#run episode 91
cobythinks · 2 months
"do we run, or do we fight?"
"the coin lands on its side."
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This picture has been in my brain since episode 91 🫠 it's still technically a WIP, but I'm happy enough atm to post it!
Just,,,,, FCG. Just the story. Just the parallels of everything.
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utilitycaster · 9 days
I'm curious about your judgement of the success of the various format experimentations in Campaign 3. If you feel like saying a bit more, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on which are the most and least successful, and why.
Sure! So as I said earlier today, I think a big problem is that the format experimentation and the moon plot are directly at odds. Pulling off the moon plot, with all the NPCs from past campaigns and payoff of various canonical setups requires a pretty firm hand on what the current canon is, and also really did require a firmer hand in the character creation than there was. On the other hand, the point of experimentation is to let other people play in the space and introduce their ideas. This comes together in what I have referred to in the past as "Not Now." Like, the Crown Keepers showing up just as the party was grappling with FCG's death? Not bad as a concept, but Not Now. Abubakar playing Corellon? Incredible performance, but the fact that he was given free rein in a plot that's already shedding viewers left and right for its lack of direction? Not Now.
On an individual level:
I think EXU Prime either needed to be fully standalone, or Matt needed to provide a slightly more rigid direction to Aabria and therefore really couldn't play Dariax. If it's going to get woven into the main plot of Campaign 3 it needs to set that up (including giving Liam and Ashley a heads up beforehand). My personal vote would be for the former, to allow Aabria to tell her own story without it having to serve like 20 different functions, but what's done is done. If I recall, Liam and Ashley had the option to play different characters for Campaign 3 and I do wonder what would happen if they had decided differently, because you could still have Dorian pop up as a guest but I wonder if the Crown Keepers would have shown up in the same way.
Similarly, as stated, the general concept of the Crown Keepers interlude during the campaign as a means to bring in Dorian? I'm not opposed, though I think this is by far the hardest thing to coordinate generally and for a plot as demanding as Campaign 3 probably not a great idea. But it's hard to judge because the timing was truly the worst timing possible given the events of episode 91, and even delaying by like an episode or two would have at least solved that to the point that I don't understand why they didn't just...do that. (and, just to head off this particularly stupid argument at the pass, this would not have in any way affected Sam's ability to take time off for cancer treatment; it would have just shifted things around, and a lot of this experimentation was planned WELL in advance). [sidebar: I haven't listened to the WBN interlude yet but I do have thoughts because I think interludes from different GMs can be done, but the premise of Campaign 3 is particularly hostile towards them unless the main GM has a very heavy hand in their creation or unless they are light on things relevant to the core plot and mostly for the purpose of worldbuilding a la Song of the Lorelei.]
Solstice split was excellent and I think it's because it was not actually anything you wouldn't see in how people frequently play D&D at home. You have a few players who won't be available for a few sessions in a row? Great, find a reason to split the party, bring some other guest players in, and run some side quests!
Downfall was great because it was diagetic. It was a story within a story that Bells Hells was seeing and responding to, and because it took place so long ago with such specific characters, while it may bleed into how Laura, Taliesin, or Ashley feel in game (impossible to prevent, people bring their own feelings to the table), Matt still has room to decide how the Raven Queen, Wildmother, or Everlight feel a thousand years later. I also feel this had the most direction from Matt, which the other things really needed.
As said, bringing in Abubakar to DM as Corellon is something that again, this plot simply doesn't handle well. It makes for a fantastic scene, but within the 107-and-counting episodes of this story, giving the reins to someone else after you finally have a clear plan and letting them throw another curveball is a terrible idea narratively. I think this again would be fine in a story with a looser plot.
Echoes of the Solstice and presumably the upcoming Vox Machina Malleus Key/Mighty Nein Weave Mind concept is again pretty good. This also fits into things that D&D home games have been doing forever - run a one shot or mini campaign following different characters but DM-ed by the same person that have an impact on the current plot but aren't too closely interwoven. Basically this is like the solstice split in concept.
Essentially: I think playing around with the format within a campaign but having the same GM is pretty easy to do. Once you introduce other GMs acting within the world concurrently (rather than as a story with a foregone conclusion a la Downfall, or for that matter Calamity) you need to be extremely careful if you are trying to tell a specific story with a lot of moving parts, as Matt is with Campaign 3. It's one thing to improvise based on things your players do or say; it's another to do so based on improv by a major NPC or someone doing extensive worldbuilding mid-game that you now need to incorporate. This wouldn't be an issue in a more sandbox-style game; Campaign 2 might have been able to withstand it more gracefully, though I'm still not sure. But Campaign 3 was the wrong place to do it. Again, it's trying to converge in some places and diverge in the others and as a result it's just kind of flopping around in place.
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lealie04 · 4 months
Listening to the magnus archives for the first time I'm episode 91 rn and hands down season 3 is the funniest season so far. It starts with elias brutally murdering jürgen leitner with a pipe and jon being blamed for it. he then hides from the police in his ex girlfriend's apartment(though I'm not supposed to know georgie is his ex yet) and someone I presume elias because of the stuff I know about him through tumblr/pintrest keeps sending him statements. Tim straight up tries to not go to work and books a holiday in malaysia in hope he gets fired and elias gaslights him about the archives. jon keeps intentionally running into avatars and unintentionally tries to compel them and is confused when he gets "unprovoked" attack by avatars. Jon just keeps getting bullied for being clueless. jon's first interaction with mike, hilarious: "apparently you threw someone off a skyscraper in paris" and mike just keeps offering tea to be polite. also some of the statements the plumber who just straight up ignores everything supernatural going on and the leg- and headless torso with many arms doing gymnastics
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skyfullofpods · 3 days
91 is The Antique Shop!
Uni student Maya gets a part-time job at an antique shop. The strange shop is cluttered with all kinds of items, and is run by the mysterious Madam Norna. The shop’s few customers visit when they need something, and Madam Norna has ways of figuring out what that really is.
A completed series of 50 episodes.
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watchnrant · 1 month
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A Bold Twist on History: Why My Lady Jane is a Hidden Gem in the World of Fantasy
My Lady Jane is a defiant breath of fresh air in the world of historical fantasy, embracing its bonkers nature with unapologetic enthusiasm. This series takes the rulebook of realism, tosses it out the window, and instead opts for a wild ride that blends history, fantasy, and romance into one delightful package. The show doesn’t just flirt with the boundaries of reality; it gleefully dances right past them, making a Black man the King of England and introducing shapeshifters as part of the social fabric. This bold move pays off beautifully, inviting viewers to suspend disbelief and simply enjoy the ride.
What sets My Lady Jane apart is not just its entertainment value but its sharp wit. The protagonists are a joy to follow, with Jane and her fellow female characters serving as the true heart of the show. Jane herself is fantastic—her earnestness is both endearing and occasionally irritating, but always compelling. Surrounding her are standout characters like her cunning, sex-positive mother, Lady Frances, and her fiercely independent sister, Lady Margaret, who exudes a strength and determination that would give even Lady Lyanna Mormont a run for her money.
The series doesn’t just rely on its characters to make an impact; it excels in world-building and plot twists, all presented with a satirical sense of humor. The tone is a unique blend of modern feminism and historical toxic masculinity, creating a fresh take on the period drama genre. It’s a show that doesn’t shy away from revising history, much like Dickinson or The Great, and in doing so, it crafts a narrative that feels both contemporary and timeless.
However, the show isn’t without its faults. At times, the blend of genres and tones may feel jarring to some viewers, and not all of the humor lands perfectly. The pacing can also be uneven, with some episodes feeling slightly stretched while others race through pivotal moments. But these are minor quibbles in an otherwise delightful series.
For those who enjoy a mix of romance, action, and wit in their shows, My Lady Jane delivers in spades. The chemistry between Emily Bader and Edward Bluemel is nothing short of magnetic, their love story evolving from enemies to lovers with a perfect balance of spice and sweetness. Their portrayal of Jane and Guildford is so compelling that you can’t help but root for them, even as they navigate the treacherous waters of political intrigue and personal growth.
The show’s historical twists add tension and excitement to the narrative, making it more than just a simple retelling of history. It’s a femme-centric romp that flips the script on traditional damsel-in-distress stories, showing what happens when women take control and defy the patriarchal constraints of their time. My Lady Jane is outrageous, audacious, and delightfully bawdy—a show that isn’t afraid to be dirty and daring.
That said, this show might not be for everyone. Fans of more traditional period dramas or those who prefer their fantasy with a bit more realism may find the show’s irreverence off-putting. But for viewers who appreciate a fresh, bold take on history with a heavy dose of humor, My Lady Jane is a gem.
