#rare candy phenomenon
phantasper · 2 years
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watch as my art style slowly degrades in these thumbnails
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2001hz · 6 months
the preservation of history and the acts of archiving on the internet;
anybody can scan books and magazines sure but what are your intentions? do u want to preserve art/history? are u passionate about it? or it’s easy for you to gain an internet persona w a large following?
it seems people don’t like giving me credit but tend to give others credit for their scans? lol it’s confusing and lame but do I care? no, to a certain extent, this isn’t any of my work I don’t label my blog as content that’s like saying music is content, what I do is an act of preserving history and therapy just have many reasons for having an archive blog, and fortunately I love doing what I do.
it also makes me wonder the perseveration of other’s works isn’t really that important to those blogs, it’s just eye candy for consumers nothing more to it (my blog is somewhat that but i’ve stated numerous times on my intentions and genuine passions for scanning and having an archive blog) I get more into depth on the things I scan on my instagram so my tumblr is curated differently.
me, all the curators and archivists at archivepdf, milksockets, y2kaestheticinstitute, the retro art blogs like jca-archive & vhs-80 have post and scans things that’s not yet digitalized or things that’s rare or never really talked about so giving credit goes a long way it’s just good practice of consumerism.
during the 90s and 2000s blogspots and bloggers were heavily active and involved in collecting magazines and books and scanning things from their personal collection. the vibe, source, jet magazines, dreamcast and really any publication of gaming and “y2k” magazines were so vital for my childhood the advertisements were insanely good.
to say all this it’s more to it than giving credit. archiving on the internet has always been a cultural phenomenon.
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b1ackgh0st · 8 months
Writing as many HCs for Trolls characters as humanly possible!
Starting off strong with the Snack Pack + Poppy & Branch!
She was a later bloomer. Most (pop) trolls have a little bit of tit, but she was flat as Branch's voice at the beginning of the first movie.
Had a toxic best friend at one point. Nobody liked Poppy when she was young, but as soon as she became an adult, she was mote liked than anyone else.
Prefers black coffee over any other kind
Her favorite flavour is strawberry!
Even though she likes almost any flavour, any candy she has that's lemon or watermelon she gives to Branch because he is very addicted.
Speaking of which, she can't stomach spicy food at all and tends to projectile vomit.
Gets sick pretty easily, but won't admit it.
No one knows how she does it, but she can appear almost instantly. Whether it's in Branch's room at midnight or behind anyone in a crowded area, it's alarming.
Not physically violent.
Poppy is deranged AF!
She will verbally and mentally threaten people... and lord it's probably scary.
Too much of a morning person
By that, I mean she wakes up at around 3 am everyday after falling asleep at around 7 pm and starts her daily routine.
Refuses to wear make-up
Has never had acne or anything similar
Most Pop Trolls, Poppy included, have extream hair growth. She has to shave her legs daily.
Has literally no skincare routine
Unfortunately, she has to make her own shampoo because anything she can find in shops doesn't work and just causes dead ends and very greasy hair.
Very fidgety ADHD-er
Branch has the most excessive skincare routine ever
Wears A LOT of makeup to hide scars and stuff
Breaks out really easily
Autistic! Not Yay!
Or maybe it is Yay
Anyways, he had problems with bright lights, loud sounds, being close to other people, some kinds fo texture, and some scents
Has around seventy homemade candles around the bunker, all scented slightly different.
Most of them smell like citrus
Sucks at making coffee at home, therefore his coffee orders are pretty specific.
Despite going back onto society, he's still a feral troll.
Which means that, while pop trolls are omnivores who need lots of plants and sweets in their diet, Branch's diet is almost exclusively meat, sweets, and breads.
Has bitten Poppy before. (It was an accident, I promise. No trolls were harmed.)
While he may not overreact on safty stuff or the Bergens anymore, he' started overreacting to everything else.
Oh, Guy tripped and scraped his knee? GET HIM TO THE DOCTOR HE'S DYING!
Insomniac, unfortunately.
Eats bugs. (Small stuff like ants)
Also kind of deranged.
Or he had some undiagnosed mental stuff
Prefers tea
Also has ADHD
I ddont really have much since he's pretty perfect when it comes to the movies and his character-
Oldest in the gang, actually
She's thirty-eight, and witness Poppy hatching UP CLOSE
Poppy kind of sees her as a mother figure, mostly because Poppy never had a mother.
Smidge tried to have a kid once (yes, it was Milton's.), but it was a miscarriage
Her short stature and abnormal strength is actually a very rare genetic phenomenon
She used to have a really smooth, "feminine" voice,but after years of working out and screaming at the top of her lungs, her voice is scratchy now
Wants to do speech therapy to try and get her old voice back, but... well, Pop Village doesn't have stuff like that.
Has low self-esteem
Has been married to Milton for about a year (By the end of TBT)
Only drinks energy drinks, always Cherry flavour. (Or something similar)
Just a little crazy, but aren't we all?
The reason she's so close to Poppy is because right before the tunnel thing to get away from the Bergens, she worked with Peppy.
Won't continue with that.
Enjoys playfully bullying Suki because she's the only one who doesn't take it seriously.
Guy Diamond ◇
Oh man
Did NOT get enough attention as a kid
His parents were either too busy, and were both taken while running through the tunnels
Sky Toronto (From TBGO and Trollstopia) is his uncle, but neither of them know that
The only clothes he'd ever wear would be a scarf and leg warmers, maybe gloves.
Either he just dislikes it or he's genuinely afraid of it, he won't drink alcohol.
Secretly likes to eat things that aren't really edible
Also, scroll past this if you wanna because imma explain how it's not awkward that the glitter trolls are almost all naked.
So, since Glitter trolls are a subspecies, one which probably derived from a tribe long ago, their anatomy is a little different
They have protective slits that hide their genitals until needed
Essentially, the glitter trolls that have dicks.. their disks are hidden kn that slit, and will start to come out when said glitter troll is aroused.
For the one that don't, the slit will just start to open on it's own
Having a cock or not doesn't decide the gender of a Pop Troll, BTW!!
Cooper & Darnell
Darnell yassified him.
He ended up with silver tattoos on one arm, multiple silver bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, and silver dread cuffs
C & D spend a lot of time together
C had a hard time deciding, but ultimately chose to stay woth the Funk Tribe and his family rather than with the Pop Trolls
He stolll visits them <3
I'll make more later, dw.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
On the risk vs criticism talk, while you're speaking about it in context of CR you mentioned this sparked from a conversation you had about D20 which makes me curious, what event made you talk about it in the first place? The only thing I can remember that applies was the over criticism Emily got early on, especially after Crown of Candy.
It was actually a discussion of Lou's incredible dramatic/comedic range (I was trying to sell my brother on Worlds Beyond Number) and remarking upon who among the D20 cast was strongest/most versatile and whose range is more limited. We also, through that, touched on NADDPod and how Jake's willingness to stick with what he likes is admirable, but also the fact that this is relatively rare in actual play might be because women, queer people, or POC often feel a pressure towards versatility lest they be pigeonholed even further than they already are.
For what it's worth, Emily is actually a weird case in that people tend to praise her for the wrong thing (chaos, rather than the fact that she is amazingly collaborative) but she actually is an exceptionally strong actual player, and I think she's one of the women who does genuinely take the biggest risks. The criticism towards Emily (particularly during ACOC) was definitely at least partly based in misogyny, and Emily and Siobhan have both commented on that openly, but it's also part of a whole other phenomenon, of people being resistant towards any inter-party conflict, assuming all acted conflict is actually borne out in the cast's real relationships, and generally failing to grasp how ensemble casts or like, acting, works. Which is something I've talked about pretty extensively but usually in passing, and I have been meaning to write up a post about that at some point.
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milijanakomad · 1 year
Product design and psychology: The Mechanism of Skinner Box Techniques in Video Game Design
Keywords: Skinner Box, Video Gaming, Game Design, Operant Conditioning, Reward
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This paper discusses the application of B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning framework, colloquially known as the Skinner Box mechanism, in the domain of modern video gaming. As a pivotal tool of psychological manipulation, this method has been integral in influencing player behaviour and engagement. Various case studies and examples are presented to provide a comprehensive understanding of its usage in game design.
The digital gaming industry has seen an unprecedented growth trajectory, fuelled by the increasing ubiquity of devices and the inherent human predilection towards engaging, interactive, and rewarding experiences. One psychological technique that has been instrumental in fostering these experiences is B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning principle. The primary objective of this paper is to delve into the specifics of the Skinner Box mechanism in video gaming, highlighting its implications from a product designer's perspective.
Skinner Box in Gaming: Conceptualization and Design
B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning theory revolves around the basic premise of reward and punishment. In a Skinner Box experiment, a rat is rewarded or punished based on its interaction with the environment. This principle, when mapped onto the gaming arena, translates into a design where player actions result in rewards or penalties, shaping subsequent behaviour.
The implementation of the Skinner Box mechanism varies greatly, from straightforward reward systems to intricate loot box mechanisms. For instance, in games like World of Warcraft, players are motivated to continue playing by the promise of levelling up or acquiring rare items, a phenomenon akin to the random reinforcement schedules of Skinner's experiments.
The effective use of the Skinner Box mechanism relies on the careful calibration of reward frequency and intensity. The random reinforcement schedule, akin to a slot machine's unpredictability, plays a pivotal role in maintaining player engagement and addiction. The concept of 'grinding' or performing repetitive tasks for rewards is a prime example of this method.
Case Study: Clash of Clans
Supercell's Clash of Clans offers an instructive example of the Skinner Box principle. Players are rewarded for attacking other players' bases, and these rewards can be used to upgrade their own base, troops, and defences. The time it takes to build and upgrade structures creates a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement that encourages regular engagement. A player might decide to continue playing, anticipating a shorter wait time or a more generous loot after an attack.
Case Study: Candy Crush Saga
King's Candy Crush Saga epitomizes the use of the Skinner Box mechanism through its reward system. As players progress through the levels, they receive varied types of reinforcement: unlocking new levels (positive reinforcement), losing lives for failed attempts (negative punishment), or gaining additional moves to complete a level (negative reinforcement). The unpredictability of rewards creates an intriguing suspense, impelling players to continue their interaction with the game.
Implications for Game Design
As a senior product designer, understanding the dynamics of the Skinner Box mechanism is crucial. The technique's potency lies in its ability to encourage player engagement, foster addiction, and influence in-game purchasing decisions. However, the ethical dimensions of this tool warrant careful consideration. Game designers must strike a delicate balance between maintaining player engagement and avoiding exploitative practices.
The Skinner Box mechanism has emerged as a powerful tool in the hands of game designers, helping sculpt player behaviour in a predictable manner. However, it is paramount for designers to consider the ethical implications of their design choices, ensuring their strategies promote a healthy and enjoyable gaming experience. As the digital gaming industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Skinner's principles continue to be integrated and innovated upon.
Skinner, B. F. (1938). The Behavior of organisms: An experimental analysis. New York: Appleton-Century.
Zichermann, G., & Cunningham, C. (2011). Gamification by design: Implementing game mechanics in web and mobile apps. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Eyal, N. (2014). Hooked: How to build habit-forming products. Penguin.
Hamari, J., & Keronen, L. (2017). Why do people buy virtual goods? Attitude towards virtual good purchases versus game enjoyment. International Journal of Information Management, 37(3), 299-308.
Przybylski, A. K., Rigby, C. S., & Ryan, R. M. (2010). A motivational model of video game engagement. Review of General Psychology, 14(2), 154–166.
King, D., & Delfabbro, P. (2019). The concept of “harm” in Internet gaming disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 8(3), 456–468.
Koster, R. (2013). Theory of Fun for Game Design. O'Reilly Media.
Madigan, J. (2015). Getting Gamers: The Psychology of Video Games and Their Impact on the People who Play Them. Rowman & Littlefield.
Fizek, S. (2018). Why Fun Matters: In Search of Emergent Playful Experiences. British Journal of Educational Technology, 49(5), 950-961.
Smith, S. L., & Toscano, A. J. (2016). Children's and adolescents' cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to reward-related, child-targeted mobile applications. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 19(7), 441-447.
Chou, Y. K. (2015). Actionable Gamification: Beyond Points, Badges, and Leaderboards. Octalysis Media.
Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Nacke, L. (2011). From game design elements to gamefulness: Defining gamification. Proceedings of the 15th international academic MindTrek conference: Envisioning future media environments, 9-15.
Supercell. (2012). Clash of Clans. [Video Game]. Helsinki, Finland.
King. (2012). Candy Crush Saga. [Video Game]. Stockholm, Sweden.
Koivisto, J., & Hamari, J. (2014). Demographic differences in perceived benefits from gamification. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 179-188.
Alha, K., Koskinen, E., Paavilainen, J., & Hamari, J. (2019). Why do people play location-based augmented reality games? A study on Pokémon GO. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(9), 804-819.
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lumine-no-hikari · 8 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #37
The candied orange peels are just about finished drying out! Behold!
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As you might expect, they taste even better now that they're fully dried! I will put them in a container soon so I can share it with some friends on Sunday! I'm very excited!
I played a game called Terraria for the first time in a very long time today! It's a wonderful game in which you can build lots of cool things and fight various kinds of interesting enemies! I already have thousands of hours invested into this game, and it's one of my favorites, but I don't usually have anyone to play it with. Doing it by oneself is usually fine enough, but without someone to do it together with, it usually feels pretty dull and meaningless after a while. With the way my brain works, I have lots of trouble trying to find the meaning in building beautiful things if there's no one around to share it with.
I wonder if you've ever felt like this. Are there things that you haven't done in a long time that you would like to return to doing? Do you sometimes struggle to create things if you can't share the results with anyone? I know you can't answer me, but still I wonder.
