#right sidebar
eossa · 2 months
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Theme 12 by @eossa
Updated version of the revamp from 2022, now fully supports NPF posts, comes with a dark mode, and you can choose between a left or right sidebar layout (learn more about this theme).
Previews: Live (left sidebar, legacy posts) | Static (right sidebar, NPF posts)
Get the Code: Buymeacoffee | Ko-fi | Payhip
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userbru · 2 years
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theme twenty-eight ♡ by userbru
live preview | code | support me on ko-fi?
400px, 500px or 540px posts
300px sidebar image + 40px avatar image
custom desktop description
day/night toggle by eggthemes
base code by seyche
full credits in the code
recommend doing a reset before installing the theme.
i am accepting theme commissions, DM me on @natalia-dyer if interested <3
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secriden · 1 month
tongrak and his 'i'm about to have glorious jealousy-induced possessive!kink sex' shirt
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lets talk about how tongrak puts on the same shirt. sets the scene up so that mahasamut is going to come find him. clearly at least encourages if not instigates the drink with another man. smiles when the other man holds his hand and only pulls away once he knows mahasamut is watching.
(i love the implication that mahasamut was glaring SO HARD the guy noticed him in his periphery and knew it was because of tongrak)
when mahasamut slams his hand against the wall over his head, tongrak visibly shuffles his feet forward whilst leaning back against the wall so he's even smaller/shorter than mahasamut. claims to have been touched at his waist and thigh (...?? when??). grasps at mahasamut's shirt as if to pull him closer even as he's shaking (in fear? excitement? both?). literally does that thing where he moans into the kiss.
then has the audacity to bite his lips and smile possibly the most smug smile ever as he remembers the moment.
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fob4ever · 9 months
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from now on we are enemies / confessions of a pariah - patrick, 2012 / amadeus, 1984 / miss missing you, 2014 / mad at nothing / amadeus, 1984 / pete, 2013 / amadeus, 1984 / believers never die, 2009 / pete, 2011 / love selfish love
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t00thpasteface · 5 months
OP, what was the result of the lobster versus craf poll? I'm very curious (my vote is on lobster)
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unfortunately lobter was robbed
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A quick Stylus script to make Tumblr's new sidebars a little less crowded and more comfortable
So, that new sidebar, yeah? Sure is a thing. The tumblr devs might change things before it's fully implemented across the board, and Xkit Rewritten might add some options after the interface moves from testing to permanent -- but until they do, here's a little fix to spread things out a little, so that your tumblr experience doesn't feel so squished. It results in a dash like this:
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which is a little more comfortable than the original, I think.
To install the script, first make sure you install the addon/extension Stylus, if you don't have it already. And then, well, simply click here, and click "install" to add the style. Enjoy your more wide open spaces!
(Code under the cut for advanced users; comments or suggestions are welcome. You're also free to modify your own copies for any sidebar width or spacing you prefer.)
/* ==UserStyle== @name Tumblr - New Sidebar Fixes @namespace https://nobodysuspectsthebutterfly.tumblr.com @author Mindset @description Moves Tumblr's new sidebars outward to make things a little less crowded. @version 1.3 @license GPL-3.0-or-later ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("tumblr.com") { /* makes sure this only applies to page sizes where the sidebars appear */ @media (min-width: 1150px) { /* moves the left sidebar further left */ .ZkG01 .h_Erh { margin-right: 100px !important; margin-left: -90px !important; } /* keeps the center section the width it should be and moves the right sidebar to the right */ .ZkG01 .lSyOz { min-width: 625px !important; padding-right: 100px !important; } /* keeps the right sidebar the width it should be */ .ZkG01 .e1knl { min-width: 320px !important; } } }
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theladyspanishes · 6 months
Apologies but you were at the top of my Tumblr feed and I have been instructed to randomly tell someone online a painful truth.
Here goes.
Closing your posts to comments is an inherently hostile act.
Again; sorry. Nothing personal. We all serve the random number gods in our own fashion.
