May your soul rest in peace...?
60 posts
This is a blog dedicated to reblogging OC's that will be involved in the Poison of God AU.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
Poison of God AU Registration *UPDATE*
Ooookay so sorry guys!! I revamped the application form again to be more… telling? About your characters? Like, I made it so you can tell me more about them without having me scroll through your blogs! Aaand for that reason, I made the decision to delete all responses made to the previous version. 
So! To anyone who applied before, it would be greatly appreciated if you could apply again!
For anyone new/confused, I will be making my own AU!  The AU is going to be referred to as the Poison of God AU, and will have a bigger focus on Demons, Angels, Grimm - or Angels and/or Demons who act as Grim Reapers - and the Bombay Mafia/Sisterhood. That being said, I should also mention that while certain characters can jump from one AU to another, this is not a BatIM AU. Just a general Toon AU, at least, for now. Who knows, I might change my mind and throw a lil’ Bendy in there. 
DO NOT SUBMIT CHARACTERS THAT RELY ON “CREATOR” BACKSTORIES. All toons in the PoG AU are born organically, one way or another. unless they’re like, dolls or possessed things or smth And please, for the love of god, don’t send me your OP toon OCs. 
Apply Here!
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
Toon Yagi Bio
Yagi was raised to be a warrior but his mother wanted him to be happy and be whatever he wanted to be. Yagi and his mother were close to each other and loved to play, cook, paint etc. Buut his father however was just so distant and barely gave Yagi the time of day, as a kid he believed that if he could just beat him he wouldn’t be so “a million miles away” from him. Unfortunately his mother passed from cancer when Yagi was 16, it wasn’t long before his training continued but Yagi CHOSE to..,he felt empty inside without a loving mother to tuck him in. But when turned 17 his father was just…gone. No letter, no clues to where, just poof. Since then Yagi had been wanting to search for him all over Toon Town hoping he was somewhere
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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Small little gift art for @hoobins Brooke is such a cutie! 💖
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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(An Adopt bought from @d00dlep00dle and now part of the Golden Age AU! IlovehersomuchandI’veonlyhadherforaday)
Miss Minerva Williams
Height: 5′4″ (5′6″ in her heels)
A hard working, sweet woman, she was actually employed, as many toonettes were after their creation to help regulate the paperwork load that resulted from the creation of the sites. She was given exemption from service due to her great typing and organization skills which proved a great boon to the service she was assigned to. Now she works for one of the many corporations that have popped up within New Ink city, putting her talents to work there. She has one relatively interesting talent that she’s had since creation, she has the ability to copy handwriting that she sees with extreme accuracy, a talent her bosses applaud because she can pen “personal” letters for them without them having to lift a finger.
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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I officially present to you natalia de obumbrario (“from the shadows” in Latin) a fallen angel who was cursed by demons so that she couldn’t return to heaven, making them believe her fellow angels that she “betrayed” God.
An angel who doesn’t know her purpose here on earth, more than one thing she did before they banished her: caring for and protecting others
she doesn’t know about the human world and doesn’t know what she has to do exactly, rather than hide from the angels, to avoid being killed
more information soon
so, enjoy the reference of Natalia uvu/
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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An asshole of a cat that will not hesitate to say you look like shit. Works in the Dead Mans Cafe with Luvwood and has a side job as a candle maker. Sells them on a little rack by the main bar. Often tease’s Luvwood about the multiple crushes she has. 
This asshole is gonna possibly show up in the Poison of God AU so keep an eye out for him if ya like him I guess?
