35 posts
Drawings about random things and any Oc that I manage to come up with
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fuyuokamii · 2 months ago
Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this:
Make this picrew of yourself
Take this uquiz (How Fandom Would See You If You Were A Fictional Character)
Thank you for the tag @machiavellli !
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fuyuokamii · 2 months ago
Reblog if you are ASEXUAL, SUPPORT ASEXUALS, or really really want to WEAR A REALLY FANCY BLACK CAPE
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fuyuokamii · 5 months ago
So MEGALOVANIA is assumed to be Sans song. Some hypothesize that it actually belongs to Chara, or the player. For a long time that was where I was, though the obvious relation between it and The Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans bugged me. I liked Determination as Frisk’s area music, with Anticipation, the song that plays when you fight the Ruins Dummy, as their battle theme. Then I read an amusing post saying that Sans and Chara were sharing and… I thought about it a LOT. I listened to the songs associated to the characters. I researched the shared themes between all of Undertale’s songs. This is what I came up with.
MEGALOVANIA is shared between Chara, Sans, and Frisk. It is a song that could not belong to anyone of them alone, and could not have been created under different circumstances. And not only that, each fallen child has their own themes, at least, to my reckoning. Here are my thoughts on the subject, though please be patient, I don’t know any music terminology.
TL;DR Chara, Frisk, and Sans were all too busy trying to kill each other to get their own No Mercy themes.
Frisk’s area music is Anticipation and their battle music is Enemy Approaching. Enemy Approaching is an energetic song that encompasses something of Frisk’s determination, while Anticipation only plays once at the beginning. It is a simpler and more tense song, showing their apprehension at this new world. But the name itself still shows that they are still looking forward to what this world might bring. Anticipation is also present within Enemy Approaching, as it’s base.
Chara’s area music is Star and their battle music is Determination. Determination also has a deeply inspiring name, something deeply important to the entire game. But in direct contrast to both of Frisk’s songs, it’s very solemn, and Chara’s story is very solemn. It is also important to note just when we hear this song. We hear it when we die, when we hear Asgore speaking to Chara on their own deathbed. The song also contains elements of Asgore’s motif, which seems appropriate for family members. Star, as an unfinished song, is harder to tie to anything, especially since I’ve heard somewhere that Toby has stated outright that it was originally a part of the Madjic fight. It is, however, played in piano, like Determination. A very loose connection, since there are many piano songs. What is more telling is the name of the song, and Chara’s own name. Many people have pointed out that Chara is also the name of a star known as Beta Canum Venaticorum, part of a constellation called Canes Venatici. Star is also a slow sounding song, like Determination. It also reminds me of But Nobody Came, Chara’s No Mercy theme, in that it is a series of singular notes playing one at a time that seem to echo slightly. But maybe I’m looking into it too much.
Sans’ battle music is The Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans, and I don’t really plan on expanding on that? I have heard it described as an angry song though.
MEGALOVANIA is a very intense song, and a delight to listen to, despite the uh, awful circumstances. It is full of determination, yet at about 1:20 it lapses into a slower, almost solemn part, that becomes an undertone to the original determined theme from 1:35 until about 1:50, when the tone takes an almost desperate turn. 1:20 to 1:35 also uses similar sounds to But Nobody Came, though it is definitely a different note, and MEGALOVANIA seems to have other sounds at this point as well. MEGALOVANIA is a song that incorporates the personalities of all three participants, boiled down to their base parts. What is left when you strip away everything that makes them themselves.
Chara has lost their love of monsters, especially their family. Their sense of humor has been twisted to find amusement at others suffering.
Frisk has lost their empathy, they no longer care for those they meet.
Sans thought he didn’t have anything left to lose, and then you took his brother. Then you threatened reality itself, and took away anyone else who could have defended it.
All three of them are focused on a single goal above everything. Morals, beliefs, principles, all are nothing compared to The Goal. And Sans loses, Sans must lose, because he could never be as determined as either of the fallen children, much less both. And in winning, the fallen children lose everything, including each other if Frisk choses to not erase reality, or to reset after the deed is done.
So, in summary, MEGALOVANIA is a song of pain and desperation. A song of three broken people breaking each other a little more.
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fuyuokamii · 5 months ago
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Happy National Coming Out Day! It's been about half a year since our middle grade graphic novel, Lunar Boy, released! Today we want to reflect on the concept of Coming Out, and how it's fictionalized in media.
Check out Lunar Boy wherever american graphic novels are sold, or check it out at a library! All the support means a lot with getting stories like this out there.
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fuyuokamii · 5 months ago
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fuyuokamii · 5 months ago
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Overview of some topics when it comes to drawing characters who are burn survivors.
DISCLAIMER. Please keep in mind that this is an introductory overview for drawing some burn scars and has a lot of generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People. I'm calling this introductory because I hope to get people to actually do their own research before drawing disabled & visibly different characters rather than just making stuff up. Think of it as a starting point and take it with a grain of salt (especially if you have a very different art style from mine).
Talking about research and learning... don't make your burn survivor characters evil. Burn survivors are normal people and don't deserve to be constantly portrayed in such a way.
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edit: apparently tum "queerest place on the internet" blr hates disabled people so much that this post got automatically filtered. cool!
