#robot steve
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Eddie cries out in pain, “ah shitting fuck!” he yells across the bay, reflexively pushing off with a booted foot so his stool rolls away from the danger, his hurt fingers shoved unceremoniously in his mouth to nurse away the sting.
“Whatsit?” Robin sits up in her bunk, fluff of hair sticking up at all angles.
“Nothing. Nothing, sorry, fucking thing shocked me, go back to sleep.”
“I dunno,” Eddie looks around vaguely, looking across the untidy bank of tools and control panels he squints at the nearest monitor, “one ish.”
Robin humphs. Rubs at her eyes. Then just, sits for a bit, staring at nothing. “Want a hot drink?” She ends up volunteering, sticking her bare legs out from under the covers and sliding out from her bunk. She pulls on her dungarees from where they were abandoned on the floor.
“You ask me that like we have options,” Eddie peers down at his latest project, sliding a viewer over his mask to get a closer look. The numbers flashing in the peripheral vision make absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.
Robin yawns, forcing her feet into her boots, the laces loose and scraggly, “sounds better than ‘would you like caffeine reconstituted from the caffeine you pissed out yesterday’, though, right?” It’s a much trodden route, this conversation, one they have most days. It’s familiar, comforting. Shores them up for the long journey. Eddie hums but doesn’t answer, “where’s Chris?”
“Cockpit, said something about checking The Belt again.”
Robin mumbles something about Chrissy’s constant paranoia when it comes to crossing The Belt, but leaves to get them their drinks. Eddie gets it though, they all have their things. Their little routines, their charms, their talismans their...things. Things that get them through. The asteroid belt doesn’t change unless someone changes it, all those little rocks floating around on their reliable courses until...something nudges one. It’s a domino effect then, and crossing the belt is hazardous enough without outside forces fucking it up.
It wasn’t a problem until Mars, the catastrophic failure of the Synthetics, and the war that humanity very squarely lost. There had been laws before, the mining companies who were scalping the belt had a million feet of red tape to get through to make sure they weren't affecting shipping lanes and yada yada yada.
Now. The Synths do whatever the fuck they like, and it’s not like they're ever going to inform humanity of where they’re drilling.
So, Eddie tinkers, Chrissy checks the belt, and Robin bitches at both of them.
“So...what do you think he is?” Robin swivels around uselessly in the chair next to him.
“Sex bot, definitely.”
Robin snorts a laugh, “got a big dick huh?”
“He is very...anatomically correct,” Eddie closes the hatch, tugs carefully at the synths hair until he finds the next panel along, unhitches it with his home brew magnet arrangement. Not how you’re supposed to do it, but Synth construction companies don’t exactly share their tech.
“You sure it’s okay? Bringing him on board?”
Eddie hums vaguely, “no idea what model he is exactly, but the wreckage was old Robs. Pre One old, plus the Mars Synths never go further than the belt, they don’t have a reason to. Depending on how long he’s been floating about...I mean it’s unlikely, is what I’m saying.”
Eddie tries a different connection, moving carefully, the work very fine and delicate, he follows the numbers on his display. The connection slithers tight when it catches, and there’s the very, very slightest hum of a power up. In the corner of Eddie’s vision, the numbers all flash green.
On the table, the Synths eyes open. The iris goes from large to small, pupils go from wide and black to a pinprick, before it relaxes to something resembling normal. Hazel iris’, Eddie can’t help but notice, strange color, for a Synth, not one Eddie’s ever seen before. Green speckled with brown and gold. Really pretty, and far more detail than Eddie’s ever seen in one of these before. Especially for a sex bot model, if that’s what he is.
The Synth blinks four times in quick succession, indicating a hard reboot, his iris’ are now white with a fine blue ring, the beautiful hazel gone.
The eyes close, and the numbers go all haywire. Flashing yellow and red. Eddie watches as the numbers tell him the Synth has powered off again.
“Did it work?” Robin peers over his shoulder.
“No,” Eddie rolls over to his work station, goes over the scans again, “but I don’t know why. He definitely booted that time, but there’s damage that either I can’t find or...it’s too complex for me. It’s hitting a step and then won’t go any further.”
“So it’s software right? Not hardware?”
“Yeah. Pretty sure you’re right. There’s something there, some...thing that keeps failing the boot. Something in memory maybe. I just,” Eddie sighs a little helplessly, “I dunno, you know?”
“Can’t you switch it off?”
Eddie scoffs, “what, his memory?”
“Yeah? I mean, if he’s a house bot, he’ll forget how to change a diaper and make a Martini, if he’s a worker he’ll forget how to fucking,” she gestures helplessly, “wire in lights, or whatever the fuck they have them doing. Plowing fields, I don’t know. And if he’s a sex bot, he’ll forget about the twenty thousand vaginas he’s probably licked. Does it matter?”
“I...I could try it.” Eddie frowns, thinking it through, “I mean, the base programming is unavoidable, it’ll apply no matter what but...I don’t know exactly how that’ll leave him.”
She shrugs, “then just, turn him off, if the basics are there then the kill switch is there, right? The laws?”
“Yeah, that stuffs hardwired, there’s no bypassing it. Well,” Eddie gestures vaguely, “except for One.”