Mndrew, I recognise your profile pic, I've seen you around, I know you're a chill community member and active participant and stuff, so I want to be clear that this isn't like a dig on you or anything, it's just a response to the thesis statement: "Closing your posts to comments is an inherently hostile act". I don't know how many of you know this, but a while back, while I was still at university, I spent around a year? Maybe 2? dealing with an obsessive online stalker.
They made it very difficult to spend time anywhere online, but they especially weaponised Tumblr (I think they realised it was a less public account of mine where I could seek respite). I would wake up in the morning to find they had sent me hundreds, on one occasion close to a thousand, messages. The messages would range from threats of self harm or against me to seemingly nonsense phrases designed to just remind me that they were still there. The tumblr notification sound still spikes my anxiety.
You can't block someone like that. First of all, they would and do simply make more accounts (I just checked - I still have 30+ accounts of his blocked over here). Secondly, this kind of behaviour leaves you in a trap; If you interact with them, they know they have access. If you block them, they know that you saw their message... so they know they have access.
During this period, I had the good fortune of being able to ask Grace Helbig, of all people, whether she had any advice. She got so furious on my behalf I still tear up a little when I think about it, but *she* told me a painful truth that day: As much as you might like to, as much as most people know how to behave appropriately, you cannot leave yourself open to every line of communication your audience might want.
If you look around at my socials you'll probably start to notice a trend. You can't comment on my instagram posts unless you're a follower. You can't DM me unless I follow you on Twitter. Places where I can't control those settings, I simply do not ever open my inbox. In fact, it was really only a short time ago that I turned tumblr messages back on, after a loooong hard think. In many cases this is something that actively hurts my engagement, but it's a choice I've made to draw a line on where and when and how people can access me.
All of that said, you don't need to be an internet personality with digital stalker trauma to draw your lines. Closing your posts to comments is not inherently hostile, it can be an act of self-care, self-preservation. No one is entitled to be able to access you in every way they want to.
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marc--chilton · 2 months
(mgv) frankly a house md omegaverse would require an entire rewrite rather than just "the episode but with mgv elements" bc i have house and wilson helping each other with their cycles (meaning they're fucking) so their dynamic could go even crazier. they bang, unbonded, as friends, which isn't super crazy uncommon but they also regularly display courtship behaviors that they apparently either ignore or write off as pranks or basic decency -- wilson letting house eat off his plate is a huge one for example
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dabidagoose · 7 months
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imsodishy · 1 year
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He wants to leave so bad.
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eossa · 7 months
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Theme 25 by @eossa
Responsive theme with full support for both NPF and Legacy style posts. Updated and slight revamped version of the original release. Still has a cute cat as your blog companion.
Adopt this theme: buymeacoffee | ko-fi | payhip
Need more information? Learn more here.
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ivymarquis · 1 year
being a smut writer means, sometimes, that "doing research" involves watching a specific type of porn to get a loosey goosy feel of how things work
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ot3 · 1 year
oh i hate this i hate this truly this is so garbage to look at. what was wrong with having a little bit of empty space on the page huh. some nice placid blue to look at. it feels like theyre just cramming redundant UI elements in for the sake of filling up the screen because that's what theyre probably supposed to do. I DIDNT MIND HAVING THICK MARGINS. THERE DOESNT NEED TO BE SOMETHING ON EVERY INCH OF SCREEN.
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somecunttookmyurl · 5 months
fully supportive of anybody who thinks 0000s/1 odds are a > 98% chance placing loads of bets actually
you have my sword etc
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hopeinthebox · 2 months
how do u curate your playlists? they're so good (listening to the glen powell one rn lol)
dearest anon, please know you've made my entire summer with this ask <3333 (here's the playlist in question)
now while i recognise you probably weren't looking for a legitimate breakdown of the process here, you've inspired me to take a deep dive, and i'm prone to getting carried away (and yes, i read high fidelity recently and rewatched the film and the series. but i'm sure that has nothing to do with it). so here goes, under the cut:
Lizzy's Guide to the Delicate Art of Making a Playlist
#1 - What's the Point?
There has to be a theme or mood or connecting thread for the playlist. That being said, as long as it makes sense to you, you've pretty much got this covered.
