#romantic if you squint
blazingorchid · 6 months
RDT Snippet 👒⚔️🍊
TW: mentions of physical violence and bruising
Nami cut the string with her teeth.
“Between you and Luffy I have enough to worry about. Now you have Chopper joining into your recklessness.” Nami grumbled. Her eyes traced the curve of the laceration, making sure her impromptu suture job looked acceptable.
Zoro looked over to try and inspect it himself. He maneuvered his arm just out of her grasp so that he could get a better look. The corner of his mouth lifted slightly in approval. He then looked up to meet her scolding eyes.
“He had fun.” He defended. “Chopper’s not a baby anymore.”
“And like always, you don’t see my point.” Nami rolled her eyes. She snapped the first aid kit shut and stood from her seat.
Zoro found her irritation amusing. He gave the patch up job another once over. Nami had certainly perfected the skill with her practice over the years using him and Luffy to do so. Whether she liked it or not… which she hated it but she loved them too much to make them suffer with open wounds.
And everyone knew they were too stubborn and unwilling to go to a legitimate doctor.
Zoro looked up, ready to pick on her some more but his eyes caught something that made his body go rigid.
Nami reached up to place her kit back in its usual spot; the top shelf that was specifically for trinkets and other random things that Bell-mere deemed important to keep close by. The sleeve of her sweater dropped down her arm. Just enough to bunch together just before her elbow.
There, on her wrist, was a series of small bruises.
Zoro stood up and moved quickly.
Nami turned when she heard his boots thudding against her floor. She barely had enough to question what was wrong before she felt him hook his hand under her upper arm. He gently moved her sleeve back up and lifted her hand to eye level.
“Wait!” She panicked.
“Who did this?” He asked her, looking straight into her eyes.
“Don’t lie.”
Nami’s mouth snapped shut.
Zoro looked back at the bruises. He could tell by their coloring that they were healing. However, the outline was unmistakable. The bruises were made from a hand.
The thought of someone squeezing her wrist so tight that it left actual bruising…
Zoro felt violent rage rip through his veins.
“You’ve been hiding this from us.” It wasn’t a question.
His mind replayed the past two weeks where she wore long sleeves, hoodies, or jackets. He didn’t think much of it since it was fall and the air had started to thin. Now, he cursed himself. Nami preferred short sleeves even in the winter time and only wore jackets outside. She would even forget her jacket at home on a regular basis, causing Luffy or himself to give up their own when they noticed her shivering.
“Who did this?” He asked her again, his eyes demanding an answer.
“It was just some loser who didn’t like being rejected.” She diverted her gaze as she spoke. “It doesn’t hurt. I’m fine.”
“Nami.” He gritted out.
“Woah what’s going on here?”
They both looked over to Luffy as he was shutting the door behind him. He had been smiling even as he looked at them both with confusion. However, it fell abruptly when he noticed her wrist.
“Nami?” His voice came out rushed and concerned. He used long strides to make it to her. His hand replaced Zoro’s as he nearly mimicked his actions from earlier.
Zoro took a step back and turned around. He dragged a hand down his face. He released a long exhale.
“What happened to your wrist?” Luffy questioned out loud. His eyes shifted around each marking. “What did you do? Why does it look like…” he trailed off. Then realization hit him. His eyes snapped up to meet her gaze. They flashed when he seemed to find confirmation within her stare. “Zoro.” He said his friends name without tearing his eyes away.
“Yep.” Zoro replied. “And I can find out who easy.”
“Stop. It’s fine you guys. He’s just scum.” Nami tried to soothe them. The air around them becoming heavy and palpable. “I’m fine.” She leaned forward to hug Luffy, hoping the physical affection could alleviate some of the tension.
She felt him return her hug. His fingers threaded in her hair.
“It’s not fine.” His words caused her stomach to flip. “He’s gonna pay.”
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mari-beau · 1 month
Author's Note: this popped into my head last night and was still there this morning, so had to write the one-shot to get it out. Could've been more epic but I want to get back to 'When the Bough Breaks'.
Fandom: The Brokenwood Mysteries
Rating: T
Warnings: one brief reference to suicidal thoughts (not ideation/actualization) and near-death experience
Relationships: Daniel Chalmers & Kristin Sims (friendship; could be read as romantic...)
