#rhysand is weird
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lov3rgirlx · 2 years ago
I understand Rhysand’s initial treatment of nesta, she was very out of pocket, but when Feyre said okay I understand but don’t speak about her that way he should have stopped. Out of respect for your wife SHUT IT DOWN
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elkessecretplace · 5 months ago
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Evening painting…
Do you think Feyre can actually paint or not. As someone who loves painting I would like to believe she can actually paint good. Although I do not support her randomly painting the cabin like she did.
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froggybogwitch · 5 months ago
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U cannot convince me that cass didn't have to go through *months* of physiotherapy and rehabilitation to be able to fly again after the debacle in hybern. And u cannot convince me that any of them would have let a stranger do it. Cass needed the emotional support anyway.
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romanticatheartt · 9 months ago
I don't care what crimes Rhys has committed. As long as he looks at his wife like she hung the moon and kiss the ground she walks, he can k!ll people left and right and I wouldn't bat an eye...
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hugevanserrass · 10 months ago
not feyre starting their little intervention with "no, it's not a scolding. think of it as a discussion." and then a few pages later she legitimately says "you're going, even if you have to be tied up and hauled there."
and then when feyre tells nesta they are tearing her apartment building down, nesta thinks to herself "one of the few choices she'd made for herself, stripped away."
like be real are we really not supposed to read feyre as the villain here bc she totally is one
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aprill-99 · 1 year ago
Rhys: “So let’s see if I’ve got this; you have immense shadow power, incredible combat skills, height, tattoos, secrets, dead parents, a thirst for vengeance, the weight of the world on your shoulders, a rebellion to lead, and a dragon?”
Xaden: “Yeah? I mean, there’s also my girlfriend who I’m completely in love with and 107 people under my protection but-”
Rhys: *frantically flipping through papers* “this is the hyper-intelligent girlfriend with unprecedented lightning powers? The one you speak to with your mind and call a nickname permanently?”
Xaden: “I do only have the one girlfriend. Kinda offended you’d think otherwise.”
Rhys: *signs a paper* “Adopted. The rebellion thing is handled. Me and your aunts and uncles have got this. Your new mom is going to need some time to add you and your mate to the family portrait gallery. Your bedroom is upstairs, knives are in the training ring, family dinner is every Thursday, your allowance is infinity and your curfew is never.”
Xaden: “I am…. Older than your wife?”
Rhys: “Did I fucking stutter?”
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feyrescourt · 29 days ago
I sleep soundly at night knowing that Rhys will never be the bad guy, his family will always love and lean on him, and he’ll be the best dad ever.
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lainalit · 7 months ago
Me waiting for sjm to reveal that rhysand is doing the good guy schtick like hans from frozen in acomaf 
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Only for me to realize that SJM seriously thinks that Rhysand is the better option of him & Tamlin and that he is a healthy love interest to feyre after he drugged her, forced her to lapdance on him, forcefully kissed her and twisted her broken arm bc they are mAtEs
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And to top it all of sjm writing Rhysand doing reproductive abuse to feyre in acosf and it being portrait as a little oppsie and Rhysie just being Rhysie🤭✨
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viktoriaashleyyx · 26 days ago
Reading Acotar is like watching cable TV with your grandma.
You know Autumn channels got Game of Thrones on.
Summers going through civil rights and a new leader who cares for his people.
Winter channel is an intriguing mystery
Dawn is playing How it's Made
And Spring is doing some Mad max/ apocalypse kinda shit.
But no, she wants to watch Nights 19 kids and counting 😭😭
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thrumbolt · 1 year ago
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I can't be the only one
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nestasminiaturepegasus · 10 months ago
My harsh SJM opinions
-- I disappeared for a minute, but I'm back and ready to shit talk sjm books again. --
Rowan vs. Chaol: 
If you can forgive Rowan for punching Aelin and being vile towards her, you can forgive Chaol too.
Nesta's New Family: 
Hating Nesta for finding a family that understands her more than her biological family is weird. She hasn’t disowned her existing family; she’s added to it.
Valkyries and the Rite: 
Claiming the Valkyries shouldn't have won the Rite because it's unrealistic makes me laugh. THAT is where you draw the line? Really?
Character Behavior vs. Plot: 
SJM writes weird, shitty plots, but that doesn’t excuse the characters’ behavior. Rhys fingering Feyre in a place for SA victims was, yes, a weird plot written by SJM, and it still makes him WEIRD.
Rhys and Hypocrisy: 
If you claim Rhys couldn’t have sa’d Feyre because he was sa’d himself but then say Nesta’s abuse doesn’t excuse her ‘abuse’ towards Feyre, go sit in the corner and think about your hypocrisy.
Rhys in ACOSF: 
“Rhys only looked bad in ACOSF because it was in Nesta’s POV." Rhys looked better in Nesta’s POV than in Cassian’s. He is the problem.
Nesta and responsibility
Nesta did not neglect Feyre. You cannot neglect something that is not your responsibility.
Nesta antis
Nesta antis who bash her and bring her up in any circumstance are weird as hell (especially in vids talking about how ACOSF helped someone’s mental health).
Valkyrie Hate: 
Hating on the Valkyries is weird. Emerie and Gwyn are LITERALLY the least problematic characters in the entire SJM universe. 
