purelightkairi-blog · 7 years
i’d love it if you guys could spread this around. <3
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
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get to know me meme:
[2/5] female characters → Kairi
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
                              { You have to be strong }                                  Strength of heart will                                 carry you through the                                     hardest of trials
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
taeyeon + in a daze → for taenggeum
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
Pro tip: You don’t really understand someone’s bio? No clue about that character? You want to know more about the muse? You have difficulties figuring out how to make your muses interact because it’s an OC? 
Let the mun of the blog tell you about their character. 
Most people will get super excited when people ask questions about their muse, and they will happily tell you everything you want to know. You will not only get the information you wanted, you also made someone very happy because people are interested in their muse, and you’re on a good way of making a new friend and create a lovely relationship between your muses.
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
“i had to be ur fake boyfriend/girlfriend bc some creep was hitting on you and it was making you uncomfortable and now i have busted knuckles and a cut lip but hey are u okay” au
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
♡. serenaxluna liked for a starter;
   Feeling the warmth sand underneath her    body, her legs were spread out in front of    her while her feet stuck together like glue.    She adored  the noises of the ocean and    felt  truly  relaxed  when  she  was  by the    water. However, as she thought she was    alone,  she  heard   sudden   footsteps.
        “Who are you?” she asked         in   a defending  tone   at  first.
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
♡. shishells liked for a starter;
    Lightly taking a bite out of her Sea-     salt ice  cream, she  shivered a bit     due to the cold touch, but tried not     to mind it. Accidentally bumping into     someone,she instantly  looked over     at the person and said, “Sorry about     that.  I didn’t mean  to run into you.”
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
Starter call!!
I wanted to make icons tonight, except it’s 5AM right now, so I’m going to bed. It’s been months since I’ve been on here, so I’m not quite sure if anybody still wants to roleplay with me, but oh well. I actually miss being on here tbh. Anyway, goodnight, everyone!
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purelightkairi-blog · 9 years
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I could not forget this post, I’m sorry  (*´・v・)
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purelightkairi-blog · 10 years
{ ♕xicn }
        ♕; There was something about      this person that made her feel a bit...      different. She made no comment      about it though and just showed a      smile before reaching out a hand.          "Welcome to Destiny Islands."
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purelightkairi-blog · 10 years
{ ♕utoniumisms }
             ♕; "What's with the coat? If      you don't mind me asking." Maybe once or      twice Kairi has seen a person wearing such      an outfit, but it wasn't often. There weren't      many scientists living on Destiny Islands, so            she couldn't help, but be curious.
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purelightkairi-blog · 10 years
{ ♕raxcity }
        ♕; "--Are you a tourist?"      Immediately, she could tell this      person wasn't from Desiny Islands.
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purelightkairi-blog · 10 years
{ ♕stitchxsms }
              ♕; Her eyes scanned the area, but      everything was unfamiliar. It was sort of like the stories      her best friend has told. Was this one of the worlds?      She was unsure. Eventually, she found someone not so      far and rushed towards the person before asking,                 "Excuse me, where exactly am I?"
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purelightkairi-blog · 10 years
I like Kairi’s smile very much(*´▽`*)
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