#rugged drarry
sitp-recs · 2 months
Hey, again love your recs! I'm completely in love with Drarry because of these lovely stories. Wondering, an recs with a rugged Harry/ Draco ( as in manual labour), and always sweet and smutty is always a win. I appreciate your time, thanks a bunch!
Thank you anon, I’m happy to hear that! Ohh very interesting ask, here are some E-rated fics for you. You might also enjoy this list with buff!Draco 🫡
Hot Metal by @bafflinghaze (E, 5k)
Harry Can’t Deal with the vision of Malfoy hot and sweaty at work in his blacksmithing forge. Meanwhile, Draco is entirely perplexed with Potter’s odd behaviour.
Heart to Hearth by @jtimu (E, 7k)
It should perhaps not have been a surprise that the repairman on his front step came not with coveralls and a toolbox but instead with a sardonic stare and a raised eyebrow. Harry stood in his open door and shut his mouth with an effort.
Wield Me by @tackytigerfic (E, 10k)
Draco Malfoy, blacksmith, is renowned through the magical world for his skill and exquisite creations. He could quite easily spend the rest of his days making pretty trinkets for the fae court, and being handsomely rewarded for the privilege. But why take the easy route when instead he could get involved in a dangerous mission with Unspeakable Harry Potter (who also happens to be Draco's... well, he's something, isn't he?).
Hippomancy for Beginners by khalulu (E, 11k)
When Draco desperately insists on becoming a Centaur Liaison, he doesn’t know what he’s getting into, especially with that annoying hero-turned-hermit Harry Potter living right at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. Not to mention foreign unicorn women, slavering three headed beasts, bitter brews, unexpected friendships, and the consequences of a very cocky vocabulary.
Voices From The Fog by noeon (E, 13k)
After years of running away, Harry crosses paths with an all-too familiar face and follows him to Amsterdam.
One Floo Over the Lovegood’s Nest by Nattish (T, 14k)
Harry is not terribly surprised that there are magical plumbers, chimney sweeps, and pest control men. He is surprised that one of them is Draco Malfoy. And that he’s bloody hot in a jumpsuit.
Phoenix Repair Services by carpemermaid (E, 20k)
Draco hires a suspiciously private wizarding handyman to fix his kitchen when he returns home to find it destroyed. He expects a middle-aged wizard with greying hair and a pudgy gut to show up. Instead, he gets Harry Potter—with a utility belt and a charming smile—who is more attractive than he has any right to be.
Here Be Dragons by birdsofshore (E, 21k)
Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something?
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 77k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
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wizardemotions · 7 months
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the question came to mind of "in your ship, how might the larger/stronger party pick up or carry the smaller one?" and these were the answers i came to
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underwittingly · 1 year
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midnight rendezvous
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albondiguilla007 · 6 months
I mostly opened this account to talk about Harry Potter with other fans. I need potterhead friends I’m begging you, take pity on me.
✨ First though, here’s a Marauders playlist:
✨ Profile pic by sophitil
Ok, so a bit about me and this blog’s contents:
✨ We don’t judge here, every ship is welcome
✨But if it’s gay better
✨ I love the golden trio, I won’t stand for ANY kind of SLANDER, not of Ron, not of Hermione, least of all Harry. They are human, and they are good friends with flaws who love each other very much. They are growing up, grieving, taking care of each other and learning about life. I adore their friendship, and fanfics that realistically explore their relationship will always be a soft spot of mine. (wholesome one shot)
✨ Hot take: If you have any fanfic recommendation where they are romantically together (the three of them, as in an actual relationship), I would appreciate it very much
✨ Drarry (please) 🥵
✨ Lily Evans is my queen and goddess
✨ Jegulus (depending on the mood) Jegulily thooo 👀
✨ Tomarry? I’M A SLUT FOR TOMARRY (please I need more time travel fanfic recommendations) Some very good ones tho:
Terrible, but Great.
you belong to me (i belong to you).
Of Kings, of Pawns, and of Men. (This one is not time trivel per se but its AMAZING I’m telling ya)
Wear me like a locket around my throat
(all of them are in ao3)
✨ My boy Harry is incredibly underrated on his own book, like...? He is amazing, I love him, I wish him all the happiness in the world. WE NEED MORE FANFICS WHERE ALL HIS MENTAL STRUGGLES AND GRIEVING PROCESSESS ARE PORTRAYED. (He’s gone through so much, I don’t buy the way canon just swept everything under the rug and moved on)
✨ Draco Malfoy is a power bottom, fight me
✨ Another soft spot of mine? Fanfics where Harry time travels to a time where his parents are alive or a different dimension all together.
To make it better
Devil’s White Knight
Across the universe
You’re somebody else
(all in ao3 except Across the universe, that’s a short story in fanfic.net)
Other recommendations
✨ My bedtime readings are hardcore Drarry smut with some very questionable dom/sub dynamics. RECOMMENDATIONS PLEASE 🙏🏻
✨ Canon Remus was a bit of a people pleaser with no personality, but I forgive him because fanon, obviously
✨Canon James Potter was a dick, but I forgive him too. He did change a bit after Hogwarts, but I keep hoping he would’ve matured more if he’d had the chance to grow up into an actual adult
✨ Aaron Taylor Johnson and every other version of James Potter is mine, no arguments
✨ NO SNAPE SLANDER. He is an amazing character, and a very complex one at that. He is not supposed to be a good person, but a complicated one with a gray set of values. Y’all do not understand that, and I’m tired of watching Marauders stans be so fucking hypocritical when it comes to him.
Crime and Punishment (an amazing severitus fic on ao3)
✨ August, Cardigan and Betty are about these three idiots (Lily, James and Regulus) and you can’t change my mind. If you have any fanfic recs I’m all ears.