In any case, I made a new friend from Germany yesterday, and as it turns out, she is familiar with Terraria, too! She hasn't played it in even longer than I have, so there have been a lot of updates since the last time she played. These updates introduced a variety of new enemies, items, and mechanics that she wasn't familiar with. But she's very smart, and she relearned what was familiar to her and adapted to the new mechanics very quickly! I was impressed! We gathered a lot of resources in order to build things, and she even dug a very deep hole all the way down to the Hell biome! Watching her patience and persistence in action was incredible!
Even better, she's a wonderful conversation partner, and we spent the entire time chatting and laughing about various things, from the politics in our countries, to random, silly topics. She even taught me some German words and phrases! I think my favorite one of those is one that I know about in English, but we don't have a specific word for - it is well-known in my world that sometimes, when you have a problem, and then you try to show it to someone, the problem mysteriously vanishes until you stop trying to show it to someone. In German, that phenomenon is called Vorführeffekt! It is a very good word, and you can bet your bottom that I'm going to incorporate it into my own vocabulary (even if I still have a little trouble trying to pronounce it, haha!)
I got enough resources today to build a house, but it has been so long since last I played that I almost forgot the typical style that I like to build in. This is a clumsier example of the houses I usually like to build, but that's okay - I'll show it to you anyway! Check it out!
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My friend spoke about getting marble to build a whole castle with! It is time for her to go to bed, but at my house, it's still the middle of the evening; after I'm done writing this letter to you, I might wander around the world and try to find her some marble to build with; I literally cannot wait to see what she can do!! I'm so excited!
It's a relatively rare thing for me to make a new friend; most folks find me vaguely unsettling for a variety of reasons, haha! But that's all right; the rarity of this thing only makes it all the more meaningful when I find someone I seem to "click" with! I wonder how this interaction will unfold! In written conversation on previous occasions, she has said a variety of insightful things that shows her critical thinking skills and deep attunement to patterns and detail; I am very much looking forward to learning as much as I can by listening to her perspective on a variety of things as time goes on!
It seems like making new friends is a relatively rare thing for you, too, isn't it? But that's just the way it is sometimes for folks who are considered "unusual". And that's okay. This sort of thing is why us weirdos have to stick together. And it's a lot more fun that way, anyhow. After all, normal is kind of boring, isn't it? So let's make a promise to embrace our "weirdness" instead of wandering around, trying to pretend to be someone we're not. That sort of thing is exhausting anyhow, and we have better things to spend our time and energy on, don't we?
Stay safe out there, all right? Remember you are loved, and let that knowledge empower you to do brave and amazing things.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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Can we have some more information about the green matter? Like, what does it do to a person? Skull said it makes them carnivorous but what else?
Note that the Green Matter in this AU may not be entirely accurate to canon-- here we work off a mishmash of very, very old info and the headcanons of myself and the prior mods.
To quote an old ask:
Rock Candy is crystallized ectoplasm, a rare phenomenon that requires specific conditions in order to form at the site of a death. Particularly pure samples may trap the souls of the deceased that produced them. Green Matter is a form of necromantic energy that can be produced from Rock Candy. Without proper shielding/care, prolonged close exposure breaks down the body, causing flesh to melt and fuse into its surroundings, and the mind, leaving the creature essentially a zombie. With proper care, it can greatly extend the lifespan of a living thing, at the cost of increased irritability and aggression (and really sharp teeth*)
Some other side effects Pops (and Ignatius) had: -darkened, thickened blood -pale/ashen skin and green tinging around the extremities -increased appetite -sharpened eye sight (though not enough to keep Pops from needing his reading glasses) -the occasional glowing green pupils
There have also been a few zombie animals spotted roaming the Becile Estate, mostly small birds and rodents that died and were reanimated by the low level radiation in the area before falling apart after a few days. There's also the giant mutated rats in the recesses of the basement; the first generation were escapees from Pops' experiments, and over the generations the radiation amplified their mutations.
Luckily for Scratch and Riker, the radiation present isn't enough to harm or noticeably effect them as individuals.
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prof-oleander · 2 years
What parts of the Pokémon universe are canon in yours?
OOC: Okay, this isn't really easy to answer because I am a dummy and forget to take notes about differences between what's canon in my universe and what's not.
This is what I can think of right now:
I'd say that most of the things that are mostly only a game-mechanic thing, aren't canon.
Like the big ass crowns/hats Pokémons get with the Tetrastallization? That won't appear and the Pokémon will only get the crystal-like outer "shell" with the colour matching the new type they get. Or the "powers" you get with some specific foods and sandwich ingredents. Honestly, I like the food gimmick but don't understand the whole "if you eat this, you might find eggs/catch this type/find this other easily" thing.
Speaking of eggs, I'm kind of confused by that part because to me feels weird that Pokémons that can be classified as mammals lay eggs but- eh... that's not a part that you can completely change since it's a main thing in the Pokémon universe. So, yes eggs. But plant-based Pokémons can also be born from seeds, sprouts/cuttings, like IRL plants.
Ash adventures are a kids' show.
Prof. Gible is real (okay this is silly but I'm playing Scarlet and I love the idea of that Gible having really a professor title)
No "levels", as I see them more as a game mechanic. Experience points and such aren't canon too, as there are no levels.
Because of no levels, Rare candies and Exp Candies work as supplements to help Pokémon become more powerful a bit faster.
MissingNo and the related glitch that messes up your save data is a creepypasta about a virus corrupting the PC Boxes.
The movies from the Studios from B2W2 are real movies
Legendaries and Mythical Pokémons exist (of course) but it's almost impossible to spot one and impossible to catch one...and it's better if you don't even try.
Ultrabeasts exist too but as for now I consider them a phenomenon happened years ago in Alola when Aether Foundation did the "Big Fuck Up™". IIRC, Peony mentioned that the UB first appeared years prior so I'm going off that bit.
Aaand that's it for now. I should start taking proper note of what's canon and not canon in my universe, tbh. Most of the times I decide on the spot what's canon or not <_<"
Anyone is free to ask me if [this] or [that] is canon or not!
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barilleon · 1 year
The End
Please accept 1500 words about Rafael, my dream-eating dhampir draconic sorcerer and his crush Akselos, the githyanki psi fighter. In this fic, Rafael is restless the night before the final battle.
Content Warning: One paragraph of not-so-graphic sexual content
The end was drawing near. Rafael knew this because he felt the same sense of foreboding as that night he entered his basement for the final time. The night air in Sigil was frigid, and a pathetic excuse for a drizzle fell upon Rafael’s cloak.
Underneath the cloak his wings shivered. They were still sore from sprouting, and Rafael still wasn’t sure how to take care of them, but he knew he didn’t have the time or the energy to learn right now. That whole end-drawing-near business mentioned earlier and all that. Like every other new bodily phenomenon he obtained when he absorbed the soul fragment of a dragon, he would have to learn on the job. He’d gotten used to the hunger, the scales that covered his wings, and the strange urge to hoard things. He’d get used to the wings in time.
Wings aside, Rafael couldn’t sleep. Rather, he couldn’t relax. He didn’t need to sleep, but he did need to feed. And nighttime was the best time to do so. When people slept, they let their guard down and allowed their subconscious to take over, Even the least hopeful, most unimaginative person could produce a delectable dream in their sleep. Daydreaming, Rafael had learned, was like cotton candy. Sweet on the tongue, but gone in an instant. He needed the true unhinged stuff to live, something a mind could only produce when it was free from the shackles of waking reality.
The dreams at his usual haunts had become stale. The inn where he kept a room housed many respectable guests with inventive minds, but a man can get sick of even the finest delicacies after eating nothing else for three tenday straight. And that’s why he found himself hurrying down the soggy streets of Sigil, muttering curses under his breath in every language he could remember. It was cold, he was restless, and the end was drawing near. He could feel it in his wings.
Rafael didn’t notice where his feet were taking him until it was too late to turn back. Standing before him on an unassuming corner was another inn, the one Rafael knew Akselos was staying at. His footsteps halted after climbing the stone steps up to the door. For one incredibly rare moment, Sigil was quiet in the darkness of the early morning. And then the rain picked up. Rafael stood in the doorway, still as stone.
Rafael had of course tasted Akselos’s dreams before. He’d tried all of his companions’ dreams, and the novelty of having their dreams eaten was so new to them they didn’t mind—encouraged it, even. The corners of Rafael’s mouth lifted as he remembered when an adversary had tried to communicate telepathically with Akselos. The latter had shouted, “No one’s allowed in my head but me and Rafael!”
You couldn’t get more explicit permission than that. So why, Rafael demanded of himself, did it feel so wrong to be standing here right now, outside Akselos’s place? An argument could be made for the fact that consent is something that is required before each instance of an act, and Rafael had not explicitly received it for this particular instance. He was sure Akselos wouldn’t care, however. This feeling was something different.
Akselos’s dreams were always delicious. It was probably because he was a genius, and because he’d seen many things in his lifetime that Rafael did not know existed. They usually involved him fighting big and terrifying monsters, all on his own, and winning handily. These were not power fantasies; Akselos could just do that.
“The end draws near,” Rafael muttered to himself. “And if I am to have a last meal, I’d like for it to be—“
He stopped short when the door to the inn opened, and a tired-looking giff woman stood in the doorway.
“Coming in?” she asked with an edge to her voice. It was now or never. Go inside or head back into the now-pouring rain.
“I- ah- yes. Sorry, madame. A friend of mine is lodging here; I should like to go up and visit him.”
She snorted, and Rafael did not like the implication of it. But she pushed the door open wider and allowed him to cross the threshold. Not that he needed her permission—he wasn’t that kind of vampire.
“You know his number, sweetheart, or do you want me to call ‘im down?” the woman asked, returning to the drab, unremarkable desk in this drab, unremarkable lobby.
“I’m alright, thank you,” he replied, politely pretending to appreciate the single decoration in the room: a cracked purple vase full of withered flowers that must have been pronounced dead at least five days ago. With a tight nod of acknowledgement, Rafael proceeded up the stairs.
He walked as quietly as he could, not wishing to disturb the tenants. Still the wooden stairs beneath his feet squeaked out their questions: What are you doing here? What are you hoping to see? Or is it that there’s something you’re afraid to see?
He pushed the questions from his mind as he reached the second floor. A long stretch of doors stood before him, and their collective smell was intoxicating.
Rafael hugged the right wall, holding his chalice out. Dreams poured from the doorway—terrifying nightmares, planar wonders, inscrutable stories. He took a sip and felt immediately refreshed. He continued on, delighting in this buffet of visions from strangers. At this rate, maybe he wouldn’t even need to taste Akselos’s.
It was a stupid, feeble hope in the face of the scent that now touched his nose: unmistakable, irresistible, that smelled of sweat and adrenaline. Akselos was having another one of his delicious warrior’s dreams, and Rafael was unable to stop himself from moving closer to Akselos’s door.
Rafael was not that kind of vampire. But he still was one, in a sense. The urge he felt when he got the scent of a powerful dream was uncontrollable. Like blood in the water of sharks.
The dhampir held out his chalice, letting it fill up until it nearly spilled over. He wiped the excess from the rim with his thumb—one wastes not a drop of a good dream—and popped it into his mouth. The taste drove him mad. Carefully he raised the chalice to his lips, ready at once to taste Akselos ripping into a mind flayer, or beholder, or some other interplanar wonder Rafael did not yet know the name of.
He sipped.
He tasted Akselos, alright. And there was the sweat and the adrenaline. He shut his eyes to see the picture clearer. There was the githyanki, but he wasn’t standing on a battlefield or in an arena. He wasn’t standing at all. He was…horizontal, in bed, beads of sweat traveling down the muscles of his gigantic arms, which held him up over the bed. And trapped between the two of those arms was another figure, naked and face down, ghostly pale skin flecked with shimmering blue scales. As Akselos moved, the figure cried out—
Rafael dropped his chalice.
The cup made a crashing noise as it hit the floor, a piece of its dragon detailing breaking off. The dream spilled out onto the floor and seeped into the wood, disappearing forever. Rafael crouched, frozen in place. He felt his face heating up.
Seconds later, the door slammed open. Akselos stood there, wearing a bit more than he was in his dream. He looked about the hall wildly until the creature at his feet caught his attention. His gaze softened.
“Hello, Akselos!” said the dhampir brightly. An expert recovery. He’d been getting better at those lately. Not that it was difficult to smile with Akselos around.
“Are you… okay?”
“Fine! Never better! I just came here for a drink, is all. And clumsy me, I dropped my chalice.” He bent over and collected his cup, along with the broken piece.
“I needed something different from the usual fare,” he said. “Sorry to have disturbed you.”
He watched Akselos’s eyes dart from his own to the broken cup in his hands and back.
“Akselos, do you… remember your dreams after you have them?”
“Not usually.”
Rafael relaxed considerably.
“Why?” Akselos asked. “Did something happen?”
Rafael stopped relaxing.
It was hard to decipher the way Akselos was looking at him. Was he lying? Did he know? Was he trying to make Rafael say it?
“You were…wrestling with a dragon,” said Rafael. “You looked like you were having fun.”
A silence hung in the air between them. Rafael thought it went on uncomfortably long, but that could have just been his imagination. At the end of it, he saw Akselos’s inscrutable expression melt into glee.
“Fuckin’ sick.”
“Well, I’m going back to bed. Big day tomorrow.”
Another long pause. Rafael wanted to say something, anything. What if this was the last time he could? They could all die tomorrow, or worse—be written out of existence entirely. If there was ever a moment to make dreams come true, it was now.
“Sweet dreams,” was all he said. He parted from the inn shortly after, telling himself he’d done the right thing. The end was drawing near, and neither could afford to be distracted.
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medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Pokemon Journeys
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Um…is that really the title you guys are going with? Not Pokemon: Around the World? Pokemon Sword and Shield? Pokemon 8 Ways from Friday?
Get it? Because there are 8 regions and it airs on…oh forget it!
Whatever, Japan! Whatever!
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America: Okay, how about Pokemon Journeys?
