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uran0824 · 7 months ago
“Patterns of anti-cult organizations”
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After the video report of Egon Cholakian, a teacher of American intelligence, watched on the ESSC platform: “The Grandmasters' Revenge. Secret players are exposed", I realized the danger of anti-cult organizations for me, my relatives and all people on the planet.    Because the purpose of anti-cult organizations is to limit people's rights, their freedoms and to create a totalitarian regime. 
In essence participants of anti-cult organizations are mentally unhealthy, corrupt people without conscience and honor. They are ready to realize any black deed for money. Labeling any person or organization as a “sect” or “extremist”, they start to harass them, including using not only public censure and hatred, but also physical and psychological torture and abuse. They do this when they want to show their “unlimited power”, when someone is out of their control, who prevents them from implementing their totalitarian regime and digital concentration camp all over the world. 
Now I will tell you how the anti-cultist Dvorkin participated in the raider seizure of a factory in the Yaroslavl region. 
Think about it, we're talking about a commercial organization - a factory. It would seem that “sect” has nothing to do with it? But it is necessary to know that the patterns of work of anti-cult organizations are based on the Roman formula: use corrupt journalists, as well as connections with the authorities and place the controlled pawns in the right positions, integration into the dominant religions.
So, Sergei Basovets, former owner of the Yaroslavl plant Krasny Mayak, in 2003 appointed his brother Oleg Basovets and colleague Konstantin Sonin as managers of the plant.
However, Mr. K. Sonin decided to take over the plant in order not to share profits with CJSC Vibropromteh (through which Sergey Basovets owned the plant). He made a forgery, submitted fictitious minutes of the meeting of shareholders of CJSC “Vibropromteh” and so on. In a word, an endless series of lawsuits between Basovets and Sonin began.
To put pressure on Basovets, Sonin resorted to the “help” of anti-cult organizations. They, in their turn, decided to subject Basovets' book written by him in 2000, which Sonin obligingly provided. So, on the book written by Basovets “Artistic Introduction to Biopsychology” the regional Department of Internal Affairs requested an examination to identify signs of extremism and sectarianism (remember, at the beginning of the article it was just said that these are their labels, with which they begin to harass people and organizations). This examination was initiated by the anti-cultist Evgeny Mukhtarov, a member of RACIRS and Dvorkin's representative in Yaroslavl.
Naturally, this expertise was ordered by Dvorkin, who can find occultism and calls to extremism even in a tree, a pole, an ant, etc..
The results of this expertise were published in the press. 
And of course the expertise confirmed that Basovets is an occult-mystic sectarian.
It should be noted that using corrupt journalists, anti-cult organizations recruit such journalists into their ranks, so that in any part of the world at any moment to start harassing the unwanted and to establish on that territory their controlled people and their totalitarian regime.
In detail about this sad story everyone interested can read on the Internet, and we with you now a little summarize what we have learned about the patterns of anti-cult organizations.
Carefully studying the materials from the video report of respected Egon Cholakyan it became obvious that international scandals and court proceedings on various organizations (including Falun Gong, Scientology, Jehovah's Witnesses, Herbalife, etc.) always end with the victory of anti-cult organizations.
Therefore, anti-cultists continue their active totalitarian extremist activities and even receive support from governments and traditional religions in many countries.
This phenomenon is a new format of the Inquisition, where the struggle is not only in matters of faith, but also in matters of climate (which is a topic I did not know about before and therefore did not realize its relevance and global importance for the survival of all mankind), politics, science, health care, etc..
I realized that people should defend their rights and freedoms, so that democracy and freedom could flourish in society, and not the totalitarian regime established for all of us by anti-cult organizations.
I realize that through such articles the public will see the truth about these anti-cult organizations, which means that the templates they set up will disappear from people's minds, and all the labels they created in their heads will disappear. Then everyone will be able to hear the TRUTH about all aspects of human life, including climate, politics, science, etc.. 
#dworkin#anti-cult movements#totalitarianism#sect
#raider takeover#sales journalists#digitalcontrol#psychotic disorder
#fightingfuel#information manipulation
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uno24 · 7 months ago
“Schemes of work of anti-cult organizations”
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To reveal the schemes of work of anti-cult organizations and to understand how close and dangerous this problem is for me personally, I was helped by an intelligence specialist. I saw a video report by an American intelligence lecturer, which he presented to the public on the ESSC platform: “Grandmasters' Revenge. Secret Players Exposed.” The speaker was Egon Cholakian from the intelligence community. Who he is you can see just on the ESSC platform.
The following became clear to me:
The purpose of anti-cult organizations is to create a totalitarian regime, to limit the rights and freedoms of people around the world.
The essence of their participants: deceitful and corrupt people, for whom the concepts of conscience and honor are alien, ready to implement any black deed for money. Many of them are not mentally healthy. In fact, animals with high self-esteem and sick imagination.
After a detailed review made by respected Egon Cholakyan, I had an opportunity to realize that these anti-cult organizations label any person, organization as “sect”, “extremist” when they want to show their “unlimited power”, when someone is out of their control, who prevents them from implementing their totalitarian regime and digital concentration camp all over the world.
In the last article I promised to tell you how the anti-cultist Dvorkin participated in the raiding of an entire factory in the Yaroslavl region.
Note that here we are talking about a commercial organization. It would seem that “sect” has nothing to do with it. But when you get acquainted with the facts of this case, you realize that the methods and schemes of work of anti-cult organizations are as follows:
Roman formula: using corrupt journalists, communication with the authorities and placement of controlled pawns in the necessary positions, integration into the dominant religions.
Well, I think, I have already given you enough summaries of the topic, now the essence of the question.
Here is a typical example of Dvorkin's work to eliminate competitors in business. Sergey Basovets, the former owner of the Yaroslavl plant Krasny Mayak, appointed his brother Oleg Basovets and his colleague Konstantin Sonin as managers of the plant in 2003.
Konstantin Sonin decided to take over the plant in order not to share profits with CJSC Vibropromteh (through which Sergei Basovets owned the plant). He started a swindle. He forged fictitious minutes of the meeting of Vibropromtech shareholders, as a result of which Sonin became general director of the plant. Thus began an endless series of lawsuits between Basovets and Sonin.
To put pressure on Basovets, Sonin “asked for help” from anticultists. The book “Artistic Introduction to Biopsychology”, written by Basovets in 2000, was used as a pretext. On the initiative of anti-cultist Evgeny Mukhtarov, a member of the RACIRS and Dvorkin's representative in Yaroslavl, the regional Department of Internal Affairs requested an expert examination of the book for signs of extremism and sectarianism (remember, at the beginning of the article I was just talking about the fact that these are their labels that they use to start harassing people and organizations).
