#rewatch rant
whatislife5 · 3 months
Rewatching and ranting about s3:e4 of Merlin and it was such a funny beginning.
Starts out Merlin and Arthur walking into the tavern together for the first time, where no one knows who they are, and then go on to start a bar fight along side the first handsome stranger that walks up to them.
Then you get the homoerotic scenes throughout the episode. You have the Merlin and Gwaine scene where he wakes up half naked in his bed.
Also why haven’t I seen any Gwen+Gwaine cute friendship/bros flirting tropes in fics?? They’re little interaction is so cute. Gwaine really put effort into the flirting! Lol but towards the end where Gwen laughs at his attempts it seemed more like they were having playful banter than actually being serious. And Gwaine looks back at her with that happy look. They really remind me of when long time friends flirt w each other and then just laugh it off as a silly joke.
Then the bonding moment between Merlin and Gwaine where they share about their fathers and how they have similar experiences. 🥹 and talk about how Arthur is better than the other nobles and whether or not he’s worth dying for. Their trauma bonding over daddy issues is so cute.🥰
Arthur is so smooth with his gambling😭 “Make it 100😏🤷🏽” ugh I love him🫶🏽
Ugh Merlin is so beautiful this episode..
Gwaine being so protective of Merlin is so…🫦 and his accent when he’s calling out the thugs has kicking my feet.
Arthur is so into Gwaine lmfao bc they way he’s known him for less than a day and he’s already standing up against his father for him. Like the whole “he may not be a noble but he has a noble heart,” part is so.. ???? Like dude you’re crushing real bad rn..
Ugh I wanna keep going but I’m tired..
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fuji09 · 3 months
During my rewatch, I've noticed that Danny hears everything Scott and Stiles say at school. No wonder he knows about werewolves, he literally gets a front row seat to all the weird shit that happens in Beacon Hills.
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eldritch-ace · 3 months
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I need more bestie Will and Bev content so I make it myself. They are the only cool people to ever exist in the FBI.
Also the Fred(dies) whom I despise (I love them with my whole heart). They are my favorite AO3 authors.
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miraculousbohemian · 6 months
i'm so fucking tired of heteros ffs GIVE ME PEGGYNAT
also natasha in this entire episode is just *gay yearning* for a certain Brit
Melina just goes slipping shit like "ah go for her left knee she fucked it up in third grade" LIKE MA'AM.
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antichrists-plus1 · 9 months
Watching the dynamic between bonny and read vs stede and ed in s2 ep4 was such a rollercoaster cause it went from me thinking "oh no they're just like stede and ed but if they actually ran off to China together and had a loving happy relationship" to me getting further into the ep and thinking "oh no they're just like stede and ed but if they ran off to China together and their relationship turned fucked up and toxic cause that's what happens when two traumatized pirates run of to live in isolation with eachother on a whim".
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toastingpencils37 · 5 months
"I found something new that I'm really good at. I'm a ninja"
So Cole was saying this after Lou caught him going over the plan to steal the Blade Cup with the other ninja.
And here is Lou's face right after Cole said that he was a ninja:
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And later, Lou says to Cole in reference to how stealing is wrong, "I'm not going to wait around to watch you make a mockery of our of our family's legacy."
And I know that at the time the episode was written, Lilly most definitely wasn't conceptualized, meaning that her being the previous Earth ninja couldn't as well.
But watching this after Season 13, you can interpret Lou's reaction to Cole being a ninja and stealing, as not only a mockery to his legacy being a dancer, but also Lilly's legacy as being a ninja.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 month
Something about Tucker being held to a higher standard than all of the other Reds and Blues in the later seasons. Sure he likes sex and makes “that’s what she said” esque sex jokes, but like, especially during Shisno trilogy, the show seems to really like putting him down or treating his love for sex like a comedic punching bag. Oh, Tucker’s a single dad who genuinely loves and cares about his one alien kid despite how that kid was forced upon him? Well actually he had sex with a TON of women on Chorus by using the fuck temple and now has a ton of kids that he’s reluctant to pay child support for. And speaking of the temple, despite it being said to make everyone on the planet super horny and sex obsessed, Tucker says he didn’t feel any different, because making him hypersexual is funny (why is it funny, RT?). And remember how Tucker’s arc during Chorus had him emotionally dealing with Felix’s betrayal? Well now he falls for the most obvious manipulative lies from Temple, I guess he’s just dumber now. And you remember that funny scene in season 5 where Doc is giving Sister a physical exam, and Tucker obviously really wants to see her naked, but because Doc keeps telling him to not come in, and likely out of respect, he doesn’t, while Red Team is secretly perving on her (which they never fucking get called out for), plus all the funny moments of him trying to flirt with her, and her either being receptive or so fucking weird that it takes him aback? Well Tucker still REALLY wants her, but he’s now a childish asshole who can’t stand the idea of her not wanting to sleep with him, and is now super self centered despite the arc he went through showing how he values others, and the series basically keeps fucking with him and making him miserable and barely ever giving him a moment of relief. And you know how he was mercilessly tortured for M O N T H S during Restoration? Well he doesn’t get to process that trauma, and despite all the growth he’s supposedly gone through throughout the series, his last moment is an offscreen sex joke because Tucker’s the perv, get it? We can’t let him have a fucking break despite literally everyone else being treated comparatively nicer or given some kind of levity. Why specifically Tucker, Rooster Teeth? What has he done that’s so bad to you that you continually treat his character this way despite the fact that he’s truly the best (and should have been main) character in this whole series?