Eh…sounds like reusing titles from the Johto arc, but it’s better than Japan’s sad attempt.
At least The Pokemon Company was gracious enough to give us a simple title. Pokemon Journeys! HOW FUCKING HARD WAS THAT?! Pokemon 2019 makes it sound like this is a reboot. It is NOT a reboot, it’s a continuation! There are butt-loads of people from Ash’s past that make surprise appearances and he remembers most of them! Not a reboot!
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WARNING: Medea gets a little ‘mouthy’ in certain moments of this review. If you don’t know why, you will eventually. Please note she does not think everyone here is an asshole. She loves each and every one of her readers. But it goes without saying here…Viewer discretion is advised.
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RINSE AND REPEAT! Ash leaves the previous region to go back home to Pallet Town and start from zero AGAIN. What does that mean? It means we reset all the stats. Ash will be 10 years old again, Pikachu can be trumped by a level 5 pokemon, and the animation will change again making the viewer forever confused. Yet with all the resets, all of Ash’s previous accomplishments are heavily implied and shown.
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WHAT THE WHAT?!: So, as you can tell, this series of Pokemon is going to be extremely different from all the past seasons. For one thing, Ash is not traveling by foot with a boy-toy and a piece of arm candy to the next town like we’ve seen in the past. Nor is he going to take on gym battles. At first it was uncertain of what Ash was going to do aside from traveling the world with Goh. But after an eye-opening experience in Galar, Ash is going to enter the Pokemon World Championship and face off against the world’s greatest trainers. This actually feels like the step in the right direction in becoming a pokemon master. In this journey, Ash is going to go up against a bunch of trainers so he can rise up in the class system these trainers are now under. This is in hopes for Ash to one day face-off against undefeated trainer and Galar champion, Leon.
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As for the boy-toy of this arc Goh, his mission in life is to catch Mew. But in order to do that, he’s going to catch as many pokemon this world has to offer. In this way, almost like the mobile app game Pokemon GO! Even though these boys have different goals, they’re going to travel together and maybe learn a little bit from each other. Ash and Goh are under supervision with Professor Cerise (who is the G-rated version of Shou Tucker), along with his daughter Chloe, and his two assistants.
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BEFORE TAKING OFF: The first episode took us waaaaaaay back! Professor Oak held summer camps, Ash was six years old, and a baby electric pokemon by the name of Pichu was born. This episode barely showed us Ash because…dude likes to sleep in. And because of that, he missed the pokemon camp. But half the episode consisted of Pichu being taken in by a mama Kangaskhan and the other half revolved around a young Goh at the camp seeing Mew. This of course was the start of Goh’s fascination with the rare phenomenon of Mew.
NEW CHARACTERS INTRODUCED: So, we shorten the cast list a bit from what we had in Sun and Moon. Ash travels the world with his new companion, but finds himself starting off at a professor’s lab in Vermillion. Which seriously begs the question of how long does it take to get from Kanto to all the other regions in the Pokemon world? Better question, how can anybody afford all of these planes, trains, and automobiles…oh right, no one cares! New characters time!
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Goh is the young lad with one goal in mind and that is to capture the elusive pokemon, #151, Mew! Ever since he was young and ran into Mew, he’s made it his mission to find and capture Mew! So now, he travels with Ash to capture as many pokemon as he possibly can in the hopes that one day he can find and capture…okay you get the picture! One track mind with this kid! Halfway into the journey, he does meet Ash’s old rival Gary and joins an exploration group called Project Mew.
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Chloe has known Goh since she was a child and would go to school with him. She’s easy to point out Goh’s faults, but offers advice from time to time. She’s also aided by her little corgles pokemon, Yamper. While Chloe loves Yamper, she’s not a pokemon trainer yet. In fact, during this series she’s unsure of what she wants to do as she has several options presented to her. Much like the Eevee she catches later on, they both have many possibilities. Will she be a pokemon professor like her father, an illustrator like her mother, a coordinator like Serena, Dawn, and Lisia? Who can say?
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Professor Cerise is the new professor in the Kanto region and will eventually commit the greatest taboo by fusing his daughter and her dog together.
Professor Cerise is the father of Chloe and the professor in Vermillion City. Him, along with his two assistants send Ash and Goh on their way to different missions to different regions of the world.
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Leon is the #1 trainer in the not only Galar, but the world it seems. With the introduction of the Pokemon World Championship, Leon has been undefeated as we see him taking down heavy-hitters like Lance and Raihan. But he’s happy to encourage any and all challengers. As long as they battle a bajillion trainers before that and then make it to the top 8 trainers in the world.
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Horace was friends with Goh a couple of years prior to the events of this series. But due to a misunderstanding, Goh thought Horace stood him up. But they made up years later and both boys end up becoming members of Project Mew.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: The sub finally got Kana Hanazawa! Now if y’all can just obtain Daisuke Ono, life would be complete in the Pokemon World!
*12 episodes of this series later*
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OH THANK YOU ARCEUS! Yes, I know this picture from Lucky Star. I happen to like it! I gotta say, when I first saw Leon in the game, I thought Daisuke Ono would be awesome as that character. Who knew you were going to read my thoughts and go with sexy voice Daisuke Ono? Hey, can you guys get Junichi Suwabe to play anything next? I’m not picky, just someone that makes the butter melt on my toast. No? Okay, fine!
The dub…Okay, so you know how at the beginning of a new arc, the company would usually give us an early tease and then air the rest of the series a couple of months later? Not this time! Yeah, in almost all other arcs (except Best Wishes), America would get a world premier around the same time as Japan. I guess because Sun/Moon was still airing and in the middle of the Pokemon League saga, they didn’t want to interfere. I mean, that league was a pretty big deal! As it turns out, Pokemon made YET ANOTHER move to a different channel…or should I say platform! Seven months after its debut in Japan, Pokemon Journeys made its debut on Netflix.
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Boy oh boy, tracking down Pokemon was a fucking journey! From the WB to Cartoon Network to Disney XD to Netflix! Hey U.S., Japan only needed TV Tokyo to air Pokemon the last 25 years and it was fucking successful for them. I don’t know what your hang-up is! Actually, I do because the WB fell apart and 4Kids lost the rights around the same time, Cartoon Network wanted to focus on rotting kid’s brains with Teen Titans GO, and not many people tune into Disney XD unless Ducktales or Gravity Falls repeats are on (plus it’s on the expensive channel package). I see the good and the bad here. It’s just that I really miss catching Pokemon on a weekly basis. Again, I’m not a binge-watcher and I’ve grown accustomed to watching things weekly. ESPECIALLY POKEMON!
I honestly think the switch to Netflix was the worst decision yet. Yes, Netflix has improved significantly when it comes to animes airing simultaneously. But not by much! Some animes have been given weekly updates, others there’s a several month wait. Pokemon gets released with a batch of episodes (12-15) every 3-6 months. Meanwhile, Teletoon in Canada is airing episodes once a week and FAR AHEAD from Netflix’s schedule. So really, not helping out with piracy that everyone seems so hung up on! And so much for the hope of FINALLY getting subbed Pokemon on a legitimate streaming platform. Nope! I’m sure there’s so much deeper things I can’t get into that’s involved, but from a viewer standpoint this was shit.
Moving away from Netflix drama, let’s talk about dub voice actors. Cherami Leigh is a main character. Let me repeat, Cherami Leigh of Sword Art Online, Fairy Tail, and Railgun fame has graced us with her prescence on Pokemon! Huh…and so has Ray Chase! I know technology has gotten better so that just about anyone can record in a studio from just about anywhere, but the Pokemon Company is really reaching hard for L.A. voice actors as of recent. The anime has mostly been NY-based, but things like Pokemon Origins, Generations, Twilight, Evolutions, Snap, GO, and Masters EX, they’ve enlisted a lot of L.A. voice actors like Robbie Draymond, Brianna Knickerbocker, Michelle Ruff, and Bryce Papenbrook.
Oh good fuck, Screamy McYellsALot!
One addition that really made me happy was to hear the return of Megan Hollingshed. She was everywhere in the Pokemon anime for the first 6 seasons with playing gym leaders, mothers, Nurse Joys, and so on.
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And now for a somber note, Billy Kametz! I was happy to hear Billy Kametz as Ren, one of Professor Cerise’s assistants. I’ve really enjoyed his work and am very glad I got a chance to hear him in a dub one last time before tragically passing away from cancer. At the end of the episode, “It’s All in the Name” Netflix was kind enough to put up an “In Memory Of” for Billy Kametz. I’ve never seen this happen before for the Pokemon anime. At least in the English version! The only other English voice actor that passed away fast and suddenly was Maddie Blaustein. But because she wasn’t voicing for Pokemon anymore at that point (ahem, because she was replaced), there were no memoriums for her on the anime. Well, I will always cherish Meowth and Ren. R.I.P. Maddie and Billy!
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And finally, there’s the subject of all these cameos from back in the day. Did everyone’s original voice actor come back to voice their original characters? Hell no! But some did. Let me put it to you this way, if it’s a character who was once a main character like Brock, Dawn, and the cast of Alola, more than likely their original voice actor would come back (not Eric Stuart though). If it’s gym leaders we haven’t seen in 3000 years, more than likely it’s changed. Flint, the Elite Four member of Sinnoh has a new voice actor. As does Drake from Hoenn! And Gym Leader Erika’s changed for a third time (yes, I count the 20th movie here). Honest opinion, Lauren Landa as Erika is the best Erika. I ain’t even sorry for that opinion! WITH ALL OF THAT SAID, here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Goh is played by Daiki Yamashita (known for Deku on My Hero Academia, Joro on Oresuki, Zeke on Attack on Titan, Umino on Sailor Moon Crystal, Sakamichi on Yowamushi Pedal, and Shion on UtaPri)
*Chloe is played by Hana Kanazawa (known for Nadeko on Monogatari, Anri on Durarara, Mayuri on Steins;Gate, Kanade on Angel Beats, Shiemi on Blue Exorcist, Kuroneko on Oreimo, and Onodera on Nisekoi)
*Prof. Cerise is played by Yuuichi Nakamura (known for Greed on FMA: Brotherhood, Tomoya on Clannad, Gray on Fairy Tail, Shigure on Fruits Basket 2019, Karamatsu on Mr. Osomatsu, and Kyousuke on Oreimo)
*Leon is played by Daisuke Ono (known for Sebastian on Black Butler, Shizuo on Durarara, Jotaro on Jojo’s Pt. 3, Erwin on Attack on Titan, Fafnir on Miss Kobayashi, William on Black Clover, and Koizumi on Haruhi Suzumiya)
*Horace is played by Ayahi Takagaki (known for Erika on Durarara, Kuro on Blue Exorcist, Lisbeth on SAO, Doll on Black Butler, Itori on Tokyo Ghoul, and Sylvie on Baccano)
ENGLISH CAST: *Goh is played by Zeno Robinson (known for Hawks on My Hero Academia, Shuuji on Tokyo Revengers, Garfiel on Re:Zero, Genya on Demon Slayer, Alan on Ben 10, and Blackluster on One Punch Man)
*Chloe is played by Cherami Leigh (known for Asuna on SAO, Lucy on Fairy Tail, Uiharu on Railgun, Minako/Venus on Sailor Moon redub, Patty on Soul Eater, Lizzie on Black Butler, and Sarada on Boruto)
*Prof. Cerise is played by Ray Chase (known for Roswaal on Re:Zero, Puripuri Prisoner on One Punch Man, Yuu on Charlotte, M on SAO: GGO, Yukiatsu on Anohana, and Saburouta on Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Arc)
*Leon is played by Alejandro Saab (known for Kuga on Food Wars, L’Arc on Shield Hero, Tatsuya on Irregular at Magic High, Tsukauchi on My Hero Academia, Takezou on Kono Oto Tomare, and Shizuru on Free!)
*Horace is played by Jenny Yokobori (known for Kaie on 86, Umino on Blue Period, and Kumiko on The Simpsons)
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Right here. Best boy right here!
Besides the obvious…it’s hard to say anything this time. This season gave me so much happiness with the return of several of my favorite characters like Bonnie and Lana. And of course, just slapping on a two-second cameo for my boys Tracey and Cilan! Or even that one-second cameo of Harley (yes, I care about that too). But I suppose my answer would be Piers, Marnie, or Allister. And truth be told, I loved all three characters in the game as well as the anime. But I feel something lacking here. Maybe it’s the fact that I only see them once or twice and then they’re forgotten.
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But seriously, Allister is a sweet wittle cinnamon roll.
DISLIKED CHARACTER: Ooh boy! With the return of many of my favorite characters, seeing the banes of my existence were sure to pop up. And the worst return to come from this show were every single rabbid Amourshipper to scream for a straight-month about Serena showing up unannounced. You people are the reason why the writers had to sneak her in. Otherwise, they’d just get endless emails and letters from the rabble about Serena returning to the show. Rabbid Amourshippers are worse than cancer and truly the worst part of Pokemon as a whole. Remember all of those idiot fans that put out petitions to have Misty return? Y’all are officially worse than that! You are on par with fucking MAGA.
Um…Medea, that really wasn’t a take on ‘disliked characters’. And I’m pretty sure you just pissed off a lot of people including some of your friends.
I know, I just felt really good getting that off my chest! Anyways, I do not hate Serena. If you read my XY review, I said that she wasn’t a bad character and was actually refreshing compared to some of the other crybaby powder kegs the show has given us. And I might add, her character has improved significantly during this series. So high praise from me! Now onto the butt-warts I’ve hated during the ages.
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Thankfully, only Alain and Paul were the ones I hated to show up in this series. Now I have kinda officially laid off Alain despite his rap-sheet during XY. But then there’s Paul! Paul, as I live and breathe! The worst scum to appear since Damien. But Paul seems to have changed for the better. I can’t confirm it fully. But the fact that he would prepare Ash for his Masters 8 tournament by having him fight pokemon that belong to these champions really speaks volumes. I see that he somewhat respects Ash enough to spar with him and prepare him for the worst. Now does Paul still abandon pokemon that don’t reach his potential? I do not know. But for now, he is a few notches up and not so sucky.
