#emmerdale fic
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beauregardslionetts · 4 months ago
[1/1] every corner of this house is haunted
"Charity watches Johnny step out of Jacob's Fold, taking Vanessa's hand with a simple ease that she finds herself envying." Charity and Vanessa try co-parenting. Picks up some time after the Charity/Vanessa almost kiss in March 2022.
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kellykadesperate · 2 years ago
hey new robron fic just dropped i'm not kidding: inextricably yours
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dreamer-of-ships · 1 year ago
Beauty In the Bad Things
I've decided to cave and started writing the Robron reunion fic that's been brewing in my head. Super excited about sharing this with everybody!
Here's the synopsis if you're keen to give it a look!
When Robert crashes back into Aaron's life in the most traumatic way imaginable, he's left as a shattered man, unwilling to let anyone in, least of all Robert. But that's exactly what Robert wants. Prison has turned him into a mere shadow of his old self, and he despises the person he has become. He's harsh, angry, and ready to set the entire world on fire. With anger and a deep-seated resentment dividing them, and with both of them burdened with so much trauma, the void between them now feels insurmountable. But, as they navigate their new relationship as entirely different people, can they discover a way to rebuild what they lost all those years ago?
Let me know if you guys are keen for me to keep going!
Read on A03
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welcometololaland · 2 years ago
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Fic Rec Friday - Round Up Part 2
Thanks to everyone who participated this week - the theme was: rec a 'gateway' fic. If I've missed any, please let me know!
I say this every week, but just to reiterate - this is a compilation of fics i've been tagged in or which appear in the fic rec friday tag relevant to the weekly theme. The recommendations below do not represent a personal curation of fics. Please read at your own discretion. Heed tags and ratings on each individual fic. Keep yourself safe, friends!
Check Please!
Braced Myself by @porcupine-girl
Chef Bob-ardee by @iboatedhere
dance with somebody by @everwitch-magiks
love finds you by @sincerelyreidburke
maybe not today but eventually by @thewesternredcedar
Someone by @wrathofthestag
when it's over (you're the start) by @whoacanada
midnight in paris by @capseycartwright
Fix Verse by rainjoywriting
Everything in Transit by @remedialpotions
Marvel Cinematic Universe
just say you do by @biblionerd07
Red White and Royal Blue
A Distinctly British Take on Events by RevJohnO
all that glitters (is not gold) by @indomitable-love
Before This, After That by @orchidscript
Everybody needs good neighbours by @rmd-writes
forever yrs, for evermore. by @indomitable-love
heart & home by @rmd-writes
Hook(up), Line & Sinker by @rmd-writes @clottedcreamfudge @athousandrooms @the-amber-fox @indomitable-love
Speak for Yourself by Lolaland (me)
the poem you make of me by cmere
Schitt's Creek
A Very Specific Store by @language-of-love
beside you in time by @blackandwhiteandrose
Burn Out the Night by @madlori
CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - 4.02 Pregnancy Test Coda Fic by @cheesecurdsgravyandfries
Definitely A Thing by @beaiola
Happy to Help by @vivianblakesunrisebay
I’d Swing With You for the Fences by @nontoxic-writes
I'll Follow You Down by @fraudulentzodiac
Improv Piecing by @my-nameless-bliss
Incorrect by Lisamc21
just a line in a song by @blackandwhiteandrose
let your heart be light by @blueink3
Molten Glass Hearts by @januarium
Murder, My Sweet by @a-noble-dragon
my heart was broke, my head was sore by @blueink3
PDA: Public Displays of Anxiety by @delilah-mcmuffin
Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart by @blueink3
Such a Constellation He Was To Me by @blueink3
thinking of everything by @doublel27
this is how a heart breaks by @blackandwhiteandrose
You're the only thing I need by @yourbuttervoicedbeau
To build a Home by TooSel
Teen Wolf
Hide of a Life War by Etharei
Tortall - Tamora Pierce
Miss Atomic Bomb by @ponyregrets
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escapingreality51 · 1 year ago
into touch
robert takes a night to relax
Friday evening. Robert stared at the news and nursed a beer. A feature piece on Aaron’s Dingle’s career on repeat as the main story of the sports coverage. Robert let out a slow breath and then took a long sip of the beer, hoping it would dull whatever coursed through him. Inevitably, the coverage mentioned Robert himself. The warnings for foul-mouthing the refs, though it was a while since he’d done that. The bad reputation. The woman in the bathroom. The scandal. The heartbroken ex-fiancée. Robert clenched his fist. 