Characters: Kristin Sims (POV), Daniel Chalmers
Series: The Misadventures of Brokenwood CIB (series of oneshots featuring whumping on my favorite detectives; because I'm mean to characters I love, I guess).
Summary: Daniel Chalmers realizes how important Kristin Sims is to him when he almost loses her. (Can be read as fierce platonic love or romantic.)
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 months
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Kabru has a secret admirer in the castle!
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camthecatchameleon · 4 months
witchlight art dump once again (I don't know how I should format this) dubiously coalecroux edition
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refer to this post for context; lyrics are from Fear and Delight by The Correspondents
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an accurate representation of me drawing that second image:
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No text versions:
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Slashers as fathers with a child/reader.
Notes: 100% NON-ROMANTIC. Platonic love only. Non-binary reader. The reader is less than ten years old (you decide the age). Freddy is alive and NOT a pedophile. (If you wanna ship Hannibal and Will together or view them as just friends, it's completely up to you).
Summary: The slasher fathers comforting their child/reader after they just got home from surgery.
Some of you are probably thinking "really, Weirdo? This is gonna be a thing now?" And my answer is absolutely! Hey, when you grow up in a rough environment, some times you just wanna immerse yourself into a reality where you're innocent, happy, safe, accepted and loved. And so thus I present these fatherly slasher drabbles. I hope they bring you peace and happiness.
After you got home from your surgery, Freddy hadn't been prepared for just how emotional and clingy you would become, but he didn't mind, and he learned how to adjust straight away. He had already called into work to report a few days off so that he could provide you with extensive care.
Not once had you left his side. All day you had been attached to him, whimpering and groaning in small remnants of pain. It tugged at his heart and made him feel even more protective than what he already was. If only he could take your pain and fear away.
He had been tending to your needs all day. Fixing you sippy cups filled with broth since you couldn't eat whole foods yet. Holding you against his chest so that he could kiss your forehead and rub your back while mumbling loving reassurances to you. Coloring pictures and watching cartoons with you.
"Daddy... Do you love me?" You asked for what felt like the thousandth time.
Freddy, helping to make a wall of pillows around the edge of the bed, looked to you and said, "More than anything, sweetie. You are my world. You know that."
You whimpered, hugging a pillow against your chest. You were hurting, and you couldn't help but to seek reassurance from him. "You won't leave me... right?" You look to him sadly.
Freddy walked over to you and knelt down, cupping your cheeks and leaning in to kiss your head. "Never. Daddy will always be here for you no matter what. You hear me?"
Nodding, you frown a bit and stare down at the floor, "Yes, but I... I'm so scared, daddy, I-I don't wanna go back there again."
"I know," He spoke softly, gently squeezing your shoulder, "And you're not going to, alright? It's over. You don't have to go back. You're here with daddy now. Everything's gonna be alright, ok?"
"Ok," You whisper.
Freddy coaxed the pillow from your arms and pulled you in for a hug, "I love you, baby. More than anything. You know that, right?"
"I love you more, daddy," You smile big, soaking up his loving attention like a sponge.
Freddy pulled away and made a goofy thinking face, his eyes squinting at you, "Mm... Couldn't possibly. Now, let's get you in bed."
Smiling in joy at your giggles, Freddy made sure to be extra gentle with you while helping you to climb onto the bed. After shutting the lights off, he climbed in with you, barely laying on his back before you were snuggling right into his side.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, wrapping an arm around you, his fingers massaging through your hair against your head.
It felt nice and had you whimpering in soothing relaxation, "Hurts..."
"It'll feel better soon, sweetie," Freddy kissed your temple and pulled a blanket over both of you.
"Please don't let those scary people take me again," You mumble into his chest, your hands shaking a bit as you fought against crying, "Please."
"No one's going to take you, (y/n)," Freddy smiled a bit, fond of your adorable little fears. "You're home now and you're with me, and I'm gonna take good care of you until you feel better, alright?"
"Ok, daddy," You say softly, seeking comfort and safety by snuggling into his chest.
