#adolf berle
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nicklloydnow · 9 months ago
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“In 1932, Adolf A. Berle Jr. and Gardner C. Means wrote a book entitled The Modern Corporation and Private Property. A critique of corporate management for being aloof and complacent, out of touch with the consumer and irresponsible to the stockholder, this volume became the bible of Marxists, left wing intellectuals and interventionist politicians. Under the banner of separation of ownership and control, the Berle-Means thesis led to an attack on the corporate structure from which today's top executives are still reeling.
With this background, one would have thought that the people urging a greater role for the public sector would have welcomed the advent of the corporate raider. For this new breed of capitalist has sent shivers down the spines of the denizens of the boardroom. Swooping down, launching "unfriendly" or "hostile" takeover bids, these corporate raiders have succeeded in replacing management from coast to coast in dozens of industries, and in frightening thousands of other out-of-touch chief executive officers into greater responsibility.
At least under the theory of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," it might have been expected that critics of the marketplace, noticeably the followers of Berle and Means, would have rallied `round the cause of the corporate raider.
In the event, however, this expectation has remained unfulfilled. Not only has the activity of the corporate raider been deprecated by the champions of government interference in the marketplace, but it has been roundly condemned by practically all pundits and commentators on public policy. In 1987, the left-leaning film director Oliver Stone distilled the common image of the corporate raider into the supposedly loathsome Gordon Gekko, brilliantly portrayed in an Oscar-winning performance by Michael Douglas. And this is the image of Gekko under which the corporate raider must labor in the present day.
Yet, despite this all-but-universal criticism, the unfriendly takeover bid has benefited consumers and stockholders, and served notice on complacent management across the board. In one celebrated case that unfolded shortly before Stone's film Wall Street was released, corporate guerrilla Carl Icahn put in a bid for a block of shares of Phillips Petroleum. Stung by Icahn's bid, Phillips' executives offered to improve a recapitalization plan they had been forced to put forth in response to an earlier planned takeover, this one by T. Boone Pickens. As a result, Icahn walked away with a cool $50 million, Pickens registered a profit of $89 million on a resale of his holdings to the company, all Phillips' shareholders gained from the better offer, and the oil firm itself was left far leaner and meaner than before.
Needless to say, neither Icahn nor Pickens nor any of the other masterminds of "the 1980s takeover boom," were publicly thanked for the good they had done. On the contrary: both men were not only mocked by Oliver Stone, they were also robbed of the opportunity to do any more such good by a rash of anti-takeover statutes adopted late in the decade. Henry Manne reported that hostile takeovers had "declined to four percent from fourteen percent of all mergers."
The conventional wisdom holds that this outcome is a good one for investors, but the facts show otherwise. No story of the corporate raider can ignore the role of the heroic Michael Milken. Assume there was a hotel worth $20 million as a present discounted capital value. Given an interest rate of 5%, this concern should throw off roughly $1 million to its owners. But stipulate that due to inefficiency, or general avarice, or to the fact that the CEO salary was far higher than justified, or a combination of all such phenomena, the owners were earning far less than that in dividends. And, guess what? The stock was trading at a lower value than might have prevailed, had these tape worm factors not been in operation.
Enter the "evil" Michael Milken. He swoops in, purchases enough of the stock in this corporation to kick out the old board and replace it with his own nominees. This is considered a "hostile" takeover by a corporate "raider." From whence springs the hostility? All Milken did was buy up a mess of stocks. Did he threaten any of these stock owners that they would walk the plank if they did not sell to him? No, of course not; we are talking arm's-length stock market deals here. We can logically infer that the owners of these stocks preferred the price offered them by the "raider," otherwise they would not have sold out. No, the "hostility," instead, stems from the CEO and his cronies who were mismanaging this hotel into the ground.
The Milkins of the world are akin to the canary in the mine; they are the Distant Early Warning Line for the economy.
When they get active, it is in response to something rotten that is going on. And what was the public reaction to this corporate raider? Instead of hoisting him up on their shoulders and holding ticker tape parades in his honor, he was given the back of the public's hand to his face. To wit, he was prosecuted by the Securities and Exchange Commission for insider trading, violations of U.S. Securities Laws and other financial felonies. He pled guilty only after the authorities threatened to go after his ailing brother. For shame.” - Walter Block, ‘Defending the Undefendable II’ (2013) [p. 41 - 44]
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openingnightposts · 1 year ago
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 3 years ago
Any good economists you'd suggest? Hamilton, List, anyone else in that general category?
i can list a number of economists that are approximate to hamilton and list but keep in mind that the degree of proximity will vary and they may or may not disagree on certain specifics but they are all in relatively the same vein (heterodox, protectionist, historical, institutionalist, industrial, statist, etc).
henry carey, henry clay, john roger commons, max weber, georg friedrich knapp, thorstein veblen, alexander hill everett, john kenneth galbraith, simon patten, e. peshine smith, jean-baptiste colbert, daniel raymond, clarence edwin ayres, adolf berle, ha-joon chang, lyndon larouche, and michael hudson.
also, he's not really an economist, but i do recommend fichte's "closed commercial state".
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racefortheironthrone · 3 years ago
Hello Maester. Steven. Have you read the People's Republic of Walmart and if so what are your thoughts? I thought it was interesting but I'm not really informed enough on the topic to understand the book completely. The basic premise is that multi-national mega-corporations like Walmart are proof of the feasibility of central planning.
I haven't read the book, but I just took a look at the description of the book over at Verso and it's given me enough to go on.
The idea that large corporations are not just passive price-takers but actively engage in (private-sector) economic planning is not a new one. It was a major insight of institutionalist economics from the time of Thorstein Veblen and the whole technocratic movement through Gardiner Means and Adolf Berle's work on administered prices, and it inspired a lot of John Kenneth Galbraith's work, most notably his book The New Industrial State.
How well this line of thought applies to Walmart is a matter of debate. My former advisor Nelson Lichtenstein did a bunch of work on Walmart, and he was quite taken with the way that Walmart used the central collation of consumer data to force price cuts out of manufacturers, which would be an argument for a particular kind of private-sector economic planning going on. On the other hand, Walmart has also suffered tremendously from the same supply chain crisis that everyone else has been dealing with during COVID, so its planning capacity is obviously less than ideal.
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years ago
Davis argues that he doesn’t let political considerations dissuade him from performing his work disinterestedly—just as a surgeon or a priest would say that politics never gets in the way of their work or who they choose to help. What Davis conveniently elides is that he was himself expressing his political opinions through his legal practice. Davis would become an ardent anti–New Dealer, and he used his firm, over the course of his long and distinguished career, to fight government regulation on behalf of his corporate clients. (He’d end his career defending school segregation before the Supreme Court.) His legal practice reflected his politics; it was never independent of them.
In that era, lawyers were regularly worrying and arguing about independence from corporate clients. Ariens quotes Adolf A. Berle, a longtime corporate attorney and member of Franklin Roosevelt’s Brains Trust, bemoaning, in 1933,  how the transformation of the American economy had transformed the legal profession: Berle believed that it had turned the lawyer from an advocate for individual rights into “a virtual annex to some group of financial promoters, manipulators or industrialists.” Berle accused corporate attorneys not of disinterestedly practicing advocacy for clients but instead actively participating in “the creation of a legal framework for the economic system, built largely around the modern corporation.” He considered this development both bad and a conscious decision.
Instead of continuing to argue about these ideas in public, the American legal community largely decided to close ranks around a highly ideological understanding of professionalism and independence that happens to support the right of an elite attorney to make a fortune. Now any time someone—take, for example, Richard Kahlenberg, who went to Harvard Law and wrote a book about how that institution turns would-be idealists into corporate stooges in training—broaches concerns like Berle’s, they are met immediately with derisive sneers from law professors about not understanding the majesty of the legal profession.
People like those law professors and Neal Katyal illustrate something I wish more professional Democrats understood: The professional norms of the political class are not only not a substitute for actual values, they are, frequently, actively harmful to the project of liberalism these people claim to be advancing.
This belief that “everyone deserves competent representation” has spilled over into industries like public relations and lobbying, where it has even less of a basis in tradition or law. It is the official mantra of people who actually believe that they, themselves, deserve to receive money from ethically dubious entities in exchange for providing ethically dubious services—all without having to feel bad about it at any point or consider it in conflict with their ostensibly liberal worldviews.
Neal Katyal’s professional project—one that I believe to be sincerely ideological and not simply mercenary—has been to protect corporations from the consequences of harming consumers and workers. Liberals should find that horrifying. If you want to make a fairer society or more equitable economy, Katyal is not your ally, no matter how many good deeds he has done. The professional norms that allow people like Katyal to get a pass on their lucrative private sector work are not actually essential components of our political system; they exist because no one in revolving-door Washington wants to feel bad about how they pay the bills.
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calamity-bean · 4 years ago
OnlyRedNow: Saw an article saying Samuel Goldwyn has bought the US rights to The Good Traitor. It's a about the Danish Ambassador to the US during WWII, based on a true story. Burn plays "Berle." There was an Adolf A. Berle on FDR's staff, who was a lawyer & the economist who came up with the "New Deal." So if that is the same Berle that Burn is playing, hopefully he will join the ranks of Edmund, Hermann & Guppy as a Good Guy Role. Tho personally I don't think Owen is a jerk: he's hurting.
Oh my gosh, I just realized that I never answered this -- I checked my inbox, but then, with the notification gone, I forgot. Re: Owen, I think I’d have to say that he kinda is a jerk ahaha, but a jerk that I love and sympathize with. Would definitely be nice to see Burn in another one of his rare good guy roles!