chapter 2 to be found here
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buddiebeginz · 1 year ago
Robert Sugden is happy. He's had a great year work wise, he enjoys being single and just started a long Christmas holiday; life is good.
Then he hears disturbing news regarding his family and it's threatening to ruin everything.
In his upset state of mind, Robert does a stupid thing and as a result, ends up in a pretend relationship.
And it's not just the fake dating - there's a huge and weird family to deal with, in addition to his own.
But it's for a reason and it's just for a little while.
They'll get out of it soon enough which is exactly what they want.
Of course it is.
A fake dating Christmas AU with a bit of angst, a lot of drama and a truckload of fluff.
Not my fic but I can't find it on here anywhere to share. If you haven't read this one yet you definitely should. I'm having so much fun reading this one right now. New chapter was just posted today.
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imsugdone · 2 years ago
That picture of Danny and Ryan, from last week, sent me into a full robron rewatch, from the beginning. I’m finally at the reunion and I shit you not I’m sobbing and hyperventilating I forgot how good this shit felt I’ve missed these idiots so fucking much 😭😭😭😭
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alixxali · 10 months ago
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New chapter up now!
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tm-trx · 1 year ago
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Be Mine Superstar / Emmerdale / Taikan Yoho
selections from my week in media [8-14 october 2023]
Elseworlds (DC) - DC is bringing back the Elseworlds line next year, one of my favorite things ever.
System Collapse by Martha Wells - the newest Murderbot Diaries book (another full-length novel) comes out in November
"Buppha" / Worawit Kiyapate
"On My Own" / The People's Thieves
"With UNIVERSE" / Pentagon
Yoh finally learned to make good curry and we all cooed.
The Mysteries by Bill Watterson and John Kascht - Watterson returns to publishing with a fable
They'll Talk About Us by finalizer - Red White and Royal Blue fluff
Be Mine Superstar - Finished up the last four episodes just to get it off my list and was pleasantly surprised how good the ending was.
Beyond Evil - Rewatching because it's amazing and fits this time of year (Happiness is also on that list).
Emmerdale - Rewatched the beginning of Aaron and Robert's storyline in 2015. Robert really was the worst back then (did Aaron ever find out about the assassin Robert hired??). Aaron was so in love so fast and sick over it. My favorite tag, "the angst it is delicious" sums them up so well.
My Journey To You - Still slowly working my way through the last episodes and am currently paused on episode 19's fantastically horrifying revelation.
Ranking Every Adaption of The Thing / coldcrashpictures video essay - With a few exceptions, I can't deal with horror (I don't like being frightened and cannot handle a lot of jump scares or gory visuals). I'm a movie fan though, and there's a lot of really interesting stuff in the genre that I like to learn about. It's even better when the writer clearly loves the work they're discussing, like this essay. It's about an hour and well worth a watch/listen.
Taikan Yoho (My Personal Weatherman) - The last episode was everything I was hoping for. Communication, some sexy times, and more communication. Yoh and Segasaki are joining the ranks of couples that I wish we could see more of as their relationship develops and matures over time. I love them.
