n4nikka-blog · 2 years
  Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age. 
     All governments, health organizations, and other authorities are concentrating their efforts on finding COVID-19 instances. These days, healthcare practitioners encounter numerous challenges in sustaining healthcare quality. The globe is in the grip of a coronavirus pandemic, which has wreaked havoc and forever transformed human life. Long after the infection has died down, its impact and unintended consequences will be felt. Hope, on the other hand, is a great healer in times like this. In the fight against the Covid 19 pandemic, humanity is united, and life will undoubtedly triumph.
        What do you think it’s purpose is and why does it happen? At the beginning of all of this, many people lost their jobs and came back to their home. Yes, we’re very mad at what it has caused in our lives. One of our families passed away,  we lost the source of our expenses, and many more. The pharmaceutical industry, the power sector, educational institutions, and tourism are among the industries and sectors affected by the disease's cause. This Coronavirus has a significant impact on citizens' daily lives as well as the global economy. Each day that passes makes us feel worse and we all know that this crisis is unpredictable and comes in our love at an unexpected time. Day by day, we didn’t know who to come to, who to talk with, and who to be with. Many plans were canceled and the hard time the pandemic brought in our lives. But then, whether we admit it or not, we sometimes thank the pandemic for coming to our lives. We became complete, we live with them again and share some talks, laughs, everything, which is something that never happened before.
       For me, COVID has made more progress in our country faster than our economy because we are embracing this pandemic. We are not thinking effectively and making a decision that is more possible than it should be. We are repeating the same management we did last year which is not that much effective. So the question now is why repeat the same thing with the fact that nothing happened? We and the government should think and apply new hard rules. Why wouldn’t we put our physical and mental health at the center of everything? Lastly, why wouldn’t we beg our Lord God to heal everyone that is needed to be healed and keep our faith stronger than anything. Let’s follow the rules by now and make time to pray? Open our eyes and make our move with Him who guides us everyday. We will never know when the world will be fine like it should be. 
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n4nikka-blog · 2 years
Our battles in Life                                by: Nikka Panganiban
In life, we are all struggling. There are different issues in our life that make us wonder if we can or we can not. It all started when the pandemic came. All things are under control, we can have our moving up, we done a graduation picture, and all are set. We were just waiting for that day but then, a pandemic came. We may be stressed in some school work so a week break makes us happy until weeks added, added, and added. I know what’s happening. At my age, I must know what’s happening. News, social media platforms, and televisions are there telling all people to be prepared for a lockdown, all because of the COVID 19. All of us struggle in life. Workers in companies, abroad, teachers, parents, and students. Some lost one of their family, some lost a friend, lost their work, and lost everything that we thought we had in our hands. Lack of money, lack of source, lack of food, and some have no houses. It’s like a battle where we never know when we will win and when we will lose. 
For me, I struggle a lot. By not seeing my friends that became my comfort because of my family problems. Seeing my family struggling is mine too. I can’t focus on my studies since I’m not in school. There are many responsibilities in our house since they are finding work for us to survive. I don’t know when to find time to answer my activities. I don’t know why I think hard. I’m starting to question my capabilities as a teen and asking myself if I can do these kinds of things. The sadness and pain every night for not having a friend I can talk to was hard. I know it’s not just me. Some of my friends had depression, anxiety, or any mental issues and being not able to be with them is painful. I guess some of us just are not living these days. We are surviving and begging ourselves to wake up in the next morning and smile. Create a mask that serves as a shield in our sadness. Create a conversation with God and beg Him to help us all. Making some things that can help me to smile and help myself not to think. We all struggle in life, and this is mine. But even though we are struggling, we should not let it break us. We have to be strong and think that our Lord God never gave us problems we can not face.
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