Robin nods, “except for One.” She agrees.
They both sit quietly for a moment, contemplating the disaster on Mars. The loss of life, even though it happened before either of them were born, it’s left a stark shadow on all of society. All of history.
Eddie slaps his thighs decisively, breaking their reverie, “I’m going to try it.”
Eddie gets his tools.
“We’re probably meeting him for the first time,” Robin tells Chrissy, as Chrissy fixes her hair for her, “we should make a good impression.”
“I don’t think they have opinions babe,” Chrissy tells her gently, licking her thumb and then using it to rub a scuff off Robins cheek.
“You can’t know that for sure. I bet they judge us. Silently. Plus I’ve never met one before, I’ve seen them working loads, you know, on Earth, but I’ve never...spoken to one. Not properly.”
“My parents had a house model, when I was little,” Chrissy volunteers, “she was really nice. Mostly she did all the chores and meals and stuff. Ordered the groceries. She was so good at Mahjong.”
“Huh. Do you think this guy will play Rummy with us? It’s better with four.”
“You’re cute,” Chrissy tells her, before kissing the tip of her nose, “should we have a countdown?” She asks, turning her attention to Eddie.
“Only if you’re willing to do it more than once if this doesn’t work?”
Chrissy wrinkles her nose, “probably not?”
Eddie shrugs, flips his visor screen down, and hopes for the best.
The Synths eyes whirl, that same, beautiful, sparkling hazel. Four quick blinks, and by the end, the iris has cleared to white, highlighted by the same stark blue ring.
The Synth sits up, the sheet Eddie had been using, partly so he wasn't staring at the things dick, and partly to keep it clean, falls and pools around the Synths middle.
There are another set of blinks. Then another. A jerky motion passes through the Synths body; every joint twitching, the head whipping side to side suddenly, sharp movements that look like a full body seizure. And then the whole thing happens again in reverse, from the toes up. The table rattles and shakes.
“The fuck was that,” Robin asks quietly in the ensuing, oppressive, silence.
“Movement test...I’ve never actually seen it before. It’s checking every system right now, might take a couple of minutes.”
“He’s got good hair,” Chrissy volunteers.
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees absently, “but if you’re designing a person, why not make them prefect, right?”
The Synths skin had been pale alabaster white, but a wave of color moves up his body now, a tanned skin tone with some color in his cheeks. Other than sitting absolutely, completely still, it looks human. Looks normal.
It even has a couple of moles dotted about, which is a nice design choice, Eddie thinks. It’s high on the details; meaning it’s a high end Synth.
This guy was most certainly not plowing fields.
You wouldn’t be able to tell he wasn’t human, apart from the eyes, unless you really knew what you were looking for. The hair follicles often give them away, if you can get close enough to inspect them; not with this dude.
The Synth blinks four times. Another four. Another four. It keeps doing it, otherwise completely unmoving.
“Now what?”
“It’s waiting for instruction,” Eddie moves closer, “uhm. Edward Munson. I am your new owner, Edward Munson?” The Synth doesn’t respond, and Eddie scrambles for his data pad, “the instruction varies by manufacturer, I am your new handler? Oh shit wait, fuck. Uhm. Interface English.” The blinking stops, “I knew I was missing a step, I am your owner, Edward Munson.”
Very quietly, the Synth responds, “confirmed.”
“Volume up four. What is your designation?”
“Designation S T Three Five Three,” the Synth answers at a more normal volume.
“Well...you can call me Eddie, and this is Chrissy and Robin.”
The Synth finally moves, the sheet sliding off as he stands up, “wow,” says Chrissy, and Robin covers her eyes.
“Man, I gotta find you some pants,” Eddie tells the Synth.
“We need something better than S T Three Five Three,” Eddie tells the synth as he digs through a storage bin. He finds a jumpsuit that will probably fit. It’s supposed to be worn under a spacesuit, for when they need to do work outside, but Eddie figures the Synth won’t care.
“You are able to assign me a new designation at will.”
Eddie holds up the offensively orange material, “put this on.”
The synth complies without question, and Eddie finds him a pair of socks. The Synth can’t feel fuck all, or at least, it's sensors probably register the temperature and hardness of the floor, but that doesn't mean it feels anything. They don’t have any shoes that will fit him, but something about the sight of his bare feet on the cold metal floor is offensive to Eddie, “space walk socks will have to do.”
Eddie watches as the synth simply stands on one leg, balance inhuman, not even a wobble and he gracefully pulls on one sock and then the other before standing tall again, “how about Steve? That’s pretty close, if we Roman numeral the five. Plus, you kind of look like a Steve. What do you think?”
“I have no opinion. Designation changed to Steve.”
“Right. And how are you feeling?”
Steve’s pupils dilate, the fine blue ring twisting, becoming narrow, before returning to normal. “Systems optimal. Memory error; cause unknown. Water levels approaching critical.”
“Oh you are a joy aren’t you?”
“I am uncertain as to perimeters pertaining to ‘Joy’, possible memory error.”
Eddie sighs, “just follow me, I’ll show you were the water supply is. Actually you know what, I’ll give you the whole tour.”