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gay-strawberry · 19 days
god charles was sooooo scared of edwin thinking hes a bad guy he was so worried edwin could feel the same way as crystal (lowkey scared of him) but then edwin was like wdym youre the best person i know im literally in love with you. theyre so !!!!!!! 🫂💗
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waywardseraph · 4 months
what’s my favorite character progression in supernatural, you ask? Oh, you didn’t? Well that’s tough because I’m going to tell you anyway.
Castiel learning human emotions. How to express his feelings without speaking. Raising eyebrows and dropping his jaw in surprise/shock. Furrowing his eyebrows and tilting his head in confusion. Crossing his arms and scowling when he is angry or doesn’t approve of an act. Big round puppy dog eyes to show his love, affection, and sorrow. Laughing and smiling when he feels joyous. Rubbing his face in exasperation and annoyance.
Watching Castiel express emotion for the first time and learn that it’s okay after millenniums of robotic obedience. That will always be my favorite part of his character because you can see when he starts to feel, starts to care, and starts to love.
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sunscall · 9 months
NOOO i never noticed mac's annoyance at dee's rant was the reason why dennis made dee go away that's so funny in an evil homo way
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whumpypepsigal · 6 months
so i found a new blorbo CHARLES SUN and…
you would have to sedate me i’m sorry
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*feral* the show is so good, excellently paced and well-acted…. plus, it has all the stuff we enjoy the most:
whump, crime family, family drama, daddy issues (MAJOR!), mommy issues (MAJOR!), well-done action sequences, trauma, “protect the family” sense of duty mindset, lots of baking (by my poor blorbo charles as a coping mechanism), sibling issues, oldest son vs youngest son dynamic (- two brothers, who have both spent their lives competing for attention, approval, and freedom; in their own different ways -), conflicted tortured oldest son, did i mention major daddy/mommy issues and PLENTY OF THE GOOD OL’ EMOTIONAL WHUMP.
and oh their troubled mother is played by THEE MICHELLE YEOH !!!!!!! ✨MOTHER✨
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ahhhh charles, his father brainwashed him, turned him into a ruthless killer and put him through so much trauma. my man just wants to have a normal life, bake pastries etc and reconnect with his mother and brother. like look at him (HE NEEDS A HUG AND SEVERAL CHURROS)
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i am a sucker for this type of genre. 10/10 no notes. HIGHLY RECOMMEND MY FRIENDS, GO WATCH IT 🎉.
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obsmiechujek · 9 months
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Bubbline with some bubbles
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icantdothistodaybruh · 5 months
yea sooooo I may have or may have not watched and instantly rewatched all kuro musicals in existence in a spawn of one week and now have roughly 40 screenshots to redraw from
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I think I might be insane or something
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craseycazy · 5 months
not to get sentimental over an anime i just got into but its genuinely so refreshing watching dunmesh. there's no incest, the underage characters aren't sexualized, and most if not all the fan service is of senshi and laios or even chilchuck. this is the bare minimum of making a good anime but it's got me really happy
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fuji09 · 3 months
So in my rewatch, we see Gerard punch Stiles a few times when he had abducted Stiles. Was it ever implied Gerard did more? Like I can't imagine a total dickhead like him only punching Stiles a few times and then letting him go.
And why did he let Stiles go after that short amount of time? I think it would have been more in character for him to end up putting Stiles in the hospital. I also wish we saw more people freaking out over the marks Stiles does get from Gerard.
We see his dad freak out, which was good, but all Scott did was give a look, Stiles making a joke, and then that's it. Like no one says anything and I just don't feel like that's in character for any of them.
I know even Derek would have flipped his lid seeing it after everything calmed down. Or maybe even during the moment because at that point we know Derek cares about him. They are friends at this point even though they both try to act like they can barely tolerate each other.
I dunno... I just feel like we could have seen more bonding in all this, more taking care of each other. What are y'all's thoughts?
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patovpran · 1 month
Can't wait for Colin to be his true self in pt 2 so people can finally understand him as a character
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