Although My Lady Jane was one of the best-reviewed new shows this year, it sadly failed to find a broad enough audience. The series received a 91% critical approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, yet it never landed on Nielsen’s Top 10 weekly streaming rankings for originals. Despite the initial online buzz, it didn’t translate into enough viewers, leading to the show’s quiet exit.
In my opinion, insufficient marketing and the overshadowing by other, more heavily promoted series prevented My Lady Jane from reaching the wider audience it deserved, ultimately contributing to its untimely cancellation. It’s a real shame, because this show had all the elements of a hit: humor, heart, and a unique blend of magic. From the clever reimagining of history to the standout performances, My Lady Jane was special in many ways. For those who did find it, My Lady Jane remains a gem—one that will be missed but fondly remembered.
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anonmothgod · 1 month
Help Fandom Wiki!
So, my post about me doing my Enhanced Aph Wiki has gotten ALOT of attention, and I'm shocked at the positive response it has gotten.
However, I made an important reblog/comments by both me and @lggy regarding the Fandom Aph Wiki. In my original post, I talked about how I wasn't sasified with the Fandom wiki or with Fandom in general. While not outright stated, it still gave out the impression that I was trying to slander those who work on the Aphmau Wiki on Fandom.
So, for some clarification;
A.) I am NOT slandering the people who work hard on the Aph Wiki on Fandom! They are doing great work, and I completely understand why they haven't transfered off of Fandom (theres a risk of being stripped of everything and Ioosing), and considering how popular Fandom is as a site I'm not saying they should. That's a shit ton of work for people to do.
B.) I am NOT suggesting that people of the fandom should leave that wiki, or that I am trying to upstage the massive amount of effort that has gone into the current wiki. There is alot of effort put in there, and they need help. I can understand fustration when you're working hard on something for fandom then it getting disregarded by someone who just came out of no where.
If this was what you got out of my original post, then I am really sorry. I never was trying to insinuate anything rather then "here's an idea that I'm gonna work on and I just wanted to show you the idea!"
My personal beef with Fandom Wiki is with the site Fandom rather then the admins and editors that help mantain the pages. My beef comes with how Fandom can act and the sheer amount of ads on their pages. Never the people who voulenteer their time and effort to keeping communities' wikis up.
The wiki idea I have is incredibly in-depth. Like, full on episode transcript of actions and dialouge, as well as tons of screenshots showing outfits, and even meta elaboration (i.e. the amulet in Season 1, Episode 91 that is shown is from Thaumcraft. Season 1 Shadowknight armor is made from the Nether Scorpion Armor from Mo'Creatures, etc.). Walls of text meant to be a reference point.
This type of description, elabroation and content doesn't really work with Fandom Wiki. They can't elaborate every single thing when it's meant to be a quick run-down, not a doctoral thesis of explaining Minecraft Roleplay. Enchanted/Enhanced is a personal project for me that I wanted to share to Aphblr mostly to share resources. I wanted to make an uber detailed wiki archive for myself, and to share to for fic writers/artist who need a super specific reference.
But the major thing here is that Fandom Aph Wiki needs help! They need more people to expand and help that wiki, as there are alot of incompleted pages and edits. There's already a team of people there and they can always use more hands! There's even a list nicely made by Iggy on what needs to be done and what needs the most work on.
The Enhanced/Enchanted Wiki won't be avalablie in any time soon considering that this is a personal project to my standards, I am working on this solo, I have no funding for it or any means of funding, and I have college that I'm starting next week. The soonest I could give any real update would be possibly 2 weeks, and that's the earliest I could give.
Fandom Aph Wiki? Has none of the issues above! By all means they have way more established compared to what I have right now, and they have everything up!
If any of you are possibly intrested in helping, please contacting @lggy !
Iggy is the Main Admin on the Fandom Wiki, and they have a list of things that need help with already ready to show so it can get done asap.
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sparring-spirals · 5 months
I got to say I really liked the episode (despite only having watched exu calamity of the exu series) and I think maybe Matt needed a breather after so many fast paced, lore filled episodes.
however, I am kinda bummed that the fcg processing has been put on hold for (at least) two weeks now and that means that, despite them being great actors that truly merge with their characters at the table, their reactions will be much less raw and there’s a chance some of them will forget tidbits of information, emotions they felt when it happened because they (as role players) will have had time to process it out of the game and it might create a dissonance in the game. tbf I kind of felt the difference even between the end of ep 91 and the beginning of 92 but it made sense because technically they were still running and couldn’t afford to process. idk. I have hope that we’ll still see that raw emotion, but I fear it won’t be as impactful as it could’ve been, especially if they’ll have to put the “reporting for duty” hat on immediately when they get to the camp
I think being a little bummed about the sort of unexpected hiatus on the Bell's Hells/Post F.C.G processing is super understandable! As someone who also really did enjoy the Crownskeepers return (hello im still yelling about Opal internally), I'm kind of in the same camp of being kind of thrown/disappointed about not getting to really dig into/sit with the Bell's Hells post-F.C.G loss. Like, LOVED the Crownkeepers, fascinating second half, kind of meh on the specific timing.
I'm holding my reservations about whether they're going to have to keep running/moving once we return to their portion of the story, since hey, until it happens (or doesn't!), we don't know, so I don't feel like getting too in my head about it until then.
That said! I do think that in general the cast puts characterization and staying true to the emotions of the character/story as a very high priority within the campaign. I think you're right that it won't be the exact same as if they had done a big emotional blowup/goodbye/processing scene in the same ep where they lost F.C.G, or immediately after. I don't think that means it has to be less impactful, just that- yeah, they'll have had more time to actually think/process it.
But they're also all professional voice actors who have, IMO, thus far shown how much they think about the inner lives of their characters and enjoy really digging deep into the emotional/interpersonal aspects of roleplay.
My assumption (my hope?) is that with additional time to think about + process a devastating/deeply emotional loss for their character(s), they'd choose to lean into that more, and not less. It wont be the same as the immediate raw reactions, thats true! But i dont think that means it has to be less impactful, even if they (as people) have had more time to process, and will be choosing how their characters, fresh off the loss, react. I dont think thats a guarantee it will be less impactful/emotional (maybe the additional thinking would actually enhance the reactions being true/insightful to the characters vs gut reactions from cast), but it will be different.
But if the cast chooses to lean into the heartbreak/emotions, and the circumstances of the BH in the upcoming ep enable it, I'm sure they can still kick my ass (emotionally), timeskip or not.
In general, I'm cautiously optimistic about what could happen next! Even if I don't love the timing thus far. I think there's still plenty of ways for me to get what I'm hoping for wrt F.C.G/BH. :] There are plenty of ways for me to get let down too, probably, but until it happens, or doesn't, I'm opting to not get too doomery about it. We'll see.
I uh. Hope that helps? A bit? Being bummed about specific things you were hoping for being off the table is totally reasonable. just hoping to lend an alternate way of viewing it, if desired.
(i wrote the sentence: "don't be lamenting your chickens before they hatch" and then went "what the fuck" out loud. i spent 4 hours at work today just doing systems diagramming and my brain is fried. clearly. keeping this here for my own entertainment.)
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jq37 · 7 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 8
Enter the Vultureverse
Welcome back to the Report Card where we are having a mini recap because my schedule has been off the wall bonkers! Luckily, this week we can split the episode pretty neatly into two sections: research and fighting. We’ll go more in depth on the research than the fighting because those are the bits that will be more long term plot relevant though I’m sure the fighting will be long term relevant to Gorgug and the therapist I hope he has because yikes gang!
First things first, we resolve stress tokens which the party has to use to nerf themselves and take disadvantage on the skills they choose. They are as follows: 
Fig: Insight and Religion. 
Gorgug: Initiative, Insight, Deception, and Charisma Saves. 
Adaine: Initiative, Intimidation and Persuasion. 
Fabian: Tool Proficiencies, History, Investigation, and Perception. 
Kristen: Initiative, Wisdom Saves, and Medicine
Riz: Perception, Survival, Athletics, and Deception.
When we left, Lydia had dropped off all the info from her old party mates and the Bad Kids were surprised to see that it was all written not in Infernal but in Giant. The whole gang (except Gorgug who’s still at home) circles up in Adaine’s tower to help and she casts Comprehend Languages so she can read the texts. Fig tosses Adaine a bardic to juice her History roll which prompts Brennan to have Siobhan roll on a d100. On a 91, Adaine’s stomach gurgles and a cloud of dust mites fly into her eyes, causing her to knock her head and pass out. 