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drarry-reccage · 2 days
Notes on a resurrection by newleaves (126k, M)
Tags: Unspeakable Draco Malfoy, Professor Harry Potter, Bring back Black, Secret Relationships
The Potters stop arguing, for the moment. They look over, their expressions matched in steely irritation. Thankfully, for Draco’s nerves, they’re easy to distinguish besides this. Harry is full of storms, as usual, on his feet as he paces the rug not far from the door, shoulders up around his ears. His father is leaning artfully against the honey-brown Chesterfield sofa, one foot crossed over the other and hands in his pockets, all clean lines and angles. It’s not clear why they’ve been keeping each other company, but Draco supposes that Harry at least can’t resist throwing himself at a problem until it’s either solved or successfully killed him. “Masters and Mistress,” drawls Kreacher, living for this moment. Draco’s often thought that it’s a cruelty, the way that Harry and the others so frequently refuse to let Kreacher express himself. “Mr Potter. May Kreacher present Mr Malfoy…” The pause is exquisite. “And his guest.” This is Lupin’s cue to come out from behind the doorframe, and Draco gets the impression that he’s very nearly run off again. “Just me, I’m afraid,” he says with half a wave. There is the requisite pause as the room takes him in, but then it’s James Potter who reacts – or, more accurately, erupts. Collapsing away from the sofa, he lights up like nothing that Draco has ever seen, breaking into an ebullient laugh, storming movement and a bellow. “You fuzzy cunt, Moony – what?!”
My notes are under cut, containing what could be considered spoilers (though the big plot points I mention didn't come as a surprise to me while reading).
(rec by @dontthrowsticksatme)
Caveat here is that I'm only halfway through the fic as I write this. If the second half is horrible, I apologise, though I can't imagine it to be <3
I LOVE the characterisations in this fic. The way the marauders are portrayed are *chef's kiss*.
I especially love how Harry is juxtaposed with his posh, happy-go-lucky dad. Who, after finding out their old friends Frank and Alice Longbottom have been in St Mungo's all this time, suggests they should have a barbecue. For Neville. If the weather's nice.
Or with cute Lily and her thick accent, and the way her love for Harry sparkles off the screen immediately and in every way. Or little shit Teddy meeting his dad, and the way Draco only encourages him by setting up a prank the day the two meet.
Drarry is almost - but not entirely - secondary to all these family relationships, but their love is a very sweet one, sketched in moments woven throughout the story.
Draco's character comes through in subtle ways, throwaway lines, funny actions and mostly the way the other characters look at him, interact with him. He has the worst blind spots for how much people like him.
And you cannot help but love Harry through Draco's softly adoring eyes. I want to wrap him in my arms and hug tight. Actually, I want to wrap all of them in my arms and hug tight.
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nelweensfic · 1 year
Challenging labyrinth
This is a little gift for my amazing friend @peachydreamxx 's birthday 🥳 I hope you'll like this domestic Drarry fic ❤️ Thank you @cluelesspigeons for beta reading it! Also, there will be a surprise in the reblog soon 🤫
Harry slowly pushed the trolley as he looked at all the furniture.
“Why is it so loud here?” Draco grumbled behind him, just when a little boy ran past, a girl following him with a big blue Ikea bag in her tiny hand. 
Harry took a careful look at his husband. Draco was walking around with a big frown on his face.   Every now and again, he touched some small furniture or mumbled about the too colourful bedsheets. 
They continued walking through the showrooms, following those white arrows on the floor when Draco suddenly stopped Harry. “Why are we here?” he asked with a serious face. 
Harry raised an eyebrow. “Buying furniture for the new house?” 
“Yeah but why? You know we can,” Draco looked around for a second, “ Transfigure them.” He whispered the last words, checking to see if someone had heard him.
Harry rolled his eyes but smiled anyways. He had suspected Draco would be too much of a Wizard to do it the Muggle way But Harry had always wanted to go furniture shopping. 
They carried on their way. Yet after a good fifteen minutes of them wandering around , they encountered a couple fighting. The lady was arguing about something to do with the rug in their living room and the poor man was trying his best to calm her down.
They passed by the couple silently, though it didn’t take long before they found another couple arguing about the colour of their furniture. Should it black or white, or maybe a darker wood colour? Harry saw Draco look at them intensely. He wondered what his husband was thinking. 
As he kept pushing his trolley,he felt Draco’s hand wrapping around his arm. They walked side by side in silence, though it wasn’t as comforting as usual. Draco wasn’t the kind of person to not share his thoughts. On the contrary, he was one of the worst gossips Harry had ever known. 
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked.  
“Why did you take us here?” Draco asked back, a sudden, childish tone in his voice.
“I already told you,” Harry said. “To buy furniture for the new house.
“No.” Draco shook his head. “What’s the real reason?” 
Harry sighed fondly. “Because,” he kissed Draco’s cheek softly, tangling their fingers together before taking a step back, “Ikea is secretly a challenge for all couples. And I wanted to see if we would survive it without hexing each other’s balls off.”
Ignoring the indignant spluttering of his husband, Harry turned around and pushed the trolley in the direction of the beds again. He thought he had seen some dark green bedsheets that Draco would surely like. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
3,6, and, 10
3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope
Starting off strong with immediate pain I see. Why would you hurt me like this? I like the angst and thematic potential of Draco being the one to outlive Harry. No one expects it. Least of all Draco. Harry is everything, the Boy Who Lived Twice, a constant since Draco was 11, so energetic and unique and yes human and vulnerable in a way that the public forgets, but still somehow larger than life. He couldn't possibly do something as mundane as die. Draco can't even begin to fathom it. How could this be the thing that he finally beats Harry at? It can't be.