Freddy covered you up and cradled you against him. It broke his heart knowing that you were in pain, but he would always be there to comfort and love you no matter what.
Bo Sinclair + Uncle Vincent and Lester
Throughout the whole day after your dad brought you home from the hospital, you had taken turns latching onto him and your two uncles. You were very clingy and emotional, endlessly seeking their comfort, security and reassurance.
At work, Lester and Bo took turns running the gas station. Right now Lester sat in the bed of his truck, reclined against the side with you curled up in his lap, a blanket covering you as you both peacefully snoozed.
"Hey, Les? Hey, wake up," Someone demanded in a whisper tone, a hand nudging his shoulder.
Lester woke up with a groan, his arms tightening around you as he creaked open his eyes. When he saw who had interrupted his beauty sleep, he pouted and shook his head, whispering, "Aw, c'mon now. Don't ya got nothin' better to do?"
"If by 'better' ya mean spendin' some time with my child? Then yeah, I most certainly do," Bo reached in to pry his brother's arms off of you, "Now get your ass in there. Mans waitin' on his transmission."
"Lester do this, Lester do that," Lester mocked quietly, sticking his tongue out and glaring at his older sibling, "'I'm a killjoy who thinks he can boss everyone 'round jus' 'cause I got cool lookin' hair'"
"You don't shut your trap, an' I'm gonna-"
"Mm, daddy?" You roused from Lester's lap, your body immediately tensing as you practically jumped upwards in fear, "Daddy? Wh-what's going on? What's happening? Y-you're not taking me back, are you? Oww..."
"Whoa, hey now," Both Bo and Lester nearly bumped heads trying to hug you.
Lester was the one who won, sitting up straight with his legs hanging over the tailgate, "Hey now, critter bug, ya can't be movin' 'round like that. You'll hurt yourself."
"That's right," Bo stood in front of you and Lester, one hand reaching out to cup your reddened face, "An' quit thinkin' we're gonna take ya back. We ain't. Your surgery is over with. Ya don't needa' be worrying yourself no more, alright?"
You were teary eyed, one hand holding your stitched up, bandaged wound as you nod. "It was jus' so scary... And it hurts."
The little crackle of sadness in your voice broke both Lester and Bo's hearts. "I know, critter, I know. But you're gonna feel better soon, ok?" Bo went to pry Lester's hands away so that he could gently hold you against his chest, "Jus' focus on daddy's heartbeat, remember? It'll make everything better."
"My heartbeat could'a worked..." Lester grumbled, crossing his arms.
You whimpered while doing as he said, your little hands holding onto his neck as your head rested against his chest. You breathed in his comforting, familiar scent and listened to his heartbeat, feeling it thud against your upper body. It felt nice. You were safe and cozy. The pain from your surgery subsided.
"I... I wanna feel Uncle Les' heartbeat too," You say.
"Awww, thought ya'd never ask," Lester grinned and went to hug you from behind, his hands going to rest on Bo's waist.
"Eh-eh, wh-whoa-wait jus' a minute-I..." Bo's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he growled in frustration, but hearing the laughter it roused from you put a small smile on his face. He loves you more than anything, (y/n), and he'll always, always be there for you.
Michael + Aunt Laurie
Ever since you got out of the hospital, you had been attached to him like velcro. Off and on you would have emotional spells, complaining about pain and how scary the experience was. Michael knew that the doctors had technically helped you, but he still kind of just wanted to, you know... Throttle them. Just a little?
Right now he was sitting on the couch with you sitting sideways on his lap. You were reclined back against his arm, your head tilted forward a bit as he held your sippy-cup to your mouth like a mother would hold a bottle of milk out for her baby. Laurie had explained to him how some children who had surgery often acted younger than what they were due to the trauma of the experience.
But Michael didn't mind babying you. In fact he really enjoyed it. It comforted you and it was extremely endearing to him- reminding him of when you were younger. So helpless, small and vulnerable. He would do anything to protect you and keep you safe.
"Mm?" You tap on your dad's hand.
Michael pulled the sippy cup away and blinked at you, wondering what was wrong.
"I'm sleepy. Can we do the jacket thing again, please?" You ask, nuzzling against his chest and mumbling, "It's been forever."