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leanpick · 3 years ago
Opinion | The Road Ahead for the Democrats: Here Are Some Directions
Opinion | The Road Ahead for the Democrats: Here Are Some Directions
Near the end of that year, it was much sadder: “Dec. 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy.” F.D.R.’s outstanding speech-writing team included Harry L. Hopkins, Samuel I. Rosenman, Adolf A. Berle Jr., Benjamin V. Cohen and the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Robert Sherwood, all masters of the power and emotional resonances of words. My advice to President Biden: Ask playwrights and writers…
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jaguarmen99 · 4 years ago
After the war, Currie was one of those blamed for losing China to the control of Communists. As far back as 1939, Currie had been identified by Communist defector Whittaker Chambers in a meeting with Roosevelt security chief Adolf Berle, as a Soviet agent.[15] Spring of 1944, Currie informed Soviet contacts that the United States VENONA program was about to break the Soviet signals code.[16] Elizabeth Bentley, like Chambers, a former Soviet espionage agent, later claimed in Congressional testimony in 1948 that Currie and Harry Dexter White had been part of the Silvermaster ring.[17] Though she had never met Currie and White personally, Bentley testified to receiving information through cutouts (couriers) who were other Washington economists (later determined to be Soviet agents).[17][18] White and Currie appeared before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in August 1948 to rebut her charges. White, who was also implicated as a source of Soviet intelligence (later confirmed in Venona intercepts and review of Soviet KGB notes of NKVD official Gaik Ovakimian) had a serious heart problem, and died three days after his appearance at the hearings. Currie was not prosecuted and in 1949 he was appointed to head the first of the World Bank's comprehensive country surveys in Colombia. After his report was published in Washington in September 1950, he was invited by the Colombian government to return to Bogotá as adviser to a commission established to implement the report's recommendations. In December 1952, Currie gave evidence in New York to a grand jury investigating Owen Lattimore's role in the publication of secret State Department documents in Amerasia magazine. However, when Currie, as a U.S. citizen, tried to renew his passport in 1954, he was refused, ostensibly on the grounds that he was now residing abroad and married to a Colombian. However, he may have in fact been identified with the then-secret Venona project, which had decrypted wartime Soviet cables where Currie was identified as a source of Soviet intelligence. He appears in the Venona cables under the cover name 'PAGE', and in Soviet intelligence archives as 'VIM' and as a source for the Golos and Bentley spy networks.[19][20] According to John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, evidence that Currie cooperated with Soviet espionage is convincing and substantial.[21][22] Historians Allen Weinstein[23] and Christopher Andrew[24] also conclude Currie was a Soviet asset.
Lauchlin Currie - Wikipedia
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waqasamjadme · 5 years ago
Original and Famous Quotes about Mother’s Love
 77 Original and Famous Quotes about Mother’s Love
She is the one one we’ve received, and we wouldn’t change her for the world. Moms are irreplaceable and all the time there to assist us, so it’s no surprise what number of well-known individuals had one thing to say about mothers.
 Additionally few of us perceive simply how distinctive a mom’s love for her kids really is. On this put up now we have offered a couple of fascinating and authentic quotes that we hope will enlighten you on one of many most-unique bonds nature has ever conjured up!
Well-known Mom’s Love Quotes
You sacrificed for us. You’re the true MVP. Kevin Durant
To explain my mom could be to put in writing a few hurricane in its excellent energy. Or the climbing, falling colours of a rainbow. Maya Angelou
There’s no solution to be an ideal mom and one million methods to be one. Jill Churchill
 The phrase ‘working mom’ is redundant. Jane Sellman
The very best place to cry is on a mom’s arms. Jodi Picoult
My mom was probably the most lovely lady I ever noticed. All I'm I owe to my mom. I attribute my success in life to the ethical, mental and bodily training I obtained from her. George Washington
My mom is a strolling miracle. Leonardo DiCaprio
My mom has all the time been my emotional barometer and my steering. I used to be fortunate sufficient to get to have one lady who actually helped me by means of all the things. Emma Stone
Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. Robert Browning
Mom’s love is bliss, is peace, it needn't be acquired, it needn't be deserved. Whether it is there, it is sort of a blessing; if it's not there it's as if all the sweetness had gone out of life. Erich Fromm
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Most moms are instinctive philosophers. Harriet Beecher Stowe
Love as highly effective as your mom’s for you leaves its personal mark … to have been beloved so deeply .. will give us some safety eternally. J.Okay. Rowling
Life started with waking up and loving my mom’s face. George Eliot
It’s a humorous factor about moms and dads. Even when their very own baby is probably the most disgusting little blister you would ever think about, they nonetheless suppose that she or he is fantastic. Roald Dahl
 If I've performed something in life price consideration, I really feel certain that I inherited the disposition from my mom. Booker T. Washington
If evolution actually works, how come moms solely have two fingers? Milton Berle
I’m nonetheless amazed at how my mom emerged from her lonely adolescence as such an affectionate and levelheaded lady. Hillary Clinton
I unapologetically and unabashedly am deeply biased towards my mom. Chelsea Clinton
I bear in mind my mom’s prayers they usually have all the time adopted me. They've clung to me all my life. Abraham Lincoln
I noticed once you have a look at your mom, you're looking on the purest love you'll ever know. Mitch Albom
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I imagine within the power and intelligence and sensitivity of girls. My mom, my sisters [they] are sturdy. My mum is a powerful lady and I like her for it. Tom Hiddleston
Everyone desires to save lots of the Earth; no one desires to assist Mother do the dishes. P.J. O’Rourke
Being a mom is an angle, not a organic relation. Robert A. Heinlein
 A mom is the truest good friend now we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when pals desert us; when bother thickens round us, nonetheless will she cling to us, and endeavor by her form precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and trigger peace to return to our hearts. Washington Irving
My mom was probably the most lovely lady I ever noticed. All I'm I owe to my mom. I attribute my success in life to the ethical, mental and bodily training I obtained from her. George Washington
My mother is my hero. [She] impressed me to dream once I was a child, so anytime anybody conjures up you to dream, that’s gotta be your hero. Tim McGraw
My mother smiled at me. Her smile type of hugged me. R.J. Palacio
In a baby’s eyes, a mom is a goddess. She will be wonderful or horrible, benevolent or full of wrath, however she instructions love both manner. I'm satisfied that that is the best energy within the universe. N.Okay. Jemisin
No man is poor who has a Godly mom. Abraham Lincoln
The one love that I actually imagine in is a mom’s love for her kids. Karl Lagerfeld
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All that I'm or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mom. Abraham Lincoln
A mom’s arms are extra comforting than anybody else’s. Princess Diana
[A] mom is one to whom you hurry if you find yourself troubled. Emily Dickinson
Mama was my best instructor, a instructor of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is nice as a flower, then my mom is that candy flower of affection. Stevie Marvel
Motherhood has a really humanizing impact. All the pieces will get decreased to necessities. Meryl Streep
My mom is my root, my basis. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that's the perception that the power to realize begins in your thoughts. Michael Jordan
My mom was the one fixed in my life. After I take into consideration my mother elevating me alone when she was 20, and dealing and paying the payments, and, you understand, attempting to pursue your personal goals, I feel is a feat that's unmatched. Barack Obama
A mom’s arms are manufactured from tenderness and kids sleep soundly in them. Victor Hugo
No matter else is not sure on this stinking dunghill of a world a mom’s love is just not. James Joyce
When you find yourself a mom, you might be by no means actually alone in your ideas. A mom all the time has to suppose twice, as soon as for herself and as soon as for her baby. Sophia Loren
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A mom is just not an individual to lean on, however an individual to make leaning pointless. Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; A mom’s secret hope outlives all of them. Oliver Wendell Holmes
Quotes about Mom’s Love for Her Son
Though I do know your dependency on me will change over time, my love for you'll all the time stay as continually sturdy as it's at this time.
A mom’s love for her child boy predicates how he in flip will sooner or later deal with his spouse.
A single mother holds the nigh-impossible duty of serving two parental roles for her son as an alternative of 1 but you hardly ever see them shrink away in concern from doing so. What a unprecedented love that's!
A boy who has a mom that can actually love, assist and hearken to him regardless of the entire hardships life throws his manner actually has obtained the best fortune on this planet.
A mom would give her life for any of her kids however maybe much more passionately for her son.
Having a constructive father determine is in fact necessary to a boy’s constructive improvement, however having a loving mom is much more crucial.
A person could finally spend extra years within the embrace of his spouse than his mom, however the spouse won't ever know or nurture him in the best way that the mom does.
Jesus denied his mom all through his ministry but she by no means left his facet throughout his persecution. This simply goes to indicate us the outstanding love mom’s have for his or her sons.
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A son who doesn't perceive the worth of the love of his mom in all probability is not going to admire a lot all through his life.
The phrase “a mama’s boy” is only a humorous manner of labeling a person who loves his mom simply as a lot as she loves him.
A mom treating a grown man as somewhat boy is simply her manner of exhibiting that the identical safety he was afforded as a baby will all the time be out there through her love.
Just a few boys are blessed with fathers who're genuinely desirous about them, however nearly all of us take pleasure in a mom who really cares.
The love of a mom for her son is one thing he could by no means actually admire in its magnitude but will nonetheless benefit from the immeasurable advantages thereof.
A boy struggling abuse by the hands of his mom is not going to mar the truth that she nonetheless loves him sincerely.
It doesn't matter what burden a person could face in affiliation along with his mom, he can by no means go as far to boast he carried her in his physique and nurtured her for a complete childhood.
The power of the love a mom has for her son is obvious in the truth that now extra boys would moderately develop as much as be like their moms than their fathers.
A mom’s love may very well spoil a son in convincing him that each one ladies will likely be as tolerable along with his shortcomings.
The devotion of a mom to her son might be the one unconditional love he'll ever expertise in his life.
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If a son is damage sufficient by his mom, he can in all probability cease loving her, however the reverse can by no means be true.
The love a boy receives from his mom, a feminine, is simply as necessary to his masculine improvement as sports activities, male bonding or the rest that could be considered as crucial to manhood.
When a person goes out into the world and fails in any respect else, he can all the time return house to his mom.
Even when a lady by no means receives what she deems satisfactory love from a partner, she will likely be greater than content material in life if she receives such appreciation from her son.
Regardless of how horrible a person could also be, a mom will be capable to see previous his flaws. Even Adolf Hitler’s mom in all probability thought he was the sweetest factor on this planet.
The wonderful love a loving mom has for her son has the redemptive energy of serving to her overcome previous pains felt by the hands of males.
It might be going too far to say {that a} mom loves her sons greater than her daughters, however it's correct to say that the mom’s affection for her son is a love felt on a unique airplane.
The best way a mom could seem to favor her son is nature’s manner of mitigating the truth that fathers additionally look like extra compassionate in direction of their daughters.
For a person to be overly-emotionally depending on his mother is in fact a trigger for concern, however for him to be devoid of the pure affection of his mom altogether is an excellent more-harrowing thought.
A person’s vanity will be constructed or damaged by the corresponding affection he receives from his mom throughout his most-formative years.
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A mom would bounce in entrance of a bullet earlier than letting it strike her son, and whereas a son can maybe declare the identical, nobody would imagine the latter as a lot as the previous with out precise proof.
A boy can develop, fall in love, grow to be blissfully married after which divorce, however the love his mom has for him is one thing that he won't ever be separated from.
It might be pure {that a} mom should finally come to odds together with her daughter, however no such actuality exists between her and her son.
A son is his mom’s hero even earlier than he's sufficiently old to know what the phrase “hero” means.
I do know my mom deeply loves each my sister and me, however that doesn’t change the actual fact I really feel extra lucky for being the one born her son!