Meanwhile Harry doesn't fear death. He got over that a long time ago. When it's his time he doesn't linger. He probably even makes a quip about how Draco can finally get the last word in their arguments. Draco keeps going but he's never the same afterwards, though to him it's more that the world isn't the same - everything seems just a little less bright, somehow, than before. Until one day he finds himself in a place that looks remarkably like Kings Cross and there is an achingly familiar face waiting to greet him.
6. How they decorated their bedroom
Haphazardly. Mostly with gifts from other people because Harry doesn't really see the point and Draco grew up 1) having people to worry about things like that for him and 2) with an all white marble aesthetic so having a random collage of Quidditch posters seems entertainingly rebellious to him. Since most of their decor comes from their friends and family trying to brighten things up they end up with a very eclectic and rather clashing look - a flower Luna painted on the wall, a rather severe looking bedside table from Narcissa that has a nasty habit of growling at the cheerful area rug that Molly brought etc.
Draco does however start sneaking in some "random" decor that just so happens to have highly realistic snakes in it. This definitely has nothing to do with the fact that he finds it sexy when Harry speaks Parseltongue.
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
They don't because the wizarding world has yet to discover the concept of television and Harry never got into the habit because mostly Dudley wouldn't let him watch tv so he never really developed a taste for it and also he associates enjoying tv shows with Dudley and consequently looks down on it a bit. The half remembered programs he occasionally got a glimpse of in his childhood aren't enough to compel him to go to the trouble of trying to find a way to get something set up without magic sending it haywire.
Draco of course had never even heard of a television till after the war when he ended up spending time in the muggle world during his probation and even after because for quite a while no one in the magical world wanted anything to do with him. He never really got into any programs but at least he now knows what a television is. Unlike Arthur Weasley who still refers to them as Teffle-Fissions. Draco is secretly rather proud of this though he'd never let on. He also wins Arthur over with his stories of the Muggle world.
Draco does however enjoy listening to several wizarding radio programs - mostly of the mystery genre. Nothing too heavy because after the war he doesn't want anything with too much violence or realism in it. Harry didn't grow up having stories read to him (as far as he can remember anyway) and can be a bit utilitarian in his thinking. He doesn't really see the point of getting invested in something make-believe. Draco of course makes a huge Thing of it and makes a point of imitating characters from the show and dropping overdramatic references just to get Harry to roll his eyes. Harry for his part starts listening along just to make fun of it. It becomes a bit of a routine and after a few decades Harry finds himself just the tiniest bit invested. (He would never admit it of course, but Draco can tell).
Send me a ship and a number
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duchessdulce · 4 months
“Draco, are you gay?”
Draco’s head snapped up. Greg Goyle, large and solid as a pile of boulders, was sitting on the bed next to his, looking at him. Draco had been sitting on his own bed, leafing through a pile of library books, but he let the book in his hands drop now as he quickly scanned the dormitory. He and Greg were alone.
“What?” Draco said.
“I asked if you’re gay,” Greg said.
“What do you think?” Draco said, his tone tetchy. This was a forbidden topic of conversation. It was an unspoken rule. Draco had thought Greg would know this without being told.
“I think you’re kinda gay,” Greg said.
“That was a rhetorical question,” Draco said. “That means I didn’t really want you to answer.”
“Are you attracted to me?” Greg asked.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Draco snapped. “You’re not that attractive.”
There was a silence, and Draco winced.
“That’s not — You’re asking upsetting questions. You can’t expect me not to —”
Greg just sat there looking at him, solid and impassive as always.
Draco took a deep breath and started again.
“You’re a good looking young man, Goyle. You’ve got a sort of rugged, mountain man thing going on. I think you should grow a beard when we get older.”
“Yeah?” Greg said, stroking his chin thoughtfully.
“You’re just not my type,” Draco finished.
“You want someone scrawny like you,” Greg said knowingly.
“Well, maybe,” Draco said. Then, indignant, “Hey! Did you just call me scrawny?”
“I get it,” Goyle said. “I like scrawny girls.”
“I am not scrawny,” Draco said. “I know you kept the copy of our fashion magazine that Pansy and I gave you.”
“I kept that for Pansy’s legs, not yours,” Greg said.
“How dare you, Goyle. I have excellent legs. Some people would say they’re my best asset. And those people…” Draco added as an afterthought, “have forgotten to look at my face. And my hair.”
“You do spend a lot of time on your hair. And it looks pretty okay, I guess. Any bloke who also likes other blokes would be lucky to get you,” Greg added generously.
“Thank you, Goyle,” Draco said stiffly.
—from Narcissa Malfoy, Fairy Godmother (a Drarry fic)
Read more here
Chapter 14 is up!
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flowerfan2 · 1 month
Casting in the Dark
Drarry, 8k, M.
The first time Draco has an orgasm with Harry, he’s not sure Harry even notices. In retrospect, this might not have been ideal.
A story about eighth year sexy shenanigans, boys who are not particularly experienced at either sex or communication, and first times that don’t always go smoothly.
A note of interest: I was inspired to write this story when someone recently left a very lovely comment on a Klaine fic I wrote years ago (Dancing in the Dark). This Drarry fic starts out the same way, but due to the fact that these are rather different couples, it then took on a life of its own. This is evidence, however, of how leaving comments can sometimes result very directly in more fic!
Casting in the Dark (read on A03):
The first time Draco has an orgasm with Harry, he’s not sure Harry even notices.  In retrospect, this might not have been ideal.   
It’s eighth year, an extremely convenient concept that McGonagall came up with when she witnessed students losing their collective shit as the end of the summer after the war approached.  No amount of cooperatively fixing up the castle had prepared their cohort of traumatized survivors to move forward with adult lives just yet, so McGonagall and the castle, apparently, improvised.  Instead of having to fend for themselves, the group gets another year of food provided to them three times a day, schoolwork so they have something to think about other than fear, and rules that are familiar, if not always welcome.
