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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 109 (Mar. 14, 1993) - “Move Along Home”
Teleplay by: Frederick Rappaport, Lisa Rich & Jeanne Carrigan-Fauci Written by: Michael Piller Directed by: David Carson
This is the episode where…
Sisko makes first contact with a game-obsessed species, so they make him and his crew hopscotch for their lives, while Quark places bets because it’s his fault. No one thinks this is funny, and it is treated with the utmost seriousness, but also it’s fine for some reason.
The Breakdown
It’s an auspicious day on DS9 as Sisko and his chief staff (Kira, Dax, & Bashir) prepare to make first contact with an official delegation from ‘the Wadi’, a new species from the still-mysterious-and-exciting Gamma Quadrant. Naturally Sisko rolls out the red carpet, but his guests have little interest in diplomatic formality, and ask to be taken directly to Quark’s bar so they can play his games of chance. What could go wrong?
Initially, not as much as you’d think. …Initially.
The Wadi are quite taken with Quark’s Dabo table (essentially, Space roulette), much to Quark’s chagrin, because they keep winning. Since Sisko is also kinda bummed that his new guests seem to have no use for him, he selects Quark for babysitting duty, leaving express instructions to keep the Wadi happy. Unfortunately, Quark is… well, Quark, so he promptly orders his staff to start cheating so he can win his money back. Predictably, the Wadi call bullshit on Quark's scam, and insist that the only way to reconcile their grievance with him is to play “an honest game,” and they’re not talking about monopoly!

…because they’re aliens and that’s a human thing, but they did bring their own board game, called ‘chula’. With the opening of a box, Quark’s Dabo table magically scientifically transforms into another gaming surface [It’s hard to describe so feel free to reference the weird triangle frame, with multiple bridging levels, pictured above]. Basically, the game starts Quark off with four pieces which are placed near the top of the “board,” and then he rolls the space-dice in order to get them safely down to the lowest level, while placing bets. Simple enough, right? If you said yes, then …come on. Really? This is Star Trek, so clearly there’s gonna be a catch.
You see somehow the game has simultaneously transported Sisko, Kira, Dax, and Bashir (who were all asleep in their quarters) into some kind of virtual/alternate plane of existence (it is never explained). It turns out that the pieces on the board are all avatars representing Sisko and the gang, who are made to participate in a series of increasingly difficult (and seemingly dangerous) tasks. Of course all of this is unbeknownst to Quark, who unwittingly chooses the difficulty-and-nature of each new challenge, while placing wagers on their success.

Eventually Odo figures out that something is wrong when Sisko and his team fail to show up for work the following morning. His investigation leads him to Quark, who is finally brought up to speed, but unfortunately it’s too-little-too-late. The Wadi explain that the only way for Quark to get his people back is to safely navigate them to the end of the game. Naturally, this goes poorly, and Bashir is evaporated (he was kind of being annoying though, so honestly no big loss), and the others all fall down a bottomless cave shaft to their doom. Quark loses. The end.
Just kidding.
I mean, Quark does lose, but Sisko and co. are all perfectly fine, and instantly transported back into the bar safe and sound (somehow). Upon Quark’s realization that his friends (using the term loosely here) were never in danger, the Wadi are like “well duh, it’s just a game, man. But also you’re a douche,” and make their exit. Since a major diplomatic scandal has presumably been avoided on the grounds that no one died, the Wadi are free to go; likewise Quark is also off the hook for... reasons, I guess.
The end. For real this time.

