#racism is lame & weird
23sanguinity · 1 month
I was going to post about how natlans like the Olympics but if they only invited white people and then I remembered the long and very present history of racism in the Olympics and realized natlan is just the Olympics
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olehoncho · 5 months
How I would fix Dr Who (revisited)
While I am sure there are folks that love the Doctor Who show and the direction it has taken under Chibnal, I know there are others who are not satisfied with certain developments. Ever since the end of Matt Smith's run there have been issues with the continuity of the series: - The expansion of The Doctor's regenerations was first explained via a "time lord energy infusion" in Town of Christmas, but was later revealed to be an aspect of the Timeless Child. - The swapping of sex/gender was first done with the Master and later explored with the Doctor. - Letting go of a Time Lord's power was explored in Human Nature and later in Uptopia, but revisited as being a "female presenting" quality later. - The Bi-Generation creating two time lords.
A lot of this new canon has been... not easy to absorb. And I'm not going to say there's any connection to ratings or audience scores, but as someone who is more interested in the science fiction aspect of the show, I think there is enough of the new canon to play with to fit in with the long-running series canon.
Make The Doctor a distinct being separate from The Timeless Child. - This is the main one, and could be done a couple of different ways. My previous theory was to make The Timeless Child the Time Vortex at the heart of the TARDIS (which explains why it is different from other TARDIS). This would explain the leeching of memories and power to other individuals as well. - Another way to do this would be to have The Doctor either be a bi-generation from The Timeless Child, or perhaps be the son of The Timeless Child who inherited some memories. There are options.
Restore the Regeneration Limit and explain how it was bypassed. - The previous explanation is that The Doctor is the first Time Lord and therefore has endless regenerations. This never felt right. The Doctor being a Time Lord whose uniqueness comes from their decisions, the promise to be "The Doctor" rather than their particular history is the key to the character. - You could do another bi-generation backstory into The Doctor's past, and that part of The Doctor has been dormant, sleeping aboard the TARDIS for near a thousand years (my personal choice would be the regeneration from 2nd to 3rd Doctor). - Then you would have to explain that The Doctor who has been adventuring has been part of The Doctor, but a being who got mixed up with The Timeless Child and is therefore confused. Then explain that the reason for the regeneration limit being bypassed is because of the TARDIS - so many Doctors regenerate in the TARDIS and this is shown to have led to many explosions of energy which were not present in earlier regenerations because this version of The Doctor is growing unstable. - Time Lords are not meant to live more than 12 regenerations, because the energy in their bodies becomes more than they can handle, like a dying star they either go supernova or become dwarf stars.
Kill off the current version of The Doctor and bring in "The Original" - This could be a series-long arc involving The Valeyard - with the "current Doctor" being the Valeyard and "The Original" questing to stop them, but would end up with The Doctor dying and creating their grave on Trenzalore that is eventually visited by 11 and Clara. - The "original" Doctor would then continue the adventures, absorbing all the memories of their alternate selves - and resume the regeneration limit from 3 (a new 3, not Pertwee) and then regenerating into 4.
Anyways, that's how I'd rework Doctor Who if it was up to me. But it's not, so whatever.
#Doctor who#tardis#seriously though I stopped watching because I hated how mean 12 was to Danny Pink#Like there was no reason to be that rude to your companions love interest#I just could not jive with Capaldi and could not bring myself to go back to the show#kept up with the lore and the drama and felt satisfied I stayed away#but can we stop race-swapping people please#I mean I guess its fine when you consider alternate realities but that was never Doctor Whos thing#Like time travel is fine and all and they really haven't done enough fun back to the future or quantum leap stuff about fixing timelines#but as part of a larger trend I just think race swapping historical figures is lame#Now fictional characters is fine and dandy#But like if Doctor Who went on an adventure with Sun Wukong I wouldnt want the Monkey King played by a scotsman#So its just weird to see Isaac Newton played by Nathaniel Curtis#And then to have the showrunner attack fans as racists#Like he was the one who changed the race of the person showing he was the one with the problem in the first place#this is my problem with folks who cry racism or sexism or shout at fans for not embracing changes#they're the ones who made the change from the source materials so doesn't that mean they are the ones with the problem#like don't say its the fans fault for not accepting the changes you make blame yourselves for not getting it right#but again that's just the way I see things#not a shipping post#yeah I'm done talking about doctor who#I bloody stopped watching the show 9 years ago why do I even care
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nthflower · 8 months
I think sooraya needs upgrade to her powers. I have ideas but right now so tired to write it. I will think about it later
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luna-rainbow · 6 months
Thanks for your answer for the last ask.