There are some differences, of course.  The eighth years now live in a new house on the grounds that is a tad too rustic for Draco’s taste, a cross between a Swiss chalet and a hunting cabin.  Their bedrooms are haphazard with little rhyme or reason to them, and instead of being assigned they all just wandered in and set up wherever they landed.
Draco and Pansy are in a room on the second floor, overlooking a grassy hill that swoops dramatically down to the lake.  Blaise, Millie and a Ravenclaw girl are next to them, with two Hufflepuffs and Longbottom across the hall.  Thomas and Finnegan are downstairs, next to the kitchen, along with Weasley, Granger, and a few other students.  In a move that surprised no one, moments after they all filed in the house had shifted and popped a third floor, giving Harry a room all to himself.  
The common room has a high ceiling and heavy wooden beams, thick rugs in faded colors, and scattered chairs and sofas that look worn but are on the whole surprisingly comfortable.  And it’s here that it happens.  Afterwards, Draco wonders if he should mark it down somewhere, whether maybe there’s a special way to commemorate such a first.  If he should dig out his baby wizard book from a trunk at the Manor and make a new page:  Draco’s First Partnered Orgasm.  Mother would be so proud.
It's a Saturday in early December, almost the end of term.  After dinner someone puts music on, louder than normal, the kind that thrums through your body and rattles your bones.  Between that and the bottles of elf wine getting passed around, Draco’s feeling fine.
Millie and her Ravenclaw friend are dancing, hands above their heads and hair flying.  They are soon joined by Pansy and Granger, who have formed an odd friendship, and Blaise, who’ll dance with anyone.  Lovegood’s there too, turning the music up, and Longbottom arrives bringing more beverages, along with a group of seventh years that traipse in after him.  Finnegan is fucking around with the candles, charming them to shine in shades of pink neon and tangerine.  It's not the first house party of the term, but it’s shaping up to be the wildest.  Despite that, Draco’s content to hang back, watching the colors flash and reflect against the tall windows that line the sides of the room. 
Later Harry flops down on the sofa next to him, flush with alcohol.  His eyes gleam in the flickering candlelight as he turns to Draco and hands him a glass.  “Try it.  It’s pretty good,” Harry says, leaning close to yell in Draco’s ear.
Draco takes a sip and grimaces as the liquid burns going down.   It tastes like fruit flavored acid. “Is this Longbottom’s?” He leans close too.  Yelling is so gauche.
Harry’s hair brushes Draco’s cheek.  “Yup.  He claims it’s punch.”
“Sure.”  Draco braces himself and drinks the rest of the glass.  “Where’s yours?”
Harry shrugs.  “Finished it already.”  He holds Draco’s gaze, and Draco can feel his whole body tingling.  He thinks he knows where this is going.  He really, really hopes he knows where this is going.
By now most of the students have abandoned the dance floor for more dimly lit corners of the room, the charmed candles accommodating the mood by blowing themselves out.  The music is still loud, pulsing through Draco’s brain to the tune of the alcohol flowing through his veins.
Harry gives him a look that is probably meant to be sultry, but even as ridiculous as it is, it gets the point across.   “Wanna…?” Harry asks, a smile dancing around his lips.
Draco nods, and before he knows it Harry has cast a <i>notice-me-not,</i> and then they are kissing, hands in each others’ hair, messy and free.  After a while Draco shifts and stretches his legs out, optimistically pulling Harry down with him, but the soft isn’t big enough for them both to lie down and they wind up on the floor, half under the coffee table, laughing into each other’s faces.
“You’d think we’d never done this before,” Harry says, his grin stretching his cheeks, and Draco nearly chokes with glee because, to be clear, <i>they have never done this before.</i>  Not with each other.  Not even once.
“But you wanted to,” Draco says, regaining his composure, as much as it is possible to do while avoiding what he is hoping is a puddle of spilled wine and not something even more vile behind his head.
“Yeah, I did,” Harry says.  “For ages.  So did you.”
“I did.”  Draco takes in a deep breath, and then leans in, wondering if Harry will kiss him again.  He does.
Harry is an energetic kisser, and Draco tries to pay attention, tries to match what Harry is doing.  Harry is generous with his caresses, but keeps his hands firmly above Draco’s belt, and his hips canted away, so Draco does the same.  It’s more than fine with him, frankly, because he’s not all that interested in giving his fellow students a show, even if the room is dark and no one else is paying a damn bit of attention to what’s going on underneath the coffee table.
They kiss again and again.  It’s fantastic.  Harry drops kisses along Draco’s chin, and then down his throat, nosing his way into the open collar of his shirt.  It makes Draco shiver with delight.  Eager to make Harry feel just as good, Draco runs his hand over Harry’s chest, pausing to circle his nipples as he feels them harden through Harry’s thin t-shirt.  This apparently works as intended, so Draco does it again, and Harry moans wantonly in appreciation.  The sound shoots straight through Draco, and then he’s jerking his hips, pressing them to the floor and letting out his own embarrassing noises, ones he can only hope are muffled by the music.
Moments later, when feeling has returned to his legs, Draco shuffles to his feet.  He just came in his pants.  From kissing Harry Potter.  He can hardly believe it.  “Be right back,” he says, pointing towards the bathroom.  Harry, looking a little dazed, just nods.
When Draco returns from cleaning himself up, Hermione and Ron are bracketing Harry on the sofa, clinking glasses together.  Harry shoots Draco an apologetic look and turns back to his friends.  Draco goes to his room, pushes all of the night’s confusing feelings away, and, helped along by the relatively high level of alcohol in his bloodstream, falls asleep.