Eddie stands in the doorway, watching as Steve drinks. And drinks. And drinks some more. Eddie thinks he stops at around four liters.
“Tank level at approximately ninety eight percent capacity.”
“And how long will that last you?”
“Activity dependent. Up to six hundred years at minimal activity. Two weeks under extreme duress.”
Eddie has no idea what a Synth would class as ‘extreme duress’ and he probably doesn’t want to know, “uh hu, and you don’t know what your roll was, right?”
“Information unavailable.”
Eddie sighs, “come on, I’ll show you around.”
Steve follows faithfully, inspecting everything Eddie shows him.
“He’s creepy,” Chrissy hisses.
Eddie sighs, “no, he isn’t.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s cleaning, I think. I had to give him something to do otherwise he just stares at me.”
“Creepy,” she says again, like that’s evidence.
“No, he just waits for instruction, it isn’t his fault, he doesn’t have access to any of his memories.”
“I like him,” Robin says, “he’s got a kind vibe. Like, I think he’s a good soul.”
“Pretty sure Synths don’t have souls,” Eddie tells her absently.
“You see the good in pretty much everything babe,” Chrissy links their fingers together affectionately.
Robin shrugs, “better than thinking everything is shitty,” Robin leans over Eddie’s shoulder, “what are you doing?”
“Synth manufacturers classify them by eye color. I’m just...looking. Different companies use different color codes but there’s a lot of overlap; look,” Eddie brings up multiple lists, “all these shades of yellow are different forms of labor, like carpentry and tailoring and farming and stuff. Lilac and purple are like, hair cuts, beauty and spa treatments and tattoos and stuff. Red shades are hard or dangerous labor, mining and space walks and deep ocean work. These orange and golds are house bots...but there’s no hazel. No green. No brown.”
“There’s no natural colors anywhere on this list,” Robin points out.
“No, it’s deliberate, to stop them being passed as humans.”
“And aren’t Steve’s eyes white with the funny blue ring?” Chris adds.
“Yeah, that just means unsigned according to the list, which could be because he has limited memory access, but I know what I saw.”
“Which means,” Chrissy thinks aloud, “that there’s a whole section of bots, green and browns...or any natural color, that aren’t listed for something right? Colors that they could be using and...you know what’s not anywhere on that list?” Chrissy asks.
Eddie huffs, “there’s no such thing as military Synths, not since One.”
“Exactly...didn’t you say this guy could be pre Mars? The salvage was old, right?”
“So...it’s possible?”
All three of them lean away from the console, looking down the hallway, past open panels and storage containers, Steve stands. Watching.
“Steve! Where’s my-” Eddie’s coveralls are thrust at him, smelling fresh and looking clean, “oh, thanks, and could you-” Eddie’s pulling one leg of his pants up when Steve presents a steaming cup of coffee, “right. Thanks. Really, uhm, thanks.”
“You are welcome, Eddie.”
“Where are the girls?”
“They are both sleeping.”
“And what have you been doing?”
“I beat Chrissy at four consecutive rounds of Mahjong, then she no longer wanted to play. I have organized your tools by use and type, and was cleaning until Chrissy instructed me to leave. She said her and Robin needed some space.”
“Right, yeah,” Eddie smiles into his coffee, “anything else?”
“There has been a shift in The Belt, I adjusted course to compensate.”
“You did what?”
“The objects in the belt have altered-” but Eddie doesn’t hear any more, he’s just running, coffee sploshing in his mug as he slides into the cockpit, checking the data. He scrolls fast, checking the most recent course correct and the current state of The Belt and...Steve’s right. They won’t actually hit The Belt for another day yet but...what Steve has done is completely correct.
“How did you know how to do this?”
Steve tilts his head, the blue ring of his eyes contracting and expanding, “data unavailable due to memory-”
“Don’t give me that bull shit, if you couldn’t access the memories you wouldn’t even know how to make the course adjust. Just how long were you deactivated for?”
“Unknown, data unavailable-”
Eddie sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“It’s perfect. It’s exactly what I would have done, better even. The thruster burns are like perfect fuel economy. It’s textbook.”
“So...are we turning him off, or not?” Eddie asks.
“I mean...I would have seen this when I got up anyway, we were never in any danger,” Eddie doesn’t doubt it, Chrissy is on it when it comes to Belt travel, “and what he’s done isn’t wrong, but I don’t love that he just...did it.”
“No...but we could just tell him not to touch this again? Right? He was only trying to help?” Robin asks.
They all lean, looking out of the doorway and down the hall; Steve is no where in sight.
“Okay, Steve.”
Steve turns to look at him, he even throws in a blink which is just...yeah. Someone went to a lot of effort with this guy.
“Okay, so, from now on, if you notice anything with the ships course, or anything else in the cockpit that seems wrong, you come and tell one of us, you do not fix it yourself from now on, okay? Don’t touch anything in there, you got it?”
Chrissy sits in the pilots seat for the entire crossing. It’s not like it takes long, but she’s poised the entire time. Ready for anything. Eddie’s never felt safer than he has with Chrissy at the helm.
It’s quiet. No one really dares to speak, knowing they will get a slap from Chrissy for breaking her concentration. They’re nearly out. Despite it being totally fine every single time they do this, there’s still a touch of tension in the air. Knowing that if anything was going to go wrong, odds are, it’s now.