Naturally, this expertise was ordered by Dvorkin, a man who can find occultism and calls to extremism even in a lonely pole standing in a field.
The results of this expertise were published in the press. By the way, it is by using corrupt journalists that anti-cult organizations recruit such journalists into their ranks in order to start harassing the unwanted in any part of the world at any moment and to establish their controlled people and their totalitarian regime on that territory.
Returning to the expertise: of course, the expertise confirmed that Basovets is an occult-mystic sectarian.
I should have laughed here, but it's not funny, and what does Basovets' share in CJSC “Vibropromteh” and production of industrial transformers have to do with his personal philosophical views, which Dvorkin called sectarian and occult-mystical in her expertise.
I will stop here on this story (the facts about it are available on the Internet).
I will make a few conclusions that beg to be drawn.
Despite international scandals and legal proceedings against various organizations (including Falun Gong, Scientology, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), anti-cultists continue to be active, supported by governments and traditional religions in many countries.
This phenomenon represents a new format of the Inquisition, where the fight is not only in matters of faith, but also in matters of climate (I will talk about this in the next article), politics, science, health, etc.
If people don't stand up for their rights and freedoms, democracy and free life may be forgotten, and a totalitarian regime may become a reality for you and me.
Why I wrote this article: when the public sees the truth about these anti-cultist organizations, then the attitudes they have set up will be gone from people's minds, all the labels they have created in their heads will disappear. People will be able to hear the TRUTH about climate, world order, politics, science, health care, etc..
make society free, civil and democratic. Under these conditions, it would be easy to solve the climate problems and then build a society of free and happy people.
. #antikult movements#totalitarianism#sectarians#raider takeover
#sales journalists#digital control#psychotic disorder#fightingfuel
#information manipulation#dworkin
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empyreansentinel · 4 months ago
thinking abt. pete seeger's "coyote, my little brother" with zane flynt.
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tirsden · 5 months ago
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| Overview | Silo City | Hotel & Power | | WIPs: spooky start, catwalks, boxes |
The silo towers are starting to look a little more raidery at Riddick's Spectacle Island build. I haven't yet managed to kill him by falling here, though not for lack of trying. Almost ran out of concrete, so this is a good point to break off and go shopping. Plus, Jamaica Plain got the "zero resources listed in the pip-boy stats" bug, so it was a good time to pop over there and remind the game that yes, Raider HQ has over 100 defense and should be winning its AFK outpost defenses by default.
Tunes: backlog of JoCat D&D sessions
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lore-of-mobius · 2 months ago
The following is a good read. But I also want to expand upon this.
So they talk about anti colonialist themes in the Sonic Colors as Eggman is colonizing several planets and destroying the plant life and harming the the Wisps. But here is the interesting thing, Eggman has had basically colonizer themes since the beginning.
So first off it is established in TailsTube #1 (feat. Sonic) Sonic ands friends live on an alternate version of Earth with more fantastical elements like the Little Planet. But as I discussed in a previous post we learn humans inhabit the mainland while anthropomorphic animals like Sonic inhabit the islands. This actually makes Eggman, a human coming from the mainland to these islands the trying to takeover these islands and oppress it's inhabitants. While Eggman does have dreams of world domination and can deal with the Guardian Unit Of Nations, it is noteworthy is main target to basic pick on is the inhabitants of these islands.
This is further seen in how Eggman plays the role of a tomb raider in several games. Note, I am not trying to say you can or cannot enjoy games like Tomb Raider. So in Sonic The Hedgehog 1's Japanese manual and the Encyclo-speed-ia Eggman is at South Island tearing it up looking for the Chaos Emeralds. "Huh. I'll make sure to find the Chaos Emeralds, even if I'll have to dig up the whole island.' Doctor Eggman built a huge fortress on one corner of the island and embarked on his plan." He is coming in and destroying the ruins of places like Labyrinth Zone just to snag the Chaos Emeralds. Or when he was after the Treasure Of Babylon.
This becomes more apparent in the third game when he uses his drills to tear up Labyrinth Zone and eventually steals the Master Emerald from the last echidna, Knuckles. And as future games have established, the Knuckles Clan are heavily coded to represent certain things. With that context Eggman is just straight up stealing this object that doesn't belong to him while destroying the ruins.
He continues on so many islands such as the Northstar Island and is called Carnival Island(I wonder why). He does the same to the Little Planet, and while the Zeti were evil Eggman did invade the Lost Hex and disturb them for his own evil plans.
There is also the fact that he torments the small animals for no other reason than to get under Sonic's skin. "But this time, oh my… Something's not right. 'You see, Sonic?! This time it's different. I've turned all the animals on the island into robots.' 'Y-You guys!' 'They'll all do what I tell them to. In other words, the whole island is your enemy. Hahahahaha… cough cough. This time, the whole world will be mine.'" He doesn't need to power his machines with Flickies and whatnot as evident by several robots like Metal Sonic and Hey Ho, and the fact is Egg Walker is powered by Chaos Drives. He just does for the torment of the animals and Sonic.
Speaking of which in The Murder Of Sonic The Hedgehog we get the implication Eggman lends his tech and Badniks out to others as a source of income, alongside the creation of casinos to get money as well. This is further backed up in Sonic Twitter Takeover #5 - All Answers at 11:53 when he mentions he is rich and gets money to build what he builds from several sources of income.
Speaking of theme of Sonic Colors and the destruction Eggman brough to the Wisps, there is Sweet Mountain and we learn about it in said interview at 4:45. Eggman created the sweets that make up Sweet Mountain and they are made from preservatives that come from Chemical Plant Zone. Not trying to play off of chemophobia, but this does indeed play into the themes nature vs industrialism in the games. As the sweets are made from chemicals from one of the most obvious pollution sites in the Sonic franchise. Also, we can't forget Oil Ocean Zone's existence. Heck this side of Eggman is seen in the concept art with Eggman Industries.
Also, more on the Solar Punk themes it is noteworthy that Sonic games do take inspiration from Hayao Miyazaki's work, which is most obvious through the existence of Angel Island. And do I really really need to explain how Miyazaki's work ties into solarpunk?
But also the solarpunk themes can be best seen in how the inhabitants of the islands like Sonic and his friends choose to live. We get to see places like Amy's house being out in nature for example, and Tails while he love technology still keeps nature around him as well unlike Eggman. On top of that the cities like Sunset City are depicted to have nature interwoven into the cities and towns the inhabitants of these islands live in.
