#more completely unnecessary nonsense
admirxation · 3 days
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彡 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝐧𝐝 - 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤
♡ 𝐬𝐮𝐦. Nanami puts you in your place during an argument (wc: 2.2k)
𝐜𝐰 — afab!reader x Kento Nanami. 18+ smut mdni, porn without plot, arguments (miscommunication and lowkey toxic), hair pulling, brat taming, reader calls Nanami daddy, tongue pinching (you’ll know), makeup sex, p in v, unprotected sex, slight degrading, and creampie -> you’ve been warned; continue at your own discretion.
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Arguments in a relationship are normal, right? Everyone says that. Relationships tend to go through a pattern with predictable human behaviour, and there’s, more often than not, a grace period when people are at their utmost happiness for the first three months—the honeymoon stage, as they call it. For the first three months, the couple enjoy the new and unique feeling of being in love, but if there is a facade and keeping your best version up front, that soon crumbles with how it’s proven that no one can keep up a facade for that long with someone whose suppose to be intimate with you in every way. 
You and Nanami managed to get through that stage; you two had been together for years, but you two had your fair share of arguments, and they got heated. It would always start as something small; maybe someone left something out, someone didn’t like the other’s tone, or whatever petty thing the other would pick up on, and that small thing would soon catalyst an explosion of arguments. Fair enough, they always managed to get sorted out eventually, but it was still exhausting to be in the process before forgiveness and making up. 
It was another argument between you two that started as something small but, as always, escalated into something much bigger and unnecessary with the tension between you two. It started as a comment, but soon it morphed with a misstep, careless word, clumsy phrasing here, and boom, it spiralled quickly into something much deeper than it originally started. 
You stood in the middle of your bedroom, arms crossed over your chest and your heart pounding harder with every bitter word that fell from his mouth and hung in the air. His voice cut through with sharp and precise stabs, but his pacing gets you, the way he moves back and forth, and the way he looks at you with that smug stare—it infuriates you, thinking he’s always right. That previous calm and collected facade had soon cracked, and part of you wanted it to shatter completely with how smug he was, wanting to prove that you were in the right and he was muttering utter nonsense to you. You felt the heat rise within you, feeling the hot liquid thrum through your veins and a loud heart throbbing pulsate in your ears as you watched that face. When he slowed down in his words, you wanted to say what had been bubbling up, wanting it to boil over as your chest rose and fell quickly in your quickened breathing pattern. 
You shouldn’t say it; you know it upsets him. But it’s the only thing that gets through his stubborn head. 
“You’re honestly so pathetic sometimes.” You bit out; those words slipped out, venomous and heavy and laced with every ounce of your frustration you had been holding onto the more he went on and on about how he thought he was right. But the moment those words hung in the air between you two, thick and sharp, you felt your pulse quicken as you saw his stare darken.
Nanami froze, his entire posture stiffening as he breathed out in heavy grunts. He hated it when you used that word, ‘pathetic’; it wasn’t just a word; it was something that hit a bit too close to home, and you knew it hit him right in the heart. Hence, he hated it even more when you knowingly used it, and you wanted his reaction. He lifted his cold hazel gaze to meet yours, your breath hitching and feeling a lump in your throat as if all the hair had been kicked out of you, seeing the intensity of his gaze like glass ready to shatter. Your heart hammered against your ribcage, and you felt the heat rising in your cheeks, spreading like wildfire under your skin, your heart pumping through trepidation—you knew you went too far this time, but seeing his reaction was thrilling. 
“What… did you… just say to me?” his voice was low, calculating, and careful, and had an uneasy calmness to it, the kind of quiet afterwards that just made your stomach twist both in fear and anticipation; he had the control now, and the dynamic was switched, even if your intention was the one to inflict the pain. 
You swallowed, trying to hold onto the leftover pride and determination in your system as you met his gaze. Your chin tilted upward as you looked at his piercing stare, which seemed to split right through you. 
“Say it again… I dare you,” he said with that same tone. 
“I… You’re…” 
The tension between you was unbearable now, thick enough to choke on. You could feel it in the pit of your stomach, the weight of your words pressing down and making you feel nauseous. All you could think of was how mistaken you were to make that comment, but you couldn’t back down now when you made that comment with full confidence and a hurtful intention. You shouldn’t have done it or pulled back, but you didn’t—it was too late. 
While you stood there, a stuttering mess, your eyes widened as Nanami, in one fluid motion, strode in front of you with his hand reaching out; with rough intention, his fingers threaded through your hair and tugged you forward with a sharp tug at the base of your hair in a punishing pull to his face. You gasped and winced in response, your scalp stinging under his pulling grip, with the sudden proximity forcing you to tip your head to meet that piercing gaze. The world felt narrow, feeling like time stood still with how you were attuned to your heartbeat, loud in your ears, the sync of your rushing blood. 
His breath was hot against your skin, dancing in its warm swirls against your lips. He was close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off of him, the tension rolling off his body into colliding waves for you to be the victim of. His lips hovered near your ear, and his voice sent a sinister shiver down your spine, low and dangerous in his growl: “Say it again… Since you’re so brave.” 
Your breath was caught in your throat; your defiance and previous bratty attitude had faltered and made back into his girl that he could do anything he wanted with; how silly of you to think you had the upper hand; when did you ever? The heat between you two was grounding, bringing you into the reality of your words' weight and intensity as he squeezed harder onto the base of your strands. 
Your lips parted, but for once, the words didn’t come easily; your lip was quivering as you tried to find the right way to apologise, to stop the stinging sensation running from your head and through your body. As you made him wait for your words, the tips of his fingers pinched your tongue, forcing it out and making your eyes roll up to meet his gaze; he loved seeing you all vulnerable, having someone actually have your tongue, but you weren’t exactly speaking so you weren’t using it to explain yourself, might as well tease you some more. 
“Aw, you’re not so confident now, are you,” he teased with that sensitive smirk, “look at you… stupid girl, you really thought you had the upper hand, you little brat.” He quickly let go, making you wince at the pain. 
“I’m sorry, Kento, I-I just wanted to—”
“You thought you could upset me, using what I hate and distracting me to think you could be right… But you’re not, sweetheart; you’re in the wrong and must be put in your place.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry; you know I love you,” you continued to plead. 
“Oh, look, who's the pathetic one now?” a breath of amusement came out with that pairing smirk. “I love you too, sweetheart, but I don’t think we’ll sweep this under the rug.” 
His hand squeezed harder on your strands. You knew what he wanted. This always happens when he’s got you by the locks, all vulnerable and having to plead for his forgiveness. 
“Say it.”
“Do you want forgiveness or not… Because I can go much harder,” he started to pull further, making tears form in your tear ducts; it was painful, but a sort of satisfying pain as he only pulled from the base and continued to stare at you with eyes full of irritation and anger, but also, arousal from seeing you in such a compromising position—you didn’t realise how sexy you looked when your bratty self had been put in its place. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he tilted his head in anticipation. “I’m sorry, Daddy. Please forgive me. I know it was wrong,” you whimpered out, and he left a kiss on your forehead. 
“See, was that so hard?” 
“No, Daddy.” 
His free hand then trailed on your soft neck, his fingers trickling over the curve of your skin and letting his fingers squeeze at the sides, making you gasp and your pupils dilate as you looked at him with a bitten lip; he loved seeing how desperate you would get if he would touch you just right. 
“How about we make up now… You’ve been stubborn long enough now, haven’t you?” he smirked at you as his tall frame hovered over you, backing you up until the back of your legs backed into the bed and made you fall onto the silk sheets, having him crawl up inbetween your legs as you watched him with anticipating eyes. “You wanna make up now?” 
“Yes,” he waited for what he wanted as he squeezed a little harder on your neck, “Yes… I wanna make up, Daddy.”
“That’s my girl, glad she’s returned to her senses.” 
He let go of your neck and let his hands trail down your body, grinding his already hardened tent into your clothed pussy and watching you quiver, his fingertips moving over your breasts, leaving a slow and hard squeeze on your mounds before trailing down and pulling you underneath.
“Oh, wet already, are we? Dirty girl getting wet,” he looked up at you, biting your lip in anticipation, “you like it when I put you in your place, don’t you?”
“Mmhm, yes, Daddy, s-so much,” you stuttered out through chewed lips. 
He flung your soaked underwear to the side, letting it drop to the carpeted floor, before dragging his pants down and letting his erect clock slap onto your puffy clit. He let out another breath of amusement as he watched you jump and shiver, watching his cock start to grind between your wet folds; you couldn’t help but look forward to this, Nanami was mean when it came to pounding that pussy of yours, but that pain felt so satisfying with how he bashed into your sweet spot every single time. 
“Who owns this pretty pussy, baby?” he asks as his thumb circles over your sensitive and puffy clit, making you squirm under his touch as he keeps a rough pressure on your sensitive button. 
“You do, Daddy.” 
“Good girl.” 
He made you stifle out those sweet little moans the more his cock rutted inside of you, feeling your gummy insides pulsate and clench around his shaft as he thrusted in and out, his balls slapping against the fat of your ass as he watched you squirm and writhe. Your eyes were practically rolled up to heaven, only showing the whites as you babbled out pornographic moans while he made you his girl over and over again with every buck of his hip, making you so much wetter as you watched him look at your pussy being rammed right into, making you get accustomed to his length as your lips stretched around the base to make a creamy ring around the shaft. 
“Dirty, girl, you love it when daddy uses you, don’t you?”
“Mmhmm, ahh~”
“You have a mouth; use your words; you’re not that stupid, are you?”