Many males adore their moms much more than their wives, however that doesn’t start to check to the extent of affection they’ve obtained from their moms within the first place to earn this degree of admiration.
A person could need to carry out many wonderful feats to earn the love of his spouse, however he did completely nothing to earn the even larger love of his mom.
  via Blogger https://ift.tt/3k60UbL
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scvpubliclib · 7 years ago
In which we consult the Book Review’s past to shed light on the books of the present. This week: Seymour E. Harris reflects on the need to check unbridled power of corporations.
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pastorralffriedrichs · 5 years ago
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Where Is Your Treasure? Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven . . . —Matthew 6:20 Many young people are building their lives on the rock of materialism. I find across the country a deep economic discontent among people in every walk of life. People want more and more things. They forget that we are enjoying the highest standard of living the world has ever known. We still have poverty, and hundreds of agencies are trying to do something about it; but we are dissatisfied. We want more, more, more. But Jesus said, “You cannot serve God and money.” He said that a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things that he possesses. Adolf Berle, in his study of power, points out that riches often make people solitary and lonely and, of course, afraid. Many times a rich man knows loneliness and fear, because when he makes wealth his god, it leaves him empty. You see, without God life loses its zest and purpose and meaning. Prayer for the day Knowing You, my heavenly Father, brings richness to my life and soul. #takeyourlifebacktodayshow https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrGuNTJgUG/?igshid=a6lnoay1f6sz
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rmolid · 5 years ago
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minarquia · 6 years ago
Sexagésimo aniversario de The Failure of the «New Economics» de Hazlitt, por Mises Hispano.
[El 11 de septiembre de 1959, el Christian Science Monitororganizó un «Simposio sobre Keynes» impulsado por la publicación del libro de Henry Hazlitt The Failure of the «New Economics» a principios de ese año. Los colaboradores invitados son una lista ilustre de economistas de las universidades más prestigiosas del momento: Ludwig von Mises; Arthur F. Burns; Seymour E. Harris; Calvin B. Hoover; Adolf A. Berle, Jr.; Neil H. Jacoby; Sumner H. Slichter; Friedrich August von Hayek; y John Kenneth Galbraith. Las contribuciones de Mises, Hayek, Burns y Galbraith aparecen a continuación. Es notable que Ludwig von Mises sea el único no académico invitado a contribuir al simposio y, por la razón que sea, sea la primera contribución que aparezca en el artículo].
Basta con mencionar el nombre Keynes en casi todos los círculos de economistas y en la mayoría de los círculos de hombres de negocios informados en los Estados Unidos o Gran Bretaña y Europa hoy en día y luego sentarse a ver cómo vuelan las chispas. Han pasado 13 años desde que Lord Keynes (John Maynard Keynes) falleció, sin embargo, los autores cuidadosos dedican años a la investigación de su trabajo, ya sea para alabarlo o para argumentar la solidez de sus teorías.
Este año [1959] Henry Hazlitt, editor de negocios de la revista Newsweek, agitó las viejas brasas que arden en la economía keynesiana con la publicación de su libro, The Failure of the «New Economics», publicado en Nueva York por Van Nostrand, $7,50.
El libro de Hazlitt propone terminar el debate sobre Keynes discutiendo de cerca y finalmente la validez de las teorías británicas. La posición del Sr. Hazlitt no está en medio del camino. Despega desde un punto totalmente central.
Nunca le gustaron las teorías de Keynes. Las ha criticado durante mucho tiempo en sus escritos, y su libro desarrolla esta tesis a fondo y bien. Para aquellos que nunca vieron nada bueno en el New Deal de Franklin Roosevelt, por los conceptos de bombear, de gastar para ganar la recuperación, de usar la política monetaria para combatir la depresión, de bajar los tipos de interés para fomentar el gasto, la tesis de Hazlitt es una prueba final de que hubo y no es bueno en Keynes.
Sin embargo, de alguna manera uno no se deshace tan fácilmente de la provocativa obra de Briton, ni siquiera en un libro tan exhaustivamente investigado como el de Henry Hazlitt.
La mayoría de la gente está de acuerdo en que Lord Keynes era un expeditista, que intentó tratar contemporáneamente con problemas especiales — principalmente la depresión — y que si hubiera estado aquí hoy, habría abandonado completamente sus propios puntos de vista por otros nuevos para los problemas de hoy. El peligro, según el Sr. Hazlitt, en un trabajo de este tipo es que pueda ser aceptado como dogma final.
Keynes pronto sorprendió al mundo argumentando que estaba desesperadamente mal que los Aliados trataran de obtener reparaciones de Alemania después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, en un momento en que muchos querían colgar al Káiser. Durante la década de los veinte le preocupaba el auge de los Estados Unidos y aprobó las medidas de la Junta de la Reserva Federal para tratar de amortiguarlo.
Durante la década de los treinta, cuando el mundo fue arrasado por el caos económico, Keynes buscaba constantemente maneras de ayudar a su propio país, Gran Bretaña, a salir del pantano. La mayoría de sus ideas eran provocativas. Algunas eran nuevas, otras viejas pero reelaboradas. Debido a que Gran Bretaña y los Estados Unidos estaban tan vinculados económicamente, trabajó duro en ideas para ayudar a los Estados Unidos a salir de la depresión.
Keynes fue un buen escritor y un excelente publicista por sus ideas. Muchas de sus ideas se consideran hoy en día que han sido calentadas o reformuladas con un giro especial para resolver problemas de depresión. Cada vez que Keynes escribía o decía algo, los líderes del gobierno de la década de los treinta se daban cuenta.
Keynes visitó los Estados Unidos, habló sobre algunas de sus ideas con el presidente Roosevelt. El ardiente Secretario del Interior del New Deal, Harold L. Ickes, adelantó los programas de gasto del Estado, especialmente en proyectos de recuperación y energía para contrarrestar la depresión. ¿Fue Ickes o Keynes?
Pero Keynes no era simplemente un defensor del gasto del Estado para terminar con la depresión. En primer lugar, quería que las propias empresas planearan los gastos de capital necesarios para combatir la depresión. Quería que los consumidores compraran. Se trata de una política económica que fue impulsada por la administración de Eisenhower el año pasado. No hay nada espectacular en ello, pero el hecho de que Keynes lo instara de manera constante y consistente le hizo merecedor de un crédito que probablemente podría ser reclamado por muchos otros economistas menos publicitados. Cuando las empresas y los consumidores no respondieron, Keynes instó al Estado a gastar.
Los archivos de los periódicos están llenos de truenos del ocupado economista de la Universidad de Cambridge. Pero los recortes, cuando se colocan juntos hoy, muestran que Keynes siempre estuvo buscando una solución temporal a un problema dado. Era un experimentador. Muchas veces no sabía cómo funcionaría una propuesta. Estaba dispuesto a arriesgarse al fracaso y a la condena. Pero lo único que no arriesgaría durante los oscuros días de la depresión era la inacción.
Hoy en día, cuando un cuerpo de doctrina es etiquetado como keynesiano, es difícil determinar con exactitud lo que se quiere decir. Por lo general, significa una acción gubernamental de algún tipo para prevenir una depresión o para frenar un auge. El término keynesiano carece casi de significado real, debido a la naturaleza temporal de los esfuerzos de Keynes por encontrar maneras de poner fin a la depresión de los años treinta. …
La mayoría de los críticos más severos de Keynes le atribuyen haber provocado un cambio de base en el pensamiento humano. Keynes probablemente se alegraría, pero no se contentaría con haber hecho esto, aunque muchas de sus ideas se volvieran locas.
En cualquier caso, el debate sobre Keynes, que el Sr. Hazlitt ha reavivado tan vigorosamente este año, parece seguro que continuará durante algún tiempo.
Para el Sr. Hazlitt, no hay término medio en Keynes, y para los que se oponen al New Deal de Roosevelt, no hay término medio. El desafío de Hazlitt, lanzado en su libro, se resume de la siguiente manera:
La literatura keynesiana ha crecido hasta convertirse en cientos de libros y miles de artículos. Hay libros dedicados en su totalidad a exponer la Teoría General en términos más sencillos y comprensibles. Pero en el lado crítico hay una gran escasez. Los no-keynesianos y anti-keynesianos se han contentado con artículos cortos, algunas páginas parentales, o con un brusco despido sobre la teoría de que su obra se desmoronará de sus propias contradicciones y pronto será olvidada. No conozco ninguna obra que se dedique a un análisis crítico del libro capítulo por capítulo o teorema por teorema. Es esta tarea la que estoy llevando a cabo aquí. …
Ahora bien, aunque he analizado la Teoría General de Keynes en las siguientes páginas teorema por teorema, capítulo por capítulo, y a veces incluso frase por frase, a lo que para algunos lectores puede parecer una longitud tediosa, he sido incapaz de encontrar en ella una sola doctrina importante que sea a la vez verdadera y original. Lo que es original en el libro no es verdad; y lo que es verdad no es original. De hecho, como veremos, incluso mucho de lo que es falaz en el libro no es original, pero se puede encontrar en una veintena de escritores anteriores.
En vista de muchos de los actuales usos aceptados del poder del gobierno para controlar la inflación o frenar la depresión, ideas que fueron publicadas o promovidas por Lord Keynes, parece seguro que el libro de Hazlitt no pondrá fin al debate sobre Keynes.
Al comentar sobre la contribución de Keynes en el momento de su fallecimiento en 1946, el Monitor redactó un editorial:
Sus contribuciones al pensamiento económico serán objeto de un debate violento durante algún tiempo. Como ha observado un escritor de la revista Fortune en los años treinta, «se había ido abriendo una profunda brecha entre los preceptos de la economía clásica y el hecho observable de la desocupación crónica», y John Maynard Keynes dio «la respuesta más provocativa» a la pregunta de qué y por qué se planteó en aquel momento.
Y el New York Times tomó las propias palabras de Keynes en su libro, que había despertado tanto disenso, La Teoría general del empleo, el interés y el dinero, por su tributo editorial:
Los hombres prácticos, que se creen exentos de toda influencia intelectual, suelen ser esclavos de algún economista desaparecido. Locos de autoridad, que oyen voces en el aire, están destilando su frenesí de algún escritor académico de hace unos años.
Estoy seguro de que el poder de los intereses creados es muy exagerado en comparación con la invasión gradual de las ideas. … Tarde o temprano, son las ideas, no los intereses creados, las que son peligrosas para el bien o para el mal.
Ludwig von Mises Economista, Ciudad de Nueva York
Lord Keynes no era un innovador ni un precursor de nuevos métodos de gestión de los asuntos económicos. Se limitó a revivir viejos y centenares de errores para dar una justificación aparente a las políticas populares, cuyos efectos desastrosos se hicieron cada vez más perceptibles.