Oh yes. The 'jacket thing'. Michael nodded, setting your sippy-cup aside and going to coax you off his lap. Because of your stitches, he didn't want to carry you around too much despite every overprotective cell in his body screaming at him to keep you as close to him as possible, and he held your hand on the way to his bedroom.
Fetching the very large jacket from the closet, Michael put it on and went to lay back on the bed after helping you climb aboard. Then you went to lay on top of him, your hands looping underneath his upper arms as your face lay comfortably against his chest. Once you were situated, Michael stretched the jacket over the top of you and zipped it up most of the way, clasping you both securely together.
This was a habit Michael had started ever since you were an infant. He would use jackets to hold you close to his chest, obsessed with keeping you safe and secure at all times. He couldn't help it. He had experience with so many bad people. The thought of leaving you unguarded for even a second drove him crazy with anxiety.
"Daddy?" You murmur against his chest, "Did I do something bad? Is that why I have to hurt?"
Michael shook his head. His hands quickly went to cup your face, his fingers brushing through your hair. No. Of course not. Why would you ask something like that?
"Then why? Why did I have to-" You hiccuped, pushing yourself against him as much as you could as if he were a safety fort of pillows.
"Because you had a blockage, honey," Laurie explained as she brought you your freshly made sippy-cup and Michael a glass of water, "And some times stuff like that happens to people. It doesn't mean that you did anything bad."
Michael looked to his sister with gratitude. Gratitude that fell into irritation when she pulled her over-stuffed camera out and quickly took a picture of the two of you. "Yep, that one's going on the fridge."
Rolling his eyes, Michael brushed your face before lifting his hands to explain to you through sign-language how he was sorry that you had to go through this, but him and Laurie were right here beside you and they were going to do their best to make sure that you were taken care of.
Hannibal + Will
Will knocked on the door. Whenever it opened he was met with a sight that had his mouth gaping. Hannibal stood there, his hair messy, his tie uneven, his vest crooked, and his shoes gone. His eyes had dark circles beneath them, but even then his expression was calm and full of understanding.
"Good evening, Will. Thank you for coming," He whispered, inviting him in.
"So... It's that bad, huh?" Will whispered back, eying your sleeping figure from where it was being held against Hannibal's waist, "They okay? And-uh... Are 'you' okay?"
"The surgery went well. (y/n) was released earlier this afternoon. Aside from some discomfort and pain, they have been... 'Attached'," Hannibal chuckled fondly, turning to give your snoozing self a loving stare, "As for me? Well, I haven't used the restroom in over eight hours, give or take."
"Wow, ok," Will nodded and went to lift his arms out, "Yeah. You go use the restroom and shower if you want- probably throw in a glass or two of wine while you're at it, and I'll just-yeah, I'll just take them for a bit."
"Thank you, Will," Hannibal said gratefully, carefully transporting you over to his best friend, "Be gentle with them."
"I will," Will nodded, gently holding you against his chest and rocking you softly, "We'll be waiting for you on the couch."
"Thank you," Hannibal bowed slightly in tremendous appreciation and politely dismissed himself to go use the restroom, shower and change. Thank goodness he had Will. Will was your second favorite person besides him, and he figured that if you were to wake up then you might not mind being not-attached to him for a bit.
And it's not that Hannibal minded you being attached. Not at all. He just needed some time to get himself cleaned up properly. He couldn't do that when you refused to let go of his arm.
This whole day had been a fiasco. You were unbelievably emotional after the surgery, constantly fearing being taken back, and complaining about the pain. You were so afraid and uncomfortable that you even apologized to him and promised to never do anything bad- even though you hadn't done anything bad in the first place- just as long as he never took you back there again.
And that's why you clung to him so strongly. You sought his constant praise, reassurance and security, and he had supplied it in generous amounts. All day he had tended to your needs; feeding you, reading to you, holding you close and watching movies. Anything to make you happy.
By the time Hannibal had showered, downed some beverage and changed into something more comfortable, he walked into his living room and felt his heart get struck with warmth by what he saw.
You were sitting in Will's lap, your tired eyes calmly watching the TV as you sucked your thumb. On the table sat some take-out from one of Hannibal's favorite restaurants- obviously ordered by Will. Buh-bye midnight cooking.
