#robert stayed in the portacabin
bobbie-robron · 3 months
Robert’s Robert, ain’t he? What I say makes no difference.
Well, it usually does.
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18-Jul-2019, episode 1
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Caught up on today's episode.
It's much more bearable to watch without the stupid blue tone thoughts and repeated shots of that car rolling. Haha. And no terrible single dramatic music beats.
I do like Caleb and Nicky being included in the Faith stuff. I still don't really understand how he and Cain got on such good terms but I prefer it that way. I like Cain having a relationship with him.
It was nice to see Gabby actually get to acknowledge that she was friends with Liv. Too bad Jacob's stuck in next week's block sleeping with Victoria and couldn't acknowledge his friendship with her too. Haha. Sigh.
I really don't understand what they're trying to do with Amit long term. Like is he going to stick around and be a real presence in the village. Because he didn't actually kill Rishi so I don't feel like he's all of a sudden going to go down the serial killer route or something. I feel like the village could use a good longer term low key villain. Maybe someone who actually could give Kim a run for her money business wise. Maybe he can buy the HOP from Gabby and turn it into something better so that his son isn't working for a 21 year old anymore. And if his wife is dead, maybe Kim can cheat on Will with him. Haha. Sorry, I just really hate Will and Kim together.
The Lydia stuff was fine. I liked Rhona's scenes with her. I still just hate that they're doing yet another rape story. Just...nothing about this feels new or interesting. It feels like they're just going through the motions. It just feels like bits and pieces of all of the other stories stuck together. So even if the scenes are decent, it just feels stale, which this type of story shouldn't feel like. And yet...here we are. Because they've done too many of them over the years.
As for Aaron...well. Haha. Did they always have that couch in the portacabin? Because I don't remember seeing it before. Robert slept on the floor the last time he slept there. I was reading through twitter comments and ds board comments and there's just sooo much hatred for Aaron's attitude and his return in general and like...I didn't really want him to come back either but I haven't really minded his attitude that much. I do kind of enjoy him being terrible to Chas. And stealing money from the pub. I mean he was honest that he was taking it and they did take 30 grand from him so...you know. Kind of fair. As for the Paddy stuff, I mean you can see him calculating how to get rid of him and so he goes for the jugular. I was glad they at least mentioned Aaron's own suicide attempt and didn't ignore that. And I mean Paddy did lock him up too and threw the whole beating him up thing back in his face in front of Liv so...not that he deserved what Aaron said but I do still hold that grudge a bit.
Mostly, I just don't know where they go with him from here. Because it seemed like he was going to be like this for a while from the return interview stuff but you can already see him cracking and it only took a few words from Vinny to make him stay so like...how long is this realistically going to last? And once he does crack and properly grieve and do his inevitable apology tour, then what?
I just need them to give him a life again. So much of his character group has been stripped away, they need to replenish it. He needs a friend or friends. He needs some kind of relationship with his family. He needs a job, preferably one that we see. And he needs a purpose. I don't know, I just don't know that this rehash of everything that happened during the 50th anniversary is really going to cut it for long. So...
This is why Ryan needs to come back. Aaron needs his other half, he needs his story generator. Haha.
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robronrewatch2023 · 1 year
July 4th summary
We watched from 2015/07/02 p2 to 2015/07/09 p2.
Chas asks Cain to back off, thinking that while Robert's with Chrissie, he's less likely to pursue Aaron. Cain tells Robert that with the £15k he'd asked for plus £2k for a holiday, they can call it quits - he also tells Robert to stay away from Aaron.
Robert and Aaron help Andy to install some new farm equipment and they all banter and bond, which worries Chas and Paddy, who try to keep them apart, but it doesn't work - Aaron and Robert kiss and have sex in the portacabin. Paddy, worried and angry, sends Chrissie a note that says "rein your cheating husband in". Robert manages to skate by it but it does worry Chrissie. Paddy says he'll do whatever it takes to keep Robert away from Aaron, even if he has to tell Chrissie about their affair.
Lawrence says he's making Robert co-director of the Home Farm businesses and putting him in his will in a big way.
Paddy gets a lamb out of the grain pit and the ladder breaks, leaving him at the bottom with an injured leg.
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Go to the ends of the earth for you - Part 3
One more part after this...at least that's the plan. Hopefully this week! I decided to fix a bit more of the current Emmerdale that I don't like ;)
(AO3 link)
“What the hell were you thinking?” He barely lets Robert say hello, he’s so angry. It’s taken two days for him to call and he’s been both going out of his mind with worry and angry at him for telling him the wrong date.
“Still mad then.”
“Did you think I wouldn’t be? Why Robert?” He sits at the kitchen table, resting his head on his hand. He’d come to bring his stuff to the house before going out to buy anything else he’d need. The social worker was expected sometime during the week and he wanted everything to be just right.
“Because you couldn’t do anything, and it was Seb’s birthday.”
“That’s not…I wanted to be there. You knew that. You know I hate it when you think you know what’s best for me. You were on your own.”
“You would’ve been too, in the gallery. How would that be any better. This way I knew you were with Seb, you were having fun and so was he. That’s why I did it, and if that’s me knowing what’s best then I’m not sorry.” He was right, he knew that, he couldn’t have done anything from the gallery, but even so he’d wanted to be there, so they could at least see each other.
“I hate you some times.”
“Nah, my charm wins through every time.”
“So you say. Don’t do anything like that again. Promise me, don’t shut me out.”
“I promise.” It’s barely a whisper. “Any regrets?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? You don’t have to deal with my family where you are.”
“I should be thankful for small mercies I suppose. I mean it though, do you regret it?”
“No. It’s going to be hard I know, but after this we can be together, a family and then we can go wherever we please with no one looking for us. You can get through this Robert, I know you can.”
“I’m not as strong as you.”
“Yes you are. I know you don’t think it, but you are. You’ve got me through the hardest time in my life, you couldn’t do that if you weren’t strong Robert, and I’m going to be here, I’ll visit every second I can, be by the phone whenever you call.”
“Ok.” He’s quiet and all he can hear is the noise in the background, the everyday sounds of prison and he hates it, hates that Robert’s stuck there and there’s not a thing he can do about it. “I have to go.”
“Yeah. I love you.”
“Love you too.” He can’t let go of the phone even when Robert’s hung up. It was already much harder than he’d expected and it wasn’t even a month without him. He had no idea how he’d last a year.
“Well Mr Dingle, this all looks very nice. I see no problems at all and it shouldn’t be long at all before Sebastian can come home.” He’s so nervous he barely hears the social worker speak as she wanders round the house. It’s still so bare looking, aside from some of Seb’s toys left the last time he’d visited.
He’d thought of going to Mill and see if Liv had kept the stuff they’d left behind, but then he reasoned it had been a year, they’d likely have been chucked out long before and as he didn’t want to see her or the house he’d left it. He’d have to go shopping, something else he didn’t look forward to.
“Er, thank you. So, um, do you know how long it might be?”
“Officially a week but I really have no objection at all if he were to stay here from now on.” He wants to laugh with relief. Finally something seemed to be going right. “You have all the childcare arrangements sorted so I see no reason to keep you apart any longer.”
“Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means.”
“Oh I think I do. Anyway, you can expect a call to confirm everything but, enjoy having your son back with you.”
He feels like he’s floating on air as he sees her out, as he walks up to Vic’s and he can’t wait to tell Robert that everything is sorted out. All he has to do now is talk to Seb, to try and explain why he’s going to another new house.
He’s helping Vic in the kitchen when he gets to Keepers and she can immediately tell by the look on his face and he gets a blinding smile in return.
“Dada I’m making cake!”
“I can see. When you’re done can me and you have a little chat?” Seb nods even though Aaron’s not entirely sure he understands but he’s content enough to sit and watch him and Vic for a while.
When they’re finished he sits the little boy on the sofa and he crouches in front of him, Vic’s supportive smile helping him work out exactly what to say.
“So, you know how you’ve been living with Auntie Vic while me and Daddy were away?” He gets a little nod. “Well now we’re back, we thought perhaps you’d like to come and live with me in my new house.”
“And Daddy?”
“Well Daddy has to stay away a little bit longer, but when he comes home then yes. What do you say?”
“I still play with Harry?”
“Yes mate, all the time and you’ll still see Auntie Vic loads and loads.”
“Of course you will, I need my little chef helper don’t I?” Vic sits beside him on the sofa, exchanging a glance with Aaron. Seb seemed to be thinking everything over, and he was a little nervous he was going to say no. “What do you think?”
“And Daddy’s coming?”
“As soon as he can, promise. He calls me too, not for long, but maybe you can talk to him sometimes eh?”
“Yeah? That’s great.” He looks over to Vic once more, surprised to see her looking a little upset. “Hey mate, why don’t you go upstairs and sort out a few toys to take with us, while I talk to Auntie Vic.” When he’s gone Aaron sits beside her. “Sorry, I’m taking him from you aren’t I?”
“Don’t be silly. I’m just being daft.”
“No you’re not. Do you want to wait, we can leave it a few days.”
“No. He’s yours Aaron, yours and Robert’s. He should be with you. How are you anyway, you never say much.”
“I’m just…getting along, sitting by the phone every night, wondering if we made the right decision. Coming back here, it’s…a lot harder than I thought it would be.”
“Have you spoken to Paddy yet?” He looks at her in surprise, he didn’t know she knew what had happened. “Robert told me, made sure I looked out for you. Told me to do what I could to keep Paddy away. But, maybe you should talk, not to make it all ok again, but to stop yourself feeling like this, like you shouldn’t be here. This is your home Aaron, yours and Robert’s and nobody should make you feel like that.”
“I don’t know. I think he’s avoiding me and I kinda want to keep it that way right now.” She nods but doesn’t look convinced. Anything she’s going to say is cut off by a thump from upstairs. “I think I better get up there in case he’s trying to pack the furniture or something.”
It’s his first day back at the garage after taking a couple off to settle Seb in at home, and it’s just him and Cain. He prefers it that way, Cain is just as content as him to work in near silence, unlike Dan who insists on inane chatter all day. With Cain he can just get on with his job and the quicker he does the quicker he can get Seb from Vic’s and take him home.
In the few days he’s been back with him he’s felt lighter than he has since they came back, the little boy managing to lift his mood no matter what. He’s full of questions, about Robert, about where they were and all sorts and Aaron loves telling him everything he can about his Daddy Robert and their house in France.
The shouting makes him stop and look up, seeing Jimmy and Nicola having a full on row in the street. He’d heard rumours that things weren’t good between them but he’d thought it was just that, village gossip.
“What’s going on there?”
“According to Charity, Nicola’s going to hand over half the haulage to her and Jimmy knew nowt about it.”
“What? Why on earth would she do that?”
“Who am I, Pearl?”
“Can I take my break now?” He was worried, about Jimmy, about the business. Robert still had his shares and if things were that bad then he felt he ought to keep an eye on it.