Si bien es obvio que el aumento de la productividad y la consiguiente mejora del nivel de vida medio sólo pueden lograrse aumentando la cuota per cápita de capital invertido, desacreditó el ahorro y la formación de capital. No hay otro medio para aumentar la productividad marginal del trabajo y, por lo tanto, las tasas salariales de todos aquellos que desean encontrar un empleo, que acelerar la acumulación de capital frente a la población.
Keynes no se dio cuenta de que el libre mercado laboral y sin obstáculos tiende a determinar las tasas de salario para cada tipo de trabajo a una altura que hace posible que cada buscador de empleo encuentre empleo. No vio que el fenómeno del desempleo duradero es la consecuencia inevitable de los intentos de los gobiernos y los sindicatos de fijar las tasas salariales por encima de las tasas potenciales del mercado. Abogó por la expansión del crédito y la inflación y no se dio cuenta de que estas políticas no pueden continuar sin fin y que el auge artificial creado por ellas necesariamente debe provocar una crisis económica.
Keynes trabajó bajo la ilusión de que prevalece una escasez de oportunidades de inversión. Sin embargo, mientras no hayamos convertido la tierra en un Huerto del Edén, siempre habrá personas cuyas necesidades no hayan sido plenamente satisfechas y que estén ansiosas por adquirir más y mejores bienes. Nada más que inversiones adicionales puede suministrar lo que estas masas indigentes están pidiendo.
Las paradójicas enseñanzas de Keynes fueron aclamadas con entusiasmo por los gobiernos y los partidos políticos que, mediante el gasto imprudente, se esfuerzan por alcanzar la popularidad. El presupuesto desequilibrado es la médula del keynesianismo. Pero no hay que exagerar la siniestra influencia de Keynes.
Sus preceptos habían sido adoptados y practicados por demagogos mucho antes de que Keynes se comprometiera a reivindicarlos. Los métodos que sus adeptos llaman la «nueva economía» o la «revolución keynesiana» ya estaban en pleno apogeo cuando Keynes publicó su doctrina.
Su gran éxito publicitario se debe precisamente al hecho de que no fue un pionero de las nuevas políticas, sino el apologista de esquemas que —desgraciadamente— ya habían sido extremadamente populares durante mucho tiempo.
El difunto Benjamin M. Anderson y muchos otros autores han desenmascarado con éxito las falacias de la filosofía económica de Keynes. Pero su crítica más devastadora fue dada por Henry Hazlitt en su brillante libro The Failure of the «New Economics», que ha demolido por completo los conceptos erróneos keynesianos.
Arthur F. Burns Profesor de economía de la Universidad de Columbia; presidente de la Oficina nacional de investigación económica; ex presidente del Consejo de asesores económicos del presidente Eisenhower.
Keynes es y seguirá siendo una figura controvertida. Se puede cuestionar su originalidad, condenar su amor a la paradoja, criticar su tendencia a hacer generalizaciones arrolladoras, cuestionar su apego al capitalismo. Pero no se puede negar que es una figura sobresaliente en la historia del pensamiento económico.
El pensamiento de Keynes ha conmovido al mundo profundamente, tan profundamente como lo hizo laRiqueza de las Naciones de Adam Smiths en su tiempo. Algunos hombres y gobiernos sin duda han sido engañados por Keynes. Sin embargo, en general, todo aquel que ha estudiado cuidadosamente sus escritos ha ganado, creo, una comprensión más firme de los principios económicos en el proceso.
Y en cuanto al mundo en el que vivimos, me inclino a pensar que es un lugar mejor de lo que hubiera sido si Keynes no hubiera vivido.
Friedrich August von Hayek Economista, Universidad de Chicago
Sería injusto culpar demasiado a Lord Keynes por el indudable daño que sus teorías han causado, pues estoy convencido por el conocimiento personal de que, de haber vivido, habría sido uno de los líderes en la lucha contra la inflación de la posguerra. Sin embargo, en gran medida tiene la responsabilidad de ello.
Sus grandes dotes han hecho posible que sus teorías ejerzan durante los últimos 25 años una influencia inmediata y penetrante que es única en la historia del pensamiento económico.
Sin embargo, estos dones no eran principalmente los de un teórico económico y, aunque sus ideas parecían constituir una revolución para la generación a la que cautivaron, probablemente no aparecerán más que como una fase pasajera en la historia del pensamiento económico.
El principal reproche al que Keynes se abrió fue que presentó como una «Teoría General» lo que era esencialmente un tratado para la época.
Fue el éxito de los repetidos intentos que hizo para justificar sus inclinaciones prácticas con argumentos teóricos. Tuvo éxito en parte porque proporcionó un apoyo muy sofisticado a las demandas que siempre son populares en tiempos de depresión y en parte porque se expresó en una forma acorde con las modas científicas del momento.
Sin embargo, se basaba en suposiciones aún menos realistas que las que Keynes atribuyó a lo que él llamó economía clásica. Si fue un defecto de este último que asumió para un primer acercamiento que no existían reservas de recursos no utilizados. Keynes era aún más irrealista al asumir que siempre existían amplias reservas de todos los recursos.
En resumen, asumió esa escasez de recursos que es la raíz de todos nuestros problemas económicos. En consecuencia, aunque de dudosa aplicación incluso en tiempos de depresión, su teoría original es totalmente inaplicable en tiempos de prosperidad.
Desde entonces, los discípulos de Keynes han logrado purgar la versión original de la mayoría de sus supuestos poco realistas e inconsistencias internas y la han convertido en un aparato formal de análisis que es en gran medida neutral en las aplicaciones de las políticas.
Sigue gozando de popularidad porque está más de acuerdo con las modas metodológicas actuales que con el enfoque clásico. Es utilizado por muchos que no sacan las conclusiones que Keynes sacó de él. Sin embargo, dudo que incluso esto resulte ser una contribución permanente a la economía.
Pero aparte de los peculiares supuestos fácticos de Keynes, no conduce a conclusiones esencialmente diferentes del análisis clásico. El más significativo de estos supuestos era que los trabajadores se resistirán a una reducción de sus salarios monetarios, pero que soportarán una reducción de sus salarios reales provocada por una caída en el valor del dinero.
De hecho, el motivo último de los esfuerzos de Keynes fue encontrar un método redondo para reducir los salarios demasiado altos como para permitir el empleo de todos los que buscan trabajo. Ahora sabemos mejor que nunca que los trabajadores se dejarán engañar por mucho tiempo de esta manera. Este, sin embargo, era el elemento más distintivo de la visión keynesiana de los años treinta.
Fue este argumento el que rompió la resistencia intelectual a las tendencias siempre presentes hacia la inflación progresiva. Sin embargo, este elemento crucial ya ha perdido toda su plausibilidad.
Si se puede juzgar por los primeros informes del último documento programático sobre la política monetaria británica, el «Informe Radcliffe», recientemente publicado, el keynesianismo en su sentido original parece haber perdido su atractivo aún más en su país de origen que en otros lugares.
John Kenneth Galbraith Paul M. Warburg, profesor de economía, Universidad de Harvard
Por supuesto, la posición de Keynes en la historia está perfectamente asegurada. Y así, en la práctica contemporánea están las políticas que él defendió. La tesis central de Keynes era que la economía moderna no encuentra necesariamente su equilibrio en el pleno empleo y que, en consecuencia, debe estar dispuesta a intervenir para superar la depresión o prevenir la inflación. Esto es ahora aceptado e incluso común.
La administración de Eisenhower se enfrentó a la reciente recesión con un déficit récord en tiempos de paz. En el último año fiscal, los gastos en efectivo excedieron los ingresos en $ El poder adquisitivo vertido en la economía por este déficit superó con creces el gasto total en tiempo de paz del gobierno federal en cualquier año bajo Roosevelt.
Esta era una política keynesiana directa. Gran parte de ello se logró a través de los llamados estabilizadores —pagos de compensación por desempleo, apoyo a los precios agrícolas, otros pagos de asistencia social, la reducción de los tipos impositivos efectivos a medida que la gente pasa a niveles de ingresos más bajos con la disminución de los ingresos—, que se convierten automáticamente en apoyo del poder adquisitivo privado a medida que la producción y los ingresos disminuyen en la recesión.
Todas estas medidas fueron heredadas del New Deal. Son la esencia misma de una política keynesiana y no menos porque ahora son utilizados por una administración republicana. Cabe señalar, por cierto, que parecen haber funcionado.
Lo que es realmente interesante es este curioso esfuerzo por afirmar la insignificancia de Keynes. Pasará y no dejará huella ya que el esfuerzo de reescribir la historia para degradar a Roosevelt ha pasado. Pero es un homenaje a la nostalgia evocada quizás no tanto por Adam Smith como por Adam.
de Centro Mises https://ift.tt/2UncwM0 https://ift.tt/348PDjE
de nuestro WordPress https://ift.tt/2zIBnA4 Difundimos las ideas liberales, libertarias, minarquistas y anarcocapitalistas. https://ift.tt/348PDjE September 01, 2019 at 08:03AM
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antoine-roquentin · 6 years ago
It is a cliché that the United States and Britain are obsessed with Middle East oil, but the reason for the obsession is often misdiagnosed. Anglo-American interest in the enormous hydrocarbon reserves of the Persian Gulf does not derive from a need to fuel Western consumption. Britain used to import considerable quantities of Saudi oil, but currently gets most of what it needs from the North Sea and hasn’t imported much from the Gulf since the 1980s; Saudi oil currently represents around 3 per cent of UK imports. The US has never imported more than a token amount from the Gulf and for much of the postwar period has been a net oil exporter. Anglo-American involvement in the Middle East has always been principally about the strategic advantage gained from controlling Persian Gulf hydrocarbons, not Western oil needs. In 1945, Gordon Merriam, the head of the State Department’s Near Eastern Affairs division, made this clear: the Saudi oilfields, he said, were first and foremost ‘a stupendous source of strategic power’. The assistant secretary of state, Adolf Berle, sketched out what remains US strategy: the US and Britain would provide Saudi Arabia and other key Gulf monarchies with ‘sufficient military supplies to preserve internal security’ and ensure that they were permanently guarded by Western navies.
