#rental expenses
thetaxguyin · 4 months
House Rent Allowance (HRA) under the Income Tax Act of 1961
House Rent Allowance (HRA) stands as a significant component of salary for many employees, offering tax benefits under the Income Tax Act of 1961. Yet, understanding the intricacies of HRA and its tax implications can often be perplexing. In this blog post, we delve into the fundamentals of HRA, providing clarity and insights to taxpayers. Understanding House Rent Allowance (HRA): What is HRA?…
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albatris · 1 year
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edmund and his expressive eyebrows
I think my narration is funny
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
my food stamps got cut by $14 more??? After it was already cut by $60 a few months ago???
I'm now receiving $185 less a month in food stamps than I got a few years ago. And food prices have nearly doubled. This is bullshit.
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chaoticcutiewhirl · 25 days
Oh Arizona... Please change-
Like to rant a little, we started to look into diagnosis, we don't wanna lose eachother, but we want to see if we are being delusional even though I am sure we fucking aren't. And looking at all therapists in 30 miles of us, most commonly its people who are without clear locations, "christian therapy", or some form of oddity that puts us off. Like the most likely one I can recall was a horsegirl, and her office itself has a very cowboy theme and is a single consultant thing...
You see out issue right?
Like- why can't there be a normal therapist relatively close by that doesn't have scamy vibes or shit reviews.
-Lucinda 🌵
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hylianengineer · 29 days
I'm so tired. I want a nap but I have to figure out how to ship hazmats through FedEx instead. I hate traveling for work. I have now done it a grand total of Once but I hate it already. I have to be in Arizona one week from today and I have to fly because it's almost a 20hr drive and UGH. No hazmats on airplanes therefore fedex. The USPS does not ship hazmat but fedex and ups do. Somehow. I bet there's a ream of paperwork involved.
I hate hazardous materials I want to never work with them again. Guess what I'm doing the rest of the summer though. Guess.
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normalbrothers · 9 months
i do think living own your own can be an important milestone as far as personal development and independence go (and i think this would serve me better in the long run), but so many people recently tried to, in an arguably well-meaning way, to tell me to move out and be on my own just for me to find out that their parents are partly or entirely paying for their rent
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sezoon · 8 months
i think everyone's income should have to increase every time rent does and by the same amount
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funkle420 · 8 days
i think maybe the worst thing abt acquiring this dungeon meshi obsession is that Marcille wears those goddamn sandals which means I have to draw feet which means I have to look up feet pics cause I avoid drawing feet so much that I don't know how to draw them without a ref,,,
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jellogram · 21 days
A few days ago I was sobbing in the back of a rental car in Ohio and tonight I was singing Whitney with strangers in a bar while hugging and kissing other drunk people. I don't really know what's going on in my life but it sure as fuck isn't boring. Which I suppose is all I ever wanted.
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clarascuro · 26 days
If I made just $2 more per hour I could afford to live on my own next year. Like I would be miserably poor and I'd have to get all of my food from the community kitchen but at least I wouldn't have to live with my mother lol
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waywardsculs · 4 months
i think i've hit the point i'm looking forward to moving back in with my parents. it'll give me time to build up savings, settle into my new job, work on my health... sure i won't have the same freedom i did living away from them, but they're not controlling or anything, so i can live with it.
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poltergeistings · 1 month
i got my insurance check at long last . im getting another suv BUT . do i want the electric hyundai kona with 66k miles or do i want a subaru outback with 26k miles . they are the same price
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clarajam · 2 months
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longroadstonowhere · 4 months
renting a car for a week cost more than the cost of my round-trip flight
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Saffron Evan in the middle of a panic attack and Mike tries helping but just makes it worse because Evan thinks he's William in his panic
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kraniumet · 5 months
In the gilded words of Maximillion Pegasus. "Why does my wife keep exploding?"
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