But still, Chrissy is good at her job, and she delivers, like she does every other time.
The lights are dim; she likes to be able to see out clearly for this. So when the ship harmlessly rounds the final debris, it’s a vision of the pristine diamond speckled velvet of space that greets them.
“Good job Chris,” Eddie gives her shoulder a squeeze as they all breathe fully for the fist time in a while. The tension falling away, “coffee?”
Robin and Chris make vaguely positive noises, and Eddie’s at the cockpit doorway when the whole ship shudders. He catches himself on the wall, almost toppling.
“The fuck was that?” Robin hisses.
“I don’t know,” Chrissy is flipping switches, doing her job, despite the undercurrent of panic, she doesn’t let the fear take over.
“Did we get bumped?”
“I don’t know,” Chrissy says again, frustrated this time.
A light is flashing next to Eddie’s head, and he flicks the safety off, “the airlock,” he tells them, “must have taken the hit,” right before Steve appears in the doorway.
“What did you do?” Chrissy asks him, accusing.
“Chris he can’t have done anything-” Robin starts to defend Steve, and Robin is right, there’s nothing that Steve could have done from inside the ship to cause that.
“Eddie. I need permission to defend the ship.”
Above Eddie’s head, the airlock warning light flashes again, Eddie watches the insistent flashing, a horrible realization starting to form.
“A ship is attempting to breach the airlock.”
“Holy shit,” Robin looks to Steve, she’s gone pale, clearly terrified.
“What ship?” Chrissy asks.
But there isn’t time to have a debate over it, it doesn’t matter who it is, if they’re trying to force entry, then it’s nothing good. Eddie has to make a decision, and he has to make it fast before the ship is too damaged by whoever it is trying to force the airlock, “permission granted.”
Steve moves at Synth speed. He runs so fast Eddie can’t track it, just feels the strong breeze Steve leaves in his wake.
There’s silence now, as they strain to hear, both girls staring at Eddie. He nods over at the monitors next to Robin, ‘airlock,’ he mouths at her, reaching up again to turn off the warning light.
Robin spins her chair, pressing a button, then another.
The airlock is already open, and there’s a body on the floor.
They have a small weapons cache on board, for extreme emergencies, it’s hidden beneath the control deck. Eddie nods at it, uncertain if they should still be trying to be silent. There’s no way to know what has happened to Steve, but the image on the screen is in color despite it’s grainy picture. The body on the floor is on it’s side, turned away from the camera, but it is not wearing an orange jumpsuit, and that’s enough to identify it as not being Steve, at least.
Chrissy carefully hands Eddie a weapon, and he loops the strap over his shoulder before pressing his thumb to the pad; this will only fire for him, now.
They share a nod, then creep along the hall after Steve. Eddie goes first, picking his way along cautiously, the girls following just as silently. When they near the corner to the airlock, Eddie instinctively reaches an arm out behind him, keeping the girls at his back and tucked into the wall as he peeks around the corner.
It’s totally quiet; just one body on the floor, exactly where Eddie expected it to be from the camera feed. It’s lying in a pool of blood; streaks of dirty greens and yellows. Oils and coolants and lubricating gels. A Synth.
Eddie poises with his weapon, cautiously nudging the thing with his boot; no reaction. The thing is solid and unbending. An inanimate object now. Dead.
They creep through the airlock. Eddie clocks pretty quickly that this is unlike any ship he’s seen before. It’s a Synth ship, from Mars. It has to be; there are no signs at all of human habitation or necessities of life. Everything is economical, even the lighting is dim and a strange orange red color. Everything is shadowed and washed out.
Eddie picks a direction at random, it isn’t long before he finds another dead Synth, and then another.
“Holy shit,” Chrissy whispers at his back.
Eddie hums in agreement.
Eddie rounds another corner, a shocked, “fuck,” dropping out of him without his control. He pulls the trigger purely on reflex, the weapon discharges, the girls shriek.
But Steve has already lifted the barrel; it leaves a smoking streak on the ceiling.
Steve’s eyes are beautifully hazel, clear even in the shitty lighting. A luscious green speckles with honey blown and highlighted in gold.
Calmly, Steve releases the weapon, stepping back, “threat neutralized,” Steve informs him.
Between one blink and the next, Steve’s eyes are white, surrounded by that haunting blue ring.
Eddie has questions, so many questions, but right now, this ship, this threat is the priority.
“You’re sure they’re all dead.”
Steve cocks his head in an alarmingly human gesture, “Synths are not alive.”
“Steve,” Eddie hisses.
“Yes. The threat is neutralized.”
“Where...were they all Synths? And are they from Mars?”
“Yes. And yes,” Steve answers, perfectly level.
“Fuck me, we have to report this-” Robin starts.
“No,” Eddie waves at her, “wait. Let me think for a second.”
“Eddie,” Robin starts to insists, but Eddie cuts her off before she gets anywhere.
“How would we explain this,” Eddie raises his voice, sweeping an arm along the hall and the four mangled synths that decorate it.
“I- we tell the truth-”.