Kristen rushes to her aid (with a medicine check rather than spells since she’s currently out) to stabilize her. Brennan asks if she rolled less than an 8 and even though she didn’t, her stomach also gurgles and she sees a vision of the food court: a flash of red, a familiar scream (not Cass), and then silence. In Adaine’s eyes, she sees splattered blood reflected. Ominous!
Everyone is freaked and they’re getting major shrimp vibes. Fig declares herself cursed and submits to arcana checks from everyone. With his angel-spy necktie, Riz casts Detect Good and Evil and finds a fiendish aura around her that’s different than her natural one. She is for sure cursed.
While this is going on, Gorgug is at home, watching Frostyfaire stuff get set up. His parents allude to some ~mysterious machines~ under tarps and promise not to embarrass him. That’s not oddly specific at all and it certainly won’t come back to bite him in this very same episode. He gets the text from the group that Adaine passed out and goes to meet up with them but, as he leaves, he sees electricity running through one of his parents many gadgets and has a moment of inspiration about how the pulse of the electricity and the pulse of his blood and heart when he’s raging might have some kind of synchronicity. He makes a note and saves it for later. 
OK! Now let’s round up all the new info the party learns from the notes Lydia provided:
There’s a record of Ruvina (Lucy’s god) giving Cass a wedding gift: a Bridle of Frost that would allow her to command a team of fiery horses. The fact that Cass was married is new info and Riz speculates whether she was being married to a giant/giant god.
Apparently, Cass, Galicaea (her sister), and Sol (her brother) were traveling together in the Mountains of Chaos.
(As an aside, we learn that Cass is more aligned with fae and Galicaea is with the elves–we knew that second part already. We also learn that Helio’s mom was a mortal woman.)
We learn of a law of magic called Obliviati Mori by Clerics and the Law of Theothanatic Silence by wizards. It basically means that even though gods can remember dead gods, they’re not allowed to revive them via worship by speaking their name and reminding mortals of them. Adaine gets the sense that if this is a law then it can be broken somehow and Brennan says yes, but there are likely hefty arcane penalties. 
Fabian wonders if Cass’s, “I thought you were dead” was referring to this dead god who is maybe her ex. Riz wonders if Lucy was possessed by a god and that’s how she was able to write down the name of the dead god–something that should have been impossible since no mortals know their name and no gods are allowed to speak or write it. 
Fig thinks the Ratgrinders are being mighty suspicious in their seeming lack of mourning for Lucy and especially in Ivy’s not shocked reaction to seeing her disguised as Lucy. 
(These next pieces of info we don’t get until after a short interlude but I’m gonna put it here to keep it neat.)
Riz thinks that it’s suspicious that Tracker’s church would suddenly be blowing up right when this dead god is coming back and wonders if there might be some shenanigans going on where their worship is somehow being siphoned off to power this other god (something gods are specifically not supposed to do). 
In one of the books, Kristen sees an illuminated page (illuminated as in illustrated–think Book of Kells) that is unfinished. It has an empty arch wreathed in flames and a design of red 24 point stars with sharp rays that are very similar looking to the shatter stars they encountered in the mall fight.
Fig wonders if a union of Doubt and Rage (Cass and this unknown god) was maybe too powerful so their marriage was sabotaged by another god.
After all the research, it’s almost time to go to Frostyfaire, but before they do, Kristen takes a leap of faith and (1) texts Tracker to see if they can meet up since her god is relevant to the investigation and (2) texts her parents to ask if they want to get coffee. Tracker says she’s busy the next few days but she’s free starting on Monday. Kristen's parents don’t text her back but her brother Bucky does and lets her know that her parents are debating it but it feels like they’re gonna say yes. Sibling loyalty! 
Adaine does a Detect Magic on the token Kristen’s teacher gave her and determines that it’s basically a deity-less Holy Symbol so she’s got something to tide her over while she works on getting Cass back. 
Fig, who you’ll recall is dabbling in paladin classes, decides to pray for the first time and attunes to a moment of doubt that’s sacred to her: when her horns first started growing in and it changed her whole life, ultimately for the better. The shards from Cass in Kristen’s pocket glows indigo and she decides to pray with Fig as well, gaining a 6th level spell slot back in the process. 
On to the fair!
When they arrive, Gorgug’s parents welcome them–incluing Fig’s alter-emo Wanda since she’s in disguise to mess with Ruben/hopefully get some info. Riz and Kristen are thinking that all the crunchy, granola kids here from Aguefort are a substantial voting block but, before they can do anything about that, an old druid shows up and offers them a toke of his pipe. 
Fool the Bad Kids once, shame on you, but they’re NOT getting trapped in a net like Max. They all immediately roll to check if something’s up and Adaine crits, clocking the druid as an illusion. Riz casually says, “No thanks Oisin,” as Adaine casts Dispel Magic, revealing not the Ratgrinder’s wizard but their bard, Ruben who sneers at them and then gets into an argument with Gorgug about whether he (Ruben) shits or not. Very normal teenager conversations. Fig has dipped at this point because she wants to debut as Wanda to Ruben at a strategic moment but she secretly hits him with a Hex to his Int to help guard against any rolls he might make to clock her disguise later. She also notices how mad Gorgug is getting at Ruben’s nonsense and texts Porter a list of things that piss Gorgug off, trying to help him out. 
Ruben’s band, My Clerical Gnomance (of course), of which Fabian is a big fan (sure) head to the stage and start playing their set but then, all of a sudden, thunder rumbles and a surge of electricity makes the stage lights go weird. In a flash, Grix appears, hovering above the crowd! He assesses the crowd and finds it full of rulebreakers and felonies so he decides to do his part in restoring “Perfect Order” by CASTING DISINTEGRATE ON RUBEN. Why is he even here? This is so outside of his jurisdiction! He says the school experience is best optimized by being omnipresent but COME ON man! This can’t be legal, even in Spyre!
Anyway, initiative! 
Like I said, we’re really gonna breeze through this fight because it’s mostly non-plot relevant but there are a few things I want to highlight:
Adaine right away burns a portent roll to save Ruben from the Disintegrate. I wonder if, in Ruben’s mind, that’s worth being a little softer towards the Bad Kids in the future. 
Grix uses a spell or ability to awaken all the nearby machines to fight by his side but…uh…the Thistlesprings were busy during the four months of night and they decided to retrofit some of their random appliances into very elaborate sex toys. Both Zac and Gorgug are mortified. 
Ruben curiously doesn’t just ditch when the going gets rough like you might expect someone who only grinds rats to do. He stays and does what you’d hope a bard would do: plays with this band to distribute bardics to everyone. Of course some of that is probably to impress “Wanda” who he spots in the crowd but you have to wonder how much his personal adventuring philosophy aligns with his party’s. Maybe not everything he’s done is logged on the official record. Also, he seems horrified by the situation so either (1) the RG’s aren’t somehow collaborating with Grix, (2) they are but only certain RG’s are in on it, or (3) he’s a great actor which he could be as a bard but I think that’s least likely. 
We learn that Gorgug in addition to his homunculus, Cloaca, now has a steel defender: a gecko named Clobica (a Battle Smith class feature). It’s kinda like a familiar that can attack.
The fight gets hairy fast with multiple Bad Kids getting stunned and Adaine going down. Kristen uses her one spell slot to cast Mass Cure Wounds but that still leaves Adaine, a squishy wizard, surrounded by enemies and a bunch of party members stunned and failing to snap out of it. 
Grix mentions that he was warned to expect tomfoolery in general but especially from the Bad Kids which of course begs the question, “By who?”
Grix is successfully able to cast Dominate Monster on Riz by appealing to his sense of order and visions of Lord Salazar Edge's College of Lone Adventurers dance in his head. He turns his attention to Adaine next (which makes me wonder if he was just consulting a dossier on the Bad Kids in that moment because Riz and Adaine are for sure the ones you’d target with this pitch). 
Now, this episode might be known as the one where they had to fight a sex toy lawnmower except for what happens next. Because, much like in the first fight this season, there is a vulture on this battle set. And our intrepid heroes noticed it immediately. So, back against the wall, party in dire straits, and out of spell slots, Kristen decides to interact with the vulture as the rest of the table give thumbs up, supporting the bit. 
She prays to Cass, asking for help in connecting with the vulture and then gives a now very familiar, “Heyyyyyy girlie.”
“WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?” the vulture says to the surprise of the full table. Feathers whip around the dome and a graphic appears: YOU ARE ENTERING THE VULTURE DIMENSION. A new set is brought out. Everyone is losing their minds. I didn’t take a hit from Ruben's pipe but I feel high. And that’s where we end our episode!
No extras this week because I’m crunched for time but, don’t worry, I’ll roll that all into next recap since the fight continues in the next ep. Can’t wait to figure out what the hell the vulture dimension is tonight! 