The Verdict
There are a not-insubstantial number of fans who would regard this as the worst episode of the series, and I can see why, but I honestly can’t entirely bring myself to hate on it that much either. The main point of contention for most folk seems to be that the Wadi’s game is ultimately revealed to be harmless after 45 minutes of implying the severity of the situation. It’s a fair criticism, and certainly a part of the reason I won’t be giving this one a high rating, but I think the greater sin is that ‘move along home’ is mostly kinda boring.
Some of my favourite Star Trek episodes are also the most ridiculous, and they succeed specifically by leaning into that silliness. As alluded to in the opening paragraph, one of the games Sisko is forced to play does legitimately involve playing a game of hopscotch while reciting a children’s rhyme. Historically speaking, none of that is inherently out-of-place for Star Trek, and a perfect opportunity for some comic relief, but the scene falls flat, and feels kind of cringy, almost as if everyone involved was embarrassed (except Avery Brooks. That guy always commits). The rest of the episode tries to lean more heavily on traditional life-and-death drama, but even that feels stifled by (I’m guessing) budgetary constraints. Likewise, the sequence with the most impressive set piece (the rocky cliff that everyone except Bashir falls over), drags on for way too long, with the aforementioned lack of pay-off.
But it’s not all bad either. We do get a chance to see a little bit of Quark’s humanity (for lack of a better word) shine through when he believes that he’s responsible for the safety of the players. It’s also nice to see the dynamic between Sisko and his officers in an unconventional situation, and there are a handful of other character moments (which I’ll touch on below) that were enjoyable, if not enough to save the episode outright. Ultimately, there’s no denying this is a ‘growing pains’ episode, but there is something to be said for watching the creative process unfold as the show finds it’s legs, even as it stumbles.
Less “Bleh,” and more “Meh.” I’m giving this…
2 stars (out of 5)

Parting Thoughts
Super-Tech: We need to talk about the Wadi’s technology for a second, because these guys seem pretty stacked, and it’s just sort of brushed over. For starters, they activate the “game board” by opening a small box, that instantly replaces/reconstitutes Quarks Dabo table into an entirely different structure (and then returns it to it’s original state, after they’re done). Then we have Ready-player-Sisko and his team, who are all transported from their bedrooms, and into… somewhere. We know their physical bodies are no longer on the station, and that’s about it. Are they in a holodeck of some kind? Has their consciousness been uploaded into a virtual plane? Are they in some sort of alternate quantum-game-realm? At one point Odo tries to beam over into the Wadi’s ship, hoping to find the missing crew, but he’s thwarted by a bright flash of light that just transports him back into Quark’s bar. However the Wadi do what they do, it’s clear they’re technologically advanced enough to give the Federation a run for it’s money. Bearing in mind, we’re only ever shown how these people apply their technology towards recreational games, but it doesn’t take much to imagine some fairly awesome (and potentially horrifying) alternative applications. At the very least, you’d think they would have made a valuable ally against the Dominion (I mean, who?), but this is the last we’ll hear from the Wadi; Well, at least on this show (they make a brief cameo on ‘Lower Decks’).
Diplomatic Cover-up: I feel like Quark would have faced considerably more severe consequences over scamming the Wadi if this had happened on the Enterprise, but upon further consideration it kind of makes sense that Sisko would let this one slide. After all, the Commander did abandon his guests (who he was responsible for establishing good relations with) just because he was bored; worse yet, he left them alone with Quark! Sure, he’s a lying-capitalist-scumbag, but Sisko knew all that when he blackmailed Quark* into staying on the station! So I figure ol’ Benny decided to keep things quiet, in order to avoid having Quark snitching to Starfleet about how their newly appointed Commander shit the bed on his first major diplomatic assignment. [*it happened in the Pilot, although I failed to mention it in my review]
Parental Guidance may be advised: The closest thing this episode has to a B-Plot, is when Sisko finds out that Jake and Nog spend their downtime together, scoping out the young Bajoran ladies. Sisko has misgivings over this, on the grounds that Nog is both a troublemaker and a Ferengi. Interestingly, I’ve seen a few online threads with people arguing that Sisko is being intolerant towards Nog’s cultural upbringing, but I’m more-or-less with him on this one. Amongst other things, the Ferengi tend to be deeply misogynistic (let’s just say, they got problems, as the show will go on to highlight), so I think it’s reasonable for Sisko to express some concerns about his son taking dating advice from a young man who was raised to believe that women shouldn’t have rights (or clothing). This also nicely plants a seed for Sisko’s own relationship with Nog, as that character becomes further developed.
Security Breach: The previous episode introduced us to Lieutenant Primmin, who was brought in as Starfleet’s Chief security officer (but second to Odo as “head of security” under the Bajoran Provisional Government; gotta love Politics). Primmin shows up again in this episode, when Odo goes up to ops in search of Sisko and Kira. Primmin’s main contribution is when he reluctantly (because regulations) beams Odo into the Wadi ship, and then he’s never heard from again. Like, ever. I’m assuming the original intention was for him to return as a recurring foil for Odo, and was then forgotten/dropped in favour of more pertinent characters and storylines. But according to my headcanon, he was quietly fired (aka “transferred”) due to his critical lack of care and initiative over the disappearance of four chief staff. The dude hardly even sat up in his chair when Odo brought the situation to his attention, which is not a great look. So long Primmin! I’d say you’ll be missed, but I’d largely forgotten you existed in the first place.