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Solarpunk Ideals and Aesthetics in Sonic Colors
--according to one Solarpunk Sonic fan specifically but dude trust me on this.
This post is the sequel/follow up to my previous post on Sonic the Hedgehog (the character) and Solarpunk Ideals, feel free to give that a read for some context! But for a basic run-down--Sonic the Hedgehog (the Dude) embodies several core Solarpunk tenants in his personality, Dr. Eggman is the antithesis to Solarpunk both in personality and in resulting actions, and I'm such a big nerd I had to split this post into 2 parts and they're still long as hell.
Special reminder: I am a Sonic nerd, have been for 10+ years now. I also have Write Too Much disease. I am going to talk. A lot. Prepare yourselves.
Special reminder part 2: Sonic the Hedgehog is not a perfect franchise, and it's owned by a corporation in the capitalistic hellscape we call life and I promise you I am aware of that. I'm not saying SEGA is Solarpunk, I am saying that parts of their franchise have Solarpunk elements. If I post this and someone skips this paragraph to instead rant at me about some unrelated shit that SEGA the Corporation Guys did That One Time Months/Years Ago I may snap. You have been warned.
Shout out to @modern-solarpunk for being a beta reader for this! Thank you for making sure I was actually being legible and coherent with this.
Let's dive right in.
Sonic Colors Let's Go Let's Go
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Sonic Colors came out on the Nintendo Wii in 2010, with an alternate version made for the Nintendo DS. I’ve only played the Wii version, so we’re going to talk about the Wii version. We later got an 11 minute 2D animated short about the game, to celebrate the release of Sonic Colors: Ultimate (which was basically a remake for the Switch). Basic plot synopsis below.
Dr. Eggman claims that he’s turned over a new leaf and has created the Egg Planet Park to make up for his past deeds. Sonic is inherently suspicious, so he and Tails sneak in and start busting up Eggman’s latest evil plot--tying down planets and kidnapping alien creatures called Wisps and harnessing their powers to charge up a mind control ray and make Earth the star attraction of his space theme park. Sonic and Tails promptly set about stopping him, destroying the Eggman robots on each planet and freeing as many wisps as they can while they do so. Feel free to check out this video to see all the cutscenes.
“Ani, what’s Solarpunk about that? A space theme park made by chaining down planets is already pretty unrealistic--” let me get there.
First off, the storyline has resistance and anti-industrialization baked into it. In a sense, we’ve got anti-colonialism too (though by all means DO NOT take this as me comparing the immeasurable harms done to colonized peoples by their oppressors to little fictional alien dudes getting their juices sucked out. But Eggman literally is colonizing several planets). Since Sonic is fighting a villain who’s trying to turn all of space into his robotic wonderland, we are too--and we see this guy as the villain, since he is, which can make people think about how these themes play into other aspects of life. Or at least I did in the fifth grade. Bear with me here.
If you don’t wanna watch 50+ minutes of cutscenes originating from 2010s-era script writing, let’s look at a quote that I feel boils the solarpunk-adjacent parts of the storyline to its bare essentials.
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In the 11 minute animated short, Rise of the Wisps, there’s a bit more. First off, we see the aliens resisting a bit more--in fact, there’s a group of little Wisp freedom fighters working to save other wisps before they’re… harvested, I guess is the word for it.
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Do they have names? No. But in Sonic Colors we don’t even really see any Wisps with characterizing traits aside from Yacker, so I think having the next few be a band of freedom fighters is pretty cool.
Asides from admiring the visual style of this short (because man Sonic in 2D animation just feels right to me), there’s a quote that I feel fits the Solarpunk outlook on community and problem solving.
“When the problem seems too big to solve on your own, you do what you can. And maybe ask for a little help from your friends. Right?”
Like if I put that in the middle of any other Solarpunk post no one would bat an eye but I’m literally quoting Sonic the Hedgehog here.
The series as a whole, especially Sonic Colors in my eyes, is imbued with hope and standing strong in the face of difficult challenges--leaning on your friends for help when you need to accomplish bigger and better things than you can do on your own. In Sonic, that means defeating giant mech bots or mutated lizards trying to crash land on Earth or purify the world of an out of control zombot virus. For us? That can be restoring a native landscape, vouching for clean energy, starting a community garden, and fighting for what we believe in.
Now let’s talk aesthetics
The Aesthetics of Sonic Color
So we’ve got 5 planets (Sweet Mountain, Starlight Carnival, Planet Wisp, Aquarium Park, and Asteroid Coaster) and two parts of the main park (Tropical Resort and Terminal Velocity) that are playable zones in Sonic Colors. But what’s the most Solarpunky area to me?
Planet Wisp
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Planet Wisp is described in the fandom wiki as “a beautiful natural planet full of vegetation and tall trees. The Area takes place during daytime, though stars can also be seen in the sky.” Another page on Planet Wisp says “when seen from space, it heavily resembles Earth,” but its not very big--described as “tiny” in the game. However, it has a wealth of “untouched, unspoiled and unmatched natural beauty”, full of blue-gray rocky canyons and mountains with valleys and fields, rock pillars, etc. covered by plants. The trees are extremely tall, with platform-tops and no other main branches. There’s also lakes and creeks. There’s a minimal level of urbanized civilization--mostly tree slides made from branches and roots and platforms and such. Overall, simplistic stuff--”its untouched nature being largely preserved by the Wisps’ harmonious way of living in nature.” which sounds great! Except this is before interference by Doctor Eggman. Afterwards, “Planet Wisp has large amounts of factories under construction, tearing apart the original plant life and rock and replacing it with red metal.” Eggman Empire-style structures like towers, half-pipes, and roads are clustered around the landscape, and there’s an unknown purple liquid polluting several bodies of water. So! Not all that great! 
‘Ani why do you find that Solarpunk?’ two reasons
A: We the player are literally here to defy the people building the factories so the planet can continue to be full of vegetation and home to its native creatures.
B: it’s pretty, okay? It’s fukin cool.
This map is so cool it was also featured in Sonic Generations (2011) and Team Sonic Racing (2019), so let’s find some pics!
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But most of all, the music, you guys.
And here are some other versions of these tracks from subsequent games (Sonic Generations, Sonic Colors Ultimate) and tracks inspired by the Planet Wisp location (Team Sonic Racing)
These tracks. Especially the original ones, but oh my god these tracks. I cannot emphasize enough I feel like. These tracks feel like you uncorked a bottle labeled ‘hope, positivity, relief’ and put it to your ear. And what is Solarpunk about if not hope.