What is wrong with the writers of the new MCU material? Do they just hate Bucky, especially the writer of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier (he's NOT the Winter Soldier anymore!)? Did Bucky kick their cat or something? This hatred and victim blaming is not justified! "Oh Bucky's just a cray-cray psycho killing machine with cool metal arm but probably belongs in a padded cell. Lol he says he had no choice such a lame excuse..."
Soo…I don’t know if people still remember the rumours from back in 2021 and I don’t know how much of it is true, but my guess at it is this: there were supposed to be two main writers on the series. Spellman was supposed to take Sam’s story, while the other guy wrote Bucky’s story. For whatever reason, the other guy quit before he finished, and didn’t give the writing team enough time to put things together.
From a story craft point of view, Bucky’s story in TFATWS reeks of first-draft-ism. It’s a scattered plot of events that don’t quite string together, and a self-contradictory characterisation that hasn’t yet been smoothed over (but was made a little more believable by Sebastian’s efforts). You can tell some central character themes had been planted in the first draft — the PTSD, the guilt, the messy way he’s trying to relearn how to interact with people (Yori, Sam and later the Wakandans), the struggle with breaking free of his past. These were all strong, interesting character beats for Bucky to work through, and it honestly could have been a good story. And I think that’s when the original writer bailed.
When Spellman picked up this draft, he was pressed for time, he hadn’t watched CATWS and he never thought he’d needed to know about Bucky’s story, so he reads TheMovieSpoiler summary of the movie and tries to piece the rest of the story together. But Bucky’s not his priority nor his interest. There’s already beats of the story that were planned and have to be there for IP reasons. So beyond what was already in the first draft as mentioned above, Bucky is made to be the fall guy to make the rest of the plot happen. Zemo’s release — well we can’t make Sam help break out the criminal that killed an African king so we’ll make Bucky do it, who cares if it makes no sense for his character. The counselling session — the show’s few moments of levity, doesn’t matter that it makes no sense but hey, forced homoeroticism is hilarious, isn’t it? The Wakandan three-way fight — I may be remembering this wrong but I think Skogland said it was one of the first scenes that she had planned for. That fight had to happen, and again Bucky was made to provoke the Wakandans to the point Seb had to step in and say, almost literally, “he would not fucking say that” to make them wind back the animosity between Bucky and Ayo. Sam’s suit — oh no we can’t have Sam asking for it himself that would be too egocentric, we also can’t have Wakandans offering because well, not like the plot actually made Sam a strong ally for Wakanda, so we get Bucky asking for Sam’s suit to be made minutes after he fixes his mistake of releasing Zemo. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense if it’s Bucky doing it, cos I really think by this stage Spellman didn’t give a shit about a character that wasn’t supposed to be his responsibility in the first place. It’s like when you’re doing group project and your teammate bails on you, you’re gonna do just enough to get that pass but you ain’t putting in the effort for a distinction cos just looking at the unfinished work is pissing you off. So then Bucky also becomes the token white male who pushes all the wrong buttons during the few token racism scenes cos we gotta make Walker have some redeemable qualities and he’s already a dick so we can’t make him racist too.
So instead of having a thoughtful story about a veteran trying to grapple with his guilt and PTSD and lack of agency and making some mistakes along the way, you get a weird disjointed plot of some guy…with some bad dreams…who randomly does things for no good personal reason…who gets made the butt of the joke for the stuff he’s experienced cos he’s got a metal arm and super soldier serum how hard could it have been he just needs to go and apologise for killing people while simultaneously having multiple poignant scenes portraying his lack of agency.