#star trek deep space nine#ds9 season 1#move along home#retro review#star trek review#ben sisko#commander sisko#jadzia dax#dax#dr bashir#julian bashir#kira nerys#major kira nerys#90s tv shows#90s tv#90s tv series#tv review#sci fi#sci fi tv#star trek ds9#deep space nine#deep space 9#star trek#episodic nostalgia
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MAS*H Season 1 Retro Review ALL EPISODES
I love the television show MAS*H, so I thought it would be fun if I rewatched every single episode and recorded a review of said episode. Join me today along this five year long mission as I review every episode of Season 1
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Critical role campaign 3 episode 119 is delayed till next week due to the ongoing La wild fire
I’m posting on mobile will edit this later but I’ll will leave links to help out
(edit) here are links to help LA
link 2
as for my thoughts on how this campaign will end is not the point today for any of y’all that follow me throughout this campaign that live in la I hope you’re okay and safe so until next week take care stay strong and is it Thursday yet.
Now back to my upcoming retro review
#cr spoilers#live blogging#bells hells#campaign 3#critical role#la wildfire#2025 so far#Retrokid Reviews#under siege#90s movies#retro Review
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Roxy Recommends: The Cobwebs Channel
Every Sunday for the month of October, I will be highlighting a horror movie review/analysis YouTube channel with less than 100k subscribers.
Created in 2012, The Cobwebs Channel (hosted by a man named Daniel) focuses on both reviews of all types of classic movies (although he does lean towards horror more than others) and reviews of the physical releases of those movies. That way you're not only getting a movie recommendation but also a recommendation of what release to purchase.
I've only recently discovered this channel and there are PLENTY of videos to get through, but I'll highlight a handful of the ones I've watched. We'll start with his review of obscure black and white Mexican horror movies and the box set they come in.
He also makes some very specific "Best Of" type movie lists. Like this one of the top 15 best 1970's vampire movies.
As I stated above, he focuses mostly on classic movie reviews but he does review modern movies from time to time.
And if you're the type of person who loves to see other people's collections, he's got you covered there as well.
This is another channel with a ton of videos so there's plenty of stuff to keep you busy for a while. Be sure to check it out!
#Youtube#the cobwebs channel#Roxy recommends#youtube horror#horror reviews#youtube recommendations#youtumblr#horror#universal monsters#horror recommendations#horror movie review#retro review
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Retro Review: Bozo The Worlds Most Famous Clown
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First proper post here and it's to share this video I've finally finished creating and now uploaded!
Tomb Raider 2 was one of my favs all the way back when it released. I first played it around a friends house and then got it myself and just fell in love with it.
I never did complete it tho, despite wanting to and when I started doing Youtube stuff and getting into retro gaming more, this was always high on the list of games to complete and talk about!
Hopefully you all love it as much as I enjoyed making it. Please do let me know your thoughts and such :)
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F! This Game | American Gladiators | Sega Genesis
#youtube#americangladiators#cooldojo#review#fthisgame#90s#tvshow#sega#segagenesis#videogames#retro gaming#1992#retro review#fail
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Ja hoor, ook het geweldige Invincible is ooit in het Nederlands verschenen 😮. "Een kwestie van familie", de eerste trade paperback van Invincible, zette de toon voor een van de beste superheldenstrips van de 21e eeuw. De uitgave van Invincible in 2011 door Nona Arte was trouwens best verrassend, want hun portfolio bestond hoofdzakelijk uit Marvel titels 👉
Invincible is een frisse, energieke en soms brute kijk op het superheldengenre. Het verhaal draait om Mark Grayson, een doodgewone tiener—behalve dat zijn vader de machtige Omni-Man is, de sterkste superheld ter wereld. Mark ontdekt dat hij zelf ook superkrachten krijgt en begint zijn eerste stappen als superheld: Invincible. Wat begint als een typische coming-of-age superheldencomic, krijgt al snel een diepere laag, met hints naar duistere geheimen en een grotere dreiging die boven Mark’s hoofd hangt.