The next morning Draco panics.  He’s not really surprised that something happened between him and Harry – the UST, as Pansy calls it, has most definitely been building.  But he’s got no idea what’s going to happen next.  After Harry testified at Draco’s trial and McGonagall assigned them to work together mending furniture in the Great Hall, it became easier to get along.  They’ve even been on a mostly first name basis since Harry’s birthday, as a result of a gillyweed-inspired game of truth or dare.  More recently, the eighth year house has done its job, providing a cozy, safe space for the two of them to relax and breathe.  Draco knows that as strange as it seems, he and Harry are friends.
Still, it’s one thing for the wizarding world’s golden boy to demonstrate how good and forgiving he is by allowing a former Death Eater to hang with him.  It’s quite another to snog him.  
So when Harry knocks on Draco’s door that morning and asks if he wants to come play Quidditch, Draco is very pleasantly surprised.
When a week goes by and there has been zero additional kissing, however, Draco is not so happy.
He hasn’t told Pansy about what happened, or anyone else.  He doesn’t want to inadvertently screw it up before he knows what Harry wants.  He doesn’t even know if Harry has kissed a boy before, how Harry identifies, or if he’s out.  
Draco is, more or less.  After the war, and after it was clear he wasn’t going to Azkaban, he told Pansy and Blaise.  He’s not trying to keep it a secret, not any more.  He thinks his parents already knew, but kept it quiet so that it wasn’t one more thing putting them at risk, one more vulnerability for Voldemort to exploit.  
He doesn’t think Pansy saw Harry kissing him at the party, because if she had, she absolutely would have said something to him by now.  Regardless, she seems to know something is up, giving him quizzical looks and questioning him on his plans in the evenings.  He’s not quite ready to tell her, though.  Not yet.  Besides, he doesn’t need to confide in her to know what her advice would be.
Talk to him. Ha.
Read the rest on A03.
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garagepaperback · 24 hours
thank you to true sweetheart @ghostofnoir for the tag! here's a preview from the next (and final? but also there will be an epilogue) chapter of my wip, a barely lit path <3 enough heart-ruining drarry for a moment, here's heart-exalting harry + ron:
“You’re not allowed to freak out, mate.” Butter yellow shifted from paint to light, gliding with them down the hallway, Harry nodding as he rubbed at his collarbone. “You fully missed the freak out period, that was last month. I don’t want to hear it. You’re here strictly to be put to work.” The laugh scratched up both of their throats and it tore off midway through Harry’s when they stopped at the second door on the left. Inconspicuous wood, identical to the bathroom next to it, nothing special. Hermione and Ron’s bedroom looked the same, just a reach across the hall. And still. It was wonderful. It was overwhelming, like the straining, shuffling, dragging days had shuddered their way through the haze, never forward really, but arriving here just the same.  Beyond the doorway, charmed sun coveted the crib, set beneath two window, gauzy curtains garlanding the soft posts. A half-built pram waited wheelless on top of a rug, sheep the size of cottonballs roaming among the tufted green weave. Pale wood, soft edges, everything adored, everything loved, nothing left out. Harry blinked, squinted, fought through it, lost. “Alright, Merlin.” Ron clasped him on the shoulder, Harry's spine faltering under a gasping breath after the wracking sob. “It’s just Hermione’s office with a paint job—you can’t…” But Ron's voice was dug out wet, too, a handful of fertile soil. “Okay, Harry, mate—” and Ron laughed. “I know! I know.” Harry couldn’t tell if the wrench in his chest was a heart overfull or the muscle tearing, if it was his own laughter or some deeper resin running slick down the rungs of his ribcage. He fumbled his glasses up to his forehead, wiped hopelessly at his eyes.  “It looks really nice,” His voice cracked, the last part of him to.
tagging anyone who wants in! but especially shaking the shoulders of @yiiiiiiiikes25 @jtimu @citrusses @eleadore @epitomereally <3
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Masterlist Drarry Recs - Pt 4
A/B/O | Bottom Alpha | Omega Harry
8th year enemies to friends to lovers
Age difference
An event brings them together
Beauxbatons and Durmstrang AUs
Blowing each others mind (smut)
Cutesy 8th year
Curses, pranks and bad luck
Competent Drarry
D/s undertones
Demon Drarry
Drarry in fist fights
Ensemble cast
Emotional maturity
Fics set in a forest
Forced marriage | Married Drarry
Funny Mpreg
Gay awakening + trans Drarry
Hurt/comfort manipulation
Love/hate relationship
Magical theory and worldbuilding
Marauders Map
Morning after (intimacy)
“It isn’t like this with other people”
Drarry as each other’s safe place
Drarry in America
Drarry surprising the world
Drarry sacrificing their relationship
Drarry working through relationship issues
Realizing feelings and running away
Situationship | Toxic relationship
Long-distance relationship
Power imbalance
Pride and Prejudice AU
Draco in Azkaban
Draco learns about the Dursleys
Draco helps Harry heal his trauma
Harry defends Draco in the trials
Harry thinks Draco is Up to Something
Mental illness
Kid fic + humour | Secret pregnancy 1 & 2
University AU
Water-centric fics
Wedding planning
Witty fics
Workplace romance
T-rated comfort fics
Age gap + Next Gen
Casual Drarry with other people | OMC
Drarry in a M/M/F threesome
Ron & Hermione dating other people
Draco & Ron friendship
Smart Harry
Harry helping Draco heal
Harry learns about old magic/pureblood society
Harry spoiling Draco
Harry comes back “wrong”
Sad but sweet Harry (8th year)
Harry living in a cottage
Dominant Harry | Possessive Harry
Talented Harry
Injured/disabled Harry
Magically Powerful Drarry
Rugged Drarry (manual labor)
Sexually inexperienced Harry
Harry cheats on Ginny with Draco
Dark Draco
Drunk Draco
Smitten Draco | Smitten Harry
Stalker Drarry | Unhinged Drarry
Draco changes after the war
Draco on parole
Guilty Draco & redemption arc
Draco is adopted by the Gryffindors
Manic Pixie Dream Girl Draco
Older Draco x younger Harry
Long Draco-centric fics | Long Harry-centric fics
Drarry recs 2021-2023
Drarry WIPs
Canon style
My comfort rereads
Emotionally complex stories
Underrated fics
Long plotty fics (2024)
Spring reads
Fics featuring the sea
Top 5/10 ask game lists
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Ginny Weasley
Okay hold on I know Harry Potter is bad its awful I KNOW BUT LISTEN- the way drarries have BUTCHERED and KILLED her character is something that truly needs to be studied because its one thing to make her and harry not date but oh my god they treat her like she is the DEVIL for EXISTING.