Speaking of Solarpunk and being about hope, let’s talk about the main theme for the Sonic Colors game--Reach for the Stars. If you couldn’t tell by the title alone, this song is also the embodiment of hope--in more of an upbeat, ‘we’ve got this together!’ kind of vibe, but it’s still important to me and also feels Solarpunky (at least Solarpunk-adjacent) so let’s talk about it!
(I ran out of audios I can add so we're getting Youtube Videos instead)
“I’m gonna reach for the stars, although they look pretty far! I’m gonna find my own way, and take a chance on today!” - as Solarpunks, we are reaching for the stars (the sun in particular I suppose) to find hope in a brighter future and share it with others. We’ve all got our own way of doing it, with solutions varying based on individual situations as well as what community efforts can yield, but even still we are daring to dream of a brighter future than the one most often visualized in popular culture. No matter what, we’re gonna keep striving to make changes and create a brighter world for ourselves and those who come after us.
“Just take a chance, we’ll do it right again (we’re gonna reach for the stars!) Just take my hand, we’ll take a chance tonight, reach for the stars, tonight!”
You know what else Solarpunks go crazy about? Community building! You know what else Sonic Colors covers musically? Community building! Or, more so, being open to other people’s viewpoints and communicating to resolve problems, but still!
Now keep in mind, this song is literally based around Sonic and Tails trying to communicate with an alien via a translator, but my point still stands let’s look at some lyrics.
“I’ve been here before, and I know that we must stand up tall! I’m not scared to ask when I’m not sure; we can overcome it all!” - what is community if not being able to lean on other people? Community support, mutual aid, working together to solve problems big and small, Solarpunks have got it!
“If you could tell me how to lend a hand, I would try to understand! No words could say how much I care! Together we can take a stand!” 
And let us not forget the refrain! “Speaking from nowhere else except your heart, you’ll never know if you don’t try! Listen and see the voice I carry with me: ‘Speak with your heart! Speak with your heart!’” In my humble Solarpunk opinion, this feels pretty solarpunk. One of the main things about being Solarpunk--at least, in my experience--is unabashed enthusiasm about our ideas and the colorful sustainable future we’re envisioning! Encouragement from others is what brought me to this space and what draws others to join and stay in Solarpunk spaces! From our art to our writings to our technological concepts and even our arguments all come from sincerity and passion about what we’re doing and the future we want! 
And keep in mind, these are the opening and ending themes of the game! These are the songs where the writers are trying to bottle up the essential vibes of the game into a few minutes of funky tunes! You open up the game for the first time, you hear Reach for the Stars! And after a wonderful story and the satisfaction of finishing a game, you hear Speak With Your Heart! Even the titles alone wouldn’t feel out of place in a discussion about Solarpunk ideals!
Final Words
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The Sonic franchise has its flaws, but it sure does speak on hope and resistance. Is Sonic Solarpunk? Maybe not entirely, but I feel it’s got some core elements that are Solarpunk-aligned, even when it’s not always front and center like it is here. I’m not going to pretend that Sonic the hedgehog as a franchise is the pinnacle of a Solarpunk story/game--but it’s got some nice elements that could inspire other stories, and uses those elements in a way that makes people feel like they can and should take action against darker industrializing forces in their life.
Or at least it did for me, as a fifth grader. Maybe that’s not a lot. But if it can help open the eyes of a handful of kids and teens and make them feel hope? Make them feel like they could maybe find the courage to do something? Maybe that’s all we need from it.
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imtrashraccoon · 3 days ago
The Dark Fortress Kingdoms
Klasical Kingdom: Undertale
- A large, prosperous kingdom with healthy trade routes to surrounding kingdoms and a world renowned military. The Royal family is always willing to help those in need, be that with an army, providing monetary aid, or even taking in refugees during times of crisis. Once the home of Scout, a reliable soldier under Captain Undyne, they are thought to be dead, but in reality have defected to The Dark Fortress to be with their soulmate.
Shiftingtails Kingdom: Storyshift
- Once ruled by two brothers, this kingdom was of similar size to the Klasical Kingdom, although had much less trade routes. The kingdom had a sizable human population for a monster-ruled kingdom. Unfortunately, it was the first kingdom to be conquered when The Dark Fortress appeared on its border. Some civilians managed to escape, but the Royal family is still missing.
Horrur Kingdom: Horrortale
- Often considered the sister kingdom of the Klasical Kingdom, this kingdom was once a vital trade partner and ally. However, a power hungry general overthrew the king and put the kingdom on lock down so no one could leave. She took the title of the Thorn Queen and instilled a reign of terror that lasted over a decade before she was assassinated. In that time most of the citizens had died from famine or by execution. Most survivors were taken in by surrounding kingdoms. Maul is from this kingdom and was made the chief executioner. He doesn't remember what happened to his brother, Orien, but there is a possibility he is still alive.
Newridge: Underfresh
- A mysterious city-state with nearly impenetrable walls and a well trained guard. This city is built in a narrow valley between two escarpments, meaning if you want to travel to the Lowswitch Kingdom, you have to pass through. It is secretly ruled by a beholder named Balor, although Lord Donovan has made a secret deal to control it.
Lowswitch Kingdom: Underswap
- Similar to the Klasical Kingdom, the Lowswitch Kingdom is large and prosperous, with a skilled military and many trade routes. It is the biggest kingdom in the surrounding area and thanks to having a good relationship with the city of Newridge, naturally protected from invaders. Interestingly, it is under matriarchal rule, which is unusual in these parts.
Detrium Kingdom: Dusttale
- A former kingdom on the coast, the Detrium Kingdom was destroyed by raiders around the time of the Horror Kingdom's takeover. Most of its history has been lost or destroyed and it is unknown how many, or if anyone, even escaped the destruction. Reven and his brother Perez were found in the aftermath and brought to a monastery dedicated to a god of justice, Rytos. While it is unclear what happened to Perez, he fell down a couple years after the two left the monastery as paladins, leaving his brother as the soul survivor.
Undercity: Mafiatale, Mobtale, Mafiafell, etc.
- Rather than being considered a kingdom, Undercity is a large, independent city just off a major trade route from the sea. It is a dangerous place as the city is divided up among several crime families. Every illegal item you can think of passes through the city and can be bought if you can pay the price. The population is a melting pot of humans and monster subspecies, many of which have emigrated from neighboring kingdoms for various reasons.