Bekende schrijver
Invincible is bedacht en geschreven door Robert Kirkman. Jawel, diezelfde van The Walking Dead. Zijn schrijfstijl is vlot, met scherpe dialogen en een goed gevoel voor humor. Hij speelt met de clichés van het genre zonder ze belachelijk te maken. De opbouw is perfect: eerst wat luchtigheid en klassieke heldendaden, maar langzaam wordt duidelijk dat er meer aan de hand is.

Cory Walker’s tekenstijl past hier perfect bij. Zijn lijnen zijn strak, zijn personages expressief en de actie is helder en dynamisch. De kleuren van Bill Crabtree maken het geheel af met een levendig, maar niet overdreven palet.

De Invincible trade paperback is een sterke start van een epische serie. De combinatie van klassieke superheldenactie met moderne twists en emotionele diepgang maakt het een must-read voor fans van het genre. Helaas voor ons bleef het wel bij dit ene, eerste deel uit 2011 bij uitgeverij Nona Arte. 🤔
Zou iemand de draad ooit weer oppikken?
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Retro Review: Kurbaan
Cast: - Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Vivek Oberoi, Om Puri, Kirron Kher, and Dia Mirza
Director: Rensil D’Silva
Duration: -2 hours and 41 minutes
Where to Watch:- Amazon Prime
Retro Review Kurbaan- 20 November 2024 marks the 15TH Anniversary Kurbaan featuring Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Vivek Oberoi, Om Puri, Kirron Kher, and Dia Mirza in the lead roles. Directed by Rensil D Silva
Retro Review: Kurbaan – The movie revolves around Avantika (Kareena Kapoor), a university professor, who falls in love with Ehsaan (Saif Ali Khan), an enigmatic man who eventually becomes her husband. The story takes a dark turn when Avantika discovers Ehsaan's ties to a terror group, and their relationship becomes entangled in a dangerous web of love, deceit, and ideological conflict.
The film fearlessly tackled the sensitive subject of global terrorism, portraying the struggles of individuals caught between love and extremist ideologies. Vivek Oberoi’s role as Riyaaz, a journalist seeking revenge for personal loss, added another layer of depth to the narrative.
Retro Review: Kurbaan -With *Kurbaan*, Rensil D’Silva debuted as a director, crafting a film that balanced human emotions with the stark reality of terrorism. The storytelling was gripping, with twists that kept audiences engaged while delivering a powerful social message.
Retro Review: Kurbaan- Saif Ali Khan delivered a nuanced performance as Ehsaan, walking the fine line between love and fanaticism. Kareena Kapoor’s portrayal of Avantika was heartfelt, capturing her descent into a world of fear and betrayal. Vivek Oberoi provided a compelling contrast with his passionate and determined portrayal of Riyaaz. Om Puri and Kirron Kher were excellent as the terror group’s ideological anchors. Read More
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A Look Back at Tomb Raider #2 (2000)
Disclaimer: This is my original work with details sourced from reading the comic book and doing personal research. Anyone who wants to use this article, in part or in whole, needs to secure first my permission and agree to cite me as the source and author. Let it be known that any unauthorized use of this article will constrain the author to pursue the remedies under R.A. No. 8293, the Revised…

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Figure 1 – John (Rob Mayes) and David (Chase Williamson) There are so many genre (and near-genre) movies coming out every year that it’s easy to miss a good one. That’s my excuse for missing 2013’s John Dies at the End, from a book by Jason Pargin writing as David Wong. Pargin/Wong also wrote the screenplay with director Don Coscarelli. Anyway, I missed it, and I think it might end up being one…

