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s3znl-gr3znl · 6 months ago
Leftist #1: So yeah its cool that we agree on this thing. Lets work together
Leftist #2: Agree? Nonono, your theory on Dialectical Materialism may be sound, but your views on kittens with bowties make cooperation with you utterly impossible.
Rightwinger: what if we use fentynal instead of gunpowder in bullets so that everyone who dies in a school shooting can be labeled a drug addict, thus justifying their death
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tomorrowusa · 1 year ago
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Republicans became punching bags for Democrats by volunteering to be palace eunuchs for MAGA.
When you try to ban abortion, ban books, enrich billionaires, pal around with dictators, persecute LGBTQ folks, spew racism, endanger national defense, and torpedo immigration reform, you deserve to be treated like a punching bag.
Republicans have evolved into a party of weak control freaks with big mouths.
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diveintomydream · 2 years ago
Every human wants to live in peace
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dekaydk · 2 years ago
ALL OF THIS. Also, some fundamentals that underlie these symptoms and behaviors:
The right is driven by fear, hatred and desire for power. These feelings create needs that cannot ever be met; they are bottomless, because they spring from deep wells of inadequacy. No one on the right is an actual loving human being. Everything for them is transactional and driven by their need to make themselves feel better by having others beneath them in society.
Individuals on the right band together in their need for dominance, and invent narratives and conspiracies to justify their hatreds. From these spring their plans for long-term supremacy.
In the US, the Federalist Society (which boasts all of the conservative justices, and every Trump-nominated judge as members) is one of these long-term organizations, dedicated to one purpose: bending the justice system away from the rule of law, to a rule by a white, straight, misogynist, racist oligarchy, while disguising this as a return to an invented concept of judicial restraint. Their rulings bear this out, undoing decades of progress treating individual privacy as sacrosanct, justifying their predetermined changes with linguistically and legally empty language often derived from Biblical texts.
So many other things are tied in with this desire for a white male-centered oligarchy. Housing precarity, healthcare as an expensive, slow and rationed privilege, wage suppression, moving jobs offshore, the persistent expansion of the military-industrial complex, the undermining and corruption of the news media, people working into their late 70s because there's no alternative, the perpetuation of a moneyed class through generational wealth, the militarization and expanding impunity of the police, the extrajudicial brutality of the immigration system, and the expanding attacks on queer people and their spaces.
When your rights are treated as subject to curtailment at the directives of a religious group, your rights aren't actually rights, they're privileges, revocable at any time.
Every move they make doesn't stop with the group they're attacking now. THEY WILL COME FOR YOU because the fear and loathing is never-ending and cannot be satisfied.
All the moves from the right are in service of the long term goal of a society stratified into haves and have-nots, where a small white oligarchy can act with utter impunity and the remainder of society are reduced to wage slavery if not outright servitude.
SO: when you who consider yourself on the left start attacking others on the left for being insufficiently correct, you need to ask yourself if you're any better than those who wield power and abuse as their method of engagement.
Overstated, you say? Are you attacking people because they've done something truly wrong, or because you don't think they're in proper alignment with your positions and language? Brigading people for small mistakes is a HALLMARK of the right. Using power to control others instead of persuading them is a HALLMARK of the right. What's worse is that instead of making allies against the right, you're creating divisions and thereby DOING THE WORK OF THE RIGHT FOR THEM.
Legitimate disagreement is fine. Simply asserting someone's wrong and coming down on them instead of engaging respectfully is not. Preferring to engage respectfully does not apply to fascists, white nationalists, etc.: their form of discourse is inherently and solely violent and eliminationist, and as others have said, far better, they deserve no respect.
Last point: if you're being attacked by someone who says they're more correctly left than you instead of them attempting to persuade and educate you, consider whether to bother engaging with them. It's not your obligation to deal with someone who's attacking instead of conversing. (Also, for all you know, they're part of a troll farm in St. Petersburg.)
Wild how the queer community has been fighting tooth and nail for generations to have some semblance of inclusion and just the desire to not be beaten, arrested, or killed for existing.
Then there is less than 10 years of policies put in place to help us start being treated more humanely and the Conservative party is like “Actually we rather you die again” openly and proudly.
Wild how allowing ppl to live has made them so angry and more open about their fascism.
Meanwhile half of the younger queers online are too preoccupied with terminology and gatekeeping fandom engagement while our country actively works to eradicate the community honing social media to propagate propaganda.
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drmonkeysetroscans · 2 years ago
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Zip it pinhead.
