#religion tw maybe?
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icara-mack · 6 months ago
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back again with my entry for the @sixteenth-day-event <3
prompt was: church prime in summer
I finished this.. 2 minutes ago! I am normal. tumblr probably ate the quality, RIP
inspired very heavily by a piece I saw a couple weeks ago 🩵
(trying to find the user for credit so if anyone recognises the background layout! Tell me! I referenced from memory and am pretty sure the og was on tumblr)
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pigswithwings · 2 years ago
this'll be the last oceanblr post. promise. is everyone here familiar with niche aquatic events btw
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🐋 simplecetacean Follow
haha might fuck around and let my body become an unidentifiable mass that washes up on several shores and won't decay and will be mysterious to scientists for years upon years
🐋 simplecetacean Follow
might fuck around and bite off a man's leg but leave the rest of him alive, kickstarting a violent and all-consuming battle between us
🐋 simplecetacean Follow
might fuck around and absolutely troll this guy named jonah
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🦑 strawberry-squidz Follow
Squids that destroy ships and squids that have never seen a ship shouldn't be fighting. They should be kissing. That's why this pride month,
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🌑 greatbitesharkof87-deactivated Follow
lol im floating by this sandbar and theres sooo many humans gathered near the shore. looked out of the water earlier and theres a big old whale body just sitting on the beach, hope nothing bad happens lmaooo
🎣 marlingardens-deactivated Follow
top ten posts that make you feel like it's the 1970s in Florence, Oregon
🐙 ask-an-argonaut Follow
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🌿 misc-manatee-mutters Follow
pacific ocean superiority this & indian ocean superiority that. when will you guys focus on the real problem, the blood ocean
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🔍ms-magnap1nna Follow
Made a new friend today. Everyone better cheer and clap or I'm dragging you into the hadal zone
🐌 justasnailfish Follow
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🌙 fishoftheabyss Follow
What do Epipelagic Zoners even do? Like it sounds ridiculous up there. Ooh, there's rain! Wow, a coral reef! I might even hop out of the waves a couple of times for funsies! Tf do you even have over Abyssopelagic Zoners. Go to shell
🌱 kelps-forests43 Follow
cranky because you've never seen the sun huh
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aphidclan-clangen · 10 months ago
Ollie how are you ALIVE??.
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boy has so much mental illness it’s insane
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year ago
Alicent and Aegon are so Virgin Mary and Jesus coded, in a sick and twisted way that it barely makes sense, but at the same time just... does.
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a mother and her child born damned from the start, yet she loved him to her core, accepting her fate, accepting she would lose him and then herself.
she carried him, birthed him, raised him, loved him, devoted her very being to him... she lost him, grieved him, lost her mind in his absence. the gods her only respite, yet, when she needed them most, when she needed them to protect her son, her baby, her reason for being, where were they?
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suzie-snail · 9 days ago
taking a break from tumblr for the next uh... *checks calendar* ...46 days. i'll be back on easter sunday
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lilacandladybugs · 2 months ago
i LOVE women and im a christian and sometimes reading commentaries on the Bible makes me feel fucking crazy stay safe out there girls
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thattheater-kid · 3 months ago
Almost died of a severe asthma attack yesterday. I went for a run, forgot air gets drier and thinner when it’s cold, left my inhaler in my room. I stopped the run early to go to my room and get my inhaler, but I couldn’t get the drawer open, so I started panicking, and that only made my attack worse.
I’m all good now except I feel this overwhelming urge to pray constantly and go to church. Not quite sure why. Idk what it means. But that’s a thing now, just like a random life update ig.
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thestressedsimmer · 1 month ago
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Usually, Sister Emma was who cleaned around the place as the most junior nun. Princess Mary was, well, a princess and Sister Joan was acting abbess (though she had not yet earned the term Mother) so they were expected to handle other duties.
Right now, though, it didn't seem fair to expect her to do that. She was still recovering from her ordeal - and the ordeal itself might gain her a promotion, as Mary had alerted their local bishop. Joan just hoped she wouldn't be moved, her heart couldn't take it. There was no talks of that so far, though, just her gaining some more recognition and responsibilities.