“I… ahh fuck… Yes, I love it when you nngh fuck me like this, Daddy, ahh you feel amazing,” your toes curled as you tightened your thighs around his waist, feeling your whole body start to burn up through your laboured breaths as he looked at you with that dangerous look, finding too much pleasure and satisfaction when your tongue was out like a panting puppy and your mascara all smudged, ruining that pretty canvas—all because of him.
“You learnt your lesson about having a smart mouth now, you little slut,” he punctuated his last words with a hard thrust, making your back arch toward him, clinging onto the bedsheets with your fingers as you released your juice all over his cock; feeling the warmth trickle down your thighs as he fucked his dick right into that sweet spot that made you his bitch over and over again. 
“Yes, yes, I have daddy, I’m so, so, sorry... Mmmmm, can you please cum Daddy?” 
“My pathetic girl, you should be like this more.” He teased as he gave you a little pinch on the cheek as he rutted his hips further into you, the tip of his cock continually bashing into your vulnerable cervix before he shot his load into you, gasping and trying to keep track of a normal breathing pattern before he pulled his length out and watched a mixture of yours and his cum spill out of your spent and needy hole.
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taglist: @bratbby333 @styrofoamplat3s @wintrrxxo @sleazymac-n-cheesy @localkiss -> check my pinned post for taglist ink and if you want to be deleted just message me privately.
a/n: day two of kinktober woop woop, and this was definitely inspired by the hair pulling scene that made me do a double take on Nanami haha. btw I am sorry if I post too late, I'm kinda busy with masters and I don't get back home until 9:15pm on weekdays and I come back needing to eat, shower, clean the house, homework etc. so I will try my absolute best but just for a warning.
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shuenkio · 2 months
𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐢𝐭? | Ksn.
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Paring: Sunoo x M!reader | Genre: Smut! Very.
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Synopsis: Not only is he upset that you spend less time with him, but the fact he saw a random guy said hi to you and you flash a smile so bright. That's when his inner beast came out.
Cw: jealousy, cumming, cursing (any other else was explicit so bad, read at your own risk)
Non proof read | Eng is not my 1st language
This is a work of fanfiction, do not throw unnecessary tantrums on this nsfw/sfw blog. ©Shuenkio
𝐀𝐍: writing a bias who look like an angel was... Something. Anyway writing smut is still limited because I'm still trying, some awkward part might happen and yeah, I might cringe in the future seeing this. Enjoy reading. ( Request From anon)
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A group project from your professor made you start to spend less time with your lovely boyfriend, Sunoo. Every weekend after your class, you'd often come home at 7 p.m., which is unusual.
Sunoo finds it weird that you're coming home late these past few weeks, till he thought you'd cheated on him. However, who knows, when you went to sleep, he always checked your phone and your account in every corner to make sure you weren't doing anything out of his sight, and it's true you did not have anybody else other than him and a group chat of friends.
After that, he started to realize that you probably keep a distance from him by spending more time with your friends, almost prioritizing them over him. Which made him upset for some reason but was soon replaced by madness mixed with jealousy. You've never smiled at anyone or anybody approaching you, but for today, when coming home after finishing groceries with him, during the time he's paying, he saw a guy coming at you and said, 'hello' Not only that, he thought you'd be creeped out by a stranger's face; instead, a bright smile appeared on your face.
That's irritated him so much; when he saw that, you were changed now. At home. While he was unloading the foods into the fridge, Sunoo saw you lying on the bed as you were making a phone call with one of your friends.
He decided that he'd have to finish all the action you have been taking, throwing him into the edge, which he can't back down now; if he couldn't bang tf out of you tonight, he'd be dead.
"M/n!" The door is opened by a strong pair of arms as he knocks softly on it twice, but you can't seem to pay any attention to him or notice him behind you with your back facing him. The ignorance not only boils him more, but the heat in his body continues to grow like a chemical burn.
You should at least turn your back or respond to him; there's no way you couldn't hear, yet nothing comes out of your mouth. It's all busy chitchatting with your close buddy about nonsense things and group projects. The temperature has reached its limit. The innocent boyfriend, who was like an angel, gentle and bubbly to you, turns 360° at the spot.
His jaw tightened as his gaze was painted black. Without any warning, he closed the door slowly, locked it as he took off his shirt, left him with his sleeveless top on, and made his way behind you.
"Yeah, lol, bye, see you tomorrow." gasps escape as you feel an arm placed underneath your shorts. When you turn around, you see Sunoo completely turned on, and he looks just like he just came out of hell.
"S-sunoo! What are you doing?" Nervously asking, you were about to turn around, but his strong strength left you unmoved.
"You were such a bad boy for these past few weeks, m/n; you left me alone and spent time with your friends instead of me. A lot, no too much. Have you forgotten you have your boyfriend here, desperate for your love?" He explains with a stern tone that all he said was true; nevertheless, you try to deny the fact that you have to complete the group project.
But all the things you've said now are useless; he knows everything, and if you keep denying, there's no reason why you could be able to walk tomorrow, maybe or maybe not.
"Go on, what do you have next? Not only that, the guy I saw earlier at the store looks like a creep, but you still flash your only smile for me to him? M/n, what's this all about?" Get a hold of his control, and while his finger lingers on the entrance of your ass, circle around and attempt to slide in, but he gives you time to explain that the lie would only push more in.
"I—he that guy—he was a friend of mine; we go to the same college." sweating soaks your forehead as you try your best to make your statement. Later, you find yourself crying out in pleasure as you feel a finger slide inside of you.
"Oh really? Hm... I think I've never seen him before. If he were your friend, why have you never told me about him? Most of your friends with whom you interact are all in your contact list, but not him? I know if you did, you'd think I'd be jealous, but unfortunately, I am jealous, by my own sight!!! For now, let's see who's belong to who shall we m/n?"
The innocent is gone, the lamp in your heart making you speechless with no more words coming out to argue with the matter of fact. Ripped off your short away, as he smirked in Maniac, he had never been like this; he used to be a sugar pie gummy bear, but now? A total psycho who's probably fucking the hell out of you tonight.
"Foreplay is dumb; why not get into it, hm? I look like a beautiful cloud, baby boy, but a clout can also be a dangerous cloud when it's raining." Before you can react, a cock spring frees out of his pant, the leaking pre-cum making your dick twitch. Never in your relationship have you seen each other's private parts, but look! It's paler than your thigh. The size might be normal, but what happens if he knows how to...?
"I'm going in, boy. I'll take care of you after these hours." The dark, low chuckle gives you goosebumps, and soon enough, Sunoo slides his cock in, raw! Losing control of himself once he was inside of you. His eyes painted in wide white, listening to your whimpering sound, even turned him on to the edge.
All he wanted right now was to claim you as his. Thrusting in, wasting no more time, with both of your hands locked by him on your back in one hand, he never worked out nor did he have an abs, but he's strong, strong, tbh. The wet liquid of his pre-cum gives him smooth access to push in even deeper. The first time with you was worth it, and he knows you're low-key loving it.
"Shit, why does it feel so good?" Everyone would be moaning, whimpering, or cursing out of pleasure, yet for Sunoo, he's crying out of pleasure. Tears streaming down on his pretty face, with your countless can't-take-it huffs only to make him fasten his pace, Sunoo's balls continue to slap against your balls, mixed with the wet sound you'd often hear in a beat of music. It's so hot and aroused that your body is twirling under his touch, adjusted, and squeezing in his cock, begging for more.
"Sun—Nghuu... I feel strange, faster!!" Wiping his satisfied tears away, he then responded back with both of his hands locking, wrapped around your hip before going all in, one thrust in a first attempt, making his cock disappear suddenly.
Your jaw almost cracks when his tip reaches the most sensitive spot ever in your body, the prostate. Saliva is leaking out of your lips like hunger, as is a massive load of cum shooting out on the bed sheet. When he saw that you were cumming, a weird feeling approached him, like a string intertwined in one, a wave of jolt hitting the shaft of his before he exploded inside of your ass.
It was messy, but it just hit the spot of pleasure. The odor of stain cum began to fill the room, and both of you then collapsed on the bed while still connected with each other.
"It feels good, right, m/n?" Nod to the question as a warm smile appeared on his face. Patting your head out of cuteness.
"Good boy, we're only here once; nobody else interrupts us. You got it? Now let's restore your energy; your trembling is too much." And that is how you know: you will never leave him alone again, ever. All innocent guys are wild, and you can't change that.
"Goodnight 내사랑" 
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Ps: Some requests I might write and some I might decline just because. sometimes I feel horrible when I won't be able to do it, 🥹 surwy to some anon had asked me ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ Please mind my English! ><
🗣️All crd pics & dividers to the owner.
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sidsinning · 1 year
Lemme talk about Cinderella from Cinderella (2015) for a bit actually yeah because these changes to my girl completely baffle me
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She has friends now
Goes outside on her own
Says the only reason why she's staying is because it's her parent's house- bruh.
All of this takes away (+ more reasons down the cut) from the true cruelty of OG!Cinderella's backstory and how it all connects so well to inform you of her character and the actions she takes
OG!Cinderella has been indoctrinated into accepting her life as a maid to her step family since she was a small child. She is never seen going outside of the house besides the night at the ball. The only friends she had were random animals around her she couldn't even fully converse with. She had no other human perspective on her situation or how to get out of it. It makes sense why she's just taking her stepmother's tyranny while holding everything in because this isolation and neglect is all she knows. This is the entire limited scope of her world. A sad reality to many cases of abuse in real life.
And they just. Erased all of this for some. Reason???
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The night at the ball was a big deal because she literally NEVER gets to go out. This is the only time she interacts with the outside world aside from the ending. The impact of that was HUGE in the original movie. The new one just cheapened that imo by implying she goes out in town and talks to others regularly. This event was an impossible, fantastical dream come true to someone who is never treated as anything but a servant to everyone she knows.
