#quite nervous about publishing something after so much time
neiptune · 2 years
'tis the damn season
❄️ eren x female reader
❄️ older brother's best friend trope
wc: over 5k
warnings: mentions of alcohol
a/n: it's been a while & literally can't believe i ended up writing for this maniac but it's december and i become weird around the holidays. enjoy!
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It was almost Christmas, the first time he had shown up at your house.
You vividly remember each detail of that day: the smell of the gingerbread cookies you were baking with your parents, Tequila, your dog, running to the door as soon as it had flung open, nails impatiently scratching the parquet floors, paired with joyful barks that signaled your older brother’s long awaited return. Your mom’s puzzled face, as she was not expecting Armin to bring someone over with him, confusion quickly replaced by a warm smile as the his flight was cancelled due to a snow storm and he would’ve been the only one staying at our dorm for the holidays explanations were gently offered while taking coats off and hanging burgundy scarves on hooks.
“No need to make a fuss, he’s welcome to spend the holidays with us. Is this the infamous Eren?”, your mom smiled again as she cleaned her flour covered hands on her apron.
As you went to hug your brother, you were only able to catch a glimpse of the smile the stranger next to him offered to your parents.
“Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry to barge in like this, Armin insisted–”
“Please, it’s Anna. And this is Conrad. We’re happy to have you here, why don’t you boys leave those bags and come sit with us? I’ll make some tea”
“Missed you”, you murmured into the collar of Armins’ sweater, and he lightly chuckled while gently rubbing your back.
“Missed you too. Let me see”, he pulled away from the hug and creases of fake concentration formed between his eyebrows, “definitely taller. And have you cut your hair?”
You rolled your eyes, fond and relieved smile stretching your chapped lips. He still noticed everything, the time spent apart since he had started going to college hadn’t changed that.
“Yeah, Jean preferred it longer, so...”
“I like the purple tips”, his voice was so morbid you couldn’t properly focus on your brother’s laugh.
The stranger was smiling, he seemed a little embarrassed still, as if he felt out of place in such a warm family reunion. It was weird of him, you thought, cause he looked perfectly in place while fondly scratching behind Tequila’s ears, eyes dangerously limpid and oddly familiar, though they definitely looked better in person than in the pictures you saw on Armin’s instagram account.
“Thanks”, you replied, painfully aware of how pathetically thin your voice had come out.
“I’m Eren”, the stranger offered a hand, warm as it enveloped yours while some stubborn snowflakes had finally began to melt in his brown locks.
“It’s so nice to finally meet Armin’s little sister. He never shuts up about you”
Your nose scrunched up in slight annoyance, cause you hated whenever his friends addressed you as his little sister. They were sophomores and you were basically done with high school, you weren’t that much younger anymore.
“He never shuts up about you either”, you retorted, letting go of his hand first and shooting your brother an amused look as he jokingly bumped his shoulder into yours.
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What was soon to become a devastating crush had begun during that first holiday season, with Eren being around almost all day and insisting to help in the kitchen, participating in your traditional board game nights, Eren who had been thoughtful enough to bring both your parents a gift to unwrap on Christmas morning—a cashmere sweater for your mom, a Fleetwood Mac vinyl for your dad—Eren who had the warmest, brightest smile whenever you two engaged in heated discussions concerning music, movies or classes. He seemed to like talking to you, was always interested enough to ask questions, had Armin rolling his eyes when his cheeks would get dusted with pink each time you disagreed over something “essential” and he felt the responsibility to change your mind or, as he would usually put it, help you acquire the correct opinion.
You saw him again the following summer, shortly after you had graduated and were almost accustomed to the idea of soon moving across the country to begin your college adventure. His family situation was a bit messed up, with his parents getting a divorce and everything, so Armin had invited him to stay over for a few weeks. He was there when you would leave the house in short skirts and heels to attend alcohol fueled parties, almost always still awake and watching tv whenever you snuck back in the middle of the night, not once sober and shoes in your hand, shaking his head with an amused smile when you would bring your finger to your mouth and whisper a way too loud shhhh.
He was there when your stupidly loud friends would come over to pick you up for beach days, Tequila resting in his lap as he played video games with Armin, apparently deaf to Sasha asking you who the dream boat parked on your couch was.
He was also there to help you move into your dorm, him and Armin carrying boxes, comforter, blankets, a fan, sheets, books and even a printer up and down the stairs. Trost: same town, different college. Your parents were happy about you not having to be completely on your own as soon as you had moved out, and your brother wasn’t one to get annoyed by his younger sister living so close to him. Armin was genuinely happy he could be there for you and was determined to provide help, support, coffees dates and exploration routes to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
The only time you were alone with Eren for a consistent amount of time was when him and your brother were supposed to meet you at the movies, but Armin’s girlfriend ended up going through some sudden food poisoning and he didn’t want to leave her alone. You liked Annie, she was incredibly different from your brother but their characters balanced each other surprisingly well. She reminded you of Eren so much you often wondered if the two were friends. Stubborn, witty, stupidly good looking, popular as hell.
You thought something special was finally going to happen, as you sat so close to him you could smell the leather of his jacket and the amberwood of his cologne. Your heart was beating so fast it was impossible to focus throughout the entirety of the movie and when he offered to grab dinner in a taco place he often enjoyed going to with his friends, you couldn’t control the sweat covering your palms. That was until the most gorgeous girl you had ever laid eyes on suddenly came out of a shop and smiled, excitedly calling him and waving.
It was excruciating, really, watching him wrap his arms around her.
“This is y/n, she’s Armin’s sister. We were just about to go grab something to eat, why don’t you come along?”, he had never sounded sweeter.
You cleared your throat.
“Actually, I think I’m gonna go. My first class tomorrow starts quite early”
Eren tilted his head, confusion coating his emerald gaze.
“But you didn’t eat anything”
“Yeah, not really hungry. I’ll see you around”
You didn’t want to learn her name or acknowledge the amused look on her face. In about 30 seconds she was able to grasp something Eren hadn’t been able to get in almost three years.
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His mom was out of town when he threw himself a birthday party during spring break the following year. Annie and Armin were still going strong and were a joy to be around, you and Floch not so much. Your brother disliked him and didn’t exactly make a secret of it. Still, you were determined to bring him with you, just in case the glorious Mikasa would be there as well.
She wasn’t. And Eren was so different from his usual self, that night. Some of your friends from college knew him, one of them even claiming to have actually slept with him, and the general opinion was unanimous: self absorbed asshole. A definition that was so far from the person you had come to know.
That night, however, proved your friends right. Eren was drunk, and rude, and mocking. Especially towards you. When you first arrived, kissed him on the cheek and gave him his gift (two tickets to a Blink-182 concert) he didn’t know what to say. He let out an incredulous snort and gave you a hug, your heart still stubbornly skipping several beats at the sudden, unexpected proximity. Then, he let go and Floch’s hand was on your waist as he wished him a happy birthday, man. Eren smiled thanking him, gave you one last glance before busying himself with taking care of his incredibly numerous guests.
He got wasted so quickly and you got so worried, cause he could barely stand and still hadn’t had the chance to cut the cake, you asked Armin to check on him.
“He was making out with Christa less than a minute ago, he’ll be fine”, he had muttered in his cup, a little tipsy himself.
“He emptied three cups of champagne in one go”
And he’s being an ass.
“Nothing unusual there”
“Where even is he?”
“Why don’t you go look for him?”, Annie proposed with a wink that, thank fuck, Armin absolutely missed. You shot her a glare and she defensively raised her palms.
“I’m just sayin’, he didn’t look great. Think I saw him go upstairs”
You took one final sip from the red cup in your hand and got up, scanning the room to locate Floch. He was chatting with another one of Armin’s friends, Connie, too busy in conversation to pay attention to you.
Making your way across the room, through the bodies of several equally drunk guests and up the stairs, you found yourself roaming through rooms you had never seen, timidly knocking on doors and waiting for a reply that didn’t come. The bathroom was your last resort and sure enough there he was, barely able to stand against the sink, a few strands of hair having escaped his bun, hands uncovering his face as soon as you peered through the door.
“Can I come in?”, you asked softly, too worried to be your usual nervous self at that point.
A nod was all you got and you quietly closed the door behind you, taking a hesitant step forward.
“You okay? I think you should drink some water”
“I think you should mind your business”, the words came out slurred but they didn’t sting any less.
“Fair enough”, you tried to crack a smile, “what’s all this about? Bad breakup?”
But Eren wasn’t Eren, so he wasn’t up for jokes. He was annoyed, and unpleasant, and clearly unhappy that you were around.
“What’s all that about?”, he asked, gaze flickering from your face to your shorter-than-usual dress.
“What do you mean?”, your voice came out as thin as it did the first day you had met him.
He uncrossed his arms and moved forward, his tall figure towering yours despite the heels. You could smell the alcohol in his breath from miles.
“Whose attention do you need? You’re here with your boyfriend, aren’t you?”
“Eren, you’re wasted”
So drink the goddamn water.
“I’m used to wasting”, he irrationally mumbled, gaze suddenly turning pensive as his fingers reached to grab tips of your hair, head slightly tilted to the side.
“You cut it again”, the observation shouldn’t have made your ears ring, blood pressure probably skyrocketing through the roof. It was unfair, the power he still held over you.
“I like it”, he almost whispered, gaze suddenly reflecting yours. A weird and not entirely uncomfortable silence settled between you two, your hair still in his hand, your heart basically trying to free itself from your ribcage.
I like you, you wanted to retort. It’s desperate how much I like you, really. But Eren’s features finally relaxed and he flashed you a gentle, familiar smile, the warmth radiating from his hand leaving your cheek suddenly cold as he patted your head.
“Thanks for checking on me. Let’s head back”
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It’s your last year in college, the last opportunity to act and live as if you’re not supposed to soon become a functional adult, something you have a real hard time identifying with. You hold on tight to the familiarity of what you’re feeling traveling home for the holidays: excitement, nostalgia, sadness. Each time you come back you can’t help but notice tiny changes, small details that are suddenly out of place and remind you of the fact that you’re growing apart from what you have always known: your town, your parents, your house, even your room. Tequila is so much older now, your mom hardly dyes her hair anymore, your dad isn’t able to care for the garden as much, your favorite mug is nowhere to be found, there’s a new couch in the living room.
For once, Armin is home before you. He’s still in college, as an assistant professor, Annie has moved in with him and will arrive in a couple days, after your parents had insisted for months that she spent at least one Christmas with them.
The house smells like ginger and the freshly ignited logs in the fireplace give the environment that familiar warmth whose absence you can’t seem to get used to. It feels good, having a place to come back to. Having your brother instantly envelop you in his affectionate hug, witnessing the fondness in your dad’s gaze as he jokingly ruffles your hair and then kisses your forehead, a barely audible missed you, kid, mumbled with Armin’s arms still around you.
“It’s good to be home”, you smile, cheeks still cold from the ungodly weather you had to walk in after getting off the bus, cause you're still not interested in getting a driver’s license.
“Welcome back”, you haven’t heard his voice in so long and yet, it still sounds familiar. Perfectly in place, too. Like it belongs there, in your living room, right before Christmas. Warmth blossoms in your chest when you see him, arms crossed, gracefully resting against the door frame. He’s wearing a white, chunky sweater and his usual black jeans, he’s smiling and you have to resist the urge to go hug him as well.
“Hey, ‘Ren”, you resort to a simple greeting while you take off your boots, absentmindedly asking “spending the holidays with us this year?”
“Eren was nice enough to come say goodbye”, your mom sighs, putting her hands on his shoulders with an expression of both affection and gloom taking over her features.
And just like that, you stop. One boot removed, the other just unzipped.
“What?”, maybe you should be more attentive, camouflage the panic distorting your voice, but there’s no time left for such nonsense apparently. Goodbye.
“I’m moving to my dad’s”, his eyes haven’t left yours ever since he entered the room.
Blinking in confusion, lips parted, you just stare back. Armin clears his throat.
“He lives overseas”, your brother explains in a soft voice, sympathy evident in his eyes as he looks at you.
The ringing in your eyes becomes louder and louder, time freezing as the fire continues to crackle and Tequila’s paws on your thighs demand your attention.
You’d like to say something, ask questions. Something along the lines of are you fucking insane? or this is fucking ridiculous.
“I leave tomorrow. Wanted to thank you all for the kindness and hospitality you’ve let me abuse throughout the years”, he attempts another smile, one less convincing than the previous, eyes leaving yours to shortly focus on your parents.
“Nonsense. You’re like a second son to us”, your dad puts an arm around his shoulders and your mom gently removes a strand of his hair from his face, securing it behind his ear.
“And we expect you to visit, from time to time”
“Thank you, Conrad, Anne”, he gently squeezes your dad’s shoulder, in the same way Armin is squeezing yours.
You break your trance and abruptly bend over to put the removed boot on again, zipping the other one up and turning around in a swift motion to grab Tequila’s leash.
“That’s great”, you mumble, busy securing the leash on your very much now excited Barbado da Terceira.
“Honey, we just walked her—”
“It’s okay, mom, I felt like taking a stroll before dinner anyway”, you smile, intentionally avoiding the one gaze you don’t want to capture. Why would you need to, anyway? It’s already carved in your mind, skin, bones and all. You know every nuance of those eyes.
“It’s snowing”, Eren observes, but you barely acknowledge it by pulling the hood of your coat up.
“Can I come?”, Armin whispers in your ear while pretending to fix the hood for you. A nod is all you have the energy to give as a response.
He’s quiet as he walks with you, patient and considerate as always, never pushing your boundaries. But you don’t know what to say, even if you know he knows by now, cause how could he not? He has always been able to read you so well, ever since you were kids. And, frankly, you practically never found it in yourself to lie to Armin. First, it would’ve been pointless. Second, you would’ve felt like a dumb idiot, cause he’s the one person in your life who has always been there, no matter what. Which doesn’t mean that he’s always been indulgent.
You’ve had your fights, his integrity sometimes exasperating you: whenever he would tell you he was disappointed by some shit you had pulled, you would tell him you were, by contrast, absolutely delighted by the 40 inches long stick residing up his ass.
Very mature, he would mutter. But then he wouldn’t even give you enough time to feel guilty and reach out to make up, cause he was always, always the first one to plop next to you on the couch, or at the end of your bed, a soft wanna talk about it? rolling off his tongue.
“I’m sorry”, you mutter, eyes on your boots as they march through the soft snow, Tequila’s tail wagging happily in front of you.
“For what?”, your brother asks, not looking at you either. He knows it makes it easier.
“I’m overreacting”
“You’re taking a walk”
“You know what I mean”
Armin stays silent for a few seconds, then shoves his hands in the pockets of his olive green parka.
“Do you love him?”
You almost choke on your own spit and are forced to an abrupt stop, finally turning to look at him.
“No. Of course not. It’s a stupid crush and it’s gonna go away”
Your brother sighs at how defensive you get. You still did that, whenever he happened to be right. Whether you were aware of it or not.
“Since when?”, he asks, one eyebrow quirked skeptically.
You nervously shift your weight from one leg to the other.
“Doesn’t matter”
“Matters to me”
“You’re in pain”, his voice is gentle, coated with concern, which is almost, almost enough to make you burst into tears on the spot.
“Don’t use such big words. I’m just a little sad, s’all”, your pathetic attempts at dissimulating are not working one bit, but you’ve always been the stubborn one. He sighs again.
“I’m sorry I brought him. He just really wanted to say goodbye, thank mom and dad”
You faintly kick a bit of snow with the tip of your shoe.
“This is a me problem, not anyone else’s. You can bring him whenever you want, he’s your best friend”
“And you’re my little sister”
You roll your eyes but he doesn’t give you the chance to convey a sarcastic remark as he pulls you in for another hug, one hand resting on the nape of your neck. Defeated, you nuzzle against his shoulder and let out a shaky breath.
God, how did he manage to always make you cry on him? Endless breakups, failed classes, finished friendships, the unquantifiable amount of sorrow wetting his hoodies, coats and shirts throughout the years weighing on you. And for once, you truly feel little. Young, immature, so inexperienced you don’t have the means to explain the sorrow your heart is getting wrecked by.
I am your little sister, you internally scream as his grip around you tightens. I am so glad I still get to be your little sister.
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According to your phone screen, it’s 3am. According to your body, it may as well be the middle of the damn afternoon cause you had failed to get a single ounce of sleep ever since you had excused yourself from what you were dramatic enough to mentally address as the last supper, went to bed and blasted your best punk rock playlist through your headphones.
Turning and tossing and turning some more ended up unnerving you to the point you snorted, kicked your covers away and got up. Which is exactly how you ended up tiptoeing downstairs, letting out a sigh of relief as you finally reached the living room without waking up the two lightest sleepers of the family: Armin and Tequila.
Both the tv and the Christmas tree lights are on, which is both odd and unacceptable, given your phobia of house fires.
“I always tell you not to leave this thing on”, you mumble under your breath, cursing your brother while trying to reach the socket behind the tree without making too much noise.
“You always tell me what?”
With some luck, the ungodly yelp you let out hasn’t reached the three people and the one dog snoring upstairs. Of course you panic, lose your balance and end up on your ass while simultaneously knocking over three to four decorations, a silver angel rolling all the way over to a pair of dark blue socks.
Shocked and panting, you bring a hand to your chest.
“Fuckin’— christ! You scared the shit out of me!”
Eren is trying so hard not to laugh he only manages to infuriate you more as he moves the glass of water to his left hand to offer you the other one.
You get up on your own—not without some difficulty—and shoot him a glare.