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Best Underrated Anime Group D Round 4: 91 Days vs Karneval
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#D1: 91 Days
Prohibition era Mafia revenge story
#D4: Karneval
Two kids join in hunting monsters and uncovering secrets
Details and poll under the cut!
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#D1: 91 Days
As a child living in the town of Lawless, Angelo Lagusa has witnessed a tragedy: his parents and younger brother have been mercilessly slaughtered by the Vanetti mafia family. Losing everything he holds dear, he leaves both his name and hometown behind, adopting the new identity of Avilio Bruno. Seven years later, Avilio finally has his chance for revenge when he receives a mysterious letter prompting him to return to Lawless. Obliging, he soon encounters the Vanetti don’s son, Nero, and seeks to befriend him using the skills he has quietly honed for years. Set during the Prohibition era, this show tells the story of Avilio’s dark, bloodstained path to vengeance, as he slowly ends each of the men involved in the killing of his family.
This series has character designs by the art director of Baccano. In fact, the setting of it being in the early 1920s in America is sort of reminiscent of Baccano. However, the story is much crueler and more grounded than that other famous series, even if it involves a similar amount of guns and blood.
The anime follows a broken and traumatized young man fueled by revenge. It’s a tragedy and a thriller and a Mafia series. We see the lengths Angelo Lagusa goes to avenge his family, whom he’s the last living survivor of. He changes his name and leads a double life, getting close to the Vanetti family, who killed his birth family. But in the process of trying to do this, he gets adopted into this Mafia family.
He must wrestle with his morality as he keeps on the bloody road of revenge. People that don’t deserve to be hurt get hurt or killed because of his actions—even dying by his hands.
It's an anime that shows just how far someone is willing to go for revenge, willing to break everything in his path for it. And considering the Prohibition era came to an end in history, was all the trickery and killing even worth it?
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty/Death, Cannibalism, Emotional Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Suicide, Alcohol and Smoking.
This entire series is a mob story so there's lots of guns, blood, and killing. There is an assisted suicide of an important character. Also the family dog dies when the main character's family is massacred in the first episode.
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#D4: Karneval
While in search of his precious friend, a young boy named Nai falls captive to a beautiful woman, whose looks are matched only by her taste for human flesh. Meanwhile Gareki, a clever thief, is in the midst of robbing her luxurious home. After causing a distraction, Gareki agrees to help Nai escape, but they are discovered upon the woman's return. As she transforms into a ghoulish monster, the boys flee.
On the run, Nai and Gareki are found by “Circus,” a government defense agency that deals with criminal activity too difficult for the police to handle and protects civilians from “varuga”—terrible monsters that devour humans for sustenance. In the hope that it will lead Nai to his missing friend, he and Gareki decide to join Circus. On their perilous journey, they face dangerous varuga and begin to uncover the secrets behind a shadowy organization known as Kafka.
Karneval has two of the best protagonists I’ve ever seen. Gareki is superior to every other teenage boy protagonist in anime. His character arc, even in this one season that covers just a fraction of the manga, is so well-developed. I like that his arc is an emotionally driven coming-of-age and not a power fantasy.
Along with the main characters, Karneval has fantastic characters across the board. There is not a single supporting character I don't love (even the ones who annoy me). None of the female characters are reduced to love interests and are all unique and interesting, which can be hard to find sometimes in anime.
It is made by a female writer, which is always great to see, and for people who aren't really interested in romance, the anime is extremely friendship and found family driven. The found family aspect is really at the forefront of the series as Circus is not a glorified group and they don't get to have families which makes the bond between members so important.
The tone balance is amazing. In one episode, you can go on an emotional journey from laughing to crying in seconds. The plot is engaging with wild reveals and compelling mysteries to follow. The fantastical world is unique with the contrast of the dark monsters in a bright and colorful world. If you watch it in Japanese, the voice cast is so good and the soundtrack is also really good.
TL;DR it’s an interesting story with amazing characters to whom you will get attached.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Misrepresentation of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
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entamesubs · 9 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episode 90 Sub Release
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There are translation notes below, so spoilers ahead.
ドッチ・ジャーニー・ショウ! Which Way the Book Turns!
This is a pun-laden name from Dudi again. It can be romanized literally as "Which Journey Shall/Shows!", but it is also a play on 書 (sho), which can sometimes be used to refer to a book - like the one Dudi is reading in the card art.
I just tried my best here; I'm sure there's a punnier name that makes me go "oh my god why didn't I think of that" once YGOrg puts their article out.
お前の中でこれがしの自我を保つのは難しそうだ "Your body is unable to sustain my ego."
Clarifying here that Kuaidul means this in the sense that if he merges with Yuudias, something disastrous will occur... to Yuudias. He is willingly undoing the fusion, or reversing it, so that it doesn't harm him.
He is "letting go" of Yuudias of his own volition.
種の寿命が尽きようとしている "Our species is approaching the limit of our lifespans."
More accurately, Kuaidul is trying to say "our species is going to exhaust our lifespan", as in "use up" or "run out", but I couldn't think of a way to word this that had the same finality as limit.
It is very much with a finality that Kuaidul says this. Interpret as you wish.
Some other easter eggs
In order for Shewbahha's card to activate, Yuudias had to send Leviaknight (Phaser's card) to the grave - kinda like giving Shewbahha something to eat!
Nyandestar's Cat Claw Girl is the last obstacle that everyone must overcome, which is fitting considering she was the first ever card created by Kuaidul
Similarly, the last people to give Yuudias the ATK boost he needs are some of the first people he ever met upon arriving on Earth... Yuamu and Yuuhi!
Dudi Nishaw, though he's part of the Dudi Ducasse, is in fact a Velgearian... due to how he's supposed to be one of the three "factions" fighting in the Velgear Star Cluster. You can sort of think of the term "Velgearian" as both a species identifier and a nationality. Dudi is a "Velgearian" species-wise, but he is Dudi Ducasse in terms of nationality. Hope that makes sense!
The "Andromeda-Milky Way collision" is a real thing that is projected to happen... in the next 4.5 billion years. According to Wikipedia, it's actually not going to cause much damage to either galaxy or the stars within it at all, due to how far apart each individual star is. In fact, by the time this happens, all life on Earth would've been wiped out about 3 billion years ago anyway due to the Sun's growing instability
In Mahayana Buddhism, which Japanese Buddhism is derived from, a "bodhisattva" is someone with "a spontaneous wish and compassionate mind to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all" - does it sound familiar? It's Yuudias offering his body to Kuaidul even despite all of the wrongs he has committed.
I guess we now know why the ED is titled "Song of Departure"
Go Rush will be taking a break on New Years weekend and will not air an episode then! The next episode will be on January 7th.
As well, the entameSubs team will be on vacation for the next two weeks. I will be in Japan! That means episode 91 will be massively delayed until I get back.
There will be a dedicated announcement post of the vacation in a day or two, just so people are aware.
And that's a wrap!
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for Go Rush season 3, now that we know that's a thing that's happening! It has always been something I wanted because I adore this show to bits... but I was so convinced we would be moving onto the next series already.
But here we are! The voice actor of Yuudias, Arthur, said that this third year was only possible "with [the fan's] support" - so it's wonderful and heartwarming to know Go Rush is very well received.
Merry Christmas, if you celebrate! Happy Holidays otherwise!
This is one of my favorite episodes of all of Yu-Gi-Oh! as a whole. I have not cried at a finale or even any episode like this since ZEXAL aired Nasch vs Yuuma ten years ago.
I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite games that applies word-for-word to this episode. Just replace "Ardbert" with "Yuudias".
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Yuudias chose love, and Kuaidul was undone.
Happy New Year.
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halevren · 7 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 8
I am playing tomodachi life as I watch this. if anyone is curious, I named my island Yorb Island. I just restarted it
The lip syncing
see you at basrars! goodnight everyone
"Confirmed to be dead" NO. she is confirmed to not be on the mortal plane, perhaps she simply is chilling in the astral realm (I don't want her to be actually dead she looks too lovely)
licking baby..... :(
the lobster bisque
"Gorgug's roots of never being good" CRYING
I feel adaine right now. I am in such a point where I am very antisocial
This disadvantage stuff is actually making me stressed
There's something beautiful about the bad kids not really caring that Kristen doesn't have magic, they still love her. A true "would you still love me if I was a worm?" She has nothing to offer right now, and yet, her friends move her more than anything
Riz can't focus :(
LYDIA 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
OH NO.... ADAINE.....
A d100???????????????????
91?!?!!?! oh no
Not Cassandra???? Familiar scream???
"Maybe it's not your fault at all"
"Yeah I definitely killed her..."