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And Paul’s return did reignite my demented love for Comashipping.
Oh yeah, this’ll be the one Pokemon review where I do not put a shipping category. I have absolutely no need for one this season. Nothing romantic. Kukui x Burnet set sailed last season. Serena didn’t blush like an idiot this season. No Pokeshipping either. Contestshipping is alive in my heart but dead everywhere else. And nothing to tickle Ash’s pickle.
DISAPPOINTED IN…: Out of the many, many, many, many, many, many cameos and reappearances we got, there were some characters I was happy to see, some I rolled my eyes at, and some that surprised me and made me have a new-found respect in! But then came one character whom I’ve loved from his first game appearance, yearned for his anime appearance for years, praised it when he finally appeared and then…Journeys just made me not like it.
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And that dishonor goes to Wallace! I don’t know if he took a class in Ego 101 from Kanye West or what, but something felt off. Anime Wallace and (later) Game Wallace felt different in terms of his demeanor and seeing that change was kind of a bad taste in my mouth. Plus, I feel like a battle between Ash and Wallace should have been something more than just a B-story. Wallace deserves better than playing second-banana to fucking Serena and Chloe.
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: I know I use this portion to put up some random ship I support or find a doppelganger of a character from years past. But for now, I would like to use this time to put up a picture of…
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This. Fucking. Angel!
Look at this cute baby! LOOK AT THIS BABY! This is Kukui and Burnet’s baby. They made one cute baby! Pardon my Maes Hughes impersonation here, but this is one cute baby! The only other couples who could possibly make a cute mutant child are May and Drew or if my anime counterpart shags Tracey and we…
Stick to the topic, moron!
Right! I fucking hate kids, but I am just so happy Kukui and Burnet had this baby. Mostly because I was thrilled to see someone grow in this series. Ash is eternally 10 until the day we die and the fucking world blows up. But with this, can Ash please, for the love of Arceus, turn 11 years old? I’m just saying!
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HALF AN EPISODE: I think I pissed off many people with this picture alone. This was an episode that many fans have dubbed the worst episode ever. I’ll stay out of that one. It was bad. Just not, dropping your child out of a helicopter and blaming it on your wife bad like a certain episode we don’t talk about ever.
Pokemon Journeys has decided to put two shorter stories in one whole episode. I gotta say, it’s weird. When they first did this, I thought there was a reason why two totally different stories are in the same episode. But when I see it happen again, maybe Pokemon realized that they should learn from that slump of the filler and condense it a bit. I think we could have gone through Johto in half the time if we cut most of those fillers and put two in the same episode. With that said, the majority of these half episodes are total shit. Everyone has their own opinion on which filler stunk the worst this season. For now, I’m going to praise one of them in the next category.
FUNNIEST EPISODE: Huh! I never thought I would have this section ever again. But this season is full of surprises. The Team Rocket podcast episode caught me by surprise, but my guilty pleasure of rap battles tickled my funny bone once again. Whenever an anime has this random moment, no matter how long it may be, I will more than likely laugh. Kaguya-sama, Clannad, and Zombieland Saga are prime examples.
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But then we get several episodes where Ash and Goh end up on these islands inhabited with Slowpoke and a Slowking crown would attach itself to either Ash or Goh. Let the hilarity ensue. But the second Slowpoke Island episode had me in stitches with Ash and Goh in a literal rap war. Hearing Rica Matsumoto go, “YO YO YO” is a thing of beauty and I’m happy to witness it.
TOUCHING EPISODE: I am so glad Journeys gave a happy conclusion to Lillie’s family story. Throughout Sun & Moon, I would wonder so much about Lillie and her development, even watching it before my eyes. Lillie has definitely had the biggest amount of character growth of anyone from the Alola gang. And despite the drastic contrast between the anime and games, we didn’t see anything torn from Lillie and watched her thrive. With the changes of Gladion and Lusamine compared to their game counterparts, there was one character I was always nervous on how the anime was going to tackle it. Fortunately, the anime has been improving on serious issues.
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But admit it, you were scared just as much as I was about what Lusamine and the kids would do if they ever found Mohn again. Mohn suffered massive amnesia after an incident with an Ultra Beast and the wormhole. And yes, their reunion was just as heart-breaking as I anticipated. And it only gets even sadder. When Mohn was unconscious, a shiny Nihilego carried him to a wormhole entry (in Crown Tundra, Galar) where they lived for several years. Nihilego took the form of what Mohn’s eyes thought his daughter would look like. So, hearing Mohn in present time say he doesn’t recognize Lusamine, Lillie, Gladion, or even Zoroark and say that he’s living with “his” daughter, it’s painful. But we finally get to the touching part where Mohn finally gathers is memories. I’m happy with this. Good for Lillie. Good for the family.
A FIRST IN 22 YEARS: I’ll get to Ash’s accomplishment in catching some pretty choice pokemon in a bit. Now I would like to bring up this ugly, old wound. COVID-19, it seems like only yesterday we were learning how to social distance and called the president a fucking retard for suggesting to inject household cleaners. But because of this deadly virus, many productions in Japan were put on hold. Still are! And yes, that included our beloved Pokemon anime. In fact, this was Pokemon’s first hiatus since their four-month hiatus in 1997 when Electric Soldier Porygon mucked things up. And this series survived several recessions, the Fukushima disaster, many other natural disasters, and 9/11.
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Not only the series was put on the back-burner, but the bloody movie, Pokemon Coco was delayed for 5 months! Yeah, the first summer we all went without a Pokemon movie hitting the theaters in Japan. Believe it or not, Japan had no intention of putting their newly-released movies available on a streaming or on-demand service like us greedy-fuck Americans. Yet, Japanese Netflix is somehow on a good system of putting things out once a week while American Netflix lumps everything together. Profiteering is hard! Point is that this was quite a monumental moment. Totally called for because the Covid was no fucking joke! It’s still not a joke. It’s still around. Get vaxxed, ya dummy!
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GOTTA CATCH EM’ ALL: This series definitely surprised us in many ways. First, I’ll begin with Goh. Because Goh wants to one day catch Mew, he’s gonna make it his mission to capture each and every pokemon as humanly possible. Goh goes the distance by catching anywhere between one pokemon to 13 pokemon in a single episode. And it wasn’t like that time Ash caught all those Tauros in one episode, he catches different ones throughout the episodes. Goh catches small pokemon, big pokemon, fossil pokemon, pokemon that Ash has caught before, pokemon that Ash will never get in his life (like Raichu), starter pokemon, and even legendary pokemon. And not just some one-and-done catch, he’s caught more than one legendary! I just wish Goh’s Suicune catch didn’t feel so…dumbassary.
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And then Ash…well, I sort of got my wish of Ash getting a psychic pokemon. I just wish it wasn’t Mr. Mime! Although, this wasn’t a catch! Delia just loaned Mr. Mime so he would watch over Ash while he stays at Professor Cerise’s lab. But Ash wound up with some really, big and surprising catches. And it breaks all sorts of protocol!
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First of all, you know how many of Ash’s first catches in a new arc are usually a bug type, the flying type of the region, or a starter? His first catch was a Dragonite! YEAH! DRAGONITE! Fully evolved form Dragonite!
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Then, do you remember every now and then, Ash will catch a fire-type that was previously abused or had a rough time before being captured? Replace that with Gengar and you’ve got his next catch!
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Ash caught a fossil pokemon! Yes, one of the messed-up ones from Galar, but still…
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And then…after waiting 14 years for Ash to one day get a Lucario (or at the very least Riolu) it finally happened. Ever since the 8th movie, fans have wanted Ash to catch Lucario. Even in Sinnoh, that was never gonna happen. Apparently, Riley was never gonna give Ash a Riolu egg. Fast-forward 11 years after that and Ash is drawn to a Riolu egg and catches it. Riolu and later Lucario was one of Ash’s best in this arc.
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BUT NOT JUST THAT!!! Ash finally, finally, finally, FINALLY gets to mega evolve! Do you have any idea how big this is? We had a whole arc filled with people who could mega evolve. All of Ash’s rivals and villains were able to do it. Even during Sun & Moon, Misty and Brock were able to mega evolve their pokemon. I understand Misty, but Brock is studying to be a doctor. He’s not a friggin’ gym leader anymore. Stop giving this guy more air to breathe! He’s been in too many episodes and arcs. Make him disappear and…Whoa, I’m being mean to Brock again. Where was I?
Don’t get me wrong, the syncro with Greninja was bad-ass. But Ash had at least four pokemon from his past that had the ability to mega evolve. Do you have any idea how fucking awesome it would have been if Ash mega evolved Charizard, Heracross, Glalie, or Sceptile?! Well, we’ll never know because it never happened. However, I think they wanted to keep Ash to his pokemon in Kalos and not even look at the past whatsoever in that arc. Kalos was really stingy with cameos. And that’s why I will always bad-mouth Kalos more than normal.
COMEBACK: When I learned that Ash was going to pop in and out of every region throughout this series, I refused to let myself get happy at this. Besides the fact that I’m a die-hard Tracey fan and sadly know he’ll never be shown again. But the fact that Ash has revisited a few places in the past and would never come upon the same person twice (including gym leaders unless under special circumstances). However, with the addition of Ash preparing to be in the Pokemon World Championship, there’s been an array of past folks either mentioned, cameo’d, or would straight-up battle Ash! And these cameos are far more than just the usual surprise pop-in from Misty and Brock. Please note, I will not count Delia and Professor Oak. They don’t count, they’re seen in EVERY SEASON. Here we go!
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Kanto: *Gary “Mother Fucking” Oak returns after a short cameo in the 20th movie, a cameo in the sky at the end of Best Wishes, and his last speaking role being in during DP. Gary is involved in Project Mew, an expedition in search for the rarest pokemon in the world. Him and Ash’s relationship has improved significantly. Goh hates his guts at first, but tolerates him later on. *Lance (16 long years after his last anime appearance) reappears to battle Leon in Galar. Later in the series, Lance became the 4th strongest trainer in the Pokemon World Championship. *Lt. Surge is mentioned by his temporary replacement at the gym and remembered by Ash. *Misty was shown in shadow form when it was discussed about gym leaders and the world championship competition. But Misty was finally shown at her gym watching Ash compete against Leon. She is also shown in the final episode as Goh visits the Cerulean gym. *Brock got a mention in the first DP special to come from the anime and I would have hoped this would be the end for that glory hog. Oh, but no! He shows up with not just a doctor degree, not just a fully evolved Blissey, but a license to drive a fucking jet. I call bullshit! *Mewtwo. Yes, that Mewtwo. Yes, the Mewtwo from the first movie. There was a moment. It passed. Moving on! *Erika, the Celadon City gym leader returns after a very long time. Her last anime appearance was in 1997, but she did appear in Pokemon I Choose You. Here, she holds a flower arrangement class. *Cassidy and Butch return after…I think Diamond and Pearl was their last appearance. However, things have changed for them. They’ve gone straight! Cassidy is running an inn and Butch runs a bakery. Either this was a mirage that was hallucinated by Jessie and James, or this really is a thing. *Richie appeared (after nearly 15 years since his last appearance) to watch Lance in the Masters 8 conference. *Todd. I can neither confirm or deny that he was outside Wyndon Stadium, but looking at the back of that guy’s head after Eternatus arrived is making me say, yeah, that’s totally him.
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*Professor Elm is mentioned by Professor Cerise when the topic of pokemon eggs is brought up. *Chuck (after 19 long years since his last appearance) reappears when Ash has a rematch with Bea. And best of all, Chuck is still voiced by that booming voice mother trucker, Dan Green! *Clair gets a nod when Ash learns of Iris’s full transformation. Do note that Iris and Clair have been training together. There was an episode 10 years ago with the two of them that was never released in English. *Jimmy, Marina, and Jackson/Vincent (from the Raikou special and Johto League) made a small cameo while watching Lance compete in the Masters 8 conference.
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*May got one mention. ONE! And that’s only because she participated in the Wallace Cup. They’re really holding out hope Kaori will make a recovery so she can voice May again! At least she was seen watching Ash fight Leon.
*Max was seen once watching Ash fight Leon alongside her sister May. *Drew and Harley (my second-tier baes) made a cameo while watching Steven compete in the Masters 8. And honestly, seeing both Drew and Harley in the same episode as several Tracey cameos was one of the best things I have ever seen in Pokemon history. Easily a 10/10 episode! *Drake was actually the first person from Hoenn to be featured. Quite surprising since he is the only Elite Four Hoenn member featured in the anime and was only featured in one episode. Is it any wonder he barely remembered Ash’s name. *My sexy boy Wallace re-emerges in his fabulous updated outfit from the ORAS games and battles Ash in a plot b, not important as contests battle. *Steven Stone is mentioned by Ash and Wallace is angry Ash remembers Steven but not him. Steven is still a top-tier trainer and champion as he is ranked #3 in the world and he ends up battling Ash in the Masters 8 conference. *Professor Birch, Kelly (one of May’s other rivals), Janet (one of May’s other rivals), Katie (Hoenn league competitor), Tyson (Hoenn league winner), Morrison (Hoenn league competitor), Jimmy (from Judgement Day), Kain (from Going for a Spinda), and Vito Winstrate of the Winstrate battling family ALL APPEAR IN ONE SHOT to prove that Advanced Generation hasn’t been neglected.
Except, yeah, they were neglected! Hoenn got butt-fucked and you all know it. I don’t remember Hoenn getting this much attention in the anime when the ORAS games came out. Oh-ho-ho, but when Diamond and Pearl gets a remake, what do you suppose happened there? Look down below!