“What are you even doing up? It’s the middle of the night! And don’t you know that the cause of one in every four home Christmas tree fires stems from electrical problems? It has been reported by the NFPA!”
He watches as you bend down to pick up each fallen decoration and hang it once again, creases of indignation comically settling on your forehead.
“I’ll turn it off when I go to sleep, I promise. Let me have it just for a little while longer”
The softness in his tone catches you off guard and you suspiciously eye him as he sits on the couch, glass held with both hands, elbows resting on his knees. You hate the way he looks at you, the way he’s been looking at you ever since you had arrived. Like he knows, and finds it so pathetic he’s waiting for your fragile little self to just shatter right in front of him.
“Okay. I just wanted to get some water”, you lie, clearing your throat, “have a good night”, you hope it’s casual, the way you walk away. Or at least, attempt to do so.
“That’s it then?”, he calls after you, voice way too loud that causes you to instantly turn around.
“Keep it down!”, you hiss.
“Make me”
You stare, in utter disbelief. He’s teasing you? No, worse, he’s making fun of you? By what right, exactly?
“What do you want, Eren? I don’t have time for whatever this is”, still, you angrily march back and stand (figuratively) tall in front of his sitting figure. A figure that leaves his glass on the coffee table and gets up, eyes glistening with something you can’t quite pinpoint.
“What do you think this is?”, his voice is low this time, barely audible even, a tone in sharp contrast with his hardening features.
“I don’t know, you sleepwalking, almost starting a fire and then wanting to pick a fight?”, it sounds every bit as ridiculous and childish as you thought it would sound but you’re honestly done giving a shit.
Eren almost, almost bursts out laughing. He thinks you’re exasperating. He thinks you’re so goddamn similar to your brother. He thinks you’re a menace. He thinks he wants to kiss you.
“My God,” he whispers, nonchalantly brushing a strand of hair from your face, cracking a smile as he hears the distinct hitch of breath. “You’re so fucking dense”
“I’m not... I’m not dense”, you breathe out, far too appalled to collect your thoughts.
“You’re as dense as a brick, y/n”
He bends enough for his lips to graze yours, it’s not even a kiss, it’s more of a touch. A brush against. When he pulls back, the hand he was resting on the side of your neck rises up to your cheek, thumb stroking your parted lips.
“Dry as always”, he mutters. And it’s enough for you to take a sudden step back, eyes filling with tears of rage and outrage and humiliation.
“What the fuck? What was that? What do you think you’re doing?”, you snap, hands covering your mouth, eyes wide and shock vibrating throughout your body.
Eren isn’t one to panic, but this time he does. He doesn’t know what to say, equally stunned, scared even.
“I’m not gonna do it”, you frantically shake your head, bitter smile stretching your lips, “I’m not gonna be your little impulsive gesture right before you move across the fucking ocean. I never believed anyone who told me how much of an asshole you are, turns out I was very fucking wrong”
He blinks one time, two times, three times. Then it dawns on him and, once again, he has to suppress an incredulous laugh.
“Impulsive. You think that was impulsive”, words roll off his tongue almost mockingly, which only infuriates you more.
“Do you feel sorry for your best friend’s pathetic little sister? No, you’re looking for a final excitement, one last rush. Of course. Why the fuck else would you do it? God, don’t you feel even the slightest hint of sha—”, venom infused words are abruptly cut off from his thumb, once again on your lips, pressing just a little harder. How did he close the distance between you two so quickly?
“Can you shut up for three whole seconds and let me talk?”, as opposed to the words, his tone is actually gentle. Maybe it’s because, despite the darkness, he has noticed the tears glistening in your eyes.
You comply, too focused on stopping them from rolling down your cheeks in what would result in becoming one of the most humiliating moments in all of recorded history. Well, your history anyway.
Eren sighs while holding your face. He looks upset, perhaps mad, certainly conflicted.
“If you think”, he begins, voice dangerously hoarse, “I would play some sort of fucked up game with you of all people, you’re a goddamn idiot”
You quietly search for any signs of deception in his stare, only to find nothing but genuine concern and overwhelming honesty.
“You’re Armin’s sister. I wouldn’t dream of touching you. I couldn’t even think of—”, he takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes for a moment, “but you just were always fucking there. Always the brightest, funniest, kindest person in every room. With a crush on me, to make matters very fucking worse”
Maybe this was going to become one of the most humiliating moments in all of your recorded history, after all. You try to take a step back again but his grip grows tighter,
“And I enjoyed it, alright? The idea of someone like you, being into someone not nearly as smart nor selfless. If it would’ve been anyone else, I wouldn’t have wasted a second. But having been lucky enough to score both Armin and you in my life and risking to fuck it all up? Not even I am that stupid”
You gently remove his thumb from your lips.
“Why do it now, then? You’re leaving. You’re telling me all this and you’re leaving”, you fail to keep your voice steady and he sighs.
“I can’t do it if you don’t ask me”
“Do what?”
You smile a stunned smile.
“You want me to ask you to stay? Are you fucking kidding me?”
But he isn’t. It’s shocking, how much he isn’t.
“Don’t you understand? I need you to tell me. Put me out of my misery, please, just tell me”
You want to call him a coward so bad. You want to think he’s this pathetic, whiny person who can’t stand up for his feelings, someone that has been hiding behind some unnecessary, ridiculous hesitation. But you know him. You know he’s been looking after you for years, in his own, stupid way. He knew, probably from day one he knew, and has never made you feel lame about it, has never taken advantage of that juvenile adoration. Could you describe someone like that as pathetic? Could you even believe he wanted to kiss you just as much as you’ve been dying to kiss him for what felt like geological eras?
“Eren”, you mumble his name carefully, hands shaky and certainly way too cold to be pleasant rising up to rest on both sides of his neck. You hold him level in your gaze and take a moment to notice how pretty he looks, with green, red and yellow lights brightening his face at regular intervals. “I know you’re technically older than me but I swear if you get on that plane, I’ll kick your ass”, you ignore the flush creeping up your throat and give neither of you the time to even crack a smile as you slot your mouth to his. And if it isn’t the best, most satisfying feeling in the world to have his palms flatten against your back, pressing you firmly against him but still not hard enough, you decide, as your arms wrap around his neck.
If you had enough air left in your lungs, you would probably throw your head back in laughter for the joy of his hesitation disappearing into thin air as the tip of his tongue teases against your own. He drags you with him as he clumsily walks backwards towards the couch, a chuckle escaping your lips at last as you ungracefully straddle him and bump your head against his in the process.
“Should this feel wrong?”, he pants, your hands anticipating his to brush some hair back from his face. The pressure from his fingers on your hips feels blissful.
“Does it?”, you ask, leaning forward to start tracing his neck with soft, explorative kisses that earn a soft groan.
“Not one bit”, he rasps, one of his hands leaving your hip to sneak up under the fabric of the old sweatshirt you usually sleep in, causing goosebumps to blossom on your feverish skin. You smile against the flesh of his neck, gently sucking right where his fluttering pulse resides. Another low groan vibrates against your lips and you feel one hand on your cheek, gently pulling you away just enough for a half-lidded gaze to find yours.
“Behave”, he warns quietly and you have to suppress a chuckle.
“Kiss me?”, the request comes out sheepishly, because that look in his eyes makes you feel vulnerable, wide open in front of him, with nowhere to hide anymore. And as much as you know you’re an adult who’s doing nothing wrong, nothing to be ashamed of because the person underneath you seems to want you just as much as you want him, Eren is still Eren. And you still feel like a kid, a younger, awkward sibling.
But then he turns his head to the side, just enough to take one of your fingers in his mouth and gently suck on it. The simple gesture sends shock waves through your entire body.
“Ask again. Without overthinking”, he mutters before slowly nibbling at your fingertip, the hand under your sweatshirt lightly stroking your skin.
“Kiss me”, you breathe out and his hand rises all the way up to your ribs, the other skillfully closing around your throat to bring you close as his lips press softly to yours. His kiss is sweet and yet deep, needy. He kisses you until his lungs start burning from the lack of oxygen, but even as he takes a second to catch his breath he refuses to let you go, your laboured exhales burning on his lips, glossy with spit.
“You’re not gonna leave, are you?”, the question comes out in a whisper and Eren lets out an airy chuckle, forehead suddenly resting on your collarbone as he tries his best to be quiet. Cause there he was, struggling to keep himself from devouring you on the same couch where he had watched a Christmas movie with your family just hours prior, and there you were, still asking dumb questions. He wants to wonder how oblivious a person can truly be but would it make sense, honestly? With Armin being his best friend? He’s had plenty of experience already with unawareness and guillibility, it’s just his luck that he now has to double it.
So Eren sighs, pushing back some hair from your face, marveling at how much he misses your lips on his already.
“I wouldn’t want to get my ass kicked”
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seungrem · 5 months
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lee felix x m!reader
‘Work Husband’ ~*+
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summary: Transitioning into a new department can be tough. Luckily, male!reader’s new boss pairs him and Felix together- the two almost immediately having great chemistry. Work-relationships almost always develop into something more, right?
( overview: office AU, soft-top!felix since u guys want it so bad, bottom!reader, smut obviously, protection and all of that, bj + anal, discreet/hidden but in office )
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emoji theme:
🪐 ( office AU )
+❄️ ( +18, mdni )
🌱 ( short fic, oneshot - barely 1k words )
☁️ ( = y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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“Welcome. It’s a pleasure to have you join us here.. and I’m sorry about your former office.”
A large wooden desk with a few tan files sat inbetween ☁️ and his new boss. Shedding beams into the room, the sun’s golden rays illuminated the frosted glass surrounding the two. ☁️ shook his head lightly, him then smiling at the older woman.
“It’s no problem. As long as this department isn’t anything like the other, this’ll feel like a promotion.” ☁️ brushed his hand against his navy blue sweater and sighed. “Thank you for having me.”
“Like you said, this is kind of like a promotion. I expect great things from you.” The boss stood up as a soft knock erupted from outside of the office. A man with long-ish blonde hair walked in and smiled- first at the boss, and then to ☁️.
“This is who you’ll be assisting. Felix will give you written pieces and ask for revisions until he sees that it’s fit to be published. Unfortunately, we are short staffed by choice, so the work load will be a lot. Please keep up with the given tasks and their deadlines. Felix?”
☁️ turned his head back to the man.
“Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Lee Felix and I’ll be taking care of you. I look forward to working with you.”
☁️ simply smiled and spoke a shy “hello,” as he stood up. “I’m ☁️, it’s nice to meet you as well.” He then thanked the boss for her time and followed Felix out of the room.
“Behave, Felix!” The boss shouted as ☁️ stepped out of the room behind the man. He followed Felix down the left side of the large room, stopping at a set of cubicles that sat against a wall of windows. Started from the floor and touching the ceiling, the view displayed a bustling city. The cubicle was light gray and quite large, with a grey laptop located on the desk inside. Felix walked in and pulled out the large cushioned chair, and looked around awkwardly.
“So.. this is where you’ll be spending a majority of your day. Since it’s so spacious there’s only two cubicles located against the wall on this side of the room. My area is directly in front of yours.” He pointed over the cubicle wall. “If you ever need anything, please just walk over or.. just look over it. Sound good?” Felix explained, his voice soft yet sonorous.
☁️ nodded and smiled bashfully. Felix was remarkably good-looking, which was unusual for an office setting such as this one. The man was pretty much ☁️’s type, too, making him even more nervous than he already was.
“Yes. Thank you, Felix.”
Felix smiled and nodded to the man before leaning against the cubicle’s entrance. He dug his hands beside his white button-up and down into his black pant’s pockets, waiting for ☁️ to sit down before responding.
“Of course. I’ll let you get used to the office before I ask you to do work.”
☁️ acknowledged what he said by nodding and smiling.
After Felix left, ☁️ opened the new computer and typed in his passcode information. For some reason, the office wifi wouldn’t connect, though. After trying for another minute, he stood up and peered over the wall to see a sitting felix.
“Felix?” ☁️ asked, his nose just barely peaking over the wall. Felix smiled and stood up to look over the wall as well.
“What’s up, love?” He asked, placing a hand on the edge to support his weight. ☁️ was initially taken aback by the pet name, but ultimately didn’t mind.
“I can’t get onto the wifi for some reason. Is there a different one that you use?”
“Oh yeah, sorry about that. I guess our tech guy forgot to set that up for you. Jisung always forgets.”
☁️ watched a Felix closed his computer and then made his way back over to his cubicle. As a result, the man sat back down and perked his back up to fixed his posture. Felix strolled in after a few seconds and leaned into ☁️’s computer, his body softly brushing against the man’s shoulder. ☁️ couldn’t take his eyes off of Felix’s side profile as he typed into the computer.
“All right, you’re all set.” He cooed, brushing against ☁️ once again. As Felix was about to leave the cubicle, ☁️ shot up and grabbed his hand. Surprised, he stopped and turned around, still holding ☁️’s hand.
“Sorry if this is weird to ask, but..” ☁️ paused and tilted his head. “Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Oh, no.. not really my type if you know what I mean..”
“Oh okay.. then do you have a significant other- or something?” ☁️ asked.
“No,” Felix smiled and tightened his grip on ☁️’s hand. “but I think I kinda have a crush.”
☁️ knew exactly what he meant and mentally blushed. “Same here. Maybe we could go out sometime?”
“For sure. What’d you have in mind?”
“Would you wanna.. come to my place?”
Felix looked to the side, and then back to ☁️. “We don’t have to wait. Here, follow me.” He said, leading ☁️ into a storage room a few feet away from their work areas. Though the lights were extremely dim as the two hurried in, ☁️ could see the many drawers, bulletin boards, and spare furniture. Felix lightly closed the frosted door and somehow locked it from the inside, him then turning his attention to ☁️. He grabbed ☁️’s hands and held them in his own.
“Do you mind?” Felix asked as he raised one of the man’s hands to his mouth, kissing it. ☁️ shook his head and wrapped his arms around Felix’s neck, Felix reacting by guiding ☁️’s back into the wall behind him. ☁️ pushed Felix’s head forward, allowing the man’s lips to meet his own. Felix’s hands ran down ☁️’s torso, then settling on his hips as ☁️ began french kissing. Felix’s grip on the man’s waist tightened the deeper they kissed, with Felix’s bulge now rubbing against ☁️’s. A few seconds later, Felix pulled away from ☁️- strands of his blonde hair having fallen over his eyes.
“Come over here.” Felix instructed, using a hand to drag ☁️’s wrist over to a small table sitting against the wall. Felix gently pushed ☁️’s shoulder down as he leaned back on the table, leaving ☁️ to fall onto his knees. With a growing bulge right in front of his face, it was only natural for ☁️ to begin unbuttoning the man’s pants.
“Ah.. you’re excited, aren’t you?” Felix teased, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. He ran a finger through ☁️’s hair as the man exposed his dick print, ☁️ then pulling the pants down to Felix’s ankles. Felix began unbuttoning his white top as ☁️ stroked the man’s boner through his gray underwear.
“Can I take it out?” ☁️ asked, continuing to caress it. Felix finished unbuttoning his top, displaying sculpted abs much to ☁️’s liking.
“Go ahead.”
☁️ slowly pulled the man’s underwear down, not anticipating getting smacked by his length.
“Oh, sorry.” Felix laughed. ☁️ rolled his eyes and smiled, him then beginning to stroke Felix’s cock, the man softly whimpering as he did so. ☁️ grinned at the reaction, placing Felix’s dick inside of his mouth and slowly throating it. He leisurely bobbed his head up and down as Felix threw his head back, practically moaning out now.
After a few seconds of steady swallowing, Felix quickly grabbed ☁️’s head and yanked it back. His dick fell out of the man’s mouth dripping in saliva.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to finish yet.” Felix said, kneeling down to match ☁️’s eye level. “Can I get some of this too?” He whispered as he got closer to ☁️, him then reaching behind the man and squeezing his ass.
“Oh, do you have a condom?”
Felix reached behind him and magically pulled out a wrapped condom and a tiny bottle.
“Of course.”
☁️ furrowed his eyebrows and muttered an “alright.” as he followed Felix’s action of standing up. Felix’s skinny dick was still hard and poking out in front of him. Pulling his own pants and underwear off with quickness, ☁️ placed a hand on Felix’s chest.
“You can sit or lay on the table if you’d like, or you can-”
“You should let me do the work.” ☁️ murmured, softly pushing Felix back. Felix smiled and nodded, sliding back to sit on the table. He rolled the condom over his dick as ☁️ climbed on top of him, the man placing his knees beside each of Felix’s thighs. Waiting for him to pour the liquid onto his dick, ☁️ wrapped an arm around Felix’s neck- the man’s chest inches from Felix’s face.
“Alright, go ahead.” Felix muttered, placing his hands on ☁️’s waist and guiding the man down onto his cock. As his pink tip slipped in, ☁️ moaned out and tightened his grip around Felix’s neck.
☁️ now sat entirely on Felix’s dick, moaning softly as he took his time to undulate on it. The two huffed and whimpered as ☁️ began moving steadily on Felix’s dick, with ☁️’s chest still inches from the man’s mouth.
“That’s good.” Felix whispered, his eyebrows furrowed and his ajar lips producing silent moans. ☁️ felt Felix’s lips on his nipple a second later, him sucking and licking as the man bounced. ☁️ sped his undulating form up as Felix moved his hands down to ☁️‘s ass. Guiding him up and down even faster, ☁️ quickly became overstimulated. His knees buckled and he fell into Felix, who pulled away from the man’s nipple and placed his chin into ☁️’s neck.