Fiendish aura??
"I out wretchrot on it!" "oh good..."
"I thought it was because he was a straight man wearing the pride armor"
"Are you talking about emo music...?"
Lala Embers..
I feel like the cup of tea..... would be the worst idea
"All drums welcome!"
"What the fuck are we doing?"
there's a nudity tent
There's nothing wrong with a body 🔥
I can't wait to see all the theories after this episode
"I don't want to talk about it"
"Do you want a bardic" no one wants fig'd bardic 😭😭😭😭
oh thanks goodness he has meticulous notes
Theothantic silence
There's so much information being thrown at us
Gods could always remember dead goda
"I thought you were dead" oh my
Lucy was possessed...
Alter Emo
"It's all natural, man"
BUCKY!!!!!!!!!! BUCKY BOY!!!!!
24 point starts have to be the red crystals
I love all this theorizing. This feels like a debriefing
"Wretchrot is so fucking god at his job."
Minor illustration running drills 😭😭😭😭
"That's my owl bear!!!!"
"8 foot Fabian on the field next week"
"You know how you see the unknown? You shine a light on it."
"Pop off my first prayer"
a lot of invisible naked people
I want to partake in this festival
not a mosh pit environment
4 1/2 long pipe??!!? ;!
"You wanna get fucking high?"
"Fig had to take a shit."
"Why are there so many naked old people at your house?" "I don't know man! I don't have anything to do with that."
Gorgug disliking Ruben is so good I can't stop giggling
There is. Something going on.
I can't believe Ruben is the front man of MCG
"don't do this...."
oh god.......... dildo lawnmower
"I've had sex before!"
"Ruthless... So they were into fucking machines?"
"These are your champions, Grix?!?!!?!"
"You're not perfect order."
Save the turtle!!!!!
yeah -5 movement. that's tough.
26 to hit 🔥🔥
they're all just from this summer 😭
"I'm in"
That is a four!!!
"We got him Porter."
The shoe rack
"Come with me!"
So many nude gnomes
"But that moment of terror does happen, 'cause I want him to feel it. I want him to know what would it feel like if the most important thing in his world disappeared."
He's not raging???? Let him rage!!!
Bypasses the shield?!?
What A Day.
Can the air elemental go up Grix's butthole?
Intelligence saving throws
D12 bardic??????
Rip Clobica
Wilma and Digby to the rescue!
Kristen healing 🔥
11 points to Riz </3
the little mini displays of what's going on is so cool and cute I love them
Four parents on a battlefield is too many
I love the CW
I love Lou and Ally's energy together is so good
"If I take 5 stress tokens—"
"I'm mad at you for asking."
omg the vulture
"Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely, Brennan. Ally Beardsley is at a place of doubt and uncertainty with this move."
hey hirlie
WHAT?????? WHAT????? THAT'S WHERE IT'S ENDING????????????
21 notes · View notes
offside-the-lines · 10 months
tell me who i run to (if not you) | anthony beauvillier | Ep 2. Winter
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This is a completed series! Read Full Fic | 🧸 Series Cover Page/Masterlist 🧁 | 🎵 Playlist 🎶 << Previous Episode || Ep 2 || Next Episode >>
Chapter Summary: Tito injures his wrist in the first game of 2024, he’s out for 6-8 weeks and then his car breaks down. He thinks maybe he’s cursed. Evie becomes a shoulder to lean on. Barzy gets suspicious.
A/N: You can refer to cover page for the series summary, author's notes, tropes, general warnings and other fun tidbits. This series contains mature themes. Minors DNI. Disclaimer: This series is set in Chicago but does not mention the name of the team.
Word count: 4.4k // 44.5k
Requests (open) | Masterlist & Who I Write For | Join My Taglist
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I. Winter
Evie — December 31
In the past few days, her text chain with Tito has settled into a nice rhythm. At first, it was a couple of texts a day: when one of them saw a funny Instagram post or reel, they would send it to the other. 
Things changed on Friday when she broke her usual routine of curling up on her couch with a blanket and book and instead found herself watching Tito's game. Her book lay untouched in her lap as her eyes tracked number 91 across the ice. After the game, she stayed up later than she meant to, eagerly picking up her phone every time it vibrated with a new text from Tito.
So, she concluded, I watch hockey now.
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Which is why Evie ends up being late for the New Year’s party that Kelsey had invited her to. She couldn’t bear to leave when she had planned to, watching as the score kept ratcheting up for the wrong team. Her stomach curled every time Tito’s frustrated face is shown. 
To Tito 🌞🏒: i’m sorry about the loss, tito. fucking sucks. i hope you’ll still try to enjoy your new year’s eve?
By the time she gets to the party, she’s glad she can slip in among the partygoers without much fuss; everyone’s already a little tipsy on champagne. She knows she keeps pulling out her phone to check her notifications, but she can only hope she doesn't seem too rude.
It’s almost 11:30 pm when her phone buzzes, and she’s surprised to see it’s an incoming call and not a text. She slips out to the balcony as she connects the call.
Tito’s voice comes through too loud, “Evie!”
She laughs, “Hi, Tito. You good?”
“Yeah, you said I should enjoy my New Year’s Eve, so I went out with some of the guys,” he says, his words slurring ever so slightly. Evie can hear the background noise dim through the phone as if he had also stepped outside.
“New Year’s Eve in Dallas; you living it up?”
He laughs, “Dickie’s taken us to some fancy bar he used to go to. There’s a bunch of the Stars guys here too. Not that I really want to see them right now,” he groans.
“God, yeah. I saw, I’m sorry. That was a rough way to end the year.”
“Yeah, well…” He clears his throat and tries to inject some levity into his voice, “I don’t want to think about that right now. We’re trying to have fun, right? What're you up to?”
“Kelsey— my coworker— she’s also friends with Leanne— she invited me to a party. I’m at someone’s penthouse apartment. I have no idea whose. It’s pretty cool, though— Great view. There’s a lot of people, actually.”
Tito whistles. “A lot of choices for a midnight kiss then, eh?”
“I guess?” she laughs. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Not that much,” he says unconvincingly. Evie can picture him scrunching his face at his own blatant lie.
“Okay,” she laughs, “I’ll have to let you go back then. Get some more champagne in you.”
“Nah,” he whines a little. “No midnight kisses in there. Fuck! I’m going to be even more unlucky next year if I don’t get a kiss.”
It startles a laugh out of her. “Anthony, buddy, I don’t think that’s a thing,” she chuckles, shaking her head.
He hums and doesn’t say anything else.
“Are you making friends at least?” she asks.
“Eh… more like passing time. A party’s a party, right?” 
“Come on, I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
“They’re not!” he says a little too loud before repeating himself, “They’re not bad. That isn't what I meant. I just… I don’t know. I don’t really know if we’re friends, so much, just teammates.”
Evie softens. “Jason and Alandra were nice. They seemed to be trying to be your friend, at least. I bet he had to drag you out tonight.” 
“Yeah, he’s cool. It’s just—” He groans. “I think we’re both a little too drunk to try to figure out the difference between a buddy in the league who I’ll spend a couple of months playing with and will almost never talk to again and a friend.”
Leanne catches her eye through the glass and raises an eyebrow in question. Evie sends a small smile back. 
“It’s tough, Tito, to move around. I’m sorry this year has been so fucked for you as well.” She sighs. “Listen, I gotta get back inside. Leanne's making weird faces at me. And you should go back inside, too.”
She hears Tito suck in a shallow breath, voice once again full of false cheer, “Of course, of course. Shit, sorry for being a fucking downer. I promise I’ll go back inside and have a good time.”
“Have fun, dude. You’re a hot professional athlete at a fancy bar on New Year’s Eve. I think you’re not going to have any trouble finding someone to kiss at midnight.”
“You think I’m hot?” his voice genuinely lightens; she could hear the smile lighting up his face.
“Goodnight, Tito,” she laughs pointedly, “Happy New Year.”
She hears him finally let out another genuine laugh, a sound that warms her despite the cold Chicago air, “Happy New Year, Evie. I’m really glad we reconnected last week. It’s nice to have a friend in the city.”
And with that, they hang up, and she slips back into the throng of party-goers. She doesn’t get far before Leanne catches her elbow.
“What was that?” Leanne asks, handing over a new champagne glass.
“Oh. It was Tito.”
Leanne’s eyebrows immediately jump. “Oh yeah? You guys are calling now?”
“I mean, I guess? That’s the first time we’ve called so,” she shrugs.
“Mhmm,” Leanne hums, clearly unconvinced, a smirk lacing her lips.
Evie bumps her shoulder. “Oh, shut up. His team just lost 8-1 on New Year’s Eve. It fucking sucked. Cut him some slack.”