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So, remember during the Kalos arc when we got the Ruby and Sapphire remakes and how much the anime gave us nostalgia to remember them by? Yeah, me neither. Kalos only gave us Steven Stone and fuck all. HERE, they decide to shove every bit of Sinnoh up every ass. They give us not one, not two, but three hour-long specials including one exclusive to Amazon. And they shoved every fucking bit of it to the fans. Because who doesn’t want to see Cynthia and Team Galactic and Dawn’s prissy bitch-ass? Um, hi! I don’t! Sit the fuck down! There are far more deserving characters that should get more air time despite game promotions. But we’re here anyways!
*Dawn returns several times throughout the course of this series. Actually, they mostly came out around the time the remakes to Diamond and Pearl released. But Dawn seems to be a bit of a mentor to Chloe as they are seen together numerous times throughout the series. *Johanna (Dawn’s mother) makes a cameo as she is interviewed on TV. *Paul gets a small cameo when his battle with Ash in the Sinnoh Pokemon League was mentioned. And then the little cock-sucker got another appearance by battling Ash at Oak’s lab. Okay, this anus-tart gets a point for doing this! *Volkner battles Ash when Ash made it into the Hyper Class. He’s later seen with Flint watching the Masters 8. *Cynthia returns! And best of all, her seiyuu came out of retirement to voice this champion. Just like Dawn, Cynthia is seen in several of these specials and other episodes. Best of all, she is the second strongest trainer in the world. I truly find that hard to believe since I really do believe she could beat Leon. *Professor Rowan returns during the Dialga/Palkia wormhole episode. *Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and all of the Team Galactic grunts make their appearance after 10 long years to hopefully bring Cyrus back to the living world. *Cyrus…um…he is talked about in the special and we see him in flashbacks. But that’s it. He’s still a bag of bones floating around in a different dimension. *Flint of Sinnoh’s Elite Four cameoed as he fought (and lost to) Leon. Ash remembered him! He is later seen watching Cynthia compete in the Masters 8 conference. *Reggie (Paul’s older brother) has a cameo when he watches Cynthia and Ash compete in the Masters 8.
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Unova: *After being butt-fucked by the anime, Iris finally returns. And she’s gone through a lot of changes. She’s champion of Unova. Her Axew is fully evolved. She can communicate with dragon-types telepathically. And near the end series, Iris became the 7th strongest pokemon trainer in the world. She even went toe-to-toe with Cynthia of all people and managed to have her bring out the big-guns. Did she win, fuck do you care? This was a big leap for someone like Iris. All of you haters can eat a buffet of dicks and choke on it. After Tracey-bashers, I hate the Iris-bashers. Iris doesn’t deserve the hate she got. *Cilan was first seen in a flashback flash when Ash remembers traveling with Iris. He later appeared alongside Brock and Alexa watching Ash fight Leon. Do note that Cilan has met Brock prior to this appearance. There’s an episode that was never released in English. *Drayden returns as well as the Iris vs. Ash match took place in his gym. *Bianca, Georgia, Trip, Stephan, and Alder all have quick cameos as they are watching Iris compete in the Masters 8.
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Kalos: *Clemont and Bonnie make a return when Ash prepares for his big Hyper Class battle against an Elite Four member. And even better, when the narrator mentions these two, they neglect to mention Serena making me enjoy the salty tears of Amourshippers. But as I learned long ago, this bitch never dies and comes back stronger. And one week later… *Serena returns with a new look and helps Chloe in her contest debut. Give the bitch some credit as she didn’t blush once. She appears again alongside May and Max to watch Ash compete in the world championship. *Korrina challenges Ash as part of the Pokemon World Championship and helps Ash in search for the Lucarionite. *Gurkinn (Korrina’s grandfather) also returns with Korrina in several episodes. *Diantha makes a cameo appearance on a magazine and later in Pokemon World Championship as the 5th strongest. She does well in the championship…except for one battle. *Greninja has returned and about a thousand pokemon fans just pissed themselves in excitement. *Alain gets a cameo when Ash reminices about Greninja. Not only that, but has gone on a journey of self-discovery to become the 6th strongest trainer. And got a new mega stone! *Professor Sycamore and Mairin were shown watching Alain when he competed in the Masters 8. *Sawyer, Tierno, Trevor, and Shauna all cameo when Diantha competed in the Masters 8. *Alexa (gym leader Viola’s sister) appeared alongside Brock and Cilan to watch Ash in the Masters 8.
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Alola: *Professor Kukui, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, Sophocles, Rotomdex, Samson Oak, Professor Burnet, and all of Ash’s Alolan pokemon are featured in an episode when Ash visits Alola. *Sophocles gets his own episode where he gets the chance to work in a space program in Mossdeep City (in Hoenn). *Gladion and Lillie (while not there in the first Alola episode to see Ash), were seen in an update. Later in the series however, they appear in the Crown Tundra of Galar in search of their father. *Anna was a reoccurring character throughout Sun & Moon as she was the one who would commentate on certain pokemon events and races Ash and the gang might participate in. Anna returns during a random race Ash and Goh participate in. *Mohn is alive and well. Unlike the games, he does regain his memories and return to his family to Alola. *Abe, Ulu, Hala, Wicke, and Faba return during the celebration of the Aether family reunited. *Hau, Guzma, and Team Skull cameoed when Ash participated in the Battle Royal match against Kiawe, Gladion, and Kukui. *All the memorable pokemon make several apperances including Bewear, Mimikyu, Maerine, Ash’s Alolan team, and Tapu-Koko.
Orange Isl…
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Not only that but he’s the only one of Ash’s past travel companions to watch him compete in the Masters 8, the semi-finals against Cynthia, and the finale. Where was your precious Brock and Misty? They were out taking a shit. Tracey watched. Tracey’s there. He stood there watching the whole thing. He cares! Look at him elbow-bump Snorlax. He’s awesome!
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GALAR CHARACTERS: Because Pokemon decided to do things a little differently with this arc, only several characters known in the Sword/Shield games were featured in the anime. Let’s see who got in and who got shafted.
*Leon! No way were they going to leave out the hammy champion of Galar. He was featured several times throughout the series from being a Master Class Trainer in the Pokemon World Championships to the big fight against Eternus to just him getting lost in a forest.
*Sonia was there to talk about the Darkest Day and was later featured prominently throughout the big battle against Chairman Rose and Eternus. But she returns from time-to-time when Ash and Goh are in Galar, including to see Leon’s final match.
*Professor Magnolia was mentioned early in the season by Professor Ceriese. But she became a supporting character during the Darkest Day arc. Extra points here because she’s voiced by the same woman who voiced Izumi Curtis on FMA.
*Bea, the fighting-type gym leader made several appearances. As it turns out, she’s one of the toughest trainers in the Hyper Class for the championship. She even defeated Ash pretty bad during their first interaction.
*Raihan! He battles Leon, he appears during Darkest Day, he takes a selfie, he bakes pastries with fairy types, he takes another selfie, he’s voiced by Tatsuhisa…whoops, not anymore, he’s voiced by dude who did Kirito now, he takes another selfie, he loses to Leon, he punches a wall, and he takes another selfie! Raihan is one of the 8th strongest trainers in the world. He takes another selfie. He is demoted from 8th best. And yes, takes another selfie!
*Chairman Rose and Oleanna appear quite early and leave quite fast after the Darkest Day arc. Yeah, the whole thing came and went as did their appearances.
*Opal still loves pink! If you lack pink, she’s not afraid to say so. And I still say she’s a lost member of the Triplets of Belleville. But she briefly appears when Ash and Goh are separated from Chloe and again when she hosts a baking competition for the kids, Raihan, and Leon.
*Allister makes his debut with helping Ash when he’s possessed by a Spiritomb and helping his Gengar Dynamax.
*Piers, Marnie, and the hooligans of Team Yell make their debut as well. Marnie fought against Ash in hopes of advancing further than “Hyper Class Trainer”. Piers is there to be a supportive big brother. And as for Team Yell, they made Ash late to his own match against Marnie.
*Mayor of Freezington! I didn’t expect to see this dude here, but in the Lillie and Mohn episode, he appeared.
*Hop, Leon’s younger brother is seen in the audience of the PWC cheering for his big bro. I really wish they would have used him more than just cheering for Leon. But, we get what we get here.
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CHARACTERS WHO EXIST IN OTHER POKEMON STUFF BUT NOT ANIME UNTIL NOW: Long title for this segment, but definitely called for. As this arc is very unorthodox, there were several characters who exist in other things like the games or manga, but never made it into Ash’s inner space until now. These are characters that should have made their debut years ago.
*Wikstrom if you recall was an Elite Four member in the Kalos region. He however never made an appearance in XY. Too much focus on Malva and Diantha I suppose. He makes his debut by offering some sword play for Ash, Farfetch’d, Goh, and Scyther.
*Drasna was also an Elite Four member in Kalos, but was never shown until Ash competed in the Hyper Class tournament. You’d think her being a person who can mega evolve would have already made her appearance, but alas no. Admit it, you forgot she even existed.
*Rita and Phil…wait, from Pokemon Snap? Yes! They made a short, five-second appearance in the movie Pokemon: Secrets of the Jungle.
*Lisia, coordinator introduced during Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire finally debuted in anime form. She gives Chloe her contest pass and is a rival to Serena.
*Rei from Pokemon Legends Arceus makes a cameo at the end of the 4-part Arceus special. He literally had more screentime than his descendant Lucas.
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BIG TEAM BATTLE: So, this portion happened earlier than what we’re used to. By episode 40, Ash and Goh found themselves dealing with the Marco Rose company and their bringing about “The Darkest Day” to the Galar region. Goh and Ash get split up while the random dynamaxing happens to pokemon in the wild area. Goh ends up researching with Sonia, while Ash is helping these affected pokemon with Leon.
While short and unexpectedly fast approaching this arc was, we got some pretty momentous happenings. For starters, during the big battle, Ash’s Riolu and Goh’s Raboot both evolved at the same time (not in the same place however) into Lucario and Cinderace. And then, something unheard of for a main character in the anime! Goh and Ash caught Eternatus.
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Let me repeat this. Goh and Ash caught Eternatus after battle. Just don’t expect to see them use this monster in battle. It’s sealed away in a pokeball, inside a glass case, inside a safe, covered with sutras, armed with lasers and Dick Cheney with a gun.
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Now as for bad guy stuff afterwards, it feels a lot like Sun & Moon where Team Rocket try to disturb a legendary pokemon’s habitat and try to catch it. Probably because Team Rocket is the only bad guy team where their leader is still in tact and in this series we have Ash and company go to every region. It’s not like we’re going to see any of the other villains like in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. No, the anime won’t do us like that. Archie is doing 20 to life, Maxie is on probation but still has an ankle monitor, Cyrus is a bag of bones in another dimension, Ghetsis is doing life for attempted mass genocide and child endangerment, and no one has found Lysandre’s body or Hunter J for that matter. But that’s just my opinion on that matter!
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Going back to Cyrus of Team Galactic, while we don’t see him currently, we do see the rest of Team Galactic as they attempt to find him. This is the Arceus Chronicles special (exclusive to Amazon Japan and U.S. Netflix). I honestly found the special a cheap ploy to whore out the Legends Arceus game and for Dawn to have more screen time.
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MUSIC: One song, several versions! You would think I would get tired of that? A little bit, but not as bad as you’d think. Pokemon has been known to have one or more versions to an opening theme. Mezase Pokemon Master has been used countless times in countless ways with several revamps to it. It’s still a classic! Many others had remixes like Saikou Everyday and V(Volt). Yeah, V(Volt) is still annoying. 1, 2, 3 however didn’t feel annoying to me. Probably because there’s a T.M. Revolution version and a Rica Matsumoto version!
English opening. Generic. Moving on.
MOVIE: Normally, the Pokemon movies would hit theaters in Japan during the second or third week of July every year consecutively. For this arc, we got ONE movie. Just one! As usual, Pokemon’s 23rd feature film was on track for release in July 2020. Ah-ha, you see that year, right?! You know that shit got bumped. And bumped, it was! The release date got pushed to Christmas of 2020 and the U.S. release date wasn’t for another ten months later. Thanks a lot Netflix! At least when Sailor Moon Crystal came out in Japan, it only took four months for Netflix to get it!
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Pokemon: Secrets of the Jungle. You ever see Disney’s Tarzan? It’s Disney’s Tarzan but with pokemon. You’re welcome.
Okay, okay, I’ll be kind. Actually, this was a very good story. It does follow Ash down that alternate timeline from the I Choose You story. It follows Ash as he meets a boy who lives with the Zarude. And you know Tarzan, it has a bad guy, dead parents, monkey-type pokemon, Team Rocket…Yeah, you know. Spoiler alert, the bad guy doesn’t die horribly like Clayton. I’m loving these alternate universe movies. My only gripe is that we never see any of Ash’s other pokemon.
TEAM ROCKET UPDATE: Hmm…They don’t go out for the world championship spot like Ash. Jessie doesn’t enter contests. They don’t break up. And they don’t catch the twerp’s Pikachu. Don’t tell me they spend another arc doing jack-ass-shit!
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My God, that’s perfect for them. And honestly if Megumi Hayashibara and Shinichiro Miki ever start their own podcast together, I would pay any amount of money to hear that regularly. I’m going to be honest here. Aside from the podcast episode, Morpeko shenanigans, and the episode where they temporarily go their separate ways again, I barely remember or acknowledge Team Rocket’s existence for this season. Did Jessie actually catch a pokemon this season? I don’t know. It's like later season Black/White here. What are you doing Team Rocket?! Are you going to take what Cassidy and Butch say seriously about how there’s more to your life than just Team Rocket? Or are you just going to chase Pikachu until the inevitable end?
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CHLOE’S CHOICE: Unlike many of the other girl protagonists in the past, Chloe isn’t featured in every episode. In fact, a lot of episodes Chloe doesn’t even appear. She’s at home or at school. She’s not technically a trainer, but she does have one pokemon and a Pokedex. When we do get Chloe-focused episodes, the earlier ones feature her contemplating her future. Because of her father being a pokemon professor, people automatically would say she should follow in her father’s footsteps. Not for Chloe! And she’s not going to become a graphic artist like her mother.
