#review hamil
aisaayiah · 3 months
Review hamil
Akhirnya, setelah anak gue usia 6 bulan, di tengah kesibukan dan keresahan terkait MPASI, gue coba menulis review gue tentang kehamilan.
Jadi the first trimester berlalu tanpa ada keluhan berarti bagi gue. Payudara ngilu dikit adalah satu-satunya perubahan yg gue rasakan sekaligus penanda gue untuk ngecek lewat testpack. Jadi gue tau gue hamil even sebelum gue telat menstruasi.
Nah di trimester kedua ini nih negara api menyerang. Ya Tuhan mualnyaaa. Udah gitu kehamilan gue juga ada flek flek gitu so gue harus menggunakan obat penguat janin. Waktu itu gue ke dokter lain dan disuruh minum obat itu secara oral, dua tablet pula. Mual sejadi-jadinya. Padahal kalo ke dokter biasanya sih disuruh dimasukin ke vagina aja jadi teorinya mah gak nambah mual.
Beberapa hal aneh yg mentrigger mual gue adalah bau bakso, bau seblak (emg tempat kerja gue tuh hobi masak-masak pake rice cooker gitu), bau bapak-bapak beberapa teman kerja wkwkwk. Apalagi bapak-bapaknya sambil makan bakso.
Dan gue punya jam-jam khusus muntah. Pagi sudah tentu ya karna kan ke toilet tuh. Udahlah pokoknya liat toilet mah muntah pasti seada-adanya. Trus gue nyampe kantor, ke rawat inap, pegang pasien, nah pas udah selesai dan balik ke lantai gue lagi, nah tuh muntah lagi deh. Trus nanti muntah lagi kalo udh sampai rumah. Terakhir muntah sebelum tidur. Nah pada jam itu sih gue bersyukur ya muntah karna yg gue muntahin ya asam lambung. Coba kalo abis makan trus gue muntah masih ada makanan gitu waduh, yg ada muntah terus gak berhenti deh. Oh dan jangan lupakan heart burn. Asli gue heart burn rasanya kayak 24 hours 7 days a week. Tidur bantal tumpuk tiga. Buset deh sengsaraaaa bgt. Sekarang sih nyeritainnya santai, dulu mah sampe agak depresi. Kadang nangis sendirian kalo malem. Huhu. Percayalah, hamil itu, bahkan bagi gue yg punya cukup support system, rasanya tetap kesepian.
Sampai akhirnya lewatkan periode itu. Masuk trimester tiga dan wih enak sekali. Yang tadinya cuma bisa makan sesuap jadi bisa makan banyak. Banyak banget malah wkwk. Sebelumnya mah gue cuma bisa makan mie ayam, bubur ayam, telor dadar. Udah itu aja dirotasi. Lewat trimester dua mah ngemil terusss tapi gue jaga sih jangan kebanyakan manis. Mulai berani ngopi segelas kecil aja kalo pengen bgt. Tapi tentu saja tetap ada harga yg harus dibayar. Jadi dari awal-awal hamil gue merasa tulang ekor gue sakit kalo duduk trus berdiri. Dan ini semakin terasa di semester ketiga, bersama dengan ambeien gue. Tidur makin pegal karna udh gak enak terlentang. Bangun dari tidur pun rasanya syulit syekaliii. Dari yg awalnya takut kalo bayangin lahiran sampai akhirnya gue kayak hihhh kapan ini keluarnyaaaaa.
Permasalahan lain dalam kehamilan bagi gue adalah minum vitaminnya wkwkwk. Aku tuh takut bgt minum obat dari kecil. Hasil dari segala trauma minum obat jaman dulu. Jadi kadang dimarahin suami karna ketauan vitamin ada yg gak diminum hihihi. Syukurnya anak lahir tanpa kekurangan apa pun. Tidak untuk ditiru yessss.
Keperluan yg penting saat hamil menurut gue adalah siapkan celana dalam yg big size agar dapat mengakomodir saat perut sudah membesar. Asli gue setelah bertahan pake CD biasa dan akhirnya pake CD yg segede kabupaten itu, rasanya tuh kayak waw inikah surga dunia. Karena enak bgt cuy, nyamannn. Bodoh sekali lah aku ini yg memaksakan untuk pake CD biasa.