Tbh only remember the epilogue where they do a time skip and Harry and Ginny are married then they have a Bunch of kids boarding the train. In fics I see a lot of her either becoming psychotic trying to marry Harry and become lady potter or molly Weasley getting a contract to force a marriage. There’s a lot of m/m ships in the fandom but I think Harry and Draco are the most popular? Just wanted to throw someone different in here
The thing is, the deeper I got into the fics, the worse Ginny got? Like I read plenty of good fics where she was cool, but there was the same amount where for some reason she was controlling, or abusive, or dead. Like for Drarry? Come on! If you think Ginny sucks, I have some *shocking* news about Draco
Alyx Vance
She genuinely gets so much hate from fans who like to ship Gordon and Barney because she's Gordon's canon love interest and it's tragic because she's such an interesting character.
I LOVE HER SM but she's so often mistreated and shoved under the rug by not only ppl mischaracterizing her due to being a woman of color but also to shove her to the side for freehoun (gordon freeman/barney calhoun) bc she "gets in the way" of freehoun by being canonically into gordon ........ i need her to stay safe in my arms
Literally gordon freemans canon love interest, and she loves gordon so much. I love her and i love their relationship even if gordon is a bit of a blank slate character. Anyway Freemance (Alyx/Gordon) is way less popular than Freehoun (Gordon/Barney). Barney is some guy who appeared in half life 1 but didnt even have a name. He appears at like the beginning and end of hl2. He is a side character. And yet for some fucking reason people always push alyx out of the way to ship gordon with this random white guy (Should mention at this point that alyx is a black woman). Alyx and her relationship with Gordon have WAY more development than anything about Barney (did BARNEY get a whole game dedicated to him?). And yet. I literally saw a freehoun shipper try to say that freemance is pedophilia and freehoun should be alyx's "dads." The reasoning for this being that hl2 takes place 20 years after hl1, and gordon, at 27, was put into stasis for those 20 years. When he comes out Alyx is 24 and Barney is in his 40s. The argument is that gordon actually did age those 20 years even though he was fucking suspended in time. They even claimed that "gordon probably babysitted alyx at some point" which there is absolutely no evidence for - meeting Alyx in hl2 is pretty heavily implied to be Gordon's first time meeting her. But like functionally Gordon is 3 years older than Alyx and 20 years younger than barney!!! He did not have any fucking life experience while he was in time prison!!! It's an absolutely insane reach to try and justify why you are sidelining a black woman!!!!!! Basically I love alyx I love freemance and I do not trust freehoun shippers because there is some kind of racism and misogyny happening there to make them sideline Alyx for a random white guy
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seriouslysam8 · 4 months
I've been following harry potter fandom for a few months now, and I noticed the Hinny community doesn't have as many likes, comments, or reblogs as the other troupes. I looked into this and noticed something. Let me know if I'm wrong, but there's the Hinny community and then subcommunities within it. Those subcommunities support, like, comment on, and reblog content, but not many reach out to support the rest of the Hinny community unless they really like their work. Now if you look into the Drarry, Harmony, Jegulus, Wolfstar, and Tomarry communities, you'll see how damn supportive they are of each other's work. These guys reblog EVERYTHING. It could be complete garbage where the writing doesn't make sense, the art is mediocre, or whatever their headcanons, fantheories, etc. are, they support the fuck out of it. Then they gain a bunch of followers because it's reaching a larger audience. That's why we see so much content that looks like it has so much support. I've read some Drarry and Jegulus (both troupes I hate) out of curiosity and compared them to some Hinny and Jily stories, and the amount of reblogs and positive comments was crazy. Then you look at the Hinny and Jily stories, and it's like 10 comments or 6 reblogs. I just think if the Hinny community all reblogged the fuck out of each other's work, they would gain so much more attention because I didn't even know about the Hinny community. I found out through some Drarry/Wolfstar/Jegulus stories and then searched Hinny. The lack of comments, reblogs, and likes makes it seem as if it's not good. But it's good—so fucken good. Yet there's some really great stuff out there that is being brushed under the rug, and I can't fathom why the people in this community aren't more supportive of each other. Again, I may be completely off since I'm new to the harry potter fandom, but that's just what I've noticed.  
I would agree with that statement. I do feel like there’s groups in the Hinny fandom. There’s not a lot of love between the groups. I know there’s been drama in the past but I’ve just plugged my ears and turned away from it all. I just want to have fun, yeah know??
I’m a terrible reader, but I always review what I read. I could be a lot better at reblogs though. Definitely should work on that! But yeah, it the Hinny fandom doesn’t support each other as much as other fandoms within HP. I know whenever I see people asking for Hinny recs, the same old stories are recommended by authors not even in the community anymore.
That said, I’ve met some really great people in the Hinny community that I simply adore. They’ve always been super supportive and I adore them. I’ve tried to rally people who visit my tumblr to always review, not just my stories but every story you read. Don’t leave negative mean comments if you don’t like the story, then you can just click the X. But there’s so many people who don’t review and that makes me sad.
