strange tomatoes
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Corinthians 1:9
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maitredorsia · 5 hours ago
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McDermott thrist trap before GTA 6
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maitredorsia · 1 day ago
I went to an exhibition on the history of migration and colonial rhetoric in Australia and it really helped me to pinpoint my exact issue with the way non-Australians (and. tbh. some aussies) talk about this country
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this map is a piece of propaganda from 1921. honestly what shocked me about it was how little of Australia is marked out as “uninhabited”. I have seen maps shared around on this website that basically mark out the entirety of non-coastal Australia as “empty”. fucking colonialists from 1921 were more generous than some of you
the history of colonial Australia is a history of “taming the untameable land”. this has been reinforced through narratives that this country is:
inherently dangerous
this rhetoric survives in both the way Australia is imagined by non-Australians and in the self-image of Australia. the (white) aussie battler conquers the unconquerable. the outback is imagined as a post-apocalyptic hellscape. our fauna is categorised as uniquely hellish and unwieldy. so when non-Australians make joke after joke about how scared they are of this place. well you can imagine why it fills me with the kind of rage that can only be generated by the understanding that You Are Reinforcing Colonialism
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maitredorsia · 3 days ago
Bombing has started again. PLEASE donate and share, this is urgent!
My friend Abdullah's fundraiser was taken down under false suspicions, the funds confiscated, and now he must start again. I can vouch for him that he IS a real person in real need.
He has 22 extended family members to care for, including his mother who is ill and in need of medicine.
It is literally life or death for them. Due to the situation in Gaza, prices are exorbitantly high for food and other every day essentials.
Please, give as little or as much as you can to help them survive and make it out of Gaza.
Please share this post!
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maitredorsia · 3 days ago
sad reality of the fanfic-to-published work economy is that the weirdest people are willing to do it. that's why there's now hundreds of shitty no plot cishet hate-to-love enemies-to-lovers books that are ex reylo fanfic. and it's not even good. that's because the people who wrote book-quality steve/bucky and kirk/spock fic are too normal to think to themselves "i should get this porn published". they're too busy working in local government offices
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maitredorsia · 4 days ago
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maitredorsia · 4 days ago
just got back from urgent care, gotta do some blood work but in the meantime I need help with getting my anti-nausea medication from the pharmacy, without it I can’t keep anything down. If anyone can help me get the funds for this I would really appreciate it 🙏
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maitredorsia · 4 days ago
Patrick Bateman et al would have the most hilarious Substacks.
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maitredorsia · 4 days ago
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reading american psycho
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maitredorsia · 4 days ago
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maitredorsia · 5 days ago
I am fully aware that I may lose respect from some Catholics here on Tumblr for saying this, but I honestly do not care. I’m enraged that I even have to say this, but I’m going to anyway.
Lately, I’ve been seeing SO many Catholics on social media talking about how bad the Jews are, how they’re sinners for not turning to Jesus, and all those other sickening diatribes. So if you’re one of these people, I have a message for you.
You are also a sinner. I am also a sinner. Your neighbor is also a sinner. Your parish priest is also a sinner. Your husbands, wives, and parents are also sinners. Your bishop is a sinner. Even the Holy Father, Pope Francis himself, is a sinner.
So why, then, are the sins of the Jews suddenly so much more severe than yours or mine? And don’t come at me with all that, “the Jews killed Jesus” tripe. The Sanhedrin didn’t even have the authority to carry out the death sentence. What do you think Pilate was there for?
So, again, why are the sins of the Jews so much worse than ours, in the minds of my fellow so-called “Catholics?” I’ll tell you why. It’s because, to them, of the simple fact that the Jews are Jews, and they have the audacity to exist with us in the world. That is called discrimination, bigotry, and racism, and none of those things have any place in Holy Mother Church.
This entire discourse is rooted in hate. And hate does not come from God. It comes from SATAN. And I will have NOTHING to do with Satanic hatred of Jews, or of any group.
Because Jesus didn’t only die for Christians. He died for Muslims. He died for Hindus. He died for Buddhists. He died for Republicans. He died for Democrats. He died for black people. He died for Hispanic people. He died for Asian people. He died for African people. He died for straight people. He died for gay people. He died for trans people.
He died for us all. And yes, He died even for the Jews.
Repent, take up your cross, and believe the good news.
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maitredorsia · 6 days ago
Only for the worst of men
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maitredorsia · 6 days ago
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Please spare whatever you can and share the link with family and friends. This is an urgent request.
My friend Abdullah's fundraiser was taken down under false suspicions, the funds confiscated, and now he must start again. I can vouch for him that he IS a real person in real need.
He has 22 extended family members to care for, including his mother who is ill and in need of medicine.
It is literally life or death for them. Due to the situation in Gaza, prices are exorbitantly high for food and other every day essentials.
Please, give as little or as much as you can to help them survive and make it out of Gaza.
Please share this post!
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maitredorsia · 8 days ago
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El Señor de los Milagros // El Cristo Negro de Daule
Another beautiful commission by @anajuise of my Black Christ, this time depicted with the imagery revealed to me in personal devotions. 
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maitredorsia · 8 days ago
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if you dont like bush you literally dont deserve to fuck
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maitredorsia · 8 days ago
can you maybe draw Luis and Patrick? 🥺
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maitredorsia · 8 days ago
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Flemish School Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Oil on oak panel, 72.5 x 55.5 cm, early 17th century
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maitredorsia · 8 days ago
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