“Can you keep going?” Felix hummed into ☁️’s ear, rubbing up and down his waist as he waited for an answer. After another few seconds, ☁️ pulled away from Felix and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Yeah, you can keep going.”
Felix nodded, pulling ☁️ into him and wrapping both of his arms around ☁️’s waist. As Felix began thrusting softly into him, the man wrapped both arms around Felix’s neck. Felix grunted as his thrusts picked up in speed, filling the room with the sounds of clapping and ☁️’s whimpers. Both of their moans hummed in each other’s ears, pushing the two to the brink of finishing.
Felix continued shoving the man onto his dick despite feeling ☁️’s knees buckle for a second time. As ☁️ felt his leaking dick brush against Felix’s rough abs, he threw his head back and gasped. He ejaculated, painting Felix’s abs in a glistening white liquid. The man thrusting into him noticed, and became even more turned on, using all of his force to drill into ☁️.
“I-I’m cumming.” Felix gasped. After a few more seconds of harsh and sloppy thrusting, Felix forced ☁️ onto the entirety of his length, filling the boy up with his semen.
The two breathed heavily in front of each other before Felix fell back onto the table, pulling ☁️’s arm as he did so. ☁️ fell on top of him, his energy drained. The man pulled Felix’s dick out of him and slid the condom off, bringing it in front of him so that he could tie it and throw it aside.
“I would’ve lasted longer if you weren’t so cute.” Felix muttered, stroking ☁️’s arm as the two laid still.
“It’s okay, there’s always next time.”
“Yeah.. and I’ll be sure to take you out to dinner beforehand.”
☁️ chuckled at the comment, planting a kiss on Felix’s puckered lips. “I’d like that.”
“I would too, love.”
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a/n: writing smut is saurrr boring but i hope u guys like this lil top felix moment. i still think he’s cuter as a bottom lolll :,)) alsoo lowkey im desperately waiting for someone to request an indie movie plot so i can write smth cute, request awayyy!
likes, comments, & reblogs appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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eternalbuckley · 8 days
Secrets in the sheets. — helaena targaryen
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SUMMARY: You are Helaena's lady-in-waiting and in a secret relationship with her. You had been in love with each other and realised your feelings over the time. After a feast with her family, you decide to take care of her but it ends up with her being between your legs. — check out the request
word count: 3,327
genre: smut with plot | afab!reader, queer!reader, bipoc!reader and plus-size!reader friendly
warnings/tropes: 18+ MDNI!! NSFW, cunnilingus, fingering, slight praise kink, breast/nipple play, secret relationship, mention of Y/N once, set after the death of viserys (the coronation of aegon already happened), english is not my first language, slightly proofread — if I forgot something, please let me know!
a/n: i'm quite nervous to publish this one here because it's the first time i wrote and publish anything that is focused on a lot of smut. please bear with me, i'm still trying to figure it out! but i hope you enjoy it <3 reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and highly welcomed!
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know!
18+ MDNI divider by cafekitsune
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Being the lady-in-waiting of Helaena Targaryen, the Queen, was a pleasure for you in different ways you could think about. As a noblewoman, you stayed on Helaena’s side most of the time each day. Being her company and spending time together, whether it was with her children or in the evenings after they’ve been brought to their beds. You had been a friend of hers long before she was Queen. You’ve been her official lady-in-waiting for the past three years. Helaena and you shared similar interests, and you understood them. That was something you always admired about her, even long before you were her lady-in-waiting.
You’ve even read about insects in different books, so you could talk with her about her interest in them. Something she always appreciated about you and meant a lot to her. While others didn’t really understand her interest in the insects, you went your way and took your time to read and study the topic, even if you could spend your time with other things. But what mattered as well were Helaena’s needs and what she wanted, and you were there to try to fulfil them as much as possible.
Every night, she’d want to spend time with you until she’d go to bed, sometimes, she wanted you to lay next to her so she wouldn’t have to be alone. You’d be talking about different things, mostly any insects she had in mind. Sometimes, she’d ask you about your opinion on her embroidery works while you gently combed through her hair in the evenings. Other nights, you’d stay on her side as she took a bath, helping her to wash or just keep her company. It was only the two of you since she trusted you the most. Perhaps it was because you had known her way before she had to be Queen or marry her brother. There was always a strong bond between you, which only the two of you could completely understand. There was always a deeper connection between you but neither you nor her dared to do something about it.
Since she had been crowned Queen, you grew even closer but what you wouldn’t have ever expected was to get or realise your feelings for her. Feelings you wouldn’t normally have for just a friend.
You tried to ignore the growing feelings for her. It wouldn’t work to be with her; you knew that it could be common for two women to love one another but only in the hidden. It probably couldn’t work out in the eyes of everyone else but despite this, she was married and the Queen.
The longer you tried to hold back your feelings, the harder it was to ignore them. Especially when you were in her company during her baths or helped her to dress or undress. Seeing her in her naked form, the way her soft skin felt against your fingertips. Wishing you could be more than just a friend to her. She was the one you thought about before falling asleep way too often. You thought it was wrong to think about Helaena like this, but you couldn’t stop yourself either. It was too hard to ignore and all you wished and yearned for was to be able to love her, to be with her and that she might feel the same for you.
But you weren’t the only one who was struggling. She was too. When she noticed herself thinking about you more often than usual, in ways she never thought about anyone before, she felt confused and conflicted. She thought something was wrong with her. Thinking about another woman in these ways? But why did it feel so good to think about you these ways? Every time you spoke, she wished she could save the sound of your voice in her mind forever. Helaena didn’t really like it if someone touched her body but with you, it always had been different. She never minded if she felt your hands on her skin. Even long before she realised her growing feelings for you.
She found herself longing for your touch whenever you helped her to dress or washed her back. Your hands felt perfect and right on her skin, they were soft and made her feel filled with a warmth she hadn’t felt before. She found herself often looking down at your lips as she watched you in the mirror while you fixed her hair or laced her gowns. A soft smile on your lips would bring a smile to her lips as well. The more she watched you, the more she noticed all your features she hadn’t noticed before.
Oh, what a beautiful person you were, so gentle but too far to be reached.
She was sure she could never have you; she was too afraid to ask you if you knew what these feelings could be or if you shared her feelings. She was afraid you might be disgusted by her. She was afraid you could talk to someone else about this or that you could make fun of her, even if you were her closest friend. She was afraid of possibly losing you. Deep down, she knew you wouldn’t fulfil her fears, but she still had them.
Those fears were forgotten once you asked her if you could kiss her. It was a moment of comfort, sitting close on the floor as she talked about her insects. One of the recent ones she found. You watched her in awe as she talked about her special interest with so much depth and excitement. And you didn’t mean to blurt out such a question, it was fully on accident. You tried to take it back but after Helaena nodded and lifted her head to look you into your eyes. Both of you were nervous but leaned in, slowly. Once you felt each other’s lips on each other, everything made sense suddenly. Her lips felt good on yours and they moved perfectly against each other. One of your hands held hers, as the other one laid on her cheek as if she could slip out of your hands any second. As both of you pulled away, there was a better and deeper understanding between you. You knew what you wanted. She knew what she wanted. You wanted each other, even if it might feel forbidden but it made sense. It felt right and made you two happy despite what could happen in the future.
It was a secret between you two. One you’d keep until you die.
Since your shared kiss, your somewhat secret relationship has flourished. Your days were filled with many stolen glances and subtle touches. No one seemed to suspect anything, given that you two had always been very close with each other before, which was a good thing for you two because you were able to love one another in secret. You continued to keep your formalities in front of everyone else. Calling each other by your formal names. But once you two were alone in her chamber, you would always just be Helaena and Y/N. No duties, no formalities. Just the two of you, happy in each other’s arms. It was everything you’d need.
She may have had no interest in the marriage or romantically loved her brother, but you still felt somewhat guilty for everything. You’ve been doing behind his back ever since Helaena and you dared to let it happen and see where things would take you.
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You were currently helping her to undress after a long day, which ended with a feast with her family almost an hour ago. Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor were already brought to their beds and now she was standing in front of you, her back turned to you as you slowly unlaced her gown.
Your fingers shoved her gown down to reveal her skin and smallclothes she was wearing underneath. You noticed how her body got slight goosebumps, possibly from the air hitting her exposed body. Your hands brushed over the revealed parts of her skin, which caused her to shiver even more. A smile made its way on your lips as you noticed the reaction of her body to your touch. As you made eye contact through the mirror, you noticed a glimmer of desire and need in her eyes.
“Do you wish that I kiss you, my love?” You whispered into her ear, and she nodded immediately as a reply, her lower lip slightly between her teeth. Words stuck in her throat as she saw the desire in your eyes as well. You chuckled at her reaction and were more than happy to give her what she desired.
You brushed her silver-white hair on her right shoulder while your lips found their way to her left shoulder. Leaving soft and gentle kisses on her skin. Making sure to cherish her as much as she deserved it. A slight shiver ran down her spine when you slowly pulled down her gown completely. Helaena hummed and leaned into your embrace as she often did. Your hands traced her arms up and down as you continued to kiss her shoulder. Slightly sucking on her skin but being aware not to leave any visible marks on her body. As it could cause too much attention, no matter how deeply you wished that you could be able to leave your marks on her. You always had to be careful. A shaky gasp left her lips as you sucked on her shoulder and the back of her neck. Helaena closed her eyes while you slowly removed her smallclothes to leave her standing completely naked in front of you. Your own body got aroused by her reactions to your touch and kisses.
Your hands found their way to the curves on the side of her body as you continued to kiss her, slowly making your way to her spine. Another gasp left her lips when you wrapped your arms around her and gently squeezed her breasts. She leaned into your embrace even more and turned her head slightly to face you and capture your lips in a needy and loving kiss. You kissed her back and slightly bit down on her lower lip, causing her to whimper in your mouth.
Both of you slightly opened your mouths to be able to taste each other on your tongues, causing both of you to hum into each other’s mouths. You continued to kiss each other while your hands massaged her breasts, pinching her sensitive nipples one or two times. Her skin was slowly growing hotter each second. She eventually turned around to face you and lifted her hands to undress you as well. You watched her hands in anticipation as she slid down your gown from your body and made sure to remove your smallclothes as well, leaving both of you naked.
As you both stood naked in front of each other, she leaned in to kiss you again and pushed her body against yours. Feeling each other’s warmth and soft skin caused your body to shiver. The both of you had your hands on each other as she started to push you in the direction of her bed and the kiss getting more heated between you. You felt the edge of her bed on the back of your thighs and let her push you down on the soft sheets of her bed. They smelled like her, causing your mind to drive wild immediately.
She smiled down at you as you laid across her bed and crawled on top of you, straddling your lap and started to kiss your neck after she pulled your hair away to reveal the skin of your neck. You moaned softly as you felt her sucking on your skin slightly and licked over your sensitive spot. Sometimes, you could think she knows your body better than you. She knew how to drive you crazy, only with the simplest actions. Your hands roamed over her back as she kissed down your neck to your collarbone and lower to your chest, leaving a small mark there. You closed your eyes and bit down on your lower lip as you felt her tongue gliding over one of your nipples and sucking on it.
You arched your back, “Hel, I…” You whimpered as she let go of your nipple and focused on your other one now. Causing your pulse to quicken with the building pleasure and growing wetness between your legs as she brushed over your upper body with her fingers. Always so gentle with you. You wanted more; you needed more of her. She knew that and teased you. “Please, I need you, my love,” you whispered as a shiver rolled down your spine as your gaze met hers.
She smiled and pulled away from you, parting your legs and laid down between them. Her lips curled into a smirk now as she saw how your cunt already glistened with your slick. She hummed and looked up to you. You held yourself on your elbows and watched her, eager to finally get her mouth on you. A quiet whine left your mouth as you felt her breath on your skin and her face hovered over your sensitive area. Helaena kissed the inside of your thighs and put her hands on both sides of your hips.
“So beautiful,” she whispered and teased your folds with her finger, causing you to whimper once again. In a rush of need, you bucked your hips against her hand to feel more of her, but she moved her hand away and held you down by your hips more firmly. “We have all the time tonight, my sweet girl,” she whispered against your cunt, “No need to rush.”
You nodded and sharply inhaled as she slowly dragged her fingers between your folds again, spread them slightly and eventually bent her head down to lick through them. A moan immediately left your lips as she devoured your cunt. She hummed into you as she felt and tasted your warm slick on her tongue. Her tongue found your clit and started to suck on it gently, causing you to gasp in pleasure.
“F-fuck,” you moaned as she continued to pleasure you with her mouth. Her tongue circled on your clit and both of her hands continued to hold you down by your hips to stop you from moving too much. One of your hands found its way to her forehead to tuck a strand of her hair out of her face so she could look at you better. The eye contact with her brought you closer to your release.
As she added a finger and slid into you with it, you moaned louder. You tried to keep down your sounds with a hand over your mouth, in fear a knight in front of the chamber’s door might hear what you two were doing but it only added to the pleasure you felt because of Helaena. Your legs started to twitch slightly as she added another finger and put more pressure on your clit with her tongue, aiming to bring you to your climax even faster. The sight of her between your legs was heavenly and the sounds you made were sinful. She knew you were getting closer as your arms slowly gave up and your head fell back on her bed; she felt how you were clinching around her fingers. You played with your breasts, squeezing them and had your eyes closed, almost on the edge of coming on your girlfriend’s tongue and around her fingers. The scent of her sheets caused your brain to turn into mush once again, only adding to the pleasure she brought to you.
“Don’t stop,” you begged her as she slowed down her movements for a moment. “Then look at me, my love.” She whispered, hovering with her face over your cunt and waiting for you to look back at her. You slowly opened your eyes, your face heated up and deeply exhaled as you put your weight on your elbows to look at her again. The slow movements of her fingers did not stop. “Always my good girl, aren’t you?” She smiled as she praised you, causing a moan to slip out of your mouth and leaned down to take your swollen clit into her mouth and fastened her fingers again to get you over the edge.
You started moaning again and intertwined your fingers with her hand that was still on your hips, your eyes not leaving hers as she finally brought you over the edge. She moaned into your cunt as you clenched around her fingers and eventually came on her tongue. She cleaned you up with her tongue while your head fell back against her bed again, your legs slightly shaking as she continued to slide her fingers in and out of your cunt as you came down from your climax. After a few minutes, she pulled out her fingers and left a soft kiss over your clit, you slightly whimpered but had a smile on your lips from the pleasure you just felt. Helaena hummed as she held your gaze and licked her fingers clean. She crawled up to you, laid down next to you and captured your lips in a gentle kiss; you softly moaned into her mouth as you tasted yourself on her tongue.
“You did so well for me, my angel,” she whispered and kissed your sweaty forehead. Your smile widened and melted into her embrace. You sighed in happiness and kissed her collarbone while she gently traced the side of your body with her fingers that weren’t inside you a few moments ago.
You slowly sat up and pushed her down against her sheets and continued to kiss her from her collarbone down to her cunt. Your hands gently touched her breasts, and she let out a soft sigh after you slightly pinched her nipples before your hands wandered over the rest of her body, worshipping her. She already had her legs parted as your face hovered over her glistening heat. You bit down on your lower lip, moved your hands on either side of her thighs and kissed them gently. You told her how pretty she was and how much you loved her, she smiled down at you and caressed your cheek as she raised her upper body for a moment.
“And I love you, my angel,” she whispered in response. There was a short moment of comfortable silence between you as you watched each other in awe before you told her to lie down. It was your turn to pleasure your secret girlfriend now and show her how much you loved her.
Even if you both knew how much you admired each other, every night you were together was a new added layer to your relationship. It might have to happen in secret but both of you were happy with each other. The yearning you feel for each other throughout the day could be painful, but it was bearable, knowing you could spend your day together without anyone questioning how close you seemed to be at certain points. You were her lady-in-waiting, and no one would question why you only you were the only one she’d let her dress or undress. No one questioned why she only wanted you to be there. Ever since you’ve been officially her lady-in-waiting, you were the only one she’d let so close to her. Especially for any intimate tasks. But even simple ones as doing her hair, she only wanted you to do it. As you were the only one, she wanted to be close to her. The people around you admired how close the two of you were, completely unaware of what you were doing behind closed doors. The love the two of you shared kept both of you happy, that’s what mattered the most.
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cherry-holmes · 1 year
Happy birthday, Javi | Javier Peña x F!reader❤️‍🔥
‘Glimpse of a life with Javier Peña'
Chapter 8
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Summary: It’s Javi’s birthday and you want to gift him something he has been wishing for a while: you.
Previous chapter
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female reader
Word count: +4k
Warnings: Established relationship. SMUT. Soft porn with a lot of plot😅 – Loss of virginity. P in V sex. Protected sex. Soft sex. Nipple play, oral sex (fem received), fingering. A brief mention of breeding kink. Praise kink.
A/N: It’s me, hi! I’m gonna be honest, I am so nervous for this! This is my first English work ever! And I’m not an English native speaker, but I am a student translator so I hope there’s no so much problem🥲 I’m sorry if you find some errors, please let me know if there’s any and I’ll fix it asap!
A/N 2: IMPORTANT BEFORE READE! As you know, this was the first work I published and, to be honest, at the time I didn't plan to turn it into a whole series. However, upon seeing the good response to this first writing, I was inspired to create an entire universe between our Reader and Javi. Therefore, this part now contains INCONSISTENCIES and INACCURACIES regarding the current timeline of the story. I decided not to modify it so as not to affect those who have already read it, but I hope that if you are readers of the original series, you can adapt it and understand the space-time in which our couple finds themselves.