Basically OG!Cinderella has it way worse which is what makes the ball such a huge deal in the first place.
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Third point I don't think I need to explain how Cinderella staying in her abusive home bc the house is "hers to love now that her parents are dead" is not a good character change and doesn't make sense. I would understand if her dad was alive and insisting on staying, but he is GONE. It is a building you grew up in sure, but that's all it is. Not something you sacrifice your wellbeing for. So that's a shit reason they didn't need to make up to say why this character is stuck in her abusive household. The isolation and years of gaslighting were enough. (Also showing how much of a frightening presence and manipulative villain Lady Tremaine is.)
And she sure left it quick after getting hitched lol
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The Fairy Godmother having the audacity to test Cinderella with that "oh I'm a poor old woman and I want some milk please" nonsense
Not very godmotherly of her in this version. 🥴 The Fairy Godmother appeared in the original to offer pure comfort to Cinderella in a time of desperate need, when this resilient and kind spirit finally reached her breaking point. The dress, slippers, pumpkin carriage, and magic were all given freely as a present to make her feel better at least for one night.
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Meanwhile this goofy ass Godmother has the audacity to be like "hey is she gonna be nice or not even though she's crying in tattered, recently destroyed clothing- I need to see that or else she doesn't get the magic juice". Like why did this become a way to test her morality all of a sudden? Why did you need something from her to give up the magic goods?? It's not even a good test she just walked a couple steps and poured some milk in a bowl,,,
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Idk man they made their relationship transactional for no reason which taints the original purpose of this scene imo. The original Fairy Godmother already KNEW Cinderella was kind without having to make sure by disguising herself as a rancid old lady. 😭 Weird and unnecessary addition.
Kinda nitpicky here but this film did not at all match the terror of the torn dress scene which really shows you how horrifying and humiliating it was to Cinderella
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Original Cinderella, seeing a real chance of escape from her abuse, uses everything in her possession to do so. She's yelling for the mice to get the key, to get Bruno to chase away the cat, running down to meet the prince's attendants to make sure they get the proof of her identity from her- and that moment she oh-so-casually pulled out the second slipper??? SEEING HER STEPMOTHER'S SLACKED JAW??? GAGGED US ALL.
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But 2015. Bitch. What is going on. She gets locked up and easily accepts her doom. She just twirls and sings in her prison like a dunce because cINDerELLa wAs aLReADy cONTenT wIth her sMaLL mOMEnts oF hAPPIneSs anD dREamS wItH thE pRinCE.
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Just. Gives up.
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Not the mice begging her to get up and save herself come on now
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The mice have to do their best on their own to push open her window so the prince and his crew hear her on time.
And yeah, all she had to do was open a window.
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1950: use your brain to fight to the very end
2015: quit while you're still ahead, or don't try you just gotta dance and sing all pretty then someone will come along and save you
I'm sorry, but for a production that was so critical of the notion of "Cinderella just waited around for a prince to save her"...is that not literally what they changed the ending to?
You wanna talk about lack of agency in princess stories well here you go 😭
You know what's sad about all this in the end is this is still the best recent live action Disney remake imo LOL
Anyways hello if you've made it all the way down here I rest my case
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acknowledgebiology · 2 months
Something I've noticed about TRAs is that they are literally the epitome of hypocrisy.
They claim to advocate for inclusivity and to disapprove of discrimination based solely on someone's beliefs, yet see no wrong in treating people who don't agree with them on the issue of transgenderism with the highest level of disrespect and contempt, nor do many of them seem to have a problem with using threats of violence to silence dissent, as they are aware that at this point they will ultimately face little to no consequences for doing so. In fact, they believe that in doing so they are performing some heroic deed, justifying their actions by claiming that they only do it to protect people while refusing to acknowledge that they're actually doing the opposite.
They claim to oppose gender stereotypes (particularly those regarding appearance), yet when arguing with a non-TRA on the issue of, say, a biological man claiming to be a woman, they will immediately say something along the lines of "You're ridiculous for calling 'her' a man; 'she' looks more womanly than you!" or, for the opposite scenario, "It makes no sense for you to call 'him' a woman; 'he' has a flat chest, a deep voice, and facial hair!" So we aren't allowed, for example, to say that it's completely absurd for someone to claim to be the opposite sex while not at least putting any effort into looking the part—since, according to them, a woman or a man is anyone who identifies as a woman or a man and to say otherwise is bigotry—but they're allowed to say that simply possessing the physical features associated with the sex a "trans" person claims to be is enough and that people should use a "trans" person's appearance as an indicator? These ideologies completely contradict each other. Do they really believe that "gender is a social construct"? Clearly not, since they rely so heavily on the gender stereotypes they supposedly believe shouldn't exist even to support their own arguments. They just use that phrase to make themselves look intelligent and philosophical.
You can't just say that one way of thinking is correct at one point and then—to prevent yourself from getting confused about the unnecessary and nonsensical complicatedness of your own ideology—say that a different way of thinking is correct at another point.
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fuel-me-coffee · 7 months
Drawing Screwllum
((Screwllum x GN Reader, Fluff, not really proof-read lmao-))
Author's note: this is based on all the people who believe that Screwllum overheats when flustered + me projecting being an artist
Screwllum observed your movements as you dragged a pencil across the notebook's page.
The mechanical aristocrat has been sitting perfectly still for exactly 15 minutes as of now. Approximately 20 minutes ago you have excitedly asked him if he could model for a drawing for you, and seeing your eagerness, he was more than happy to oblige your request.
With you being completely absorbed into your drawing process and with him trying to avoid any unnecessary movement, a silence fell between you (with Screwllum mentally noting that it was, in fact, the comfortable kind).
He was sitting on a chair in front of you, putting a few feet of distance between you. From said distance he could glance the top of your head as you scribbled away and your knuckles tighly gripping at the book to hold it in place. Just as he was tracing the outline of your fingers with his gaze, your face suddenly emerged above the canvas, making your eyes meet.
You squinted your eyes as you tilted your head from side to side, trying to figure out Screwllum's facial structure. Your intense eyes going over every intricate curve and crevice of the aristocrat's metallic face made him feel like he's being inspected under a microscope, not unlike those he'd often pass in researcher labs of the station. The longer your eyes stayed transfixed on him, the more he could feel his system begin to heat up, cooling fans quietly beginning to whirr as he tried to keep his composure. Suddenly, the silence started becoming way less comfortable for the genius. He found it quite fortunate in this moment that he did not share the human ability to blush.
Adjusting his monocle, he chose to finally address you: "My dear, the intensity of your gaze with which you grace me one could compare with fires started by Nanook themselves. Query: how is your drawing coming along?"
You let out a few hums as you put down the final strokes, holding the sketchbook back and admiring your work: "all done!!"
"May I see?"
You nod, placing the pencil in the pocket of your shirt and strutting excitedly towards your model-boyfriend. You turn the the drawing to face him, your eyes gleaming along with your smile as you await his feedback: "what do you think?~"
Screwllum takes his time admiring your work, taking in every pencil line, noting everything from the way you drew curves to the way you depicted the falling of light.
He takes your hand, gently pressing his jaw against the back of it in a tender kiss: "Affirmative: I can sense the care you put into this work and it showcases a positively high technical skill, as well as clearly demonstrates the artist's passion for the craft. Although I believe you may be flattering me a bit in your depiction of me."
"Nonsense! If anything the drawing is incomparable to the original!"
"How so?"
"Well, to begin with, it could not possibly beat the beauty of the real deal."
Oh. Maybe he needs to get his fans ran through maintenance. Or maybe that's what they mean by butterflies in your stomach-
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hexhomos · 2 months
S2 mega spoiler asks/answers. don't click readmore if you're avoiding it.
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That entire thing really did not land for me and took me extremely out of the episode ngl. The way it is framed and later on referenced on warwick's delusion flashbacks (IN MY OPINION) seemed to suggest that their mom was embroiled in an unrequited love triangle with these two and i could feel my brain leaking out of my ears because, to get back to a previously mentioned problem; it makes the world feel really, really limited. Like there's 10 real people surrounded by a population of NPCs. The idea of silco/vander as singlehandedly responsible for a 'revolution' that has no lineage beyond themselves is already laughable but?? they frame it as if vander could legit have been vi's dad?? he picks the name?? and that he is maybe seething in rage at silco because he was the reason she died??? huh? whuh? what in all of the wattpad fanfiction. not to mention... it makes silco constant attempts to kill vi in s1 seem contradictory and nonsensical. His motivations???????????
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In some ways.. it is still resource exploitation now but Worse and in a time-ticking bomb sort of way that absolutely breaks the idea of Piltover using hextech for decades at a time. Im curious to see if that will be referenced in game content now bc it legitimately has shattered the timeline. I think its once again unnecessary and sacrifices a lot of good stuff for mid hand-wringing. But yeah. P/Z as presented in arcane has had so much personality sapped out of it. a whole roster of characters who might get completely rebooted for no good reason.
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stole his whole flow. Disgraceful.
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TBH i wouldn't really worry about this because i think if anyone is getting a new sex scene its going to be cait/vi makeup or hatesex. Sky is a plot convenience; her existence for the show's entire runtime is an accessory that they couldn't even bother fleshing out. The definition of the not-gays.
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My reasoning is that if they were going to do any of that we would have already seen her do these things, more things, in the scenes she already appears in; but as always she is a static 3D model lounging in the background. (Related: this might be because she is Literally Not Real and the hexcore is just making up a faint mimicry who can only say 1 word.) Their time budget is really messy this season and i just don't see them wasting More time like that. They don't care for sky. never did! She's just a way to avoid letting viktor be an ideologue glorious evolutionist.