Will locked eyes with him before you did, and Hannibal took the chance to quickly mouth something to him.
When you noticed him, you gasped happily and reached out for him, "Daddy!"
"Hello my little lamb, how are you feeling?" He asked, sitting in the space beside Will. He was humbled that you didn't try to get out of his lap straight away.
"Okay," You say softly, looking up at Will who leaned down and peppered playful kisses against your head, "Will said you were stinky and that you needed to potty."
"Did he?" Hannibal cocked his head at his best friend.
Will laughed in fondness. Hannibal joined him, so very appreciative of him and his support. And he was also appreciative of you for listening to him and understanding. All three of you loved each other so much. It was such a beautiful family circle.
I doubt anyone will answer, but it's just a fun question... Are there any other slashers that you would like to see be written as a father figure?
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watercubebee · 10 months
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If flowers are what you want, I will make a garden just for you
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yerkes-dodson-curve · 5 months
It be them Incorrect Quotes
Because I cannot think because I am bitterly jittery and not very glittery
Roman: My head hurts. Virgil: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
Logan: Patton keeps forgetting which WiFi network they're supposed to use. Logan: So I renamed ours to "Patton, use this one" to help them out a little.
Patton: Why are you two always out during rainstorms? Virgil: It’s so peaceful and refreshing. I love the smell of rain. Remus: Janus bet me I couldn’t get struck by lighting, but they’re WRONG.
Roman: Hey, Janus. These candies you gave me? They sucked. Janus: But you ate them all. Roman: I had to make sure they all sucked.
Virgil walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Remus, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK. Remus, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Virgil: Is Logan always like this when they lose? Roman: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Logan: You bumped that table and you know it!
Roman: Patton, I rebuke thee! I rebuke thee! Virgil: Rebuke? Is that a word? Roman: You have all invoked my fury! You will all pay recompense for your transgressions! Virgil: What, you got like a word-a-day calendar or something?
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moog-enthusiast · 9 days
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akira (1988) drawinfs cause i rewatched it the other day
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trashpuppyy · 6 months
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cat edit‼
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veinsfullofstars · 8 days
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💎 Shenanigans and storytelling! 💎
(ID: More Kirby series fanart of Shadow Kirby interacting with Daroach, with guest cameos by Adeleine, Ribbon, and Dark Meta Knight. Top right - Daroach and SK dashing away towards our left, each carrying a large sack of stolen Point Stars and laughing in mischievous glee. Middle left - Daroach darting forward and performing a Cross Claw attack, his glinting claws leaving white slash trails in an X shape in front of him. He peers up from under the brim of his hat with a cunning look as SK - wearing the Animal gear - deftly leaps up behind him with a playful roar, his own claws shining and raised to attack. Bottom right - the Wave 2 gang and SK all sitting around Daroach as he confidently regales them with tales of his life as a master thief, shown by speech bubbles displaying a rose, a dagger, a jewel, and a mask. On our right, Adeleine, SK, and Ribbon lean in with wide eyes and rapt attention, fully engrossed in the thief’s exciting stories. Meanwhile, sitting just behind him, DMK looks far less captivated, a brow cocked in skepticism behind his mask and a thought bubble with an eye-rolling face over his head, as if he knows just how tall these tales really are. END ID.)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 (you’re here!) | Compilation
Sketch started btw 12/23 - 06/24, render started 06/08/24, finished 06/24/24.