I know I’ve been getting into the Blackinnon community (which is MICRO compared to Hinny) and it’s the same thing. I see the hits on my Blackinnon stories and compare the reviews and it’s disappointing. I especially think in small communities within HP, it is SUPER important to review and reblog (I promise to get better at reblogging!!)
I do think if there was more engagement within the Hinny fandom (and in the Blackinnon fandom), then you’d see a lot more writers and stories and maybe we can over take some of these other ships. Honestly, I know I love engaging with all of you. I love when people send me PMs and I become their friends. (I’m super shy and socially awkward so I rarely reach out first but if you’re more outgoing then please reach out!) It makes my fucking day to have someone to geek out with about our favorite characters. I don’t understand why people don’t want that same engagement.
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cavendishbutterfly · 2 years
a lil self rec
Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems.” Then tag some folks.
Thank you to the endlessly fantastic @sorrybutblog for the tag! I have collected three such fics here of mine that I love:
“Most Popular”: Inertia | Rated E | 83k Abolitionist Harry/Potioneer Draco Eighth Year Comfort Flangst
This fic let me delve into questions like: what is the difference between winning a war and getting justice? What does that justice look like for Draco? And most of all, how does that justice feel? 
It was also my playground for considering Drarry as a ship. How do they fit together, and why do I find them compelling? I’ve spent most of 2022 creating this world and relaxing into the comfort it brings me--I hope it can bring you some comfort as well.
“Hidden Gem”: Song From The Morning Birds | Rated E | 4k Trans Harry/Rugged Draco Cabin Romance
I love a get-together fic as much as anyone, but in this story I wanted to play with what happens in the moments just after that revelation: giddiness and new infatuation set in a small misty American town. Bite-sized, sweet, and vibey.
“Hidden Gem”: Best In Blue | Rated E | 12k Healer Teddy/Quidditch Player James Best Friends to Lovers
Nonbinary Teddy who uses their metaphorphmagus powers for gender euphoria. Cocky James who’s been hopelessly in love with Teddy and doesn’t know if it’s mutual. I had no idea how much I would come to enjoy writing the intensity of both their feelings and the care they have for each other. The smut in this fic still makes me blush.
No-pressure tagging @corvuscrowned, @saintgarbanzo, @academicdisasterfic, @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm, and @softlystarstruck if there are any self-recs you’d like to share!
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dbutsu · 10 months
wip hpdm drarry - untitled story of draco in a skirt
no i did not proofread and i will try to finish it but for now enjoy 1.5k words of exposition and one (1) line of anything explicit. this is my first time writing a fic so go ez on me...
anyway, pairing: harry x draco summary: draco wears a skirt, theres literally nothing else rating: E FOR EXPLICIT (eventually)
Hermione deems the  library much too loud to study in, so they’re in the eighth-year common room, sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace in various states of comfort, a mess of textbooks and parchment laid out on the worn rug between them.
In Harry’s opinion, it’s an upgrade from the stifling aura of the library with its towering stacks of tomes and the not-so-subtle giggle of students from all years peering at him from above their books. Today was much louder than usual though, the ever-present rumor mill working its way through the student body. Madam Pince was working the wrinkles around her mouth overtime with all the shushing. And Hermione had gotten so annoyed, she’d dragged both him and Ron to the common room by their ears as if it was somehow their fault.
At least in the common room, there was the comforting warmth of the fireplace and the blissful absence of admiring stares.
Harry ought to thank whatever saucy story is making its way around Hogwarts for pulling him out of the library, though he doesn’t find himself all too interested in knowing what it is. There can’t possibly be any gossip juicy enough to top the fact that an entire war was battled and won right inside these castle walls.
Ron and Harry are flat on their stomachs, quietly cheering for their chess pieces as they command the knights and queens into playing a game of footie with a crumpled up piece of parchment. Harry lets out a hushed ‘yeaaah!’ for his queen scoring another goal, when Pansy Parkinson’s screeching laughter precedes the sound of the portrait opening. It’s like hearing a chainsaw behind a door before it tears into the room and murders you brutally.
“-their faces!” Pansy is cackling, “We should have done this ages ago!”
Malfoy’s voice follows close behind, smirking. And even though they’re walking behind the sofas and out of sight from Harry, he just knows the sound of his smirk. “It finally shut Smith’s big mouth, I’ll admit. Can you imagine if Pot-”
“Oh,” Pansy seems to stop, belatedly noticing Hermione leaned up against an armchair on the floor, following the trail of abandoned homework to Ron and Harry laying on the ground in front of the sofa nearest Pansy. She gives Harry in particular a nasty sneer. He frowns. “Come on, darling,” she says before Malfoy can see them as well, pushing him into the staircase leading up to their individual rooms.
Ron digs a pinky into his ear, wincing. “I swear, that girl has the laugh of a banshee. George sells fireworks quieter than her. And did you see how she looked at you? She must really hate that you lived twice.” Harry laughs and tosses his chess pieces at Ron, much to the stone figurines’ dismay.
He expects Hermione to say something about that, as she usually does when they light-heartedly tease about one of the scariest moments of Harry’s life. Harry thinks it’s a good thing that they can move past it in humour, but Hermione sometimes gets a little somber at it. It doesn’t seem like she’s paying attention though, and when Harry and Ron look over, she looks like she’s been petrified - another scary moment in their lives - staring at the staircase.
“…’Mione?” Ron frowns, sitting up in concern.