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We already know internally some of the animators & art team like jayvik & there's even a few for-fun outside of the company interviews w/ crew expressing a preference to jv on a personal level ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the more the script tries to push it as nonromantic the more coded these scenes get. In terms of actual interaction i think a lot is going to depend on whatever the hell happens in episode 6 because their screentime is REALLY low and im unsure act3 can pull off another timeskip. So much left dangling.
IDGAF about meljay and i've never cared about meljay i think it is the culpirit of not-gays #1 so its hilarious how that shit literally didn't matter. The entire noxus storyline is a can of worms i would have thrown in the garbage and have no interest in. Still, in realistic terms, there is a 50/50 chance this season ends with jayce married 2 kids 1 dog 1/2 parrot moving out to noxus and saying 'heh, i never liked piltover anyway' and they'll play it like we're supposed to clap because nothing matters
if i was in charge we'd get full frontal jayvik stigmata scissoring write that down. I still hope if we can manifest 1 thing it is a good fight scene with some choking on it
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gatitties · 4 months
Hello, i have a request!
What would strawhats, heart pirates, kid pirates, whitebeard pirates and revolutionary army react to the (old or young teenager) therapist! gn! reader is casually talking about the trauma of his past but their personality is loyal, innocent, silly, and positive. They were casually swearing but they didn't realize. They're not mad at enemies, who's trying to threaten them but they roast them about it. They had a lot of scars of their belly but they're okay with it.
Sorry, if it makes you uncomfortable, don't write this.
─Strawhats, Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates & Revolutionary Army x therapist!gn!reader
─Summary: It's always good to have someone you can turn to for mental healing.
─Warnings: none
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— They don't really know how to react when you do that thing of telling your traumas in the middle of a battle, Robin and Nami will definitely tell you that you can do it another time.
— You took care to give the necessary importance to the story and your enemies (you completely ignored them or added them to the talk).
— Everyone trusts you as their problem solver, but you always choose the worst moments to give a motivational talk.
— If necessary, you will stop everyone to sit down and talk about each one's problems, you can avoid many unnecessary confrontations thanks to that.
— You're therapist but not a mage, you can't help with some of the nonsense, especially when Luffy makes a meaningless decision.
— If you lose your temper and your mouth starts swearing for whatever reason in the middle of a consult, Sanji will let you know.
— Everyone seems used to it when this happens, your completely threatening and enraged face changes to a peaceful and innocent face, as if you haven't talked about a great trauma.
— At least they appreciate that you are the type who can get something positive out of everything, even in extreme situations, they appreciate that you can see through them to help them.
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— You don't need to stop the battle, Law has already done it, he has taken you to a quiet place to talk because he really appreciates your help.
— Poor man with traumas, you don't know how good it is for him to be able to talk to you about Cora and his past.
— Of course he won't admit this out loud, and you won't say anything either, you are a professional in your field and you will take your patients' secrets to the grave.
— Ikkaku finds it adorable how you change from when you're fighting to when you're calm and sane, like you're a different person.
— Shachi and Penguin are your bodyguards when you get distracted helping someone in the middle of battle, a person's feelings are more important than a stupid battle.
— Due to your power of oratory, you always take charge of persuasion if it is possible to negotiate with enemies since Law prefers to keep a low profile on some occasions.
— Bepo often helps you and you consider him your fluffy assistant.
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— Those scars look rough, the story behind it is traumatic and the truth is that they didn't expect you to open up to them like that.
— You have a difficult crew to deal with, Kid won't even bother asking you for help or anything, he's too proud.
— Heat and Wire will be among the first to come to your consult and they didn't expect it to be so beneficial.
— They're not big fans of you starting to talk to your enemies about their overall health when all you have to do is swat them like mosquitoes.
— You'll have a whole insult battle with Kid over this, but at least you're getting him to listen to you for once even if it's not the kind of language you'd like to treat your patients with.
— Killer is disappointed but not surprised by the situation, he didn't expect you to use that kind of foul language being so cultured, but he's not one to criticize either.
— It's definitely not the best crew to deal with, but if they really need it they know you're there to help even if their pride sometimes gets in the way.
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— They seriously love you, they never thought that therapy would be so good for them.
— That you share your traumas and tell the stories behind your scars also makes them trust you from the beginning.
— Marco always looks for you to have small talks after a tiring day.
—Thatch and Ace usually come hand in hand and are the ones you interact with the most and the ones who cause you the most problems due to their concerns.
— Although they are never a problem, even if they feel bad in the middle of a fight you will sit down and talk to them (at least you'll sit) while they continue the fight.
— Izo tends to be more reserved like Whitebeard, so it's not as easy to help them, but they still know they can count on you and your loyalty.
— You are usually quite busy since whenever visitors come from different factions, they almost necessarily go to you to seek solace if they have had problems.
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— Dragon is a little skeptical at first and doesn't care much that you have opened up for them even showing old battle wounds.
— The others, on the other hand, are grateful for someone who cares about their mental health, especially Sabo when he recovers his memory.
— Maybe after a while Dragon will appreciate the talks you give him, maybe you've opened the shell of him where he keeps his heart.
— Ivankov finds your attitude quite funny when in the middle of a mission you completely change when you see someone in trouble, even if they are an enemy you will offer to help them.
— Koala is always pulling on you if you extend your talks too long, it's okay that you want to help but you have a very important mission to complete and the government is after your head.
— They don't understand how you can be so serious about your work and then be so stupid as to find the slightest thing funny (you laughed because a piece of bread fell out).
— But it's good because you help them cope with the tension of being enemies against the most powerful people in the world, some of the stress or other things have decreased since you managed all their problems and they are grateful.
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under-the-dirt · 11 months
Hiii :3 I have another song one-shot idea, but with whatever character you want
I hope you have a good day :3
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ok ilysm tytytyty i love getting ur song requests but the very first thing that came to mind the second i began this song was “FANAFAFAFAFFAFAFANFAB FNAF REFRENCE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️” bc i actually just have a squirrel brain. i’ve been wtaching the lore videos n playthroughs sm i’m so obsessed rn but i also thought of price bc i need more price daddy in my life. he’s so sexy. so, tytyty and a i wish you a very very ily <3
pairing: price x fem!reader
tags: sleeptalking, price is daddy, pet names :3, reader is a sleeptalker, ermrmrmrm a lil smut near the end.. fingering, overstimulation, p in v, unprotected sex (guys pls don’t), ermm UNDER 13 DNIII!!! SHOO CHILDREN!! I WILL BLOCK U!!!
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You’ve always struggled to sleep alone. Your therapist had told you it was a trauma response, makes sense. You’d gotten by with large teddy bears and music, but once you became a part of the TaskForce 141 you hadn’t been able to get either.
So, you’d barely been able to sleep. No one really noticed, except for Price. He could see the bags beneath your eyes, he watched you chug energy drinks when you thought people weren’t looking, and after you got hurt due to being unable to move quick enough from pure exhaustion he knew he just had to step in.
You were sitting in your bed, doing unnecessary paperwork, when there was a soft knock on your door and a soothing voice from the other side.
“Can I come in, love?” Price’s gravelly voice asks, and you of course let him in. He sits down on your desk chair while you resume your position on your bed. “I’ve noticed something ‘bout you, love.”
“What is it, sir?” You respond dutifully.
“Those bags under yer eyes.. An’ when you ‘s constantly drinkin’ them energy drinks.. They’re bad for you, you know that right?” He explains softly, looking at you with those gentle blue eyes.
“Can ye not sleep ‘r somethin’?” He asks, getting to the point.
“Not well, sir.” You reply, albeit ashamed, and he nods.
“Why not?”
“Since I was little I’ve been unable to sleep without someone or something next to me.” You explain, head down.
“it wasn’t a problem until I got here, and I don’t have a bear. I doubt they’d even allow one.” You chuckle softly, and he hums.
“Could I help?” He questions gently, and from the look on his face it’s completely serious.
“Y-yeah I mean- If you want to..”
He nods, walking to the door and flicking the light off before climbing into your bed beside you.
“Alright, come on sweetheart.” He smiles, watching you lay down and fall asleep, both maintaining enough distance to remain comfortable. That was some of the best sleep you’d gotten since you arrived, and you hoped he’d continue.
He did, the next day, and the next, and every day after that unless he was on a long mission. At some point you’d moved to his room due to his bigger bed and for general convenience. You became more and more comfortable with him as the nights went on, and soon you were cuddled to his chest as you slept, mumbling whatever nonsense was in your mind. He never minded your cute habit, never thinking much of it, until one night you begin saying his name.. Innocently enough for a bit, until a few days later when you began saying his name in full sentences instead of quick mumblings.
“John.. mm.. want you so bad.. need you..” You whisper, and he chuckles. “Mm… love you..”
“What’s that, bunny?” He asks, running his hands along your waist as you continue mumbling.
“Love you, John..”
“Is that so?” He asks with a gentle chuckle, the rumble of which stirs you.
“Hmm? Did you say something?” You ask tiredly, rubbing your eyes and looking up at him.
“What’re ye mumblin’ about?”
“I wasn’t saying anything..”
“Oh really? You were just sayin’ that ye love me.. What’re ye dreamin’ about, bunny?” He purrs, voice getting slightly deeper and causing you to blush.
“Uhm.. nothing..”
“Thas’ all?” He coos, running his hands lower to your hips and teasing the waistband of your shorts.
You blush further. “I- well.. you were in it..”
“Oh was I?”
You nod.
“And what were we doing?”
“uhm..” You hide your face, not wanting to describe the things you did in your dream, when suddenly John’s hand slips beneath your shorts and taps your clit gently.