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#“Soy Sauce” drug#Bark Lee the dog#Chase Williamson#Clancy Brown#Column 386#cult classic#Don Coscarelli#Earth invaded#Fabianne Therese#Galaxy Quest#Ghostbusters and Supernatural#incoherent review#Jason Pargin#John Dies at the End#Jonny Weston#Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk#OCD#Paul Giamatti#Retro review#Rob Mayes#Sam and Dean Winchester#Spoilers#This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously Dude Don’t Touch It!
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Star Trek, 105 (Oct. 6, 1966) - “The Enemy Within” [Production order #05]
Written by: Richard Matheson Directed by: Leo Penn [TRIGGER WARNING: Some discussion of attempted SA is necessarily touched upon in my review of this episode.]
This is the Episode Where…
The time-honoured tradition of transporter accidents begins! Kirk is split into two versions of himself, one positive, the other negative. Naturally the good Kirk is an intelligent-but-emotionally-timid-cuck, and the evil Kirk is a raging psychopath sex-crazed-bad-boy. Along the way, Spock imparts his hilariously troubling views about the human psyche.
The Breakdown
The crux of this episode’s conflict stems from two key talking points, so let’s start with the transporter B-Plot, before we tackle the significantly more problematic A-Plot.
Let the transporter shenanigans begin: The Enterprise crew are surveying one of the many styrofoam-desert-planets scattered across the alpha quadrant, when their geologist sustains an injury from a rockslide that subsequently covers him with a yellow powdered-ore that fucks up the transporters after he gets beamed to the ship for medical treatment. Shortly thereafter, Kirk also beams back up, but he arrives with some dizziness and a somewhat lethargic demeanor. Since even the slightest frailty is so unlike the incredible specimen-that-is-Kirk, Scotty escorts him into the corridor (leaving the room unattended), when the transporter pad fires up again on it’s own, and spits out a second kirk; except this one is FUCKING INSANE!
While the Good-Kirk/Bad-Kirk debacle carries on over in the A-Plot, Scotty is hard at work establishing his reputation as a miracle worker. You see, after Kirk’s literal-split personality disorder starts up, the survey team (now led by Sulu) sends up an indigenous alien unicorn-dog they found (essentially just a normal dog in a cute little horned onesie), which also splits into calm-v-rabid duplicates. Scotty quickly figures out that the yellow ore is the problem, meaning that until he can fix it, he doesn’t dare beam anyone else back up without risking a transpo-splitting fiasco, leaving the landing party stranded. The problem is that night is fast approaching down on styro-firma, where the temperatures drop well below freezing as the sun goes down, meaning poor Scotty’s working against the clock. Classic!

Now, thankfully Scotty whips up a way to reverse the splitting process on the unicorn-dog, but the shock of being re-merged into one pup tragically kills it. Naturally, Spock recklessly proposes that the two Kirks give the transporters a whirl next, despite the risks, because the story needs to keep moving. And speaking of the two Kirks, lets switch over to the A-plot!
Seeing Double: Yeah, so Kirk gets split in two. Here’s the basic expository low-down from Spock’s own mouth; Good-Kirk is compassionate and intelligent, and Bad-Kirk rageful and willful. This means (according to some incredibly tenuous logic) that while the good Kirk is more pleasant, his ability to take decisive action is significantly diminished, compromising his ability to command. Likewise, Bad-Kirk is capable of making decisions very quickly, but he’s a sexual predator, so… ‘nuff said.
Oh, and in case you thought I was exaggerating, Bad-Kirk’s first impulse is legitimately to straight up enter his Yeoman’s (Janice Rand’s) quarters and force himself on her. Thankfully she manages to call for help before things become tragic, but not before getting deeply uncomfortable to watch. Naturally everyone doubts her story about Kirk’s attempted assault (because that’s so implausible…), but after Scotty fills them in about the unicorn-dog, Spock figures out what’s going on.