Bonus: a short list of books from my TBR if you're looking for something to read (Goodreads links provided)
Thornhedge by T Kingfisher - novella, horror, fairy tale
Starter Villain by John Scalzi - novella, first person pov, humor, cat on the cover
Forged By Magic by Jenna Wolfhart - novel, fantasy, cozy, romance
City of Bones by Martha Wells - novel, fantasy, sc-fi, dystopia
The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang - tome, historical, fantasy, queer
previous Currents posts found here
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bibibibuckleykinard · 1 year ago
Omg can’t believe it’s been 5 years
28 Fics In February
A Football Team
Just One Night
Hit and Run 
What Are Husbands For
Sister’s in the Title
No, You Can Stick with Mr. Sugden-Dingle
Handsome Hanson 🐾 
Somewhere Only We Know 
Fire at the Mill 
That Just Got Really Weird
Old Man
Nana & Granddad
In Sickness
Mint Chocolate Chip
Fit Mechanic
Guilty Mind
Brother of the Bride
(Un)Lucky Men
It’s Definitely… Something
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no-goodbyes-no-regrets · 7 months ago
You know that scene in Emmerdale's Aaron and Robert are having that hushed little married couple argument about letting Faith in the house (she's trying to move in), we'll I would love something like that for Buck and Tommy 😂.
Like maybe Eddie or Madney just won't leave and they're having a quiet argument in the kitchen about who's fault it was that they're even there in the first place 😂
Oh i can definitely see it happening with Eddie. They invited him over for dinner or something to cheer him up and then expect him to just go home after, only he's had too much to drink to be able to drive and drunk!Eddie gets all melancholy and Buck is torn between wanting to Be There for his best friend and wanting to get naked with his hot boyfriend.
I don't know if you meant it as a fic prompt but this happened:
"What do we do? He can't go home like this." Buck said quietly, one eye on Eddie slumped over on the sofa.
He'd invited Eddie along when he mentioned going to Tommy's to cook for him, knowing Tommy wouldn't mind, and the evening had been nice. Only one beer with dinner turned into a lot of beers during and after dinner, and Eddie moping and talking about how his life was a mess.
"I know, he's had way too much to drink." Tommy agreed, having joined Buck in the kitchen under the guise of helping him with dessert.
"Maybe I should call him an Uber."
"He'll pass out in the car and they'll leave him on the curb. And that's the best case scenario."
Buck groaned and dropped his head on Tommy's shoulder.
"I hate it when you're right." he stepped a little closer and wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist, letting out a content sigh when the other man's wrapped around his shoulders and he pressed a kiss to his temple.
"Maybe he'll just pass out on the sofa soon and we'll get him a blanket and some aspirin for the hangover tomorrow, and we can go upstairs." Tommy said hopeful.
"Tomás!" Eddie called out from the living room. "You still owe me a rematch from our mu-my-mui our sesh the other day! Let's go big man! I can take you!" he stood up from the sofa and almost lost his balance.
Tommy winced.
"Maybe I should go make sure he doesn't get himself killed falling through the glass table."
Buck tightened his grip on Tommy's waist.
"Not yet."
"What're youtwo doing'nthere?" Eddie had stumbled into the kitchen. "You're making out! In secret!"
"No, no, we weren't. We're just... standing here." Buck said, wishing Eddie would go back to the living room and give them five minutes of peace.
"Uhuh... that's what me and Shannon used t'do. And then, and thennn... there was Chris!"
"I don't think there's any risk of that happening for us." Tommy said, amused.
Eddie considered his words for a moment and then nodded.
"But Buck likes kids! He's like... the... baby whisperer. He... he... can talk to kids... you know? You need to give him a baby. Do you hear me Tomás? You gotta give Buck a baby."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"Hey Eds, do you want to crash on the sofa tonight? It's getting late." Buck offered.
Eddie frowned.
"No. No. Noooo. I'll just... go hooome. To my big... house... with no-one in it... because my son went to Texas... bcuz I screwed up."
"Nope you're staying here." Tommy insisted. "Or else Evan and I will be worrying about you all night and wondering if you made it home in one piece." He reluctantly let go of Buck and gently steered Eddie back to the living room.
"You don't have to worry about me!" Eddie announced, a little too loudly. "I'll be fiiiine!"
"Yeah, well, you can be fine on my sofa for tonight. Humour me." Tommy told him. "Evan, can you get the blanket and pillow from the spare room for him?"
About an hour later, Eddie was snoring on the sofa and Buck followed Tommy up the stairs to the bedroom. He let himself fall forward onto the bed and buried his face in Tommy's pillow, not turning around until he felt the other man's hand running down his spine.