I hope you like it!❤️✨
Javier Peña wasn't a selfish man, especially when it came to matters of sex. He believed that women had the same rights as men to explore themselves and have numerous experiences with their sexuality. There's nothing quite like a woman who knows exactly what she wants and how she wants it.
But there was something about the fact that the only woman he had truly fallen in love with, his girlfriend, was still a virgin. It turned him on immensely. The mere thought of your innocence and the opportunity he had to make you feel truly good for the first time made him feel incredibly lucky. And also it made his cock throb.
The thought of you every night, and the things he could teach you in his bed, consumed him. His only desired was to lead you astray, turning you into a temptress. However, he never rushed you into anything you didn't want.
Of course, he felt disappointed the first time you both came so close to consummating your love on his couch, after a session of tender kisses here and there. He was already aroused, and he sensed that you were ready too. However, when you expressed uncertainty, he immediately stopped. He held you and reassured you that it was okay. He genuinely meant it, even though he had to take a cold shower by himself to cool off.
You had been with him for almost five months now, which really made you reflect on how quickly time flies. What's more, it was hard for you to believe that Javier had gone all those weeks without sex. He had a reputation, and you were well aware of it. He used to go from woman to woman; some of them you even knew from work, and others were his informants from the streets of Bogotá.
Initially, you were intimidated by his reputation as a heartthrob, a man afraid of commitment, as you had heard from office gossip. You didn't want to be just another one-night stand for him. You were the boyfriend-girlfriend kind of person. The dates, flowers and late night dancing kind of woman, someone who valued commitment, loyalty, and meaningful relationships. Plus, he was older than you, and you thought the age gap could be a problem when it came to establishing priorities in life. He was in his late 30s, and yet he didn't show any signs of wanting to settle down. It's not like you were desperate to get married; you were barely 26. But you needed to know if what you had could potentially lead to something more meaningful someday. You had a big crush on him and you wanted to make it last.
That's why you made him chase you for three months, wanting to see if he was trustworthy and if you were truly worth it to him. And then, after you said yes, he spent another fifteen weeks waiting for you, because he had fallen deeply in love with you. Your smile or even just a glance from you made his heart race every time. He felt like he didn't deserve the world because of all the sins he had committed, yet there was a piece of heaven in the shape of you right in front of him.
It was the middle of June, to be more specific, Javi's birthday. You had spent the entire week asking him about any plans he might have for his special day, but he had insisted that he didn't want anything specific, just to spend the day with you. But you wanted him to have a great day to show him how much he was loved and important for you. And one of the things you planned was something he had been waiting patiently for quite a long time: you.
You were ready for him now. You had been dreaming about him all over you, his hands on your body, and the things he would let you do to him, and vice versa.
You two didn't live together yet, but you used to spend most days and some nights at his apartment, just like that morning when you woke up earlier than usual. He was still sleeping by your side, his bare chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath. He looked younger in that moment, with his messy hair, his face at rest, and his always furrowed brow now relaxed. He looked so innocent.
You didn't know it, but before you, he barely slept. He used to have sex with women but always slept alone, or at least, tried to. He spent endless cold nights tossing and turning in his bed, attempting to forget all the blood and violence he had witnessed during the day. But then there he was sleeping like a child, knowing you were right there and you would never left.
You got out of bed as quietly as possible to avoid waking him up. You retrieved the small shopping bag you had hidden in the closet and tiptoed to the bathroom. You had bought lingerie—a beautiful red lace babydoll that resembled a princess gown but with much less fabric, of course. The color matched your freshly painted nails, and your hair appeared even brighter with that color palette. You completed your look by applying a touch of color to your cheeks, lip gloss, and his favorite perfume of yours.
As you gazed at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, your cheeks flushed at the sight of yourself in that lingerie. You looked beautiful, and you had never felt more sexy. You returned to the bed where he was still in the arms of Morpheus. You lay down next to him, admiring his handsome features, and then placed a gentle peck on his cheek, hoping it would wake him up. But it didn't. So, you decided to gently turn his face toward you, using a finger on his chin to guide his lips to yours. It worked like a charm. He responded to your soft touch, kissing you back passionately. He purred with satisfaction and pulled you close, wrapping an arm around your waist. Then, his groggy eyes widened as they roamed over your delicate figure. Confusion flickered across his face for just a fraction of a second before he realized. You couldn't help but notice the way his eyes darkened, and he swallowed hard at the sight.
"You like it?" Your voice was a whisper, and in that very moment, he was the only one in the world who could hear your words. "Feliz cumpleaños."
He looked up at you, grinning with eyes full of desire, and appeared so alluring, almost like the devil himself. He hadn't said a word yet, and you were apprehensive about what his voice would do to you when he used it. With just the way he looked at you, he had you wrapped around his finger. You began to feel aroused, and now you knew that there was no force in the world that could stop you from doing what you were intended to do. Your lips met his once more, and your hands found their way to his broad chest, feeling his smooth, tanned skin melting beneath your fingertips.
He broke the kiss again, this time to take your hand and guide you out of the bed. He sat down at the corner of the mattress, placing you standing between his legs. You couldn't help but notice the bulge forming in his sleeping pants, causing you to blush.
"C'mere, baby, I need to see you," he whispered. His hands roamed all over your body, exploring every ribbon and every spaghetti strap, caressing the parts where the lace were too transparent. "You look gorgeous," he praised and you felt the heat travel from your cheeks to your core.
You felt a little ashamed tho, not used to being so exposed to anyone before. On the other hand, Javi was mesmerized by how you looked, every one of your curves, and how the babydoll suited you so well. He couldn't believe that it was happening; he was over the moon. But he needed you to know something.
"Are you sure, amor?" he asked, finding your eyes. He did his best to be serious, not wanting to appear too eager and pressure you. "There's no rush. It doesn't have to happen just because it's my birthday," he continued, but you silenced him with another kiss, feeling the muscles in his shoulders relax even more.
"I am ready, Javi," you promised. "I've been thinking about this for like two weeks," you confessed, and he chuckled.
"You have?" he asked, and you nodded. He left a gentle kiss on your lips and seated you on his knee. "Look at me, baby," he said. "You tell me if you want to stop, anytime, okay?" You nodded. "As I told you, there's no rush. We'll just have fun as long as you feel comfortable. We're taking things slow."
You knew it! You knew he was the one. His words meant everything to you. You couldn't feel more comfortable and protected with him. Sex was one of the most vulnerable and exposed scenarios for a person, yet you felt like you could do it with your eyes closed, not worrying about anything else in the world as long as it was Javi touching and caressing you.
"I'm gonna take good care of you, mi amor. Do you trust me?"
"With my entire life, Javi," you answered.
He smiled again, proudly, and took you by the waist. Without wasting any time, he placed you in the center of his bed. You opened your legs, inviting him to take his place between them. He admired you from the top, your body so sexy in that garment, your flushed cheeks, and your shining eyes. That image used to be in his dreams, but now there you were, right in front of him, on the verge of being completely his. And only God knows how much he wanted to be entirely yours.
Javi bent over you, his hands caressing every inch of your body, worshipping you. His lips left wet kisses on the delicate skin of your neck, jawline, and collarbone. Your hands roamed his arms, where his prominent muscles bulged from supporting his weight to avoid crushing you.
And then you felt his hardened cock against your core, making everything feel more real. You moaned in the middle of a kiss, overcome by the sensation and anticipation of what was about to happen. Javi began to press his bulge against the delicate fabric of your panties, leaving a wet spot on his pants.
His hand reached for one of your breasts, gently caressing your hardened nipple, causing a moan to escape into his mouth. The touch sent electric shocks through your core, making you grow increasingly wet.
"Javi, Javi..." you cried out, moving your pelvis to meet him halfway, trying to alleviate the building urgency stemming from your clit.
"You're so needy," he whispered into your ear, his words sending shivers down your spine and painting your skin with goosebumps. "Tell me what you want, preciosa, I want to hear you."
"Touch me, please," you begged as he moved against you. "Please, I need you."
"Fuck," he growled. His hands went to your back, undoing your bra, and he paid careful attention to the way your breasts were revealed for him.
His lips began on yours but then trailed down your jaw, finding their way to your neck. Wet kisses on your chest made you sigh, and then you lost all coherent thought the moment he captured one of your nipples with his mouth. Your back arched, and your fingers tightly gripped his arm. He moved to the other nipple, teasing with his tongue and teeth. Your whimpers filled the room, his name escaping your lips like a prayer, as you surrendered all control over your own body. You didn't want him to stop; you wanted more, so much more.
As if he were a mind-reader, his hand slipped into your panties. His thick fingers parted your wet folds, caressing you up and down, collecting your honey as they found your clit. A gasp escaped your lips due to the sudden and new sensation, feeling your arousal dripping from your sensitive pussy. You couldn't help but moan louder, your toes curling between the covers at the foot of the bed.
"You're so wet already, baby. That's so fuckin' good" He traced soft circles, bringing you relief. He teased your entrance with his fingers, but he didn't penetrate deeply. His thumb continued to stimulate your throbbing clit, while his middle finger attempted to enter you. You could feel the pressure between your folds, and due to your inexperience, it left you feeling overwhelmed.
Now it was your turn to slip your hand inside his pants, something Javi hadn't seen coming. He had been so concentrated on your pleasure that he didn't notice until you wrapped your trembling hand around his hard, warm cock. His skin felt like velvet under your touch. You began moving up and down, a little clumsy and uncertain if you were doing it correctly, but your desire was for him to feel as good as he was making you feel. In response, Javi let out a deep moan, his hips instinctively moving to find your touch, and he started whispering your name like a prayer.
"Yeah, baby, you're such a good girl," he praised, making you moan and became wetter. A few seconds passed, until he moved, ceasing his touch and forcing yourself to let him go. "I need to taste you," he said, slowly tracing a path with his kisses down your body, starting with the exposed skin of your breasts, then moving to your stomach and bellybutton, until he reached your panties. You watched as he positioned his head between your thighs, leaving gentle kisses on each side and slowly making his way toward your core.
"I think you don't need these anymore, sweetheart," he whispered as his fingers gripped the tiny straps on each side of your panties, slowly removing them. A gentle breeze caressed your wetness, and you let out a shivery sigh. He created a trail of soft kisses that led to your center until he finally began kissing your core. The sensation was unexpectedly delicious. You let out a cry and felt the impulse to close your legs, but he prevented it by grabbing you and making you stay still. You lost yourself in a whirlwind of sensations, where only you and Javi existed.
You were a virgin, but you weren't a saint. Of course, you had pleasured yourself before, often thinking of Javier Peña, but the way he was making you feel with his mouth was something else entirely. He was real, devouring you with the hunger of a starved man. His hands caressed your hips, your belly, and reached for your breasts. You couldn't help but whimper and praise him.
He looked up at you, his eyes dark and filled with lust. Unconsciously, Javi began to thrust his hips against the mattress, feeling the moist spot of precum staining his pants and boxers. His balls had become heavier, desperate for attention after several weeks without a woman's touch. Of course, he had taken care of himself, jerking himself off in the shower or during the nights he spent alone in his apartment. He always thought of you, reminiscing about your kisses, the warmth of your body against his, and even the way your pencil skirt hugged your heart-shaped butt around the Colombian Embassy.
"Javi... I... I want to come," you whimpered, feeling a knot growing steadily in your belly, signaling your impending climax. Meanwhile, Javi tasted your sweet honey pouring on his tongue. He intensified his attentions, fastening his sucks on your swollen clit, alternately licking your vulva and your entrance. Your fingers tangled in his soft hair, seeking something to hold onto as you approached your powerful orgasm.
You shattered into a million little pieces, melting all over his mouth, your essence dripping from his chin. He admired your body as it trembled and unraveled in front of him.
"There you go, baby, let it go," he encouraged.
You lost track of time, caring about nothing else; the entire world had disappeared beneath you, and you couldn't care less. As you descended from your peak of pleasure, Javi traced a trail of tender kisses from the curve of your hips to your belly and up to your neck. Until you felt his lips on your mouth again, and you moaned when you tasted yourself on him. You wanted so much more of him, to spend your entire life tangled with him in his bed.
Javier felt your heart beating rapidly against his chest, and for a moment, he thought that you might be tired and overwhelmed. But you proved him wrong by starting to pull his pants down, freeing his dick. You felt his weighty member against your belly, so you looked down. It was the first time you saw it. You found yourself even more aroused, if that was possible, and at the same time, you felt a touch of shyness. By this point, you had allowed him to kiss your entire naked body, bringing you to climax with his skillful mouth, and yet, your cheeks burned at the sight of his cock above you. He couldn't help but notice the pearl-white drops of his pre-cum that painted your lower belly.
"Baby, if you're tired, we can save it for another time," he managed told you, even though he didn't stop you from helping him remove his pants and boxers.
"I want you inside of me, Javi," you begged, your voice carrying more desperation than you had realized. "I want to make you feel as good as you've made me feel."
"You're such a naughty girl, who would've known?" he chuckled.
"Only for you, Javi," you assured him.
His eyes darkened further, drawing nearer to your lips again. "I can't believe no one has ever touched you before," he said, "You're every man's dream."
"Many had tried," you confessed. He felt a wave of jealousy, because he knew it was true and he couldn't bear the thought of another man touching you, kissing you... It made him feel selfish, but he couldn't help it. "But no one but you was worthy. I waited for the right moment; I always knew it would be the right man. And I knew it was you the very first moment I saw you."
"I swear I'll spend the rest of my life being worthy of you," he said, dead serious, and you could tell from the look in his eyes.
After placing a peck on his lips, you said, "You can start by fucking me," with a shy smile on your face. You were attempting some dirty talk, but he could tell from the way you whispered and tried to hold back a laugh that it made you feel a bit awkward. He also promised himself that he would help you get used to it, taking charge of teaching you.
"Your wish is my command, bonita" he answered. Javi reached for the first drawer of his nightstand and, without searching too much, took out a condom.
He knelt between your legs, and you watched him put it on. He was bigger and thicker than you had imagined. For the first time that night, you felt a wave of nervousness coursing through your body, anticipating the pain you had always heard about the first time.
Would it hurt? Would he be gentle enough with you? Would there be any bleed? These thoughts raced through your mind as he positioned himself at your entrance, collecting your wetness with the head of his dick. He had been so focused on this moment that he hadn't noticed your worried expression until he looked up at you for a kiss. In that very moment, he stopped, his heart skipping a beat. He didn't want you to feel unsure or uncomfortable. His only desire in that moment was for you to have the best experience, feeling loved and well taken care of by him.
"Is something wrong?" he asked. You shook your head to indicate that everything was okay. "Words, baby, I need you to use your pretty mouth," he added, his voice gentle.
"Everything's fine," you assured him, trying not to sound too nervous. "I'm just a little nervous."
"That's normal, mi amor, just relax," he replied. His lips met yours, and then he whispered in your ear, "You tell me if you need anything, preciosa. Are you ready?"
"Yes," you sounded more confident this time, and you could hear a smirk forming on his lips as he buried his face in your neck, and you held onto his strong arms.
Javi's hand traveled between your bodies, and you could feel him positioning at your entrance. The sensation made you gasp. Then he began to push inside slowly. At first, you felt pleasure, followed by a slight burning, as if something inside you were stretching. You couldn't help but wince and feel yourself growing pale. Javier didn't move, and you were grateful for that because you needed a moment.
"Are you alright?" he asked in a whisper, his voice tense.
"I'm okay," you tried to convince him – and yourself – that everything was fine. But it wasn't; it hurt a bit, it felt invasive. You wanted him to continue, but at the same time, you needed a break. So you decided, "Could you... could you pull out?"
He immediately complied, carefully withdrawing, his forehead creased in concern. "Did I hurt you?" he asked.
"No, it just felt awkward"
"Do you want to try again?" he asked. You couldn't tell because he didn't show any hints, but he was almost praying for you to give him an affirmative answer. He was as hard as a rock, and it was almost painful. However, he wouldn't push you to do something that might hurt you, so he remained patient and reminded himself that he had a whole lifetime to wait for you to be ready.
"I do," you murmured. He nodded, kissed you again, and continued. He left soft kisses along your neck and shoulders. You smell so good, like a mix of fresh flowers and fruits, he thought. It drove him completely insane.
"Relax, bonita. You're doing so fuckin' well," he praised. This time, when you felt him inside, it didn't hurt as much as before. On the contrary, it became a pleasant sensation.
Then you realized that he wasn't fully inside yet. As he continued to push, stretching you further, any discomfort faded away.
"You feel so good," Javier took his time to start moving slowly. His chest touch your nipples, stimulating them, making you increased your soft cries of pure pleasure. That was when all uncertainty disappeared. You began to feel incredible. Moan built up in your chest and escaped your throat. Javier was captivated by your gaze as you saw him directly in his eyes, and the way your lips parted to release cute moans and sighs.  Nose, cheeks, and chest turned red, the frown on your brow, and the way you scrunch your nose. He wouldn't last long. You looked so cute and sexy at the same time. You were a completely goddess, so pure and gorgeous.
His face disappeared between your hair and neck, leaving soft kisses and tasting your essence, whispering your name right into your ear amidst his own moans and pleasure-filled grunts.
"¿Te gusta, mi amor?" he wanted to hear you, although your mouth emitted the most sensual sounds he had ever heard.
"Si...," you could barely speak; the bliss was too intense, rendering you almost speechless. He was fucking you completely dumb. "Si, Javi, así me gusta."
"Fuck, you're so tight," he groaned. He rose to his knees again, his hands firmly gripping your hips to raise them and thrust harder. He was captivated by the way your beautiful breasts bounced, your face lost in pleasure, goosebumps covering your body. The morning sun illuminated your skin and hair.