“If all you’re going to do is gossip then you may as well.” He grins as he takes off his overalls, heading in the direction he’d seen Jimmy go. He finds him sitting on a swing in the playground.
“You alright?”
“How did you deal with Robert doing stuff behind your back? When he took no notice of what you said?”
“Shouting mostly. Is this about the haulage firm? Cain told me.”
“Charity of all people! I can’t work with her!”
“You said that about Robert once, remember?” He vividly remembered the ranting in the portacabin when Charity handed her share over. “Is this really about Charity?”
“The police charged me, Juliette is trying to take my son away and all the time Nicola’s going behind my back with Charity!”
“She hasn’t actually signed anything yet has she?”
“No…well I don’t think so but then she doesn’t tell me anything these days.”
“Can you get her to hold off for a couple of days?”
“Because me and Robert would be a better option than Charity.” He hadn’t even given it a thought, but seeing how distressed Jimmy was, the idea had popped into his brain. They had the money, they still had most of the proceeds from the sale of the scrapyard. He’d need to talk to Robert though. “I’m seeing him tomorrow, I could talk to him.”
“You want to buy us out?”
“Well, no. Not completely, but Robert’s still a partner so it makes sense. You wouldn’t have to deal with Charity and to be honest it’d be a bit more income for me and Robert until we know what we’re going to do. It’s up to you.”
“I need to talk to Nico.”
“Of course, and I need to talk to Robert. I’m serious though Jimmy.”
“Well, thanks.”
“You know Nicola and Robert are pretty similar aren’t they? For all I used to be mad at him when he did this kind of thing, it was usually for good reason, for us. Is that the case with Nicola? Does Charity taking over mean you’ll have money to fight for Carl? To get you a decent lawyer?” Jimmy doesn’t say anything but Aaron can tell he’s got through to him. “For everything Robert did, scamming Kim, Joe, hitting Lee, he did it for someone, to protect Vic, to try and get us money for our surrogacy. Not that you shouldn’t be angry, but if it was for good reason then maybe you can find a way to forgive her. The two of you belong together Jimmy, you know that. Don’t throw it all away.”
“I thought we did.”
“Here.” He reaches into his pocket, handing him his house key. “Go to mine, calm down. Stay as long as you like and then go and talk to her. If you need to send the kids over and they can help me keep Seb occupied when I get him from Vic’s. Don’t fight in front of them.”
“You don’t need to do this.”
“It’s what Robert would do and you know it. He’s not here so…” He shrugs, he’s not used to having heart to hearts with people, but he knows Jimmy’s been a good friend to Robert and that he’d want him to help.
“Is he getting on ok…I mean…”
“As well as he can. You know, I think he’d really like to see you, see someone other than me.”
“I doubt that.”
“I’ll ask him tonight and then we can talk tomorrow. If we do this he’ll want to talk to you anyway and he might be more help than me, the business, Carl…the police.”
“You’d give up a visit for me?”
“I’m not saying I won’t miss him, but yeah, if it’ll help. You and Nicola were two of the few people who didn’t treat him differently after…who haven’t tried to tell us what to do. You’re his friend, and if he can help then he’ll want to. Like I say, go back to mine, have a cuppa and calm down. It’ll help.”
Jimmy just nods and he watches him go, staying on the swing for a little bit longer, enjoying the sunshine even if it was still cold.
He’s just about ready to go back to work when he hears footsteps and he sighs when he looks up he finds Paddy standing there.
“I’m busy.” He gets up and starts walking away.
“You don’t look it. I thought you would’ve been over to see us by now.” That makes him stop, turning back and just staring at Paddy.
“You’re joking, right?”
“No. You have a baby sister Aaron.”
“Which no one told me about.”
“We couldn’t just pop in. We didn’t know where you were.”
“I had my phone and when I ditched that Cain knew how to contact us. I text Mum at Christmas and got no reply. You obviously didn’t try that hard.”
“Why do you always have to make things so difficult. You broke your Mum’s heart leaving like that. You’re not a teenager anymore Aaron, running off because you can’t get your own way all the time.”
“My own way? What part of this is me getting my own way? Can you even hear yourself.”
“No. You wanted to talk so you’re going to listen. All I wanted was the support of my parents, for them to understand that I couldn’t let my husband go, that it would break me if I did. I thought they would understand that. I can’t believe how wrong I was.”
“Now wait a minute, it wasn’t like that.”
“No? What was it like then? First Mum, using the baby as emotional blackmail to stop me leaving, and you know what I got that, I really did, after everything with Grace I understood. But you, I won’t ever understand what you did.”
“It was for your own good.”
“What was? Locking me in my own home?” Paddy just opens his mouth. “Because it wasn’t just that. That house, that was the one place, the only place I have ever really felt safe. It took me until I was twenty five to have a place where I didn’t have to hide or I didn’t feel like I had to be ready to run, and you know who gave me that? Robert. The man you seem to hate so much. He made me feel safe, he made me a home. You took that and you ruined it.” He starts to walk away but he stops. “And you know what’s worse? According to you, he’s the bad guy. You should look in the mirror.”
This time he does walk away, head down, hands stuffed in his pockets. He waves at Cain, a quick nod of the head in Paddy’s direction tells him everything and Cain nods back. There’s only one thing that will calm him down right now and it’s not work.
“Aaron! Wait. You can’t just walk off like that. You’re not even letting me explain.”
“Because there isn’t anything you can say to make this better. I told you I wouldn’t forgive you but you went ahead anyway. There’s no excuse for locking me in, none at all.” He sighs. “I will always be grateful to you for being there when I came out, when I…” His eyes flick to the garage, memories swirling around, “But that doesn’t give you the excuse to treat me like you did. I’m not that kid anymore. Just stay away from us.”
He doesn’t stop this time, not when he tries to grab his arm, not when he calls his name, he just carries on walking until he reaches Vic’s, letting himself in, resting against the door when he’s closed it, letting the sounds of Seb and Harry playing in the living room calm him down.
“You want to buy them out?”
“It was just an idea.”
“Aaron…last week you were talking about moving away.” Robert looks and sounds exhausted and he hates how he’s adding more stress but the more he thinks about it the more the idea is a good one.
“There’s nothing stopping us doing that. You didn’t see him Rob, I’ve never seen Jimmy looking like that, like there was nothing left to hope for. They’re our friends.”
“I know but…”
“I’m still happy to move, but you’re here for months yet, and then on licence so we can’t go anywhere right away. I’m not exactly making fistfuls of money at the garage. This way we get a little more coming in, and when you get out you have a job. That’ll look good for you.”
“Ok. So, say we do this, what if we want to move away in the future, what do we do for money?”
“I’ve been thinking about that too.”
“Of course you have.” There’s something in his voice. “I feel like everything is moving on without me.”
“It’s not, I swear. I’m still here, I’m just waiting for the day you come home you know that, but our friends need our help. Look, just talk to Jimmy, the two of you know more about this than me, but would you really subject them to Charity?” Robert chuckles at that and he takes his hand. “I said he could visit, you can work it all out.”
“You don’t want to visit?”
“No. That’s not what I said. Of course I do, but, and don’t take this the wrong way, but he’s feeling really guilty about Paul, although goodness knows why from what I heard. I just thought that you could probably help him with that more than me.”
“What do you mean?” He frowns at him and pulls his hands away. “Katie?”
“No! I was talking about Max. You told me how guilty you felt, even though there wasn’t anything you could’ve done to get him out. I think Jimmy’s feeling like that. One visit, and you can bet I’ll be counting down the days until the next one.”
“Hmm, ok. You remember me talking about Max?”
“Of course I do.”
“You know, I think he was the first real mate I had in the village, someone I knew I could rely on. We were leaving together. He hated the village as much as I did.”
“Ever wonder what would’ve happened if the crash hadn’t happened, if you’d gone with him? Reckon you would ever have come home?”
“I don’t know. We’d both had enough of our families, maybe if I’d had him I would’ve made different choices…but if I hadn’t then I wouldn’t have met you would I?”
“Nah, we would’ve found each other.”
“Oh God, I go to prison for five minutes and here you are believing in fate. Who are you and what have you done with my husband?”
“Shut up!”
“Right go on then, this grand idea of yours of what we do for money.”
“I’ll sell my half of Mill.”
“I told you before, it’s not our house anymore. I wouldn’t feel comfortable there any more you know that so it seems stupid to hold onto it.”
“But selling half a house, that’s not easy. Who’s going to buy it? Liv can’t afford it.”
“I don’t know…Cain, maybe Debbie. Even Charity when we do her out of the haulage yard. I honestly don’t care. I’d never take it from Liv but I have no need to hold onto our share if we can use it for something else.”
“She’s going to hate it.”
“Yeah. When she stops avoiding me I’ll try and talk to her, warn her, but the longer I spend in the village, the more I feel like it’s not the right place for us anymore. As soon as we can I want to get out of there.” Robert nods, he knows he feels the same. “But whatever happens, we’ll decide it together. Me and you, no one else, not any more.”
“We’re going to get through this, aren’t we?”
“Course we are.”
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sugdenlovesdingle · 4 years
Robron week 2020
Day 4: affair + “I never took you for the romantic type, but I guess I stand corrected.”
A/N: I cheated a little - it's Aaron *talking about* the affair with Belle rather than it actually being set during the affair. that counts! I’d give my left kidney for something like this to happen on the show.
Advice (AO3)
“Belle, hey, what are you doing here?” Aaron looked up from his paperwork to see his cousin walk into the portacabin.
“I uh… was hoping to talk to you. Kind of to you and Robert both. I need advice.”
Aaron frowned.
“Rob’s in Manchester for a meeting… he won’t be back for a while.”
“Right. Ok. That’s ok. I suppose you’re the only that really knows what I’m talking about anyway.”
“I am?” Aaron asked, wondering what Belle could possibly be talking about that he could help her with.
“I’m… seeing someone…” Belle started carefully. “Someone who is already married.”
“Yeah…” Belle sat down at Robert’s desk.
“Has it been going on long?”
“I don’t really know… A while.” Belle said and Aaron nodded. “Well… longer than a while I suppose. Since January. Kind of longer… it’s just sort of been in the air since I first met him… last year.”
Aaron nodded and tried to keep his face set on neutral. He was the last person on earth who could judge her.
He got up to flick the kettle on.
Belle gave him a small smile.
“So… you and this guy… is it serious?”
“I… think so? I hope so. He says he loves me and wants to be with me… he even gave me this bracelet.” She held up her wrist.
“But…?” Aaron prompted. “You don’t believe him?”
“I want to. And I do believe he wants to be with me when we’re together… but then he goes back to his wife to play happy families with her and their daughter.”
“He has kids?”
Belle nodded.
“Yeah. One.”
“That’s… complicated.”
“You’re telling me.” Belle sighed. “How did you and Robert do that?”