The rest of the episode carries on with the standard cat-and-mouse hijinks one might expect from an episode like this, as Bad-Kirk lunges around like a cocaine fueled maniac, and Good-Kirk essentially does what ever Spock suggests. Of course, it’s all made unnecessarily complicated by the fact that none of the crew are aware of the situation, since filling them in (according to some more impeccable logic by Spock) would cause the crew to doubt their captain. You see, Captains aren’t allowed the luxury of weakness, and anything short of absolute perfection would compromise Kirk’s rank and status… which is to be protected at all costs, apparently. Consequently, this upkeep of deception stretches out the episode’s runtime until the last few minutes, at which point Spock and co. corral the two Kirk’s into the transporter to be rejoined, which works perfectly.
Oh yeah, and Sulu’s landing party gets to come home now too, so it all works out!

The Verdict
I’m not going to waste time explaining how the pop psychology of a nearly-60-year-old show is wildly flawed. Obviously the will to act is no more inherently tied to our rage and carnal desires, than intelligence is inherently tied to compassion and emotional frailty. The show needed an excuse to pit Kirk against himself, and the writers used their limited understanding of a medical field that was still in its infancy. The various assertions this episode makes about masculinity and psychology, is clearly tied to biases that would have been remarkably common for that era, to the point where I’d have been genuinely surprised if it wasn’t prevalent throughout the series. Some of Spock’s advice sounds not unlike something that Roger from ‘Mad Men’ might say, while downing an old fashioned and ogling his secretary; it’s so brazenly wrong that I can’t help but find it funny.
Which brings us to Janice.
After escaping Kirk’s attack, Janice heads straight to Sickbay, which is a good call. Using all of his tact and consideration as a medical professional, McCoy (with Spock) responds by summoning her alleged attacker while she’s still in the room. It’s obviously the good Kirk that arrives, but at this point no one is aware there’s two of them, and that’s when things start to get… icky. For starters, there is a distinct undercurrent within the scene that Kirk's reputation, and the preserving of it, is a higher priority than Janice's wellbeing. Even though she's visibly shaken, and disheveled, the three men all stand over her domineeringly as Kirk tests her stories for inconsistencies. Janice goes on to explain that normally she wouldn’t have resisted (he is the captain after all), but that she was just so surprised. Oh yeah, and there's also the fact that he was harming her that she didn’t care for either. Thankfully a crewmember with a penis, who actually witnessed the event (Bad-Kirk bludgeoned him for intervening), is able to set the record straight that someone with Kirk’s face definitely did attack her. With that cleared up, everyone quickly moves on because Janice’s trauma no longer drives the plot forward.

But the real kicker is in the final scene. With Kirk restored, Janice let’s him know that he’s off the hook, given the circumstances. It’s certainly not like he owes her a profuse apology for the 50% of him that evidently wants to take-and-possess her like an object, right? Because I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that Spock and McCoy each hold to the principle that both Kirks are equally necessary parts of his collective psyche. So, while Kirk “innocently” carries on with his captaining, Spock leans over to Janice and playfully insinuates that she probably kinda liked the attention Bad-Kirk gave her. Isn’t that neat? [Haha! The world is a nightmare.] Janice simply responds with a glowering look, which normally I would assume is her politely telling Spock to get Pon Farred. Unfortunately, context clues bring me to infer that she’s conveying embarrassment, indicating that Spock is meant to be partially correct, according to whoever wrote/signed off on this poorly conceived scene (official credit goes to Richard Matheson, but I’m not letting Gene Roddenberry off the hook either).
Again, I’m not surprised by the troubling views being expressed here, but in the case of Janice’s role within this story, it goes beyond what I can ignore. Barring that particular topic, I won’t deny the rest of the episode is otherwise somewhat entertaining, in a predominantly cringy sort of way. There are also some creative elements at play that would go on to become franchise staples, the most notable being ‘the transporter accident’ trope. I likely would have given this something closer to a 3 star rating if it didn’t take such a glib stance on sexual assault, but the excuse that this was a ‘product of it’s time’ doesn’t count towards a pass either.
1.5 stars (out of 5)