“Something like this..?” He purrs, rubbing your clit gently through your panties, and you let out a soft moan. He chuckles, sliding your panties to the side to feel the wetness between your folds. “Hmm.. so wet already..” He tsks, running his finger up and down through your folds and removing it, bringing it up to his mouth and licking your juices off. You stare at him, wide eyed, and he chuckles.
He reaches down again, looking at you for permission before slipping your shorts off and panties with it. He inserts two fingers into your cunt without hesitation, and you whimper at the sudden intrusion. He rubs your clit with his thumb as he begins gently pumping his fingers in and out, curling them to hit that spongy spot inside of you that has you moaning and arching your back. He quickly shuts you up by kissing you deeply, tongue exploring your mouth with feverish lust. Using his free hand, he tugs down his sweatpants and boxers, letting his hard cock spring free. You gasp at the feeling of it against your stomach, its pure size a shock, and reach down to stroke it gently. He groans into the kiss, and the sound makes you cum almost instantly without warning. He laughs and pulls his fingers put, running his cock through your folds and rubbing your overstimulated clit.
“God.. so perfect for me, aren’t ye?” He chuckles, slowly pressing the thick tip of his cock into your tight hole, groaning at the feeling of you fluttering around him. “Relax for me, lass.. God.. so tight” He grunts, pushing into you, listening to your moans and whimpers. After finally bottoming out, he stays still to let you adjust, before gently pulling back to thrust into you and slam into your g-spot.
“John.. ohmygod oh.. oh..” You moan and babble, his cock completely turning your brain off as he hits your g-spot over and over. “God- g-gonna- John..”
“You gonna cum? Go on, be a good girl and cum on my cock.” He commands, and you cum instantly, eyes rolling back into your head with a loud moan. He follows soon after, filling your tight pussy with his thick cum. “So good for me.. So good for me..” He praises, pulling put slowly and kissing you gently. He kisses your neck as you fall asleep, and to say that night was the best sleep you’ve ever gotten was an understatement.
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that was pretty fun to write, sorry it took so long! i love getting song requests <33333 hope this is good!!!
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comikadraws · 3 months
Spotting AI Art
Okay, so in response to popular demand (one person) here's an example of me recognizing AI art.
First things first. Spotting AI is tricky and arguably easier for artists and anybody who regularly looks at art online. There are no fool-proof methods or rules for spotting AI, only indicators. And if the indicators add up, well, you might be dealing with machine-generated images.
First indicator: Rendering quality
"Rendering style" = The style of the linework, coloring, and shading, basically.
"Rendering quality" = How well the targeted rendering style was achieved. NOT something along the lines of "more complex rendering style = higher rendering quality". A semi-realistic painting and an anime screenshot can both have top-notch rendering quality while one is more difficult to achieve than the other.
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Yes, unfortunately, that is an indicator. AI copies professional artists, not amateurs, hence it also copies primarily very aesthetically pleasing or professionally-looking styles. As a rule of thumb, AI art online will, at first glance, look professional rather than amateurish.
In this case, we've got a detailed piece of Sasuke Uchiha with intricate lineart, folds, and creases, and simple coloring. It's a sort of minimalist style but very well executed. In other words, the rendering quality is high and it might be worth taking a closer look.
Second indicator: Rendering style
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There are some styles particularly known for getting fed to AI, including Studio Ghibli's as well as a certain brand of semi-realism. Here, neither of which is the case but there's something else I have personally come to associate with AI.
It's unnecessary or nonsensical details. I won't lie, those lines look pretty, but they just don't make sense. It's just random wiggly lines that are neither hatching nor actual folds or creases that don't make much sense in terms of shape or direction.
Third Indicator: Anatomy
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Broken, fingers and toes, missing nails. Whatever other crap the AI decides to come up with. This doesn't need much of an explanation.
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Also, misdirected folds and creases and objects that are clipping through one another.
All three of these mistakes happen because AI doesn't understand the anatomy of objects or basic logic (ie. objects don't randomly go through clothing).
Special indicator: Character design consistency
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This one is very fanart-specific, as it relies on the existence of a well-established character design that has been put through alterations by the AI.
In Sasuke's case, the hilt of his Kusanagi doesn't match, he is wearing chain mail all of a sudden, his right sandal is closed on the top, the fabric around his hips has weird patterns that are not present in the actual design, the tie doesn't match its canon counterpart and the sword sheath is in Sasuke's front.
These are design details that could have been altered intentionally. However, in combination with all the other indicators, it is unlikely.
Fourth indicator: Pattern inconsistency and vagueness
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AI, currently, has trouble with producing consistent patterns.
Here, the zipper on his shirt changes patterns, the wrapping on the sword hilt is completely inconsistent and Sasuke's Sharingan has no visible pattern whatsoever, just weird pixel artifacts.
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bluebeary-jay · 11 months
For the celebration I'm thinking Joel has lived in Jackson for months and has a bad reputation so people mostly avoid him and he always keeps to himself. BUT reader is the exception, always with a big smile and really polite to him (and he has a terrible crush on her). She always sees him alone at the bar looking around and seeming dislocated and decides to ask him "may I have this dance" cause she likes him too, but he panic and refuses. Later he realizes he's missing his chance with her and tries to fix it. Just some nice fluff (with age gap please🙏)
(okay so I'm back-ish, I apologize to everyone for disappearing but i had a rough couple of weeks and had to deal with a lot of stuff. i actually finished this fic some time ago but didn't have strength to post it but i'm more ready now so here you go <3 i hope you'll like it, i had a lot of fun writing it!! and thank you for requesting!! love you 🥰)
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Joel Miller was a recluse. Everyone knew that, though not many were aware that he didn’t exactly choose this kind of life for himself.
He really hoped that things would get better after he settled down in Jackson with Ellie, but the residents of the town made it very clear that they didn’t want his company. It stung a little, especially since Joel didn’t think he gave them any reason to be wary of him, but he hid his hurt well. With time he got used to nasty whispers, people giving him a wide berth and basically everyone but Tommy and Ellie avoiding him. It was unpleasant, sure, but he learned to just deal with it.
Well, there was also you.
Joel had no clue what your deal was. Why you weren’t shying away from him like your fellow peers and why you went out of your way to always catch him into a conversation or smile at him whenever you saw him.
“I think she’s crushin’ on ya,” Tommy told him once during a dinner at his house. Ellie and Maria weren’t present, the latter showing the teen some clothes she might want – and thank fuck for that. Joel would murder his little brother if he said such nonsense in their presence.
“The hell you’re talkin’ about?” he spluttered, his eyebrows furrowed when Tommy sent him a smug, knowing grin. The question was completely unnecessary, of course, since they were already talking about you, but still Joel hoped he somehow misinterpreted his brother’s words.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Joel.” He sprawled out on the chair, still with that stupid smirk. “I really think she’s into you. I’d ask her out if I were you.”
“There’s no… I assure you she isn’t.”
“But if she was–”
“She’s not. Now can I eat my meal in peace?” Joel placed his hands on the table, but Tommy shook his head.
“But you like her, right? She’s nice.”
Joel sighed. “Yeah, she is.”
“And pretty.”
That Joel didn’t fall for. He glared at his brother.
“Jesus, Tommy, let me have it. I’m lucky she even wants to talk to me, with all her friends tellin’ her I’m bad news and me being half her age older.”
His eyes became solemn and voice took a lower, quieter tone, which told Tommy the matter was hitting Joel harder than he let on. He sat up straight, getting rid of the teasing smile.
“Alrigh’. Sorry for bringin’ it up.” Joel sighed and nodded, signifying that everything was okay. “I just want you to be happy, y’know. Maybe you should give yourself a chance.”
The older Miller didn’t answer and took a big swig of whiskey out of his glass.
The problem was, he didn’t need Tommy to tell him all that. Joel would have to be blind and stupid not to notice how breathtakingly beautiful you are, and this, combined with your intelligence, passion and sense of humor, was his ultimate undoing. Every time he talked with you, it was all he could do to hide the redness in his cheeks and the weakness in his knees.
But he did. ‘Cause, let’s be real – even though Joel recognized he had a terrible crush on you (though it took him weeks to make peace with this fact) he knew there was no way in hell you’d find him even a fraction as attractive as he found you. He was almost twice your age,  for heaven’s sake, and such a young, gorgeous woman as you would never agree to throw her life away to be with an old man.
But God knew that with each day you broke down his walls, the desire to kiss you was becoming more and more agonizing. Every smile you sent his way worked only to feed his imagination of how soft your lips would surely be if he could only brush his thumb across it, not to mention touch them with his own. He wondered how your hands, so much smaller than his calloused ones, would feel on his stomach or shoulders. How it would be to embrace you with his arms, skin to skin and without any layers in-between.
Those were not the thoughts he should be having, especially in public – yet here he was, several days after his conversation with Tommy, imagining impossible while he watched you laughing on the dance floor with your friend. You looked so carefree, so happy and full of life, your energy only reminding Joel sourly of his own old age.
He noticed you glancing his way several times throughout the evening but he knew it didn’t mean anything, it would never mean anything other than your innocent friendliness. So he just quickly looked away lest you realize he was staring.
Joel took a swing from his glass and looked around the bar, trying to take his mind off you – fruitlessly. His eyes still darted back to you every few seconds, involuntarily roaming over your exposed skin visible under the nice outfit you picked for tonight. It was driving Joel insane with longing and need, and all he could think of was the mental image of how kissing and touching you gently would feel like.
Bet you’d feel so perfect under his palms.
He closed his eyes and propped up his forehead on his fist, trying to tune out the music and all the distracting background noises.
Keep it together. 
He had to remember that he was way too old to be this enamored with a young, pretty girl like you. You would surely be repulsed if you had any clue about what was going on in his head, and some of the thoughts he had–
Then, Joel felt a light touch on his shoulder and lo and behold – there you were, standing right in front of him with a bright smile, as if summoned by his thoughts.