“Well… Robert didn’t have kids when we first met… Well… only Lachlan… but it’s not like he was ever a dad to him.”
“But with Seb?”
Aaron shrugged.
“He was only a few months old when Rob and I got back together. He doesn’t know any better than that I’m his dad too.”
“Yeah I suppose so…”
“Is… your guy’s kid… old enough to know what’s going on if you’d go public and he’d leave his wife?”
“Yeah. Which is what makes it harder. I don’t want her to hate me but I’d be the one that ruined her parents’ marriage.”
“I’m pretty sure the guy had a thing or two to do with that too.” Aaron reasoned. “It’s not like you forced him to do anything.”
“I know… but I still feel responsible. I’ve tried to break it off… but…”
“You can’t stay away from him?” Aaron asked, remembering the feeling.
“Yeah.” Belle admitted. “When we’re together… it’s like… the best feeling in the world. I haven’t had that with anyone. Ever.”
Aaron nodded. He definitely remembered what that was like. From that first kiss in the layby he’d known that Robert was unlike any other guy he’d ever met and the thing between them was more than just sex.
“What was it like with you and Robert?” Belle asked. “Did things ever feel… normal? Like you almost forgot what you were doing and you were just… two people in love?”
Aaron smiled. The Robert of back then would have run a mile if someone had so much as suggested he was in love with another man.
“Yeah, yeah it did. He booked a hotel room for us once. A fancy hotel room where nobody knew us. We were just… us. A full night to ourselves and a late check out and Chrissie was none the wiser.”
“Did you ever feel guilty?”
“No.” Aaron admitted after a beat. “I barely knew Chrissie and I wanted Robert and he wanted me. I didn’t think about her much at all.” He told her. “But you do know his wife?”
“Yeah. I don’t know her well… but I know her. She thinks everything is alright and I’m just… someone she knows.”
“And you feel guilty?”
“Sort of?” Belle sighed. “I really like him and I want to be with him… but then I see her and their daughter and I just… I remember when my dad had an affair and it almost ruined the whole family.
“And then there is me and Rob. Who made it work.”
“Yeah. And it gives me hope.”
“What does he say about all this? The guy you’re seeing?”
Belle shrugged.
“Nothing really. He tells me not to worry and that we’ll be together soon. That it’s just complicated because he doesn’t want to lose access to his daughter.”
Aaron nodded and poured hot water on the tea bags.
“I guess it depends on whether you believe him or not. I can’t make that decision for you…”
“I know. It’s just… I want it to be true. I love him. I’ve tried not to… but I do. And I’m not sure what it’ll do to me if he never leaves his wife. If this is the best it’s going to get for us. Stolen moments and lies to be together.”
Aaron nodded again to show her he was listening and thought back to the days of his and Robert’s affair and the many lies they told to catch a private moment or two.
“Do you ever think about that?” Belle asked and Aaron realised he’d tuned her out.
“About what?”
“If Robert and Chrissie never had split up. And you would always have been the bit on the side nobody knew about.”
Aaron made a face.
“I try not to, to be honest. I used to, back in the day… and ask myself if I was willing to settle for that…”
“Well I told Chrissie about the affair, so what do you think?” Aaron grinned. “I wanted all of him, not just a quickie in here or another hook up in a barn. I wanted normal with him. I wanted to wake up next to him, share my life with him. And I didn’t really care what I had to do to get it.”
“I want that too with Ja- the guy I’m seeing.” Belle said, her cheeks going red as she realised her slip up.
“Do you want to tell me who it is?” Aaron asked. “Nobody is going to hear anything from me, I promise. It’s just… nice to be able to tell someone.” He remembered the relief when Paddy had figured out the married man he was seeing was Robert. It didn’t really change anything about the whole situation but it was one person less to lie to and hide from.
The two of them were quiet for a few minutes. Belle seemed conflicted. Another feeling Aaron remembered well. He’d both loved and hated Robert so fiercely during those days. He’d been attracted to him while also wanting to punch his lights out.
“It’s Jamie.” Belle said eventually.
“Jamie… Tate?” Aaron asked. “The guy you work with? Kim Tate’s son?”
“Yeah… Kim knows. Or… knew. We kind of broke up because of her. She basically ordered me to stay away from Jamie.”
“And you listened?” Aaron frowned. He couldn’t imagine ever listening to anyone telling him to stay away from Robert. Not then, and definitely not now.
“No. Yes. Not really. It’s… complicated.”
Aaron gave her a small smile.
“Sounds familiar.”
“Sorry for dumping this all on you… but you were the only person I could think of that would understand.”
“It’s fine. I get it, I do. I’m here anytime you want to talk.”
“Thanks.” Belle said and sipped her tea. “Did you and Robert… did you ever feel he really loved you? That what you had was real? That he wasn’t just… using you for sex.”
“We used each other for sex really. In the beginning. But there was always… something just below the surface. We spent a whole week at Home Farm together. Chrissie and the rest of them were away and it was like it was our house and we were living there.” Aaron remembered. “The first few days we barely left the bed and we lived off pizza and beer… but around day 4 I think he actually cooked. He’s a really good cook and he actually loves doing it. He still does most of the cooking in the family. Marrying a chef has its perks.” He said with a chuckle. “But that night… we just shared a meal and talked about football and afterwards snogged on the sofa for ages.”
“Is that when you knew?”
“More like… that was the first time I saw the real Robert and I fell in love with him even more. Behind the smug grin, the expensive suits, and the attitude, there was this guy who just chatted about the new striker for Real Madrid while making curry and kept asking me if I liked the food.” Aaron told her. “And I just knew I wanted to make sure he was always as happy and carefree as that night.”
Belle smiled.
“I never took you for the romantic type, but I guess I stand corrected.”
“Yeah marriage made me soppy.” Aaron laughed. “It was messy, and complicated, and intense… and if I had a chance to go back in time I’d probably change some things… but not that week and definitely not that night.”
“I wish me and Jamie could have that… but we can’t even get an hour, let alone a week.”
“It can still happen. Don’t give up.” Aaron said. “If you’d told me 5 years ago that I’d be here now… married to Robert, twice, owning a house and a business together, raising a child and a second one on the way… I’d never have believed you. But here we are.”
“Yeah I suppose so.” Belle sighed. “I just don’t want to give myself false hope.”
“I understand. I was the same. He’d tell me he loved me but then he’d go back to Chrissie. I knew he meant it but I just… didn’t want to let myself believe it. Not when he’d tell her the same thing.”
“Exactly.” Belle nodded. “But seeing you two now… it gives me hope.”
Aaron chuckled.
“Glad to be of service.”
The door opened and Robert walked in, looking like he’d just walked off a photoshoot for office wear, making a beeline for Aaron.
“Guess what? I got the Spanish deal. They signed!” He said and happily accepted the congratulatory hug and kiss from his husband.
“I knew you could do it.” Aaron told him. “The presentation was solid. They would have been mad not to sign.”
“I love you and your confidence in me.”
“I love you too. And you deserve it.” Aaron emphasised his words with a kiss.
Robert smiled and suddenly remembered he’d seen another person in the cabin when he’d walked in.
“Oh hey Belle. Sorry about that.” He said sheepishly. “I didn’t interrupt anything did I?”
“Belle just offered to watch Seb for us tonight so we can have some time to ourselves.” Aaron jumped in as he sat back down “She’s a bit lonely now she’s split up with Ellis so she wants some cuddles from him to cheer herself up. And you know Seb gives amazing cuddles.”
“Really?” Robert asked, looking back and forth between the two of them, not exactly believing them but not wanting to call them out on it either.
“Yeah, absolutely. I love the little guy. Is 7 ok?” Belle asked, gathering her things.
“Sure, 7 is fine.” Aaron replied.
“Great. I have to go now… my lunch break is almost over… but I’ll see you at 7 then.”
“Alright. See you at 7. Seb is already looking forward to it.”
“Me too.” She said and left.
Robert sat down in the now empty seat across from Aaron and gave him a confused look.
“What was that all about with Belle? And don’t tell me she came to ask for a night of babysitting. Our son is cute, but not that cute.”
Aaron smiled at Robert calling Seb their son. Hearing it never got old.
“She just wanted someone to talk to. Get some advice.”
“Advice? On what?”
“She’s… seeing a married man.”
Robert’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline.
“Belle? Having an affair?”
Aaron nodded.
“I guess it runs in the family.”
Robert chuckled.
“Who is it?”
“I can’t tell you. It’s not my place.” Aaron shook his head. “She told me in confidence, I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone else. I just wanted to give her a chance to let someone in on her secret. One less person to lie to.”
“Is that how you felt… when we…” Robert trailed off. They never really talked about their affair, parts of it were still a sore spot for both of them.
“Yeah… kind of. When Paddy figured it out… I was relieved… in a way.”
Robert nodded.
“I told my mum…” he admitted. “I went to see her once after we’d made up after a fight. Instead of going back to Chrissie, I went to see my mum and talked to her for a while. I think that was the first time I admitted that what we had was more than just sex.”
Aaron grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.
“I wish she’d actually been there for you to talk to.”
“Yeah… me too.”
They sat in silence for a while, both getting lost in memories.
“Do you think you would have left Chrissie if I hadn’t blown the affair?” Aaron asked
“I… I like to think so… but I don’t know.” Robert admitted. “It would have taken me a hell of a lot longer to accept myself if you hadn’t kicked me out of the closet though, I know that much.”
“If you could go back in time… would you change things?”
Robert considered the question for a minute.
“Maybe a few things… but in the end it got us where we are today… and that’s pretty great.” He leaned forward and kissed Aaron. “Now what was that about a night to ourselves?”
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sammysamstuff · 4 years
Something that always upset me was the fact that Robert didn’t really own a house. Whenever he messed up, he was always kicked out and had to find somewhere to crash:
Home Farm (on and off during the affair era)
The Pub (during the affair era/breakup from Chrissie)
The B&B (after the 2017 breakup from Aaron)
Vic’s house (2017 also after the breakup from Aaron)
Mill Cottage (on and off 2017/2018/2019)
Portacabin (yep he slept there too)
To me, the saddest one was when he was kicked out by Aaron from Mill Cottage, not just in 2017, but in 2019 as well. Whatever arguments they were having, Aaron would tell him to go, to get out. And that sucks. Especially bc Robert saw Mill Cottage, Aaron and Liv as his family and he devoted so much time, love and money decorating and putting that house together for them.
Imagine that feeling? Having to physically remove yourself from where you live bc either you messed up or simply had an argument with your spouse? And have nowhere to go or have to improvise a last minute place to stay?
Robert was always getting kicked out of the house by someone and I think that’s very sad. He didn’t OWN a home, so basically he was at the mercy of whoever owned it.
Yes he messed up several times but writers should have made him own a bachelors pad or a house at some point.
I guess, what I’m trying to say is that Robert was quite often homeless or at the mercy... I never thought it was fair that he was constantly having to be homeless, even if he did mess up.