He knew he wouldn't last, but he needed to make you cum again. Using his thumb, he began tracing circles on your swollen clit, sending you into an intense spiral of raw pleasure. Your back arched of its own accord, and your hand clutched his wrist just to have something to hold onto.
"¡No pares, Javi!" you whimper, so ecstasy-filled, begging him to keep fucking you like that. "Oh, you feel so good, Javi. I... I'm..."
"Cum for me, baby," he encouraged, "I wanna see you fucking cumming on my cock."
And then another wave of pure chaos consumed you. You threw your head back against the pillow, digging your nails into the muscles of his beautiful, strong arms. You felt your world crumbling beside you, and imploring again.
Javier had never cum as hard as he did the very moment he felt your pussy clenching around his cock. His balls throbbed as he cum inside of you. He was so deep on you, filling the condom with his thick, warm load and he couldn't help but imagine your pussy filled with his cum. Carrying his baby...
A couple of seconds passed until you both came down from the clouds. Javi pull out before went completely soft. He reach again for his night table and looked for a box of Kleenex and started cleaning the mess he made. And then he cleaned you, so gentle and caring. Then, he lay next to you, pulling your naked and warm body to his, kissing the top of your head.
"How do you feel, bonita?" he wanted to know. With one hand he traced soft circles on your arm, and with the other he massaged your head, making you feel sleepy.
"Amazing," you mumbled.
"Sleep, baby, you sound tired," he spoke in a soothing tone.
"But I've plan an entire birthday for you..." you tried to say, but your body felt so relaxed and exhausted.
"We have an entire life to do whatever you want, mi vida hermosa," he placed a soft kiss on your forehead and thighed his embrace around your body. "Now sleep, baby."
"Happy birthday, Javi," those were your last word before fell asleep on his arms, bodies tangled and hearts still racing.
Javier Peña wasn't a selfish man, but he wanted you to be his for as long as he may live.
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devastatinglygreen · 3 months
A hot take but one that's a hill you're willing to die on?
oh my.
i think the comparisons to anthony or benedict when it comes to colin and sex are bad faith takes and the people who think he slept his way through 17 cities are giving him far too much credit (and hate? like no one reacts to colin the way they do to anthony or benedict and it's wild).
whenever colin mentions/we see him involved in sexual situations in part one, he's at odds with penelope emotionally. over the summer he's waiting for penelope to write him and when she doesn't he starts looking for that connection in the physical and when he's back home, he's still seeking what he considers his "normal" with penelope when he's at the brothel in ep 2. right after he leaves the girlies, he's acting both nervous and like he's overcompensating so you can tell he's still unsure about where they stand. he wants penelope's approval so bad he's choking on it.
in ep 4 he's both in love with her and at odds emotionally—they're not on the same page and he's not sure they ever will be. once he's aware of his emotions, he's not even capable of pretending any longer.
which moves into the end of 4 and into ep 5 where he's both confident but nervous because he's done this before but he's never done it quite like that. he's already insecure about her feelings so it feels like all of his focus is making sure she enjoys herself because he can provide this for her. he can give her pleasure and he can give her a home. he can publish his journals and make her proud of him. but it's all to prove something to himself (and her) when it comes to their relationship.
he's far more himself with her than he is with anyone else which is why i think he's so insecure about it. and why LW is such a big issue for him. he's scared for her and he's jealous, yes, but i also think there's a tinge of "i'm still not enough for her" mixed in there when she won't give it up, like being married to him isn't enough even tho that's not what LW is about for her.
neither one of them are being themselves completely at that point. he's more himself, yeah, but he's also trying to prove that he's some better version of himself he thinks he needs to be for her and she's not owning the secret parts of herself yet. they're still not on the same page emotionally.
we saw how hard it was for him to separate his mind and body from the start so i think him trying to do that with penelope, the woman he's in love with and married to by that point, was going to be near impossible. he visibly weakens every time she says she loves him so idk what else people want from him tbh or why they act like he was punishing her. i think he was respecting the both of them.
long way to say what i said but i also stand by it.
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nightdiary · 2 years
txt as moments of intimacy
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word count: 2.7k genre: fluff, established relationship, comfort author's note: this is my first published work, so i'm a bit nervous to share it with the world! i'm quite happy with it though, and hope that it can bring anyone who reads it a sense of comfort and warmth. 🤍
✧ yeonjun - washing your hair
when you come home after a particularly draining day, yeonjun's almost too quick to pick up on your weariness even if you're smiling. he instantly notices the tenseness of your shoulders and your bleary eyes when you shuffle up to greet him with a hug, one that's too rigid and awfully telling.
his heart squeezes when he watches you trudge to the kitchen and slump by the counter, dropping your keys and wallet onto it with a sigh. yeonjun likes to think he’s an expert at comforting you, especially after having been together for so long, but on days like this, uncertainness creeps up on him relentlessly.
drawing up beside you, he reaches out to trace a gentle hand on your upper back, eyes softening as you practically melt into his touch. he thinks he hears you mumble an apology, and something in him falters.
"how about i run you a bath?"
and before you can fully process his question, let alone finish saying yes, he's jumping out of his seat and speedwalking to the bathroom.
the bathroom smells like sweet lavender and cream honey when you walk in, and you find yeonjun crouched by the faucet, struggling to make bubbles with the liquid soap. he doesn't realize you're there until you giggle, startling him into nearly falling face-first into the growing heap of pink bubbles.
after you strip out of your day clothes, you shyly shuffle into the tub under yeonjun's watchful stare. you dare to look up only once you're submerged up to your shoulders and find that his eyes are filled with nothing but adoration. if anything, that just makes you feel even shyer.
yeonjun takes care in gently detangling your strands and making sure that he doesn't accidentally tug at your roots. his ministrations are slow, massaging your scalp and letting the blunt end of his nails drag along just the right places. you can almost fall asleep like that, lulled into a hazy doze by his soft humming and the comforting warmth cradling your head.
he takes his time in properly washing the product out of your hair and ensuring that none of the suds fall into your eyes, cupping the area just above your eyebrows with heed. once your hair seems to be all done, his hands slip to your shoulders and begin to knead in slow circles, coaxing soft sighs out of you the closer they draw to your neck.
after you're out of the tub and wrapped up in a clean, fluffy towel, yeonjun will seat you on the toilet lid and blow dry your hair. it's a bit awkward, especially since he hasn't really done this for anyone but himself, but the fondness with which he carefully cards through your damp strands is enough to make you forget all about your day.
✧ soobin - baking together
ever since soobin initially suggested you two bake brownies a month into your relationship, baking quickly became your favorite couple’s activity.
you were never really an expert, quite the contrary, but soobin reassured you that baking required less skill and more love. naturally, you called bullshit on his encouragements. if you couldn’t properly handle a mixer, much less bake cookies without burning them, you were sure it was a sign from the universe to stay away from baking.
and yet, several baking dates later, you found yourself genuinely enjoying the silly desserts you and soobin would curate. you even had a shared pinterest board on which you added any eye-catching recipes you scrolled past, and had gone through a sizable amount yourselves. from chocolate hedgehogs to studio ghibli-inspired creampuffs and outrageously sweet brownie-oreo hybrids, you’d pretty much explored all ends of the dessert category with soobin.
“this looks like a lumpy boob, not a cookie,” you whine loudly and step back from the counter angrily.
you and soobin are currently in his apartment’s kitchen, whipping up cookies for his family to enjoy tomorrow. after you found out they’d be in town, you slipped the suggestion to your boyfriend, who delightedly offered you two take on a family recipe. in retrospect, everything was going to be fine.
until you actually got your hands on the damn dough.
“babe, you have to form it with your palm, not your finger,” soobin giggles. he abandons his own tray to sidle up behind you, grabbing your wrists gently and imitating the technique he’d been using.
“i’ve tried,” you huff. glancing down at your hands, you watch in awe as your boyfriend manages to fix up the shape of the cookies, forming them into perfect hearts and stamping space in their middles for jam.
between the two of you, soobin was by far miles more experienced and adept at baking. you often found yourself frustrated with certain steps of recipes, unfamiliar with more practical methods and tricks that the directions called for. as such, you’d end up partially screwing up, and–
–and each time, soobin would drop what he was doing and come help you. he’d gently guide you and talk you patiently through what he was doing, ensuring that you understood the logic behind the approaches. he never once responded to your panic with annoyance or carelessness, despite the numerous times it’d happened.
without fail, soobin would always knead your worries away.
“there! do you want to go try with the rest of my dough?” you look over your shoulder and blink soobin’s face back into focus. he’s looking down at you with a soft smile, raising his brows when you take a minute to respond.
“yeah, i’d like that soob,” you say. before he can walk away, you spin around and cup his face with your flour-coated palms, giggling at his surprised squawk. pecking him squarely on the lips, you revel in his dazed expression before skipping away smugly.
✧ beomgyu - teaching you how to play his favorite game
despite how cool your boyfriend is, he's also a huge dork.
the kind of dork to geek out over computer games and text you with long strings of excited emojis whenever he progresses to the next level. the kind to facetime you during rounds and send you screenshots with updates, even if you have no idea of what you're supposed to be looking at.
it's really cute, you absolutely couldn't deny that, and it makes you feel ten times more enamored with him, but he is still undeniably a dork.
he's playing something on his computer when you arrive at his apartment for your date. it’s saturday, meaning it’s movie and takeout night for you and beomgyu, so you’ve come prepared (read: a slightly damp plastic bag with several containers of noodles, rice, and various types of meat). you call his name as you slip your shoes off, frowning when all you hear in response is the keyboard clicking from down the hallway.
peeking into his room, you shyly knock on the wall to get his attention. beomgyu almost falls off of his chair in surprise, but he launches up almost immediately to engulf you in an embrace. he asks if you’re okay waiting a couple of minutes for his round to finish, at which you readily nod and proceed to plop yourself down on his bed.
watching beomgyu play through his round is surprisingly entertaining, particularly because you’re not really sure what’s going on in his game. your gaze drifts off to his concentrated expression, tracing his soft features and dropping to his bitten lip with interest. something in your chest flutters, but you quickly push it aside when you see beomgyu lean back in his chair and a leaderboard pop up on his screen.
the game’s over, and yet you can’t help but be curious.
"can i try?"
you think he might laugh it off, might just shake his head and call you cute, but beomgyu's chair swivels around to face you and he looks anything but humored. instead, his wide eyes meet yours and you almost startle at how eager he looks. he nods bashfully, and as you draw nearer, you notice the growing red tint along the tips of his ears.
you're instructed to sit between his legs and rest your arms on his desk cover, hands hovering over the mouse and LED keyboard nervously. they're quickly covered by beomgyu's own, and he situates them on top of the necessary keys as he walks you through the basics of moving around and using items in the game.
it's honestly a bit confusing at first, but you think you get the hang of it when you manage to get through the first level. it's also very difficult to concentrate when you have beomgyu's chest pressed up against your back and his chin propped on your shoulder, so it's a miracle you don't end up sending his character into one of the lava pits from the get-go.
after a few minutes of familiarizing yourself with the basics, you begin to feel a bit braver, so you decide to join the queue of a team round. it isn't exactly the best decision, given the exasperated remarks from your teammates in the chat, but beomgyu cheers you on regardless and claps keenly when you score.
unsurprisingly, you place somewhere right above last place. but beomgyu is sure to give you a congratulatory kiss (or two) when you turn around to grin at him sheepishly.
✧ taehyun - sharing clothes
drip, drip, drip.
the rain outside of your window had measurably subdued, but you were still suffering the consequences of being outside at the wrong time. wrapping the towel tighter around your shoulders, you frown up at the murky sky and slide the curtains closed again.
“you’re going to catch a cold like that,” your boyfriend’s voice rises from behind you, and you look back to find him toweling his damp hair. you also find that he’s not quite clothed, just like you, and resist the urge to scoff despite your reddening ears.
the situation you found yourself in was frustratingly preventable. if either you or taehyun had taken a look at the forecast for the day before meeting for your date, you wouldn’t be shivering or about to catch a cold. you were caught outside when the storm came on, and taehyun’s place was the closest shelter you could take, so you braved through the few minutes of running in the rain to get back.
your heart catches in your throat when he steps closer, and you pointedly look away from his defined torso. he’s smirking, you can tell from your periphery, but you won’t let him win this time.
“and it’ll be all your fault,” you huff. “where’s that sweatshirt you promised me?”
taehyun laughs, and you instantly feel yourself relax despite the way your body's shaking. he gestures for you to follow him, and you watch as he digs around in one of his drawers for the promised snoopy sweatshirt. it’s the one he was wearing when you two first met, and undoubtedly your favorite from his entire wardrobe.
as you’re slipping it on and reveling in the comforting smell of his laundry detergent, you catch a glimpse of a criminally-familiar shade of pink out of the corner of your eye. tugging the sweatshirt down properly, you thank taehyun and watch him pace over to the side of his bed to grab some moisturizer.
while he’s busy rubbing on lotion, you curiously open the drawer again, and– there it is. your beloved hoodie. in all of its stolen glory.
“hey,” you say, furrowing your brows. “isn’t this that hoodie i texted you about? the one i wanted to wear out with my friend? you said you didn’t know where it went!”
picking it up, you hold it out in front of you and frown.
any sound from taehyun’s direction halts and you look over to see him grinning shamelessly. “oops?”
“i’m going to start keeping a lock on my closet,” you grumble. ignoring the flutter in your chest, you haphazardly fold the hoodie back up and toss it onto the bed.
taehyun says nothing, but you hear him approach you and hold your breath, trying to will your racing heart to calm down. except that he doesn’t kiss you on the shoulder like he usually does when he senses you’re upset. instead, you hear more shuffling, and can’t help but sneak a glance over to see what he’s up to.
you’re met with an image that makes your chest feel stuffed to the brim with butterflies. taehyun’s wearing your hoodie, his hair adorably ruffled, and he’s looking up at you with wide, smiley eyes that melt away any last of your resolves. you can’t even pretend to be mad at him anymore.
“you can keep it i guess,” you know your exasperated sigh sounds fake to both of you, but taehyun laughs and kisses you on the cheek for good measure.
his fingers dance along the sleeve of the snoopy sweatshirt you’re wearing, humming absentmindedly as he brushes off any rogue pieces of lint. “yeah? i suppose this is a fair trade then.”
✧ kai - tracing his moles
kai’s bed is cramped. warm, comfortable, but also cramped.
you’ve woken up from your nap because of something poking you in your upper back. you don’t need to turn around to know that it’s one of your boyfriend’s plushies, likely the new pokemon you’d gifted him for his birthday. you were plenty excited when you’d found it in store, absolutely delighted because you knew he’d be overjoyed with it, but you were slowly beginning to strongly dislike it.
reaching back with a wince, you attempt to dislodge the stupid glaceon, prodding and pushing around blindly, but your bicep begins to burn uncomfortably after a few moments.
a soft huff from your front draws your attention away from the pressure against your spine. kai’s face is nestled comfortably against your chest, and it seems like he’s trying to wriggle around and make himself space further up, closer to your collarbones. immediately, any prior negative thoughts vanish, and your heart practically melts.
your boyfriend’s sleepy noises are enough for you to abandon any efforts to move the plushie, so you settle with running your fingers through his hair. it’s blond for now, and surprisingly soft given the intense bleaching process it’d undergone. he stirs in response, but the happy hum he lets out reassures you to continue with your movements.
blinking blearily, you squint over at the blinds covering the windows, where the sky outside has turned a mellow, sunset-y orange. you’d slept through the afternoon it seems, but you have no intention of getting up anytime soon. looking down at the boy in your arms, you surmise kai might feel the same.
his eyes flutter open like he can read your thoughts, and his lips pull into an adorable pout. smiling back, you let your hand gently fall to cup the side of his head, thumbing at the speckled spots you find.
“weirdo, why are you staring at me while i sleep?”
“your moles are really cute,” you say, ignoring him. tracing the tip of your finger up from his cheek, you tap his temple gently. “they sort of remind me of a constellation. like the big dipper.”
you feel rather than hear the flustered whine that kai makes, right against your sternum. he curls up against your front, and you almost forget about the fact that he’s big enough to have his feet hang off of the end of his bed. his arms and legs wind tighter around you, almost as a form of punishment, and you gasp when you feel his hand flitter up your side threateningly.
thankfully, no further moves to tickle you are made, and you relax again in his hold. he’s warm, pleasantly so, and you can feel your eyelids beginning to droop.
you’re almost asleep when the pressure along your back disappears. you hear shuffling, and then something that feels an awful lot like kai’s arm brushes your side. incoherently, you mumble a soft thank you, and you’re certain he’s understood you when he kisses your forehead and tucks you into the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
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dvilkings · 4 months
how i would write and wish the rest of the bridgerton show would go (following the books but putting the spin onto things as the show has done): includes spoilers!!!
s3 p2 ~ colin and penelope
colin and penelope are engaged, announcing to her family and his. but eloise, upon finding out, forces pen to tell colin that she is lady whistledown. and she does with much nervous anticipation. maybe after she speaks with colin more about his own writing, encouraging him to publish his work. colin’s reaction to her being LW is angry of course — though not like he was when he said he would “ruin” lady whistledown's life upon finding out who the writer is. he is angry at pen for putting herself in danger of getting caught, and the backlash she will undoubtedly face if the ton finds her out.
this will lead into colin demanding pen retire. though she does not want to, for colin she would. she makes her last entry and calls it quits and continues on with her engagement to colin in a peaceful manner...