If you don’t like Gwyn because you ship Elriel, try respecting women for more than their potential partners. And then going and fucking urself :)
Amren Sucks: 
Amren sucks as a character.
That’s it. That’s the opinion.
If I hear ‘girl’ one more time, I’m burning the book.
Feyre and SA: 
Saying Feyre wasn’t sa’d because it saved her life is WEIRD.
sa is sa regardless of the circumstance. Are we forgetting that Rhys admitted in ACOMAF that he kissed her because he was jealous, and in ACOTAR when he said the only reason he didn’t take advantage of her was so Tamlin wouldn’t kill him?
Minimizing SA so you can love on an attractive man is problematic and gross. Please don’t talk to me if you do that because, EW BRO UR GROSS.
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starrbirrd · 3 months ago
I need more stories and fanfiction where the MC is an adult. Really don't like the way we've shifted to every single MC has to be barely 19 years old paired with these men who are at least twenty years older than them. Why did we go backwards.
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an6elic-d3vil · 2 months ago
It's so weird when you make a theory or have a take and someone steals it and gets more notoriety than you.
Like thank you for liking it but also give me my shit back?
And then when I called you out you unliked the post and blocked me??
The acotar fandom is the most unfandom fandom I've ever been in.
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deathbealady · 9 months ago
This is going to be a sort of incomplete bunch of thoughts, but:
I know that the 500+ year age gap between Feyre and Rhysand is like, Not Good, but I think a huge factor in why Feysand manages to work is because despite his big age, Rhysand’s mental/emotional maturity is not much more evolved than Feyre. (The whole IC is kind of like this, in fact, but I’m not going to get into that rn)
Ultimately, I think Feyre and Tamlin couldn’t have worked out in the long run, because for all of his own faults and shortcomings, Tamlin as an individual was/is already much more mature than Feyre, and that’s a gap that’s hard to bridge.
As it is, Feyre has a gigantic chip on her shoulder as the youngest sister who lacked the education of her sisters, so I think there’s a lot to be said about the weird feelings of inferiority she likely had around Tamlin. Like, I think it’s part of why Feyre wouldn’t accept Tamlin’s offers to help her learn to read, but she accepted the lessons with Rhysand; it’s like she perceived Tamlin’s higher level of maturity as placing him above her, therefore his default state meant he was “looking down on her” even if that wasn’t the case. It’s similar to how she said Nesta as her older sister wouldn’t have deigned to help her learn to read. It’s also arguably part of why people see a lot more initial chemistry between Feyre and Lucien in ACOTAR. Feyre warmed up to Lucien faster because he was being snarky and a dick, and that was easier for her to navigate than the quiet brooding of Tamlin
Anyway, like Lucien in ACOTAR, Rhysand’s offers to help in ACOMAF were similarly snarky and kind of immature in a way that essentially was disarming for Feyre, so she was more inclined to accept his help. In this sense, Rhysand and Feyre are definitely equals, just perhaps not the way that SJM intended
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romanticatheartt · 6 months ago
You know what I want- no what I need in Gwynriel book?
For Azriel to realize to have a love and relationship like his brothers you don't have to be with your mate. I want him to realise, his brothers being mated to the love of their lives, it's a bonus. I want him to get to this point of his friendship/relationship with Gwyn where he's like "I don't care if Gwyn isn't my mate, she's my person and the only one for me". The very thing he didn't do with Mor and Elain.
In the books we keep reading how he is waiting for a bond to snap with Mor. He's not even trying to get to know her on deeper level, form a friendship or create a safe space for her to be vulnerable with him. Because somehow he delude himself into believing she's his mate and is waiting for it to happen. He's not even trying to be close to her and prove himself a worthy partner, if it gets to that point. He thinks having a mating bond is deal done for his mate to accept him for who he truly is.
With Elain is also the same situation. He's thinking she should've been his mate, why the Mother gave his brothers 2 of the sisters but "the third" to another? He thinks he can claim her because yet again he delude himself into believing she is his mate, even he and literally everyone else knows the shared bond between Lucien and Elain is as real as it gets. In his head being mated to Elain makes sense just like being mated to Mor did, even tho it literally doesn't. It shows he's desperate, he really wants that bond because he genuinely believes no one will want him, unless there's a bond (not specifically love, I don't think he believe in someone actually falling in love with him. And he doesn't know what love is lol).
So with Gwyn I want something absolutely different. He already doesn't see her as a potential anything lol. He genuinely just sees her as Gwyn and not his possible mate or lover. We even have him say he doesn't even consider her a friend, which people think it's bad thing but I think it's a perfect opportunity for Azriel, to have no expectation from that person. To don't wait for a mating bond to happen. To get to know Gwyn and she gets to know him and Azriel being himself. Because he always hid parts of himself from Mor and Elain. Specially Elain.
I want to see him unguarded with Gwyn, open in a way he never was with any of those two. And we saw how he can be, in bonus chapter. The way we learn a very personal thing about him that we have never known throughout the whole series, and Gwyn being the one to receive that information says a lot. So I can't wait to see a completely new Azriel that he never shows to anyone in his book.
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wingsdippedingold · 1 year ago
The last line never fails to make me laugh, how can anyone read this book seriously 😭😭😭
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like I get the goofiest image in my mind
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