“Hi,” you said, tilting your head in that endearing way that made his insides tighten. “What are you doing here alone, cowboy?”
Joel prayed that he wasn’t blushing, though his hope diminished increasingly when your eyes wandered curiously across his features. Your eyebrows rose slightly and he cursed internally.
Fuck, you were so beautiful.
“M’not…” He cleared his throat and started again. “M’waitin’ for Tommy. He had to sort somethin’ out with… uh, someone.” He drummed his fingers against the table but stopped immediately, not wanting to give you an impression that the conversation with you was boring him. “You don’t have to do it, darlin’.”
You gave him a puzzled look, and he explained. “Y’know. Hang out with me. The people like to talk nasty things and I don’t wanna expose you to that.”
“It doesn’t bother me.” You shrugged with a sweet smile which Joel could kill for just to see it one more time. “And I… enjoy spending time with you.“
It didn’t mean anythin’. You were just bein’ friendly.
But even though he kept repeating it to himself like a mantra, Joel could not take his eyes off you. You were a vision – your profile bathed in the soft lights of the bar, your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked over your shoulder, deep in thought, at the stereo tower. The current song’s notes died down and a new one, much slower and romantic, started to play. You took a deep breath and let out a nervous laugh. “Actually I wanted to ask you something. If you don’t mind.”
“Ask away, darlin’.” He offered you a small smile, hoping to put you at ease, and you wetted your lips – which nearly gave him a heart attack and caused him to almost miss your next words.
“May I have this dance?”
Joel’s world stopped for a moment. He was in the middle of lifting the glass of whiskey to his lips but his muscles stiffened and the tumbler slipped out of his cold fingers. It didn’t shatter, but the rich liquid spilled all over the table. Your eyes flickered to the overturned glass, but Joel didn’t pay it any mind, too stunned to look at anything else but you.
“C-come again?” he stuttered, his voice strained and small. In the corner of his eye he noticed people at the next table glancing their way, alarmed by the noise, but he forced his attention back to you.
“This is my favorite song,” you explained shyly, an adorable blush spreading across your cheeks and neck. “So… may I have this dance, Joel?”
Now the people sitting around them definitely heard that, because they started smirking and whispering, and one person went to another group standing nearby on the dance floor. Joel felt his own face growing hot as he watched them pointing not-so-discreetly in his direction.
It was like the most wonderful dream and the most horrible nightmare come true at the same time.
He couldn’t do it. There was no way, not in front of all the people of Jackson who hated and despised him. He didn’t want to give them a show to gossip about or worse, subject you to their disdain.
But you still stood in front of his chair with an innocent, hopeful smile, though you started to shuffle the longer Joel was silent. The song – your favorite, supposedly – was passing in the background but you kept waiting patiently for an answer to your question.
He had to come up with something. Or just explain to you that he doesn’t dance – the sweet little thing you were, you’d probably understand and not pressure him into doing it. At least he hoped so.
C’mon, say somethin’.
Your face fell instantly and Joel’s eyes widened at the mortifying realization of what just came out of his mouth.
Anythin’ but THAT.
You stared at him for a couple of seconds in the silence of the bar before your eyes started to glisten and you averted your gaze. Someone to Joel’s left snickered derisively and in the next second whispers erupted all around you two. You seemed to shrink in yourself, embarrassment and regret marking your beautiful face, and Joel’s heart almost broke when a tear slipped from your eye, and then another one fell down your other cheek.
“Okay,” you murmured, wiping the treacherous tears quickly and keeping your gaze trained on the floor. “Sorry. Sorry.”
You turned on your heel and went to exit the establishment, your step gradually turning into a run when the giggles and whispers around you became louder. The door swung open on the winter wind and just like that, you were gone.
Then all eyes turned to Joel – and the shame Joel felt increased at least tenfold.
He saw Tommy standing up and walking toward him from the other side of the room with worry written all over his face, but Joel didn’t stick around to hear what he had to say. He stood up and left through the same door you did, glaring threateningly at anyone stupid enough to still snicker at the situation they witnessed.
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Ten minutes later Joel was standing in front of your door, trying to keep his knocking below the ‘desperate’ level.
He realized that he had to tell you. He intended to keep the feelings he harbored for you bottled up for the rest of his life but you needed to know the reason why he turned you down. You needed to hear from him that he cared about you, that it wasn’t some malicious act toward you but sheer cowardice stemming from the problem that he was madly in love with you.
“Hello? It’s… it’s Joel,” he choked out through his tight throat as he knocked again, a little louder this time. “Darlin’, can I talk to you?”
No response came, though he saw the lights in your house were on, and Joel had to take a deeper breath to calm his nerves. He prayed that he hadn’t completely screwed it up, but for now all the evidence spoke against him.
You wanted to dance with him. You gathered your courage just to ask him for a dance and he said no.
Joel knew he lost his chance. He lost you. You were his only friend in town and he somehow managed to fuck everything up with just one word.
He was so lost in his wallowing in despair that he almost missed the door opening slightly. In the gap of the doorway he caught a glimpse of your iris – and though it was only for a split second, Joel could clearly see that your eye was red. A pang of guilt pierced his chest but once you saw it was him, you shut the door again.
“No, darlin’, please. Please, just let me explain.” A wave of desperation and fear threatened to drown him and Joel’s heart clenched in his chest. “I’m so sorry, I acted like an asshole but I never wanted to hurt you, I just… I-I panicked.”
He was babbling, not even knowing if you were still there on the other side of the door, but the desperate and remorseful words were spilling out of him like a waterfall.
“I’m so sorry. Sweetheart…” Joel sighed, putting his hand on the cold wood of the door and listening for a couple of seconds, but there was no sound coming from inside. “Please. I’m beggin’ you, open the door.”
Then he heard something – a sound like blowing one’s nose. Joel froze for one, two… three seconds, and nearly collapsed in relief when you unlocked the door.
“You can come in,” you said, but didn’t meet his eyes. “You’re probably freezing, no?”
Joel nodded, feeling his throat going dry at the sorrowful sight of you. He crossed the threshold, closing the front door quietly behind him and looked you over. You hadn’t changed out of that pretty outfit of yours yet, although it was now covered by a long cardigan that you draped over your shoulders. In your hand you held a crumpled tissue but quickly pocketed it when Joel’s eyes fell on it.
He opened his mouth with a sharp inhale but before he could apologize, you beat him to it.
“I’m sorry for that,” you blurted out and glanced up at him but quickly looked down at the floor again. “I shouldn’t have asked you to dance in front of all those people and I overreacted because then everyone was looking at me… Look, it wasn’t even that big of a deal so don’t read into it. Everything is fine.”
“No, it’s not,” he said softly and you pressed your lips into a thin line. “You have nothin’ to apologize for. I’m sorry for embarrassin’ you. I panicked ‘cause I–”
“It’s fine,” you muttered again. “Just forget it.”
“I can’t. Listen, sweetheart, I panicked ‘cause I wish I could let myself read into it.”
Your head snapped up and Joel swallowed heavily, realizing how stupid that sounded.
“What I mean–” Fuck, he really was shit at talking so openly about these stuff. “I… I have feelings for ya. Had ‘em for a long time now but I never planned on actin’ on ‘em ‘cause I know I’m too old and you’d never…”
“You’re… really?” you asked with wide eyes, but he tuned your words out, fearing that you were going to kick him out at any second.
“I’m only tellin’ you all this ‘cause I need you to know I care about ya and I didn’t say ‘no’ outta malice or… or ‘cause I don’t like you. I do. Too much, I’m afraid.”
You were staring at him, mouth agape and silent. Joel didn’t move, awaiting your reaction – whether you tell him to get out or scream how disgusting he was, he was going to take it. And then, if you never want to see him again, he’ll accept it. One day. But he doubted his heart would ever recover.
“Let me fix it,” he begged, his voice just above a whisper when you didn’t give any reaction to his confession. “Please, darlin’.”
Your eyes skimmed over his face as you hummed to yourself, almost irritably calm. Joel swallowed, the weight of guilt and anticipation pulling him down – and he was ready to fall to his knees before you when finally you lifted your hand to brush his lower lip with your fingertips, so delicately he could barely feel it. He froze and tried not to breathe, not wanting to cause you to pull away.
“I noticed something when you were rambling,” you said with a hint of reflection. Joel had no idea what was happening or why were you acting that way, but he daren’t move. He briefly entertained a thought that he was dreaming, but then his attention got caught by the sight of the corner of your lips twitching slightly, as if you were keeping yourself from laughing.
His chest expanded with hope so strong, it was almost unbearably painful.
“What is it?” he forced himself to speak, the nerves making his voice weak and raspy.
“Your accent gets heavier when you’re nervous,” you mused, as though to yourself, now trailing your fingertips down his stubbly cheek. “It’s cute.”
His heart lurched at your words. You gazed up at him and absently bit your lip, which Joel found downright sinful.
“Do you have any idea how long it took me to gather the courage to make the first move?” Your words were bitter, but there was a trace of relief in your voice. Joel let your fingers wander across the lines of his jaw and cheekbones, wishing he had enough boldness to touch you like that, too, but suddenly, your hand stilled and your eyes met his again. “Did you mean it? The things you said?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation, his own fingers twitching as he restrained himself from reaching for you. His head was spinning, trying to comprehend the meaning of your actions and words. “But do you–”
You touched his lips lightly again, silencing his question, and your features slowly were overtaken by a large, bright smile, which seemed to lift all the heavy weight of worry from Joel’s shoulders.
“You wanted to fix it, right?” you asked in a teasing whisper. He nodded. “Then just ask me.”
