous children; or maybe she’s getting colder and more selfish as the pressure piles on and she lost her son…..but I highly doubt this was the intention.
The writers so far have made it clear that we are supposed to see Rhaenyra as the “moral” character so she doesn’t get to have major flaws like this (terrible writing decision btw). But this is completely undermined by them not realising how her treatment of the twins looks to the audience
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s0fter-sin · 6 months
something happening on a mission, something personal that has soap spiralling; panic and rage making him reckless, thoughtless, and ghost has to draw the line
“you’re compromised johnny; you know what that means?”
“you’re not pulling me out,” soap immediately snarls. he turns on him and ghost barely recognises him; venomous fear turning his eyes to unyielding ice. "you're not sidelining me; i need to be in this-!"
but ghost has never been afraid of venom; spat or dripped straight from bared fangs.
he snakes out a hand grip the back of his neck, jerking him in a rough shake. "if you can't think, you can't be a soldier," he growls and he flinches like he's been struck.
his lips quiver as they twist in a sneer and he wrenches, trying to free himself of his hold.
ghost doesn't let him.
"it means you give your body to me because your head ain't fucking attached to it anymore."
soap stills, body trembling beneath his hand as he sucks in shaking breaths.
he tightens his grip, pulling him closer and digs his forehead hard into his. “it means you give yourself to me so i can have the weapon that you are and use you the way you're meant to be used."
the ice in soap's eyes fractures.
ghost’s voice drops to a whisper, spoken only to johnny, not this facade of vengeance and pain, and wills it to reach him through the glaciers.
“so i can keep you safe ‘til it’s done and i can bring you back.”
#in my head its bc graves abducts his sister and is using her as hostage to draw him out knowing ghost will always follow him#but the intensity and intimacy of saying ‘you cant trust your mind not to betray you so let me be in charge of your body until you can’#after what happened to tommy he could never deny johnny his right to save his sister#but its bc of what happened to tommy that he knows he cant let him do it alone with only his rage to guide him#hes more likely to get himself killed and ghost wont live through that#so he has to balance it#and the only way he knows how is to completely shut down soap’s mind until hes no more than instinct and muscle memory#if he cant think practically then dont let him think at all#reduce him to a place where he can only follow orders#and when its finally over and his sister is safe and graves is dead#only then will he drag johnny back up to the surface#he’ll do it even if it means dragging him kicking and screaming back to humanity#instead of letting him sink in the depths where nothing hurts. theres no fear down there. no pain. only order#and thats the risk ghost took sending johnny to that place but he only did it bc he would stop at nothing to bring him back#and help him through the after#the breakdown. the rush of panic and rage and relief and anguish johnnys been supressing on his order#it was his word that turned johnny into a ghost#and its his touch that brings him back to the man#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#cod#soapghost#ghostsoap#ghost x soap#ghoap#simon ghost riley#ghost cod#john soap mactavish#soap cod#save post
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simplydnp · 16 days
totally normal about the 'wedding?' response continuing to evolve even though it's only been 5 shows. at this point i'm convinced the grand plan behind tit is to convince dan via exposure therapy that he's allowed to want to get married
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suzukiblu · 28 days
Core four!
She could just make him. She could just–she could just–Bart and Tim he’s probably still strong enough to get away from, but Cassie could make him. 
He doesn’t even know what his brain means by that. “Make” him do . . . what, exactly? 
He doesn’t even know how he feels about . . . that. 
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
some of you guys really need to learn to appreciate the fics you've been given. im so tired of seeing comments saying "is there a version where this happens?" "man i was really hoping for this" "another chapter were this happens?"
if you read a story and you can't even bother to comment on the effort and work the author already put in, but you comment suggesting something else just because you wanted it to go a different way? you're doing it wrong. i see this so, so often and im tired of being nice about it.
appreciate the authors who work for FREE on here. they're not writing machines. you're lucky they even shared their works at all.
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dwllie · 3 months
🏳️‍🌈 𓂃 FAG(GOT)FREAK 〰️
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— FAG(GOT)FREAK : a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a fag(got) and a freak; a fag(got)freak. this gender is only to be used by those in the lgbtq+ community that reclaim the slur fag(got).
coined by us ♡ requested by no one ♡ genderfreak by @losergendered ♡ tagging @accessmogai for a flag id
[PT: fag(got)freak~ fag(got)freak: a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a fag(got) and a freak; a fag(got)freak. this gender is only to be used by those in the lgbtq+ community that reclaim the slur fag(got). coined by us. requested by no one. genderfreak by losergendered. tagging accessmogai for a flag id. /END PT]
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cuteyy101 · 2 months
decided to give you guys smth bcuz I haven't posted in months :( (taking a bubble bath hehe)
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188 notes · View notes
If people learned what words meant before using them, I think a lot less people would be using proship to mean problematic shipping.
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okay-gayass · 3 months
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"In the game that we play,
There's a Cain and an Abel,
And I'm bettin' who's gonna be who !!"
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ashlynlovestlou · 10 months
tlou girls if you used your safe word
nsfw!! masterlist
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˚➷。˚ Dina: "strawberry"
She would absolutely get off of you and back the fuck up. She would gasp, unsure what to do at first until she slowly crouched by you on the floor. She wouldn't know what to say, so she would get you a few tissues, drying up your wet cheeks and peppering soft kisses all around your face.
She would make sure it's okay to touch you before gently cleaning you up with a wet rag. She would even put your clothes in the dryer to warm them up for you so you're extra comfy and then would put on your comfort movie while you guys cuddled :(
Dina is so mama I feel like she would be the best at taking care of you if you were to say the safe word.
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˚➷。˚ Abby: "honey"
Abby would literally freeze up, not knowing wtf to do. Her strap would be deep inside you still, but her movements would stop after you mutter the safe word. She wouldn't move until you told her to pull out, which she slowly does so she doesn't hurt you.
After that, she would pull the blanket up over you, thinking that being covered up would help you a little bit. Then she'll talk to you to keep you calm and comfort you.
I feel like her love language is giving, specifically food, so she'll make you a little snack that's easy on your stomach with a cup of juice or something. She won't leave your side at all (unless you asked her to.)
She would run you a bath or a shower and would sit with you so you're not alone and just talk to you the whole time, making sure you're okay.
I've made this hc before, but Abby would also pamper you with a massage, kneading your tummy or wherever you asked her to.
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˚➷。˚ Ellie: "goose"
When you mutter the word she would get off of you immediately (duh). She would kinda back away, her usual sarcastic and silly personality completely gone. She'd fumble with her fingers, silently cursing herself for hurting you or doing something wrong.
She wouldn't know what to do. Out of fear of making you uncomfortable, she would fetch all of the things to clean you up and tell you that she'd be happy to help, but she would respect your space if you wanted to do it yourself.
She would be so awkward after the fact she would bring a few board games to the bed and ask if you wanted to play with her. Which usually resulted in the two of you playing monopoly until you both fell asleep on each other.
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