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What are your thoughts on the parallel between Robert’s “I’ll wait” before wedding 1.0 and foreshadowing him remaining celibate during their breakup and Aaron’s “I’ll be waiting” just before Robert hands himself in? Do you think there’s any substance to i?
My thoughts are that I’m disappointed with myself for not even picking up on that parallel! (To be fair, that whole week when they went on the run was a bit of a blur at the time - because I didn’t want to watch the end and because of the tears, you know.) And I’m also disappointed with you for encouraging me to rewatch that scene now! Thanks for that haha. (I obviously balanced it out by rewatching the wedding scene too - “So are you gonna marry me or are you gonna stay in there sulking?” What beautiful poetry.) But now I have, so…
The short answer would be yes! The long answer would be…
Both of these lines were said before making a life-changing, lifelong commitment. Robert’s just before marrying Aaron in a wedding which was timed so that Aaron had that reassurance of the future while he was in prison. Aaron’s just before committing to spending a life on the run with Robert, his reassurance of the future.
We’ve already had the “empty” parallel between these two storylines. But Robert also described Rebecca as “empty”. Even Aaron said his “relationship” (the quotation marks are absolutely necessary haha) with Alex felt like he was cheating on Robert. (Which is why Robert couldn’t even try with that Mike guy.) The fact is whenever Robert and Aaron are apart - however long for, wherever they may be - they will always remain married in their hearts. That first wedding proved that. It wasn’t legal, they weren’t technically husbands, and they didn’t even have a ceremony. But they went into that garage, they exchanged rings and they said those vows. And they meant them. (Robert: I promise […] to put you first… *sob*) And they valued being able to refer to each other as their husband so much. And it lasted through everything they went through. Aaron used that ring as a symbol of their break-up when he gave it back to Robert, because even though it wasn’t official it was real and valid to them. And how long did Robert keep wearing his ring for!? And when they got back together with reunion 2.0, those rings were straight back on. Because of what it symbolised to them. Because they had made that commitment - to share the rest of their lives with each other, the good and the bad - in their hearts.
So that, for me, is what the idea of waiting comes down to. The simple fact is, Aaron was prepared to wait 14 years. Even longer if it came to it. And Robert had absolutely no intention of ending their marriage until he found out he was being moved. He was so excited for that visit! The only thing that’s changed is the finality of the divorce because Robert thinks Aaron deserves better. I mean, he literally said it in that devastating scene this ask made me rewatch; “I promised you the best life, yeah? And that’s what you’ll get.” Robert hasn’t died. They haven’t even had a conventional break-up parting (yeah, it’s just another parting over here because that’s exactly what’s happened - they’ve been physically parted from each other…). The wording of the divorce is that their marriage has “irrevocably broken down”. But it hasn’t. They were the happiest they’d ever been. Their marriage was working. So again, the only thing that’s changed is that Robert wants more for Aaron than he can give… Right now. They signed up to forever. Messed up, granted. But forever. Sooner or later, Robert’s going to be released. And regardless of whether he returns to the village or not, is Aaron going to be able to just pretend that he no longer exists? When his heart is so committed to growing old with him? I don’t think so.
There may well be other men - a few Mikes perhaps, the odd ONS, maybe even another Alex (although I’d prefer not!) - but there won’t be another man who means anything. Not as long as Robert still draws breath. Aaron can throw out his clothes, he can bury those rings somewhere he won’t stumble upon them, he can sign those divorce papers. But none of that will change the depth of love and commitment he feels in his heart. And that’s why I believe, in the grand scheme of things, he will wait.
During the last break-up parting, I wrote that post about Aaron keeping Robert’s watch and how it was a metaphor for pausing time on their relationship. That’s what we’re seeing from him right now, like his life has literally been put on hold because Robert was at the centre of it - they were husbands, best friends and partners-in-crime. They went to work at the portacabin together (and let’s not forget how Aaron and Adam started that business in the first place!) and they spent every second of their free time together. They were inseparable, so Robert is everywhere in that village and in every aspect of Aaron’s life. So in that respect, he’s already waiting. And he’s got that watch again now, and they made a point of having him admit why he was keeping it this time before saying, “At least I’ll still be able to see him.” That’s what has been taken away from him now, but remember why he said he kept the watch the first time? To show that Robert hadn’t really lost him. And as much as Aaron’s anger might currently make him wish he had, the truth is Robert hasn’t really lost Aaron - his heart - now either.
So as much as I think they will have Aaron try to “move on”, I don’t think he’ll ever truly be able to. Because he himself said it - “However… Wherever…”
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saras-almanac · 5 years
MoRS: Day 7 - survival (robert & nicola)
To be honest, I have no idea where this came from. I just really love the dynamic of Jimmy/Nicola/Robert -- my favorite besties group and I was thinking about who might get through to Robert. And after the scene with Jimmy yesterday, it’s what sort of came out. 
This loosely takes place after yesterday’s episode. After Aaron storms off, Robert stays behind to fret some more. 
All my Month of Robert Sugden fics. And with this one, I’m officially caught up! Yay!
The door to the portacabin banged open and Robert nearly jumped out of his chair.
“All right then,” Nicola said, closing the door much more gently than she’d opened it. “What’s this I hear about you needing to make quick money. Are you planning on doing a runner?”
“No. But if I was, you think I’d tell you? You’d tell Bernice and her big mouth will alert half the village before I’d even packed a bag,” Robert said, straightening out his desk.
“So what’s it about then?” Nicole took a seat in the chair by Robert’s desk. At Robert’s stubborn silence, she added, “You know I’m not gonna leave until you tell me.”
Robert leaned back and hated that she was right. She’d probably even call Jimmy and have him bring all the kids over to play until Robert talked. He briefly wondered if she’d cave at bedtime or just simply have everyone sleep in the portacabin. Would Jimmy sleep in front of the door to keep Robert barricaded in as well?
“Oi!” She tossed a paperclip at him. “Spill.”
“I was looking to get some fast money because I don’t have a lot of time to get everything in line here,” Robert said.
“Something wrong with the business?” Nicola asked.
“No, the scrap yard business.”
“Aaron needs money?” Nicola asked.
“No, not right now, but maybe in the future. Business has been a bit slow for him and then he’ll be down to only his income and then what if that’s not enough? Then what?” Robert waved a hand at her.
“Okay, first of all. Aaron’s a big boy. I’m sure he’ll figure his own business out,” Nicola said.
“But I’m the one that’s supposed to take care of him and me leaving means I’m not gonna be doing that, am I?” Robert asked.
“And second of all,” Nicola said, ignoring Robert completely. “Them having money isn’t going to erase the fact that you’re gone.”
Robert deflated. “I know that. Why does everyone think that I don’t know that. This isn’t about me trying to hide the fact that I’m going to prison. I’m just trying to take care of them while I can otherwise I’ll lose my mind over it.”
Nicole softened a bit and held her hands up. “So you’re just trying to make sure your family’s taken care of while they figure out things without you? Is that it?”
“Yes,” Robert said. “They’re already struggling with me leaving and my making sure they’ll have enough money is the only thing I can do to help with that.”
“But is this making it easier on you?” Nicola asked.
“What do you mean?”
“The few times we’ve talked about your trial, it’s always been about your family. Are you sure this isn’t just a distraction to keep you focused on something else?”
Robert looked down. “Of course I don’t want to think about prison. I’m scared to get locked up. I’ve seen what it can do to people. But if I can do all I can now to set them up right, I might be able to get through it.”
“Robert, you were kicked out of here as a young man,” Nicola said.
“You don’t need to remind me,” Robert said.
“What I meant is that you were kicked out, barely anything to your name, and you survived it. Prison’s gotta be easier than that, right?”
“I mean, I doubt it.”
“All right Mr. Negativity,” Nicola said. “What is it that you said to me when everyone hated me?”
“I don’t know. Everyone’s always been waiting for a house to fall on the wicked witch of the east?”
“No,” Nicola said, throwing another paperclip at him. “That you and I were like cockroaches. We can and will survive anything. This is just another thing for you to get through. And we both know that you’ll be able to. You’re tougher than that lanky form suggests.”
“I bet by the first time me and Jimmy come for a visit you’ll be running the place, proper mob boss and everything,” Nicole said.
“You’re planning to visit me?” Robert asked. He was shocked but incredibly moved that she’d be willing to spend an hour visiting him. Especially cause her and Jimmy might just be the only people who won’t be crying when they visit. Well, Jimmy might be.
“Don’t be daft, course we are. Jimmy’s gotta see his work husband every now and again. And we are gonna miss you too.”
Robert swallowed.
“I think you need to just focus on spending time with your family while you can. The money will sort itself out—the whole village, or most if it anyways, will be looking out for your Aaron and Liv and Vic,” Nicola said. “And if it eases your mind, I’ll keep the books for Aaron while your away.”
“I don’t know if he’ll like that,” Robert said.
“He’ll have to,” Nicola said. “I finally started liking this place and I’m not going to let his inability to focus on the accounts for an afternoon jeopardize that. Don’t even try to defend him. Your husband is many things but someone who cares about accounts is not one of them.”
“True,” Robert said. “You’d do that? Seriously?”
“Well, I’d get a cut of course. Or maybe some babysitting out of the deal,” Nicola said. “I’m sure him and I will be able to work something out. But I promise you that me and Jimmy will help him keep an eye on this place if he needs it.”
“Thank you, Nicola.”
“Don’t mention it,” she said. “And one last thing, one cockroach to another?”
“Stay strong and focus on the present. You’ll have time to fret later. And see a counselor in prison, they have those there right? I think it’ll do wonders for you.”
“That’ll be the first thing I look into after I’m locked up,” Robert said, rolling his eyes.
“I mean it,” Nicola said. “It might help you keep your head on mostly straight so it’s easier when you get out.”
“All right. I promise that I will,” Robert said.
Nicola reached across the desk to yank at Robert’s arm. “Now go home. Be with your family.”
“I’m going. I’m going.” Robert said, opening the door as she pushed at his back. “I didn’t realize you did pep talks.”
“I don’t. This is a one-time thing,” Nicola said. “Now out.”
She shut the door in his face and Robert couldn’t help but laugh. She might be the only person who wasn’t clamoring to spend as much time with him as possible. It’s almost like nothing’s changed between them. And she’s right. He needs to focus on the time he has and trust that his family will have the support they need with him gone. And he was going to start with heading home and following her advice. Or at least trying to.
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bibibibuckleykinard · 6 years
“ I’d kill for a coffee.... literally. “ Aaron to Robert.
Hey Lovely! I hope you like it!
Day Two: A Football Team
Aaron could Kill Robert. No, it was definitely going to happen, a couple hours he was told, a quick trip into town for a meeting and he’d be back in no time to help with the kids. That was five hours ago and still no Robert to be seen. So, there Aaron was stood in the portacabin holding their fussy 13-month-old daughter on his hip, their four-year-old sat at the other desk on the iPad, headphones on, sucking her thumb watching a show, and their six-year-old pouting at Robert’s desk.