Terus yg penting bgt juga adalah perawatan stretch mark. Beli ajalah yg agak-agak mahal kalau dikira-kira bakalan gak pede. Kalo cuek aja kayak gue mah udahlah beli aja yg melembapkan pokoke. Ternyata stretch mark tetep ada, yaudah namanya juga bekas hamil wkwk dan tentunya suami pun gak peduli juga sama stretch mark ini. Tapi kalo diterawang kok suami kayaknya bakalan bawel ya minta aja duitnya gaes. Beli yg agak-agak mahal 👍🏻👍🏻
Perbanyak waktu berdua sama suami. Staycation, movie date, dinner, brunch, whatever yg biasa kalian lakukan. Nanti pas udah ada bayi agak lama baru bisa gitu lagi dan rasanya pun beda karena ada was-was ninggalin anak kan.
Pastikan mau lahiran normal atau sesar. Setau gue kalo normal kan musti senam, pijat perineum bla bla bla segala macam, persiapkanlah. Kalo gue karna emg udh pasti sesar paling yg gue siapkan adalah mental wkwk. Karna kan katanya disuntik spinalnya sakit, pasang kateter sakit, post operasi sakit ya perbanyak nanya aja sih ke yg berpengalaman. Prinsip gue adalah prepare for the worst. Trus juga memastikan ada yg bantuin di 24 jam setelah sesar karena itu blm bisa ngapa-ngapain.
Udah sih itu aja ya yg masih jelas dalam ingatan gue. Detail lainnya udah lupa lupa inget juga wkwk.
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the wild robot
you know that feeling when you walk out of a cinema, not really sure who you are anymore?
i just went to see DreamWorks' the wild robot on previews and i feel that way; the animation, the story, the voice actors, the vibes, the subtle social commentary regarding a.i. and climate change.. just... yghHHH so good.
I'd write up a review but I'm so blown away I can't put my thoughts into words (that, and I don't want to spoil it)
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imo this is DreamWorks best film. ever.…closely rivalled by Shrek, but not by much. i'd go as far to say this is the best original (not sequel) animated film I have since the original Inside Out released in 2015.
oh, my, gosh. 10/10. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
this one is going to fly at the 2025 Oscars - even up against Inside Out 2 I would not be surprised if it takes out best animated feature and/or best adapted screenplay... and has a shot at nominations for best picture, and best original score.. 🤞
and will (hopefully) help boost DreamWorks to new heights
roll on the sequel (please, we're begging)
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cybergoth-damsel · 2 years
Okay obviously OBVIOUSLY it's scary when Joker laughs at something gruesome. Whatever. You have to do that. But that idiot should ALSO be laughing at the most benign shit ever. Bring back the Cesar Romero-level nonsense where Joker sees a spelling mistake and hollers for twenty fucking minutes. We wouldn't have so much cultural baggage with redpilled joker stories if he was still the kind of clown that could squeeze forty five minutes of joy out of seeing a bug fall over.
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thethirdbill · 10 months
My video about The Boy and The Heron is up! I hope you enjoy my thoughts breakdown and review if you check it out!
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coralpersonapolice · 2 days
The Wild Robot miiiiight just renew my faith in film
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Happy 73rd Birthday to Emmy Winning, 3x Saturn Award Winning, Annie Award Nominated actor Mark Hamill! ^__^
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amxndareviews · 11 days
TIFF '24: 'The Life of Chuck' Review
#TheLifeOfChuck Review: "The movie works backwards, and it’s impactful because we are reminded at the very beginning how insignificant we are. As we see glimpses of Chuck’s important moments, we also remember the ones that shape us." #TIFF24
By: Amanda Guarragi Stephen King has been crowned the “Horror King” because of his ability to create a haunting and suspenseful atmosphere in his novels. His novels not only consist of the horror of the world or the evil people are capable of, but he also shows different sides of humanity. King’s novels are enriching when he ties supernatural elements with his characters.  King uses memories to…
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agentnico · 9 months
The Boy and the Heron (2023) Review
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Robert Pattinson, is that you??
Plot: Mahito, a young 12-year-old boy, struggles to settle in a new town after his mother's death. However, when a talking heron informs Mahito that his mother is still alive, he enters an abandoned tower in search of her, which takes him to another world.