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It wasn’t until Chloe traveled to Sinnoh on her own that she learned about Pokemon Contests. She got curious watching an interview with Johanna and then Dawn talked about her love of pokemon contests to her. But it wasn’t until Chloe went to Lilycove City in Hoenn where she met Lisia and Serena that she really enjoyed taking the stage with Eevee. Does Chloe become a coordinator like the travel-mates of Ash’s past? Chloe’s whole saga was given the permanent halt once Masters 8 started and it only got mysterious from there. Yeah, the series ends with Chloe going on a journey of her own. Where is unknown. What she will be doing is unknown. Is she and Eevee going to give contests another try? Will she catch a Galarian Ponyta? Will she become an Eeveelution trainer? Who fucking knows?!
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ENDING FOR GOH: Goh has been an interesting character to say the least! And the fandom for this character runs both hot and cold. They either love him or hate his guts. The hate is because Goh wound up catching all three Galar starters and Ash didn’t catch any of them. At the beginning of the series, Goh had a one-track mind in catching Mew and that’s that. It even caused some friction when Scorbunny wanted to be his first pokemon early in the series. Thankfully, Goh and Scorbunny (later Cinderace) made a great team.
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Throughout the series, Goh caught many pokemon during his time with Professor Cerise and Ash. He caught fossil pokemon, legendary pokemon, pokemon of different forms, shiny pokemon, starter pokemon, pokemon Ash will never own in his lifetime, throw-aways, and the occasional surprise pokemon like Suicune. None of them are Mew! In the middle of this arc, Goh gets introduced to the Project Mew group by Gary Oak. Throughout the series, we got a few episodes dedicated to special missions Goh got in order to go further in this group. Goh was even able to catch a rare Regi pokemon (alongside Gary) and stop Regiggias from being Dynamaxxed. That was kind of a cop-out because I thought Regiggias was going to be a bigger episodic thing. After that, Goh was able to join the big expedition with Project Mew. Will he get closer to his dream of catching Mew?
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Goh got the message on a big lead with finding Mew. Only problem was that he had to leave right when Ash was about to fight the biggest battle of his life. Goh left Ash before his masters finale against Leon. This is actually a first! Every single one of Ash’s companions were there to witness his finale in whatever league. Even Tracey and Max! YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT ASSHOLES! TRACEY WITNESSED THE ORANGE, JOHTO, HOENN, AND MASTERS 8 LEAGUE. SUCK IT!
I promise, this’ll be the last time I call you ‘assholes’.
No…it probably won’t be. Sorry!
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Goh did leave Ash. His final mission with Project Mew was his toughest yet where communication was cut off, pokeballs were unable to be used, and legendaries are out for your heads. Goh, Gary, Horace, and the rest of the expedition team finally came in contact with Mew. This is the closest anyone has come. And also, nice that they made a mention to Jessie’s biological mother as she did search for Mew too. But the fight against Mew was pretty intense as this is the one pokemon that has the capability of taking on any form and can learn any move it damn-well wants to. But, it also has the ability to give those it comes in contact with knowledge of the world. Did Goh catch Mew? Fuck no! But there’s a respect and this experience is something he’ll hold onto for the rest of his life. We’ll see what happens with Goh’s own journey.
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ENDING FOR ASH: Ash has certainly done wonders throughout this arc by entering that Pokemon World Championship and catching some major powerhouse pokemon. Next to his Sinnoh and Kalos teams, this team he has this time around is amazing. And it has taken him to the Master Class status. This championship has had Ash face up against old gym leaders from his past, old friends who have grown exponentially, and new challengers. As we remember in Ash’s past, going up against an Elite Four member ended in utter failure. Let’s never forget his failures against Agatha, Prima, and Drake. He did get lucky against a champion once, but his synchronization with Greninja went haywire so we really don’t discuss that.
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In Pokemon Journeys, Ash has faced a lot of tough challengers. And I thought that day would never come since we all know Ash’s peak perfection team was during Sinnoh. But his team now is pretty fucking stacked and now has the ability to mega evolve, synchronize, gigantamax, and z-move with several of his current team. Not only that but go up against some of the toughest trainers in the world. I mean let’s face it, Ash in the past has gotten his ass handed to him by some pretty boss trainers. Even here, Bea, Volkner, and Iris gave him a run for his money. Did anyone think he could hold his own and become the 8th strongest trainer in the world?
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Ash’s biggest moment is here and now with going up against the heavy-hitters. Iris, the champion of Unova. Alain, the winner of the Kalos Pokemon League. Diantha, the champion of Kalos. Lance, the champion of Kanto and Johto. Steven Stone, the champion of Hoenn. Cynthia, the champion of Sinnoh. And Leon, the UNDEFEATED champion of Galar.
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Is Ash going to fight ALL OF THESE TOP DAWGS?! Hell no! Just some of them. For starters, Steven and Cynthia. These two are champions of Hoenn and Sinnoh. They’ve shown how bad-ass they were in certain parts of the anime. And now Ash has to go up against both of them in the quarter finals and semi finals. In a three-on-three match, Ash was able to take out Steven and his mega evolved Metagross and move onto the semis. His match against Cynthia will be his toughest yet. Even gamers are annoyed with Cynthia in battle as well as her ancestor Volo. That guy was a real fucker! Ash faced off against Cynthia and won. It wasn’t easy. Roserade’s Poison Point, Milotic’s iron head, a Dynamaxed Togekiss, and Garchomp make Ash’s battle pure hell. Give this battle some credit as we didn’t see Cynthia be predictable with a Mega Garchomp. Togekiss dynamaxxing was a surprise. Prior to fighting Ash, Cynthia was planning on retiring. But after that battle, the retirement plans are on hold.
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And now for the finale, Ash vs. Leon. Will Ash get lucky here? Hard to tell. Even Japan knows that the stats are highly in favor of a Leon victory. But as I learned from looking at polls and stats for politics, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE POLLS AND STATS, THEY ARE ALL SHITE! Also, Ash is unpredictable so anything can happen in battle. Leon decided to allow Ash use all of his battle enhancements. That means Gengar can be Dynamaxed, Lucario can Mega Evolve, and Pikachu can do a Z-Move. Ash was able to take out some of Leon’s pokemon early on. Leon is no pushover, his pokemon are tough. Tough enough for only 2 of them to take out all of Diantha’s pokemon. Dragapult and Mr. Rime gave Ash the toughest time. Soon enough, Ash found himself with only Pikachu left against a Cinderace with Limber ability and a Dynamaxed Charizard.
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Enter Eternatus! Yeah, Satan’s tapeworm escaped from its captivity. I guess it wanted to give Dynamax energy for Ash and Leon’s pokemon to go Gigantamax again. Wish granted as Pikachu and Cinderace went Gigantamax. And even though Pikachu’s past experiences with Dynamax didn’t go well, it was successful against Cinderace as he was able to take it down. So, it’s down to one-on-one. This moment between Ash and Leon was one of the most finely animated battle I’ve seen since both Sinnoh’s and Kalos’s pokemon league. And Charizard was so powerful that Pikachu almost died.
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Yeah, you heard right. It looked like Pikachu almost died on the floor. But Pikachu saw all of Ash’s pokemon from past to present. ALL OF THEM! EVEN PRIMEAPE! EVEN PIDGEOT! EVEN LAPRAS! AND LITTLE LARVITAR TOO! THEY COUNTED HIM TOO! And all of Ash’s friends were watching from wherever they were to catch this moment. Misty at the Cerulean gym, Tracey at the Oak lab, Brock and Cilan at a pokemon center, Clemont and Bonnie at the Lumiose gym, May, Max, and Serena at a contest, Iris in a tree, and the Alolan gang in the classroom were there together in unison for this. Goh didn’t watch, but he’s there in spirit. LAME! Victory! Pikachu defeated Charizard. Ash is world champion!
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So…what now? Ash is literally world champion! Unless there are pokemon on other planets with pokemon trainers, I don’t think Ash can get anything higher than that. This is something that won’t be answered in this series I’m afraid. Stay tuned. For now, it’s time to focus on what this show is going to do with Ash, Chloe, Goh, and Team Rocket. Team Rocket will do whatever they do. They do their usual last episode thing by visiting the boss and lying to him to get praise.
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Of course, in the finale we get a falling out between Ash and *insert name here*. It happens almost every arc to this story it’s almost formulaic. Misty has a moment at the end of Johto. Max was depressed at the end of Hoenn. Dedenne has a panic attack in the middle of an airport in the Kalos finale, and the less I remember about Piplup’s meltdown, the better for my sanity. This time it was Goh. Apparently, Goh doesn’t know Ash well enough to realize that bro goes on journeys by himself all the time. Usually, it’s his friends that leave him. Actually…EVERY FRIEND HAS LEFT ASH! Except for the Alolan gang. Stay cool Kiawe and Lana!
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Thankfully, this moment passed as Goh and Ash come under attack by…well, yeah, Team Rocket did attack them in their usual manner. But I was talking about Lugia! This was indeed the very same Lugia from the second episode of Pokemon Journeys. They fought. They flew together. They even ran into Ho-oh. And you know whenever Ash runs into Ho-oh, it’s an omen for their journey continuing. For now, anyways.
We end this season with a party for Ash and Goh. Many decisions were made about their future. Goh and Ash are splitting up to go on their own, but will remain good friends. And Chloe is to go on her own journey.
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EPILOGUE…SORTA: A week after the Pokemon Journeys finale, we get one special episode. However, this is Alternate Universe Ash. I Choose You, Secrets of the Jungle, Power of All movie universe. Ash meets a dead boy. Yeah, it’s like I said. He meets the spirit of a dead boy who loved pokemon. Meets his parents. A familiar scene with a Mankey and Ash’s hat. And talks about Ash’s DAD?!
Yeah, they really mention Ash’s dad more often than not in the alternate universe. We never see him and neither does Ash. But he leaves behind a new hat for his son. And we get this choked-up scene where Ash eats and cries. Shit, I was ready to write off this episode, but damn that almost kicked me in the feels.
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FINAL THOUGHTS: I’m not going to lie, I have a love/hate relationship with this series. I feel like the Galar region was just crammed and stowed to the side and it really shouldn’t have been. Call me old fashioned, but I would have loved to see Ash collect gym badges again. We only saw, like half of those characters. I would have loved to see Ash take on the likes of Kabu, Melony, Gordie, Nessa, and Milo. It would have been awesome to see Ash go to the Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra. Do you know how bad-ass it would have been if he got a Kubfu? We didn’t even get to see the Isle of Armor! Ah, what would have been.
What we got with Pokemon Journeys wasn’t all bad. Pokemon gave another chance to anime-only main characters again and I’m always a proponent of that. Unlike so many haters of Goh, I really couldn’t hate him. Yes, he did irritate me at the beginning for other reasons. But I grew to like him. This addition of a Project Mew side-story was inventive. But it also feels…I don’t know, crammy?! And as for Chloe…I have a strict, no-hate policy on everything Kana Hanazawa plays. And that goes double for Cherami Leigh. I’m not breaking that clause so deal with it. I just wish more was done for Chloe, especially at the end. But I feel like more was planned and possibly scrapped due to that baby hiatus back in 2020. I can’t be the only one who thinks that is a proponent to this. I’m sure it isn’t, I’m just putting it out there.
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As for Ash being a helper at the Cerise lab, I guess it’s great to see him do other stuff besides collecting gym badges. I would have preferred he kept doing the status quo, but in order for him to be a Pokemon Master, I suppose he’s gonna have to step out of the box every once and a while. Seeing him take on old rivals, gym leaders, and such was awesome. There would have been so much I would have preferred to see. And I’m just going to say this and it’s probably not going to be popular with some. I really think Ash should have gotten at least ONE Galar starter pokemon.  They all didn’t have to go to Goh!
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With the World Champion arc, I was so happy to finally see people like Cynthia and Steven Stone battling for real. In this anime form, we never saw that. We would only see snipits of Cynthia battling someone and then they lose. Every battle Ash was in, I was not disappointed. Others however, don’t get me started. Iris and Alain were automatically dealt a shitty hand when they both had to go up against the #1 and #2 strongest trainers. In fact, Alain lost so bad that Trevor felt it all the way in Kalos and laughed. And then there was Diantha! First of all, I’m pissed we didn’t get to see that entire fight. But at the same time, if she lost 6-2, I think I would have felt nothing but sickness if I watched the entire thing. On the other hand, STOP GIVING US LOST POKEMON FILLERS DURING A TOURNAMENT ARC PLEASE!
Another thing that I felt was lacking was of rivals in a sense. Ash competing in the world championship has him going up against old and new gym leaders like Bea, Korrina, and Volkner. But what about the other trainers that don’t have a gym leader status to their names? We see Ash battle people like that early on and then we never see them again. We saw this guy Rinto for a couple of episodes and then we never see him again. And then there’s Hop! You would think we would see Ash and Hop spar from time-to-time. If Ash wanted to fight with Leon, he might as well get his feet wet with his baby brother. Instead, we are introduced to Hop during the tournament and all we see him do is be in the stands cheering for his onii-chan. What a waste!
But now that Ash has actually become the champion of the world…what’s next?
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Here comes the bittersweet moment. In December 2022, it was announced that Ash and Pikachu’s journey was going to come to an end. With the ending of Pokemon Journeys, we were to get only 11 final episodes. Pokemon as a whole will continue and thank goodness for that. But Ash and Pikachu…man, that’s a lot to take. I’m going to separate this review from the final 11. I feel like that would be in my best interest. But with no more Ash and Pikachu, we run the risk of never seeing anyone he’s associated himself with again. That means Misty and Brock. That means Professor Oak. That means Iris. That means Cilan. That means freakin’ Team Rocket. That means Blushy McIdiot, Dawn, the Alolan gang. And for me, it runs the risk of never, forever-ever, never ever, ever, ever gonna see Tracey Sketchit again. I nearly vomited at that thought. He’ll stay alive in my fan-fictions. You best believe that! I’m just going to feel worse than when he left before Johto started. I will definitely say more in the following review for the final 11.
