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blackberry-s0da · 6 months ago
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Experimental stuff with Rudra
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invenusworld · 5 months ago
some astro notes on the EYES
- pisces, especially revati nakshatra can either have very expressive eyes or a blank stare; a gaze that's here, but "not here," a far-off look
- a strong influence of pitta - firey, hot planets like the sun & mars, malefic planets in fire signs can lead to "discolored" eyes that are not a bright white but may have an off-white or yellowish tint
- the whiteness of the eyes is associated with femininity, which corresponds with the water and earth element. kapha tends to give bright white eyes
- ardra nakshatra's deity is rudra, the terrifying form of lord shiva, who is said to have red eyes in some depictions
ardra natives are associated with red eyes and can have a wild, fierce look about them.
ardra is also associated with red eyes via its crying symbolism
& being a rahuvian nakshatra, is inclined to smoke 🌿
- leo rising can potentially bestow "yellow eyes," more prominently in males
- scorpio risings are said to have "power in their eyes," meaning they are very observant and see what people are doing. their eyes can be commanding & intimidating, as well as alluring, scorpio being a water sign
scorpio risings can be observant in a psychological sense, such as a observing body language and trying to gauge emotions and intentions from that, or studying micro facial expressions; observant in the occult sense of observing dreams, astrological studies, etc.
- rahu's nakshatras (ardra, swati, shatabisha) are extremely observant of their surroundings and the physical world they are placed in. immersed in the sights, sounds, smells of their environment, often leading to big, childlike eyes - full of wonder, soaking in the sights & sounds of the world
- the fire element represents vision, so afflictions to the fire signs may afflict the eyesight, depending on planetary conditions
- ashlesha natives have alluring, cat-like eyes that pull you in. eye makeup such as kohl or kajal and mascara can enhance this quality
- chitra natives can have big eyes that tend to narrow significantly when they smile, as well as rohini
- revati, bharani, krittika and venusian natives are good at acting with their eyes. they can excel at dance and can express different emotions with their eyes
- bharani natives can make excellent actors and performers due to being able to cry on command, & how dramatically they can express different emotions and invoke different emotions and reactions in audiences
bharani natives are also prone to crying and may often burst out in tears, though they may not like to show this aspect of themselves
bharani is associated with childbirth and babies who are prone to crying to express emotion.
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starsandsuch · 1 month ago
Ardra, Mula, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada
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The truth-bringers, psychics, mystics and occultists.
All of these Nakshatras connect back to Shiva, but how?
Let’s learn more about the lore surrounding the deity Shiva, and how he is the key thread between all of these Nakshatras.
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In Vedic lore the big 3 creator gods are: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. They are thought to create the reality we live in now.
However, Shiva wasn’t always known as “Shiva” here’s how he came to be:
Firstly, Brahma was creating the world and needed help, so he created more people to help him with the task of creating earth.
However, once these people were in existence, they disobeyed him, dismissed his commands, and pursued their own journeys.
This made Brahma angry, so angry that his brows furrowed together so hard that and little purple baby-like enitity popped out from inbetween his eyebrows.
This entity that appeared is known as “Rudra”.
Brahma named him “Rudra” which means “howler” “the crier” “the one who howls”. Since when he was born he was screaming and howling. He was born out of anger and distress.
However, Rudra went on to help Brahma in his task of creating the earth. Rudra began populating Earth with people. Except the “people” he populated it with were angry monster-like creatures. He was causing destruction inadvertently.
So Brahma told him he needed to control his anger and he that could master himself through the discipline of yoga.
So Rudra takes his advice and goes on a pilgrimage to the top of a mountain, where he mastered the practice of yoga and then returns to Brahma.
Upon returning to Brahma, Brahma gives him the new name “Shiva” which means: “calm, benevolent, peaceful”.
Through his evolution he maintained his true essence of being a “destroyer” but ultimately learned how to control and direct his energy in a positive way. His tendencies are to destroy in the name of truth, knowledge and enlightenment.
It’s important to note that Rudra is the same deity as Shiva, just in his raw, unfiltered form.