Seriously though, we need to discuss Robert Pattinson in this movie. He voices the titular heron, and this is Pattinson’s first ever foray into voice acting… and it is a true masterclass. He gives an unrecognisable performance using a raspy, zany voice, and one that you could easily mistake for the other voice actors in the movie like Mark Hamill and Willem Dafoe, to whom such vocal chords come much more naturally. Honestly, you have never heard Pattinson like this before, with the closest sounding performance in his filmography being in the 2020 crime drama The Devil All the Time as the high-pitched preacher, but even then you could mentally connect the voice to the actor. I must give Pattinson all the props in the world - for someone who started out as a sparkling teen-vamp in the Twilight films, he’s really worked hard to break himself out of the shadows of that series and consistently defy expectations and be an acting force to be reckoned with. Now his turn in The Boy and the Heron only justifies this even more, and more importantly should be a signal to other animation studios to give this guy more voice acting roles, as he’s great with those evidently. Like seriously, you can’t even begin to fathom Pattinson’s grows in this film - its something else.
Right, let’s talk about the actual film now! The Boy and the Heron sees the return of the legendary Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki who most know through his projects with animation company Studio Ghibli. The guy’s a legend in the realm of anime, so me and my fiancée were excited to go see it, so we had a full date night planned - we travelled quite the way to get to the cinema that was showing this movie, as the film so far has had a very limited release here in the UK, and we enjoyed a fine meal at the local pub, and yours truly had the pleasure of accompanying the meal with a couple of pints as one should. We then go to buy the tickets and whaddayaknow they have all sold out. Yep, all that travelling and effort to see a film and yet it was not meant to be. Nonetheless, I instead made my way there again today, this time pre-ordering the seat a day in advance as that was a lesson learned. Oh yes, when it comes to a Hayao Miyazaki animation, I am one dedicated son of a bee to see that! Thank heavens I pre-booked that time, as the screening I was in was packed, and as I was in the lobby I overheard other customers trying to purchase tickets for The Boy and the Heron and being turned out. Look, Studio Ghibli has its fan-base, so it’s not surprising so many people want to go see it. It’s surprising though that cinemas aren’t providing enough screens to show it though, but that is a separate distribution matter in itself.
The Boy and the Heron plays out a little like a montage of Best Of, revisiting themes and devices familiar from Miyazaki’s previous films and tying them together with elements that have a clear autobiographical resonance for the director. From the various magical and absurd creatures to the stunning animation to the piano-heavy score by frequent Miyazaki collaborator Joe Hisaishi, it’s all the usual Ghibli goodness you know and love. Speaking of the score, the lush orchestral Hisaishi soundtrack is shimmering and exultant, that is filled with innocent beauty, yet also managing to embrace the darker aspects of the narrative. The animation as stated is superb, but I do mean it looks incredible. From the very opening sequence where Mahito is running through the burning streets of Tokyo to find his mother, the dizzying effect of the flames and the people around running in panic and being engulfed in the horrible disaster - that sequence is both beautiful from an artistic standpoint but also frightening as it reminds us of all the damage the Second World War brought to innocent people. But the rest of the film also brims with the spectacular hand-drawn animation Ghibli artists are know for, and I always loved how they managed to balance the whimsical fun elements with the more scarier ones. Speaking of which, after seeing this movie you’re going to have a very different opinion on parakeets. You have been warned.
Now in terms of the negative… the characterisation. A huge part of Ghibli movies in general, and especially those directed by Miyazaki, is that as a rule they are always driven by its characters, with their journeys at the forefront. World building and the narrative always took second place. Major examples of this are Howl’s Moving Castle, Laputa: Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away, where you had these absolutely crazy fantasy-driven landscapes, yet at the same time the stories were laid back with simplicity and effective means and rules. However with The Boy and the Heron the world building is so convoluted and confusing at times that it seems Miyazaki put all his efforts into fleshing out this narrative instead of giving more time to the main character, who supposedly undergoes a deep emotional journey. However because we are busy being distracted with all the craziness of the world, the journey of the character’s growth is near non-existent, and as such the finale seems very abrupt and unfitting, with the story choices feeling undeserved and unnatural.