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anteonnix · 1 year
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Showing Affection 💙💛
TON of love
Get it? Cause it's super heavy- alright I'm outta here
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iicomet · 11 months
"psst-" "...?" "chung myung-ah! come here." He tilted his head at the voice, seeing the head of his senior peeking out of the window. He would've cursed the person out if it were anyone else, to be honest. But, it was his senior, one of the few people in Mount Hua who tolerated and even loved him like a younger brother despite his attitude. He couldn't even see their face, only staring at their eyes with confusion. It was late at night, and everyone was asleep. Why was his senior, the most well-behaved disciple in the entire sect doing outside his window at such a weird time? Surely they're not drunk, or hoping to attempt something strange. His senior wasn't the type to do something like that. ...Or were they...? Reluctantly, he walked closer towards the window, the only source of light in the dark room. Finally, he sees his senior's face, their bright smile evident on their face. They weren't drunk, he could see now. "...?" They only ushered him over to move closer to the window, passing him a box of items once he was deemed close enough. As he looked down upon the mysterious box, they used this opportunity to pat his hair, chuckling softly at the touch of scarred fingers against fluffy hair. They had always wondered, how did he get his hair to look like that? "i hope this makes you happier, sajae." They said, smiling gently. In the midst of the darkness, he felt as if the sun reflected it's rays on his senior's face instead of the moon, for it brought a sense of warmness into his heart in this cold night. His hands held onto the box tightly, as if scared to drop something so sacred to him. For a moment, he felt as if the room had brightened up lightly, as if a person's presence could bring this much light to a place. Before he could even thank them, they had disappeared, leaving behind the fragrance of plum blossoms in the winter, a scent so strong yet so faint at the same time. His eyes slowly trailed to the box in his hands, opening it slowly to reveal beautifully made mooncakes, packed neatly as if the person took great care in their art. A smile graced upon his lips as he took a bite out of the mooncake, feeling the soft yet slightly tender texture of the delicacy he loved so much fill his mouth with joyful goodness. Immediately his day brightened up, and he had forgotten the reason why he was so frustrated even when it was late at night. The salty and sweet taste plagued his senses, and he wondered how his senior knew. However, even if he spent the night awake thinking about it, he would never get a definite answer. After all, it's his senior. Someone who knew how to cheer someone up even in the darkest times.
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hiagainyou · 6 days
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{ ღ cw: suggestive fluff, waxing poetic about f/o's and love, being cherished by someone, the word fuck used once, implied sex}
{ ღ mdni banner template by the lovely @/omiyours }
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Most people think that the first time is the only time that they're soft with you, that once the moment's lost they'll fuck you into oblivion and nothing less. That the first time is designated to be soft, loving, gentle, and that they can only be that gentle on special occasions like an anniversary or a birthday. When really every moment is a special moment with you. The simple fact of you being here, of you existing beside them and cherishing them as though they sculpted the very Earth you walk on. Everything about you is cherished, every tender moment overflowing with their love, every soft sigh and pout of your perfect lips etched into their memory and admired in the busy hustle and bustle of your lives. They love you, belittling you to just a vessel to relieve their desires is a disgrace upon your being
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aethershroud · 2 months
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Shiver is 100% wearing Marie's kimono, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
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camthecatchameleon · 5 months
Exactly one person was interested so I'm spilling my guts on the coalecroux sun/moon topic @cthulhusstepmom
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This is referencing this post I made earlier this week where I drafted a Gideon/Kremy masquerade pair outfit, with Kremy as the sun and Gideon as the moon.
See, just based on general vibe and character design alone, you'd think that Gideon would be the sun and Kremy would be the moon. And you wouldn’t be… completely wrong in my eyes.
Because here’s the thing. Neither of them are the sun.
Gideon had nothing before Kremy. He had a tainted childhood, a traumatic adolescence, and escaped that with only his manacles, the clothes on his back, and whatever sanity he had left. He was literally at rock bottom before meeting Kremy. Kremy was probably the first person since the train to treat him like a person instead of a tool. (Which. Yeah, Kremy exploits Gideon pretty often but like. Obviously it's leagues better than the train. But that’s a different conversation.) Of course he's the moon to Kremy’s sun. Of course Kremy fucking LeCroux with his put-together demeanor and charismatic personality and fancy high-class image, of course he shines brighter than Gideon. Of course Kremy's the sun.
However, on the flip side, Kremy would never see himself as the sun. He’s a warlock who deals in shadows and underhanded deals and hidden lies. He keeps himself unnoticed by deflecting everything, by lying and telling half-truths. And yet here’s Gideon, loud and proud and, literally, so bright. He’s everything Kremy never will be, big and strong and unafraid to jump directly into whatever conflict’s afflicting them. Of course Kremy’s the moon to Gideon’s sun. How could he not be? Gideon’s a fire genasi for fuckssake, and Kremy’s just a shadow warlock. Of course Gideon’s the sun.