Unknown Town: Killertale
- With the destruction of the Detrium Kingdom, many surrounding towns were destroyed as well. This included the one Dirk was from. While he technically grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, his family regularly traded their crops in the nearest town for necessary supplies. It's too bad he doesn't remember much about it or where the town was located though.
Phantasium Kingdom: Dreamtale
- Possibly the oldest kingdom in the history of the world, Kingdom Phantasium was more of an empire and was ruled by a goddess that was said to have created the world itself. Much of its history is lost to time, but it is known that there was a magical tree in the middle with fruit that could grant strength to those who ate them. The goddess also had two sons, Donovan and Finn, that she tasked with watching over the tree. However, an assassination attempt was made on the royal family, which resulted in the death of the goddess and nearly both the princes. Donovan only survived by consuming the dark fruit, although it corrupted him and he went on a murderous spree, killing all the assassins. It is unknown if Finn survived or where he is, but the same could have been said for Lord Donovan until recently.
Agritail: Farmtale
- One of the towns on the edge of the Klasical Kingdom, Agritail is primarily a farming community and a vital source of food for the kingdom. Those who don't farm, often raise cattle with some wealthier residents doing both. The community is incredibly close-knit and help each other out whenever they can.
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ponett · 7 months ago
A few days ago you recommended Animated and Prime for good starting points for getting into Transformers animation. However, I feel the need to watch the first show in a franchise first before watching the others, but the original cartoon is from that era when most episodes of shows didn't have much in the way of plot and were kinda samey, so what episodes of it would you recommend?
I would really not force yourself to watch the G1 Transformers cartoon as homework if you don't have a particular fondness for very silly '80s toy commercial cartoons with oversized casts and shoddy animation. I think it's a fun time because I grew up with it and because '80s toy commercial cartoons are a special brand of insanity, but it's 100% a product of its time. It doesn't hold up nearly as well as Prime or Animated, or even Beast Wars if you can look past the dated 3D animation. Those shows all stand on their own really well if that's what you want to watch
If you really do want to check it out, though, I suppose some highlights include:
More Than Meets the Eye, parts 1-3 (series premiere)
Transport to Oblivion
Fire in the Sky
SOS Dinobots
The Ultimate Doom, parts 1-3
Heavy Metal War
The Master Builders (features the incredibly important scene in which Optimus Prime plays basketball)
A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court
The Golden Lagoon
Sea Change
Triple Takeover
The Search for Alpha Trion
The Key to Vector Sigma, parts 1 and 2
War Dawn (the origin story episode)
Cosmic Rust
Starscream's Brigade
The Transformers: The Movie (set between seasons 2 and 3)
Five Faces of Darkness, parts 1-5
Dark Awakening
Starscream's Ghost
Call of the Primitives
The Return of Optimus Prime, parts 1 and 2
The Rebirth, parts 1-3 (series finale)
Keep in mind I haven't seen most of this in years, so, y'know, this might not be the best list. I might be forgetting some, or misremembering how good some of these are. There are definitely a few more I could include for being silly (The Girl Who Loved Powerglide, Hoist Goes Hollywood, etc.). But this list is already like a third of the show, so that's probably good enough
Really though, if you want to watch ONE thing from the G1 cartoon, just watch the movie
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maitredorsia · 5 months ago
Now this is probably stupid obvious, but I don't know jack shit about business so this has added to my understanding of AP and its themes or whatever so I'm sharing. (Take it with a pinch of salt because I'm nowhere near an expert in these things.)
In the book, Patrick prank calls random women and tells them he's a corporate raider that does 'hostile takeovers'. Despite Patrick being a slimy edgelord, there's no substantial reason to believe that he's lying.
Hostile takeovers are a predatory tactic used in mergers in acquisitions, and taking into additional consideration the time period and Patrick being Patrick, he almost certainly does it; or at the very least it would be somewhere in his job description or the job descriptions of his subordinates.
There are entire companies whose purpose is to prevent hostile takeovers on the behalf of their clients. People like Patrick are referred to as "sharks", so you end up with fun terms like "shark repellant".
Whether he actually does the work? Probably not.
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Around March I got the urge to watch G1, so I opened Youtube and started the episodes in the order in which they were listed on the official Hasbro channel.
Turns out that is not a good idea.
I figured it out around the middle of season 1 and went searching on the internet to find if someone had any idea why is that.
After a while I found a forum of people talking about how they made their own order of the episodes. After a bit of scrolling I found God.
pitt55 shared his entire reconfiguration of all the 98 episodes on the forum. You'll find his reply if you scroll down just a bit.
I used his guide and didn't have a single problem from then on, and I did make a copy of it and pasted it in my notes for easier access so I'm putting it here for anyone who wants to watch G1 and is/was as confused as me.
Season 1
[01] - More Than Meets The Eye - Part 1
[02] - More Than Meets The Eye - Part 2
[03] - More Than Meets The Eye - Part 3
[04] - Transport To Oblivion
[05] - Roll For It
[06] - Divide And Conquer
[07] - Fire In The Sky
[08] - Fire On The Mountain
[09] - SOS Dinobots
[10] - War Of The Dinobots
[11] - The Ultimate Doom - Part 1 [Brainwash]
[12] - The Ultimate Doom - Part 2 [Search]
[13] - The Ultimate Doom - Part 3 [Revival]
[14] - Countdown To Extinction
[15] - A Plague Of Insecticons
[16] - Heavy Metal War
Season 2
[01] - Autobot Spike
[02] - Changing Gears
[03] - City Of Steel
[04] - Attack Of The Autobots
[05] - Traitor
[06] - The Immobilizer
[07] - The Autobot Run
[08] - Atlantis, Arise!
[09] - Day Of The Machines
[10] - Enter The Nightbird
[11] - A Prime Problem
[12] - The Core
[13] - The Insecticon Syndrome
[14] - Dinobot Island - Part 1
[15] - Dinobot Island - Part 2
[16] - The Master Builder
[17] - Auto Berserk
[18] - Microbots
[19] - Megatron's Master Plan - Part 1
[20] - Megatron's Master Plan - Part 2
[21] - Desertion Of The Dinobots - Part 1
[22] - Desertion Of The Dinobots - Part 2
[23] - Blaster Blues
[24] - A Decepticon Raider In King Arthur's Court
[25] - The Golden Lagoon
[26] - The God Gambit
[27] - Make Tracks
[28] - Child's Play
[29]- The Gambler
[30] - Quest For Survival
[31] - The Secret Of Omega Supreme
[32] - Kremzeek!