Every writer who tells you “a hero is only as interesting as the villain” just secretly wants to write a simpable villain. And when that writer isn’t very skilled, you get the disaster of TFATWS where a lot of effort is spent on making Zemo funny and personable, and Walker nuanced and sympathetic, instead of making either of the titular heroes funny or personable or nuanced or sympathetic. And yeah, I really don’t think Spellman ever cared enough about Bucky to want to make him sympathetic…or a hero. Remember when he said Bucky pulling open the van door was the first time Bucky has ever been a hero? Fuck right off with that.
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biracy · 8 months
I think it's deeply unfortunate that conversations about "representation" have become dominated by the issue of gay representation and That's It. I'm someone who thinks mainstream gay representation matters, but I also understand why it's easy for so many people to go "well I don't NEED boring lame high school romcoms for LOSERS. The only 'representation' I need is like, idk, weird furry comics made by the fagdykes online! Become unmarketable!" when the only issue on the table for them is sexuality. But I think it's not useful to take that mindset and apply it to "representation" as a broader concept, because in my experience at least it becomes quite different when the issue is less "the only mainstream representation for me is something I find kind of boring" and more "I don't think I have ever seen a person who Looks like me be presented in mainstream media in a positive or desirable light" (which applies to all sorts of stuff including trans stuff, body stuff, disability stuff, race/ethnicity stuff, etc.) Obviously I love subcultures and I love niches and I love Finding Community With Other Freaks or whatever, obviously I love that! But I also, as someone who is of Many Overlapping Marginalized Identities, Kind of want to see people who look and act and live like me be presented as People. Visibly trans characters who have things going on besides just experiencing transphobia or gender dysphoria, openly Latino characters who have things going on besides just experiencing racism or xenophobia, neurodivergent or mentally ill or socially disabled or whatever characters who have things going on besides being Weird or Creepy for the sake of a joke, chubby or fat characters who have things going on besides being demonized or mocked or A Message About Body Positivity. Characters who are People, the way like. normie white guy characters get to be lmao, and not just tools to teach some kind of lesson. "You shouldn't look for that in mainstream media/pop culture" well why not? Why shouldn't a culture's popular media represent the people that make up that culture? Not everyone is an online 20something attuned to the best queer indie art of the decade, yknow, and people who exist outside of our subcultures deserve "representation" too. Ever since I was a little kid I had an affinity for openly Latino characters on TV or in books, and that hasn't gone away. Different kinds of people Exist and deserve to be seen in art that isn't relegated to being "alternative" or "niche." Because while I am alternative, it's not my body or my upbringing or my social problems that make me that way. No human being should be considered a "deviation from the norm." Don't let art and culture forever belong to those who have deemed themselves "the norm" through continued subjugation
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This is a little different from your usual content. But you have so much niche information that just I love to hear about. Do you have any podcast recommendations?
WHOO okay so I'm doing my nonfiction podcast recs and leaving out my horror or audio dramas but without further ado:
It's been out of production for years, but Caustic Soda is probably my favourite of all time. It's a small Canadian production of tons and tons of episodes on everything from shark attacks to murder to warfare to bugs and anthropology. It's so fucking funny and pretty well-researched as time goes on. Honestly, I was so young listening to this that it formed part of the lens through which I view the world.
Stuff You Missed in History Class: Often corny, wee bit lame, occasionally hilarious, always solid; this one is probably the one that has taught me the most. It's been on the air forever now, and it's really fucking great. They have also used sources that I actually dug out and made public for the first time and I'm quite proud of that. Its the favourite sweater of podcasts.
Time to Eat the Dogs is about the history of science and exploration. I highly recommend it if you like any of those things. I really like the host's interview style; all the guests are academics and authors. It's very conversational and feels like having a lovely sit-down with good friends, but those friends have Ph. Ds.