Parting Thoughts
Even a broken clock…: One thing I do agree with, is that fear is often the driving force behind anger. At one point, McCoy points out that while Good-Kirk is highly emotional and regularly distraught, he’s not ever overwhelmed by fear, conversely the Bad-Kirk regularly is. I suppose this is where I’ll admit that there is some credence behind the idea that if you simply remove one part of yourself, even a negative part, that it would likely impact the parts of you that are positive, to the extent that it may even change you fundamentally. What I disagree with is the idea that sexual desire is innately tied to compulsive behaviors beyond our control, at least insofar as it is depicted in this episode, written by a team of creatives that clearly held some inherently misogynistic biases.
Pacifist Vulcan Violence: In addition to transporter shenanigans, this episode also introduces us to the ‘Vulcan nerve pinch.’ The story goes that Leonard Nimoy felt brute force would be uncharacteristic of an advanced progressive anti-emotion society, and offered the now-famous nerve pinch as an alternative. I find it interesting, because the moment barely registers today, since that move is such a casually iconic staple of the franchise. But I can only imagine this would have been such a novel concept when it first aired, especially for younger viewers.
The unicorn-dog is dead, Jim: I believe this might also be the show’s first use (according to production order) of McCoy’s famous line, “He’s dead, Jim.” Fitting that it was for a dog, the universal best friend of humankind, be it horned or otherwise. Good boy unicorn-dog. Good boy.
Medical Binge Drinking: So, I guess McCoy has a liquor cabinet in sickbay. Immediately after Bad-Kirk emerges, he heads straight for sickbay and demands a drink. He even goes so far as to shake McCoy until he surrenders an entire bottle of booze, and then proceeds to chug it like a frat-boy on a bender, stumbling down a corridor. I realize drinking on the job was more socially acceptable in the 60’s, but it does seem odd that a doctor would have enough drinking alcohol to stock a small bar, for the purpose of serving it to patients. I guess the 23rd century is so progressive that my feeble 21st century mind just wouldn’t understand. Yeah, that must be it.

#star trek the original series#star trek production order#the enemy within#trigger warning sa#retro review#star trek review#transporter accident#star trek tos#star trek#captain kirk#spock#doctor mccoy#bones mccoy#tos scotty#beam me up scotty#hes dead jim#friday the 13th#60s tv#60s tv series#60s tv shows#classic television#THAT hasn't aged well#episodic nostalgia
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MAS*H: The Longjohn Flap | Season 1 Episode 19 | Retro Review
I love the television show MAS*H, so I thought it would be fun if I rewatched every single episode and recorded a review of said episode. Join me today along this five year long mission as I review the Season 1 Episode 19: The Longjohn Flap.
#mash#mash 4077#m*a*s*h#m*a*s*h 4077#the longjohn flap#longjohns#hawkeye#hawkeye pierce#trapper#trapper john mcintyre#frank burns#henry blake#radar#radar o'reilly#review#retro review#youtube#jonberry555#Youtube
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so in honor of Resident Evil 4 Remake out this week i gotta ask
#resident evil#RE movies#milla jovovich#paul w.s. anderson#resident evil 4 remake#retrokid reviews#polls#not vanilla extract#retro review#upcoming content
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Analysis of ‘Phool Aur Patthar’: An Effective, Old School and Classic Template of Masala and Messaging
The purposefulness, that we witness here, is sadly making an exit from modern day mainstream writing at a rate which is both alarming and disturbing. It is this mastery of connecting each dot at an opportune point that used to make these old school screenplays very cohesive even if the film might not work in totality. The blink and miss comic moment is a visual pun as well where a humorous relief…

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#1966#Amazon Prime#Dharmendra#Jeevan#Madan Puri#Meena Kumari#Musical#O.P Ralhan#Phool Aur Patthar#Retro Review#Social Drama
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Se7en Review-A Noir that Became A Masterpiece in Years to Come For David Fincher
David Fincher has been a director who has dabbled in a lot of different genres in his career. He started out doing music videos before getting his big break on Alien 3, which didn’t turn out so well for him back in 1992. Most people didn’t like Alien 3 that much. Still, fans and critics who felt like paying attention could see his sense of style and what he was going for in Alien 3, which would…

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#1995#Brad Pitt#Crime#David Fincher#Film Noir#Gweneth Paltrow#John C McGinley#Morgan Freeman#R Lee Ermey. Warner Brothers#Retro Review#Seven#Thriller
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