She’s quiet for a little more, lips parted, shaking her head. Her mouth opens and closes, trying to find the words and calculating in her head if maybe she saw wrong. “Malfoy…” she starts, looking a bit more red. “Malfoy’s…”
Both of them are frowning in her direction. What happened with Malfoy? He sounded fine - happy even, entertained by whatever he was talking about with Pansy. Did he come in covered in hippogriff blood? Missing an arm? Did he come in as a time-traveled version of himself, older and rugged with long hair sweeping delicately across his back and looking lean maybe with a bit of grown-in muscle and a charming look in his eyes–
“Malfoy’s wearing a skirt.”
Harry gapes. “Wh-”
“What!?” Ron shouts.
Despite knowing that Malfoy is now sauntering around the school in - what he hears is - a standard-issue pleated Hogwarts skirt, Harry is never able to see it for himself.
Malfoy and the castle seem to be working together to create the perfect opportunities to hide his lower half from Harry’s sight.
At breakfast, Malfoy is seated at the Slytherin table before Harry arrives, and leaves unnoticed.
In Potions, Malfoy works with Theodore Nott at the station closest to the door until Slughorn requests his help arranging the storeroom. Harry thinks maybe he can catch a glimpse of the skirt as Malfoy steps away from his staion, and then Seamus’ fucking cauldron releases a thick cloud of glimmering silver smoke, the room exploding in complaints that they can’t see. By the time Slughorn has jauntily waved the smoke into his wand, Malfoy is gone.
Even in the hallways, there is always always something in the way between Harry’s eyes and Malfoy’s legs. A stray bludger - why the hell is there a bludger in the hallway, a gaggle of girls asking Harry inane questions, a fight between two Ravenclaw seventh-years - yelling something like I saw him first and he wouldn’t go for you!
It shouldn’t even concern Harry, he thinks. Stupid Malfoy has a skirt on, so what? Most of the girls have skirts. If he wanted to see a fucking skirt, he can look at Hermione.
For some reason, that thought makes him cringe. He doesn’t want to think about why Hermione in a skirt is resolutely not the same as a bloke in a skirt. And maybe a bloke in a skirt is definitely not the same as bloody Malfoy in a skirt. Harry might be going crazy.
Defeated, Harry declines the invitation to join Ron and Hermione in the library for another study session after dinner in favour of slumping into the common room’s squashy sofa. Hermione only lets him be when he gestures at the pile of textbooks on the coffee table.
He’s laid down on the sofa, nose dutifully buried in his textbooks, when he hears someone settle into the armchair by his feet. Distractedly, he peers out the side of his book to see who it is, then returns to reading.
Harry looks again.
Malfoy has his legs crossed, one knee over the other, in the armchair with his jaw propped up on a loosely curled fist. He’s flipping through a worn edition of Tinctures, Elixirs, and the Human Psyche. Unlike Harry, he’s changed into a comfortable looking baggy top, very unfitting of what Harry expected him to wear for comfort. Harry expected silk button-ups, maybe a fluffy housecoat more befitting of the stifly aristocrat he is. Instead, he’s loose and cozy, hair slightly wavy and damp from a recent shower.
For some ungodly reason, Malfoy is also still wearing the skirt he’s presumably been wearing all day.
Harry stares.
It is, indeed, a skirt. The same dark grey, pleated material as the one most girls wear, with the addition of a band of Slytherin green adorning the hem. It falls delicately around the shape of - oh god - Malfoy’s thighs, plump where it presses against the edge of the cushioned seat. As Harry stares, Malfoy shifts and props his feet up on the coffee table, stretching his - oh Lord - long pale legs across its surface.
Harry takes about ten years to turn his head back to his book, but he’s not reading.
Alright. So Malfoy is definitely wearing a skirt. It is definitely 100% a skirt there, for sure. Good for him. Fashion is great. Lovely way to express yourself, that.
He looks at the skirt again.
Malfoy is looking at him.
Ah, magic theory, yes, this textbook has so much information! The interaction of elements and the magical core and all of it, so cool!
Harry yawns - forced - and stretches a dramatic arm over his head as he sits up. He darts a look to the ticking floor clock in the far corner of the common room, raising his eyebrows as if to say oh wow! That’s the time! and plucks his books off the table. He aims a thin-mouthed nod to Malfoy and gets the fuck out of there, walking calmly to the staircase and then hurrying up the steps two at a time.
He runs into his room and slams it closed behind him, presses his back to the door, tosses his books across the floor.
He shoves his hand into his pants and fucks his fist until he spills cum down the leg of his trousers.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
If MHA were Western-made, Izuku would probably be either with hot guy Todoroki or first girl Ochaco, both of which makes more sense logically, or childhood-friend Bakugo, which is extremely toxic but I think that western senses of bullying would tone it down a lot. Fortunately for us, the current situation in Japan means that any main character that could be on the LGBT+ means that Hori would have to write it down and make MHA no longer a part of Shounen for kids and be higher in the Shounen rating. Yeah, it sucks that Japan is still conservative but it means that western shippers can't forced Bakudeku or any gay ship without understanding the context on Japanese LGBT+ culture. It's not expecting that Japan will allow such things for a decade or so naturally, given that it took the west decades to stop treating it as a phase or mental illness.
Actually, if MHA was made by a western person instead of a Japanese one, wouldn't Bakugo's bullying situation be different and toned down compared to what actually happens in canon? This is the only reason why I think the pairing might make sense since the West has different views on bullying than in the East since the West is more attune against bullying a disabled person. Its like the equivalent of Drarry(DracoxHarry) for non-Slytherin Harry x Slytherin Draco since most people wouldn't want to do a pairing with the bully unless the circumstances were changed so that both were in the same house.
I think Katsuki’s bullying would either be called out more or toned down. Apparently, according to Japanese people themselves, bullying is an issue that doesn’t get a lot of attention and is swept under the rug. I don’t know how true this is tho seeing as this comes from Twitter of all places, but if it is, then we have some sort of answer as to why Katsuki’s bullying is never really discussed.
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