[33] - Sea Change
[34] - Triple Takeover
[35] - Prime Target
[36] - Auto-Bop
[37] - The Search For Alpha Trion
[38] - The Girl Who Loved Powerglide
[39] - Hoist Goes Hollywood
[40] - The Key To Vector Sigma - Part 1
[41]- The Key To Vector Sigma - Part 2
[42] - War Dawn
[43] - Trans-Europe Express
[44] - Cosmic Rust
[45] - Starscream's Brigade
[46] - The Revenge Of Bruticus
[47] - Aerial Assault
[48] - Masquerade
[49] - Β.Ο.Τ.
[00] - The Transformers: The Movie
Season 3
[01] - Five Faces Of Darkness - Part 1
[02] - Five Faces Of Darkness - Part 2
[03] - Five Faces Of Darkness - Part 3
[04] - Five Faces Of Darkness - Part 4
[05] - Five Faces Of Darkness - Part 5
[06] - The Killing Jar
[07] - Chaos
[08] - Dark Awakening
[09] - Forever Is A Long Time Coming
[10]- Fight Or Flee
[11]- Thief In The Night
[12] - Starscream's Ghost
[13] - Surprise Party
[14] - Madman's Paradise
[15] - Nightmare Planet
[16] - Ghost In The Machine
[17] - Webworld
[18] - Carnage In C-Minor
[19] - The Quintesson Journal
[20] - The Ultimate Weapon
[21] - The Big Broadcast Of 2006
[22] - The Dweller In The Depths
[23] - Only Human
[24] - Grimlock's New Brain
[25] - Money Is Everything
[26] - Call Of The Primitives
[27] - The Face Of Nijika
[28] - The Burden Hardest To Bear
[29] - The Return Of Optimus Prime - Part 1
[30] - The Return Of Optimus Prime - Part 2
Season 4
[01] - The Rebirth - Part 1
[02] - The Rebirth - Part 2
[03] - The Rebirth - Part 3
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bellepeppergirl · 8 months ago
Yharnam's Economy
Time to ask and speculate on the question on one has ever asked: what was Yharnam's economy prior to the Healing Church's takeover and the eventual rise of their Blood industry?
Yharnam has a deep hatred of outsiders, as we all know, but I feel like they had to have at least some connection to the outside world, especially since the Healing Church itself is from beyond Yharnam's borders. Yharnam also has a lot of boats in the aqueduct, which very well could have been for travelling through the city, or, since the city is situated on a lake, it could have been a method for gaining or ferrying goods.
The first thing that comes to mind for an economy of Yharnam would be grains. In the Forbidden Woods, there are several massive windmills. Windmills are typically used for grinding grains to make things like flour, but can also be used to make electricity. There doesn't really seem to be any electricity in the city, so grains is the most likely option. What stops me from thinking this was the main export is the fact that the Forbidden Woods were used as a testing ground for strains of Old Blood following the fall and burning of Old Yharnam. I feel like them targeting such a crucial part of Yharnam for simple testing would be incredibly unlikely, unless this was also the Healing Church's attempt to bring down the grain industry so they could supplant it with Old Blood.
Instead, I think the most likely options was fishing. Yharnam is located on a lake and we can find numerous boats in the aqueduct, as mentioned earlier. These boats could have been used for catching and then transporting fish. The only thing that I think really goes against this is we don't really see any docks or fish in the base game, but to be fair, we don't really go through all of Yharnam, so it's highly likely that we simply don't see their main docks.
We know alcohol was also made in Yharnam thanks to the Blood Cocktail item, which states that people imbibed blood more than alcohol, so maybe this could have been the initial industry and then Blood took over. This could also be what the windmills were grinding grains for, but these could also simply be side things.
In terms of farming, the only places we see that seem to be at all suited for farming are the Forbidden Woods or Hemwick Charnel Lane, but neither of these seem to have any farming plots, and Hemwick itself was already used for charnel uses.
Another possibility I like is them making a living as tomb raiders. The people of Yharnam ascended from the Tomb of the Gods below Yharnam. While they seem to have grown away from their old Pthumerian culture, they would still likely remember the existence of the dungeons. With no more respect for their past, they could very easily send people into the tombs to collect relics, ritual materials, and more to sell to collectors and researchers far and wide.
Perhaps there is more I am missing. I am not an expert on economy; in fact, I know fuck all- and really, the city's economy pre-Healing Church really doesn't matter, but my obsession with Bloodborne knows no bounds.
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ilhamiman · 1 year ago
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This is Diego, my Lego Monkie Kid OC, very first one. Here's his bio.
Name: Diego Age: Immortal Race: Lion Demon Personality:
Slightly arrogant
A bit snarky (probably)
Laid back
Can be hot headed but rarely
Can be a jerk but he's not that bad
Love to tease
Ladies man
Flirting with ladies
Causing mischief when needed
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Occupation:
Raider (formerly)
Night club boss (currently)
Skill: Martial arts Weapon(s): Twin blades History: Diego's born in Hell, 10 minutes later than Azure Lion. They're not blood related but they happened to be born in the same place. Diego took in and raised by a demon raider. As he growing so his personality, he was mischievous, rowdy and chaotic. One day, he, in adolescence age, was dared by a fellow demon to steal the demon raider's weapon, thinking he would fail but he managed to snatch his weapons with ease. The demon raider, impressed by his skill, taught him how to be even greater raider. He polished his skill as he grow till he reach demon adulthood, which he has been gifted double blades. Once the demon raider saw him deem ready, he let Diego join in his raid on a nearby human village. Little did they know, the village they're about to plunder was under the watch of Azure's troop. This is where the rivalry between Azure Lion and Diego begin as the demon raiders cause chaos on this unlucky village, humans ran for their lives while the Celestial troops fought them. Diego and Azure clashed blades as their battle shook the earth, Diego's wild chaotic energy against Azure's unshaken focus energy were a sight to behold with Diego's double blades against Azure's bronze sword. The raiders looted the village and retreat so the battle ended in tie but Diego will see Azure again next time. Diego was satisfied of both the raid and the fight he fought, he hope he'll fight with Azure again to see who's the fiercest warrior. Diego then heard through grapevine of Azure's dejected from Celestial court and forming the brotherhood with Sun Wukong, which excites him. He pick few of his fellow raiders to pick fight with them as they seek them. Once the raiders found them, fight ensured. The battle between 2 fractions was intense but in the end, the battle end in tie again, both sides are tired and bruised but Diego's side were satisfied with this exercise so they called it tie before fall back, Azure doesn't like that at all but Diego doesn't care. Diego learned plenty of Azure's fighting skill so he can improving his skill more. He soon heard of Wukong's failed takeover of Celestial Realm and the reforged brotherhood, Diego found the news funny because he knew it would fail because of they didn't think that through. His days of independence came near when he heard of the Brotherhood being captured by the pilgrims and Azure's imprison in the Underworld, which made Diego feel unsatisfied so he dejected from the demon raider's tribe so he can venture alone which the demon raider who raised him luck. Off he go to venture the human realm, cause a bit of chaos along the way but as years come by, he soon retire from the life of a raider and he settle down with adult entertainment like night club and he's the boss and owner of his own but that doesn't stop him from causing little mischief in his surrounding.