They are both the moon, but they are also both the sun. It just depends on perspective. Personal perspective: Neither are inherently the sun, but see the other as the sun in their eyes.
Do you see what I meant when I said it’s complicated? 
The reason I specifically chose to draw Kremy as the sun and Gideon as the moon is because I’m a fan of contrasting or complementary colors. That’s it. That’s the whole reason. And yet, because of the way I am, I decided to delve deeper into the topic while I was drawing. It didn’t help that “The Moon Will Sing” by the Crane Wives was stuck in my head at the time.
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selfawarejester · 2 years
True North | Edward Elric
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pairing: edward elric x gn!reader
summary: ed has thoughts about his soulmate. Soulmate AU, fluff/angst.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: instead of doing my English assignment (which is the same amount of words, mind you), I decided to do this. First fic for the FMA fandom (finally)! Please enjoy <3
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Ed could be considered the perfect example of a man of science. After all, despite all his loud and often-inflammatory (to his poor brother’s lament) proclamations against God, he treated science, specifically Alchemy, as a sort of religion itself — he knelt at its altars (or the arrays) and clasped his hands together “in prayer” to make miracles happen. Miracles that were completely logical and comprehensible to him, regardless of their complexity or intricacy.
But one thing still baffled him: one thing that was proven and real, and yet had no scientific basis whatsoever.
The soulmate bond.
Plenty of alchemists have been trying to figure it out for centuries. What makes one seek out their so-called “one true love”? What causes the tug, the force of which increased every passing year after one’s 15th birthday, or the closer you were to that person? What are the deciding factors as to one’s soulmate? These were questions that were slaved over, entire lives spent trying to puzzle out, volumes upon volumes of journals and articles dedicated to the phenomenon; and yet, there was no conclusive answer.
He didn’t like not having answers.
He especially didn’t like how crazy it drove his little brother.
“But isn’t it wonderful to think about, Brother?” He bites back a groan, but still rolls his eyes violently as Al started on another rant about the phenomenon. “A tangible link to the person you’re fated to be with!”
“Yeah, it’s a real doozy.” Ed mumbles, rolling his eyes. “Can we maybe get back to our research?”
Al sighs, and even though he can’t see it, he knows the brat’s shooting him that look — “Why are you so pig-headed, Brother?”, he can hear his innocent little voice.
“Brother…” Al starts off, armor creaking as he shifts behind him. “Haven’t you gotten your soulmate link yet?”
Ed stiffens, page in mid-turn.
Alphonse had been kind enough not to ask, but he’s been expecting the kid to pop the question for weeks now. After all, there was no one more romantic than his little brother; that much was obvious from the novels he snuck around and hid from him.
(And who could have given him those novels except-)
He shakes his head, knocking the thoughts of that person out as well.
“Sorry to disappoint, bud.” He sounds more confident than he feels, that eternal pressure tugging behind his sternum again. “Do me a favor and go through that pile over there, okay-?”
“And you call the Colonel a slavedriver.” A dulcet voice tsks behind him and he stiffens again.
Alphonse doesn’t notice, too caught up in greeting you, clambering up with a delighted call of your name.
The pressure burns now, causing a tremendous aching that makes him squeeze his eyes shut to push past it.
It just had to be you, didn’t it?
He flashes a smile over his shoulder, lifting his hand in a slight wave before going back to his research. Another person might be offended, but of course you aren’t.
You’re an understanding person, after all, who (as a part-time employee) sees all types in this library that the Elrics put up shop in for days at a time.
You’re a sweet person, who smiles gently when you not-so-subtly threaten to kick them out if they don’t take care of themselves.
It’s not that surprising it’s you.
For a little while, he thought it was Winry, as his heart kept tugging endlessly towards the direction in which the train to Resembool always ran.
It’s not until a month after his birthday that you returned, recounting your hometown visit (only a town over from where he grew up), and his chest almost exploded as you walked in, that he realized who his soulmate was.
There could have been worse soulmates, he thought as he watched you speak to Alphonse over his shoulder, not nearly as sly as he wished to be.