“Yikes. Okay, in the spirit of the season, I’ll let it slide just this once.”
Evie laughs and rolls her eyes, letting herself relax into the drink and the rhythm of the people celebrating around her.
Evie — January 2
To Tito 🌞🏒: shit, just saw the hit. are you okay?!!
Evie sits on her couch and stares at her silent phone, her knee bouncing. She hasn’t been able to sit still since she saw the hit, and it just got worse with each replay, so she turned her TV off. But now, she's just sitting in unsettling silence— I’m not entirely sure that this is better.
She checks her phone again. It has been 15 minutes since she watched Tito skate himself off the ice, clutching his left arm. She calms herself with the thought that his silence doesn’t mean there’s something very wrong; if they were running tests, it might just take a while before he sees his phone. 
She decides to make a cup of tea and pick up her book again. It makes her feel a little settled, but not enough, as she’s still checking her phone every few seconds. If she’s honest, she's just reading the same page over and over.
Finally, an hour later, her phone lights up, and she picks it up so fast it almost flies out of her hand.
Tito 🌞🏒: doc says it’s probably broken. they’ve immobilized it but i have to come home for more tests.
“Shit,” she says to her empty apartment, hitting Dial on her phone. She fiddles with a loose thread on her shorts as the call tone rings before she finally hears the click of Tito picking up.
“Tito,” she says too loud, leaping up from her couch. Her book crashes to the floor, startling her; she sits back down in embarrassment.
“Hey,” his voice sounds tired.
“Hey,” she responds, voice gentler, “Shit, I’m so sorry about your wrist, Tito.”
He sighs, “Yeah. It was so fucking stupid. I shouldn’t’ve had my hand like that there.”
“Hey! Dude, no. This is not your fault. And maybe it’s not the other guy's fault, either. But it’s definitely not your fault. How many times have you done the exact same thing and not been hurt? It’s not your fault.”
Tito’s silent for a bit; she listens to the jagged ins and outs of this breath. Eventually, with a voice so quiet, she’s only able to hear him due to the utter silence in her apartment: “Yeah, I guess. Thanks.”
She feels a lump form in her throat and tries to clear it away. “You said they’re sending you home?”
“Yeah. It’s definitely broken, so I won’t be playing for a while. It’s probably too late for a flight tonight, so I’m probably going to be on an early one tomorrow.”
They're both silent for a moment, letting that hang in the air.
“Can I pick you up from the airport?”
“You really don’t have to do that. The team’ll pay for a Lyft.”
“Are you going to be on pain meds?”
“Yeah. I’m already feeling it, to be honest,” Tito says with a light laugh.
“Are they sending you back alone?”
“Yeah, it isn't a concussion, so I don’t need supervision.”
“Okay. Then, I would like to pick you up if that’s okay.”
“I—” He pauses for a long time, breaths getting heavier. When he continues talking, his voice comes through thick, “I really don’t want to put you out, but if you’re offering, I would really like that.”
“Well, I'm offering, so I’ll see you tomorrow. Text me the deets?”
“Yeah.” She feels something in her chest loosen. “And Evie?”
“Thank you.”
She chuckles, “No problem. Text me. And try to have a good sleep.”
“You too,” he whispers, pausing before hanging up.
Putting her phone down on the coffee table, she lets out a shaky breath.
Evie — January 3
“Are you sure you want me to drop you off at yours?” Evie asks, looking over to Tito in her passenger seat. His curls poke out under the hood of his sweater, and his skin looks pale and clammy. His usually bright blue eyes are dulled, shadowy smudges betraying his lack of sleep. 
He sends her a soft smile before closing his eyes and leaning back against the headrest. “Yes, please.” His voice sounded as tired as he looked.
Evie reaches over and gives his good hand a light squeeze before pulling away from the airport. She keeps the drive to his apartment quiet, and she's surprised that she feels less tense than on her drive to O’Hare despite the silence. 
Every so often, she peeks over at Tito, cradling his wrist, eyes closed, and face carefully neutral. She doesn’t feel good about leaving him alone in his apartment, but she also knows that they haven’t known each other long enough for her to insist.
Half an hour later, she pulls into the entrance of a very fancy-looking apartment building in the center of Downtown Chicago. The doorman helps them unload Tito’s suitcase and drags it into the lobby for him. 
Too soon, they're left standing at the curb.
“Thank you so much,” Tito says, his tired eyes warming a little as he regards her.
“It’s absolutely no problem. Please let me know if you need any help, okay? I make my own hours and work from home for a reason. Call me anytime.”
His smile broadens. “Seriously, Evie. Thank you. You didn’t have to come get me.”
“I know. I wanted to.”
Tito leans in for a hug that Evie reciprocates, careful to avoid his broken hand. They stay connected for a few seconds longer than normal, but neither complains.
“Alright, I’ll leave you be then,” Evie says after they disconnect, stepping into her car with a nod.
Tito remains at the curb, one hand in a sling, the other reaching up for a wave as she pulls away. His figure stays in her rearview until she turns the corner.
Tito — January 11
The days that follow the injury become monotonous quickly. Tito wakes up. He does his morning routine. He takes his pain meds. He rides with Foligno and Bedard into the training facility. He gets poked at by some doctors and told to not do anything with his hand. He rides the bike by himself while everyone else gets to skate. He avoids Bedsy angrily pouting in the hallways; not his rookie, not his problem. He goes home and sits on his couch, just clicking play on whatever comes up on Netflix. He eats his microwavable frozen meal plan. He watches the team drop three of four games. He sleeps. 
Rinse and repeat. 
It has only been a week, and he's close to losing his mind already. The only bright spots are his ongoing text conversation with Evie, and his daily FaceTime calls with Barz. The boxes still sit unopened in the corner; well, at least he has a good excuse now. 
Today was meant to be a break in the monotony. While the team is on a short road trip, Tito’s schedule is a little different. No one ever talks about how uncomfortable it is to drive with a broken wrist. The facility is only 15 minutes away, so he figures that he’ll go in to see the trainers and maybe do some grocery shopping afterward. 
The plan was going quite well until he noticed that he had a flat tire on his way to the grocery store. 
He pulls over to the side of the road and just sits there for a minute, fighting the urge to cry. He rests his forehead on the steering wheel, letting out a small scream before he gets out to assess the damage. He mutters a few choice swears when he eventually finds the big nail in his tire. 
He pulls out his phone and texts Evie while he returns to the driver's seat.
To evie 🧁: i told you my year would be unlucky [attachment: photo of his flat tire]
He starts looking for the roadside assistance card, but since it's a new rental, he’s still frustratedly fumbling around when his phone rings.
“Hello?” he answers, not even looking at his phone.
“Tito, what’s going on?”
He pauses his rustling, surprised to hear Evie’s warm voice pouring through the sound system. The familiarity of the French immediately relaxes him. He sighs.
“Oh, um. I was driving to the store. And I just realized the tire was flat. I think the hole has been there for a while, but because of the wrist and stuff, I hadn’t driven since before the roadie.”
“Shit. That’s annoying. Where are you? You wanna drop me a pin or something. I can help you change your tire; you definitely can’t do it with a broken wrist.”
He pauses, surprised by the offer. “Oh! Um… I was just going to call roadside assistance. If I can just find the card…”
“Don’t be stupid. That’s gonna take ages. If you’re close by, I can come help.”
“Um… Are you sure?” 
“Yeah,” she huffs, “I could use a break from the computer anyway. I’ll grab my coat and keys.”
“Okay, if you’re sure. I’m probably not far away because I just left the training center like 5 minutes ago.”
“Sweet, no problem. Drop me a pin, and I’ll be right there.”
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In less than 10 minutes, Evie is stepping out of her car in her wool coat, leather gloves, and an oversized winter scarf that cocoons her up to her nose. She smiles and waves as she jogs over to give him a tight hug. Whatever tension was left in his body from the long week drains from his body as her arms wrap tightly around him. 
They remain connected for a few seconds, his face buried in the mess of scarf and hair around her neck; her perfume fills his lungs with warmth despite the cold Chicago winter air.
“Thanks again for coming.”
“Stop thanking me. My god.” She exaggeratedly rolls her eyes as they finally separate. She starts getting all the tools as she says, “I want to help the city’s best winger. It’s a public service. I’ll forward the bill to the owner. Or maybe even the mayor.”
It startles a laugh out of him, relaxed by her light-heartedness. He realizes that he has been kind of down recently, only leaving his apartment for meetings with trainers. 
“Well, I hope you’ll charge them a fair rate, considering the express service surcharge. You did get here very quickly.”
She nods mock-sternly, “Yes, of course.”