Casting Lots: Two really, really funny Brits discuss survival cannibalism across time and space. This podcast informed me that a story i heard as a fireside tale was based on true events. It somehow manages to mention Canada in every other episode and then some. I love the first three seasons in particular. They have truly done some incredible work in the course of their series and pulled from some primary sources that surprised even me, an actual archivist. They're shockingly respectful for how funny they are and how disturbing the content is and really take into consideration things like culture, empire, sex and racism as they discuss cannibalism, and it's just. I love it so much, truly.
Big Old Boats: It's not technically a podcast, but I've never once in my life actually watched the video as he discusses various maritime disasters, and I don't think I've ever missed anything by doing so. This is an absolute must-listen if you enjoy maritime history, missing ships, ghost ships, or just anything weird related to a boat. Archival work I did is actually mentioned in a couple of episodes!
Not What You Thought You Knew: Another podcast I really love that was, unfortunately, a very short run but academics and actual historians debunking popular historical myths. I am very, very fond of the episodes on The Night Witches in particular.
The Midnight Library: Last but not least my favourite fucking podcast currently running. It's a nonfiction podcast framed as a fictional witch/librarian in her cursed library telling (mostly) true stories around a particular theme, human vice, or any number of stories. And the way it's framed is so fucking great. Like they're talking about real history, witchcraft and folklore in so many of these, but you get little glimpses of world-building that have honestly started to bleed into the way I write. Even the ads are for fake magical businesses like 'the League of Lady Grave Diggers, the Broom and Fang pub. The library assistant/bouncer is a werewolf. The Witch's on-again and off-again boyfriend is a spring-heel jack. It's just so fucking clever a way to frame a nonfiction podcast in a spooky atmosphere while being historical, terrifying and funny in turns.
Anywho, if you listen to any of them let me know! And sorry if that went overboard!
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eliotquillon · 1 year
just finished the rwrb movie and although i really enjoyed it (and was kicking my feet giggling the whole time) i do have a couple of major criticisms, some of which i think aren’t really the movie’s fault because they had to fit a whole book into 2 hours, but some of which left me kind of disappointed:
-i feel slightly icky that bea and nora got their screentime SIGNIFICANTLY reduced even after june got cut entirely (which i was upset about, but did understand). i loved zahra and adored her on screen but i do think it’s very odd that she is pretty much the only major female character in this movie since bea was nonexistent and nora got permanently spirited away to pez’s bed or something sometime during the second act
-it felt like a lot of the internal conflict in alex and henry’s relationship was very unbalanced and henry heavy - alex’s neurodivergence was erased, his bi epiphany was barely even an epiphany, and him not being explicitly kicked off the campaign after ellen finds out about him and henry essentially killed his whole subplot about realising he doesn’t need to have everything achieved at thirty and deciding he wants to apply to law school instead. which wouldn’t have been terrible but on the flipside it felt weird that we didn’t see very much of henry’s family considering how much they affect and shape his fear of being outed and his feeling of being in a glass cage - e.g bea’s treatment by the media during her active addiction (which was entirely erased), the extent of the tension between him and philip. felt like henry’s pov scenes were a super wasted opportunity for that and we were mostly just being Told about all of these things
-i am not actually that mad about oscar and ellen still being together lol but i felt like in the scene with oscar smoking the cigar on the balcony they were kinda building up to there being significant strain in his and ellen’s relationship that just wasn’t explored. especially since it’s clear oscar would never be able to be president because he’s not a natural born citizen + the sacrifice of his career for ellen’s is so much bigger now that he’s first gentleman in this version
-pacing in general was a bit off but the worst offender was the fact that there was a complete time skip between the alex henry confrontation/reconciliation and the outing. so much of the tension and desperation from that outing scene comes from the fact that the risk of it happening was slowly increasing throughout the book and it felt almost inevitable (the elevator cctv being leaked, henry having to fake date june) and honestly making it so abrupt weirdly reduced a lot of its impact for me
