#reblog to reach more voters
yukipri · 1 month
For curiosity's sake...
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fairuzfan · 11 months
Is there anything I can do to help Palestinians besides call my representatives and beg them to stop killing people?
This is a great question. There are a few things you can do—just off the top of my head:
BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) https://bdsmovement.net/
Direct Action https://www.palestineaction.org/
Urge your University/School/Organization to put out a statement denouncing Israel
Organize a Protest/Participate in a local one
You might already be doing this but while calling your reps, tell them that as a voter, you're unwilling to support them in the upcoming election unless they urge the White House to take a stand against Israel and stop funding them
Share art/writing/films around Palestinian culture
If you're part of a union, ask them what they're doing to urge their industry leaders to take a stand against Israel + pressure the White House OR urge them to start a strike/walkout/etc if they're not doing anything already
Talk with your friends IRL about Palestine, whether in an activist capacity or watching a movie or literally anything
Reach out to a mosque to see if you can help them with anything
See if your city/state council has put out a statement in support of Gazans. If not, try to push them to do so.
Donate to Palestine Legal or Direct Action if you have some money to spare
I know some of these don't feel like they have as big of an impact on helping Palestinians, but we do need to make an effort not to forget their humanity in the face of continued erasure and the media's sensationalist rhetoric.
Talking on social media and posting—while not seeming like a lot—does SO much. I know in USAmerica, it's like yelling into a void, but political analysts are saying that most of the "Global South" has completely lost any amount of goodwill it may have had the past few years. Hopefully, countries will start to put sanctions and embargoes en masse on the US and Israel soon.
Our goals here are BOTH short-term and long-term. We hope for the life and liberation of the Palestinian people, so anything that you can think of might help at some point in the future is encouraged to at least try.
If anyone else has any more ideas, feel free to reblog and add on. Thank you for asking, and here is to a liberated Palestine where Palestinians can live and thrive without fear.
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jplupineislost · 2 months
The last poll for this showed the overwhelming majority of voters use general tags, so now my curious ass is making this follow up poll and maybe I'll find some more fellow monster lovers (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Reblogs for reach are appreciated!
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
While I generally agree with your writings, I find myself confused by the term "Online Leftist". As a 75-year-old who has had a Social Democratic bent (and because of that has seen more of his votes lose than he ever wished in these United States), I have voted in every county-through-federal level election in my life since age 21. I also use social media sparingly, but I feel I certainly could be considered to be a leftist who is online, but I don't share the viewpoint of those you call "Online Leftist". Please clarify the meaning of that phrase in your writings.
I have to add that I've voted third party only once. I voted for John Anderson in 1980 and instantly regretted that action when Ronald Reagan won. (At that time, Jimmy Carter wasn't perceived as the great humanitarian and climate visionary he truly was, and the economy and the hostage crisis ruled the election arguments.) It was a lesson that was hard-earned. Thus in 2016, even though I supported Bernie Sanders's ideas and philosophy, I voted for Hillary because 1) she had unimpeachable (no pun intended) qualifications, and 2) not to vote for her would ensure that a really nasty and incompetent clown would be leading our country.
Thank you for all of your Tumblr postings. I find myself reblogging them hoping to reach the idealistic voter who tends to want to vote "purist" rather than "pragmatist."
The term "Online Leftists," as myself and others use it, refers to the specific group of often-young, often-white, often-western terminally online social media users, usually on Twitter, who post frothing manifestos about how corrupt the world is (specifically, how corrupt and fascist the Democratic Party of America is) and how the only way to fix it is to have some mythical leftist Revolution that will destroy late-stage capitalism and the current world order and somehow have no bad effects whatever and then a magical "progressive" utopia will spring into existence and everything will be fixed. Even the ones who don't go that far are heavily influenced by the ideology that the establishment/country is corrupt beyond repair, voting (especially voting for Democrats) is morally evil and indefensible, that there is no difference between the political parties of America, and that America/the West is the cause of all evil in the world. It has become especially visible with the Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas wars, when they enthusiastically or at least tacitly support Russia and Hamas simply because those states/groups are "anti-western."