The Boy and the Heron is a beautiful animation from an auteur who’s delivered so many greats previously to which this one doesn’t come close to, but even Miyazaki’s mid-level film is most directors’ best. The lack of character building and interpersonal relationship is a heavy hindrance, but aside from that this is an engaging original story featuring a superb music score, great vocals (especially from Pattinson) and also nostalgia that reminds us how great Studio Ghibli truly is. Again, it’s not Miyazaki’s best, but it’s easily one of the best animations in the last few years, and will also make you want to avoid parakeets for good. Don’t make their cute little look fool you - they are sinister little bastards.
Overall score: 7/10
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easolinas · 5 months
Review: The Boy And The Heron
Hayao Miyazaki is one of those artists that needs no introduction, a brilliant storyteller whose characters and richly-developed stories include tales of flying pigs and walking castles, forest gods and floating cities, preschooler mermaids and fantastical bathhouses. So even when nobody really knew what the plot was, “The Boy And The Heron” was already an alluring prospect. And while perhaps…
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tenrose · 5 months
I finished A cosmology of monsters and I absolutely devoured the whole book.
It's kinda ironic how the beginning really scared me in a way no other book has ever done, when it took in fact a complete different direction to what I thought.
What scared me was that I thought we were gonna see characters slowly becoming mad and paranoid and maybe violent and we'll have trouble separating what's real and what is not.
But in the end it's not a story about monsters. The monsters are real. But the scariest monsters are the ones the characters are facing in their real lives.
It's a story about a family falling apart because of secrets, grief, depression and precarity. These are the real monsters. And in a way it's way scarier that what's scared me in the first place, because nobody can't escape real life problems (I try but hey they're still here). So my fear was replaced by sadness and the heavy weight lies and unsaid things let on a family.
I have to admit I am always found of stories about dysfunctional families and their intergenerational trauma and how intricate and hard it is to find a way out of all this. I do enjoyed that the story does not let the reader with this in the end with no sense of hope. But I guess the moral of the story, or the moral I choose to believe in is to share your emotions with your loved ones. If only I knew how to that IRL, but that's not the topic here.
Some moment were really gut-wrenching, I particularly appreciated how depression was being written.
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twenty-words-or-less · 6 months
Child's Play (2019)
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Summary: Andy Barclay (Gabriel Bateman) gets a Buddi for his birthday, which soon becomes self-aware and goes on a rampage.
Updates setting whilst keeping elements that made original what it is, which is exactly what a modern reboot should do.
Rating: 4.25/5
Photo credit: NYT
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mimismoviemayhem · 8 months
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Power Rangers meets David Cronenberg. It's The Guyver!
Review out now:
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lostinaflashforward · 9 months
THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER - Recensione della miniserie
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Mike Flanagan fa' nuovamente centro con The Fall of the House of Usher, miniserie tratta dai racconti di Edgar Allan Poe, in un storia fra drammi familiari, peccato e ineluttabilità...
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spotlight-report · 10 months
'The Boy and The Heron' Movie Review
The Boy and The Heron was a hugely anticipated film for fans of Studio Ghibli. The surprise release is reportedly Hayao Miyazaki’s farewell to the world of anime after retiring back in 2013. And while this film may not have been the studio’s best, it was certainly a fitting goodbye. The Boy and The Heron, like many in the Ghibliverse, is a semi-autobiographical fantasy story pulled from…
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jimsmovieworld · 11 months
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For six hours, the isolated town is struck by a strange unexplained occurrence that renders them unconscious for hours. When they wake they find that a bunch of the broads have fallen pregnant for no reason. The children grow up to creepy little guys with supernatural powers, no empathy and unfortunate hair.
Christopher Reeve, Mark Hamill and Kirstie Alley star.
Fun 90's scifi horror. Its not a great movie, much of it comes off as silly (Reeves mind battle), the kids are the furthest thing from scary. But fun bmovie atmosphere and a few good kills.
Final movie of Reeves before horse accident. John Carpenter cameos as man at gas station, he said in an interview he directed this as a contractual obligation and it wasnt something he was passionate about.
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frankensteined · 1 year
keith david as hordak in motu revolution is another example of how much this series was always gonna be one of my beloveds 💞
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