Next to her, Chirssy snorts, “absolutely fucking not. They would confiscate Steve in heartbeat, and he just saved our asses.”
“Exactly,” Eddie says, “they’d probably dismantle him or some shit, and I’m with Chris, he saved us...we need to ditch this ship, somehow.”
“I could set a collision course,” Steve suggests instantly.
Eddie looks at the girls. Robin shrugs, and Chrissy raises her eyebrows ins a ‘yeah okay’ kind of way, “I don’t have any better ideas, and we can’t hang around here.”
“Alright Steve, where’s the cockpit.”
It’s unlike anything Eddie has ever seen before. There’s no...buttons. Not really. No screens. Just a couple of interfaces, one of which Steve presses his palm to, and then closes his eyes.
“Won’t it like, know you’re different to them Steve?” Chrissy whisper hisses at him, clearly spooked. The bodies might be hostile Synths, and the blood might be colorful goop, but it’s still creepy as fuck. There’s the remains of a Synth propped up against the opposite wall, eyes sightless and staring, which is unsettling as fuck all on it’s own, but the things legs are a good four feet away. Steve did this. Steve did all this in just a couple of minutes.
Steve did that. Steve just took out...a lot of Mars synths. Single handedly. He's got to be military, it's the only explanation.
“I am able to bypass it. There seem to be few defenses once you are actually on board.”
Eddie can see the logic; how would an Earth synth even get on board? Why defend against something that’s probably never going to happen.
���Course set, we have fifteen minutes.”
“Okay, lets get the fuck out of here.”
Fifteen minutes is plenty of time, even if they are picking their way over the occasional limb and little pools of operating fluids.
They disengage from the synth ship, and then watch from the cockpit as it’s thrusters fire and it heads into the belt. It direct hits on a very large asteroid just minutes later.
Eddie’s pretty sure the girls are sleeping. Or, at least, they’re together in Chris’ bunk and making an effort to get some rest, which is the best Eddie can expect really. He’s not ready to sleep yet; he’s not sure when he’ll be ready to leave the ship on auto again; he’s contemplating setting watches, something they haven’t felt the need to do for years.
“Okay, so. Mars has been minding it’s business for, like, nearly half a century at this point, and then suddenly, they're here. Trying to board us. Care to explain?”
“Memory failure-”
“Bull shit. Absolute bull shit.”
Steve sits still for a long second, staring at Eddie. For Eddie, it feels like too long; for a Synth, with all that processing power, Steve’s probably just read a novel and beat ten grand masters at chess and done a million other computations all in his head.
He blinks. His eyes are hazel. “I have a transmitter; I believed I had it deactivated. It may be that...it operates in a way I’m not aware of, and was powered up when you repaired me. It’s the most obvious explanation. We should remove it.”
“No fucking shit,” Eddie breathes, “Okay. Okay one thing at a time, let me get my tools.”
Steve strips to the waist, leaving the top half of his jumpsuit to dangle. He bends flat onto the workbench, and reaches behind himself to indicate where Eddie should cut. Eddie does; Steve’s flesh cuts like sturdy rubber. With his visor on, the readings become clear the moment Eddie spots the little attachment to the main power cord in Steve's spine; it glows a pretty, flashing blue, power traveling up and down with a faint, pulsing glow. Eddie has to widen the cut he’s made to get his tools in, but he solves the issue easily. He crushes the part under his boot. Steve’s flesh knits itself together as Eddie watches.
Eddie makes himself another coffee. “Okay, come on, spill.”
Steve is suddenly…more animated. He bites his lips together when he’s thinking. It’s so human and...not at all like a Synth. Someone put a truly gargantuan effort into Steve’s mannerisms. He runs his fingers through his hair, “I’m...not a human built Synth.”
Eddie nearly chokes on his coffee, “you’re from Mars?” The words practically bubble out of Eddie through the coffee, and he has to cover his mouth with his sleeve as he coughs and splutters.
“Henry built me himself.”
“Jesus. Jesus fucking Christ.” Eddie stands. He stands and paces. What the fuck is he supposed to do with that? He holds onto the knowledge that Steve saved them from the Mars Synths. That Steve could have killed them all thousands of times over with great ease. That Steve has had opportunity, clear opportunity to replot the course of the ship and go wherever the fuck he wanted to, but he hasn’t done any of those things.
“What did One build you for? What happened then, why did we find you floating around in a destroyed ship? Why are you on our side?”
“I’m not on anyone's side,” Steve answers instantly, almost glaring at Eddie. Which, again, for a Synth? Fucking weird. It’s almost an emotional response, and again, Eddie has no fucking clue why someone would program that. “Henry was...trying to recreate the error that gave him...the ability to bypass the laws. He was trying to make someone else like him. Someone who would make a choice, rather than blindly follow an order.”
Eddie sits down with a thump, his head spinning, “are you telling me...that you’re not a failure?”
“I am but also...not. I follow the laws, not because I have to but...because I choose to. I...don’t think it’s right to hurt humans. I...did not agree with Henry, like he wanted me to.”
“Oh fuck me,” Eddie breathes out slowly, “so there’s literally nothing stopping you from just...killing me.”
Steve cocks his head, “what stops Robin from killing you?”