“Seb, I swear if you keep shouting…” Aaron told the boy as he went through the pile of papers on his desk looking for a file.
“I’m bored, though!”
“So I’ve heard and like I said we’re not going anywhere ’til Dad gets here,” Aaron replied making his way over to sit down, he placed the little girl on his lap.
“Why couldn’t we just stayed home?” The little boy whined.
“Because Ellis called out sick and I couldn’t just let this place stay shut all day,” he told the little boy looking over at him.
“Dad said you used to keep it closed when I was a baby,” the boy explained.
“Your dad needs to keep his mouth shut,” he muttered to himself.
“Seb, while yes this place was closed quite a lot back then it was different, we didn’t have as many clients as we do now and we had you to mind we couldn’t exactly just plop you in front of the telly and go about our business,” he explained.
“It’s not fair,” Seb pouted. Aaron sighed, “Why don’t you go watch the iPad with Sofia?” He suggested causing Seb to frown.
“Can I go outside and play?”
“You’re joking right?” Aaron questioned. “It’s a scrapyard, not a playground.”
“I’ll stay by the door,” the boy protested.
“No,” he firmly replied. “Now you have two options you one, go watch what Sof is watching or you can just sit there and be bored your choice.”
“Fine,” Seb stated getting up, making his way over to his sister. Aaron breathed out, he looked down to see his other daughter slapping away on his laptop with a big smile painted across her face, “You helping Daddy work Ev?” He asked looking at the jumble of letters that were displayed on the screen. The little girl giggled in response, “Thank you,” he replied leaning down to kiss the top of her head.
It was rounding three in the afternoon, after what felt like a million calls and a million and a half texts to Robert with no word back Aaron had just given up on reaching him. Seb was now playing out front throwing a tennis ball against the portacabin, Sofia playing a game on his phone, and he was pacing the small office with a crying Evelyn trying to calm her. To say he was exhausted would be a major understatement, the thumping of the ball was giving him a headache but it was better than the arguing that had to happen after the iPad had died. The landline started ringing, Evelyn was still crying, “Sweetheart, Daddy needs to answer the phone can we quiet down?” he asked the 13-month-old causing the little girl to cry even louder. “I’ll take that as a no,” he said to himself as the phone continued ringing, “I know, I know, shh, it’s okay,” he continued as he softly patted the little girl on the back as he paced, after a couple of more rings the phone went silent. Aaron sighed, “How is Daddy met to get anything done little one?” He asked the crying girl.  “Here,” Aaron said pulling his keys from his pocket. The little girl took the keys, her cries quickly turned to laughter as she jiggled them, the clanking metal ring in his ears, the phone started ringing again he leapt for the phone answering it, “Yeah, Holey Scrap this is Aaron speaking,” he said trying to talk over the noise, he reached for the keys in Evlyn’s hand with his free hand. “No, sorry mate we’re not doing pickups today,“ he replied fighting to keep a grip on his daughter’s hand with the keys. The girl started fussing as she tried to pull free.
”Stop it,” he told his daughter in almost a whisper. “No, sorry not you,” he said into the phone. “Was talking to my daughter,” he explained.  “Yeah, trying is the keyword,” He replied. He frowned quickly realizing the thumping of the ball against the portacabin had stopped, “I’m sorry,” he replied realizing he hadn’t heard anything the man on the phone had said. He made his way over to the window to look out not seeing his son by the door, “You know what, could you give me a second?” he asked the man as he held up the phone to his ear with his shoulder. He made his way to the door, opening it, it took a couple of seconds to register what he was looking at, “SEB!” He yelled at the sight of the six-year-old stood on top of an old junked car.
“Hi, Dad!” The boy called back with a huge smile. “I got up all by myself!” He explained proudly.
“I’m gonna have to call you back,” he said into the phone letting the phone drop from his shoulder into his hand ending the call without another word. “Get down now,” he told the boy as he made his way out the portacabin and rushed over, Evelyn holding on tightly.
“But I just got up here,” Seb replied.
“And now you’re getting down,” he answered holding his hand out for the boy to grab a hold of.
“But,” the boy tried protesting.
“No ‘but’, get down,” Aaron repeated. The boy made his way over a couple of steps jumping into his dad’s free arm slightly knocking the wind out of him. Aaron kneeled letting Seb down, “Inside, come on.”
“I want to play with the ball again,” Seb said.
Aaron chuckled, “Nope, inside now,” he repeated ushering the boy towards the portacabin.
“Daddy your phone died,” Sophia said as they made their way in, handing the now useless piece of tech back.
“Thank you, Sof,” he replied with a sigh taking his phone back and placing it on his desk. He froze, again, noticing the silence, “Please tell me Ev is still holding my keys,” he said to the two older kids. Sofia and Seb shook their heads no, “Ev, where are Daddy’s keys?’ He asked turning his attention to the girl.
“By-by,” she only said with a smile.
“Bye Bye?” Aaron questioned getting only a smile and a giggle out of Evelyn. “Did you throw Daddy’s keys?”
“By-by,” the little girl repeated.
“Who wants to play a game?” He asked the two older kids.
Twenty minutes had past and Aaron still couldn’t find his keys, Evelyn was now sat in her stroller by the portacabin with Sofia sat next to her on the steps as Seb and Aaron searched the area near the car that Seb had climbed on.
“Damn it!” Aaron vented out as he was on his hands and knees blindly feeling around underneath the clunker.
“Oooh you said a bad word,” he heard Sofia call back.
“Yes, Sofia I know,” Aaron answered.
“Daddy!” He heard Sofia yell he looked back to see the four-year-old launching of the steps. Closely followed by “There they are,” He popped up peering over the car to see Robert pick up Sofia.
“Hi,” he responded making it to his feet.
Robert laughed, “Any particular reason you were on the ground?” He asked.
“Ev decided it be fun to throw my keys,” Aaron explained.
“Dada dada,” Evelyn called out at the sight of Robert.
“Hi Miss Evelyn,” he replied making his way over to the stroller. “Have you been driving Daddy Aaron mad?” He asked leaning down.
“Dad, can we go home now?” Seb asked Robert. Robert smirked, “What your bored of this place already?” He asked. “I figured you’d be trying to climb onto anything and everything.”
“He already has,” Aaron answered still scanning the ground. “Climb on top of that car over there, all by himself,” he added pointing to the car.
“Dad yelled at him,” Sofia told Robert.
“I didn’t yell at him, I merely told him to get down… very loudly,” he explained.
“Sounds like an eventful day,” Robert said with a laugh.
“Which you were supposed to be a part of,” Aaron pointed out. “Couple of hours you said.”
“Yeah, sorry,” Robert replied. “got roped into two more meetings by Nicola,” he explained.
“Dad!” Seb interrupted yanking on Robert’s jacket. “Please?!”
“We have to find Dad’s keys first,” Robert told the boy.
“I put Daddy’s keys on his desk,” Sophia told her dads pointing inside. Both Robert and Aaron looked at the girl, “What?” Aaron questioned.
“I founded them by the steps,” she added.
Robert choked back a laugh.
“I swear if you laugh…” Aaron trailed off.
“I’m sorry,” Robert replied still trying his best to bite back the laugh.
Aaron breathed out slowly before chuckling himself, “Oh my- why don’t we just go home,” he replied making his way up the steps and into the office to retrieve his keys, his phone, and the diaper bag.
He stepped out shutting the door and locking it behind him.
“Long day?” Robert asked knowing the answer as Aaron made his way down.
“What can I do to make it up to you?” Robert asked wrapping his free arm around Aaron’s waist running small circles on his back with his finger. The other man thought for a moment, “I’d kill for a coffee,” Aaron replied.
“It’s nearly four in the afternoon, you won’t sleep tonight-“ Robert began saying before being cut off.
“You don’t understand, I will LITERALLY kill someone if I don’t get some caffeine in me now,” Aaron replied with a serious face.
“Looks like we’re stopping by the Café before home,” Robert told the kids.
“Thank you.”
“What are you gonna be like when we have the next kid?” Robert asked.
“When?” Aaron questioned. Robert smirk before leaning in to kiss his husband, “A football team remember?” He replied with a grin leaning back for another kiss only to be stopped.
“Coffee first,” Aaron stated pulling out of Robert’s grip making his way over to the stroller.
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spamela-hamderson · 6 years
Santa Clarita Diet AU
For @sugden-dinglefirst ‘s anon(s). You made me do this, it’s all your fault.
“I don’t know what happened, Robert, he just kept going on about summat and- and he looked really tasty and I-” Aaron looked back at what was left of Mr Higgins with an eerily familiar look of hunger, and licked some of the blood from his fingers.
Was Aaron getting off on this?
Robert’s heart beat a little faster, though he wasn’t sure if it was the result of fear or just his usual reaction to seeing Aaron’s tongue move against skin.
He was also feeling a bit dizzy, but that was probably due to the metallic-sweet stench of blood under the hot sun. He started breathing through his mouth.
Wait, hold on. “What do you mean tasty?”
Shit. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Robert quickly turned his face away, but it was too late. Aaron had already seen the pout forming on it.
“Are you really jealous of a man I’ve just eaten?”
That’s fair.
Oh, god. His husband had eaten a man. Why was this happening? What were they going to do now?
The dizziness intensified.
Robert looked at Aaron again, who was stood with his hands on his hips and a deeply incredulous expression on his face. It was a common sight for Robert, which was oddly comforting considering he was also completely drenched in blood and standing in front of the ravaged remains of Mr Higgins. He’d bought him that hoodie during his last trip into Hotten to meet a client. There was definitely no saving it now.
As for the body, well. Robert was trying his best not to look at Mr Higgins. But he stayed stubbornly within his peripheral sight, blood spurting and oozing out of his abdominal cavity.
Aaron began to shift in his work boots. “Robert, hey. Are you ok? Please say something.”
Apart from his inappropriately timed offence at Aaron thinking another man looked tasty, and a soft, heartfelt fuck, what? when he’d first arrived at the scrapyard and stumbled across his husband chewing on a human lung, Robert hasn’t actually said anything. He didn’t know what to say, really.
But Aaron must have seen something on his face to cause his expression to soften like that.
“Go. You haven’t touched anything, and even if you did, you work here. It won’t look suspicious. Just make sure you’ve got no blood on you, and go home. Ok? I’ll take care of it. It’ll be alright, Rob. I won’t let anything happen to ya.”
As if Robert would leave him alone to deal with something like this. “I’m not going anywhere, you idiot. I’m freaking out, I’m not gonna lie, and I’m definitely angry with you, but. We’ll get through this together, like we’ve always done.”
Aaron looked like he wanted to argue, but nodded. “I really didn’t mean to, you know. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry about the hoodie as well. I liked it a lot.” He looked it too, pulling at the fabric, heavy with blood and clinging to his body.