Other parts of the world – the US, Russia, Canada – have large deposits of crude oil, and current estimates suggest Venezuela has more proven reserves than Saudi Arabia. But Gulf oil lies close to the surface, where it is easy to get at by drilling; it is cheap to extract, and is unusually ‘light’ and ‘sweet’ (industry terms for high purity and richness). It is also located near the middle of the Eurasian landmass, yet outside the territory of any global power. Western Middle East policy, as explained by Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was to control the Gulf and stop any Soviet influence over ‘that vital energy resource upon which the economic and political stability both of Western Europe and of Japan depend’, or else the ‘geopolitical balance of power would be tipped’. In a piece for the Atlantic a few months after 9/11, Benjamin Schwarz and Christopher Layne explained that Washington ‘assumes responsibility for stabilising the region’ because China, Japan and Europe will be dependent on its resources for the foreseeable future: ‘America wants to discourage those powers from developing the means to protect that resource for themselves.’ Much of US power is built on the back of the most profitable protection racket in modern history.
The developed Asian economies are heavily reliant on Persian Gulf oil and Qatari natural gas. Three-quarters of Gulf oil exports go to Asian economies, and the five largest importers of gas from Qatar are Japan, South Korea, India, China and Singapore. US dominance in the Gulf gives it decisive strategic influence over any potential Asian rival. The US has a huge military presence in the region: United States Central Command is based at al-Udeid airbase in Qatar, the largest air force base in the world, with more than ten thousand US troops. Bahrain is the permanent dock of the Fifth Fleet, as well as having a US airbase and seven thousand US military personnel. The US has five thousand permanent troops, two naval bases and an airbase in the United Arab Emirates. In Kuwait, it has access to three army bases and an air force base. In Oman, it has four airbases and two naval bases. In Iraq, the US still has troops stationed at al-Asad airbase north-west of Baghdad (once nicknamed ‘Camp Cupcake’ for its luxuries). In Saudi Arabia itself, the US operates a military training mission based in Eskan village. Only Iran, which broke away from the US system in 1979, houses no American military bases.
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mastcomm · 5 years ago
Peter Serkin, 72, Dies; Pianist With Pedigree Who Forged a New Path
Peter Serkin, a pianist admired for his insightful interpretations, technically pristine performances and tenacious commitment to contemporary music, died on Saturday morning at his home in Red Hook, N.Y., in Dutchess County, near the campus of Bard College, where he was on the faculty. He was 72.
His death, from pancreatic cancer, was announced by his family.
Mr. Serkin was descended from storied musical lineages on both sides of his family. His father was the eminent pianist Rudolf Serkin; his maternal grandfather was the influential conductor and violinist Adolf Busch, whose musical forebears went back generations.
By 12, Peter Serkin was performing prominently in public, and he soon seemed poised to continue the legacy of his father, who was known for authoritative accounts of the central European repertory.
His first two recordings, made for the RCA label when he was 18, confirmed this impression. One was a buoyant, lucid and probing account of Bach’s “Goldberg” Variations that many critics compared favorably to Glenn Gould’s influential version; the other was a glowing, preternaturally mature account of Schubert’s spacious late Sonata in G, Op. 78.
Yet, though he was proud of his heritage, Mr. Serkin found it a burden. Like many who came of age in the 1960s, he questioned the establishment, both in society at large and within classical music. He resisted a traditional career trajectory and at 21 stopped performing, going for months without even playing the piano.
He traveled to India, touching down in Nepal and Thailand, and lived for a while in Mexico with his wife at the time, Wendy Spinner, and their baby daughter.
Recalling those years in a 1987 interview with The Boston Globe, Mr. Serkin said that back then performing was often “a painful ordeal” for him, and that he could not bear all “that harping by musicians and critics on how you play, as if that’s the central issue.”
This pressure was compounded, he added, by the fact that his family “took music so seriously, in the Old World sense of being a kind of religion,” and maintained “such identification with our being musicians” that it was necessary “for me to just drop that.”
By challenging his legacy, he sought to claim it on his own terms, and contemporary music became central to his artistic identity. Yet Mr. Serkin disliked being called a “champion” of contemporary music, as if the music of his own time occupied some different realm and required expert advocates.
Throughout his career, he presented recital programs that juxtaposed the old and the new: 12-tone scores and Mozart sonatas; thorny pieces by the mid-20th-century German composer Stefan Wolpe and polyphonic works from the Renaissance. Admirers of his playing appreciated how he drew out allusions to music’s past in contemporary scores, while conveying the radical elements of old music.
He played almost all the piano works of Schoenberg, Stravinsky and Wolpe. He also introduced dozens of pieces, including major works and concertos, written for him by composers like Toru Takemitsu, Charles Wuorinen and, especially, his childhood friend Peter Lieberson.
Reviewing Mr. Serkin’s 1985 recording of Mr. Lieberson’s Piano Concerto No. 1, with the Boston Symphony Orchestra conducted by Seiji Ozawa, the critic Tim Page wrote in The New York Times that Mr. Serkin seemed to him “America’s pre-eminent young pianist — his intelligence and perceptivity invariably take the listener to the heart of the music.”
Peter Adolf Serkin (his middle name was in honor of his grandfather) was born in Manhattan on July 24, 1947, the fifth of seven children of Rudolf Serkin and Irene Busch Serkin. (A daughter died in infancy.) During his childhood he mostly lived on his parents’ farm in Guilford, Vt., not far from Marlboro College, the site of the summer Marlboro Music Festival, founded by a group of artists including Rudolf Serkin and his grandfather Adolf Busch.
Irene Serkin, like her father, played the violin, which was young Peter’s first instrument. But he was drawn more to the piano.
Nevertheless, Rudolf Serkin acknowledged that he had not given his son much encouragement early on. “I doubted he was talented,” he said in a 1980 New York Times Magazine profile of his son. “He was so full of tension when he played; I didn’t realize that was his real gift.” He said that having been compelled by his own father to be a musician, he “was reluctant to push Peter.”
At 11, Peter Serkin enrolled at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, where his father was teaching. (Rudolf Serkin later became the institute’s director.) There he studied with the master Polish-born pianist Mieczyslaw Horszowski, who became a major influence, as well as the American virtuoso Lee Luvisi and his father.
After graduating at 18, Mr. Serkin took an apartment in New York, avidly listened to recordings by Frank Zappa and the Grateful Dead, and explored Buddhist and Hindu spiritual teachings. He found the pressure of playing in public, and simply of being a Serkin, almost crippling.
“Up until then I was playing concerts largely out of compulsion, and not much new music,” he said in a 1973 New York Times interview. “I had just fallen into it without ever deciding for myself that it was what I wanted to do.”
After his time off and restorative travels, he resumed performing with renewed satisfaction. That he had found the right balance was suggested by the success of two three-LP albums, both recorded in 1973, when he turned 26, both of which earned Grammy Award nominations.
The first offered Mozart’s Piano Concerto Nos. 14-19, with Alexander Schneider conducting the English Chamber Orchestra. The performance splendidly balanced Schneider’s Old World approach to Mozart with Mr. Serkin’s youthful, rethought playing.
The second was a complete account of Messiaen’s “Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus,” a set of 20 solo piano “contemplations” on the infant Jesus composed in 1944. It is music of extraordinary difficulty lasting two and a half hours, alive with cluster chords and evocations of bird calls, moments of mystical bliss and stretches of driving intensity.
In conjunction with the recording Mr. Serkin played the piece, from memory, more than two dozen times in concert halls and colleges, sometimes backed by a light show. Messiaen heard him play it at Dartmouth and was “really too kind,” the pianist recalled in the Boston Globe interview: “He told me that I respected the score, but that when I didn’t, it was even better.”
That same year he formed the chamber ensemble Tashi along with three like-minded colleagues: the clarinetist Richard Stoltzman, the violinist Ida Kavafian and the cellist Fred Sherry. The group’s signature piece was Olivier Messiaen’s “Quartet for the End of Time,” an alternately meditative and ecstatic work in eight movements lasting nearly 50 minutes. Tashi performed it more than 100 times, often with its young players dressed in dashikis or tunics, and recorded it to acclaim in 1975. The group essentially disbanded in the late 1970s after several internal upheavals.
Though Mr. Serkin never completely shook off the early perception of him as “the counterculture’s reluctant envoy to the straight concert world,” as the Times critic Donal Henahan called him in an admiring 1973 profile, over time he reconciled to the ways, even the dress protocols, of that classical world and developed productive associations with artists like the Guarneri String Quartet, the mezzo-soprano Lorraine Hunt Lieberson (who had married Peter Lieberson) and the conductors Seiji Ozawa, Herbert Blomstedt, Robert Shaw and Pierre Boulez.
Having children also gave him an emotional mooring that he cherished, even during periods of marital strain. Karina Serkin Spitzley, the only child of his marriage to Ms. Spinner, which ended in divorce in 1979, survives him, along with four children from his second marriage, to Regina Touhey Serkin (from whom he was divorced in 2018): Maya, Elena, Stefan (named after Stefan Wolpe) and William Serkin; and two grandchildren. His brother, John, and his sisters Elizabeth, Judith and Marguerite also survive him. Another sister, Ursula, died last year.
Mr. Serkin relished teaching, and held posts at institutions including the Mannes School of Music and the Juilliard School in New York, and, in recent years, Bard. He so enjoyed spending summers teaching at the Tanglewood Music Institute that he bought a home in the Berkshires and lived there for years.
During the 1989-90 season, realizing a long-held ambition, he took a program of 11 works he had commissioned on an extended tour. The composers included the elder masters Takemitsu, Leon Kirchner, Hans Werner Henze, Alexander Goehr and Luciano Berio, as well as Mr. Serkin’s contemporaries Oliver Knussen, Bright Sheng, Christine Berl, Tobias Picker, Tison Street and Mr. Lieberson. To prepare, Mr. Serkin had played no solo recitals the previous season.
“Not many people would make that kind of sacrifice,” Walter Pierce, a concert presenter in Boston who arranged for Mr. Serkin to play the program at Jordan Hall, said at the time, since it represented a “year out of the circuit” and would cost an artist “a lot of money.”
To that Mr. Serkin answered: “Maybe I’ll pay some kind of price in my career, but I don’t even think about it. I’d rather deal with something I believe in.”
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jerome-blog1 · 5 years ago
Berlin, Germany – May 2015
Berlin (/bərˈlɪn/, German: [bɛɐ̯ˈliːn] ( listen)) is the capital of Germany, and one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.5 million people,[4] Berlin is Germany’s largest city. It is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union.[5] Located in northeastern Germany on the banks of Rivers Spree and Havel, it is the centre of the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region, which has about six million residents from over 180 nations.[6][7][8][9] Due to its location in the European Plain, Berlin is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Around one-third of the city’s area is composed of forests, parks, gardens, rivers and lakes.[10]
First documented in the 13th century, Berlin became the capital of the Margraviate of Brandenburg (1417-1701), the Kingdom of Prussia (1701–1918), the German Empire (1871–1918), the Weimar Republic (1919–1933) and the Third Reich (1933–1945).[11] Berlin in the 1920s was the third largest municipality in the world.[12] After World War II, the city was divided; East Berlin became the capital of East Germany while West Berlin became a de facto West German exclave, surrounded by the Berlin Wall (1961–1989).[13] Following German reunification in 1990, the city was once more designated as the capital of all Germany, hosting 158 foreign embassies.[14]
Berlin is a world city of culture, politics, media, and science.[15][16][17][18] Its economy is based on high-tech firms and the service sector, encompassing a diverse range of creative industries, research facilities, media corporations, and convention venues.[19][20] Berlin serves as a continental hub for air and rail traffic and has a highly complex public transportation network. The metropolis is a popular tourist destination.[21] Significant industries also include IT, pharmaceuticals, biomedical engineering, clean tech, biotechnology, construction, and electronics.