You weren’t angry. You weren’t pulling away.
You wanted to dance with him and you gathered the courage to do so, and now Joel had to do the same. He couldn’t waste this second chance you gave him.
The corner of his lips quirked upwards and he exhaled shakily.
“May I have this dance?”
You pursed your lips to hide your joy and side-eyed him, but your eyes were sparkling with playfulness. “You know, I think I should respond the same way you did. Just to be fair.”
“Sweetheart, don’t play with this old man’s heart,” he whispered and smiled shyly when you giggled at the exasperation but also uncertainty in his voice. Joel still felt kind of out of it, too stunned to trust his mind that this was really happening – but the sound of your laughter brought him right back to Earth, to the place he wanted to be more than anywhere else.
“You’re lucky I’m feeling generous tonight, Miller.” You took his hand and brought it to your hip, making Joel’s breath hitch in his throat and cheeks grow warm. His reaction didn’t get past you, and you smiled at him so radiantly that his world started to spin. Then your arms wrapped around his neck and you pressed your body against his. “But you’ll have some atoning to do.”
His throat was dry, but Joel returned your shy smile, stepping to the side and guiding you carefully to the thumping rhythm of his heart.
And a couple of minutes later, after more hushed apologies and assurances during your slow-dancing, Joel placed his hand on your cheek, almost letting out a relieved whimper when you nuzzled your face into his palm.
And after another few minutes went by, when he leaned in and you didn’t stop his lips from meeting yours, he knew he was a goner.
He couldn’t get rid of the big smile on his face – perhaps the first real one since arriving in Jackson all those months ago.
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the-laughing-lunatic · 6 months
headcannons for spy, medic, scout, and sniper, with a transmasc S/O?
(Hell yea man, trans guy myself so this is right up my alley B) Thx for requesting! :D)
Spy, Medic, Scout and Sniper w/ a trans masc S/O!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
He took up drag both femme + masc in his younger years to help his disguises, so he’ll help you look more masculine 
“Mon chéri, you really must stop using gauze to bind, it is not doing your chest or yourself any favors. If you don’t have a proper binder you can use pantyhose, you know.”
He’d take you to help you get a tailored suit and put on a tie if you were never taught as a child
When you get the horrors (dysphoria and or period ) he’ll stay with you to help you in his smoking room
“Darling, will you please stop grabbing my knife so you’ll respawn without your period? It’s not gonna work, you’ve tried it before.”
“Ugh, fine. …can I pretty please get a kiss then?”
“...You’re not getting the cyanide in my teeth either.”
“Come on!”
He’s pretty well versed in this kind of thing, as an ex-doctor who isn’t bound by the law at all he’s definitely performed gender-affirming surgeries in secret in the past (for the price of a few unnecessary organs or course)
He’d offer to do your top + bottom surgery for the boyfriend discount of not stealing any of your body parts
He’s completely fine if you don’t want that though 
“It doesn’t matter what you have in your pants, schatz, what matters is that you have a man’s heart.”
“Aw, Ludwig—”
“And a man's kidney, lungs, ohoho! And an especially manly appendix.”
(it’s medic he’s gonna be a little silly)
The second you mention you’re on your period he immediately gets so much stuff for you, painkillers, a hot water bottle, blankets and snacks for you
Will pamper the hell out of you
If you’re getting hit with dysphoria he’ll reassure you
“I just- I just don’t feel like a man right now.”
“You? Not a man? Nonsense! If you weren’t a man, I wouldn’t be dating you, now would I?”
“I know, but-”
“But nothing, you are sehr männlich, and my mein Freund, those silly thoughts won’t change that.”
You’re gonna need to help him out a little bit
“So like– you’re a guy right? But you got a girl’s body or whatever, so is this gay or not?”
“It’s gay, Jeremy.”
“Okay, okay, just double-checkin’.”
If you’re on your period he tries to help in the main way he does with you: cuddles
He’d wrap his arms around your waist from behind and hold you and the hot water bottle pressed to your stomach close to him
Kisses your neck and just rambles about how handsome you are
“You’re a real hot guy, y’know that, prince? Jus’ makes you even stronger that you go through all this shit.”
“Shut up.”
“You picked the wrong guy to date if you wanted someone who could shut up, hotcakes. You’re stayin’ here and hearing about how handsome you are for a while.”
Bro does not give a shit imma be real
“Mate, I couldn’t care less whether or not you’re a gal, a bloke, or a bloody alien. You’re sweet, and ya make me smile.”
Def relates to you with not fitting in with the other kids in childhood
If you’ve had top surgery y’all are chest scar bfs
When you get dysphoric he’ll get you two to do stuff to distract you
[quick, instantaneous, sudden] camping trips, hunting, hiking, or even trying to shoot at the blu base for funsies
Can’t be dysphoric when you’re running for your life, right?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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bubba-luz · 3 months
What do you think about the One Piece live action show?
(I just suffered through most of it with my sibling and I actually shed a tear or two)
At first I really loved it! But then as the weeks went by the honeymoon phase was over and I started noticing things and thinking about things. Safe to say I’m not really a fan of the LA anymore. It could have been worse honestly with the track record of Netflix and live action adaptations in general [the wigs oh god the wigs]. Also on the topic of adaptation I’d say OPLA is more of an interpretation of the original manga than it is a one on one adaptation.
I think the cast is great, they do look the part. But the characterizations of the LA is well…not the manga one. I had forgotten what happened in the EB arc at that time, but I started rewatching the anime and the changes are even more jarring. In the LA, Luffy isn’t as confident as he is in the manga, he clearly shows doubt in his abilities and sometimes needs someone else to help him up and get his head on straight. I think the only true time that happens in the manga us when Jinbē has to tell him to get himself together after losing Ace and his crew, most of the time Luffy doesn’t really need to ponder and go “oh gosh what should I do here?😣” he mostly just does things without thinking or improvises mid-battle.
Zoro. Zoro Zoro Zoro. Roronoa Zoro. Why are you not a complete loser? OPLA Zoro is what men in the fandom think Zoro is, a stoic no nonsense cool guy who fights with swords. He’s just so emo. But he’s not. The concept alone of fighting with a sword in your mouth and calling it three sword style is ridiculous itself. This is pre-timeskip too, Zoro is always goofy, but he was even more silly when he was 19, this is the same man who tried to cut off his own legs and started posing when he realized he wasn’t getting out. Why was he so serious all the time. Also the Kunia story did not hit as well as in the manga, like I really didn’t give a fuck 😭.
Oh Nami…Nami…To me Nami felt a bit…mean to me? And yes even before Arlong Park she chastises the boys, but it never feels like genuine dislike. I really think LA Nami wanted to leave their asses 😭. There was no whimsicalness in her heart, TOO MUCH ANGST in this one. And why on Earth would they change her storyline with the Village, the townspeople know Nami is only working for Arlong to buy back their Village, the LA approach of them not knowing was completely unnecessary conflict😭.
Usopp was done dirty, I know Syrup Village isn’t a lot of people’s favorite arc but it was Usopp’s arc. So tell me why he does nothing the whole time! And why is Zoro’s back story in the middle of USOPP’S arc. They even took his little kid crew…
rip Merry.
Sanji…ooohohohohoh Sanji. Sanji. SANJI. What do you mean the eyebrows wouldn’t work because they’re “too silly” you’re main character is a rubber man and the other fights with three swords what do you mean TOO SILLY. You had a man with cat whiskers fuck you. Tiny swirls would’ve worked. Why was he obsessed with oregano 😭 The showrunner said they toned down his pervertedness and made him more flirty but it just felt…uncomfortable. Like Nami was genuinely UNCOMFORTABLE. They did the exact opposite of what they tried to do. Baratie Sanji was already a flirt, in his little pathetic “step on me mommy” Sanji way, and Nami used that to her advantage she wasn’t uncomfortable in the manga. The Don Krieg pirates were taken out, so we don’t get Gin and Sanji’s kindness on full display. Sanji doesn’t even WITNESS Zoro fight Mihawk which is what made him want to go set out to find the All Blue in the first place. Why don’t Zeff and Sanji have genuine chemistry😭. Sanji throwing a tantrum at Zeff was soooooo funny, literally what was that, it happened so suddenly 😭. My friend told me the showrunner said his fave arc was Baratie but he only ever talks about MIHAWK 😭, it’s SANJI’s arc bro.
And also the showrunner thinks the romance dawn trio are the main characters when…they’re not😭? Maybe before Usopp joined, but after?…no all the strawhats are the main characters hello. Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Jinbē. I don’t have high hopes for S2, and I probably won’t watch it either.
Edit: OPLA Sanji feels like a heterosexual man. He only tops women and doesn’t fuck or get fucked by men.
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mlmaegon · 4 months
lore olympus is over
tl;dr it was bad.
it was a long episode, i counted 110 panels, give or take a few. lore olympus has had increasingly long episodes, to the point of feeling arduous and overwrought with unnecessary details and subplots. i could feel my eyes glaze over as i was reading each episode; for years, it's felt like none of the episodes advanced the plot in any way, and mostly existed as pointless filler, delving into a plethora of subplots that never get resolved—at the very least, they never seem to be resolved in a meaningful and fulfilling way.
but enough preamble! you're wondering what happened in the episode itself, and i'm here to tell you. for context, within the last three to five episodes, apollo revealed that he was secretly a puppet of ouranos the whole time, ouranos revealed himself and tried to steal persephone's fertility goddess powers or something equally asinine, and persephone unlocked her full fertility goddess powers in order to unlock the full fertility goddess powers of all the other fertility goddesses, and together they brought back gaea from her vague undefined slumber/exile/whatever.
we start with the reveal of gaea, who defeats ouranos within five panels. a bit anticlimactic, but ouranos was revealed within the last five episodes of a 280-episode series, so i don't know what i was expecting.
