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nekoma's captain, kuroo tetsurou secretly a cat in a science labcoat ( indie kuroo multi-verse roleplay blog with a 20+ mun ) mutuals only ! !
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
💍 //yolo
Send ‘💍’ for my muse to propose you your’s! selectively open 
when oikawa had first introduced kuroo to iwaizumi, he’d been under the assumption there was unspoken chemistry there that meant hands off either of them.
what he didn’t realize until a ridiculously long amount of time later, is that oikawa was actively trying to hook them up . He hadn’t expected oikawa to even pay attention enough to kuroo swinging that way (although, it’s not like kuroo wasn’t obvious about it) to even think to push him together with his best friend . 
So now here kuroo was, in the awkward but not necessarily unwanted situation of being pushed closer and closer to iwaizumi by an enthusiastic match maker that insisted ‘iwa-chan’ needed to get laid . 
and kuroo might just be a little bit too much of a teasing shit to not mess around with the situation .
so whenever iwaizumi said something that matched up with an opinion or interest kuroo had, he made a dramatic exclamation that it was simple meant to be .  the blocker was actually pretty surprised by how often that meant he was saying that, because it apparently turns out they have quite a bit in common .  
the climax, however, was when iwaizumi finally said something that actually legitimately excited kuroo, and he decided to up the ante a bit . 
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taking iwaizumi’s hand and keeping a deathly serious face on,  he uttered out a exaggeratedly breathless   ❝marry me ❞ . 
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send ‘💍’ for my muse to propose you your’s!
Send ‘💍 reversed!’ for the opposite!
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send ‘🎊’ for our muses to celebrate a certain holiday together.
*It may be any holiday, may it be fictional, religious or a well-known one, it's all up to you.
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send ‘🎶’ I’ll tell you the theme song between our muses.
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
♠️ { I think this is the right one? For Ken to be the vamp? }
Vampire StartersSend me symbol for my muse to:♠️: find yours feasting
kuroo wasn’t especially bad with blood . he’d had his fair share of cuts and scrapes, even gouges that needed stitches . 
but this was overkill . 
he wasn’t sure if the lack of surprise was just part of his shock response, or because signs had been there and he just hadn’t consciously took note of them . 
but all in all, he didn’t really expect to find kenma leaning over a poor person’s body ( looked like he was breathing though, thank god )  with his mouth coated in a thick layer of blood .  it didn’t look like kenma had gone out of his way to hurt the guy or anything, in fact it looks like the guy was almost sleeping peacefully . but there was still a large bite on the junction between man’s shoulder and neck, slowly seeping blood that kenma had clearly been indulging in the consumption of . 
which, that’s terrifying by the way . the boy he’d grown up with was currently licking his lips and shivering with joy at the taste that touched his tongue . 
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how long had kuroo even been standing there .  it felt like he’d been stuck in place trying to sort out what he was seeing for ages, and there was no way the setter hadn’t noticed him there .  he wasn’t fearful really, but there was still an electricity lingering in the air that made he feel like bolting away rapidly was the ideal option here . 
but somewhere, kuroo knew that if he were to run, kenma could catch him .  if kenma wanted to come after him, he would .  there was jack that kuroo could feasibly do at this moment .  
so he stood there .  waiting for kenma to get the nerve to speak up .  maybe kenma wasn’t building nerve though .  maybe he just wanted to finish his meal .   
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
♪( ´▽`)
Send '♪( ´▽`)' for your muse to listen to my muse singing secretly.
kuroo didn’t sing very often . he felt like his voice was rough in an unappealing way, and his range wasn’t very impressive anyway .  he often had trouble keeping up with the notes of songs, so he just didn’t bother .  better to hum along than risk his voice cracking on a high note . 
but sometimes, you just find the song .  the song perfectly in your range, that actually fits the sound of your voice .  
kuroo recently found that song .  he found that song, and often could be seen listening to it  ( repetitively )  just to feel the freeing sensation of singing out loud . 
he didn’t hide his singing from others .  he wasn’t ashamed or against singing, he just typically didn’t .  no one had bothered to ask if he was good at singing or not, so he’d never ventured into finding out if the voice he heard sound the same to anothers ear . 
so when he was jamming out while solving equations on his school work, singing at a volume not especially loud but not whisper quiet, he didn’t expect to find iwaizumi watching him from the doorway . 
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❝  oh .  ❞  kuroo blinked a bit, not really feeling any particular emotion towards being discovered expressing himself the way he had been .  ❝  what’s up ? sorry, was i being loud ?  ❞
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send me “Text” for a text conversation my character would have with yours
( ✉ )  hey, do you know what university you are going to ?( ✉ )  i’m torn between a few, but i’m probably sticking around tokyo .
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( ✉ )  shit . 
( ✉ ) i don’t even know if i’m continuing volleyball . 
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send '(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)' for me to describe my muse and yours as a fusion
n a m e -  ? ? ?  h e i g h t -   186.5 cm  / 6 ft 1.4 in 
a p p e a r e n c e - their hair is a mess .  very spike-y from kuroo’s natural bed-head .   bangs are silver, but the rest is black .  their thighs are amazing, they could crush a watermelon . p e r s o n a l i t y - excitable but also insightful . probably says shit that hurts people without thinking about it, because they didn’t even realize the person was hiding it, sensitive about it, etc . they feels horrible when they realize they upset someone .  probably enjoys memes, and might even be that person who is a meme hipster . ( “I knew about that meme when it first showed up ! ” )n o t a b l e   t r a i t s - impressive jump height, and strong as heck hands . 
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send '♪( ´▽`)' for your muse to listen to my muse singing secretly.
Bonus if my muse finds out and either continues or gets mad/flushed
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send me “Text” for a text conversation my character would have with yours
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send '(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)' for me to describe my muse and yours as a fusion
Noticeable traits-
Weapon (if there is)
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send ✌ for our muses to bump into each other at a rock concert!
❝ bo  ❓ ❞  kuroo moved through the crowd, noticing the excitable spiker’s hair from a distance . he had no clue that bokuto liked this type of music, let alone would spend the money to go to one of their concerts . it was really rare for panic! at the disco to be in asia in general, but they had added tokyo to their tour this time around . 
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❝  bokuto ❗ ❗  why didn’t you tell me you were gonna be here ❗ i thought you always said you got frustrated by english music because of not understanding all the words ❓❞  kuroo was excited to see someone else who listened to similar things . although kuroo did usually listen to japanese music, he had a soft spot for a few english speaking bands .  
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Anonymously tell me what you want to see happen to my muse.
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Vampire Starters
Send me symbol for my muse to:
☼: react towards sunlight
🔱: tell your muse they're a vampire
⚜: find out your muse is a vampire
(⚜ reverse: for your muse to find out my muse is a vampire)
♠️: find yours feasting
♣️: your muse finding mine feasting
♥️: fighting against your muse
(❤️ reverse: for your muse to fight against mine)
♦️: stumbling into their home
☮: your muse calling out to mine
⛎: your muse stalking mine down
(⛎ reverse: my muse stalking yours)
✝️: to nail a stake into me muse
(✝ reverse: for mine to stake your muse)
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send 👌 for my muse’s reaction to walking in on yours masturbating and moaning my muse’s name
Send 👉 for the reverse!
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
Send ✌ for our muses to bump into each other at a rock concert!
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chohatsu · 8 years ago
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he’s always prepared
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