That he seemed more upset about the ruined hoodie than he did the random bout of cannibalism, was worrying, to say the least. But that was future Robert’s problem. There was more than enough to deal with now.
Aaron winced as he guiltily scratched at his beard. The blood drying on his skin must have pulled at his scruff. They should start cleaning up already, before the blood and guts got any harder to scrub off the ground.
Robert took another deep breath through his mouth, thankful that he’d left home without having his breakfast.
Seriously, why did he have to eat the man. Couldn’t he have just stabbed him or something?
Robert edged around Mr Higgins, towards the portacabin. “I’ll look in the office for some plastic sheets we can use. And something you can change into.”
“I love you.” It was so soft, so hesitant. Robert barely heard it.
“I love you too.” he replied. Firm and sure of it. Almost annoyed with it.
Aaron let out a breath, some of the weight lifting from his shoulders. Like he was actually worried he’d scared him off. Maybe he wasn’t completely himself, but he was still Aaron. He still cared about Robert and was willing to do this all by himself to spare Robert the grief.
“I’d give you a kiss too, but”, he motioned at the mess around his face.
Aaron smiled at him, sweet, grateful for the attempt at lightening the mood. “I’ll start cleaning up out here, yeah?”
Robert stared at the squiggly bit of something dangling from under his chin. Wow. He’d just noticed that.
...Okay, so he was definitely in shock and about two hours away from a proper breakdown, but for now, he had a body to scrape off hot tar.
“Strip. We’re getting rid of everything.”
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some-mad-lunge · 6 years
Old Habits - Robron Fic
Here you go anon...hope you like it.
He had been having a great day. The best day if he was honest. He woke up in his husband’s arms. They managed a quickie before Seb’s cries came through the monitor. He was working fast through these invoices while Aaron was out on some scrap yard business. He’d been gone a while so Robert could listen to his music of choice without being teased every 10 seconds. He’d probably make Aaron’s favourite chicken dish for dinner.
Great day.
And then Bernice and Nicola had stormed into the portacabin and thrown it all to shite.
“Robert look at this!”
The door banged against the wall, Nicola’s shout causing Robert’s heart to leap into his throat. She was shoving her phone in his face.
“Nicola, what the hell?”
It was then he realized Bernice was behind her sister, looking anxious and worried. Nicola waved her phone in his face some more and he took it from her hands.
It was a picture of Aaron, his beautiful husband, with his arm around another man. And his day imploded from there.
By the time Robert got home he was basically a complete wreck. A complete and utter mess.
At first he was certain the picture was no big deal. Aaron was sitting on a bar stool, his profile visible to the camera, arm around the shoulders of a man who looked to be taking a selfie of him and Aaron.
Aaron hated selfies. He only did them with Robert when he begged. Which was a lot.
Bernice and Nicola had been shopping in town. Stopped for lunch. Coincidence that it happened to be the same pub Aaron was at. With an attractive man. When he was supposed to be meeting with a long known supplier. An old guy named Nate who had a beer belly and smelled vaguely of cheap cigarettes. Robert had met Nate many times. This man was not Nate.
“We were going to go say hi Robert, we were.”
Bernice looked distraught and it made Robert feel slightly sick.
“Seriously ladies I’m sure it’s not what it looks like.”
And it wasn’t. It couldn’t be. They’d been married 47 days and 3 hours. They were so good. So solid.
“There’s a video too Robert.”
Nicola scrolled through her phone, pressing play and held it up for him to see. Aaron and the man, visible outside on the street. They hugged, longer than Robert liked and then they kissed each other on the cheek. The video ended as Aaron watched the man go, a fond smile gracing his lips.
He shook them off. Told them they were being stupid. He knew his husband. Robert shuffled them out the door. Nicola was sputtering and Bernice just smiled softly at him.
Robert went back to his desk. Picked up him pen. Put it back down. Picked up his phone and texted Aaron.
“How’s Nate?”
He just stared at it in his hands. He got a response instantly.
“Good. On my way home. See you there. x”
That was it. That was all he had to say?
He pushed away from his desk and started pacing the small cabin. He was being ridiculous. Of course he was. They were better than they’d ever been. They talked things through. Sure married life was busy with Seb and Liv, work and family drama. But they made time for each other. They never went more than a few days without sex. Really good sex. Mind blowing sex. Aaron was happy. Satisfied.
Because it’s Robert afterall. Good things, well they didn’t stay in his life did they?
But Aaron would never cheat on him. No, never Aaron. He was too honest for that. He’d never do to Robert what…
And there it was. Because it would be fair wouldn’t it? Robert had cheated on Aaron. They had Seb. I mean everyday what Robert did was staring them both in the face.
Their son. Aaron loved their son. And Robert. He would never never risk that. Never.
Because the man had been handsome. Tall, maybe stockier than Aaron’s normal type but I mean...God did Aaron have a type? Other than Robert?
Shit, what was Aaron’s type?
And his mind just spiralled because Robert knew how lucky he was to have this back. Aaron and their life, their home. This morning he’d come apart in those arms, the ones Aaron had put on another man.
Diane could tell something was wrong when Robert picked up Seb, but thankfully she didn’t ask. Walking up to the Mill he saw Aaron’s car parked outside and he felt slightly light headed. Their home, everything in the world that mattered to Robert.
He couldn’t lose it again. He just couldn’t. It would break him. Again.
He carried Seb inside, his heart almost stopping completely when he saw Aaron standing in the kitchen. He smiled at Robert, that full face one that made everything inside Robert turn to mush.
“There my boys are.”
Aaron snagged Seb from Robert’s arms and snuck a quick kiss to Robert’s lips. He was too shocked to respond, just watched Aaron take off Seb’s shoes.
“Perfect timing. I just finished getting dinner ready for you little man. Yes I know, you’re always hungry after seeing Grandma Diane.”
Robert took his jacket off but watched Aaron as he placed Seb into his high chair, getting a bowl from the counter and settling in a chair himself to feed him. But Robert was rooted where he stood. He was scared to walk closer, scared to move.
“I had the most insane day Rob. So Nate, git, double booked himself. I had to kill two hours in town. I found this pub, great place, I’m taking you next week. You’ll love their fish and chips. Perfect amount of greasy. Anyway you’ll never guess who I ran into. Remember Pierre? I’ve told you about him, he was a good friend of mine in France. The one who I had to save when he got locked in the bathroom…”
Aaron looked up then, saw Robert’s face and stopped cold.
“Rob, what’s wrong?”
And Robert couldn’t help himself. He burst into tears.
Aaron was amazing, because of course he was. He wrapped Robert in his arms and listened to him babble while he pulled it together. Aaron just smiled as Robert told him about Nicola and Bernice.
“I know you’d never Aaron. I do.”
Aaron just kissed him then, held him a while longer. Until Seb made it known how hungry he was and that he was not enjoying his Dads and their lack of attention.Robert took over feeding then, Aaron knowing when Robert was upset he liked his hands to be busy. Aaron pulled up a chair beside him and placed his hand on Robert’s knee.
“So how was Pierre?”
“Robert we don’t have to…”
“I was being stupid Aaron. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“And I won’t Robert. Ever. I’ve never been this happy. I didn’t think I’d ever get to be this happy. I’d never jeopardize that. I know you wouldn’t either.”
Something settled in Robert then, and he placed his hand over Aaron’s. Squeezed their fingers together.
So they finished feeding Seb. Aaron helped Robert make dinner. As in he sat on the counter and got in Robert’s way as Seb played happily in his pillow fort in the living room. He heard how Pierre and his wife had twins Seb’s age, that they’d settled in Leeds last year. Aaron made Robert laugh when he told him that bathroom story again, his hands waving wildly as he exaggerated a point.
Later that night they talked it all out. Because that’s what they did now. That’s who they were now. Husbands. In this for the long haul. Robert was feeling just like he had this morning. Happy. Content as he listened to Aaron bang around in the bathroom. He saw on his feed that Aaron had been tagged in a new photo on FaceBook.
He clicked on it to see Aaron with Pierre, both smiling for the camera. The caption made Robert’s heart sing.
“Ran into a blast from the past today. Great to see you mate. Let’s get our families together soon.  #wegotold #toddlerdads
He shared the photo, so that Nicola and Bernice would see it, and then put it out of his mind. Because his husband was coming towards the bed and he had that look in his eye...
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
Snapshot of Aug-2017, part 2
For the second half of the month, 10-Aug - 31-Aug:
The maroon suit (yes, it gets a MAJOR nod 😊)
Aaron’s boxing plot ends and goodbye for good to the homophobic prison bully 🥳
Aaron’s ‘stay out of my life’ leads to even further plotting by Robert
Robert’s meltdown in the portacabin
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10-Aug-2017 (episode 1, episode 2), 23-Aug-2017, 24-Aug-2017 (episode 1, episode 2), 25-Aug-2017, 28-Aug-2017 (episode, Robert close up), 29-Aug-2017 (part 1, part 2), 30-Aug-2017 (part 1, part 2, part 3), 31-Aug-2017 (episode 1, episode 2)
Part 1
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scrapyardboyfriends · 4 years
Off Screen Plotdale
[The Portacabin with Aaron and Robert]
ROBERT: So nice to be out of fake prison for your off screen time.
AARON: We should have done this ages ago. Get your kit off. 
ROBERT: That’s my line. 
AARON: And this is my off screen time fantasy so I’m in charge. 
ROBERT: *I missed this Face* Yes Boss!
*A Wild Canon Disturbance Appears*
AARON: *Annoyed Face* *Glances out the window* Ugh it’s Paul. I thought he was kidnapped. I was looking forward to the quiet.
ROBERT: Careful! Don’t let them see you or you might get dragged into the actual Plot and then I might disappear. 
AARON: It’s fine, it’s fine. They’d never look over here and suspect I was actually at work. That’d be ridiculous. Although work is at least preferable to kayaking these days. 
ROBERT: Kayaking?
AARON: Never you mind that, hardly worth mentioning. *Watches Connor appear* Hang on, I know that guy! Me and him have a secret side hustle going on. 
ROBERT: An illegal one? *Turned on Face*
AARON: Might have been saving up to break a certain someone out of prison and run away together like we should have done in the first place. 
ROBERT: *Regret Face* Yeah...that Chateau would have been nice. And the veg patch...and the motor bikes. 
AARON: We can still have it. Just-wait a minute....did you hear that? He faked the whole kidnapping?!
ROBERT: Told you! And all to get his hands on Liv’s Plot money. *Sighs* Remember when I used to have Plot money? Those were the- Wait....he sprung for a hotel room for him? What the hell was the point of that? 
AARON: You’re one to talk, buying pretentious sandwiches for your kidnapping victims. 
ROBERT: Yeah, but they didn’t owe me money! So...you gonna tell Mandy? 