It also has to do with the whopping western leftist levels of virulent antisemitism and eagerness to call Israel a "white western colonialist settler state," as discussed in previous posts. Even while they decry Israel's genocide of Gaza, they will twist themselves into knots to excuse Russia's genocide of Ukraine or any legitimacy to a Jewish state or need for Israel to defend its own civilians, because you see, those genocides are committed by people they like in support of something something, Advancing the Great Revolution Cause. This is partly influenced by the belief that modern far-right fascist Russia is somehow a standard-bearer for old-school USSR socialism (which itself was horrifying enough) and should be defended and cheerled as a principled enemy of the West. This is the same group of people who unironically spend all their time posting fulminations that Biden is a genocidal fascist and America is a dictatorship, because they know that literally nothing will happen to them and they will face no real-world consequences, because none of those things are actually true. But as long as they can claim it for the rhetorical martyrdom, that does not matter.
By political beliefs and presence on Tumblr, I too am definable as a leftist who is online, but the Online Leftists (used together and with capital letters) are a distinct group whose ideology is marked by righteous nihilism, rejection of voting, support for a mythical "Revolution" in place of ever trying to work within the flawed political system, support for violent genocidal states or groups as long as they are "anti-western" or "anti-Israeli" (witness how they flocked to quiveringly defend the Houthis) while simultaneously yelling at everyone else for supporting genocide, making no attempt to incorporate actual politics, history, or reality into their all-consuming ideology, and shaming everyone else who doesn't agree with them. As you say, they are focused on some "pure" level of political engagement, which is of course impossible and therefore means the only thing they do is spend their time on Twitter rampantly spreading misinformation as long as it fits their beliefs. Pragmatism, harm reduction, nuance, or making a flawed choice that puts any kind of "moral burden" on them does not exist to them and is a dirty word, because it might conflict with bringing about La Revolution. So yeah.
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wings-of-waffles · 6 months
I've seen people arguing about this and decided to throw some democracy at it, please reblog for more reach/larger voter pool if you aren't allergic to reblogging things!
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mermazeablaze · 7 months
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zadsterr · 7 months
The KOSA bill could be passed in three days, THREE DAYS.
Three days until every single website you care about is censored and gone, until websites like A03 and more are forced to shut down.
"hello, as a first time voter living in X i urge you not to pass KOSA" as an email or a call!
There are many many other templates to use to base your call/email over! Please there is no excuse not to take action.
Petition link:
Please repost and reblog this or posts like it, add as many tags as you can to reach as many people. Show this to anyone you know. Please, help out.
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kyluxtrashpit · 5 months
Hiya! I hope you're doing well. I made the Hottest Star Wars Man Poll, so when your posts about it were brought to my attention, I felt I should probably reach out.
The polls are just for fun. I make them with no agenda, and I run them with no agenda. I've received messages talking about bots before, but I never wanted to get into the weeds about it.
However, as the discussion about bots is bigger than I realized, I guess now is as good a time as any to speak about it:
My opinion is that the spikes in Hux votes are a mere side-effect of the poll being passed around the internet and bringing in new voters in droves. As your Anon mentioned, @tomatette's edits might's also pulled in waves of people who voted for Hux out of fidelity to her.
I'm fine with the campaigning. As long as the vote is ultimately achieved by a human clicking on the vote themselves, it's alright by me. Hell, I always reblog 'propaganda' I particularly like, and I even requested some Anakin propaganda when he was in his elimination round. It's all fun and games to me.
If anyone is using bots, I'm asking nicely for them to please stop. I'm going to pull the 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed' card on anyone botting. The polls are all strictly unserious things, so I hope that nobody is taking them too seriously.