Modern Berlin is home to renowned universities, orchestras, museums, entertainment venues, and is host to many sporting events.[22] Its urban setting has made it a sought-after location for international film productions.[23] The city is well known for its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife, contemporary arts, and a high quality of living.[24] Over the last decade Berlin has seen the emergence of a cosmopolitan entrepreneurial scene.[
The origin of the name Berlin is uncertain. It may have its roots in the language of West Slavic inhabitants of the area of today’s Berlin, and may be related to the Old Polabian stem berl-/birl- ("swamp").[26] Folk etymology connects the name to the German word for bear, Bär. A bear also appears in the coat of arms of the city.[
12th to 16th centuries
The earliest evidence of settlements in the area of today’s Berlin are a wooden rod dated from approximately 1192[28] and leftovers of wooden houseparts dated to 1174 found in a 2012 digging in Berlin Mitte.[29] The first written records of towns in the area of present-day Berlin date from the late 12th century. Spandau is first mentioned in 1197 and Köpenick in 1209, although these areas did not join Berlin until 1920.[30] The central part of Berlin can be traced back to two towns. Cölln on the Fischerinsel is first mentioned in a 1237 document, and Berlin, across the Spree in what is now called the Nikolaiviertel, is referenced in a document from 1244.[28] The former (1237) is considered to be the founding date of the city.[31] The two towns over time formed close economic and social ties. In 1307 they formed an alliance with a common external policy, their internal administrations still being separated.[32][33]
In 1415, Frederick I became the elector of the Margraviate of Brandenburg, which he ruled until 1440.[34] During the 15th century his successors would establish Berlin-Cölln as capital of the margraviate, and subsequent members of the Hohenzollern family ruled until 1918 in Berlin, first as electors of Brandenburg, then as kings of Prussia, and eventually as German emperors. In 1443, Frederick II Irontooth started the construction of a new royal palace in the twin city Berlin-Cölln. The protests of the town citizens against the building culminated in 1448, in the "Berlin Indignation" ("Berliner Unwille").[35][36] This protest was not successful, however, and the citizenry lost many of its political and economic privileges. After the royal palace was finished in 1451, it gradually came into use. From 1470, with the new elector Albrecht III Achilles, Berlin-Cölln became the new royal residence.[33] Officially, the Berlin-Cölln palace became permanent residence of the Brandenburg electors of the Hohenzollerns from 1486, when John Cicero came to power.[37] Berlin-Cölln, however, had to give up its status as a free Hanseatic city. In 1539, the electors and the city officially became Lutheran.[
17th to 19th centuries
The Thirty Years’ War between 1618 and 1648 devastated Berlin. One third of its houses were damaged or destroyed, and the city lost half of its population.[39] Frederick William, known as the "Great Elector", who had succeeded his father George William as ruler in 1640, initiated a policy of promoting immigration and religious tolerance.[40] With the Edict of Potsdam in 1685, Frederick William offered asylum to the French Huguenots.[41] By 1700, approximately 30 percent of Berlin’s residents were French, because of the Huguenot immigration.[42] Many other immigrants came from Bohemia, Poland, and Salzburg.[43]
Since 1618, the Margraviate of Brandenburg had been in personal union with the Duchy of Prussia. In 1701, however, the dual state formed the Kingdom of Prussia, as Frederick III, Elector of Brandenburg now crowned himself as king Frederick I in Prussia. Berlin became the capital of the new Kingdom. This was a successful attempt to centralise the capital in the very outspread state, and it was the first time the city began to grow. In 1709 Berlin merged with the four cities of Cölln, Friedrichswerder, Friedrichstadt and Dorotheenstadt under the name Berlin, "Haupt- und Residenzstadt Berlin".[32]
In 1740, Frederick II, known as Frederick the Great (1740–1786), came to power.[44] Under the rule of Frederick II, Berlin became a center of the Enlightenment.[45] Following France’s victory in the War of the Fourth Coalition, Napoleon Bonaparte marched into Berlin in 1806, but granted self-government to the city.[46] In 1815, the city became part of the new Province of Brandenburg.[47]
The Industrial Revolution transformed Berlin during the 19th century; the city’s economy and population expanded dramatically, and it became the main railway hub and economic centre of Germany. Additional suburbs soon developed and increased the area and population of Berlin. In 1861, neighboring suburbs including Wedding, Moabit and several others were incorporated into Berlin.[48] In 1871, Berlin became capital of the newly founded German Empire.[49] In 1881, it became a city district separate from Brandenburg.[50]
20th to 21st centuries
In the early 20th century, Berlin had become a fertile ground for the German Expressionist movement.[51] In fields such as architecture, painting and cinema new forms of artistic styles were invented. At the end of World War I in 1918, a republic was proclaimed by Philipp Scheidemann at the Reichstag building. In 1920, the Greater Berlin Act incorporated dozens of suburban cities, villages, and estates around Berlin into an expanded city. The act increased the area of Berlin from 66 to 883 km2 (25 to 341 sq mi). The population almost doubled and Berlin had a population of around four million. During the Weimar era, Berlin underwent political unrest due to economic uncertainties, but also became a renowned center of the Roaring Twenties. The metropolis experienced its heyday as a major world capital and was known for its leadership roles in science, technology, the humanities, city planning, film, higher education, government, and industries. Albert Einstein rose to public prominence during his years in Berlin, being awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
In 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power. NSDAP rule effectively destroyed Berlin’s Jewish community, which had numbered 160,000, representing one-third of all Jews in the country. Berlin’s Jewish population fell to about 80,000 as a result of emigration between 1933 and 1939. After Kristallnacht in 1938, thousands of the city’s persecuted groups were imprisoned in the nearby Sachsenhausen concentration camp or, starting in early 1943, were shipped to death camps, such as Auschwitz.[52] During World War II, large parts of Berlin were destroyed in the 1943–45 air raids and during the Battle of Berlin. Around 125,000 civilians were killed.[53] After the end of the war in Europe in 1945, Berlin received large numbers of refugees from the Eastern provinces. The victorious powers divided the city into four sectors, analogous to the occupation zones into which Germany was divided. The sectors of the Western Allies (the United States, the United Kingdom and France) formed West Berlin, while the Soviet sector formed East Berlin.[54]
All four Allies shared administrative responsibilities for Berlin. However, in 1948, when the Western Allies extended the currency reform in the Western zones of Germany to the three western sectors of Berlin, the Soviet Union imposed a blockade on the access routes to and from West Berlin, which lay entirely inside Soviet-controlled territory. The Berlin airlift, conducted by the three western Allies, overcame this blockade by supplying food and other supplies to the city from June 1948 to May 1949.[55] In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany was founded in West Germany and eventually included all of the American, British, and French zones, excluding those three countries’ zones in Berlin, while the Marxist-Leninist German Democratic Republic was proclaimed in East Germany. West Berlin officially remained an occupied city, but it politically was aligned with the Federal Republic of Germany despite West Berlin’s geographic isolation. Airline service to West Berlin was granted only to American, British, and French airlines.
The founding of the two German states increased Cold War tensions. West Berlin was surrounded by East German territory, and East Germany proclaimed the Eastern part as its capital, a move that was not recognized by the western powers. East Berlin included most of the historic center of the city. The West German government established itself in Bonn.[56] In 1961, East Germany began the building of the Berlin Wall between East and West Berlin, and events escalated to a tank standoff at Checkpoint Charlie. West Berlin was now de facto a part of West Germany with a unique legal status, while East Berlin was de facto a part of East Germany. John F. Kennedy gave his "Ich bin ein Berliner" – speech in 1963 underlining the US support for the Western part of the city. Berlin was completely divided. Although it was possible for Westerners to pass from one to the other side through strictly controlled checkpoints, for most Easterners travel to West Berlin or West Germany was prohibited. In 1971, a Four-Power agreement guaranteed access to and from West Berlin by car or train through East Germany.[57]
In 1989, with the end of the Cold War and pressure from the East German population, the Berlin Wall fell on 9 November and was subsequently mostly demolished. Today, the East Side Gallery preserves a large portion of the Wall. On 3 October 1990, the two parts of Germany were reunified as the Federal Republic of Germany, and Berlin again became the official German capital. In 1991, the German Parliament, the Bundestag, voted to move the seat of the (West) German capital from Bonn to Berlin, which was completed in 1999. Berlin’s 2001 administrative reform merged several districts. The number of boroughs was reduced from 23 to 12. In 2006, the FIFA World Cup Final was held in Berlin.
Berlin is situated in northeastern Germany, in an area of low-lying marshy woodlands with a mainly flat topography, part of the vast Northern European Plain which stretches all the way from northern France to western Russia. The Berliner Urstromtal (an ice age glacial valley), between the low Barnim Plateau to the north and the Teltow Plateau to the south, was formed by meltwater flowing from ice sheets at the end of the last Weichselian glaciation. The Spree follows this valley now. In Spandau, Berlin’s westernmost borough, the Spree empties into the river Havel, which flows from north to south through western Berlin. The course of the Havel is more like a chain of lakes, the largest being the Tegeler See and Großer Wannsee. A series of lakes also feeds into the upper Spree, which flows through the Großer Müggelsee in eastern Berlin.[58]
Substantial parts of present-day Berlin extend onto the low plateaus on both sides of the Spree Valley. Large parts of the boroughs Reinickendorf and Pankow lie on the Barnim Plateau, while most of the boroughs of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Tempelhof-Schöneberg, and Neukölln lie on the Teltow Plateau.
The borough of Spandau lies partly within the Berlin Glacial Valley and partly on the Nauen Plain, which stretches to the west of Berlin. The highest elevations in Berlin are the Teufelsberg and the Müggelberge in the city’s outskirts, and in the center the Kreuzberg. While the latter measures 66 m (217 ft) above sea level, the former both have an elevation of about 115 m (377 ft). The Teufelsberg is in fact an artificial hill composed of a pile of rubble from the ruins of World War II.