-similarly i actually completely understand why the richards plot / rafael luna plot was cut (i suspect republican election interference hits a bit too close to home after 2020) but my god was miguel a lame fucking villain and him being queer and hispanic erased a lot of the original commentary about racism and homophobia that the richards plot lent itself to. like in general this movie was a lot lighter than the book which is fine! but for a movie where the main subplot is a presidential election So Much of the political themes were heavily neutered or cut to the point that it seemed like the pressure on henry and alex’s relationship was disproportionately coming from henry’s side when in the book it was more balanced
again on the whole i really really loved this movie and i knew going in that certain changed were going to be made. and i hope more movies get made like it! these r just my Thots and i may change my mind when i rewatch it with my friend tomorrow
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v-arbellanaris · 4 months
im back-ish, i think im not gonna be super engaging w da4 stuff and with lower activity bc im still kind of aggravated by a lot of the disk horse. im also seeing a lot of fan attitudes which used to annoy me when i first joined the fandom - this kind of deprecating/derogatory/ironic "enjoyment" of characters and the media, where you constantly just put the thing down and insult it - that is indistinguishable from chara/media hate to me. like enough with the "he's so pathetic" "i wish this was good" etc posts like are you even having a good time, cringing away from things that bring you joy. how are you not exhausted from your vitriol when it exhausts me to read it. like. wow what a funny post abt how lame your favourite character is, now try be genuine abt what you enjoy. some of you guys are tooooo comfortable fr with making your personal problems with feeling cringe everyone else's problem to deal with
im also not gonna be planning a rook. there's a lot of weird & sudden pressure to have ur worldstates sorted out & ur rook planned out which is frankly nuts to me because we don't really know anything & we won't until we get to the game & i rly have no interest in feeling pressured or being pressured to have it all figured out.
as an aside, for new and old followers, please behave. if i see you shitting on characters or the games on my non-critical posts, you're getting blocked bc im not here for that energy. like fr stop telling me how much you want solas/cullen/anders/whoever dead, idk why you think i wanna hear that.
i also don't care what your fictional character choices were, i don't think you're evil either way, but i DO have a problem if you're overly sensitive about anyone even SAYING there's a moral/immoral fictional choice in your video games. if you can't acknowledge fictional portrayals of racism, homophobia, abuse, colonialism as what they are, i have no interest in talking to you & you're not someone i want interacting with my posts.
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andreabandrea · 5 months
To be honest I think some people on this site are having too much fun with slurs. Don't call random people fag/dyke. Know which slurs are off limits for you and why. Slurs are hurtful to a lot of people and have a long history and aren't just secret cool words that only some people can say. Being a genderfreak fagdyke doesn't exempt you from transmisogyny and racism, and everyone can benefit from learning about social justice and intersectionality.
So long as I'm talking I want to say that I think its lame that in an attempt to combat strict policing of lgbt identities, some of you have become the cops. Sure, some lgbt people have undefinable genders and constantly shifting experiences with attraction. Some lgbt people also do have a very rigid "I felt like a woman trapped in a man's body and I transitioned and now I see myself as a binary woman" or "I am a woman and I am only attracted to women" type experience. You're not better for having one or the other, and it is weird to constantly ask this "are you sure? what if you're wrong? what if [insane fictional scenario]" type of questioning that so many of us have heard so many times already from cishet people. And on that note if I see one more person say that a cis male twink is fundamentally 'the same' as a trans woman I'm going to start killing people on the street.
This policing always seems to come down the hardest on trans women and lesbians and I want you all to think really hard about why this is. Have some respect for and decency toward your siblings and remember that your words and actions affect other people.