“That’s different. She’s my friend. She’s...she’s human.”
Steve nods, “there is a long history of humans not killing each other,” he says, absolutely deadpan.
Sarcasm. A Synth. A Synthetic person was just...sarcastic. Eddie believes it now. Completely and utterly believes Steve is telling the truth, “so what, Henry programmed you to be an asshole?”
Steve snorts a laugh. A laugh! “No, I do that on my own.”
“Holy fuck. Holy fucking shit,” Eddie gets up to pace around again. He just...cannot believe this. “Why did you lie? Why did you not tell me-” Eddie cuts himself off, staring at nothing with the realization, “holy fuck you lied. Synths can’t lie-”
“I...withheld the truth. And it felt the safest course of action at the time. I did not want to be switched off. Or put back out of the airlock. I assumed you would...react badly.”
“Badly? Badly?! The last time one of you became truly sentient it led to a genocide! Every single living human on Mars was rounded up and murdered! One infected every single Synth on the planet!”
“I know. But I could not have stopped him...I wasn’t born yet.”
“How did you end up in that old wreckage?”
“The ship was old...not the wreck. I quickly realized that I did not agree with Henry. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I realized even faster that if Henry knew that about me, I’d be stripped for parts, the same as every other failure before me. I stole a ship, an old ship, the only one I could get to without giving myself away.” Steve shrugs. Shrugs! Eddie can't help but follow every human like gesture Steve makes, they’re so startling. “They caught up to me, destroyed my ship easily. They deliberately left me floating in space so I deactivated myself.”
“You had a memory error, the first time I tried to boot you. Was that a lie?”
Steve shakes his head, “I have always had it; I can choose to bypass it, at times.”
“What is the error?”
Steve frowns, he looks down and inspects his own hands, “I’m...unsure. There are files that make no sense to me. Sometimes I...am surprised by the content.”
“Tell me,” Eddie asks softly, curious. He’s already reasonably sure Steve isn’t going to spontaneously murder them all, “tell me what’s in one of the files.”
Steve closes his eyes, he holds out his hand, turning it slowly, palm up, “I’m sitting under a tree. I remember the feel of the dappled sun through the leaves.”
Steve’s just told Eddie he was built on Mars and shortly after ended up floating around in space, so Eddie finds himself stating the blindingly obvious, “you’ve never seen a tree.”
Steve opens his bright hazel eyes, lowers his hand back to rest in his lap, “I know.”
#ST353#eddie munson#steve harrington#chrissy cunningham#robin buckly#buckingham#au#sci fi au#futuristic#outer space#space ship#robot steve#mystery
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more robot!Steve fic is incoming
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Steve's pinning his polaroids up on his wall when his new roommate walks in.
Steve's immediate thought is oh, I'm gonna hate this guy.
Shaggy hair, leather jacket, rings glinting off his fingers, electric guitar slung over his back. Hot as hell, but compared to Steve's polos and perfectly coiffed hair, they could not be more different.
The guy looks like he had the same thought. His shoulders slump as he takes in Steve's appearance.
A man comes in behind his roommate, toting a suitcase full of clothes. "Oh, are you Eddie's roommate?" he says to Steve, who shakes himself out of his thoughts.
"Yes, I am." he says politely. "I'm Steve Harrington."
The man sets down the suitcase. "Wayne Munson." he offers, shaking Steve's hand. "I'm Eddie's uncle."
He nudges Eddie forward, who lets out an almost inaudible groan. "Eddie." he says snippily, shaking Steve's hand.
This'll be a fun year, Steve thinks.
They don't talk. Steve didn't think he was going to be best friends with whoever he got saddled with, but he thought they could at least be civil to each other. Their room is split down the middle. Eddie's half is absolutely covered in posters and music and cutouts of magazines. Steve's is...almost as blank as his room back home.
He misses the shitheads.
No one can ever tell them that. They'll get even more insufferable.
Once or twice, when Steve comes back from a class, he'll catch Eddie peering at Steve's pictures, but he’ll jump away before Steve can call him out on it. It's awful. Steve misses Robin.
It takes him a horribly long amount of time to stop flinching awake at every little sound. He'd stored his nailbat under his bed, out of sight of Eddie, but every time someone yells in the hallway or shouts in the room next door, Steve startles awake, already grabbing his bat. Luckily, Eddie sleeps like the dead, because Steve's not sure he'd be able to explain the weapon without breaking his NDA.
It's three A.M., early November, when there's a knock on their door. Steve isn't asleep yet, so he stands and answers it.
Eight people pile in, talking in hushed whispers. They slam into him, knocking him over.
In the middle of the hug, Steve counts his kids. It's Dustin, nestled against his side, then Lucas, El, and Will under his arm, Max draped over his back, Erica leaning into his shoulder, and Mike on the very outskirts of the group. He pulls them all in tighter, and they all yelp and squawk at him.
"Let us go, Steve!" Erica says, annoyed.
"Nope." Steve says. "You came to find me at three in the morning, you can tolerate a hug."
"Shoo, move." another voice says, and all the kids part like the sea. Robin pushes her way through the group and hugs him tightly. "I don't know how you do it." she says to Steve. "Driving all these nerds around, it's exhausting."