Hi there! Sorry the nonsense has reached you, honestly lmao. I just wanted to make a post cause I was upset about the possibility (and, as I've said, I don't have rock solid proof, just suspicions based on observations by myself and others, so like. If people don't agree with me, that's fine, it's all good - I just wanted to speak out in case it was happening like, as a kyluxer, I don't want people to think that if someone is botting, that's something we as a fandom are chill with). I honestly didn't expect it to get quite this much attention either but here we are. I also want to make it clear to both you and my followers that I don't put any blame of anything on you - you're just making fun polls and that's it, you're not responsible for what people do or what drama may arise
I do agree it's possible someone just got a bunch of people to vote within a small window of time, like anything is possible, always is. I just feel like some of the increases I saw, observations from others, and things I've heard are enough to warrant suspicion. If people do or do not agree that there's a reason to think it happened, that's their choice and I'm not going to insist that my word is law and they have to believe me. I don't have receipts, I was just expressing myself and I do appreciate amicable discussion even if my mind has not been changed as of yet
But yeah I agree, propaganda and making funny edits and posts - that's not at all what I was referring to in terms of 'cheating', but somewhere it seems that got mentioned in the discussion? (3 separate people have brought this up to me lmao, like thinking I'm accusing them but I am NOT and no one better be out there accusing them either without actual evidence beyond 'oh you posted about it' cause that's a shitty thing to do) and I also want to make it clear I am not against propaganda fun. That's all just part of it. If people are mad about that, that's their problem and they should use blacklist more liberally. And if people are saying I'm saying that, then those people are either lying or are at 'how dare you say we should piss on the poor' levels of reading comprehension lmao
But yeah, I'll post this publicly, but let me know if you want it taken down and I'll delete it - I appreciate you reaching out and I'm sorry you had to deal with this, that was definitely not my intent when I made the post. I just wanted the botting, if it is indeed happening (and if it's not, all the better, I am just not yet convinced it didn't happen), to stop
And lastly, because of some of the DMs I've received: if you, the person reading this (not you the asker), are sending hate or harassment to people based on my post, FUCKING STOP IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, you're no better than the bad actors I was initially referring to
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notchainedtotrauma · 21 days
My Tumblr is littered by the urgent calls to help from Sudanese and Palestinians, with the hope they'll find life and that my reblog will not only increase the reach but the donations, including mine, so you know my positions. But all of you that are begging people to vote blue...I've yet to see one of you talk about the huge sweep of voters'disenfranchiment, people taken off voting rolls in Texas and Georgia, Georgia county creating much more rigorous rules for voters to be able to have their vote eligible. An 87 years old Latine citizen in Texas has the audacity to complain about local seniors not getting their mail-in-ballots and got her house raided by the police basically a day after. Link below. Are you monitoring this ? At all ?
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phandomphightclub · 2 years
Important 2023 Phight Information
By popular demand, the one and only Ghost Zone Denny’s is reopening to host the notorious PHANDOM PHIGHT CLUB! Tali (@dannyphandump) and Vic (@babypop-phantom)are returning with the help of new recruit Lexx (@lexosaurus) to mod the biggest and baddest fight in the Ghost Zone! Get ready to face your friends, acquaintances, strangers, and enemies in immortal combat an organized shitposting tournament!
So… what the heck is the Phandom Phight Club?
It’s basically a Danny Phantom shitposting tournament, involving 64 entrants and 6 total rounds of posts. Rounds are single elimination, leaving one ultimate Phight Club Champion.
This post provides a great backstory as to how the Phight Club came to be!
Please read even if you have participated in previous years as some information has changed!
For Entrants:
Registration begins December 4th at 12am EST
Entrants will be sorted randomly into a single-elimination bracket. This bracket will be posted on December 31st for everyone to view.
ONLY 64 PHIGHTERS CAN ENTER. In past years, spots filled up very rapidly, so we suggest signing up as early as possible!
Please only sign up if you plan to participate in the Phight. We don’t want people taking up slots for people who actually want to compete. If you sign up and decide you do not want to participate, or find out you do not have the time to, please reach out to one of the mods before December 31st and we will remove you from the phight. We will offer up the spot to someone else who would like to participate.
The 2023 Phight™ will take place throughout the month of January. More specific details on the schedule will be included on the January calendar to be released November 26th.