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stewykablooey · 7 months
i'd like to hear your thoughts on shiv's homophobia if you have any? 👀 ngl i did a double take when you called her homophobic—clearly she can conveniently use homophobia to emasculate her interlocutor, but i don't think she has any deep-seated beliefs of the sort, unlike kendall and his misogyny and the fact that he doesn't want to involve her in the business partly because of that
which brings us to
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she'd probably replicate the sympathy/solidarity thing with stewy too, in this case because she's a woman and he's a brown man, paired with the fact that the two of them, unlike kendall, 1) can't simply conceal who they are, 2) are not allowed to assert masculinity in an aggressive way. quite obviously shiv's relationship to stewy is largely mediated by their respective relationships with kendall but i won't say more
hi <3
you’re right in that shiv is not homophobic in the sense of having deep-seated beliefs on the matter at all, shiv’s issue with gayness has less to do with the physicality of it but more of the gender implications which is to say that shiv’s homophobia is really just an extension of her internalized misogyny. it’s again related with the masculinity aspect, it’s not about how gay you are but how much you will deviate from your gender and most importantly how much of that is a threat to her? in terms of gay men, shiv sees it as just an extended boys club that she cant access even if it’s just through sex and attraction, the one card she can play as a woman (this was first mentioned by @/shesnake and @/akajustmerry in their succession gaytv podcast episode which i highly recommend) but also it’s how much can their masculinity trump their gayness. out of all the siblings shiv is probably the one that shares logan’s ideas of masculinity the most. she thinks ken is too soft and she thinks roman is weird and she thinks connors lame and its because they just dont align to that idea of logan-masculinity (without getting too daddy issues about it lol) which is also why she’s with tom, because he’s just masculine enough but also decidedly not masculine enough to be a real threat to overshadow her.
which all applies to shiv’s relationship to stewy because stewy is the ultimate threat because he plays at both masculinity and femininity like stewy will never be a logan-type masculine and he knows that which is why he plays to his other strengths which is charm and it’s so carefully cultivated on stewys end Because he knows he can never pass as a logan-type masculine so he Has to play up the handsome charm and confidence but also stewy Is inherently masculine in that he definitely fits in as a man even if it’s the asshole insane amounts of money SUCCESS cocaine party animal kind of man, which may not be man enough in logans book but it’s definitely man enough for the world stewy is operating in which is why he can operate in it so successfully and the success is key. stewy’s riches are self made for the most part which gives him power and status in being an earner and a moneymaker but also stewy’s not in a position of leading stewys not vying for ceo he’s not vying to be top dog which is why he doesn’t Need a logan-type masculinity But he still needs some kind of masculinity to stay afloat which goes back to his crucially self-managed image. in terms of shiv, stewy confuses her in that he isnt a logan-type masculine but a) it doesnt bother him/he doesnt want to be and b) he’s still a winner anyway. but also there’s that edge of homophobia in that she’s confused and annoyed about it because she really thinks ‘youre not a real man. why are you thriving here?’ but also with a little bit ‘you’re a little bit feminine you’re a little bit masculine how does that work/im pissed off that that won’t work for me’ but also again going back to ‘being charming is the card i get to play, but now you get to play it too but also again it works for you but not for me’
there is Also of course. racism. shiv would never feel a solidarity with stewy over him being brown and her being a woman because she’s racist. kendall being gay and her being woman has a common denominator of being white before it has a common denominator of being oppressed. the racism also feeds into shiv’s opposition to stewy’s masculinity. ‘you’re not a man’ is as much because he doesn’t fit an idea of masculinity that she understands as much as it is just her not seeing him as as much of a man because he’s not white.
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gamzselfship · 1 month
i really wish there was more g.amtav stuff that didnt suck ass because like thats me and my girlfriend but then i go into the tag and NO IT ISNT !! start making us girls and lesbians and stuff . theres also generally really bad mischaracterisation where i am some lame sadboy and shes a fucking wimp all the time and needs me to save her . not to mention the misogyny directed at vriska an unusual amount of the time like this isnt even abt her ... Yeuch this is why i come to the selfship community so often . my g.amtav posts get more reach but i cant stand weird + misogynistic + racist + ableist posts abt us all the time because it is these things . misogyny towards vriska and any other girl character the artist hates , racism abt gamzee* as a character , and if i have to see one more drawing of me sitting in her chair while she looks uncomfortable or me carrying her around like its #romantic i am going to throw up [exaggeration]
*making an important distinction here i dont want to like . use first person there ...