Berlin has an Maritime temperate climate (Cfb) according to the Köppen climate classification system.[59] There are significant influences of mild continental climate due to its inland position, with frosts being common in winter and there being larger temperature differences between seasons than typical for many oceanic climates.
Summers are warm and sometimes humid with average high temperatures of 22–25 °C (72–77 °F) and lows of 12–14 °C (54–57 °F). Winters are cool with average high temperatures of 3 °C (37 °F) and lows of −2 to 0 °C (28 to 32 °F). Spring and autumn are generally chilly to mild. Berlin’s built-up area creates a microclimate, with heat stored by the city’s buildings. Temperatures can be 4 °C (7 °F) higher in the city than in the surrounding areas.[60]
Annual precipitation is 570 millimeters (22 in) with moderate rainfall throughout the year. Snowfall mainly occurs from December through March.
Berlin’s history has left the city with a highly eclectic array of architecture and buildings. The city’s appearance today is predominantly shaped by the key role it played in Germany’s history in the 20th century. Each of the national governments based in Berlin — the Kingdom of Prussia, the 1871 German Empire, the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany, East Germany, and now the reunified Germany — initiated ambitious (re-)construction programs, with each adding its own distinctive style to the city’s architecture.
Berlin was devastated by bombing raids, fires and street battles during World War II, and many of the buildings that had remained after the war were demolished in the post-war period in both West and East Berlin. Much of this demolition was initiated by municipal architecture programs to build new residential or business quarters and main roads. Many ornaments of pre-war buildings were destroyed following modernist dogmas. While in both systems and in reunified Berlin, various important heritage monuments were also (partly) reconstructed, including the Forum Fridericianum with e.g., the State Opera (1955), Charlottenburg Palace (1957), the main monuments of the Gendarmenmarkt (1980s), Kommandantur (2003) and the project to reconstruct the baroque facades of the City Palace. A number of new buildings is inspired by historical predecessors or the general classical style of Berlin, such as Hotel Adlon.
Clusters of high-rise buildings emerge at e.g., Potsdamer Platz, City West and Alexanderplatz. Berlin has three of the top 40 tallest buildings in Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate is an iconic landmark of Berlin and Germany. The Reichstag building is the traditional seat of the German Parliament, was remodeled by British architect Norman Foster in the 1990s and features a glass dome over the session area, which allows free public access to the parliamentary proceedings and magnificent views of the city.
The East Side Gallery is an open-air exhibition of art painted directly on the last existing portions of the Berlin Wall. It is the largest remaining evidence of the city’s historical division.
The Gendarmenmarkt, a neoclassical square in Berlin the name of which derives from the headquarters of the famous Gens d’armes regiment located here in the 18th century, is bordered by two similarly designed cathedrals, the Französischer Dom with its observation platform and the Deutscher Dom. The Konzerthaus (Concert Hall), home of the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, stands between the two cathedrals.
The Museum Island in the River Spree houses five museums built from 1830 to 1930 and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Restoration and the construction of a main entrance to all museums, as well as the reconstruction of the Stadtschloss is continuing.[65][66] Also located on the island and adjacent to the Lustgarten and palace is Berlin Cathedral, emperor William II’s ambitious attempt to create a Protestant counterpart to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. A large crypt houses the remains of some of the earlier Prussian royal family. St. Hedwig’s Cathedral is Berlin’s Roman Catholic cathedral.
Unter den Linden is a tree-lined east��west avenue from the Brandenburg Gate to the site of the former Berliner Stadtschloss, and was once Berlin’s premier promenade. Many Classical buildings line the street and part of Humboldt University is located there. Friedrichstraße was Berlin’s legendary street during the Golden Twenties. It combines 20th-century traditions with the modern architecture of today’s Berlin.
Potsdamer Platz is an entire quarter built from scratch after 1995 after the Wall came down.[67] To the west of Potsdamer Platz is the Kulturforum, which houses the Gemäldegalerie, and is flanked by the Neue Nationalgalerie and the Berliner Philharmonie. The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, a Holocaust memorial, is situated to the north.[68]
The area around Hackescher Markt is home to the fashionable culture, with countless clothing outlets, clubs, bars, and galleries. This includes the Hackesche Höfe, a conglomeration of buildings around several courtyards, reconstructed around 1996. The nearby New Synagogue is the center of Jewish culture.
The Straße des 17. Juni, connecting the Brandenburg Gate and Ernst-Reuter-Platz, serves as the central East-West-Axis. Its name commemorates the uprisings in East Berlin of 17 June 1953. Approximately half-way from the Brandenburg Gate is the Großer Stern, a circular traffic island on which the Siegessäule (Victory Column) is situated. This monument, built to commemorate Prussia’s victories, was relocated 1938–39 from its previous position in front of the Reichstag.
The Kurfürstendamm is home to some of Berlin’s luxurious stores with the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church at its eastern end on Breitscheidplatz. The church was destroyed in the Second World War and left in ruins. Nearby on Tauentzienstraße is KaDeWe, claimed to be continental Europe’s largest department store. The Rathaus Schöneberg, where John F. Kennedy made his famous "Ich bin ein Berliner!" speech, is situated in Tempelhof-Schöneberg.
West of the center, Schloss Bellevue is the residence of the German President. Schloss Charlottenburg, which was burnt out in the Second World War is the largest historical palace in Berlin.
The Funkturm Berlin is a 150 m (490 ft) tall lattice radio tower at the fair area, built between 1924 and 1926. It is the only observation tower which stands on insulators and has a restaurant 55 m (180 ft) and an observation deck 126 m (413 ft) above ground, which is reachable by a windowed elevator.
On 31 December 2014, the city-state of Berlin had a population of 3,562,166 registered inhabitants[4] in an area of 891.85 km2 (344.35 sq mi).[69] The city’s population density was 3,994 inhabitants per km2. Berlin is the second most populous city proper in the EU. The urban area of Berlin comprised about 4 million people making it the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union.[5] The metropolitan area of the Berlin-Brandenburg region was home to about 4.5 million in an area of 5,370 km2 (2,070 sq mi). In 2004, the Larger Urban Zone was home to about 5 million people in an area of 17,385 km2 (6,712 sq mi).[9] The entire Berlin-Brandenburg capital region has a population of 6 million.[70]
National and international migration into the city has a long history. In 1685, following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in France, the city responded with the Edict of Potsdam, which guaranteed religious freedom and tax-free status to French Huguenot refugees for ten years. The Greater Berlin Act in 1920 incorporated many suburbs and surrounding cities of Berlin. It formed most of the territory that comprises modern Berlin and increased the population from 1.9 million to 4 million.
Active immigration and asylum politics in West Berlin triggered waves of immigration in the 1960s and 1970s. Currently, Berlin is home to about 200,000 Turks,[71] making it the largest Turkish community outside of Turkey. In the 1990s the Aussiedlergesetze enabled immigration to Germany of some residents from the former Soviet Union. Today ethnic Germans from countries of the former Soviet Union make up the largest portion of the Russian-speaking community.[72] The last decade experienced an influx from various Western countries and some African regions.[73] Young Germans, EU-Europeans and Israelis have settled in the city.[
International communities
In December 2013, 538,729 residents (15.3% of the population) were of foreign nationality, originating from over 180 different countries.[76] Another estimated 460,000 citizens in 2013 are descendants of international migrants and have either become naturalized German citizens or obtained citizenship by virtue of birth in Germany.[77] In 2008, about 25%–30% of the population was of foreign origin.[78] 45 percent of the residents under the age of 18 have foreign roots.[79] Berlin is estimated to have from 100,000 to 250,000 non-registered inhabitants.[80]
There are more than 25 non-indigenous communities with a population of at least 10,000 people, including Turkish, Polish, Russian, Lebanese, Palestinian, Serbian, Italian, Bosnian, Vietnamese, American, Romanian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Austrian, Ghanaian, Ukrainian, French, British, Spanish, Israeli, Thai, Iranian, Egyptian and Syrian communities.
The most-commonly-spoken foreign languages in Berlin are Turkish, English, Russian, Arabic, Polish, Kurdish, Vietnamese, Serbian, Croatian and French. Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish, Serbian and Croatian are heard more often in the western part, due to the large Middle Eastern and former-Yugoslavian communities. English, Vietnamese, Russian, and Polish have more native speakers in eastern Berlin.
More than 60% of Berlin residents have no registered religious affiliation.[82] The largest denominations in 2010 were the Protestant regional church body of the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia (EKBO) (a church of united administration comprising mostly Lutheran, and few Reformed and United Protestant congregations; EKBO is a member of the umbrellas Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and Union Evangelischer Kirchen (UEK)) with 18.7% of the population,[83] and the Roman Catholic Church with 9.1% of registered members.[83] About 2.7% of the population identify with other Christian denominations (mostly Eastern Orthodox)[84] and 8.1% are Muslims.[85] 0.9% of Berliners belong to other religions.[86] Approximately 80% of the 12,000 (0.3%) registered Jews now residing in Berlin[84] have come from the former Soviet Union.
Berlin is the seat of the Roman Catholic archbishop of Berlin and EKBO’s elected chairperson is titled bishop of EKBO. Furthermore, Berlin is the seat of many Orthodox cathedrals, such as the Cathedral of St. Boris the Baptist, one of the two seats of the Bulgarian Orthodox Diocese of Western and Central Europe, and the Resurrection of Christ Cathedral of the Diocese of Berlin (Patriarchate of Moscow).
The faithful of the different religions and denominations maintain many places of worship in Berlin. The Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church has eight parishes of different sizes in Berlin.[87] There are 36 Baptist congregations (within Union of Evangelical Free Church Congregations in Germany), 29 New Apostolic Churches, 15 United Methodist churches, eight Free Evangelical Congregations, six congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, an Old Catholic church, and an Anglican church in Berlin.
Berlin has 76 mosques (including three Ahmadiyya mosques), 11 synagogues, and two Buddhist temples, in addition to a number of humanist and atheist groups.
City state
Since the reunification on 3 October 1990, Berlin has been one of the three city states in Germany among the present 16 states of Germany. The city and state parliament is the House of Representatives (Abgeordnetenhaus), which currently has 141 seats. Berlin’s executive body is the Senate of Berlin (Senat von Berlin). The Senate of Berlin consists of the Governing Mayor (Regierender Bürgermeister) and up to eight senators holding ministerial positions, one of them holding the official title "Mayor" (Bürgermeister) as deputy to the Governing Mayor.
The Social Democratic Party (SPD) and The Left (Die Linke) took control of the city government after the 2001 state election and won another term in the 2006 state election.[88] Since the 2011 state election, there has been a coalition of the Social Democratic Party with the Christian Democratic Union, and for the first time ever, the Pirate Party won seats in a state parliament in Germany.