A new round will take place every few days, with a couple “dead days” scheduled for phighters to prepare their shitposts.
Please be sure you’re able to submit your entry on each entry day. Participants will be disqualified if they do not submit an entry by the deadline.
PHIGHTERS WILL CREATE THEIR POSTS ON THEIR OWN BLOGS. This is to ensure that all Phighters get credit for the shitposts they create. Phighters will paste a link to their post in a google submission form that will be released for each round. Phighters may create posts as far in advance as they would like, but submission forms for the next rounds will not open until the results of the previous round have been posted. (It is recommended that even if your post is ready beforehand, you wait to post it to keep each round organized and in case you are eliminated beforehand.)
Submission posts will be reblogged to @phandomphightclub throughout the day submissions are due.
Voters decide the winners of each round. The winners will move onto the next round. The phinal round occurs when only two phighters are left. The semiphinalist phighters will also compete in the phinal round prompt for third place. (If you make it to round 5, you automatically compete in round 6, the phinal round, to determine phinal standings.)
You cannot ask people to vote for you! This may result in disqualification! Try reblogging the voting polls to get people to vote, instead!
Limit of one vote per person. You do not need a tumblr to vote, but the form will require you to be logged into a google account to prevent duplicate votes.
Prizes for winners will be announced if we find people willing to provide them, but no prizes are guaranteed other than bragging rights and certificates for the top 3. Who wouldn't want to brag about winning the Phight?
For Voters:
Voters are crucial to the success of this competition. A poll to vote for the winners of each round will be open the whole day after the submissions are due.
Anyone can vote, whether you are a phighter or a spectator (Technically, you can even vote for yourself, but there should be enough voters that this won’t matter much).
Follow @phandomphightclub for the links to the voting polls.
Other Information:
There is no phight the day of voting.
People will be able to place bets on who will win the Phight. Betting booth information will be released with the January Phight calendar on November 26th.
Round results will be posted on @phandomphightclub after voting ends.
The first rule of phight club is you don’t talk about phight club.
All entries must be SFW (absolutely no sexual content or excessive gore). People who submit this kind of content may be disqualified at the discretion of the mods.
Submissions are meant to be Danny Phantom shitposts, so please don’t worry too much about artistic or writing quality. This competition is meant to be open to anyone who wants to enter, regardless of perceived talent.
No direct personal attacks in your submissions or towards other entrants, please. This phandom is pretty good about this, but just remember to keep it clean, folks. Lighthearted trash talk is allowed; use your best judgment here.
Please do not take losing as a personal attack.
When voting, try to be as unbiased as possible. The submissions will be posted in the poll without the competitor’s name attached in order to help facilitate this.
Competitors are allowed/encouraged to advertise the Phight on their blogs, but please do not ask followers to vote for you specifically. If phighters are found to be asking, bribing, or cheating to gain votes, they may be disqualified at the discretion of the mods.
If you’re confused about anything, don’t hesitate to send an ask to @phandomphightclub.
Don’t eat food off the ground in the Denny’s parking lot. Trust me, please.
Please be patient with us mods as we work to provide the best Phight experience for you. And to those of you who have participated before, please note that this year’s Phight may not be as extravagant as it was in previous years. We are working to streamline our system and smaller side projects are very hard for us to manage on top of everything else. It is also important to note that write-ups of round results will not be as prevalent this year in lieu of our new system. Thank you for your understanding while we navigate these changes, but don’t worry… us mods still have some tricks up our sleeves…
Thank you for your interest in the Phight Club! Order an appetizer at the Denny’s, place your bets, and get ready to watch the greatest Phight this side of the ghost portal!
💚 Mod Tali, Mod Vic, and Mod Lexx
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And so, a new age begins in the Layton fandom.
You guys won’t believe how much fun it was and how much I enjoyed hosting this whole thing. When I started it, I didn’t expect much of it. It was just a fun little thing for me I first, and I was awaiting just 80 or maybe 100 people to actively participate in it.
Now we reached over 800 voters, so I guess you can learn two things from this.