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maxellminidisc · 5 months
LBR here 9/10 white people on the internet are posers in the supposedly majority white spaces of the subcultures they pedestal to be racist about rap and hip hop. If they weren't they would have to actively be IN scenes like emo, hardcore, punk, goth, etc and actually experience the misogyny, homophobia/transphobia, the whispered warnings from mostly women about certain musicians cause got forbid the entire local scene turn on you for calling their fave a predator, etc. And no these scenes aren't dead dead, they absolutely still exist, you people just love digesting things so shallowly and comfortably you wouldnt dare actually be in the scene to get called a poser to your face lol
Not to mention white people that are IN these scenes themselves are absolutely shit at acknowledging racism so I expect no less from them outside of it. White people act like any poc in these scenes are either some weird ass anomaly to gawk at, they treat you differently acting like they gotta walk on eggshells around you cause you're mean and scary, if you're a woman they fetishize you for being this "exotic" thing in this space, someone will inevitably utter the horrific words of: "You cant be goth/punk/emo, you're Black" towards Black people in the scene, or worse, you will absolutely hear racial, homophobic/transphobic, ableist, or misogynistic slurs. And that's not to mention how either in or out, white people love tokenizing musicians of color IN this scene or ignoring them all together with every lame excuse for it under the sun.
Scenes like to act like they're amazing at checking themselves, especially now that theres an emphasis on creating inclusivity, safe, and progressive a space, but guarentee you most of these scenes just slap on a veneer and not much has changed beneath it. Cause any scene who's main organizers, movers and shakers, popular bands, etc are mostly cis het white men is unfortunately going to have shit like all of what I mentioned slip through. And yes there are scenes run by LGBT organizers but even then they too in my experience tend to be white and you STILL have these issues because white people as a whole are terrible at holding themselves and other white people accountable.
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curly-fried · 8 months
I love king of the hill, but i think the weird reverse racism jokes where the white guys are being used and made fun of by Asian people are kinda really lame
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jasmancer · 8 months
did u see that the original post of the dani poll was deleted and the tournament called off because of the ???? “toxicity” i guess
yeah uh I'll be honest I think the poll runner's whole response was really. misguided and also really overblown. I didn't even know that ppl were campaigning to throw the poll for taskmaster until I saw him one too many times (on the jubilee poll I think?) and went to the poll blog to see the poll runner yelling at people to "behave" and getting mad that ppl were um. calling taskmaster lame and dumb?
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like aside from the fact that most comments were mild or hyperbolic and not that serious. he's a c list character and most ppl weren't/aren't aware of the whole taskysweep push. going through the tags of any of these polls you'll find a lot of ppl who are annoyed and confused about this random white dude repeatedly bumping off actually queer coded woc. pretty reasonable
and then the taskmaster ppl started calling everyone else mean and toxic for not thinking that their bit was funny and/or not knowing about the bit and just being annoyed. and being dismissive of ppl who pointed out that throwing the poll in favor of the white dude with barely any queer coding while also victimizing yourself and dismissing what fans of color and wlw have to say is um. shitty.
so basically the response has been the classic "reducing real issues of racism and lesbophobia in fan spaces to Fandom Drama" by both pollrunner and the taskmaster people
I hope pollrunner is doing alright and I'm sorry to see that this overwhelmed them bc like how could they have known that this would happen. However I think the "I don't care who started it" approach was a really weird call to make. they seemed very resistant to acknowledging the real issues of racism/misogyny/lesbophobia that come with holding up a random white dude with a boy best friend over multiple beloved woc that have long histories of legitimate queer coding and then treating confused/frustrated fans (MANY OF WHOM ARE WLWOC) as hostile and toxic for expressing their frustration in the tags of a poll.