As for Pokemon Journeys, yeah I enjoyed it. Watch it. Stay away from several fillers. Don’t get your hopes up for Chloe. Keep an open mind about Goh. R.I.P. Billy Kametz. Long live Daisuke Ono! Every episode will be up on Netflix. Other seasons, check out Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney XD, and Pokemon TV.
DID MY HIGH HOPES COME TRUE?!: I won’t be doing a high hopes section here. With only 11 episodes left and several of them have aired as of posting this review it would really defeat the purpose. But let’s see if any of my silly wants came true.
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*Yes, Tracey exists in this season. Everyone does apparently! Tracey has been given the bum’s rush at nearly every turn since…well, his last speaking role was September 2006. To give you an idea how long ago that was, I have moved 3 times since then, my eldest cat Harley wasn’t even born yet, my fan-fic “you-know-what” was in the early stages of writing, Naruto Shippuden wasn’t airing yet, Death Note and Code Geass haven’t aired yet either, Kanye West was still respectable, Justin Timberlake’s SexyBack was #1 on the charts, Jackass #2 was in theaters, I still thought George W. Bush was the worst president in history, and Robin from One Piece just uttered the words “I want to live” for the first time. THAT’S HOW LONG IT’S BEEN!
And to this day, he still hasn’t uttered a word. I had to survive all of Kalos and Alola without seeing his face at all. Or even being mentioned. Seriously, there were episodes back at the lab and you don’t even mention your assistant, Oak. The fuck is wrong with you?! That’s how stingy and fucked this has been. But this season, Professor Oak at least mentions him without having him be at the lab when we get an episode AT THE LAB. But when it came time for the big tournament, Tracey was watching. He watched the whole thing. We didn’t hear him, but he was there. I am so happy. I think it’s because getting Tomokazu Seki to do it-bits here and there might be expensive. I mean, he is a really big freakin’ deal in the seiyuu world. Yes, he’s even more expensive than Yuuki Kaji and Mamoru Miyano. Ted Lewis would happily do it and I would be happy to hear it. To sum up, I saw Tracey. Was it a lot? No. Did he speak? Hell no. Do I want more? Fuck yeah! Are you happy? Fuck to the infinity yeah!
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*I was quite expletive when it comes to seeing May and Iris again. We saw May in voice-less cameos. That’s pretty much what I’ve come to expect due to her seiyuu Kaori’s illness. Kaori has fully retired from voice acting and singing due to a vocal condition. She had this problem when she voiced May one last time during Diamond and Pearl. Even though I only saw May once, at least the anime acknowledged her existence. She’s known as the Princess of Hoenn in the contest world. She’s still doing contests and even made friends with Serena.
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As for Iris, boy did we get the upgrade of Iris and I couldn’t be prouder. Since leaving Ash and Cilan, Iris has trained and has become the champion of Unova, is able to telepathically communicate with dragon pokemon, has fully evolved Axew into Haxorus, earned the respect of Dragonite and Excadrill, and is currently the 7th strongest trainer in the world. We got Iris in several episodes in full and I am beyond happy. I wish she could have had more screentime than Dawn this season, but I shouldn’t complain since Iris went through all of this.
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*Did I see Clefable…no, not really. We did get a touching episode with a Cleffa. I’ll accept that.
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*Yamper!!! This got confusing. Chloe is Yamper’s owner. But she doesn’t carry him in a pokeball nor does she travel with him once she got her pokedex. After that, it just became the Eevee show. I guess Yamper is the family pokemon and I’ll leave it at that. I got to see the poke-corgi more often than not and I’m okay with that.
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*Did Ash battle around in Galar? Sorta. The only people he met up with or battled with were Leon, Raihan, Bea, Opal, Allister, and Marnie. Qutie a puny list. I’ve already beat my thoughts about this into the ground so let’s move on.
*Much to my dismay, none of those fun game characters from Team Rocket ever showed up and I suppose they never will.
*No, we did not see Ash go to any Battle Frontier or Battle Tower this season.
*James did not get a Galarian Weezing. I don’t think we even saw one. Did we? Just a flash in the final episode. This season didn’t even show all of the Galar pokemon.
*Rica Matsumoto eventually sang the opening theme. It was a duet, but even her best songs are duets. High Touch, anyone?
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*Ash…sadly got a psychic pokemon…it was on loan from his mother and it was Mr. Mime. I am not amused by this at all.
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*And finally, PROFESSOR BURNET GAVE BIRTH! Thank you for not keeping her pregnant for three years. People finally aged here!
AND FINALLY…IN MEMORIUM (SILLY EDITION): Usually I do an in memorium if someone notable passes away during the production of an anime. Last season, I wrote one for Unshou Ishizuka. I mentioned Billy Kametz here, but for my full memorium be sure to read my Rising of the Shield Hero second season review. This is not going to be that. It’s going to be quite absurd.
This is a dedication to all of the characters I wished would have made an appearance in Pokemon Journeys. Here’s to all of the trainers, gym leaders, coordinators, elite four members, random bros, etc. that for one reason or another never made it to this special season of pokemon. And because they never got to appear, I’m putting up my own stock-photos here to make it even more sillier. Mwahaha! May the Poke-Gods be kinder to you in another realm than they would have here. I WILL REMEMBER YOU. WILL YOU REMEMBER THEM?
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Proton, Petrel, Ariana, and Archer
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N & Ghetsis
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Cress & Chili
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Wish you were all here.
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sammymumiwi · 2 hours
Explore the intriguing history of PEZ Candy, a 95-year-old anti-smoking peppermint turned global candy phenomenon. Discover the evolution of PEZ from its invention in 1927 to its modern-day collectible dispensers.
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sheltonr · 3 days
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As the world's number one gaming brand, Pokémon has brought players and viewers much more than just a mere viewing experience, with many of his spin-off products selling equally well around the world. Since its debut in 1996, Pokémon has quickly become a global phenomenon, integrating video games, animation, card games, films and other forms of transmedia culture. The core concept is to capture, train and battle 'Pokémon' to implement the progress of the game; this concept also extends to its peripheral products, countless players in order to satisfy their own desire to collect and scramble to buy products.
Today, I'm going to share my experience buying Pokémon cards, my interpretation of their place in consumer society, and how they affect people's daily lives.
First of all, the main point of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (Pokémon Card Game) is to collect and play against each other, and like the game, players need to get these cards in a variety of ways in order to interact with others. I was first introduced to cards when I was in primary school, and my parents bought me a lot of cards to cheer me up when they took me on a trip, at a time when China was actively bringing in foreign works for cultural exchange, which was a great incentive for kids who didn't have a lot of ways to be entertained at the time. When I got home, I excitedly traded cards with kids in the neighbourhood, and the first Pokémon card trade between kids in the neighbourhood was born.
Some kids didn't have the cards the other wanted, so they would use other things to trade. Kids didn't have a lot of pocket money back then, so kids usually traded for candy, treats, or other toys. As with the rarity of the cards themselves, the more valuable and rarer the item, the higher the value and the stronger the card that can be exchanged for it. Children preferred Pokémon monsters that were gorgeous and handsome, and those who possessed these cards usually became the leaders of the neighbourhood. This is the basic card market. Some children's parents object to their children spending money on cards, so children need to find ways to hide their cards and buy them from other children, but the children who have the power to sell them usually raise the price so high that the buyer is forced to trade long-saved pocket money or toys for them.
The commercial excitement of Pokémon cards is obvious, and in order to gain a foothold in children's childhoods, dealers include a large number of rare cards, which may only have a 1% chance of appearing, and the vanity of the child is greatly satisfied when someone gets their hands on the card. The random form of card sales greatly stimulates the children's desire to buy, cleverly exploiting a gambling mentality of consumers: consumers are eager to open a high-priced pack of rare cards but ignore the traps set by the merchants, that is, even if they get a high-priced card, the cost invested in consumption is far greater than the value of the card. Purchasing large packs of cards in order to open rare cards and the excitement and anticipation of unwrapping them have been stimulating consumers' behaviour. People who fantasise about getting rich overnight tend to be controlled by their emotions when they spend money, thus ignoring the cost they have already spent, and when they do not open the product, they want this time, they look forward to the next gamble, believing that the chances of output are directly proportional to the number of times they have done so (Sohn, 2023).
This mechanism not only attracts children but also triggers the participation of adult players, especially some adult fans who are looking for the value of their collection. Adult Pokémon players have their own savings; their acquisition of cards is no longer through swapping but involves more of a monetary transaction, and some of them are eager to make up for the pain of not being able to buy cards at their own discretion in their childhood due to their childhood experiences, and the brand loyalty fostered by the merchants is far more engraved into these former children's minds, making them more obsessed with spending money than those who have not been involved in card collecting (Sohn, 2023). would be more obsessed with consumption (Kopp, 2024)
Some of them will buy products from players who own their favourite cards at high prices, even if the actual price of the cards is far beyond their reach, with a rare card now fetching hundreds of dollars on second-hand trading platforms. On the other hand, some of them don't have enough money in the short term, and they choose to make occasional trips to card shops to buy random card packs and try to open their favourite cards from the thousands of packs available. Young people are more susceptible to influences from social media, where big data pushes have led them to regularly watch videos posted by players who have opened expensive cards, and the imitative behaviour that has existed in humans since the beginning of time stimulates them to fantasise about one day joining in, satisfying their vanity and compensating their past selves at the same time (Metzler & Garcia, 2023). Many players do not really think about the significance of the existence of those remaining low-priced cards, which are one of the important memories for children during their childhood, whether they are rare cards or affluent low-priced cards. Nowadays, people buy and consume endlessly to satisfy their vanity, and those unwanted products instead create waste; even though they already have enough, they still want to ask for higher-value products (C, 2005) ... Even for adults with a certain degree of self-control, many of whom buy a limited number of cards at a time and deliberately control their spending on them, many still have dreams of acquiring high-value cards if they ever do, and without realising it, many have spent hundreds of dollars on nothing, though of course, most have acquired more or less medium-value cards in the process, perhaps not many but just enough to fill the gap. Of course, most people in the process have acquired more or less medium-value cards, perhaps not many, but just enough to fill the gap in their card purchases, and once they have the money to do so, they continue to buy. In fact, many buyers do not sell their cards but rather include them in their collections. The actual amount of money spent is not reduced, but consumers gain a certain degree of satisfaction in the process, and the emotional value of the stimulus is much greater than the value of the cards themselves. Over time, purchasing card packs became a pastime, and people would always take a few packs of a product from their purchases, a commonplace phenomenon that is happening all over the world.
They will go out of their way to buy certain specific limited-edition cards at high prices, and some people even get involved with an investment mentality, believing that rare cards may appreciate value in the future. However, this investment mentality is often accompanied by market volatility and uncertainty as well, making the value of card collecting speculative. Through these experiences, it is easy to see how skilfully merchants have applied the concept of consumerism. With the development of the times, the significance of the existence of the Pokémon brand has gone far beyond bringing joy to children; it is more of a business practice, with merchants eager for consumers to spend more time and assets on their company's products, and constantly launching new products to adapt to the ever-changing player market. Vendors and players act as producers and consumers, with vendors pushing new consumerist policies to control consumers, such as the aforementioned rarity issue in random card packs, where only a small percentage of cards are rare, emphasising scarcity to stimulate the consumer's desire to collect and vanity, and heavily advertising to the consumer to change his or her consumption philosophy. (Emotional consumption) In the past, people's consumption still stayed at the basic level of survival, but with the development of the times, people's satisfaction with the basic security will be projected to the emotional needs of the interaction with others and get recognition and happiness from it has become the pursuit of the goal of the consumers, and Pokémon Company is seizing this opportunity, in the country is in the period of development of the Pokémon cards into the toy market. The company introduced Pokémon cards into the toy market at a time when the country was developing. Starting with children, gradually cultivate the player's hobby and desire to collect, and make it a way to get emotional value that can't be cut off; all kinds of advertisements and propaganda are telling consumers to encourage them to participate in the Pokémon card battle for further propaganda, over time, the Pokémon card player has become an important role in the entertainment of the modern young people, and what he brings to the consumers is not only the value of money, but also the value to show off with others or to make a good impression with others, but also the value of money. More of a bragging right or a strong sense of identity with others (Sama, 2019).
Overall, Pokémon card games play an important part in many people's childhood memories, and even when they grow up, they still habitually buy these products. In the consumer society, Pokémon cards play the typical role of 'emotionally driven' goods, deeply influencing consumers' behaviours and psychology through their rarity, randomness and socialisation. As an avid fan of Pokémon cards, I know that the role they play is closely related to my emotional needs, so I try my best to avoid being controlled by the gambling mentality. Even though this industry is very costly, reasonable consumption and expectation can bring people pleasure and motivation in life, and keeping the consumption within a certain range to maintain the excitement and anticipation of purchasing the product is one of the means to cope with the overwhelming brainwashing propaganda.