With all the necessary tools laid out next to her, she bends down to begin jacking up the car. He fishes out his snow jacket from the trunk and hands it to her. 
“Here. So you don’t have to kneel on the ground.”
She smiles up at him from where she’s knelt, “Thanks.”
The rest of the tire change happens in silence; Tito’s content to let her focus on what she’s doing. He watches intently and doesn't want to acknowledge his embarrassment that, at 26 years old, he still doesn't know how to change a tire. 
As she’s working, it starts to snow lightly. The flakes stand out against her glossy coffee-dark hair that has fallen to curtain her face, and Tito resists the urge to brush it back so she can see better in the overcast dimness. He stuffs his hands in his pockets to have something to do with them.
When she’s done a short while later, she spins around, still kneeling, beaming up at him with pride as she sings, “Voila!” 
At that moment, as she sparkles up at him, their eyes meet, and a snowflake catches on her eyelashes. It hits him square in the chest; this might be the most stunning thing he’s ever seen. The realization knocks into him so unexpectedly that he has to fight through the tightness in his throat to exclaim back in excitement.
“Awesome!” he strains.
“Yep!” Her voice is bright and melodic as she turns back to lower the car. “It’s all done. You’re going to need to get this tire patched or something at a shop, though, and—”
She continues to explain some important details that are totally lost on him as he tries to quash the twisting of his guts. She is indeed beautiful, engaging, and scarily competent, but none of that matters. 
None of that matters because his stay in Chicago is temporary. So he takes that feeling and shoves it down deep. But, he hopes that a transient athlete who is, as it turns out, not very good at his job will adequately fulfill the role of Good Friend.
Being a good friend is something he can do. 
Being a good friend is something he’s good at.
“— groceries for dinner, if you want?” 
He tunes back in just in time to catch the end of what she's saying. Maybe he should also retract the previous statement about being a good friend.
“Um, I’m sorry. I’m feeling kinda out of it. What was the question?”
She laughs and squeezes his elbow sympathetically. “Tito, it’s okay. You’re kinda pale right now. Like, you look like you’re gonna be sick. Look, I know you said you were going to the grocery store, but I really don’t think you should be driving and stuff right now. I’ve got plenty of food at mine. I was probably going to cook pasta or something tonight. Just come over and hang out? It’ll make me feel better.”
He mulls it over, and the dull throbbing in his wrist convinces him to nod. It does sound much better than what he had been doing this past week.
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So they do just that. Tito isn't complaining: not about the delicious home-cooked meal or watching B99 again. He didn’t realize he was waiting to watch it with her. They find themselves pausing the show numerous times just to chat about something the show brings up: a memory from childhood, something from her life in Toronto or his life in New York, or just a passionate opinion that they have. 
He's burrowed deep into the opposite end of her couch with the latest cup of tea she has made him, feeling more at home than he has in over a month when he discovers the time is so much later than he thought.
“Oh crap, it’s past 10 pm. I really should get going,” Tito says, finally sitting up.
“Shit, I didn’t even see that,” she laughs. Evie looks out the window. “You know. It’s really late, you’re on pain meds, and the roads look kinda slippery with the new snow. Why don’t you just stay here? This couch actually has a really comfy pull-out bed— my brother Will said so anyway when he visited.”
“Oh,” he pauses, comfortable and heavy-limbed but uncertain, “I don’t really have anything with me.”
“That should be okay. I’ve got a bunch of extra toiletries and some of Brandy and Will’s clothes.”
“Yeah, I guess so. I mean, if that’s really okay with you, I’d love to not have to drive home with my wrist. It sucks.”
“Of course,” she smiles, reaching over and squeezing his knee before standing up and walking into her bedroom.
He figures he should help, so he moves the warm fuzzy blanket she had over her legs and the throw pillows to the corner of the room. He clears the tea mugs that litter the coffee table before pushing it back. He’s inspecting the couch for the pull-out function when Evie returns with a small pile of sheets and clothes and a few pillows.
“Oh, thanks for clearing the space!” She smiles at him brightly. “So, I found you a T-shirt and some sweatpants. There are spare toiletries under the sink.”
“Thanks. You’re truly the best.”
“You are so right,” she winks, laughing softly. 
They put together the couch-bed in tandem, and both take turns getting ready for sleep. Eventually, Evie, in her pajamas, bids him goodnight warmly before shutting her bedroom door, and he's left lying on the pull-out bed looking around at the living room, lit only by the city lights streaming through with big windows. 
Tito — January 19
“Wait, so you’re telling me you’ve been replacing me with this girl, and you haven’t even bothered to introduce us?”
“Okay, Barz, that’s a little dramatic. I have not been replacing you.” Tito desperately pleads with his eyes for Mat to stop talking so loud in this somewhat nice Italian restaurant he and Evie had discovered a few nights ago.
“No, seriously. Why didn’t you invite her? You should invite her. You know what? I’ll do it. Hand me your phone—” Mat makes a desperate grab for Tito’s phone that was sitting face down on the table. 
Tito puts his hand on it and whispers. “Dude, stop it. I’d like to come back here again sometime. The food’s actually so good.”
Mat grins and wiggles his eyebrows, “Oooh, come back here again, like on a date with Evie?” he says, dragging out her name in a suggestive tone.
“No, Barz. Not a date. We’ve been over this. We’re just hanging out- like you and me. We’re friends. That’s it. Neither of us even wants to date right now anyway.”
“Okay, bud. If you say so.” Mat rolls his eyes while taking a sip of his wine. “So, you’re saying if you were both open to dating, you’d be interested.”
“No— Well—” Tito pauses and sighs. “I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it. And it’s not what’s happening, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Oh, come on, Beau. I’ve known you for ages, dude. There is no way— you’re telling me that you’ve seen her almost every single day, for most of the day, this whole month, and you haven’t even thought about it?”
Tito sighs pointedly, clenching his jaw. “Yes. I haven’t thought about it. Because there’s nothing to think about. We text. We hang out. We watch TV and eat food. We—” He cuts himself off abruptly. He knows if he mentions the sleepovers, even though he's always on the pull-out couch, Mat will take it the wrong way. “Look, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I get to see you, like, twice during the season. I want to hear all your dumb stories.”
Mat eyes him skeptically but eventually relents. “My stories aren’t dumb. But okay. So, last week…” he excitedly recounts.
The night returns to a familiar rhythm. He misses this: the easy conversation with a guy who’s known you for ten years. There are no awkward lulls or having to explain a joke or backstory. It’s just comfortable, and it feels like home: a warmth burrowed deep in his chest. 
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There’s a gaping vacancy that gnaws at him later when he’s lying in his own bed, unable to sleep. It’s almost as if Mat took that feeling of home with him when he gave him a lingering hug goodbye, squeezing Tito so hard it hurt a little.
He stares at the ceiling and thinks about how his favorite sleep shirt— one of his early Islanders t-shirts with a 72 on it— was still at Evie’s apartment. He also thinks about the hoodie that he left there.
The team's about to head on an extended roadie while he remains behind, doing not much. He hates it when he’s the one left behind watching the team play without him. That’s the thing with professional sports. You’re around a team all day, every day, for most of the year. You know everything about everyone. You’re almost never alone. Which makes it all the more stark when you’re with a new group of faces. Or when you’re suddenly stuck at home, injured, and alone.
He leans over and picks up his phone, the sudden brightness of the screen making him squint. 
To evie 🧁 : hey, so on second thought, if the offer still stands, i’d like to stay over this week? totally okay if you changed your mind. just figured it’d be nice to have some company, and you’re much closer to the rink. To evie 🧁: and you still have my favorite hoodie. i want it back.
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adapembroke · 4 months
The Joys of Saturn: Why Aging Is Easier for Saturn and Capricorn People
There’s this saying in astrology that Saturn and Capricorn age in reverse. People born under the influence of these archetypes are born serious, and they learn playfulness and joy as they get older. I think it’s because they spend their youth learning about limits. By the time they’re old, they’ve learned to dance between the lines.
People born under the influence of Saturn and Capricorn are here for Saturn school, and Saturn school is all about boundaries. Your boundaries. Other people’s boundaries.. How to respect your own boundaries, even when others don’t. How to keep other people’s lack of boundaries from pushing you over your limits. 
Saturn school is full of hard lessons.  I have Saturn opposite the sun, and these are lessons I know well. 
In Kindergarten, it became apparent that I had a physical disability that kept me from running around and playing with the other kids. There wasn’t a name for my disability at the time, but it’s since been recognized as one of the sub-types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I experienced a lot of pain growing up with EDS. My body ached. I was diagnosed with arthritis as a teenager. I struggled to walk, so I spent many gym classes and recesses sitting on the sidelines.