(this is where part of me wants a different outcome. that pen does not retire as LW and instead keeps writing, after convincing colin why she must, and his anger and jealousy turns to acceptance. i want this outcome a little more because it will keep the mystery of lady whistledown with the show for longer. and keeps a good narrative for the story to move -- and it would be so sad to not have julie andrew's wonderful voice taking us through regency london. the only downside i see to this is the rest of the seasons, which are notably not in the limelight of society and the eyes of the ton like the previous ones are. they are more on the outskirts and the quiet life of the regency era. and thus, LW would not be able to see much of the goings on for the rest of them. and besides, now that penelope will be married, and to the man of her dreams no less, she doesn't much have need for LW anymore. that comfort and wall will be replaced with colin and her future with him. so there are definitely pluses and minuses for each)
during this time, the queen will announce a bounty put on LW: whoever comes forth and exposes LW’s identity will receive a certain amount of money. this spurs cressida to make her announcement that she is LW, thinking the money could help her and her family so she is not forced into an arranged marriage with someone older who she will not like at all. except pen will not let cressida be known as LW and essentially take her work. so she posts her one last issue of exposing cressida, and then she is confronted in her home where cress explains how she knows pen is LW, and pen's slip up.
since finding out pen is LW, colin has been very tense with her, realizing that he is more jealous than anything, that she had a purpose for so long and her writing while gossip filled, was truly very good. and something he thought he could never live up to. but pen keeps insisting he is wonderful.
pen goes to colin, where he sets up his elaborate scheme with anthony, just like in the books, and announces to the entire ton that pen is LW at the last ball of the season, coincidentally, a masquerade ball. which is also where benedict meets the mysterious lady in silver, aka, sophie (opting not to use her last name in case it is changed due to any ethnicity changes the show (hopefully) makes for her), and he falls in love with her at first sight, having their private moment and kiss before she flees from the scene, most likely when colin makes his big announcement and uses it as a quick escape.
upon the ton accepting pen as LW is how s3 will close, leading to benophie's story for s4
s4 ~ benedict and sophie
time jump ~2 years into the future… benedict is stuck and fixated on his lady in silver, trying to find her after 2 years of searching, to no avail. not knowing her name, what she looks like as she was wearing a mask, knowing nothing about her but for her smile and mysteriousness and the raw need of needing her as his wife.
we will receive flashbacks throughout of sophie’s life with the cowpers, living with araminta as a mother and cressida as a sister. her biological father, lord cowper, not seeing her as anything more than a burden, and lady cowper suggesting she’d make a much better use as a mere servant. i believe at the end of s3/into the time jump, lord cowper will pass and araminta and cressida will be left with close to nothing, especially after cress' embarrassment after trying to announce herself as LW. she is a spinster at this point, something nobody ever thought would happen to her. but we see sophie and cressida as children, growing up as friends and the closest thing to sisters either will have (going off of cressida mentioning to eloise in s3p1 that she had a friend when she was young). but the cowper's dislike and disdain for sophie is clear from her childhood.
when the last ball of the season, the masquerade happens (s3ep8), the other servants helped sophie be able to attend for one night, but she is later on discovered by the cowper’s for her efforts and casted out. forced to find work wherever she can.
this lands her in a wealthy home as a servant. she meets benedict here when he attends a party at the home, where he saves her from the hands of her master’s son with filthy intents to touch her. and he takes her to the closest and safest place he can think of: the mondrichs, parents to the new and young lord kent.
they stay there with them for some time while sophie decides what to do with herself, where we see some of the mondrich's life and their son being raised to be the next lord kent as he is older now (early teenhood i believe?). benedict has no idea that sophie is his lady in silver, and sophie is beginning to fall in love despite her never being able to be with ben. and eventually, ben starts to feel the same, and while he wants to have her as his mistress, knowing she wouldn’t be a fit wife as she is a servant, and he still must marry a woman of proper lineage — she refuses, as she does not want to end up like her mother and have a child who would live just as she has. so he takes her to his mother’s new home (having moved out of the bridgerton house as kanthony have started their own family) as that is the only place he can take her where she will still be close to him — where she becomes a lady’s maid for the girls, eloise and hyacinth.
things follow closely here from the books for benophie. meanwhile, francesca has married john sometime during the time jump (presumably right after s3 ends, close behind polin) and travel between scotland and london. now we are introduced and see some of michael and his life and maybe longing for frannie. this season john most likely dies and we see the beginning of frannie and michael’s story start to unfold, both dealing with the heartbreaking loss. she finds she is pregnant with john's child, and thus the wait happens to find out if her child is a boy, and whether michael will become the new lord of kilmartin or not. but she has a miscarriage, and michael is to become the new lord of kilmartin. and frannie needs him in her time of mourning and strife, but he cannot see her and instead leaves for india, most likely because he had a recent discussion with kate about all the places to see and visit.
and with sophie living with violet and the girls, she grows close to them all, even eloise who has been writing letters mysteriously. sophie is the one to notice this and inquire more about it but eloise is still stubborn and tight lipped.
some time goes by until sophie is spending time with kanthony's children who are visiting violet's home and hyacinth, leading to the scene with her wearing a cloth to cover her eyes and leaving only her mouth exposed. benedict walks in and immediately knows that sophie is his lady in silver. they discuss, they argue, sophie reveals who she is and how she is the illegitimate daughter of the late lord cowper. and she runs away. right into lady cowper discovering sophie is working for the bridgertons and she schemes to get sophie thrown in jail for stealing immediately. which leads then to benedict and violet saving her from being hanged, even cressida becoming involved (sophie was her very first friend, and close to a sister, her character being a perfect mixture of rosamund and posy from the books). and benedict announces their engagement, unbeknownst to anyone, even sophie, right there.
upon finding out ben is now engaged, and the recent letter from phillip (her mysterious letter writing receiver) that she has still yet to respond to, she decides to run away to him, to see if she too could find happiness as half of her siblings have found thus far.
the season ends with sophie and ben engaged and planning to live in the country where it is quiet and out of society's prying eyes, frannie being a widow and losing her unborn baby while michael has offed to india, and eloise running away to sir phillip crane.
s5 ~ eloise and phillip
marina crane has died a year or two earlier (while she thought her life could be full of happiness and contentment with her children, she did not find it to be good enough to keep on going), and her children are older now, but phillip does not know how to act as their father as they are out of control and he did not have good parentage growing up. he has been writing back and forth with eloise bridgerton for some time since his wife’s death and he would like to meet her in hopes she will be a good wife and mother to his children, something he is desperate for. and then eloise shows up without notice.
they discuss, and go on as planned, where they can see if each of them will make an acceptable spouse. both finding the other to be not quite what they imagined after a year or two of corresponding. the children do not want eloise there, and in fact continue to lay traps and prank her in hope to make her want to leave - though she is not deterred. and after a particularly nasty prank that leaves eloise harmed, things change from there between all of them.
her family still has no idea where she is, even after many days away. but it doesn't matter to eloise, because during her stay with phillip and his children, she is growing attached and she believes she could be falling in love with them all. but one night post the accident of the children causing her harm, ending up with a bruise on her face, all of her brothers appear one night to confront the situation and phillip, questioning what has been happening. and though nothing that would warrant scandal, it will still come upon them since eloise ran away, without a word and without a chaperone (despite her being a spinster) and thus leads to a proper courting. eloise is taken to stay with benedict and sophie, living not too far away out in the country and phillip goes back and forth to court her every day as such is proper, while they are chaperoned by eloise's family.
we also see some of francesca living with being a widow, and missing john more than anything. her struggle with wanting a child but not being ready to find a new husband. and missing michael since he has left to india with a list of places to visit from kate. she is still lady kilmartin while michael is away, and taking care of the estate in scotland, which keeps her mind and body busy enough to not stop and think about her grief for too long during the day. and hyacinth is now out in society still, on her first or second year out and while she is from the bridgerton clan (notorious for their attractiveness and looks and popularity), her prospects dwindle due to her "un-lady like" personality that seems to scare off any man. seeing her try to navigate the marriage mart differently than her sisters, with her mischeviousness and stubbornness and unable to stop talking and picking arguments. then seeing a little bit of gregory as an eligible bachelor now, still young and nowhere near wanting a bride, but wanting to find a purpose for himself like all his siblings have seemed to have done. and also seeing a glimpse into kanthony's marriage family life. kanthony as the viscount and viscountess with their children, maybe one or two by this point. and hopefully some sight into daphne and simon (hopefully have recasting simon by this point, sad to say) and their numerous children. hopefully polin will have a child by now, or at least pregnant.
when eloise runs away to benophie's home after one of her fights with phillip, instead of their son getting sick, i believe it will be sophie, in the middle of her being pregnant - benedict is distraught and when phillip shows up to find eloise, seeing a tenderhearted moment of his understanding on the fear of losing a wife and child all in one. and later phillip explains to eloise how marina died in fact compared to the story they were telling the public, and how they will get married. that eloise is not leaving, contradictory to phillip's fears. they find their way into loving each other as they continue to court more, with the chaperone of anthony, and their dynamic as a family - how eloise comes to love phillip's children despite them not being his, and not being hers. and how they decide to navigate parenthood together, promising that they are not their parents or the ones that came before them, and will be better.
[this is where my thoughts will become shorter just because we don't have much build up from the show, aka the supporting characters and what not, so my thoughts will most likely be just as they are in the books, hoping the show will try to stick closely to them]
s6 ~ francesca and michael
michael decides to return to london after some years in india. and francesca has decided to rejoin society, end her mourning, and find a new husband so she may have children of her own. and while michael did run away after becoming the new lord of kilmartin, and needing space from francesca, he is still very much in love with her, unbeknownst to her. but we see more of this, of the heartache he has put himself through over the years. watching his cousin and the woman he loves be happy together, and then the one thing that was keeping him from her happened, and he couldn't let himself take that happiness.
watching frannie and michael reunite, and try to find their friendship again, to michael learning frannie wants children and will be looking for a husband this season, to frannie seeing michael as more than just the friend/cousin he once was to her when john was still alive, to michael making frannie jealous with his numerable admirers.
more people start to notice michael's feelings for frannie, most notably violet and colin (surprisingly). and even seeing their new closeness. as frannie frequently visits michael's home to care for him and his malaria he contracted in india. their relationship becomes more than friendship as francesca battles with her feelings towards michael and not knowing what to do with them. and after finally giving in to their desires, francesca flees back to scotland in the middle of the season. leaving michael confused and unknowing of what to do. colin is the one to spur him into action, telling him it is better to try for his happiness than to not, just as he had with penelope. i can imagine even violet will mention such the same to frannie as well, violet finding another happiness in marcus anderson, lady danbury's brother. that it is okay for frannie to go after her own happiness in someone else, that she can still honor her late husband, and live for him even after he is gone.
and so michael pursues frannie, running after her to scotland. accepting that john would have wanted him to be happy, even if it was with frannie. and francesca continues to battle with herself over her feelings for michael. and after finding her in the kilmartin estate, confronting one another, and asking frannie to marry him, her not knowing an answer, to getting stuck walking through the hillsides in the rain, fleeing to the land's caretakers old home, sleeping together again - michael almost wanting to prove to frannie she could get pregnant after her insecurities that she could not. to frannie speaking with john's grave and accepting that this is what john would have wanted for her too.
and so she says yes to michael, she will marry him.
the rest of the married bridgertons have started their families, found happiness with their spouses, something that drove francesca into jealousy because why not her. (i don't have much idea to what the lives of the supporting characters and other bridgertons will look like at this point as we don't see much of them in the books and the timeline is all off now, so this is what i have thus far) :
violet will have found happiness with marcus (i hope so at least)
kanthony will have several children by now, and have long completely taken over the bridgerton name and kate becoming a wonderful viscountess. anthony is proving to be an excellent father, something he seemed to have been born to do, showing so with his siblings in earlier seasons
daphne and simon are still happy and with several children of their own
polin are as in love as ever, with a child or two now, having spent some of their early life traveling together. and colin having a book published and working on more.
benophie are happy in the country, living the quiet life with a child or two, living close to
philloise and keeping a good friendship between their families, as eloise and sophie grew close when she was el's lady's maid. and their children while years apart, grow up together as friends as well.
[hyacinth's story will follow and then gregory's, though i have yet to finish hyacinth's story and have not started gregory's. i will update the thread once i have done so!!!]
s7 ~ hyacinth and gareth
s8 ~ gregory and lucy
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dduane · 1 year
Hi! I don’t know if you’ve seen but someone on Tor wrote a lovely post about Deep Wizardry and how great it was, and it made me remember reading it for the first time when I was an adolescent. I’ve since read it a number of times, but I won’t ever forget how I felt reading it for the first time. I was (and still am!) a voracious reader of sci-fi and fantasy, but I had never read anything like it. I felt…honored reading and experiencing it along with Nita. She said yes to something without reading the fine print as so many of us do, and where other books would have had her back out or made the stakes not quite so high you trusted us (just like the fellow wizards trusted Nita) to do the right thing even though it was an impossibly huge thing. And at the end wasn’t some horrible deus ex machina but something that fit both the character and the story. By trusting Nita with these hard choices you in turn told me as the reader that I was old enough to handle the truth of the world. Or at least some of it. And as a child who was not trusted I felt the solemnity of that. The preciousness of that. I was slightly more of an adult after reading that book than I was before it. In any case, sorry for the long ramble I just wanted to thank you for writing Deep Wizardry and all of the Young Wizard books. I’m in my 30s now but they’re still as impactful to my psyche now as it was back then. And I still feel honored to know your work.
You're really, really welcome: thanks for letting me know.
That particular set of plot issues caused a little friction between me and my editor (gods rest her), as she was concerned about the general message the plot was sending. So was I... and in almost exactly the opposite direction.
The disagreement was low-key, handled quietly over the course of a number of editor-to-writer, writer-to-editor letters; as (then as now) I dislike getting overly confrontative when there are other ways to produce the result. And DW being one of my first books, and I still then being pretty new at the publishing game, I was nervous about rocking the boat too much.
But there are some things you have to dig in your heels about. And in this case, the issue of agency was key. Because what kind of heroism is it when you're only as much a hero as other people let you be? (And my previous experience with younger medical/surgical patients in crisis situations had taught me that a whole lot of children are way more heroic than the adults around them.)
At the end of the day, you find out whether you can trust somebody by, well, trusting them. Relationships are, inherently, a proving ground (for one of the older definitions of "proof:" shoot a gun at something and see if the protection the something offers holds up under fire...or buckles). Without daring that test, the relationship in question is at a stalemate. I walked Nita into it, and sure enough, she didn't disappoint.
Anyway: I'm glad to have been of service. Thanks for the kind words about the books. :)
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aloralika · 2 months
Main four X Shinobu reader
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Hi ! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)It's my first to publish on Tumblr so I'm quite nervous (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠) I take critical but please be nice,hope that you will like my writing! English is not my first language so I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes. (⁠・ั⁠ω⁠・ั⁠)
Gon (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
★When he first met you he was intrigued by your unusual appearance but he quickly warmed up to you.
★The first time you show him your katana and how it's work he was quick to ask you a LOT of questions about it.
★When you finally told him about the demons slayer corps and that you're a Hashira his eyes would shine from admiration and you HAVE to explain to him the fonctionnement of the demon slayer corps.
★If you talk about your old sister Kanae and the fact that you're hiding your true personality,he would try to comfort you the best he can and tell you that you don't need to hide your true personality from him.Now that he knows that,he expect from you to be completely honest.
★Overall he would be your'r 1#fan,even if sometimes he's a little scared of you..He would be even more happy if you proposed him to meet the other butterfly sisters.
Killua (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)
‡He would suspect from the start that your personality is fake. Even if he's not going to pay much attention to it at first.
‡But when he sees your fighting style and the way you poison your enemy,he will want to know more about you.
‡At the beginning of your relationship he was very shy and every time you were giving him your iconic smile he couldn't help but blush and turn his head away.
‡He wants you to be honest with him, he would tell you to drop the act and tell the true.
‡He would listen to you carefully when you talk about your older sister and the demon slayer corps.Sometimes he will ask you to accompany you while you ”work” and he would look at all your movements.
‡If you want him to meet the other butterfly sisters he would do it,even if he would probably not talk a lot at first.
Kurapika (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
★ One thing he loves about you is the ease with which you can handle a delicate situation.
★ Your calm and thoughtful nature is what attracted him to you.But the more you start hanging out the more he sees that something is wrong.
★When he confronts you later about that and you explain that you took your sister's personality after she died he tried to comfort you the best he can.
★He now the sensation of losing a loved one and he would try to cheer you up.But he would also tell you that you're not your sister and that he doesn't want you to act like someone you aren't. For him the communication is primordial and he wants you to be honest.
★He would try his best to be liked by the butterfly sister,he tries to talk to each of them.
Leorio ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
‡The first time he saw you,he was IN LOVE with you.The way you talk,the way you speak and the way you move gracefully.
‡You two often talk about medicine and frequently share your medical knowledge with you.
‡From time to time you show him the new poisons that you have contacted and you explain to him its effects.
‡When you talk about your past he would slowly rub you back and tell you soothing words.
‡He would be super serious about meeting your sisters and he would do his best to impress them.
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cjsoleil · 3 months
Straight From the Tortured Poets Department (Bang Chan x Reader)
Authors note: This is part two of a two part series, part one is right here. You don’t necessarily need to read the first one, but I recommend you do. Enjoy.
Time had gone by quicker than Chan and Y/N would have liked. If Chan wasn’t sure about the girl before, he certainly is now. He met her parents a little less than a month after they started dating, something Chan had been dreading. It was bad enough that he came from next to nothing and only had a shit job at a bar, but not meeting them before dating Y/N must not be doing him any favors.