anyway. I knew they called off the poll but I decided to rb the Dani post bc she deserves to win. It's definitely a little spiteful but I think that spite is earned 🤷🏽‍♀️ #DANISWEEP
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dorianepin · 1 year
eff one fandom (as in actual everyday sports fandom at large and not just teens online) is so fascinating sometimes because i think just the fact of it being a relatively "highbrow"/gatekeepy sport peddled for white europeans makes it so......... i don't know how to say this in a normal way but there are certainly nuances to how bigotry surfaces across mainstream sports products that i am occasionally made to reckon with when consuming it specifically. like why does it feel so lame at times to even acknowledge the existence of racism when it will always be vaguely or unintentionally misunderstood or regarded as plainly excusable... hm
i don't have time to formulate thoughts about literally anything these days (hopefully i will be normal next week. maybe. i don't know i'm tired) but i briefly reflected on a convo i had with h about sports culture earlier while brushing my teeth and it's so... occasionally fascinating to think about the conversations we have re: hockey's lack of "politicization" because in the end the more you try to rationalize systems of male violence it just becomes like is it better or worse when we insist that it's all a microcosm of real life and men are universally like this in practice anyway. or... i think it's weird for me sometimes because hockey as a cultural product, and then nhl players specifically as lionized figures and secondary actors in mainstream north american sports media, cannot be summarized by singular frameworks of recognition, and while there is an incredible amount of power and absolution present in the existence of a Successful Hockey Player from a purely cultural standpoint so much of that gets in a way tested when considered in the broader context of major league hierarchies and "marketability" disparities. but then it's also like.... ugh. [vaguely waves hand around at some dynamic triangulation of: Growing up even mildly good as a hockey player in canada inflates your ego by the time you're 13 years old x nhl players are literally the biggest losers in all major league sports in north america and the fact that there's any handwringing at all over tkachuk talking to shaq on an nba panel is fucking sad, man x even if you're an ahl scrub you can easily meet the My Dream NYC BF comp range everyone made fun of op on twitter for]
i didn't even think i was going to write a whole post about this lol sorry. i have more to say about the "morality" of a winning team but all of that is functionally useless so i will stop talking. only ambiguously related i have a team that i mildly prefer to win the cup but i do find myself returning back to my pessimism over the d*ly presser and how remarkably revealing the entire report procedure has been and what it says that ** will still get his cup day when all is said and done
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leaderdaimon · 11 months
"hey! heeeeeyyyy!!! didnt'cha hear? i'm the LEADER!"
red/leader (he/him or it/its) demon adult (20's)
been a DR fan since somethingawful and have spent more money on it that my college fund. /hj
this blog also has total drama/disventure camp bc its just kidz bop DR c'mon dude.
i'm a monaka towa defender first and a human second. ironically i k*n komaru.
despite everything i'm featured on the DR iceberg twice.
proship/lgbtphobic/racist/terfs/antisemities, o*ma fans/kins/girls/introjects and transmasc chihiro fans get the fuck out
"what the heck is DIGIMON?! sounds lame!!"
Tumblr media
more things under the cut!
unlike most danganronpa fans, i had an 8th grade level literature analysis class and understand what media should be promoted/seen as good in fiction.
please do NOT interact with me if you like o*ma in any capacity or think he's a "smol gay bean". if you don't tag him please block me. i am horribly triggered by him and most things involving him.
fans of haiji towa (if you're still out there) meet the bottom of my car.
i am very critical of the series as a whole along with certain headcanons. chihiro is a girl, komaeda is gay and tenko is a lesbian. my critical tag is #ronpa critical or #udg critical
joking about things like incest, racism, homophobia, transphobia or character trauma gets you an instant block. be normal PLEASE. (o*ma is an occasional exception)
all of my headcanons that are considered "weird" or "don't make sense" take place in a version of the game that lives in my head. (ex: transfem mondo oowada and transmasc angie yonaga)
this being said: i don't like being called proship or anti because both sides have hurt people. however, my beliefs lean more towards anti i fucking guess.
please don't interact with me if you like or support the fanfic schrodinger's murder by @/cardboardslugs. it makes me VERY uncomfortable with the leaps it takes to prove a canon trans girl is a man.
outside of boundaries:
i'm a little freak who selfships with korekiyo (romo), junko enoshima (ex wife) and servant!nagito (mauling him/kismesis)
all of the warriors of hope are my blorbos. i love them. they are found family with their weird dad (izuru) and genderfuck guardian (servant)
@catboymoments is my favorite little guy along with @thefloralpeach !! ily both mwah
dr3 hope and despair arc both never happened don't try to convince me otherwise. it's bad writing scoob.
kodaka owes me copays on my therapy
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