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mindclassic · 1 year
Internet Gaming Disorder - Avoid a Mental Health Risk
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Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has become a pressing concern in recent years. It is captivating the attention of researchers, mental health professionals, and the general public. This article provides an in-depth exploration of IGD, examining its definition, background, and the rapid growth of online gaming that has contributed to its rise. By understanding the complexities surrounding this disorder, we can gain valuable insights into its impact on individuals and society as a whole. 1. Introduction to Internet Gaming Disorder Ah, the wonders of the internet! It has revolutionized the way we connect, shop, and even entertain ourselves. One particular form of entertainment that has gained immense popularity in recent years is online gaming. However, just like with anything good, there's always a flip side. Enter Internet Gaming Disorder. Internet Gaming Disorder, also known as IGD, is a condition characterized by excessive and problematic use of online games. It involves a loss of control over gaming habits. IGD leads to significant impairment in various areas of life, such as work, school, and relationships. This disorder has raised concerns among mental health professionals, as individuals with IGD often display addictive behaviors similar to those seen in substance use disorders. It's like the internet gave birth to a new breed of gaming enthusiasts who can't seem to press pause. Evolution and Growth of Online Gaming Gone are the days when gaming meant gathering around a console with some friends. Thanks to the internet, gaming has transcended physical boundaries and evolved into a global phenomenon. Online gaming allows players from different parts of the world to connect with each other. They then compete in virtual realms, creating an immersive and socially interactive experience. From multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs) to massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), the variety and complexity of online games have exploded in recent years. With advances in technology and the widespread availability of high-speed internet, it's no wonder that online gaming has become an integral part of modern leisure. 2. Symptoms and Diagnostic Criteria So, what actually qualifies as Internet Gaming Disorder? Well, it's not just about spending a few extra minutes playing Candy Crush or completing an extra level in Angry Birds. Internet Gaming Disorder is all about the excessive and problematic use of online games. Excessive gaming time ultimately starts to take control of your life. Individuals with IGD might find themselves increasingly preoccupied with gaming. They experience withdrawal symptoms when unable to play. They tend to feel the need to spend increasing amounts of time gaming to achieve the same level of satisfaction. It's like their life mission becomes leveling up in the virtual world. Diagnostic Criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder To diagnose Internet Gaming Disorder, mental health professionals refer to the criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Some of the key criteria include: 1. Preoccupation with gaming.2. Withdrawal symptoms when gaming is taken away or restricted.3. Tolerance, requiring increasing amounts of gaming to achieve satisfaction.4. Failed attempts to control or cut back on gaming.5. Loss of interest in other activities and hobbies.6. Continued excessive gaming despite negative consequences.7. Deceptive behavior to hide the extent of gaming involvement. These criteria help ensure a clear and consistent understanding of the disorder among professionals and aid in guiding effective treatment interventions. 3. Prevalence and Risk Factors Internet Gaming Disorder is not a rare phenomenon. Studies have shown that it affects a substantial number of gamers worldwide. The prevalence rates vary across different countries, with some regions reporting higher rates than others. It seems like this virtual addiction knows no borders. It's worth noting that prevalence rates might be influenced by cultural norms, as well as access to technology and internet connectivity. So, whether you're in Tokyo or New York, there's a chance you'll come across someone battling this digital demon. Demographic and Cultural Risk Factors While Internet Gaming Disorder can affect anyone who picks up a controller. However certain demographic and cultural factors may increase the risk. Adolescents and young adults, for example, tend to be more susceptible to developing problematic gaming habits. In terms of cultural factors, countries with a strong gaming culture and high levels of internet usage tend to have higher rates of Internet Gaming Disorder. It seems that when gaming becomes deeply ingrained in a society's psyche, it becomes harder for individuals to resist getting caught in its addictive grip. 4. Impact on Mental and Physical Health Internet Gaming Disorder isn't just a matter of losing track of time or neglecting responsibilities. It can have a profound impact on mental health. Excessive gaming can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and social isolation. It's like being trapped in a digital labyrinth without an exit sign. Moreover, individuals with IGD may experience difficulties in regulating emotions and developing healthy coping mechanisms. This can further exacerbate their psychological well-being and make it even harder to escape the clutches of the virtual world. Physical Health Consequences The consequences of Internet Gaming Disorder don't stop at mental health. Physical health can also take a hit. Spending excessive hours sitting and gaming can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. It increases the risk of obesity, musculoskeletal problems, and cardiovascular issues. So, while virtual battles keep their minds sharp, their bodies may bear the brunt. It's important to acknowledge and address the physical and mental health consequences of Internet Gaming Disorder. Only awareness can help to prevent further harm and support those in need of assistance. Remember, the real world is pretty cool too. 5. Treatment and Interventions When it comes to treating Internet Gaming Disorder, psychosocial interventions play a crucial role. These interventions primarily focus on addressing the underlying psychological and social factors contributing to the disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one such effective approach that helps individuals develop healthier thought patterns and behaviors related to gaming. Through CBT, patients learn to identify triggers, manage cravings, and develop coping strategies to resist excessive gaming habits. Family therapy is another valuable intervention method, as it involves the family members in the treatment process. By fostering open communication and understanding, family therapy helps create a supportive environment that encourages healthier gaming habits and better interpersonal relationships. Pharmacological Approaches Research on pharmacological treatments for Internet Gaming Disorder is still limited. There have been some studies exploring potential medications to support intervention strategies. Certain medications used for other conditions, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs, may be prescribed to individuals who suffer from co-occurring mental health disorders alongside gaming addiction. However, it is important to note that pharmacological approaches are often used in conjunction with psychosocial interventions. The medication alone is not considered a standalone solution for treating Internet Gaming Disorder. 6. Prevention and Education Initiatives Raising awareness about Internet Gaming Disorder is key to prevention and early intervention. Public health campaigns and awareness programs can help educate individuals about the potential risks associated with excessive gaming and promote healthier digital habits. These initiatives can be targeted towards various age groups and communities, emphasizing the importance of balance between online and offline activities, encouraging responsible gaming, and providing resources for those who may need help. Role of Schools and Parents in Prevention Schools and parents also have a significant role in preventing Internet Gaming Disorder. Incorporating digital literacy programs into school curricula can teach students about healthy internet use. This awareness can equip them with the skills to manage their online activities responsibly. Parents should actively engage in their children's digital lives. They must set appropriate limits on gaming time and promote alternative activities. Parents also need to foster open dialogues to address concerns or signs of problematic gaming behaviors. By working together, schools and parents can create supportive environments. Such an action can encourage healthy offline pursuits and monitor online gaming habits effectively. 7. Future Directions and Research The landscape of gaming continues to evolve rapidly with emerging trends and technologies. Virtual reality (VR) gaming, augmented reality (AR) experiences, and multiplayer online gaming communities are constantly evolving, shaping the way individuals engage with games. It is crucial for researchers to stay updated on these developments to better understand how they may impact the prevalence and treatment of Internet Gaming Disorder. Areas of Further Research and Study As Internet Gaming Disorder is a relatively new phenomenon, there are still many areas that require further research. Understanding the exact mechanisms behind the disorder, exploring effective prevention strategies, and developing evidence-based treatment protocols are important future directions. Additionally, researching the potential impact of gaming on different age groups and populations, as well as investigating the role of genetics and environmental factors, can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of Internet Gaming Disorder. 8. Conclusion and Call to Action In conclusion, Internet Gaming Disorder is a significant concern in the digital age, but there are various treatment and prevention approaches available. Psychosocial interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and family therapy, form the foundation of treatment, addressing the underlying factors contributing to excessive gaming. Pharmacological approaches may also be used in conjunction with psychosocial interventions, particularly for individuals with co-occurring mental health conditions. Prevention and education initiatives play a vital role in raising awareness and promoting responsible gaming habits. Public health campaigns, school programs, and parental involvement can all contribute to creating a healthier gaming culture. Looking ahead, further research is needed to understand the evolving landscape of gaming and to develop more targeted interventions. By continuing to study the disorder and advocating for responsible gaming practices, we can work towards a better future where individuals can enjoy the benefits of gaming without negative consequences. 8. Conclusion and Call to Action Internet Gaming Disorder poses significant challenges to individuals and communities worldwide. The prevalence of this disorder, coupled with its detrimental effects on mental and physical health, emphasizes the need for increased awareness, prevention, and intervention efforts. By fostering a comprehensive understanding of IGD, supporting further research, and implementing effective strategies, we can mitigate the negative consequences of excessive internet gaming and promote healthier online behaviors. It is crucial for parents, educators, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to collaborate. Collectively they bear the responsibility to address this issue and create a safer and more balanced digital environment for all. Image by Freepik Read the full article
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Speaking of my White Nuzlocke, now that I know how to use cheats on a flash cart, I hacked in rare candies. Bro, I love actually getting to play Pokémon without spending hours grinding. It’s also a godsend for my poor fingers: the most efficient way I’ve found to grind in Gen V is by riding your bike back and forth in front of grass until you get a phenomenon and can merc the poor Audino.
I also activated the cheats that let you mash through dialogue and run without holding the B button. The coolest cheat, though, lets you view a Pokémon’s IVs and EVs on their summary screen alongside their absolute stats. They haven’t really guided any decisions, but it’s nice to be able to quantify them.
Between the QOL cheats and cheats that accelerate pace of play, I’m never Nuzlocking on an authentic cartridge ever again. For vanilla runs, sure, I’ll use my actual copies of the games. But for Nuzlocke’s? Hell no. I’ve seen the light that is Not Playing the Way GameFreak Wanted.
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pokemon blazed glazed cheats working 8CN!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Browse working Pokemon Glazed cheats for Gameboy Advance emulator. Popular Gameshark code cheat includes Walk Through walls, rare candy and masterball. Cheat Code 1: Walk Through Walls · Cheat Code 2: Unlimited Master Balls · Cheat Code 3: Unlimited Rare Candy · Cheat Code 4: Unlimited Trade Stones. To use cheat codes in Pokemon Glazed, you will first need to install the game on your computer. The game works with the GBA emulator, and the. Cheat codes: · = TM01 Focus Punch. What is this? Report Ad · = TM02 Dragon Claw · = TM03 Water Pulse · = TM04 Calm Mind · =. 9 GameFreak had decided to let go of the Pokemon franchise after the second generation Pokemon games but seeing the success of the first two games, GameFreak pushed yet another main series game in the form of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, and later on, Pokemon Emerald. Hoenn is an iconic region and also received a remake with mega evolutions around the time generation 6 came out. It features a brand new region and many more Pokemon that you can choose from. Pokemon Glazed adds many cool new features to the game, like Mega Evolution. However, to the core, it is still the third-generation Pokemon game and gets repetitive after a point. So we decided to do a listicle of the 10 best Pokemon Glazed Cheats of the year that you can use in your play through to make your life a little bit easier. Important — Make sure you never use too many cheats simultaneously. Also, permanently save your game file once you input a cheat to keep your save file safe if your save gets corrupted by the cheat. The Pokemon games put many restrictions on the players regarding places you can explore. Using this cheat, you can venture into the unknown and explore the entire map without any routes! Make sure you save your game before starting to go through walls, as this cheat can seriously mess up your game. Battling random Pokemon grass and the random strangers you meet along your way to the elite four helps your Pokemon get to a higher level and allows you to practice new moves in the game. Playing with this cheat will give you peace of mind like nothing else. As the name suggests, the cheat will allow youtube to have an infinite amount of cash in your account. With this unlimited supply of money, you will never run out of any items you can buy from Poke-mart. Shiny Pokemon is a very unique phenomenon in the Pokemon main series games. These Pokemon have the same stats and abilities compared to their nonshiny counterparts; the only thing that sets them apart and makes them so coveted is their colour. This slight change in colour makes trainers go crazy over these Pokemon. If you value your time and want a shiny real bad, just use this cheat. Input the cheat, and go to the location where your desired Pokemon is to be found, and when you encounter it, the Pokemon will be shiny! The Tunod Region in Pokemon Glazed is vast, and if you keep traveling the region on foot, it will take you hours to get around the map. This teleport cheat will allow you to teleport to a specific location on the map by simply activating it. Creating the perfect Pokemon is a goal every Pokemon trainer wants to accomplish before fighting the elite four in Pokemon games. To have a perfect Pokemon team, you need to have the best Pokemon, the best moves on them, and the best hold items for each Pokemon to capitalize on their abilities and stats. Getting every hold item is very daunting; you will have to explore the region for a long time in hopes of finding your hold item. As mentioned in the intro, Pokemon Glazed supports mega evolutions, but to mega evolve your Pokemon, you need some specific items, like the mega stone. You can get this mega stone by completing various in-game tasks or using this cheat. After using the cheat go to the poke mart and purchase the first item. Creating the perfect Pokemon team requires a lot of skill; you need to catch all the best Pokemon and get the best move set for each Pokemon in the team. Catching every Pokemon in the game to complete the Pokedex is a tough feat, and not every player can achieve this feat in their play through. One of the main reasons for failing is the lack of patience in players. So rather than throwing a ton of Pokeball to capture Pokemon, use this cheat and get an unlimited amount of master balls in your possession. Rather than spending your time grinding for levels in the region, use this cheat to get an infinite amount of rare candies and level up your Pokemon with a single press of a button! Brandon is the founder of RetroDodo and created a YouTube channel with , subscribers dedicated to retro gaming products. He now wants to create the No. Table of Contents. Brandon Saltalamacchia. View Post. Search for: Search.
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shelgon · 2 years
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The latest news for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet has been released. We're currently compiling all details so keep checking back:
Three new Pokémon have been revealed: Paldean Wooper, Fidough and Cetitan
Fidough is a Fairy-type Pokémon
Paldean Wooper is a Poison/Ground-type Pokémon
Cetitan is an Ice-type Pokémon
The Terastal phenomenon lets Pokémon Terastallize that can provide a boost to its moves. Some even change forms based on there Tera Type such as Pikachu Flying-type, Eevee Water & Grass types and more
 Raid Battles make a return in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet with Tera Pokémon able to be found
A special Flying Tera Type Pikachu will be available for players through Mystery Gift before February 28th 2023
If you download on the eShop you will get a Serial Code of an Adventure set of items including Potion, Full Heal, Revive, Ether, Rare Candy and a Nugget. It is available for those who download before February 28th
Terastal can be used by each Pokémon and each Pokémon has a Tera Type which changes Pokémon. For example some Eevee will have Normal Tera Type while others will have Flying. You can Terastallize a Pokémon once per battle and it lasts until the end of the battle. If a Terastallized Pokémon uses a move matching its Tera Type and its original types, the move power is boosted
Source: Serebii | Trailer
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