"I'm sorry." he mumbled, deciding to bury his face in Tommy's chest instead.
"What for?"
"Ruining date night..."
"Evan..." Tommy started and waited for Buck to look at him. "Nothing's ruined. You wanted to cheer your best friend up because he's going through a tough time. What's so bad about that?"
Buck gave him a one armed shrug.
"It's not exactly the romantic night we planned..."
"No... but we have plenty of opportunities for romantic nights together. I wouldn't be able to enjoy it anyway if I knew Eddie was home alone feeling miserable. And I know you wouldn't either."
"I suppose not." Buck agreed. "And the hangover he'll have when he wakes up will be plenty of payback." he joked and they both laughed.
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saras-almanac · 2 months ago
Really trying to refocus on my writing this year—both fics and original works. I am hopefully going to have at least two working drafts of original projects (hopefully 3-4) because I have 3 projects partially started and really need to actually finish them so I can actually start working on revising.
There’s so many fanfic ideas I have in my brain as well and have come across a few fics I never finished / published and think this might be the year—literally for 911, Supernatural, Emmerdale, Spartacus and even an old Harry Potter book 5 and onwards where Sirius lives AU I don’t know if I’ll ever feel comfortable finishing. Moral of this story is sometimes cleaning out your hard drives and old storage discs can yield some things you forgot about lol.
All that said, I haven’t had the mental energy for a lot lately but, I have been planning and plotting. So while I have an almost zero word count, I do feel excited still about this year. And my plan for goals / plans for year is to never panic until after the spring equinox when it makes more sense to have a fresh start.
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dreamer-of-ships · 1 year ago
Chapter two is up! This one is a bit of a heartwrencher so I hope you're ready for it ! Would love to know what you all think!
Excerpt below:
Aaron’s still in the corridor. 
He feels he’s been here for hours but can’t say how long it’s been. He’s kept his watchful gaze on the prison guards situated outside Robert’s door, who seem to be pretty shit at their jobs considering the number of people they’re letting in and out of the room.
He doesn’t even get why Robert needs them. He’s not some high-security threat to humanity. 
He’s a man in fucking coma.
As Aaron leans against the wall outside Robert’s room, his thoughts continue to run rampant, making him think through all possible scenarios of what could be happening in there right now.
He tries not to think about it.
He tries reminding himself he’s not actually married to Robert anymore.
Why, then, is he still even here?
Deep down, he knows he’s never stopped caring about the man he used to be married to. How could he? He’d been such a big part of his life for so many years that now, with the chance of him dying, Aaron’s heart feels like it’s on the verge of breaking for good.
He has no idea if he’ll ever recover from it. Not if Robert actually dies.
He feels sick to the stomach and can’t find the nerve to go back in there, so he just waits.
What he’s waiting for, he has no idea.
Read it on AO3
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beautifulhigh · 10 months ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@rmd-writes tagged me and I like remembering that I write...
How many works do you have on ao3? 78
What's your total ao3 word count? 955,606. Feels like I should do something big for word 100,000
What fandoms do you write for? Past: Days of Our Lives, Emmerdale, and Glee Current: RWRB, 911 Lone Star
Top five fics by kudos: Every nation ought to have a right to provide for its own happiness (FirstPrince) The tender things are those we fold away (Tarlos) Tell all the truth but tell it slant, Success in circuit lies (Tarlos) But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep (Tarlos) Want (Robron)
Do you respond to comments? I try to, although logging in my AO3 to do this showed me how many messages I have in my inbox so... ish?
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I tend to favour happier endings but I guess I could say that Rumours has an angsty ended, what with both of the characters dead. Although it was at the end of a long and happy life together so... not that angsty?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? They're all happy, but all of my FirstPrince ones will have the happiest of happy endings for Henry because he deserves more than anything.
Do you get hate on fics? Not really. Closest I got was people basically yelling at me for not doing a thing in a fic which I'd outlined in part 2? 3? could never happen. So lots of "WHY DON'T YOU WRITE THIS?" and me going, "...because I won't?"