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There was a peacefulness in cleaning, Joan found. She wasn't thinking about what her poor beloved was going through, she wasn't thinking about the stolen donations, she wasn't thinking about anything.
She was just watching dirty surfaces become clean. She was watching dust disappear. She was making old things new.
Maybe, even once Emma was back to her old self, Joan would keep this duty. If she could fit it around everything else that she had to.
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rotzxd · 2 months ago
I try not to get political / talk about religion because i really feel like i am very uneducated in that area but like i’ve been thinking (and my apologies if this is a stupid/uneducated post feel free to correct me on anything ! ) ;
Why do Religious people care so much about others peoples choices? specifically more about Abortions etc
Like They aren’t going to be rejected at the pearly gates because Nancy is Pro-Choice and got an abortion, you repent YOUR SINS not others, they should be more concerned about their sins and how they’re impacting others in their life because i personally believe that matters more to your spot in heaven rather than nancy’s opinions.
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navyal · 6 months ago
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wyrm-with-a-why · 7 months ago
Today has just been me realizing I might have religious trauma???
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year ago
so often i see people equating hierophilia with religious trauma and im just over here like. actually im just into it bc its hot <3 xoxo
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valeria-garza-enjoyer · 1 year ago
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman.
And I, unfortunately, am a lot like the type o-negative song, simply titled “Christian woman”. I will never be like the nuns at my church or the dedicated mother doting on her children, either.
I give into temptation. I lust and give into the sins of the flesh. I beg to serve and be served sexually. I want to be on my back or knees.
But, Christ, oh Corpus Christi. The purest lamb, son of god and carpenter.
I bow my head in shame when I see someone pray. I wonder what it’s like not to struggle with your religion. I sob violently when I pray, ashamed of who I’ve become. I know the child I used to be is wondering where I went wrong, why I no longer try to believe. I cry for her when I pray.
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman. And I’ve failed to meet so many expectations put upon me.
I curse like a sailor. I steal alcohol occasionally. I’ve gotten high. I masturbate at least three times a week. I skip church. I refuse to kiss and venerate the cross or priest, not out of disrespect, but shame and loss of belief. I don’t venerate the icon and I refuse to go to confession. I can’t look at an icon without my eyes welling up with tears in shame. When I was forced to go to church I was told I had to take communion, even if i hadn’t prepared or fasted. I felt so ashamed that I took your body and blood, knowing I had in no way prepared for it.
I was once the lamb covered in mud because time and time again I ran away from the herd and got stuck in a bush of thorns. My once beautiful coat is muddied. My skin is bruised and cut. My soul is tainted.
I can only hope that my sins will be washed away at the pearly gates. My coat will sparkle a fresh white, my bruises and cuts gone, my soul pure.
Because as I am no lamb anymore. I am the goat. The devils creature. My eyes have turned into slits because I judge people. I have grown horns to defend myself. My coat is so matted it becomes thin and bristly. My tail is jagged and torn.
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman. And I, unfortunately, pray for forgiveness every Sunday night. The same night I usually find my fingers knuckle deep in my virgin sex.
I beg to be saved, to be cleansed by the holiest of holy water. I grip my prayer rope tightly and beg for this round of Our Father’s to be the one I stick to. I weep every time I go to confession, so ashamed of the sins I’ve committed.
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman. But Jesus would still wash my feet, right?
I still have a favorite set of Bible verses I say to myself when I’m scared. The small child in me repeats them when the sky lights up with thunder and lightning in the dead of night. Joshua 1:9 and Ephesians 2:8-10 repeat every time I have to do something I’m scared to do.
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman. I feel weak when I can’t continue my fasts because I get light headed and nauseous on my period.
I feel so unclean and ashamed of my period, even though it is a miracle and a blessing to be so healthy. I cry when my cramps hit, not only because of pain, but shame, knowing our savior went through so much more to save us. I writhe in pain for hours, hoping my suffering will make up for my sins.