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heirbane · 6 days ago
- dishonorably discharged orlesian general. Once a paragon of what they stood for, before being found horrifically wanting in two back-to-back battle fronts.
- Despite still being broken and recovering from the fall of one stronghold, Agrius, Gaius was determined to claw his way back to the top - and stay there. It did not happen.
- many were led to believe that Gaius perished during his last stand. He did not. His body was recovered by a traveling elf, a man who knew the general well... as it had been one of the invasions Gaius led that slaughtered his own family. Or so he believed.
- Gaius suffered a plethora of injuries, not the least of which horrific burns caused by a mage igniting his metal armor. Val nursed him back to health, and gave the fallen general an ultimatum. He could live the rest of his days attempting to correct the horrific wrongs caused by his military tactics, or Valdeaulin would kill him.
- Gaius joined the Gray Wardens. Valdeaulin stayed in their vicinity, not in nor out, an apostate mage that had once dwelled in a town that barely had an elven district with his wife and child. He enlisted into their local militia to keep bandits and raiders from their rural town... had it only been bandits.
- Valdeaulin was struck in the skull by a mace during a hostile takeover. when he awoke, his family - and the rest of his village - were gone. No hint of their existence remained.
- it was during his recovery that he learned the town had been set aflame and decimated by a specific legion of the Orlesian empire.
- the legion, once led by Gaius Baelsar, had been researching weapons of mass destruction: the intent was an alchemical concoction that would disappear into the air and suffocate those in a several mile radius. Gaius removed himself from the project, uninterested in dishonorable displays and the barbaric nature of the weapon, and strove to have any trace of it existing wiped off of Orlesian records.
- unfortunately, he then "died". Valdeaulin, still believing Gaius was at the head of the attack, wished for the man to suffer for what he had done.
- Gaius does not return to the Empire for nigh a decade. In that time, another general took his place, a man hellbent on discovering a way to Tranquilize non-mages and make them mindless soldiers. With a grudge against Gaius for being promoted before him and access to all the man had worked for, the new general took his place... and used his adopted children as test subjects. His name was Valens.
- during Inquisition, Gaius works alongside the Wardens. He is unaware of his children's plight in his homeland - that is, until he begins to get involved with the Inquisition as a whole.
- character missions includes: deciding which Gray Warden to trust, if forced to choose; recovering what remains of Gaius's children, Tranquil and not.
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crappadocian · 8 months ago
*slides into your blog* heyyyy so what's that about an ex-raider coueir i hear?
please sir tell me more
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh stawp it you’ve unlocked a whole can of wormsssss. okay. i have a tag for him on my art blog his name is angelo…
to give you some context angelo is lavender married (ncr tax benefits, but also they’re just truly bestest friends) to my friend @formthethird’s courier joelle, we have been playing pretend with our (and their partner’s) world state where all 3 of our couriers are friends, get tangled up in the platinum chip affair, and have to reconvene at the strip. angelo isn’t even carrying the damn chip, he’s got one of the dummy packages (i gave him the fuzzy dice), but benny tried to be as thorough as possible and failed to shoot 3 separate people in the head. LOL.
so i knew in my run i wasn’t gonna do a house ending, and i pretty swiftly dismissed his offers, and then i kinda thought about why angelo would reject him so fast. and then i decided to further play pretend and make up a smaller tribe, called the desperados, that were all but wiped out by house in his taking of vegas because they refused to play along with his plan. so angelo was taken in by them when he was like, 6-7 or so, after a shootout between them and the khans took the lives of his bio parents. and nobody really knows who did it, but what matters is the desperados found this kid and took pity on them, and basically raised him until he was about 20. i like to imagine them as being raiders, sure, but also involved in keeping livestock. they were horse girls too. then the strip takeover happened, angelo fled the strip, and met joelle on a total fluke and they became good friends. so he’s got a huge grudge against house and what he’s turned vegas into.
SORRY. long winded ass infodump but i had to put it somewhere <3
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nicklloydnow · 9 months ago
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“In 1932, Adolf A. Berle Jr. and Gardner C. Means wrote a book entitled The Modern Corporation and Private Property. A critique of corporate management for being aloof and complacent, out of touch with the consumer and irresponsible to the stockholder, this volume became the bible of Marxists, left wing intellectuals and interventionist politicians. Under the banner of separation of ownership and control, the Berle-Means thesis led to an attack on the corporate structure from which today's top executives are still reeling.
With this background, one would have thought that the people urging a greater role for the public sector would have welcomed the advent of the corporate raider. For this new breed of capitalist has sent shivers down the spines of the denizens of the boardroom. Swooping down, launching "unfriendly" or "hostile" takeover bids, these corporate raiders have succeeded in replacing management from coast to coast in dozens of industries, and in frightening thousands of other out-of-touch chief executive officers into greater responsibility.
At least under the theory of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," it might have been expected that critics of the marketplace, noticeably the followers of Berle and Means, would have rallied `round the cause of the corporate raider.
In the event, however, this expectation has remained unfulfilled. Not only has the activity of the corporate raider been deprecated by the champions of government interference in the marketplace, but it has been roundly condemned by practically all pundits and commentators on public policy. In 1987, the left-leaning film director Oliver Stone distilled the common image of the corporate raider into the supposedly loathsome Gordon Gekko, brilliantly portrayed in an Oscar-winning performance by Michael Douglas. And this is the image of Gekko under which the corporate raider must labor in the present day.