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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Name: Yin
Age: 25
Likes: Flying high, small clothing, sleeping, baking, archery, cats, Ice cream, walking in the rain
Dislikes: Discord, spicy food, perverted men, abusive men
Bio: Yin couldn’t remember much of her childhood hood but she knew that her father was a very bad man, after her mother Violet took her and ran off to Toon Town she lived a normal life, until the day her father found her alone. His intentions were to rape and kill her but the minute he pulled her hair to drag her away something suddenly snapped in Yin, something ferocious and aggressive. On instinct she unleashed her claws and killed the man that was once her father. When her head cleared she was horrified at the act she committed, afraid to return home to her mother with blood on her hands and the guilt branded in her head she ran from home to the opposite side of town. She got a job at a bar with a very kind man and soon fell in love with a certain librarian 😉
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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Name: Violet
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Job: Teacher/Florist
Likes: Baking, children, animals, reading, cloud watching, anime, dresses, tea, teaching, flying,
Dislikes: Cold hearted mafia, the scar on her tail, apathetic people, violence, seeing others suffer,
Bio: Violet lived a simple life growing up until she turned 28 and married a man she onced loved and thought was a good man, but something changed in him, he became more violent and and abusive. She was abused both physically and mentally. But things changed after she had a child, once she got into a fight with him and he scarred her tail, at that point she decided enough was enough. She took her child and ran far away and ended up in Toon Town. She was able to provide a peaceful life for the both of them and got a job as a teacher, alll was wel…until the day her husband found their child
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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i been so busy lately sorry for no new art 
i got some story mini comics of my characters that i plan on making soon!
for no just have some doodles of maria
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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“You never show your true wings in war.”
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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On a non-Penpoint related note, I have decided to introduce another toon I have been working on for awhile. 
Please welcome Cordelia Crosshatch! Cordelia is a talented seamstress who runs a small clothes shop in a busier section of Toontown. Sewing, mending, and turning designs into reality are hobbies of hers, and ones she does well; the more challenging the request, the better! 
Cordelia is ladylike, yet also bubbly and daring. Her favorite moments in life are the small ones, such as finishing a dress order or walking through the bright streets of Toontown during the night.
Batim Mob Boss Au created by @thelostmoongazer
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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finally i did something from my adoption character
i adopt a character from an artist and barely used it because i don’t exactly know how to draw male characters. since i have an art block and encounter this Angel i decided,why not try drawing him and make him something?
His name is Sammy the Guardian Angel and oh boy,he has a unique personality.He was drawn to be a background character of those baby angels(basically like this :’)),but the person who was drawing those babies,was obsessed of drawing them,that they decided to take one and naming them Sammy. Sammy was a guardian angel in the day,and in the night he is a hitman. He has his own  number to call on,if anybody plans on murdering people.
how does he barely get on trouble on this?Angels and even god,believes that he is a saint.
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
!!PoG AU Discord Server!!
The Poison of God AU now has a Discord Server to answer questions and/or for people to lurk! Please make sure to read the rules and make an introduction, as the link below will only grant temporary membership, meaning the server will automatically kick you out if I don’t assign you a role before you go offline. (The server won’t kick you anymore BUT PLEASE DO YOUR INTRO). So please make sure to do an intro before that happens!
It’s definitely encouraged you join the server if you already applied for the PoG AU!! (UPDATE LINK)
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
Poison of God AU Registration *UPDATE*
Ooookay so sorry guys!! I revamped the application form again to be more… telling? About your characters? Like, I made it so you can tell me more about them without having me scroll through your blogs! Aaand for that reason, I made the decision to delete all responses made to the previous version. 
So! To anyone who applied before, it would be greatly appreciated if you could apply again!
For anyone new/confused, I will be making my own AU!  The AU is going to be referred to as the Poison of God AU, and will have a bigger focus on Demons, Angels, Grimm - or Angels and/or Demons who act as Grim Reapers - and the Bombay Mafia/Sisterhood. That being said, I should also mention that while certain characters can jump from one AU to another, this is not a BatIM AU. Just a general Toon AU, at least, for now. Who knows, I might change my mind and throw a lil’ Bendy in there. 
DO NOT SUBMIT CHARACTERS THAT RELY ON “CREATOR” BACKSTORIES. All toons in the PoG AU are born organically, one way or another. unless they’re like, dolls or possessed things or smth And please, for the love of god, don’t send me your OP toon OCs. 
Apply Here!
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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Meet Niguel Hanfurd and Buku!!
Niguel is a master of voodoo,studies both light and dark. Buku is his shadow buddy. He has more shadows to back him up,but that doesnt mean he cant fight as well.
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
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My new kitty bab that @d00dlep00dle had customized for me! Please check out their art it’s great and thank you!
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death-in-toon-town · 6 years ago
The beautiful fallen Angel
As she sings her heart out to the crowd before her, the weight she bears on her back is not the heavenly wings of freedom but the weight of lies and pain to give her the hope to be free
Such wish are never close to claim…
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