Do you write smut? I dabble. More of a fade to black kinda girl.
Craziest crossover: Don't really do them.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have, and being asked was the biggest honour ever.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I did once, writing mirror chapters of a fic with someone. (We each wrote a different perspective on an event.)
All time favourite ship? Don't make me choose between my babies.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a Tarlos WiP just... sitting there. And I don't know if I'm going to get the love for them back.
What are your writing strengths? idk, finishing something?
What are your writing weaknesses? idk, not writing?
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? If it works, then I will do it. Fun fact: I once had a couple of characters have a conversation in front of the two main characters in French. I deliberately didn't provide a translation because one of the two didn't know what was being said and the reveal wouldn't come until the next part. Got yelled at for that too. (Like, the internet is right there.)
First fandom you wrote in? Like... ever? Lord knows.
Favourite fic you've written? I've got ones I'm really proud of for various reasons. Vows (Glee) because it was the first big one I'd done and it landed REALLY well, Exponential (Emmerdale) because it was structurally a challenge, In the burned house I am eating breakfast (911 Lone Star) because, well, I just love it.
No idea who is left to do this so tagging my writer crushes:
@capseycartwright @iboatedhere @strandnreyes @welcometololaland
@kiwiana-writes @doublel27 @goodways
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roysreader · 1 year ago
My top fanfics of 2023 (so far)
I published or updated 60 works on AO3 this year, a lot of them are snippets but still, my most productive writing year yet.
2023 was the year of Succession so most of my top picks will be for that show but there are a couple of outliers marked with an *.
In no particular order, here are my top seven fics that I wrote or completed this year:
I’m Just Ken (And I’m Enough) (Succession/Barbie crossover)
And I’m Watching the Cruisers Below (Gerri Kellman backstory)
And Breathe Me (Succession/Six Feet Under crossover)
Complicated Airflow (A history of Kendall’s stutter)
My Empire of Dirt (Logan Roy backstory)
Poison & Wine (Missing RomanGerri scenes)
*The Curse of Home Farm (Emmerdale, 1920s AU, co-written with MissGeorgieTate)
Also in no particular order, here are my top seven completed fics that I read this year (I’ve kept it to those published this year):
*Out of Touch (The Bill, great insight into Mickey Webb post-attack)
you love blood too much (but not like i do) (A deep dive into the chaos that is Roman Roy)
the birthday party (the perfect post-finale fix-it, bonus Roman and Shiv are twins)
i bite at the hand that feeds me (flashback to a Roman and Logan incident)
aeneas, and a whimper (stunning Shiv character study)
An Oral History of Waystar Studios Feature Animation (made me laugh a lot)
art imitates life (I’m not usually into RPF but this is very clever)
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karlakattz · 1 year ago
✨2023 AO3 wrapped✨
Thanks for the tag @renmackree 🥹
Words and Fics:
I have posted 14 fics (3 of them WIP),
for two fandoms,
wrote 229,270 words
and got fantastic 4,179 kudos (whoohoo thank you!)
The top 5 by kudos:
Neon Flashing Signs -Teen Wolf - 13,799 words
Good Alpha - Teen Wolf - 22,822 words
My Sanctuary (is in your arms) - Teen Wolf - 23,670 words
Keeping the monsters away - Emmerdale - 38,858 words
True Alpha - Teen Wolf - 5,647 words
Thank you Sterek Year Round @sterekyrround and Sterekweekly @sterekweekly!
Upcoming projects:
There will be another fic this year! 🥳
As for next year I am going to continue my beloved Robron WIP. I can‘t leave my babies unfinished. 🥺
Unborn brain babies:
a cult!AU.
an olympic swimmers!AU.
a sequel for the fic where Robron become foster parents for troubled teenager Lena.
a sequel for Ace. We need more asexuality fics.
something MerMay. I always wanted to do MerMay.
Tagging the lovely and talented @starwitness42 @evanesdust @sterekbros and every writer who sees this post! ❤️
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