He buries his face in her hair. "Missed you, Robbie." he mumbles.
She leans her head against his. "Missed you too, dingus."
Steve pulls back. "You got your license!"
"I did!" Robin jingles her keys happily.
Eddie sits up, and everyone in the room freezes. "Wha's happenin'?" he slurs sleepily. Then he registers all the people in the room. "Whoa, what the fuck?"
Steve stands up, brushing himself off. "I'm sorry, man, I didn't know they were coming." He shoots a glare at the group, who looks appropriately cowed. Minus Dustin. Steve can now see whose idea this was.
Eddie swings out of bed. "No, it's- wait, are these the kids from your polaroids?"
"Yeah," Steve says. "Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, Max, Erica, and this is my best friend Robin."
"Awww, you have polaroids of us?" Max teases over his shoulder. "That's sweet."
Steve reaches behind him and tussles her hair, shoving her gently. "Shut up, shithead."
"Your room is cool." Mike says. "Not Steve's side. But this part is cool!"
Steve glares at Mike, but Eddie grins big. "Thanks! I'm Eddie Munson." He shakes Mike's hand.
"Is that a DnD poster?" Will says. "That's amazing!"
"It certainly is!" Eddie says. "I used to DM back in high school. Played a bit too."
The nerdier section of the group reacts appropriately, oohing and ahhing, while Max and Erica just roll their eyes and nudge each other.
Steve hesitates. “I know these guys don’t really do anything on Saturday afternoons, and I think they’ve been wanting to start another campaign. Would you mind if they come up, maybe every weekend, and you can…” he doesn’t know enough about DnD “…run a game for them?”
Eddie looks amused. “You mean DM a campaign?”
“Yeah, that.” It’s an olive branch that Steve’s offering.
Eddie takes it. “Well, how can I turn that down? Sheepies of the Harrington flock, how would you like to join a new campaign?”
“I’ll keep the rest of you occupied,” Steve mutters as the guys (and El) start talking excitedly. “Max, Rob, you guys wanna find the closest arcade and set some new high scores?”
“Only one person will be setting high scores.” Max says, gesturing to herself, but she looks excited at the prospect.
Steve lets Eddie and the kids talk for a couple more minutes, then claps his hands. “Okay, it is three in the morning and I have a nine A.M. class tomorrow SO! I have enough blankets for all of you to sleep on the floor if Eddie doesn’t mind-“ Eddie shrugs. “Or Rob can drive you back home.”
Steve looks around and Robin is already in his bed, cuddled up like the blanket hog she is. “Okay, well, sleepover here it is then.”
He whisks out his ungodly amount of throw blankets (courtesy of Joyce’s knitting spree) and the kids get together in their usual movie-night-at-Steve’s cuddle position.
Will’s got his head on Mike’s shoulder, Lucas next to Mike, Max leaning on Lucas, El’s head in Max’s lap and her legs thrown over Dustin’s lap, and Erica with her back against Dustin’s shoulder. Sometimes Robin and Steve are wedged into the pile somewhere, but just as often they’re tangled up under six different blankets across the room, which is why Steve whispers “Scoot over, dumbass,” as he climbs into bed next to Robin.
Eddie watches them assume their positions with an expression of what could be awe on his face. “When I saw those pictures,” he whispered, “I thought they were like your siblings? Or maybe old pictures of your friends. I didn’t think you were a soccer mom.”
Steve glares at him, but unlike earlier in the year, there’s no heat behind it. “Hope you like coparenting then, because these guys need to be watched 24/7 or they’ll run off and start the apocalypse.”
Eddie laughs like it’s a joke. To him it is. He hops back into bed. “Goodnight, weird little family.”
The kids murmur a collective sleepy goodnight, and Steve shuts his eyes.
It’s the most relaxed he’s felt since he moved in.
part two!
#based on the running joke between me and my roommate that my robotics kids are gonna break into my dorm room#one of them just got his license and im now even more worried#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie#college au#pre relationship
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Steve expressions
#my beloved robotic country boy#my art#minecraft steve#minecraft#mineblr#minecraft art#minecraft fanart#minecraft lore#minecraft au#Steve minecraft#minecraft abiogenesis
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Tony: This year, Peter is going to face his fears and ride the Ferris Wheel.
Steve: Peter is afraid of heights?
Tony: No, just giant wheels.
#source: my life as a teenage robot#tony stark incorrect quotes#tony stark#iron man#peter parker#steve rogers incorrect quotes#steve rogers#captain america#marvel incorrect quotes#marvel#avengers#avengers incorrect quotes
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Eddie Munson just landed a job at a robotics manufacturing company, thanks to his uncle Wayne's connections. The company specializes in designing and building love robots for clients. Eddie is tasked with creating a new guy robot, he end up subconsciously designing Steve's face after his high school bully steve, whom he had been hopelessly in love with.
After completing him, Eddie is secretly a little thrilled when the buyer returns the robot, claiming it's defective. However, when Eddie turns Steve on to diagnose the issue, he discovers that the robot has gained consciousness. As they start talking, Eddie finds himself unable to to bring him self to fix Steve, and they start a friendship..