1) I have absolute terrible foresight
2) you can’t kill the Layton fandom when there are still so many of you guys out there.
These past few days I have been nonstop scrolling through the Layton tag, refreshing it over and over again to see all the new shit you got up to.
The Art, the memes, the Art, the power point presentations, the Art, the essays, have I mentioned the Art yet? These things were the highlight of my week.
That’s why I’m currently preparing a new sideblog, where I will reblog every piece of art or memes or whatever else you guys did. I’m probably gonna have it start tomorrow and link it here, so keep an eye out for that!
But, now that it’s over it’s time for me to continue my heritage blog work. I got quite a few more submissions and found some great posts by myself, so my queue is not going to be empty anytime soon.
Actually, there’s one post in particular who I think is truly worthy of the heritage title…
Again thanks to everyone who voted, and you better believe this wasn’t the last time I’m doing something like this, though not anytime soon, for now it’s heritage post time again.
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Don't you think it's unfair to refo the Lloyd - Antigone poll like that? I get you're concerned about possible fraud, but disabling reblogs etc means preventing it from reaching the huge number of people who would vote for Antigone (and hardly know about Ninjago). Because classics just *are* more popular.
I think I haven't worded it very clear, but anyway, redoing this poll in a way that's clearly rigged so as to reverse the results is unfair.
[asked and answered yesterday]
This is like, the third time an Antigone voter has said exactly this, and..……guys, has anyone considered the fact that it’s gonna make less ninjago fans see it too??? it’s a two-way street. And now you’re accusing me of only doing it to make Lloyd win?? Antigone is in the lead right now?? I do not care either way??
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okay guys i wanted to get an idea of the kind of stuff y'all would like to see from me!! i want to create more but i'm not sure what and what would interest y'all! i'll be reblogging this post through the week occasionally to reach some more voters hehe
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ysabelmystic · 1 year
I am sorry, I didn't mean to be patronizing, I was annoyed after scrolling on mobile and seeing the same poll every second post for a good chunk of my dashboard (and then refreshing, and it's there at the top AGAIN). I mean it when I say I support of reblogging for the morning crown (or afternoon crowd) but I have never seen someone reblog the same post every ten minutes before. At first I thought your tumblr had glitched and it was an accidental repeat reblog, but it was slightly too spread out for that.
Like I am glad yo are having fun over there. I really do not think you will reach more voters by reblogging it multiple multiple times per hour. Again sorry to be patronizing or rude, I just genuinely could not believe how many times I've seen this poll. Its' more prolific than the fucking pika man at this point by a long way. anyway, good luck on the next round and I will investigate other options for blocking the tag on mobile. |
Writing me not one but two essays from atop a moral high horse about how horrible this was to suffer through when you so arduously voted for my character is definitely a choice.
1) I was reblogging every other hour until the last 3 hours of the poll. Not every ten minutes. Hyperbolic language isn’t doing you any favors tone wise. You could just ask for a filter tag (I realize I should’ve done that). Not…this
2) if all you’re seeing is this poll, you really need to follow more active blogs to pad the content out.
3) given the sharp rise in kunikida votes in the last few hours of the poll, I think I did, in fact, do something.
4) just scroll past? If I had a dollar for every time I’d gotten on my phone around the same time as someone’s Star Wars hyperfixation or saw the same post 5 times in a day I’d be typing this from a yacht. That’s tumblr. Wouldn’t it have taken you less effort to do that instead of writing me TWO WHOLE ESSAYS? Good lord. Touch grass.
5) you create your tumblr experience, not me. This isn’t my problem.
Anyways, please enjoy these responses from my friends to this and the previous anon.
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burning-sol · 2 years
I will say that votes are a bit frustrating because regardless of how much effort you may put into a piece of propaganda, it won't matter unless people ACTUALLY reblog that post. There are so many silent voters and it stops any option from getting more votes. It is really tiring to put in so much effort into a post and then.. Nothing.
Your amount of reach is EVERYTHING guys.
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mari--lace · 2 years
Inspired by this poll.
I'm very curious about the results! Please reblog to reach more voters. 👀
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