It’s embarrassing, how nervous he was sitting across from her parents. Living under the circumstances he does, it’s safe to say he’s been in a number of stressful, nerve wracking situations. Despite this, he’s never been more anxious than at that moment.
It was a little out of the blue when Y/N had mentioned that since her parents were back in town, so he had to meet them. When he joked and told her she should give more of a warning, he found that it was unexpected for her too. She didn’t plan on telling her parents about Chan right away, but plans changed the day after her parents came back to town.
“So, what boy have you been hanging out with?” Y/N had nearly spit out her tea when she heard the question.
“Marie said you’ve been spending some time with a boy.” Her mom called from the kitchen. Y/N simmered in the question for a bit, and wondered however Marie found out about her and Chan. She had thought back to when San saw her at the drive in and it becomes much more clear. San, despite not seeming like one, is a gossiper. He probably told the boy he always hangs out with, Wooyoung she believes his name is. And word spread as quickly as a forest fire. Luckily, they did not act outrageously. Though she actually had to introduce Chan to them now.
It went better than Chan thought it would. There was no yelling about how a man like him is unworthy of being in their daughter’s sight, and other than the threatening undertone her father had every time they spoke, he’s pretty sure Y/N’s parents kinda like him. Well, her mom likes him at least. On another note, Chan did get lucky. Y/N’s father had handed him a card, confusing him at that moment.
“Tell the secretary at front desk you are meeting me. Be there at noon on Monday. If you’re a minute late, don’t bother.” Chan had been speechless, reading the card. Y/N has never mentioned her father’s business before, so he wasn’t aware that he works at a famous publishing company.
Wait, not work. Owns.
Chan always knew Y/N’s family has money. It drips off the diamonds hanging on her ears and covering her wrists. Still he didn’t think her family was so rich.
Chan thanked the man profusely, repeating and repeating his gratitude so many times it must have been annoying. The company has published a number of works by his favourite artists and offers him a career he would never be able to get otherwise. Chan does not have any education, he never even finished high school. Originally he was concerned about this, but after expressing his worries to Y/N they disappeared.
“Chan dear, that doesn’t matter. He wouldn’t have offered you a job if you couldn’t do it.” Chan didn’t have any more concerns after that.
Y/N’s parents are gone again, her father needing to go to one of the department branches. Her mom always goes with him. That leaves the house to Y/N and Chan. Y/N has only been to Chan’s place once. It’s located in a less than safe area and Chan firmly believes his girl has no business being in such a place. It is a tad overprotective of him, but it can’t be helped.
The two watch a movie on Y/N’s tv. It’s some love story. Chan has never cared for them, but Y/N loves them. So they watch on as the man on screen sets up an elaborate scene to propose to his girlfriend.
“Quite obnoxious isn’t it?” Y/N comments from her spot under Chan’s arm. He looks over to her as he raises his hand to undo Y/N’s hair. She wears it up a lot more often now.
“You’re not into grand gestures?”
“That’s not what I said.” Chan runs his fingers through the girl’s hair, “Though I believe they’re unnecessary.”
“They can be sweet.” Is all Chan says, glancing over at the screen to see the male lead on his knee and the woman yelling yes.
Once the movie is over the two went upstairs to Y/N’s room. Chan is captivated by her collections. Shelves full with records and books.
“I never took you for a hoarder.” Chan comments, making the girl reach over and slap his shoulder, “You take good care of these.”
“Of course.” Y/N sits on her bed, and Chan picks a record, putting it on the record player. Music floods the room and he sits next to the girl.
“So anything special we’re going to do before you go?” Y/N hums, barely wanting to think about how she’s leaving town in a few weeks.
“Everything is special with you Chan dear.” She says it sickenly sweet without a hint of sincerity. He laughs and grabs her face softly, squishing her cheeks.
“You’re such a doll.”
Chan shakes Y/N’s face side to side before leaning in and kissing her pursed lips. It starts as one kiss, then two, and then Chan is holding Y/N’s face in his hands whilst kissing her passionately.
“I think I know.” Y/N whispers when Chan pulls away, nervously looking to the side, “A special thing we can do.” Chan takes a moment to process her words, before his eyes widen.
“Babydoll.” He practically groans the nickname, leaning in and kissing the girl quickly again, “Are you sure?” They have shared many passionate moments, but never went close into… that territory.
“We can wait til marriage- or longer if that’s what you want. Or never. Don’t worry about what you think I want, I only want you to be comfortable.” Y/N smile grows larger as she listens to Chan’s spiel. She places both of her hands on his shoulder, leaning forward.
“Sweetheart.” She stops his rant, “Why would I ask if I didn’t want to?” Patting his face, she leans away and he can clearly see how red her face is, “Wait until marriage? That’s so far away, is it not?”
“It doesn’t have to be.” Chan lifts Y/N’s left hand and kisses where the ring will be, “I’d marry you tonight if you wanted.”
“What would my parents think? Their daughter getting married without their knowledge.”
“And having sex out of wedlock is much better?” He laughs as Y/N makes an embarrassed sound and looks away from him.
“Don’t be so blunt.” It only makes him grin harder.
“Didn’t you just try to seduce me?”
“I didn’t- I-“ She sputters and Chan can’t help but press a hard kiss against her cheek.
“Now, to be serious.” He holds both her hands, “Is this something you really want?” “Do you love me Chan?” “More than words can ever express.” “So yes. I do want it.” He sighs, rubbing his thumbs over the back of her hands with a smile.
“It will hurt. I don’t want it to, but I fear it can’t be helped.”
“What is love without pain?”
“That’s a common misconception.” Chan says, “My love should never hurt you.” Placing a soft kiss at the corner of Y/N’s mouth, he starts to trail down to her jaw and neck. He gives a soft bite to the place below her ear before whispering to her, “So let me ask again. Are you sure?” Y/N’s faint whisper of ‘yes’ is all he needs to hear.
Chan grabs her face and brings her lips to his, hand going through her hair. He hears the girl hum when he bites her lower lip, and forces his tongue inside her mouth. Y/N has to physically push him away when she runs out of air, but he stays close. He moves to the side of her neck, one hand on her thigh. When her skirt starts to ride up, Y/N grabs his hand.
“Sorry.” Y/N smiles sheepishly as Chan pulls away, “Just instinct I guess.” He smiles softly.
“What else?” He tilts his head as she mumbles her answer, cute. “Hm?”
“I’m… embarrassed.”
“Of what? Your body?” He practically scoffs at the damn idea. Faster than Y/N can process, she is lifted to sit sideways on Chan’s lap.
“You can leave your clothes on, if that’s what you want. But don’t do it because you’re embarrassed or ashamed or for some stupid reason like that.” A kiss on one of the red marks on her neck. Since Chan’s hand was released upon placing the girl in her lap, he moves his hand up her thigh. Slowly so he can be stopped. He’s not. His hand reaches the fabric of her underwear and neither can hear the music playing anymore. Chan feels Y/N tense.
“Relax.” He tilts his head and brings the girl into a kiss in a attempt to sway her attention. He slips his hand into the fabric, swallowing her gasp.
As tempted as Chan is, he decides against dipping his finger inside just yet. Instead he lets his fingertips wander, smirking when Y/N lets out a cute little sound. After a while, he pulls his hand from under her skirt. The girl in his lap breathes heavily and Chan grins upon seeing what a effect he has on her.
“That’s nothing babydoll. Poor thing, you really don’t know what you’re in for.” He looks back at his fingers, a shine on them. Making eye contact with Y/N, he smirks before bringing his fingers to his own mouth, licking the wetness off of them and moaning at the taste.
Y/N is absolutely mortified, wishing she could close her eyes but her mind won’t let her. The heat pooling in her stomach is nearly unbearable and every time Chan opens his stupid mouth it gets worse. His deep and raspy voice sends a shiver down her spine. The smirk he wears reminds Y/N of the devil he truly is, rather than the darling she is used to.
Y/N lets out a little shout when Chan suddenly stands. Chan drops her on the bed and climbs on top of her. He cages her head with his elbows and rests his forehead on hers.
“Hey.” He whispers.
“Hi.” She squeaks back.
“You okay?” She nods and when she says ‘yes’ he sits up. He smiles, and his hands start to go up her legs. Slowly, he pulls down her underwear and throws them to the side. He moves down and rests between the girl’s legs. Leaning upwards on her elbows, she looks down at Chan.
“What are you-“
“You trust me baby?” He interrupts before she can ask anything more, “Yes or no, Y/N.”
“Of course I do. Yes, but what-“ Y/N cuts herself off with a moan and her arms collapse, falling back on the bed. The feeling is gone after a moment and she is left wondering what the hell that was.
“What-“ She is cut off again, and for a split second she sees Chan’s head nearly disappeared under her skirt. He pulls back, running his tongue over his bottom lip.
“Fuck, that’s good.”
Folding the skirt up to Y/N’s hips, Chan returns to his spot. He licks directly over her hole before dipping the tip of his tongue inside. The girl gets louder. She’s never felt like this before. Chan swearing almost made her legs shake, he’s never done that in front of her before. On instinct, Y/N grabs Chan’s hair in her hands and tries to push him away. She doesn’t get away with it, as Chan grabs both hands and pins them on the bed.
“Be a good girl.” And he presses her hands into the mattress slightly for good measure before letting go. This time, he grabs both of Y/N’s legs and rests them on his shoulders. He keeps a strong hold on her thighs and goes back down. Rather than just the tip, he forces most his tongue into her hole, making her cry out.
“Channie!” She clenches the blankets, moan after moan being forced from her lips as Chan dips his tongue inside her, licks and sucks at her clit. Occasionally he will let out a moan of his own, Y/N feels the vibration in her bones. She doesn’t know why he’s doing so though, since this can’t possibly be doing anything to make him feel good. She doesn’t think that hard about it. She can’t really think about anything other than Chan. Unknow to her, Chan is truly having the time of his fucking life eating his girl.
Suddenly a near scream like noise fills the room, and Y/N barely registers that the sound came from her. Chan had put two fingers inside her without warning, kissing her clit. “Oh- oh my god Chan.” She whines and he lifts his head just to show her a dangerous smirk. His mouth is wet and oh this is so embarrassing.
“Isn’t that nice?” He scissors his fingers, “Don’t you feel good?” Y/N doesn’t give a proper and he clearly doesn’t appreciate that, sucking her clit hard, making her cry out. “Words doll.”
“Good.” She pants out moving a hand to pet Chan’s head. He lets her, “So good Channie.” She yells out his name again when he adds another finger. Chest rapidly rising and falling as she tries to catch her breath.
“Fucking hell, you’re so pretty. Pretty girl.” His fingers curl inside her and something about it is different, it makes Y/N grip Chan’s hair so hard tears may have been brought to his eyes while she brings up her other arm and bites down on her forearm to cover up the much to loud sound that comes out of her. “Oh you like that baby?” Chan moves his fingers to touch that spot again, making her whine, “Yeah, I know you do.”
After a few minutes of torment, Chan moves up the bed to kiss Y/N’s lips, up her jaw and to her temple. He moves his thumb to replace where his mouth was previously. It brings a burning feeling to her stomach and her whole body tenses. Y/N reaches out to hold Chan’s wrist and push him away. This time, Chan doesn’t bother moving her hands, the weak pressure on his wrist doing nothing to faze him.
“Chan- Chan I feel-“ The sentence is not finished, the girl shoving her face in the pillow under her head. “What is it?” Chan forces her to look at him with a hand to her chin, “Tell me.” “Feels weird.” Y/N mumbles with a lack of better words to describe it. Chan laughs lightly. “Weird, you say?” He leans down to Y/N’s ear, his whispered words sounding like shouts, “Do you feel like you’re burning baby? Like you’re being held over a fire and forced to feel nothing but the flames kissing your skin?” He places a barely there kiss on her earlobe, leaving her skin red and hot, “Or are you overwhelmed? Are you drowning, with nothing but pure desperation rushing through your vains to get what you need?”
Not a single word was registered by the girl on the bed, Chan knows. He still only smiles as he moves his fingers faster, grabbing her face again to get her attention. “Be a good girl and let it go, I got you.” And Y/N is pulled into a completely different world. At least that’s what it feels like.
Her grip on Chan’s wrist slackens, and he pulls his hand away to see indents of her nails on his wrist. Not that it matters. He focuses on running his clean hand through her hair and dries his other one using the bedsheets.
When Y/N can finally force herself to speak, she doesn’t really know what to say. So the first thing that comes to mind is what is spoken, “That was nice.” In a single second Chan bursts into laughter, leaning his head down onto her shoulder. “Yeah it was.” He agrees, “That was your first time cumming?” Y/N face turns an even darker shade of red as she nods. Chan didn’t have to ask, he just wanted to get an answer. It boosts his ego, being the first and only person to ever make his girl feel like this, “You ready for more?” “There’s more?” Chan can’t tell if she’s being serious but even Y/N doesn’t know. Her eyes are drawn downwards to the front of Chan’s pants and there’s a lot more.
Chan first takes off his shirt, and the sight of his bare torso is not an unfamiliar one to Y/N. He runs hot, and often is not wearing a shirt when they are alone. Still, Y/N can never resists running her fingers along the outline of his chest, down to his stomach and over his abs. While his torso is something the sculptors in Paris can only dream of having as a muse, it’s really Chan’s arms that get her going. Large and muscular, showing just how easy it is for him to throw her around when he wants to. His pants are next, along with his boxers. Y/N refused to look, keeping her eyes on Chan’s face. His hands go up to Y/N’s shirt asking softly if it was alright for him to take it off. The answer is yes, all embarrassment regarding Chan seeing her body gone after what he has just done. Soon, the two are left naked on the bed.
“Stop staring at me.” “An impossible task, beautiful.” Y/N rolls her eyes and lets out a gasp when she feels Chan’s tip inside her. “This is the painful part, but I promise I’ll go slow. Feel free to punch me if you want.” Chan starts to push in and hell it does hurt. Despite being stretched out, Chan’s big, and it hurts. Background to the pain is an undertone of pleasure, and Y/N keeps her hand covering her mouth to muffle her sounds. “Shit. Shit, you feel so good.” Chan moans and presses his lips to her neck. He lets out a small whimper as he unconsciously thrusts forward, bottoming out, “Just- hm- tell me when you’re ready.” He kisses down her neck to her collar bone and top of her chest as he waits for Y/N to ready herself, “I know it hurts. Your body is not familiar with mine, but it will recognize me after tonight. It will understand I belong right here.” He finds one of her hands and interlock their fingers.
A few moments pass, and Y/N taps his shoulder “You-you can move.” Chan smiles and lifts himself up a little, not before pressing a long kiss against Y/N’s lips. “Hold onto me.” Y/N nods and rests her hands on the man’s shoulder blades. He starts slow, sweet as he gently rocks his hips. Soon though, Y/N is tapping her hands on his back and is asking, begging him to give her more. “You want me to fuck you harder, hm?” Y/N moans louder at his word choice. Chan never talks like that in front of her. Always one to behave in front of a lady, like he loves to say. “Please Chan.” Chan smirks, saying something about how his girl is so polite before he starts to pull out completely and thrusting hard.
Y/N scratched up Chan’s back, not having enough conscious to consider that it may be hurting him. Chan welcomes the sting though, he kind of hopes they scar. A physical claim for her to make on him. “It’s amazing, you know?” A particularly hard movement, “Every gasp, every moan. You create poetry without saying a single word. What a talent.”
“Chan. Channie.” She moans out and pushes Chan down to meet her for a kiss. Tears fill her eyes and threaten to fall since she feels so much more sensitive now. He pulls away and kisses the corners of Y/N’s eyes. Sweet, a drastic contrast to how he’s moving. After a few attempts, Chan finds an angle that hits Y/N’s spot, making her muffle a scream in her pillow. “Please more, Chan Chan-“
“Fuck.” Chan clenches his jaw when Y/N tightens around him, feeling just on the edge of release. With a grunt, he wraps his arms around Y/N, one hand holding the back of her head and the other at her lower back as he picks her up. Chan settles her in his lap and doesn’t give her any time to even process the sudden change in position as he grounds himself on the bed and thrusts up into her. Grabbing her waist, Chan pushes Y/N down as he thrusts up, making him go in deeper. “Come on babydoll. Come for me.” Arms wrap around his neck, Chan feels her bite his shoulder and tighten around him, “Atta girl.”
When Y/N comes down from her high, Chan gently pulls out and kisses her, letting her stay seated in his lap. “Chan you didn’t, um…” Y/N doesn’t finish her sentence, blood rushing to her face as Chan stares at her with a smile. He looks a mess, hair messed up, a bite mark on his shoulder and scratch marks on his arms. If he looks like that, she can only imagine how she herself looks. “I don’t think we should start a family until we’re married.” Chan kisses close to the middle of Y/N’s chest, where her heart lies under skin, muscle and bones. “Well-yes, I agree but I mean… can I help you?”
Chan blushes at that moment, rubbing the nape of his neck. “Do you want to?” Y/N affirms that she does, “Okay.” He pecks her lips, “Touch me baby.” Y/N brings her hand to Chan’s chest, kissing his shoulder as her hand goes downwards until her fingertips make contact with Chan’s cock. She touches him carefully, too nervous to do anything more. “Wrap your hand around me.” Y/N obeys, holding Chan in her hand. Chan moans loudly, jerking his hips, he doesn’t know how the fuck he managed to not come inside her earlier, “Shit. Fuck yes, that’s good honey. Move your hand a bit- yeah just like that.” Y/N barely needs to do anything before Chan is cumming, groaning into her neck.