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it feels great to know there were no real stakes to this conflict.
gaea turns back to hades and persephone, and stares at them. the next full panel signals a timeskip. it's some undefined number of months later, and hades is on his own. the audience hasn't been shown the details of hades and persephone's confrontation with gaea, so we're led to believe something happened to persephone; all we know is that she and hades have been separated, and hades is sad.
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hades goes through his morning routine, then enters the mortal realm, and the story flashes back to gaea's conversation with hades and persephone:
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here, we run into an issue of bad comics formatting. i don't plan on getting too into the nitty gritty of page layout, it's more interesting to me than it is to most other people, and webcomics function fundamentally differently from normal comics, so i'm not as well versed in how to analyze them. that being said, this is what that snippet looks like when it's zoomed out:
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this is the most important line in the episode, perhaps even the entire series, and neither the character speaking nor the characters reacting are in the same panel as the text. it's just this floating, meaningless bubble of dialogue, and most readers are on their phones, so it can't be seen at the same time as gaea, hades, or persephone; it has to be scrolled through. to me, the isolation seems to derive this line of anything that could make it compelling. it's also just a bad line. i am by no means the first (and hopefully not the last) person to point this out, but structuring your feminist hades and persephone retelling around persephone finding true love with a man is absolute nonsense. there is nothing genuinely feminist or subversive about lore olympus.
gaea goes on to monologue a bit, and ends up with this conclusion:
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the hades/persephone myth retelling is finally complete: persephone is made to spend six months in the mortal realm and six months in the underworld, only in the lore olympus retelling, it's not demeter and hades who make this deal, it's an official decree from gaea. agency is stripped from demeter and hades and given to gaea, who had no role in this story originally, and shouldn't have this role now. ultimately, lore olympus is barely an echo of the original mythos, it keeps some aesthetics, and some names, but i am certain the nuances and complexities of hades and persephone as mythological and cultural figures have been lost on rachel smythe.
we also find out that hades and persephone are allowed to visit each other at any point, so the tragedy of their separation is completely undercut. they get a happy ending, and so does everyone else, except for the irredeemably evil apollo, and the redeemably evil zeus.
dionysus looks like this now after hardly showing up in the story:
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i don't even know what to say to this:
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happy pride month i guess
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hades and persephone are happy and in love and everything is perfect and magical forever. the end.
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but wait! there's more! you thought it was over, but there are at least 20 more panels! we skip ahead to "many, many years later," where melinoe—hades and persephone's dream daughter from the future—is now hades and persephone's actual real living daughter, no longer trapped in tartarus with kronos (long story, don't worry about it). she wakes up, and makes her way to hades and persephone's room, where persephone has just given birth:
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this panel certainly is something. it wasn't until my second read through that i realized there was, in fact, a baby in hades' arms. the last panel is of hades, persephone, and their two daughters, finally a complete and happy family. where did dionysus go? i don't know, don't worry about it.
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good lord rachel smythe cannot draw children. normally i wouldn't be mean about this—i can't draw children either—but rachel smythe is a bestselling author with the most popular webtoon on the site and multiple eisner awards, so i don't really feel like i'm punching down here. her art is incredibly inconsistent, and it tends to be at its worst when hades and persephone are standing next to each other, or when any child is shown. the art did not improve in the final episode, if anything, it was worse than usual.
what did it all mean? it's hard to say. i've been reading this series for years at this point, and trying to piece together the semblance of a coherent plot is arduous at best, and impossible at worst. the writing was never good per se, but the early episodes seemed to have a spark, a passion, that's completely lacking later on. the final arc was especially disappointing, smythe spent years building up apollo as an antagonist, only for him to be revealed as a puppet the entire time, and in the end, his defeat didn't feel like a victory for persephone.
i'm having a hard time coming up with a good conclusion. what is there to say about lore olympus that hasn't already been said? it's lazy, it's incoherent, it's liberal pseudofeminist nonsense. i spent three years obsessively reading it and now i don't know what to do with my life. thanks for nothing, rachel smythe.
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navybrat817 · 3 months
Hey, lovelies!
First, thank you to everyone who has submitted a request for my Beach Fun Nonsense. I hope to have some ficlets ready to go for August. 🌊
Second, I'm working on a super secret project with @targaryenvampireslayer that we can't wait to share more info on. Stay tuned. 😈
Third, I won't be around much July 26th - August 4th. I'm visiting family and friends, but may have stuff in my queue and I will chat and answer as much as I can. This is a much needed trip for me. ❤️
Fourth, with some changes going on outside of Tumblr, there's a good chance that I may have to take a small writing hiatus after some of my Beach Fun Nonsense. If it comes to that (and I'll keep you lovelies posted if it does), it doesn't mean I plan to stop writing on here completely. It just means there may be longer stretches of time for when I can share my nonsense. Putting unnecessary pressure or expectations on myself to write won't do me any good, so just know when I do share that I put all of my love into it.
Fifth, love you lovelies! Appreciate all of you. ❤️
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nightsadness · 6 months
Bi han getting jealous that johnny flirts with his crush?(doesn't have to be yandere)
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Pairing: Bi-Han x fem!reader
Synopsis: He's just afraid of losing you.
Word: 351
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Johnny was famous a heartbreaker, but his "charms" did not work on you, though his flirting was rather friendly, purely for fun, and you either smirked or laughed quietly every time he complimented you like honey on your ears, but neither of you took it seriously, with the exception of Bi-Han. It was no secret that this refrigerator was possessive and jealous, and he was literally eating up with anger, though he didn't show any emotion outwardly until you were alone.
— Today he flirts with you, and tomorrow what?! He's gonna take you to bed?! I hope you're smart enough not to let that happen, but the way you look at each other and the way you smile! It all makes me think that you'll sooner or later...whatever — Sub-zero only let out a heavy sigh, with a maximally unsatisfied grimace on his handsome face. He didn't shout, but he spoke in a high-pitched tone, looking straight into your eyes with his stern gaze, forcing you to listen to all the nonsense he told you, but he didn't always finish his sentences because he didn't want to admit to you that he was afraid of losing you, afraid that you'd just go to Johnny and forget about him, cut off all contact.
Bi-Han loves you a lot, but he masks his jealousy with only one word "care", but it all looks like care about himself, not about you, because there were cases when he basically forbade you to communicate with Johnny, but you didn't listen to him, which pissed off Sub-Zero even more, but he never crosses the boundaries, only raises the tone and demands complete obedience, but even in a fit of negative emotions Bi-Han never said anything unnecessary.
One day, and Johnny had to face the grandmaster's negativity. It didn't come to violence at first, only later Bi-Han prescribed a couple of punches to Cage if this actor didn't understand normally. In the end, Shb-Zero got his way and Cage doesn't bother you anymore, but who knows...maybe it won't last long and he'll start flirting with you again?
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night, sadness © 2024
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mysticbewitched · 7 months
Hey mystic
I was gonna link an ask from earlier but i cant seem to put links in here for some reason and google is not helping. Its the one about the non-dualism community and how toxic it can be. I just wanted to say I am glad others agree. I wouldn't consider myself a beginner to loa manifesting or shifting. I just think its crazy how someone says things like "just be" and someone asks them to clarify it and they respond by saying something like "do you need help drinking water."
Trends come and go, I'm sure once ND is no longer new someone else will unearth some old spiritual practice and claim its above LOA as well. I just wish everyone would be accepting and encouraging instead of what seems to be condescending because they think they know something no one else does.
Lastly I heard you say on the podcast the person you were gonna do it with is no longer in your life, sorry to hear that. I only bring this up because I believe I saw a post saying you manifested this person into your life and then they changed (I could be wrong though). I also manifested someone back (an ex) but it was a 'manifestation' and all i ended up creating was misery.
You don't have to answer this if the last part is too personal, but if you want send me a message. Just wanted to say I think you have some great views that resonated.
Great podcast btw
I completely agree with you and I'm glad that others are able to see the madness that I'm seeing.
What they usually mean by telling you all, "just be" is they're telling you to realize your true self as awareness. They're telling you to just recognize your divine nature in the present moment and enjoy knowing yourself.
I don't see why they don't just tell you to turn within and recognize your true self as awareness in this present moment without all the riddles.
I agree that everyone here should turn within themselves and listen to their inner guidance instead of relying on the "others" for advice, because then the constant search and craving for more answers will never end. However, at the same time, it's the polite and helpful thing to do to let your readers know exactly what they're looking for while you advise for them to look within themselves for the truth: realizing divine the source of your true self.
If everyone knew what they were looking for, I think they would have an easier time turning within and trusting their inner voice to lead them to answers.
I feel as if the lack of clarification on exactly what to look for is unnecessary and it can come off as mind games instead of just being direct with the readers and telling them all, "you're turning within to realize your true nature. Hint: you are always *aware.*"
I happen to notice from time to time as well that some of these bloggers feel the need to use the whole "words are meaningless" nonsense as a moronic excuse to bully or put down other blogs amongst themselves or with their anons for simply viewing things in a different perspective and I don't think that's cool for anyone to do.
That behavior isn't right. It's just plain mean.
Everyone is entitled to their own perspective and share their own views, but to publicly put down specific blog names for everyone to hear and make fun of them together? Very condescending and cold.
Oh, believe me, I'm waiting for the next spiritual trend to come out of nowhere. I wonder what it's going to be next. Now my curiosity is in flames.
To end things here, I want to thank you so much for your kinds words and the lovely compliment.
Your feedback and appreciation for the podcast means so much to me. I'm so very glad to hear that my perspective of things resonated with you.
Thank you for enjoying my podcast.
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