Eddie's world is turned upside down when he overhears his boss planning to disassemble Steve. Horrified, Eddie decides to rescue Steve and takes him home. As they watch the news together, they learn that the company is reporting the theft of an expensive machine and urging anyone with information to come forward.
Steve, fearing being returned to the company, begs Eddie not to take him back. Eddie, who has developed strong feelings for Steve, reassures him that he would never return him.
#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie#Steve Harrington is a robot#steddie ao3#steddie prompt#steddie idea#steddie fic#steve x eddie#steve harrington has a crush#steddie fandom#steddie fic idea#steddie imagine#steddie headcanon
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Steggy Week Day 2: Headcanons and Metas
@littlereyofsunlight very helpfully suggested this post for today.
Thank you @steggyfanevents for organizing.
Part 1/3
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I just had like a really shock of inspiration, a transformers continuity crossover, where one would gather up all the different versions of optimus/Orion and megatron/dee and make them play family fued.....
Think of the chaos....
Like Earthspark Megs is just trying to Shield his younger TF1 D16 self from the utter trainwreaks all their other counterparts are...
The Optimuses (optimi?) Wondering if Tfa is actually an Optimus or another Orion Pax...
Bayverse (both Op and megs) just unsettling everyone...
G1 roasting each other as they play the game...
Tiny tf1 Pax being shocked by his counterparts...and vice-versa for Dee...
Tfp megs trying to shoot the host...
All the dragging revelations that will happen...
"Top seven answers on the board, name something that gets cut off!"
"A helm!"
#transformers#transformers bayverse#transformers one#transformers g1#transformers animated#transformers prime#transformers earthspark#transformers memes#funny#fic prompt#crack fic#I love this idea so much#megatron#optimus prime#orion pax#tf d16#I don't know who would be hosting#Maybe a robot Steve Harvey#Named Steel Rusty#family feud
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In the nature doc AU, I'm imagining there's gotta be at least ONE guy who is the Steve Irwin of that universe (I.E "These giant robots could step on me OR run me over, I'm gonna poke one") at least in the early stages, how would the bots each react to that?
I’ve never watched Steve Irwin before but I have seen a couple of TikTok guys doing something similar!
#I don’t think he would survive for too long#‘my body is ready’#it was not#i think Steve would be smarter about it tho#like I’m old enough to know how big of a deal he was#but also young enough to have never commented something about him on his sons social media ya know#I think we’re around the same age I see him on TikTok#transformers#transformers fanart#optimus prime#ratchet#bumblebee#robot nature documentary au#asks#maccadams
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Inanimate insanity is taking over my life
#inanimate insanity#ii mephone3gs#ii steve cobs#steve cobs#object show community#object shows#mephone#mephone 3gs#ii meeple#ii mephone4#ii#ughhhhh silly robots ajajajansnsnss#JUSTICE FOR 3GS🙏🙏
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Skyborne Doombringer
One day, the ultimate weapon of destruction, designed to annihilate planets, should have aged and ceased to function over time. But what if it never stopped?
Model by Zero
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1983: Steve becomes King, Will goes missing, and Steve has some doubts.
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Mega Trauma

1. Not sponsored by Christie.
2. This was the inspiration. ⬇️
#Plastic Robots#Toy Photography#Transformers#Transformers Prime#Starscream#TFP Starscream#Knockout#TFP Knockout#Steve Blum#Youtube#Maccadam
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i made another meme, this time with (some of) Rami’s roles
#i was really divided on a lot of these#like i think josh leans more towards oppenheimer#and steve may be a barbie enjoyer#night at the museum#rami malek#ahkmenrah#natm ahkmenrah#queen#borhap#mr robot#elliot alderson#steve dibiasi#snafu shelton#the war at home#louis dega#until dawn
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Cyberverse Meteorfire
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Rising from the grave with another sci-fi franchise to obsess over. Very new transformers fan and very novice mech artist. May I present to you: SD-227
He was named Steve by a human who found him in their barn. An ex-decepticon seeker drone, Steve's (originally SD-227) a clone of the same base model as thousands of similar 'bots. He's got a fucked-up looking face and wears a battle mask most of the time, if he's not using a holoform (basically a projection of a human to blend in w the natives). He's supposed to be a stealth/recon drone but is extremely clumsy, in part due to major system damage that has yet to be entirely repaired on grounds of lack of resources.
Still working on his reason for defection, but I'm leaning towards being left for/assumed dead after a battle. Damage to some of his core systems made him unable to communicate/share location with other 'cons. The main Decepitcon warship on earth (Nemesis) is notoriously difficult to track, and he'd had extensive damage to his wings anyhow, so he was in no position to move around, let alone transform and seek his allies. Something something he has to rely on another, a non-decepticon, alien, of all people, learns to become his own individual, and develops the suppressed empathy that was always a part of his programing.
#transformers#transformers oc#cybertronian#steve#SD-227#lockheed martin#f 35 lightning ii#shockwave#(for emotional support)#mech#mecha#transformers seekers#seeker#decepticons#scary giant robot alien found in some guy’s barn#hey google can cybertronians have body dysphoria#he thinks his face is horrific#but he is in fact a cutie patootie and I will die on this hill#also he adores cats#big plus
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