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notesfromtheroomofwonder · 2 years ago
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Henrietta, the Venetian Choco-bird, is here to chirp to you a “Happy ‘Pasquetta’ and a good rest of the After Easter Week. Mamzelle Pinkie is shown by her side so you can realize how big Henrietta is. For even more, go to Https://notesfromtheroomofwonder.com . #likesforlike #likes #art #quantum #quants #algos #algo #artandform #misinformation #rightwingers #wealthdisparities #tuscan #tuscaylovers @morganmetz @cnbc @cnbcinternational https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq6JcTtuf-t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dekaydk · 9 months ago
This shit is legitimately terrifying. These are in some cases actual Putin allies who would end the EU and NATO, then sacrifice Poland, Ukraine and whatever other territory Putin wanted to reestablish the (in his mind more militarily defensible) Soviet-era border. Alongside all that, they’re bigoted, reactionary, and anti-LGBT. So if you don’t vote against them, you’re okay with where they’re going to try to take their respective countries.
We aren't the fucking european elections trending on here. Man y'all were all over eurovision but the elections were today and nobody is posting abt it??? Dude here in germany a right wing extremist nazi ass party is the second strongest one. Same in france and other countries as well. I feel like im in a dumpsterfire. Please fucking talk about it.
Ich geh jetzt im strahl kotzen tschau
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tomorrowusa · 9 months ago
Steve Bannon, wannabe Joseph Goebbels and werewolf cosplayer, is busy making threats in line with Trump's retribution and revenge theme planned for a second term.
Maybe "Sloppy Steve" thinks that acting like a frothing fascist will make the dreaded administrative state fear him and decide not to imprison him on July 1st.
Unless he flees the US for some authoritarian Trump-friendly country, Steve will be doing hard time in Danbury, Connecticut.
Steve Bannon won’t be spending his prison term in a ‘Club Fed’ as he had hoped, sources say
When former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon goes to prison, he won’t be serving time at what’s known as a “Club Fed,” the most comfortable type of facility in the federal system, as he had wanted, according to people familiar with the arrangements. Instead of a minimum-security prison camp, where many nonviolent offenders serve their time, Bannon – now a right-wing podcaster with a following of loyal Trump supporters – is set to report next month to the low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut, one of the sources told CNN. A federal judge ruled recently that Bannon must turn himself in by July 1 to begin serving a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress even as he appeals the case. His attorneys initially thought he may be able to do his time at a camp, the sources said. But Bannon isn’t eligible for the lowest-level prison setup because he still has a pending criminal case against him in New York, where he is fighting the charges and set to go to trial in September. That case accuses him of defrauding donors in a fundraising effort branded the “We Build the Wall” campaign for a border wall between the US and Mexico.
Yep, he's a crook just like the boss. He helped scam MAGA zombies in a scheme to use private money to build part of Trump's border wall which was already in a state of disrepair when Trump was still in office.
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sonic-wildfire · 4 months ago
“Oh man I love this game so far, hopefully it will stay that way”
Karen Strassman voicing Rouge:
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sspacegodd · 5 months ago
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Who knew back in 1989 high school that someday Devin would worship Donald Trump, help destroy a Facebook knock-off for rightwingers, and pass notes in the White House while being mistaken for Steve Carell?
But it looks bad for the Facebook knock-off for rightwingers, Truth Social. Always a bit iffy on the Truth Part, but starting to lack in the Social part, too, it may soon disappear from the online horizon.
And what about Tigerbeat covermodel, Devin Nunez?
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junadeo · 2 months ago
Its a bad thing that employers are allowed to look through any potential employees social media accounts and deny employment if they find something they dont like. "Oh, you retweet horny art? You expressed a political viewpoint we dislike? We cant employ someone like you, youll tarnish our business image!" and so on. This is actually rather dystopian imo, the fact that somebody could make a slightly-off post some 3 years ago and potentially be denied employment for it is absurd! It can only encourage a culture of self-censorship
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georgebbwbush · 3 months ago
anti-eu parties are so funny to me because they're basically never against the genuine structural problems of the eu and are instead just mad because the eu suddenly made brown people appear in their country. or in the uk's case not even brown people literally just like poles and romanians lmao
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obiwan · 4 months ago
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hxhhasmysoul · 5 months ago
i got covid the moment the new hxh chapter dropped and i have zero energy for anything, let alone going into fandom. fuck my life. i turned on my comp for the first time in what 3 days... idk, i need to send one thing and then i will likely turn it off again. i will have to look through the tag when my focus and reading comprehension will be better than that of a dead worm.
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gil-notskajla · 6 months ago
i find it funny that when you watch science videos, that are very elementary on a subject discussed and clickbait-y, yt algorythm starts skewing rightwing but when you watch very technical science videos that usually are also a promotional material for labolatory gear algorythm just. doesnt do that.
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