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Rudra is the fierce and powerful deity associated with storms.
He is the untamed version of Shiva.
He is known to be angry, wild, destructive and fierce.
Whilst other deities have luxurious dwellings, Rudra lives in crematoriums and graveyards. He’s thought to be a vagabond, he doesn’t have a singular resting place. He is considered the outcast amongst other deities.
His physical appearance is said to be unkempt and wild, uncombed hair, smeared face with crematorium ashes.
Rudra doesn’t care about the superficial desires, yet constantly strives to discover spiritual truth, discarding whatever doesn’t align with that truth.
He strives to destroy falsities and illusions.
This is not a deity known to bestow prosperity or grants superficial wishes. He’s a deity that’ll destroy illusions that reveal truth.
He won’t maintain the comfort your delusions bring you. He will pull you out of them, violently.
He’s interested in the deeper parts of life, the occult, mysticism, philosophy etc.
*KEY NOTE: Rudra has 11 avatars that manifest different forms of his energy. *
Ardra, Mula, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.
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Remember Rudra/Shiva are the same thing, just different forms. Rudra has 11 avatars.
ARDRA’S deity is: Rudra
Rudra is the fierce form of Shiva
MULA’S deity is: Nirriti
Nirriti is thought to be a similar form of Rudra
PURVABHADRAPADA’S deity is: Eja Ekapada
Eja Ekapada is one of the 11 Rudra avatars
UTTARABHADRAPADA’S deity is: Ahir Budhya
Ahir Budhya is one of the 11 Rudra avatars
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You’ll find that these Nakshatras are always bound together, in relationships, friendships and family lineages. Where one of them exists, they are somehow involved with the other.
Check If you have Mula, Ardra, Purvabhadrapada or Uttarabhadrapada in your big three or as Atmakaraka, then you are attracted to other individuals with this same placements.
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➤ These individuals all hold a common purpose: bringing truth to the world.
➤ These individuals struggle especially in early life. They usually have to overcome some harrowing obstacles before achieving true success in life.
➤ They are burdened with the ability to see beyond the veil, so much so that it alienates them from others, due to the knowledge they possess.
➤ They are often outcasted amongst their peers, they are seen as different, unusual and mystical. They don’t fit into mainstream society.
➤ Metaphorically they are the shamans dwelling on the outskirts of society, meant to guide others bc of the truth they hold.
➤ They help to wake people up, and elevate society with knowledge and truth.
➤ They are meant to be teachers.
➤ Much like Rudra/Shiva himself they strive for truth often ignoring the superficial pleasures in life. They prefer not to get drunk in the illusion of Maya but they prefer getting to the bottom of things, ripping the veil away.
➤ From a young age, they intuitively know there’s a deeper meaning life, and they strive to discover it.
➤ Getting to the root of it all, because for them life is meaningless without truth.
➤ They each have a destructive tendencies each in their own ways. But their destructiveness has purpose to it, leading to transformation of their lives and those around them with the behavior.
What Ardra, Mula and The Bhadrapadas all have in common:
Truth seekers
Students of the occult
Masters of occult knowledge
Prioritizes spiritual path in life
Knows what it is like to be outcasted and rejected by peers
Spiritually powerful
Psychic abilities
Knowledge- bringers
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ritish16 · 1 month ago
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Shiva Priye
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yuzurik0 · 8 months ago
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Shoutout to my underrated kings ily frfr
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rudrakitty · 4 months ago
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Some rudra sketches I might come back to one day, the side profile was a hypothetical for his face in semishift - but imma work with it again bc it looks off
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months ago
Can I ask a request about Indra (ROR) has a crush his own s/o and needs to confess. But he didn’t realize s/o has affection on him too :>
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Usually, Indra was very confident in himself.
He knew what his strengths were as both a god and a man, and he took pride in them. Some would even call him cocky (unless he was standing next to Shiva). But in his moment Indra felt a feeling he had never felt before: nervous.
“Why don’t you just go talk to them?” Rudra told him.
“Can’t.” Was all Indra offered in reply.