For most kids, I think that growing up with EDS would have been torture, but I was a child of Saturn. My parents said I was born three years old, and adults often said I was “wise beyond my years.” I wanted nothing more than to be grown up, so I learned at an early age that if I listened quietly, adults would feel sorry for me, and I could sneak a seat at the adults table. 
There were many years of frustration, waiting for the grownups to take me seriously, but I’ve spent almost 4 decades in Saturn school, and I’m finally starting to see the benefits.  
Saturnine people shine in middle age and beyond. Aging is much easier for us. Because we are already so used to dealing with limitations, we tend to approach the limitations that come with aging with a sigh and a few adjustments. Astrologer and tarot reader Psyren calls this “Saturn’s promise.” She says that Saturn is tough on you when you’re young, but Saturn will “make sure your heart and looks are renewed like a child as you age.”
My favorite example of Saturn’s promise is Ray Bradbury. He had a Capricorn AC and Saturn conjunct Venus in Virgo. He was a super serious young man. He spent his life clawing his way into the publishing industry, literally paying his dues on a typewriter he had to pay to use at the library. Ray Bradbury always knew that he wanted to be a writer. He was a disciplined professional who wrote every day, but he was 30 years old when he started writing his bestselling novel Fahrenheit 451. It wasn’t published until he was 33. 
As Ray Bradbury aged, his saturnine dedication to his work never left him, but he became more playful. When his stories were turned into the TV series Ray Bradbury Theater, every episode began with a view of his office, which was filled with model dinosaurs and toys. 
By the time he died at the age of 91, he had a wide smile and eyes that sparkled. 
“I want you to envy my joy,” he said. And it’s difficult to imagine anyone who wouldn’t.
When Saturn people reach middle age, we suddenly find ourselves in a better position than people we’ve spent our lives struggling to keep up with. People who haven’t learned Saturn’s lessons can get into their 40s and 50s without having a serious encounter with limits. There are people who find it easy to work with authority and manage to avoid sickness and disability. They learn that overcoming obstacles is just a matter of discipline and working harder, which makes it easy to believe that every obstacle will be overcome if you just put your back into it. 
In youth, it can seem like Saturn has given them the better deal. The truth is that everyone has hard limits, and Saturn comes for all of us eventually. While Saturn’s children dance through old age, people who are meeting Saturn for the first time really struggle. 
Lessons can be harder to learn when you’re older. People facing Saturn for the first time have often spent a lifetime building the habit of fighting harder when they don’t get what you want. For most people, pushing on in the face of adversity is a virtue. It’s called grit, and it’s a virtue American culture especially loves to applaud. Better yet, without Saturn’s restraining hand showing them their limits, people with grit often have a lot to show for their efforts. 
Habits are hard to break, always, but they’re even harder to break when a good habit becomes unhelpful. When Saturn is in charge, grit is not a virtue. Learning how to recognize your limits, stop, and reassess is one of Saturn’s tests, and the consequences of failing Saturn’s tests in middle age can be severe. A hangover that used to last for 20 minutes can last for three days. Trying to take stairs two at a time can smack you in the face.
Were you a kid who sat on the sidelines? Have you spent your life feeling like a broken record that only plays, “I can’t…” 
I see you. I see Saturn’s promise in you. Your joy is coming, and if you stick around long enough, everyone else will see it, too. 
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nightlycomet · 22 days
People always go on about how great Oshii was with the original Urusei Yatsura anime, but frankly I think Yamazaki's run is a lot stronger. Oshii has a very analytical view on things which while great for comedy and the structuring of gags, comes at the expense of emotion. Whenever you see him gesturing towards emotion it almost always has a feeling of detachment to it, especially as he gains more control over the show as it goes on (as an example, Only You has a decent enough show of emotion, meanwhile Beautiful Dreamer largely lacks it in favour of obtusely presented logic and what of it that is presented feels hollow and false). Yamazaki by comparison excels at presenting emotion, both melancholy and joy, by taking Oshii's brand of interpretative imagery and infusing it with these feelings rather than cold, unfeeling logic. This is true both in his half of the show as well as a lot of episodes with his involvement during Oshii's run (I'd say this is also true of other things I've seen by him such as Slayers Perfect and especially his run on Maison Ikkoku).
My least favourite stretch of the show is episodes 172-188, which feels like a result of the crew being stretched too thin working on both the show and Lum the Forever at the same time (and I believe also starting production on Maison Ikkoku?) as well as them starting to run out of steam after working on the show for so many years. My other least favourite stretch of the show is from around episode 91 or so right up to the end of Oshii's run. I would say Yamazaki's bad stretch has a worse collection of episodes, a lot of the worst in the show, however I find myself being more upset with Oshii's due to the direction he takes Ataru. His analytical way of thinking infects Ataru throughout his time as series director, but it really comes to a head around here, making him way more aware, considered, and upfront about his feelings towards Lum in a way that's significantly less entertaining or interesting (again, good for comedy, bad for romance/emotion). With Yamazaki, Ataru keeps his feelings close to his chest which I find much more compelling and results in some of the best episodes relating to his character such as 143, 157, and 163, as well as Remember My Love. Lum is also weaker during the Oshii half, being portrayed as much more cutesy and ignorant (though in its defence, in episode 69 it's hinted that this might be a deliberate lifestyle choice, another example of Oshii's obsession with analysation), meanwhile she's much more assertive and hot headed in Yamazaki's half (not that she's not like that at all in Oshii's run, but there's a clear difference in priority). I will say this does give the show an interesting dichotomy, with the first half being presented more through Ataru's perspective and the second half being presented through Lum's (I should mention I've been slowly reading through the manga and haven't gotten very far, so if what I'm attributing to Oshii and Yamazaki is just from the source material I apologise for the assumption. Please correct me if I'm mistaken!).
Outside of his stretch of largely bad episodes (which even still has a couple good and great episodes in there!), really my only issue with Yamazaki is that there's a large over-reliance on big head and mallet gags, and even then I don't find those objectionable, they're just kind of limp jokes. Easy to forgive too as the rest of the comedy is still great. If that's my only big complaint with him, then I'd say he did a more than serviceable job continuing the show. I'd say he did an even better job than Oshii.
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He sounded so sweet and sincere, I would so trust him to push me into the Vast. Will literally anyone survive this fucking podcast?
Also not Jon literally speed running getting marked by Smirks 14 while still knowing nothing. He's trying, and failing, to understand and putting himself in so much danger. Like come on man stop asking questions, people clearly hate when you asks questions but every time he opens his stupid mouth he asks another question like his life is dependent on doing so.
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study-with-aura · 4 months
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Thursday, May 16, 2024
Tomorrow is my last day of the academic year! I will take/present my finals and be done with school until August! I will still be studying of course to prepare for next year as well as my level 9 history exam, but I cannot believe that tomorrow is the last day of my first year of high school!
On another note, not only have most of my pens run out of ink, but all of my wite-outs are out too! That's why you see scribbles on my geometry practice test in the photo. Yes, I DO make mistakes and quite often! This is why I always check my work before having it graded because my biggest mistake is miscalculations! I forget about the negative sign or I accidentally add when I should subtract. Sometimes, my brain goes blank on easy simplifying for expressions (mostly quadratics) or I'll mix up a formula. This is why I have no wite-out left!
Julien drove me to ballet and picked me up again! Because I have a packed schedule right now, I still don't get to spend the time with him that I like. BUT that will change next week when I am done with school during the day! I wonder what we will do! Right now, I must focus on studying for my finals, and that means getting a good night's sleep tonight. Therefore, I shall bid you adieu! ¡Hasta mañana! 晚安!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Completed practice test for final exam (91%... ew but it's still an A)
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 24 vocabulary + studied notes + emailed non-fiction writing assignment to Mom for grading (58/60)
Spanish 2 - Completed vocabulary test portion of my final (100%) + reviewed verb conjugations for all tenses + grammar notes
Bible I - Read Matthew 27
World History - Completed edits on final presentation + practiced presentation with my brother
Biology with Lab - Reviewed notes and study guides + finished lab report for germination lab
Foundations - Read more on wisdom + watched a TEDtalk on grit + read about the difference between western and eastern cultures education styles
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry daily mastery challenge + completed High School Biology daily mastery challenge and course challenge (57%, but in my defense, it asked a lot of questions about things that I didn't study in my biology course or on KA, since I didn't complete every unit or lesson in the KA biology course, and those were the majority of the missed questions)
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched Empire Games Episode 6
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 45 minutes (Spanish [primarily], French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 245-274 of The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf and finished the book
Chores - Put away the dishes + took the trash out
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (2 Timothy 4)
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