My suffering will never make up for my sins. It will never make up for the people I’ve hurt and driven away. It will never make up for all the times I pushed Lord Christ away.
My back aches. My head pounds. My throat is dry and my eyes strain. My feet are sore. I know that if I were to come back to the light, be the lamb once again, my pain and suffering would subside. I could once again bask in the healing light of the Lord. But I feel as if I’m too far gone. My body has contorted into that of a goat, devilish and angry. I must defend myself as I have no God to guide me anymore. I strayed too far from his light.
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman. And I can barely look Father John in the eyes.
He’s been my priest since I was a kid, I love him dearly. But I can’t even fathom telling him these thoughts. Having a person I’ve known since I was a kid know my struggles. I’m scared he’d bash me for falling so far from the light.
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman. I fear the day that lent starts. It’s marked on my calendar with a question mark. March 18, 2024: lent starts?
It’s not a question because I don’t know when it starts, I’ve been aware since the beginning of the year. It’s a question because Am I Gonna Participate This Year? Will I go to vespers, will I go to confession, will I read the gospels, will I attend the matins services, will I fast, will I? Will I?
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman. And I know all my actions and words cast shame upon my family.
My dad’s side of the family is from Greece. My grandma, God rest her soul, was a devout Greek Orthodox Christian. I know the farther I fall from my faith the more shame I put upon her and all her family before her.
My mom converted to marry my dad in the Orthodox Church. I wonder if she struggled with her faith as much as I do.
I am, unfortunately, a Christian woman. And my church is unfortunately my second home.
And I am estranged from my second home.
It brings me so much guilt and pain to step into my church, but the second I smell the incense and the chanting hits my ears I know I am home. The incense is infused with rose, the chanting in soft Greek and Arabic. I used to be able to chant with them fluently as a kid. I used to ask my dad what certain geek words meant. He’d spend hours explaining it if he had the time back then.
Oh, and the theotokos, the bearer of god, mother of the savior. I was so infatuated with you. I’d draw your icon in my sketchbook. I’d talk to you like you were my own mom as I waited to confess alone. I can’t imagine the pain you went through when you saw your son get nailed to the cross.
I weep in front of your icon now. I look at you and oh holy Jesus the Christ and weep. I have fallen so far you look like tiny dots of light from where I lay in the darkness.
I used to walk around the church in circles, looking at each and every icon. The portraits of saints, the depictions of the holy gospels, the last supper, Christ raising from the dead, Lazarus raising from the dead. I used to ask Father John who a certain saint was if their icon was really unique and look them up later.
I miss Lazarus Saturday and eating Lazarakia with my brother. I miss eating dolmas and plain rice as potluck instead of the usual feast because it was lent. I miss breaking the fast at three in the morning because that’s when the service finally ended when it started at 10:30 PM. I miss playing tsougrisma with my family. I miss screaming “Alithos anesti!” With the congregation. I miss trying to respond “indeed he has risen!” in as many languages as possible on Easter Sunday.
Because I am no longer a fortunate Christian woman. I am an unfortunate Christian woman.
And I long to go to church and not question the teachings.
And I long to make palm crosses with my mom and her friends.
And I long to read at the matins services and chant in the choir.
And I long to breathe in the incense and leave smelling like it.
And I long to be held in the warm and loving embrace of our Lord and savior Jesus the Christ.
And I long to say, “forgive me a sinner”, to be met with a soft hug and the loving response, “God forgives and I forgive” at forgiveness Sunday.
Forgive me a sinner, for I am an unfortunate Christian woman. I have sinned against thee.
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moridaze · 10 months ago
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heaven's blinding light
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pencilpat · 1 year ago
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Intruality religious imagery drives me insane, and I mean batshit. Click for quality, tumblr destroyed this.
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peridotglimmer · 10 months ago
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Another lovely walk this morning, to the church once more because I had an appointment to chat with the pastor. Which basically consisted of me crying a lot, including in her arms, and also laughing together and gaining a lot of insights into my brain. But it was very cathartic, and I've got a new appointment for next week.
(also I love that the church has the rainbow flag out front (and they also have one on the altar))
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