Rudra sighed. “I know it’s easier for you to use your fists, but sometimes you have to use your words.” His friend knew that a lot of his showboating of strength was to impress [Y/N]. Probably assuming that they would one day notice him and confess first, which would avoid this situation all together for Indra. Which would be totally accurate of Indra’s thinking.
“What if they say no?” Indra was usually very brave, but if [Y/N] shot him down he didn’t think he could recover from that.
“What’s going on?” Shiva asked. Arriving on the scene as casually as ever. “Oh. Indra still pining over [Y/N]?” The lightening god growled. “Well, if you’re not going to make a move on them, then I will. I could use a new wife.”
“You already have three.” Rudra reminded him.
“Yeah. But now I can have four.” Shiva snarked back.
Before he could move, Indra stood up and in front of Shiva with a glare. Or, at least it felt like he was glaring at the other god. It was hard to tell with his hair in his eyes.
He then walked over to [Y/N], there was a brief exchange between them, then [Y/N] beamed like the sun had come out after one of Rudra’s storms. “That was nice of you.”
“Eh,” Shiva said with a shrug, “that block head only knows competition and conflict. He was never gonna confess on his own. Almost feel sorry for [Y/N] being stuck with that idiot now. They would have made an excellent 4th wife.”
“Wait? You were serious about that?”
“I never joke about my wives.” Shiva told Rudra. “Which, if you’ll excuse me, I think I will go see and console myself. Tell Indra he’s welcome if he ever comes back over here.”
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rabiosantologia · 23 days ago
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eye-of-mordor · 3 months ago
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The Rings of Power: analysis of Sauron's character
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shivaom · 2 months ago
☀ 𝐎𝐦 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐡 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐲𝐚 ☀
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blackberry-s0da · 7 months ago
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Wips and sketches
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chernobog13 · 1 month ago
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Rudra, one of several bad guys that plagued the heroes of Shichisei Tōshin Guyferd, a 1996 tokusatsu show that was a co-production of Toho and Capcom. The show apparently had similarities to Kamen Rider, Bio Booster Armor Guyver and Fist of the North Star. 
That info blew my mind just a little, as I thought that outfit was just a modern update of Henshin Ninja Arashi, the 1972 television series from Kamen Rider-creator Shotaro Ishinomori and Toei.
(That's not the only costume similarity between characters on this show and others. I keep mistaking Guyferd for being Gridman's cousin.)
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Super Ninja Chicken Henshin Ninja Arashi
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thelordz · 7 months ago
I love record of ragnarok and love the character designs, but I hated that they white washed some of the gods that are from india or near.
So, I edited them
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I love baby Zerofuku! Bit I don't think I edited the right skin tone on him
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ritish16 · 3 months ago
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Maa Parvathi and Baby Ganesha
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father-of-the-void · 4 months ago
Lord Krishna said, "Rudra is otherwise called Kapardin. He has Matted Locks on His Head, and sometimes displays a Head that is bald. He loves to dwell in the midst of crematoriums which constitute His home. He is an Observer of the austerest vows. He is a Yogi of Mighty Puissance and Energy. He is the Destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice and the Tearer of Bhaga's eyes. O son of Pandu, Rudra should be known to have always Narayana for His Soul. If That Deity of Deities, Mahesvara, be worshipped, then O Partha, is the Puissant Narayana also worshipped. I am the Soul, O son of Pandu, of All the Worlds, of All the Universe. Rudra, again, is My Soul. It is for this that I always adore Him. If I do not adore the Auspicious and Boon-giving Isana, nobody would then adore My Own Self. The ordinances I set are followed by all the worlds. Those ordinances should always be adored, and it is, therefore, that I adore them. He who knows Rudra knows Myself, and he who knows Myself knows Rudra. He who follows Rudra follows Me. Rudra is Narayana – both are One; and One is displayed in two different forms. Rudra and Narayana, forming One Person, pervade All displayed things and cause them to act. No one else than Rudra is competent to grant Me a boon, O son of Pandu."
— Shanti Parva, Mahabharata
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rudrakitty · 4 months ago
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My fave lil goobers
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