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fuyuokamii · 6 months ago
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fuyuokamii · 6 months ago
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fuyuokamii · 6 months ago
ok alphys was a character ahead of her time and too good for this damn fandom honestly. she isn't some evil gaslighting lying cringey manipulator who only exists as comic relief for the love of god look at her with eyes less poisoned by cynicism and irony. she is a love letter to... well, a lot of things. a love letter to "cringey" people, to video game fans, to people who try to drown their sadness in fiction. she's so achingly relatable to so many of us that it really feels like toby knows his demographic like the back of his hand. we've all met someone like alphys. maybe we are that someone- awkward, nerdy, can't get over their past mistakes, terrible at phone calls, far more eloquent online than in person, only wants to make people like them to distract them from the fact that they don't like themself. normally, this character archetype is the butt of a great deal of jokes- just a gross nerd who needs to touch grass. but alphys is different. she is, as i said, a love letter. she is one of the best-developed and most complex characters in the game. her nerdiness isn't "fixed" or mocked, it's celebrated. her unabashed love for her interests and her 100% attitude is a big reason why undyne loves her. games, especially in 2015 and before, are not often so genuinely kind to characters like alphys! and in deltarune, too- alphys is still a nerd, despite not being nearly as traumatized as her undertale counterpart. her rambling about shows she loves is a constant across all universes, a fundamental and important and good part of who she is.
and i just think that's very kind, and very important.
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fuyuokamii · 6 months ago
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Bro you won't believe what hole I've fallen into-
An Undertale AU where all seven children fell into the Underground at the same time. Featuring Clover from Undertale Yellow and a whole cast of whacky lil' fellas
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fuyuokamii · 7 months ago
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How to Greet a New Pal 11
(Part 11)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 
Part 10-1
Part 10-2
Part 12
The warden of the warden is calling...
Dubbing must ask permission, specifically if you monetize. Give this a like if you enjoyed it, and feel free to comment on what you think might happen next. That would really help me out!
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fuyuokamii · 7 months ago
What are some chronic illnesses that can only occur in a fantasy setting?
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fuyuokamii · 7 months ago
I want one of those scenes in a dude bro film where “tomboy” chick has to wear a dress to go undercover or whatever, but instead of the guys drooling as she walks down the stairs, they’re like “k. U need to stop. Go put the cargo pants back on. You look super uncomfortable and awkward in that. Brutus, you go be the fake prostitute.”
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fuyuokamii · 7 months ago
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fuyuokamii · 8 months ago
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Ohh, so I was looking at my storage and found these! I originally shared them on twitter before yeeting the platform. Anyway, feel free to use! Art memes for your oc :D
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fuyuokamii · 9 months ago
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oh god what did i do
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fuyuokamii · 9 months ago
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These were supposed to be done and posted by the end of May for MerMay, but the last drawing (Jinbei) ended up taking longer than expected. I actually started these in May of 2023, inspired by the mermaid designs in the live action Little Mermaid. I didn't want to post anything until at least all ten of the Strawhats were done, as I tend to pick and drop projects depending on my motivation, and I kinda got paranoid about potentially keeping people waiting for the next drawing 😅 Most of these are also the second time drawing the Strawhats as merfolk, and I'd like to post those as well for comparison. As for what kinds of animals they are:
Luffy - Mako shark
Zoro- Tiger shark
Nami - Goldfish/barracuda hybrid
Usopp - Sailfish
Sanji - Betta fish
Chopper - Leafy sea dragon
Robin - Zebra shark
Franky - Humpback whale
Brook - Chimera/ghost shark
Jinbei - Whale shark (obvs)
Vivi - Nile perch
I think these choices fit the characters for the most part, for Luffy through Brook, most of them were the same as the first time I drew them as merfolk. The ones I changed were Nami, Franky, and Brook. For Nami, I thought goldfish suited her well for name and colors, but then I read somewhere that barracuda liked shiny things, and I decided to include that as well, making her a hybrid of the two. Franky was originally a lionfish as a nod to Sunny, but I wanted to diversify the designs more and show that not all merfolk are part fish, but can be part aquatic mammal as well.
Brook was originally a random fish I don't remember, maybe a pike? But I'd seen a video about chimera and heard that they're also called "ghost sharks" and like, I couldn't think of anything more fitting 😆 For Robin, I think an octopus would've been more fitting overall, but these designs originated from a specific AU I had in mind, which is why she's a shark instead. Jinbei was obviously going to stay a whale shark, but I still had to redesign him so he'd fit with the others, and overall, I feel he may be the weakest of the designs as he was the last one I did and I was rushing to have them all done 😓
With Vivi, I did like her original design, but I felt that for a character who comes from a country inspired by Egypt, it didn't really come across in her design. I made some slight changes that could hopefully convey it more, but also differentiate her face more from Nami's.
I think overall, the designs I'm most happy with are Zoro, Nami, and Chopper. With Chopper I had this vision of fins shaped like sakura flowers and tree branches and I adore how he came out 😍🥰❤ But overall I am happy with how everyone looks, but I think improvements can be made. I'll make a separate post that shows the difference between my original designs and the new ones and include it in an edit.
Edit: 2017 vs 2024
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