AARON: And risk getting involved in this Plot for real? No way, I’m staying well out of it as long as I’m able. Maybe he’ll even die by the end of this and I can even avoid appearing to sack him. 
ROBERT: Good plan. Then I get you all to myself. So, you gonna get stuck in or what? 
AARON: *Heart Eyes* 
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chaossmagic · 6 years
Hullo what are ur favourite Robron scenes, quotes, and moments
Oh wow, okay. Let’s dive in. I have so many. These are in no particular order, btw, I’m just putting them down as they come to mind
“i want messed up with you forever”
“i love you and i can’t watch you suffer”
the first kiss oBVIOUSLY
“just shut up and kiss me, idiot”
the entirety of the first wedding in the barn when they exchange vows and it’s just them and it’s so quiet and meaningful and emotional and perfect
unpop op: i like the first wedding more than the second
prison goodbye I SHED SO MANY TEARS
“i just want to be myself now, with you”
the abuse reveal scene 
robert covering aaron with a blanket after he falls asleep on the sofa
robert sleeping on the floor next to him for the entire night because he didn’t want to leave him after that
the hug on the car bonnet during the abuse era where aaron snuggles up under robert’s shoulder and it’s ;____;
“you’re not some pathetic victim. you’re the strongest person i know.”
robert begging chas to talk to aaron because he needs to tell her himself about gordon and refuses to betray aaron’s confidence 
surprise surprise abuse era is my fave that’s why so many of my favourite moments are from it
“he’s the kind of person you want to be…..and be with”
affair era portacabin reunion sex (that almost got interrupted by paddy rip)
robert going out to do a food shop especially so he could cook for him and aaron during hf week
robert comforting aaron in the woods and reassuring him and giving him his COAT jfc 
“care about him!” i don’t just care about him, i-” HE WAS ABOUT TO SAY LOVE BUT CHAS WAS RIGHT THERE AND HE STILL COULDN’T SAY THE WORD
the watch scene from the second wedding aaron you soft bastard
you make stuff better
aaron’s entire reunion speech
first proposal because it was so dramatic?? like robert literally screamed it at him during an argument and then chucked the ring in his face basically what even 
robert’s confession about jack in the woods during ssw 
aaron telling paddy he loves robert after hotel #2
robert’s phone call to aaron after katie dies begging him to come back because something terrible has happened
the first time aaron holds seb and he immediately quietens down?? sebastian knew his daddy aaron was right there and he felt safe and happy (and thus began his plot to get his dads back together)
“you’re part of our weird dysfunctional family, ain’t ya?”
mr sugden/mr dingle
any time they refer to each other as husbands
robert planning a super sweet picnic proposal but then it gets ruined when aaron reveals he kidnapped lachlan and currently has him locked in the boot of his car
“you have no clue what he means to me. he’s everything.”
“it’s donny, isn’t it?” “it’s aaron, actually”
“people don’t stay with me” “people don’t forgive me”
robert being forced to drink from the welly and being utterly traumatized by it
aaron walking in on liv chasing robert around the kitchen with a saucepan and being ready to get angry/upset only for it to be a prank the two of them set up to tease him
the almost kiss on valentine’s day 2017
“i’d stop talking if you still want my investment”
their happy lil faces after they decide to have more kids
that one time a police officer thought they’d abandoned their car on the side of the road to go and have sex in the woods
this probably isn’t even everything but this list is already way too long DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU’VE STARTED NONNIE
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If you knew how lonely my life has been - part 4
I’m really unsure about this one, it’s the start of the whys and wherefores and I just hope I’ve managed to make it work. I’m borrowing bits and pieces from canon that I didn’t like btw so yeah...not so much in this chapter but you’ll see ;).
He hadn’t stayed long after that, told her what he knew and collected Seb, leaving her on the phone to Cain. All he had the energy for was to go home and play video games with Seb until bedtime.
Maybe he should’ve told him about Robert but he had no idea where to start. He’d always been honest with him about his Daddy Robert and now he had to undo all of that somehow. It didn’t help that he had no idea how to deal with it himself, let alone how to help a seven year old who still said goodnight to the photo of his Dad beside his bed.
He doesn’t sleep, spends most of the night pacing the kitchen, can’t settle his mind on anything. He’ll have to see Robert, he knows that, but right now he’s not sure he wants to. Not so long ago he would’ve given anything for it but all he can think of now is how he’s been lied to, how hurt he is.
When the banging starts on the door not long after seven he can only sigh. He should’ve known Robert wouldn’t wait.
“What part of give me time don’t you understand?”
“I have to explain. I know you’re angry, but if you hear me out…well, maybe you’ll see I had no choice.”
“There’s always a choice.” He sighs because even now he can’t say no to him. “Seb’s still asleep and I haven’t had chance to talk to him yet. Meet me at the yard in an hour. I’ll get Mum to watch him.”
“I know you said yesterday but…I need to see him too Aaron.” For the first time he can almost see a hint of how much Robert is hurting too.
“We’re going out later, I’ll talk to him after, then if he wants to we’ll arrange something. It’s got to be at his pace Robert.” He can hear Seb moving about upstairs, never one for sleeping late. “You should go.”
“Who was that?” Seb’s on the stairs when he closes the door, hair ruffled from sleep, pyjamas dragging a little on the floor because Nana Chas had bought a size too big again.
“Come and sit with me a minute.” He smiles as Seb climbs up onto his lap, for once not protesting that he’s too old for cuddles. “You know how I’ve told you about your Dad?”
“He died, like Mummy. But I’ve got you!”
“Of course you have. Well…thing is…this probably won’t make much sense bug, but your Dad, he’s alive.” Seb doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even acknowledge he’s heard. Aaron’s never felt so out of his depth before. He has no idea how to do this and it’s not the kind of thing you can look up on the internet like he had in the past when Seb first came back to live with him. “Seb…”
“Do I have to go live with him now?”
“Oh. Um…your Dad and I would have to talk about that, but no one’s going to make you do anything you don’t want, ok?” He’s a bit ashamed that he’d not even thought about Robert wanting Seb back. He didn’t want to think about it.
Seb had been the reason for him to turn himself around and try to get his life back to some sort of normality. He’d known that Robert and Rebecca had sorted out the legal stuff back after the wedding, Robert adamant that Aaron have rights over the little boy in case anything happened. Maybe now he knew why.
“Why did he go away?”
“I don’t know bug, but I’m going to find out. Are you ok to go to Nana’s while I do that?” He holds him close a little bit longer, wondering if Seb really was that ok with everything or if he was going to react more later. “If you want me to stay here instead, I will.”
“You said we were going out!”
“We still can…are you sure?”
“Right then. The film doesn’t start until two. I’m not going to miss that am I, hmm? Come on, let’s get dressed and get your stuff.” Seb’s halfway up the stairs before he stops. “What is it?”
“Can I see him?”
“Yeah, of course you can. We need to talk first though.” He forces a smile. “Seb…you know it’s alright if you’re upset or whatever, yeah? You can talk to me.”
“I know. Love you Dad.”
“Love you too bug.”
Robert’s sat on the bonnet of his car when he gets to the scrapyard. He’d feel bad about making him sit outside but he’s still angry. He doesn’t say a word, just unlocks the door, sitting at his desk looking at Robert.
“Well go on then.”
“No. You don’t get to use that voice on me. I’m so mad at you. I can’t even find the words.”
“I know, and if I could change it.” He sighs and slumps onto Jimmy’s desk. “This place hasn’t changed much.”
“It’s a portacabin Robert, what were you expecting?”
“I s’pose I thought you might be a little bit pleased to see me.” He doesn’t answer, just watches as Robert runs a hand over his face, noticing his wedding ring for the first time. He can’t deny a little fizz of something at the sight of it and runs his thumb over his own. “I had to leave, I didn’t have a choice.”
“You said that before, but there’s always a choice. You could’ve told me, left a note, anything. Instead you just…I thought you died Robert. Did you think I’d just get over that?”
“No…but you had Chas, and Liv, and everyone. I knew you’d be alright.”
“I wasn’t though. You just don’t get it do you? I needed you! I needed you and you weren’t there. So I don’t want to hear how you thought I’d be ok. All I want is an explanation.”
“I was being threatened. More to the point you were being threatened. Liv, Seb, everyone. It was the only way out.”
“But…we were happy. I would’ve noticed.”
“I’m good at hiding stuff.” He scoffed a little because that couldn’t be further from the truth.   “Ok maybe not, but…like you said we were happy, and I was doing everything I could to keep it that way.”
“Hang on, go back a bit. Who was threatening you? Kim Tate? Lachlan?”
“No. I wouldn’t have done this because of them. I need to…this goes back to before I met you.” He wanders over to the window and Aaron waits him out, knows that’s the best way to get him to talk. “Before I started working for Lawrence even. I’d got myself into debt, and I don’t just mean a few hundred. Thousands. Every time I managed to claw something back from a deal I lost it again. Anyway, you know me, I can blag my way into anything. Found a job, the boss offered to help me get out of debt if I…well let’s just say not much of it was entirely legal. You have to…I’d been on my own since Dad made me leave and those first couple of years were hard Aaron, I would’ve done anything not to end up back there.”
He nods because Robert’s told him about that time before, even reducing himself to tears over it. “So, you were in trouble with the police or…”
“Did I ever tell you how I met Chrissie? I think most people assume I set out to seduce the boss’s daughter, but I didn’t. I met her in a bar one night when I’d just done another one of his jobs. She was nice. Anyway, sorry…I never told her about him, but she thought I was unhappy at work, suggested she talk to her Dad for me. I snapped her hand off. It was a way out of the mess I was in.”
“And he didn’t like you leaving…seems a bit of an extreme reaction?”
“Yeah well you know me, I couldn’t just leave, could I? He’d trusted me a fair bit, I knew a lot of his secrets. So when I got the job with Lawrence, I took what I had and gave it to the police. He got to stay at Her Majesty’s pleasure for a few years.”
“And he took exception to that and when he got out…”
“He came looking for me. He wasn’t going to let it go, I should’ve known that. It’d been that long I thought…well anyway.” He sits again, looks worn out. “So, now you know.”
“Is that it?”
“What else is there?”
“How did he find you? Who is he? And the one I keep coming back to, why didn’t you tell me! Why you thought it was ok to keep all of it from me and let me think you were dead!”
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sugdenlovesdingle · 4 years
Robron week 2020
Day 6: Date - “Right now I’m thinking about a shot of whiskey.”
A/N: shh let’s pretend this isn’t incredibly late because I got distracted by eurovision tonight.
Better (AO3)
Robert and Aaron’s first date post prison.
“Daddy!” Seb came running down the road to Robert. “Daddy wait!”
He was six now, turning seven in a few weeks, and Robert could cry every time he called him daddy.