The Governing Mayor is simultaneously Lord Mayor of the city (Oberbürgermeister der Stadt) and Prime Minister of the Federal State (Ministerpräsident des Bundeslandes). The office of Berlin’s Governing Mayor is in the Rotes Rathaus (Red City Hall). Since 2014 this office has been held by Michael Müller of the SPD.[89] On 26 August 2014, Wowereit announced his resignation as of 11 December 2014.[90]
The total annual state budget of Berlin in 2007 exceeded €20.5 ($28.7) billion including a budget surplus of €80 ($112) million.[91] The total budget included an estimated amount of €5.5 ($7.7) bn, which is directly financed by either the German government or the German Bundesländer.[
Berlin is subdivided into twelve boroughs (Bezirke). Each borough contains a number of localities (Ortsteile), which often have historic roots in older municipalities that predate the formation of Greater Berlin on 1 October 1920 and became urbanized and incorporated into the city. Many residents strongly identify with their localities or boroughs. At present Berlin consists of 96 localities, which are commonly made up of several city neighborhoods—called Kiez in the Berlin dialect—representing small residential areas.
Each borough is governed by a borough council (Bezirksamt) consisting of five councilors (Bezirksstadträte) including the borough mayor (Bezirksbürgermeister). The borough council is elected by the borough assembly (Bezirksverordnetenversammlung). The boroughs of Berlin are not independent municipalities. The power of borough administration is limited and subordinate to the Senate of Berlin. The borough mayors form the council of mayors (Rat der Bürgermeister), led by the city’s governing mayor, which advises the senate. The localities have no local government bodies.
Sister cities
Berlin maintains official partnerships with 17 cities.[93] Town twinning between Berlin and other cities began with sister city Los Angeles in 1967. East Berlin’s partnerships were canceled at the time of German reunification and later partially reestablished. West Berlin’s partnerships had previously been restricted to the borough level. During the Cold War era, the partnerships had reflected the different power blocs, with West Berlin partnering with capitals in the West, and East Berlin mostly partnering with cities from the Warsaw Pact and its allies.
There are several joint projects with many other cities, such as Beirut, Belgrade, São Paulo, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Oslo, Shanghai, Seoul, Sofia, Sydney, New York City and Vienna. Berlin participates in international city associations such as the Union of the Capitals of the European Union, Eurocities, Network of European Cities of Culture, Metropolis, Summit Conference of the World’s Major Cities, and Conference of the World’s Capital Cities. Berlin’s official sister cities are:
Capital city
Berlin is the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany. The President of Germany, whose functions are mainly ceremonial under the German constitution, has his official residence in Schloss Bellevue.[97] Berlin is the seat of the German executive, housed in the Chancellery, the Bundeskanzleramt. Facing the Chancellery is the Bundestag, the German Parliament, housed in the renovated Reichstag building since the government moved back to Berlin in 1998. The Bundesrat ("federal council", performing the function of an upper house) is the representation of the Federal States (Bundesländer) of Germany and has its seat at the former Prussian House of Lords.
Though most of the ministries are seated in Berlin, some of them, as well as some minor departments, are seated in Bonn, the former capital of West Germany. Discussions to move the remaining branches continue.[98] The ministries and departments of Defence, Justice and Consumer Protection, Finance, Interior, Foreign, Economic Affairs and Energy, Labour and Social Affairs , Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Food and Agriculture, Economic Cooperation and Development, Health, Transport and Digital Infrastructure and Education and Research are based in the capital.
Berlin hosts 158 foreign embassies as well as the headquarters of many think tanks, trade unions, non-profit organizations, lobbying groups, and professional associations. Due to the influence and international partnerships of the Federal Republic of Germany as a state, the capital city has become a venue for German and European affairs. Frequent official visits, and diplomatic consultations among governmental representatives and national leaders are common in contemporary Berlin.
In 2013, the nominal GDP of the citystate Berlin experienced a growth rate of 1.2% (0.6% in Germany) and totaled €109.2 (~$142) billion.[99] Berlin’s economy is dominated by the service sector, with around 80% of all companies doing business in services. The unemployment rate reached a 20-year low in June 2014 and stood at 11.0% .[100]
Important economic sectors in Berlin include life sciences, transportation, information and communication technologies, media and music, advertising and design, biotechnology, environmental services, construction, e-commerce, retail, hotel business, and medical engineering.[101]
Research and development have economic significance for the city. The metropolitan region ranks among the top-3 innovative locations in the EU.[102] The Science and Business Park in Adlershof is the largest technology park in Germany measured by revenue.[103] Within the Eurozone, Berlin has become a center for business relocation and international investments.[
Many German and international companies have business or service centers in the city. For some years Berlin has been recognized as a center of business founders in Europe.[105] Among the 10 largest employers in Berlin are the City-State of Berlin, Deutsche Bahn, the hospital provider Charité and Vivantes, the local public transport provider BVG, and Deutsche Telekom.
Daimler manufactures cars, and BMW builds motorcycles in Berlin. Bayer Health Care and Berlin Chemie are major pharmaceutical companies headquartered in the city. The second largest German airline Air Berlin is based there as well.[106]
Siemens, a Global 500 and DAX-listed company is partly headquartered in Berlin. The national railway operator Deutsche Bahn and the MDAX-listed firms Axel Springer SE and Zalando have their headquarters in the central districts.[107] Berlin has a cluster of rail technology companies and is the German headquarter or site to Bombardier Transportation,[108] Siemens Mobility,[109] Stadler Rail and Thales Transportation.[
Tourism and conventions
Berlin had 788 hotels with 134,399 beds in 2014.[111] The city recorded 28.7 million overnight hotel stays and 11.9 million hotel guests in 2014.[111] Tourism figures have more than doubled within the last ten years and Berlin has become the third most-visited city destination in Europe.
Berlin is among the top three congress cities in the world and home to Europe’s biggest convention center, the Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) at the Messe Berlin.[19] Several large-scale trade fairs like the consumer electronics trade fair IFA, the ILA Berlin Air Show, the Berlin Fashion Week (including the Bread and Butter tradeshow), the Green Week, the transport fair InnoTrans, the tourism fair ITB and the adult entertainment and erotic fair Venus are held annually in the city, attracting a significant number of business visitors.
Creative industries
Industries that do business in the creative arts and entertainment are an important and sizable sector of the economy of Berlin. The creative arts sector comprises music, film, advertising, architecture, art, design, fashion, performing arts, publishing, R&D, software,[112] TV, radio, and video games. Around 22,600 creative enterprises, predominantly SMEs, generated over 18,6 billion euro in revenue. Berlin’s creative industries have contributed an estimated 20 percent of Berlin’s gross domestic product in 2005.[
Berlin is home to many international and regional television and radio stations.[114] The public broadcaster RBB has its headquarters in Berlin as well as the commercial broadcasters MTV Europe, VIVA, and N24. German international public broadcaster Deutsche Welle has its TV production unit in Berlin, and most national German broadcasters have a studio in the city including ZDF and RTL.
Berlin has Germany’s largest number of daily newspapers, with numerous local broadsheets (Berliner Morgenpost, Berliner Zeitung, Der Tagesspiegel), and three major tabloids, as well as national dailies of varying sizes, each with a different political affiliation, such as Die Welt, Neues Deutschland, and Die Tageszeitung. The Exberliner, a monthly magazine, is Berlin’s English-language periodical focusing on arts and entertainment. Berlin is also the headquarters of the two major German-language publishing houses Walter de Gruyter and Springer, each of which publish books, periodicals, and multimedia products.
Berlin is an important centre in the European and German film industry.[115] It is home to more than 1000 film and television production companies, 270 movie theaters, and around 300 national and international co-productions are filmed in the region every year.[102] The historic Babelsberg Studios and the production company UFA are located outside Berlin in Potsdam. The city is also home of the European Film Academy and the German Film Academy, and hosts the annual Berlin Film Festival. With around 500,000 admissions it is the largest publicly attended film festival in the world.
Berlin’s transport infrastructure is highly complex, providing a diverse range of urban mobility.[118] A total of 979 bridges cross 197 km (122 mi) of inner-city waterways. 5,422 km (3,369 mi) of roads run through Berlin, of which 77 km (48 mi) are motorways ("Autobahn").[119] In 2013, 1.344 million motor vehicles were registered in the city.[119] With 377 cars per 1000 residents in 2013 (570/1000 in Germany), Berlin as a Western global city has one of the lowest numbers of cars per capita.
Long-distance rail lines connect Berlin with all of the major cities of Germany and with many cities in neighboring European countries. Regional rail lines provide access to the surrounding regions of Brandenburg and to the Baltic Sea. The Berlin Hauptbahnhof is the largest grade-separated railway station in Europe.[120] Deutsche Bahn runs trains to domestic destinations like Hamburg, Munich, Cologne and others. It also runs an airport express rail service, as well as trains to several international destinations, e.g., Vienna, Prague, Zürich, Warsaw and Amsterdam.
Public transport
Flights departing from Berlin serve 163 destinations around the globe
Berlin has two commercial airports. Berlin Tegel Airport (TXL), which lies within the city limits, and Schönefeld Airport (SXF), which is situated just outside Berlin’s south-eastern border in the state of Brandenburg. Both airports together handled 26.3 million passengers in 2013. In 2014, 67 airlines served 163 destinations in 50 countries from Berlin.[122] Tegel Airport is an important transfer hub for Air Berlin as well as a focus city for Lufthansa and Germanwings, whereas Schönefeld serves as an important destination for airlines like easyJet.
Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) will replace Tegel as single commercial airport of Berlin.[123] The new airport will integrate old Schönefeld (SXF) facilities and is scheduled to open not before 2017. Because of the rapid passenger growth at Berlin airports the capacities at the BER are already considered too small for the projected demand.
Berlin is well known for its highly developed bicycle lane system.[124] It is estimated that Berlin has 710 bicycles per 1000 residents. Around 500,000 daily bike riders accounted for 13% of total traffic in 2009.[125] Cyclists have access to 620 km (385 mi) of bicycle paths including approximately 150 km (93 mi) of mandatory bicycle paths, 190 km (118 mi) (120 miles) of off-road bicycle routes, 60 km (37 mi) of bicycle lanes on roads, 70 km (43 mi) of shared bus lanes which are also open to cyclists, 100 km (62 mi) of combined pedestrian/bike paths and 50 km (31 mi) of marked bicycle lanes on roadside pavements (or sidewalks).[
Posted by SaffyH on 2015-07-25 21:34:53
The post Berlin, Germany – May 2015 appeared first on Good Info.
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