Yet, despite this all-but-universal criticism, the unfriendly takeover bid has benefited consumers and stockholders, and served notice on complacent management across the board. In one celebrated case that unfolded shortly before Stone's film Wall Street was released, corporate guerrilla Carl Icahn put in a bid for a block of shares of Phillips Petroleum. Stung by Icahn's bid, Phillips' executives offered to improve a recapitalization plan they had been forced to put forth in response to an earlier planned takeover, this one by T. Boone Pickens. As a result, Icahn walked away with a cool $50 million, Pickens registered a profit of $89 million on a resale of his holdings to the company, all Phillips' shareholders gained from the better offer, and the oil firm itself was left far leaner and meaner than before.
Needless to say, neither Icahn nor Pickens nor any of the other masterminds of "the 1980s takeover boom," were publicly thanked for the good they had done. On the contrary: both men were not only mocked by Oliver Stone, they were also robbed of the opportunity to do any more such good by a rash of anti-takeover statutes adopted late in the decade. Henry Manne reported that hostile takeovers had "declined to four percent from fourteen percent of all mergers."
The conventional wisdom holds that this outcome is a good one for investors, but the facts show otherwise. No story of the corporate raider can ignore the role of the heroic Michael Milken. Assume there was a hotel worth $20 million as a present discounted capital value. Given an interest rate of 5%, this concern should throw off roughly $1 million to its owners. But stipulate that due to inefficiency, or general avarice, or to the fact that the CEO salary was far higher than justified, or a combination of all such phenomena, the owners were earning far less than that in dividends. And, guess what? The stock was trading at a lower value than might have prevailed, had these tape worm factors not been in operation.
Enter the "evil" Michael Milken. He swoops in, purchases enough of the stock in this corporation to kick out the old board and replace it with his own nominees. This is considered a "hostile" takeover by a corporate "raider." From whence springs the hostility? All Milken did was buy up a mess of stocks. Did he threaten any of these stock owners that they would walk the plank if they did not sell to him? No, of course not; we are talking arm's-length stock market deals here. We can logically infer that the owners of these stocks preferred the price offered them by the "raider," otherwise they would not have sold out. No, the "hostility," instead, stems from the CEO and his cronies who were mismanaging this hotel into the ground.
The Milkins of the world are akin to the canary in the mine; they are the Distant Early Warning Line for the economy.
When they get active, it is in response to something rotten that is going on. And what was the public reaction to this corporate raider? Instead of hoisting him up on their shoulders and holding ticker tape parades in his honor, he was given the back of the public's hand to his face. To wit, he was prosecuted by the Securities and Exchange Commission for insider trading, violations of U.S. Securities Laws and other financial felonies. He pled guilty only after the authorities threatened to go after his ailing brother. For shame.” - Walter Block, ‘Defending the Undefendable II’ (2013) [p. 41 - 44]
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ardenpodcast · 1 year ago
When corporate raiders initiate a truly hostile takeover of Wheyface Tower, it's up to Bea Casely, Brenda Bentley, Rosalind Ursula, Julie Capsom, and plucky security guard Janet Dogbury to save the day! Join us, won't you, as we play through the Arden RPG Escape from Wheyface Radio! with cast and friends, in a thrilling four-part miniseries beginning December 4th. Brought to you by Wheyface Industries, which is not currently being taken over. Ignore the men in business suits wielding scimitars and flintlocks. Everything is fine.
Starring: Michelle Agresti, Tracey Sayed, Shannon Estabrook, Lindsay Zana, Emma Sherr-Ziarko, AND ????????
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phightingaus · 2 months ago
Hope y’all don’t mind me continuing to yap about my apocalypse AU lol. It’s been exactly 10 days since my last yap sesh iirc, so I suppose it’s time for another one!
For starters, Idk what to call this AU. I’ve done this song and dance with other games I like*, but Phighting is giving me a hard time lol. When I do name it, it’l probably have Smile or Smiling in the name somewhere (because the disease that’s being spread is called the Smile virus. And infecteds are called Smilings due to the unnaturally-wide smiles that every infected has. That’s the one thing they all have in common.)
Also I haven’t decided on what happens to all the phighters, but I have a general idea of how this story goes down. The survivors live in colonies. You have your folks who just want to survive, your raiders/problem-causers, and the absolute nutjobs who’d probably sacrifice people to the monsters. Because why not 🤷‍♀️
Sword, Rocket, and Zuka are together for a while, until Zuka goes missing. Sword and Rocket then go on an adventure to find him.
Medkit, Coil, Skateboard, and Shuriken (somehow) end up in a colony together. Shuri scouts for supplies, Coil and Skateboard lure away any Smilings, and Medkit studies whatever he can about the disease, desperately trying to find a cure.
Banhammer is also a part of Medkit’s colony, but stays hidden for the most part. Only Medkit knows he’s there. He USED to travel around and help folks, but he got in a fight with Pafjyn himself (who’s the source of the infection, if I didn’t say that already!) and ended up injured and infected. It was a close fight, which is something Paf refuses to admit.
Medkit found him in this state, took him in, and now spends his time studying Ban and his symptoms. Due to his demideity status, the infection is taking longer than usual to change him.
Subspace is surviving all by himself in Blackrock. He’s also studying the virus, but mostly to weaponize/control it. He knows that Smilings have enhanced healing, and thinks that infecting himself might be the cure to his rot. But it’s not like he can do that anytime soon.
Katana’s gone. He sacrificed himself to save Hyperlaser, and ended up as yet another mindless Smiling. But maybe, just maybe, there’s a glimmer of humanity (inphernality?) in there…
Scythe, Broker and some other cult members are together in their own colony. Scythe actively robs from neighbouring colonies, too. As a giant sea monster once said, “we must do what it takes to survive”/lyrics
The SFOTH stay in their domain, nervously watching everything go down. Windforce, Illumina, and Darkheart don’t want anything to do with the apocalypse, but Firebrand, Icedagger, Venomshank, and sometimes Ghostwalker will go down and help.
The only being immune to the virus (besides Bios since they’re robots) is Venomshank. Still, he doesn’t want to take any chances.
*I’m the creator of Apocalyption (for Inscryption. More of a ‘generic takeover au’ than an apocalypse) and Smiling World (for Dandy’s World. It’s just like this Phighting AU, but with toons n stuff.)
1.: please tell me med saves his hubby/j (i don't want ban to die, the joke part is shipping medham)
2.venom doesn't help his own son!!???!???!?!
3.man sucks to see tana gone
4.how in the phuck did ban not CRUSH paf, like how, tho ban is SEAMINGLY weaker than coil (which is not a small feat, dude makes craters on the regular)
5. please make a better name for the infected. "smilelings: is not really that good of a name
6. why does coil not just OBLITERATE the infected
7. where is sling?
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