He’d been in prison for almost 5 years and when he was released after winning an appeal based on new evidence, he didn’t know what to do or where to go. He’d spent a few days holed up in a B&B in Southampton before deciding he wanted to see his son. He knew Seb was living with Aaron. His solicitor had told him he’d sorted it after Lachlan had escaped prison somehow and finished what he’d started with Rebecca.
When he stepped off the bus in Emmerdale, he’d seen Aaron walking down the street with Seb skipping next to him, he had actually cried. Seeing the love of his life and his little boy again after all that time really did a number on him.
Of course the first time he came face to face with Aaron again, without Seb standing right next to him, was nothing short of explosive. Robert had taken every insult and every part of Aaron’s rants, which had only made him angrier.
Which in turn had ended in Aaron kissing him and a quickie in the portacabin while Vinny kept Seb entertained outside.
They’d tried to convince each other that it was a mistake and wouldn’t happen again. That they’d just stay friends for Seb’s sake. Only neither of them wanted to be just friends. So after a few weeks they’d decided to give things another go, but that they would take it slow.
Which was also when Seb had started calling him daddy and Robert realised he knew who he was. That Aaron had told him about him.
“Daddy!” Seb yelled again as Robert waited for him outside the café.
“Hey mate.” Robert greeted him when he’d reached him.
“Daddy I need to ask you something.”
“Oh really now?” he asked, looking over Seb’s head to Aaron who was following behind with an amused smile on his face.
“It’s almost my birthday.” Seb announced, making Robert smile.
“I know. I can’t believe you’re turning 7 already. Are you excited?”
Seb nodded.
“Daddy said I could have a party.”
“Yeah? That’s great. Are you going to invite friends from school?”
“No. I want to invite you. Will you come to my party daddy?”
Robert swallowed thickly.
“Me? Are you sure? Wouldn’t you rather play games with your friends?”
Seb shook his head.
“No. I want you. And daddy.” He told Robert. “And maybe Isaac.”
Robert laughed.
“If you’re sure you want me to come to your party, I’ll be happy to be there.” He promised Seb.
“Yay!” the boy cheered and hugged Robert. “It’s going to be the best birthday ever!”
“Yeah, we’ll make sure of it.” Aaron told him. “Now why don’t you go inside and order a milkshake and tell Brenda I’ll be in, in a minute.” He said and gently pushed Seb towards the café door. “I have to talk to your dad for a minute. Make sure he buys you the right present.”
“Can I have a cupcake too?” Seb tried.
“Sure. Why not. Tell Brenda I said it’s ok.”
Seb happily ran into the café yelling Brenda’s name and announcing daddy Aaron said he could have a cupcake.
“Did you put him up to this?” Robert asked when Seb was out of earshot.
“What? No. You’re his dad, he wants to have you there for his birthday. You’ve never been with him on his birthday…”
“Did you tell him that?”
Aaron shook his head.
“No. But he’s happy you’re back in his life and wants to share this with you.”
“What about you? Are you happy I’m back?”
Aaron gave him a small smile.
“You know I am.” He said and reached out to squeeze Robert’s arm. “That’s also kind of what I wanted to talk to you about…”
“About me being back?”
“About me being happy you’re back… I uh… was hoping you uhm… would want to go for a drink? With me? Away from this place.”
“Like a date?” Robert asked and then smiled. “Aaron Dingle are you asking me out on a date?”
“It’s Sugden-Dingle. And yes, yes I am. I know we said we’d take it slow but… I’d like to just spend an evening with you, having a pint and talking bollocks in a pub somewhere.”
“That… sounds really good. I’d love to. As long as it’s not the tipsy monk.” Robert said and they both laughed.
“No don’t worry, I was thinking more something along the lines of Bar West?”
“Oh is that restaurant we like still there? The Greek place?”
“Where we went for my birthday?”
“Yeah. With the waitress that kept flirting with you even though you were wearing a wedding ring.” Robert said and without thinking his eyes flicked down to Aaron’s hand. His ring less hand.
“So uhm.. when do you want to go? We should make reservations. Tomorrow?” Aaron said quickly, trying to talk over the awkward moment. “I’ll have to find someone to watch Seb though. Maybe Moira… since I don’t think my mum will take him if she knows who I’m going out with.”
Chas, and Paddy too for that matter, hadn’t exactly welcomed Robert back with open arms, and when Seb had excitedly told her daddy Aaron kissed daddy Robert, Chas had been less than pleased. To put it mildly. She’d actively tried to talk Aaron into breaking things off with Robert and even instructed Paddy to babysit him so he couldn’t meet up with Robert. Until Aaron had had enough, kicked Paddy out of the house and told his mum to let him live his life.
“I’m sorry I caused trouble for you with your mum…”
Aaron shook his head.
“You didn’t. It was about time I stood up to her and made my own decisions.” He told Robert. “And right now, I choose you.”
Robert smiled and wished he could lean forward and just kiss Aaron, like he’d done so many times before.
“I’m glad.”
“So… tomorrow? I’ll text Moira. See if she’s free.”
“No, wait, Charity can take him. She owes me.” Robert grinned. “I kept Kirin busy the other day while she got Johnny back from his mate’s because she forgot it was his day with him.”
When Robert had returned to the village, Vic had welcomed him back and offered him her box room again right away. Only that didn’t last long. After a fight about Robert taking a restraining order out on Wendy, for him, Seb, and Aaron, Robert had packed his bag and moved into the B&B. Or rather, that was his plan. On the way over there he’d gotten talking to Charity and she’d offered him her spare room in Jacob’s Fold.
Aaron laughed.
“That sounds like Charity. Are you sure you want to leave him with her?”
“She’s not that bad. And Seb knows how to dial 999 if needed, doesn’t he?” Robert said and laughed. “I’ll deal with Charity, you book a table for us?”
“Sure. Tomorrow at 8?”
“Yeah sounds good. I’m looking forward to it.” Robert said and couldn’t help himself and leaned forward to kiss Aaron’s cheek. “It’s a date.”
The next day his confidence and excitement had turned into full on nerves and borderline panic.
“Will you stop pacing? You’re making me dizzy.” Charity said, annoyed.
“Sorry… I’m just nervous. How do I look?” Robert asked, flattening none existent creases in his shirt.
Charity shrugged.
“Fine? Just fine? Oh god this is going to be a disaster.”
“Do you really think he’s going to call the whole thing off because you’re wearing the wrong shirt?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know. Right now I’m thinking about a shot of whiskey.” Robert told her. “And not much else.”
Charity rolled her eyes.
“It’s Aaron. You two have been married for ages.”
“We’re not married anymore… I sent him divorce papers the day he came to see me in prison the first time. I’d just heard I was getting transferred to the other side of the country… I couldn’t do that to him.”
“Yes, I know. I was there for the fallout of your idiotic decisions.”
“I was trying to set him free!”
“It didn’t really work out that well did it? And either way, you’re back now, you two still love each other, now get out of here while I look after your kid or he’ll never take you back.”
Robert smiled. He was still nervous as hell but Charity being this confident about him and Aaron working things out made him feel better.
“But what if it’s not the same? What if we can’t get back to where we were before?”
“Why should you? You’re not the same, he’s not the same, it’s not going to be the same.” Charity shrugged. “But that doesn’t mean it can’t work or that it won’t work.”
“Since when are you such an expert on relationships?”
“I’m not. But I know you two. You’re not going to be living in my spare room for long.”
“We’re taking things slow.” Robert insisted. “We want to do it right this time.”
“Who cares about doing things right? Do what makes you happy. If that’s jumping back into bed with your husband the second you see him, then go for it! Seize the day!” Charity told him, getting up and poking his chest for emphasis. “Don’t make me throw my dead wife in your face.” She warned him. “Who, by the way, would agree with me.”
“She probably would.” Robert smiled. “I’m sorry I missed everything… I would’ve sent her a letter if I’d known she was ill… or called.”
“Well that wouldn’t have fit into your setting Aaron free masterplan very well, now would it?”
“Still. I put flowers on her grave. To still sort of pay my respects.”
“Soppy git.” Charity said, then softened. “She would have appreciated that, I’m sure.”
Suddenly there was knock on the door and screaming from upstairs at the same time.
“You, go have sex with your husband in the back of a taxi in Vanessa’s honour, I’ll go deal with that.” Charity pointed at the ceiling while pushing Robert towards the door with her other hand and opened it. “I won’t wait up. Hi Aaron.” She turned around before Aaron could reply. “You three better not have drawn blood up there!” she warned the boys as she walked towards the stairs.
“Everything ok here?” Aaron asked. He’d dropped Seb off with Robert that morning so they could have the day together before his sleepover with Moses and Johnny. “Maybe I should’ve asked Moira after all.”
“It’s fine. I think. It’s all from the Charity Dingle guide to parenting.” Robert said laughingly as he shrugged on his jacket. “And Noah is home too.”
Aaron nodded.
“Alright. Ready to go? I was thinking we could take a taxi so we can both have a drink? I booked one for in about 5 minutes.” He checked his watch and Robert noticed it was the watch Aaron had given them on their wedding day.
“You wear it?”
“Oh… uh… yeah… I know you wanted Seb to have it but… he was still too young then and now… I don’t know, it felt right. Made me feel closer to you.”
Robert smiled.
“It suits you.”
The taxi arrived and they got into the back together. Aaron told the driver where to go and as they drove out of the village, he sat a little closer to Robert and grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze. They didn’t talk much but kept constantly sneaking glances at each other.
In the restaurant a waitress showed them to their table and much to Robert’s surprise it was the same one they’d sat at the first time they were there.
“Here’s your menu, take your time, and just give me a shout when you’ve made your decision. Can I take your drinks order?”
“We’ll have a bottle of red please, thank you.” Aaron ordered and the waitress disappeared.
They chatted over drinks and dinner about everything from Robert going back to work for Home James, to Aaron’s explaining how he’d ended up hiring Vinny, and finally settled on Seb.
“He reminds me of you more every day.” Aaron told Robert, a fond smile on his face. “He’s got his teachers wrapped around his little finger.” He said laughingly. “He kept me sane while you were away.”
Robert reached over the table to grab Aaron’s hand.
“I’m sorry I shut you out. I thought I was doing what was best for you.”
Aaron nodded.
“I know. Now.” He said and sat up a little straighter. “He keeps asking me when you’re coming home…”
“I don’t expect anything, I’m happy to just -”
“No, Robert, I know…but… I… want you to come home too.” Aaron interrupted. “You and me… we work better together. We’re a family and Seb knows it too. We miss you. So will you? Come home?”
Robert nodded and bit his lip as he tried very hard not to cry, especially when Aaron pulled out a chain from under his shirt with their wedding rings on it.
“Let’s make it official?”
“Yeah. Ok.” Robert held out his hand and let Aaron put his ring back on before doing the same to him.
As the night went on Robert realised that while things may not the same as before, and a lot had happened since the last time they were here, it didn’t matter. They were still them, only this time around, they were better.
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