What's the story? Is it based on a mood, an event, a time in your life, a person, a character, a genre, an era, etc. etc. There's plenty to choose from, so there's plenty of playlists to be made. Go crazy, get weird with it.
(In this example, the overarching theme is: Glen Powell Hot (Twisters Edn.) with a sub-theme, if you will: Country Music for Beginners.)
#2 - Song Selection
Once the theme is set, I gather a few tracks that spring to mind immediately. In this instance:
• Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That - Dolly Parton
• Cowboy Take Me Away - The Chicks
• Country's Cool Again - Lainey Wilson
All of these are fairly self-explanatory if you have been caught up in the Twisters press tour at all recently. No further comment.
From here I flesh out the ~general vibelist~ with more tracks, some classics and some deep cuts. I'm cross-referencing my own musical knowledge, previous playlists, spotify mixes (god forgive me, the occasional algorithm picks), and other user's Powell playlists (topgun-heavy, but you certainly can't blame them).
#3 - Order Matters
There's got to be some sort of flow to the playlist front to back, unless your theme is audio whiplash, for example.
Now here I am a devout follower of the High Fidelity rules, which are as follows:
Track 1 - Open with a killer - sets the tone, gets people invested
(Here, Lady Gaga's You And I ~ it's a banger, and it's country enough to get away with. Can't bring out the banjo prematurely, we'll lose people)
Track 2 - Bring it up a notch - let them know we're just getting started
(Alannah Myles, Black Velvet ~ country-ing it up a notch but staying firmly in the mainstream, because again, we don't want to scare anyone)
Track 3 - Cool it down - now we're settling in
(Chris Stapleton ft. Dua Lipa - I Think I'm In Love With You ~ Dua keeps us firmly rooted in the crowd pleasers, and we can sneak in some Stapleton)
N.B. There is a rule here that I don't abide by, the "only one track per artist" - there's three dolly tracks in this lineup alone and i stand by all of them. Provided you're not adding an entire album or two, I think you can get away with it.
Anyway, this three-track run fires us into a classic (Islands In The Stream) which melts into Tyler Childers and suddenly we're knee deep in Kentucky and you didn't even know it.
The trick is to not overthink it, which is always easier said than done. Ordering only has to make sense to you from start to finish. This journey's gotta go somewhere - throw in a few peaks and troughs, and the songs are just connecting the dots along the way.
#4 - As Does Shuffle-ability
Now, having said all that, I feel like this is a safe space to admit I am a chronic shuffler, so a degree of shuffle-ability is required.
All this means is that your underlying theme is evident throughout. Any wildcards are going to make sense wherever they pop up.
With this one, the thread of country through all of these tracks is what ties the theme together (saving a horse). There are some classics (Faith Hill, Willie Nelson), soul-heavy tracks (Secret Sisters, Leon Bridges), and and few more pop-adjacent (Haim, Ashe) but they've all got that twang - so it's shuffle proof.
#5 - Points for Presentation
A good cover, title and description can offset a multitude of sins. Don't underestimate the power of presentation.
Duration comes into play here also, where anything shorter than half an hour feels like it has nowhere to go, but over three hours feels insurmountable. Unless you're going for a compilation, year in your life playlist, or some background low-fi stuff, keep it tight.
And there you have it folks, my (lengthy) guide to playlist curation. Final note, don't love it and leave it. If you come across something new, jostle things around to get it in. Similarly, if something doesn't fit anymore, toss it. The beauty of the modern mixtape is you can edit it as little or as often as you like.
If you made it this far, I'm personally sending you a little kiss on the forehead. And to the anon who inspired this article of a response, I can only apologise. MWAH
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mirakurutaimu · 1 year
Hi Mira! Sorry if you've gotten this ask before, but do you have any guidelines/general requests for drawing the imp? More specifically, I'm asking about body build, but if there are other things you want artists to consider, write them out too. Thank you!
nope not really 😎 i'd probably say my only guidelines would be don't make her pale as hell and no capital F Fetish stuff (i do not want her to be blueberried thank you dear stoners). some people draw her with bat eyes or satyr legs or what the heck have you, have some fun 🤘
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