You and Al were such great friends — sure, it pissed him off a little, doubly jealous as both of you took up so much of the other’s attention — but it would’ve devastated him if you guys couldn’t get along.
You weren’t difficult on the eyes either — but that could have been the effect of his feelings or the soulmate bond, because though you were the most gorgeous thing he ever laid eyes on, he knew logically that you couldn’t have been the prettiest person in the world… but it sure did feel like it, though.
You were pretty smart — of course, he wouldn’t have cared if you weren’t, not everyone could be the prodigies he and his brother were, but he liked that you could follow along with the basics of what he was saying… even if you were completely uninterested in alchemy.
Which brought him to perhaps your most important quality, your patience. You sat there, day in and day out, listening to his rants and rambles even when it got to the point that common courtesy would have allowed you to flip him off and walk away.
And you just watched him from under Alphonse’s arm with gentle eyes, even though you both knew you were each other’s soulmates.
“Before I forget,” You interrupt Al, looking apologetic. “That new book you were asking about-“
“The one with the-?!” Al stops abruptly, snapping to look at Ed — who, in a moment of utter grace, flips around hard enough to bang both his elbow and his knee on the table.
But the pain and embarrassment might have been worth it to hear your laugh, loud and snorting and musical to his ears.
“I’ll go pick it up right now.” Al whispers way too loud, making you snicker. “Go distract Brother.”
“You got it!” You whisper just as loud, and Al giggles before sneaking off.
Ed bites the inside of his cheek, trying to will his cheeks back to their normal color when you plop down next to him, leaning your head on your palm.
“You ever gonna tell Alphonse? Or even make a move on me?” You were blunt too, awesomely to-the-point even to military officials like State Alchemists. Even Mustang went silent that one time you saw him berating your soulmate and stepped in, asking him about a book that was considerably overdue. He walked away with his chin held high, yet trembling under the disapproving glare of the Lieutenant.
Ed sighs. He knows you deserve better than him. He’s not unaware of how painful this if for you — it’s just as bad for him. He was never interested in romance or soulmates beyond a few discussions between the brothers and Winry about what they wanted their soulmates to be like… which usually ended with Alphonse rolling his eyes and Winry declaring that he would die alone.
He remembers declaring that he would be fine if he never had a soulmate. After all, his mom and that tall, bearded jerk who fathered him were soulmates. The stories their mother told the boys, twinkly-eyes and nostalgic, were what rooted their views on the concept: Alphonse yearned for it, deeply, and Ed grew bitter about it, understanding that even soulmates could ditch you and your two kids.
Until he met you, and suddenly he wanted… more. He wanted to try, to learn, for you. He knew you deserved so much, and even though he wasn’t sure he could give them to you, he wanted so bad to try. He was overcome with guilt and longing every time he saw your beautiful eyes.
But there was another guilt, a greater guilt and responsibility that came first. He mumbled your name forlornly, wishing so bad that he could say it the way he wanted to.
“I have to focus on this first. You know-“
“I know, I know.” You nod, but your eyes at downcast now, and he hates himself so much more now. “It would be nice to be acknowledged, though.”
He leans forward, putting his hand over yours.
You gasp; Ed’s not one to initiate physical contact, having jumped away the first time your skin touched his. The intense look in his eyes as they fix on your face doesn’t help, either.
“I’m gonna do right by you.” He swears right then and there, in his sacred place of worship, surrounded by the greatest works on Alchemy. “I’ll get mine and Al’s bodies back, and I’ll come find you.”
“Yeah?” You breathe out, eloquence stolen from you by his determination.
“Yeah.” He nods, squeezing your hand, a small smile curling up his lips. “I’ll take you to that café you like. It’ll be nice.”
A sudden urge to take it back, to pick another destination you might like better throws him; a café, how dumb was that?! You went there all the time! He couldn’t think of anything better than that?!
But you surprise him, laughing and biting your lip.
“Sounds great.” You say, completely genuine. At the sound of heavy footsteps, you rise, readying yourself to take your leave.
As you round the bookshelf that obscures his workspace from the rest of the world however, you stop for a moment, looking back.
“And once you’re done, you know how to find me.”
And you go, with a cute smile on your face.
And his heart tugs.
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