When he feels alive again, Chan wipes off Y/N’s hand and his own stomach with the bed sheet before lying down, bringing Y/N with him. “Are you sure you don’t want to get married tonight?” Chan asks and a laugh echos through the room, over the music playing on the record player, “Ah Nevermind. I don’t have a ring yet.” “Maybe when I come home for the holidays.” “A winter wedding sounds lovely.”
Standing at the train station together, Chan thinks that maybe this was a fraction of the feeling military wives felt while sending their husbands off to war. Not the same, because there is no fear that Y/N will not be coming back, but the point still stands.
“Have you ever been on a train, Chan dear?” “Yes. But not the formal way.” That makes Y/N look at him with a confused expression,
“I used to train hop.” The girl nods looking forward towards the tracks. The autumn wind has just started to come out, messing up both their hair. The sun is setting, giving a warm golden hue to the world around them. “I’m sorry your parents weren’t able to make it.” Y/N shrugs, it’s not a big problem to her. “It’s alright. You’re here.” “Forever.” A voice rings through the speakers, announcing that the next train will arrive soon. “That’s me.” Y/N looks towards Chan, “You gonna miss me Channie?” “Not at all.” He pulls Y/N into a hug as she laughs at him, “I feel as if you are going to war.” Y/N pulls back from their hug, but stays close enough for Chan’s arms to remain around her waist. “School is not quite the same as a battle field.” “Either way, I will miss you just as much.”
Y/N has to look away from him when she feels her eyes water, “Hey, hey. Come here.” Chan wraps his arms around her from behind, swaying as they stand facing the horizon. Normally, Y/N would never allow Chan to display such affection in public, as it isn’t appropriate to do so. This time though, she lets it happen for both their sakes. “You know, one love the sunset when they are sad.” Y/N smiles upon hearing the reference. “Why is that?” “Many different reasons. Maybe because it marks the end, because it brings tomorrow just a little bit closer.” Chan rests his chin on Y/N’s head, “Or maybe it’s because the sky is beautiful at this time.”
They watch the sky until another train arrives. Y/N doesn’t have to say a word as she turns around just for Chan to bring her into a kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck and reaches up on her tiptoes as Chan bends down. It’s not even a deep kiss, but it conveys their feelings all the same.
Together they walk to the train and once onboard, Y/N quickly finds a seat next to the window and sticks her head out the open window. Chan waits just below and holds up his arm. Y/N reaches out and holds his hand. “I love you babydoll.” Is all he says before he places a kiss on the palm of her hand, the back and her ring finger, “I will be ready with a ring when you come back.” “Will you propose at the train station?” “The odds are not slim.” He gives another kiss. “I love you too.” Y/N says over the train engine, as they just are about to start moving. She is not close enough to see it, but a tear does fall from Chan’s eye.
The train moves very slowly at first, so Chan walks along with it and doesn’t let go of Y/N’s hand. Soon though Chan is forced to let go and Y/N assumes that he will stay still and let her pass, but he doesn’t. “What are you doing?” The question comes out as a laugh when Chan starts running along side the train. “A grand gesture!” He yells back, and runs until he can’t keep up anymore. Y/N waves as Chan disappears into the distance, before eventually sitting down in her seat. She cannot wait to be on this train again, with snow falling behind the windows and going the opposite direction.
“Chan dear, the last one if for you.” Y/N gestures to the final box under the Christmas tree. They sit together on the floor, along with their dog. A older mutt, used to be stray called bandit, “It’s fragile. So please be gentle.” “Ah, I hope it is nothing outrageous babydoll.” Chan smiles as he undos the perfectly tied ribbon on the box before he takes off the lid. “You didn’t doll.” Chan laughs as he reaches to grab what’s inside the box. “Oh but I did.” Chan lifts a small, King Charles Spaniel puppy out of the box. She squirms as Chan looks at her. A little red bandana is tied around her neck, ‘Berry’ sewed into the fabric in white. Chan brings the puppy closer to his face and allows her to give him plenty of face kisses. Bandit makes sure to get closer too, sniffing at the new family addition.
“I love you.You are the best wife a man could have, you know that?” Chan asks as puts Berry in his lap to lean over and kiss Y/N’s lips, before grabbing her hand and kissing the ring on her finger. One he gave to her three years ago. “I love you too, and of course I am.” The puppy crawls out of Chan’s lap and over to the woman, who allows Berry to rest on her leg with her head on her stomach. She makes sure to pet the older dog too, since like Chan, he tends to be a little jealous at times as well. “You’re not going to be the only lady of the house anymore.” Chan smiles and rubs the puppy’s ear.
“Oh we may overpower you soon.” Y/N laughs and gestures to her stomach, “We are still unsure as to what we will get.” “Ah, but I’m sure he will be a boy.” Chan places his hand on his wife’s belly. He quickly leans down and gives her belly a kiss before straightening up and kissing his wife properly.
“You cannot possibly know that.” “I have a feeling.” “And if she ends up being a girl?” “Then I will love her just as much.”
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
I have written a little about how Sakura is written to be irrelevant throughout the narrative by Kishi, and as a result, demeaning her character through the literary tool of subversion. Here's another example of how Kishimoto makes Sakura's character redundant and very intently makes her the laughingstock of the manga. Like I have mentioned before, he gets some kind of perverse pleasure out of showing both Hinata and Sakura down and he would go a painstakingly intricate and at times, long way to do it too.
I will be publishing a longer write up about this subversion that Kishi uses for Sakura as an answer to an ask but I am writing this particular post separately because this bunch of chapters portray a series of incidents where Kishi really does it without any subtlety and is pretty in your face about it too, like you can viscerally feel his disdain towards Sakura's character just wafting over and it has made her a huge target for ridicule, it has become a ubiquitous topic for very popular jokes and memes even outside the fandom, lol.
Okay, so the chapter I am talking about is chapter 675 where Sakura has just been kamui'd out by Obito from his space time dimension to protect her from Madara's attack after she fails to stab his rinnegan eye. But she never had much determination to speak of unless it had to do with showing off to Sasuke and Naruto, mostly Sasuke. What is interesting to notice is that it also pointedly harks back to something else that she did (or didn't do lol) with her kunai which resulted in a frustrated and (greatly) annoyed audience, courtesy Kishi.
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Her nervous expression, the trembling kunai just centimetres away from its target but unable to reach it, failure to do it anyway, giving an opening to her opponent that could have easily been avoided had she been a little more resolute (no one really asked her to take on Sasuke though, that was her own decision given her poor sense of judgment, fighting strategy and skills), getting attacked by the opponent and then getting rescued by someone. Mostly Naruto.
Anyway. She couldn't do anything, having failed to stab Obito's eye so she is transported back by Obito and she joins Kakashi and Sasuke who are waiting for Madara to return. She sees Kakashi's condition and starts to heal him. Naruto leaves his clone to hold Madara's shadow captive with his sage of six paths staff and returns to Sasuke's side, his better half of the 'main act' of the war which has already been established at this point.
So seeing Sakura healing Kakashi, he takes over from a resisting Sakura and heals him. The ONE thing that she could do and not feel redundant in the trio is taken away from her, lolol.
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He not only heals him, he gives him a brand new eye, something that is beyond the reach of prevailing medical jutsu itself. How can Sakura even hope to compete with this? Lolol. Kishi, you sadistic so and so! You won't even let her catch a break.
Naruto can't explain and doesn't even understand how he did it and it took Sakura years of effort to learn medical jutsu and achieve a stage where she could even use her mitotic regeneration jutsu. Hahahahaha.
Okay, now then, Sasuke tells Naruto to keep his guard up while Sakura is acting like her usual pointlessly high handed self trying to condescend to Naruto who just made her presence utterly pointless, and Kakashi starts to reminisce about team seven dynamic. Kakashi, a man who has a very shallow understanding of his team members (he thinks Sakura's love has changed from what it was and that she is kind and gentle lol) and not at all about Sasuke, which he thankfully admits.
But what's funny to me is that Kishi was totally focusing on showing Sakura down, mercilessly. So Kakashi is seen reminiscing about their first day in team seven.
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Sakura squealing like a typical immature fangirl crushing over an entirely disinterested and quite embarrassed boy, while having no other goal or objective. While Naruto announces his goal to surpass the current hokage, Sasuke divulges his ambition of restoring his clan's honour and killing Itachi, Sakura just blushes and squeals.
Kakashi thinks she is kind and gentle (because of course he has never seen Sakura treating Naruto, at times even a badly injured Naruto, like a punching bag and manipulating him and everyone else for her ill conceived plans), she has grown and her love for Sasuke has matured because she still cares about him even though he tried to kill her in kage arc. Oh sure, running after a boy and begging for his attention no matter what the circumstances or timing is totally what a mature woman would do, lol. Thing is, he has got blinders on when it comes to Sakura because he obviously very conveniently forgets that Sakura attacked Sasuke first, in fact, she went there with the sole intention of killing Sasuke, while not knowing the truth but suspecting something, after having orchestrated a plan that included fake confessing to Naruto (#rejected lol), drugging her team mates and armed with a puny poisoned kunai which she didn't have the presence of mind to deduce would be pointless against Sasuke who trained with Orochimaru for years, some medical ninja, lol.
Kakashi treats her with kid gloves and doesn't understand Sasuke's feelings or motivations given his own lack of perception and failure to understand the intricacies of emotions and relationships, he makes a lot of faux pas when it comes to his team seven members. Kishi knows that these are the questions any reader would ask since these elements were given such consistent visibility in the manga and such consistent characterisation to the players, he is not an idiot. So he uses indirect and subtle techniques and narrative elements, and forces the reader to ask questions and then provides the answers. How? By showing, not telling. Okay, a little telling as well.
Kishi has already established, through Kakashi's interactions with Obito, that Kakashi is definitely flawed as he writes him to admit that he tried his best but he made mistakes.
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And that it can be contributed to his past, when he lost his father so cruelly along with his team mates. He also admits that giving false hope to Sakura when Sasuke is about to abandon Konoha was wrong. And what this proves is that Kakashi isn't infallible. His hypocrisy is very apparent when the core of his principle is to cherish his comrades and yet couldn't even attempt to understand Sasuke, given Sasuke's excruciatingly disturbing and scarring past. And even at the end, he expects Sasuke to behave and acts like it was all Sasuke's fault, not having understood him at all. The reason Sasuke gave up at the end was due to the revelatory experience he had with Naruto in chapter 698. Kakashi is emotionally stunted, perhaps which is why he is so good at being an ideal shinobi. A shinobi doesn't cry, doesn't emote, doesn't complain, doesn't break orders and protects his village with his life. Anyway, what becomes clear is that Kakashi's emotional perception is quite affected and far from accurate for sure.
Anyway, so Kakashi reminisces about what he perceives as the team seven dynamic after Naruto heals his eye and then reminds Sasuke of the first lesson he taught them when they were rookies. Sasuke remains meaningfully silent and only grunts. He obviously has a very low opinion of Kakashi, justifiably, as was established in kage arc and the succeeding chapters after this one emphasize it even more. Heh.
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So what does 'Team Seven' decide on?
Where was this notion of Team seven teamwork emphasized on the last time before this? Here.
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Where Sakura is seen nursing her past insecurities and ramping her ego to join Naruto and Sasuke in the fight because she can't tolerate being protected by them anymore like a damsel in distress.
She thought she was a full fledged kunoichi after passing her genin exams, lol.
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Anyway, so she doesn't want to gaze at the boys' back, meaning being shielded or protected by them, as they proceed to take on their opponent. And she manages to punch and make a dent while insulting her own sensei, like some badass that she definitely thinks she is, it becomes quite clear from her body language and expression.
Problem is, her feeling so good about herself (I have finally caught up to them) and acting like a badass is very disproportionate with her actual actions and contribution to the battle. Which is why it creates a dissonance in the reader's mind. As she keeps pulling the same shit over and over without changing or improving things, even after having certain realizations, she creates a negative impression of herself in the audience's mind. She doesn't evolve to be better in a manga where characters learn and grow as a rule which then contributes to the main plot, this is a coming of age story as well after all. Same with Hinata.
Btw, Hashirama saying her strength might be greater than Tsunade doesn't mean shit. Because he actually hasn't seen what his grand-daughter is capable of. Her strength is greater than Raikage, as Madara notices after fighting all the kages. Someone as strong as Naruto struggled to fight against Raikage when he tried to stop him from joining the war effort and so Bee had to intervene on his behalf. She couldn't even fight average cloud ninjas Omoi and Karui, lol. Like c'mon, they aren't even portrayed as some super strong, special ninjas, they are a hardly more than comedy fodder. But Kishi won't even let Sakura take some fodder level ninjas, lol, it's embarrassing. And what happens? Naruto comes to her rescue, as always. Heh. No way Sakura is stronger than Raikage, lol.
Why does Kishi do things like these? These obvious contradictions that he knows are very visible to anyone who pays attention? Especially with Sakura, where other characters like Kakashi, Shizune, Hashirama and Jiraiya remark positively about Sakura? To build expectations, make the reader anticipate some awesome action from Sakura, something that would actually justify these positive remarks in the narrative, building the premise of the action, escalating it, but then right at the moment of dramatic and narrative payback, 👎. He makes Sakura fail pathetically (he does the same thing with Hinata) by subverting the narrative development and tropes, by not satisfying the readers' expectations that he so painstakingly develops, by writing the most anti-climactic of actions at the end. No payback whatsoever. What does an actual payback look like? Cue Might Guy's opening all of the eight gates, when he smashes Madara's ribs in as he breaks his own bones in the process. Cue Tsunade grunting like a warrior goddess as she thrashes Madara's clone beyond recognition. Even Sakura when she punches the ground real hard and takes out little juubi soldiers.
He sadistically wastes all that effort that builds up the anticipation.
And what does doing that achieve? Simple. It makes the reader get really annoyed/dissatisfied with the character. And they feel compelled to berate or ridicule her character. And why won't they? They invested in the character and his/her actions in the narrative for a grand payback, watching multiple episodes or reading multiple chapters carefully, and when they don't get it, they would naturally be frustrated. Kishi consistently pulls this shit over and over again with Sakura and Hinata. And why would he go to such lengths to do shit like this? Well, it's not because he wants to make these ladies look credible or worthy. Heheh.
This is exactly why fans who don't see everything through rose coloured glasses, shipping lenses or have a good taste and a good understanding of characters and the human condition, and actually pay attention to what they are watching or reading, are so annoyed by these characters. Notice I am not saying disgusted or hateful (although some of y'all are) but mostly really annoyed and frustrated. Sakura and Hinata, more than anything else (although they are all those things too, like distasteful, boring and cringey lol), are simply annoying. Because of the reason I explained above.
Kishi is fucking relentless about it too. After this sense that he gives the reader of team seven dynamic, he pulls this shit here. No Sakura, no team. Just Naruto and Sasuke being the main act.
After which, we see Naruto and Sasuke fighting together or separately, but not with the team. But after they are given the sage of six paths power by Hagoromo, they fight together, well in sync with each other. Like they are meant to be. Sasuke bosses Naruto around, like usual, Naruto complains nostalgically but you can see he is totally enjoying it to the hilt. And both of them get shit done. Naruto stops Madara's shadow successfully as Sasuke skillfully slashes Madara's physical body in half. But before he can react further, Madara flies to Kakashi, steals his sharingan and just shoves it in his socket, because it really is that simple lol, enters Obito's space time dimension and attacks Sakura. Now Sakura has no idea about Madara's powers, not having fought him at all directly, and definitely not having fought with the juubi jinchuuriki Madara. So where on the one hand, you see Sasuke and Naruto thoughtfully device strategies to fight Madara, Sakura actually is totally clueless. But Kakashi reminds them of 'teamwork'.
So then Madara finally appears and then this happens.
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Hahahahaha. Teamwork? What teamwork?Sakura doesn't even know what Madara's strengths or weaknesses are. And just as expected, he stabs her in the chest and stops her punch with his Limbo jutsu. Payback? What payback? Readers who sympathized with Sakura? Disappointed. Readers who wanted returns on their investment, disappointed. But people who understood what she was really like? Vindication. Lol.
She did the same thing here that Hinata does in Pein arc, when she charges at Pein without putting any thought into it. Hinata did it to attract Naruto's attention. And why did Sakura do it?
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And what happened in both cases? Long build up resulting in them getting struck with a single hit and then being rescued by someone else. Naruto doesn't even acknowledge Hinata and Sakura droops because Sasuke ain't paying attention to her. So much for team work. Lol.
But what impression does it give to the reader?
1) Sakura's love for Sasuke didn't really evolve did it? It's the same when in part one, she climbs the tree by gathering chakra in her feet to impress Sasuke but Sasuke doesn't pay attention to her and she slumps, highly disappointed. Same as here.
2) She makes it look like she is creating an opening by using a diversionary tactic, but it's quite obvious she is really scared, but is still trying to show off to Naruto and Sasuke because she doesn't wanna stay behind, gazing at their backs again. So she attacks Madara blindly. Her desire to show off and strut around trumps her desire to actually defeat Madara. What a shinobi, lol. This is a freaking war, and she is fighting against a super strong villain who is bent on destroying their world as they know it, but she is more concerned with nursing her own shortcomings. Self centred, yes. And definitely not a badass. Just ass. Hehe.
After getting rescued by Naruto yet again, she wallows in sadness when Sasuke doesn't even glance at her but immediately calls for Naruto, who btw totally gets what he is indicating at without needing to say it out loud. Yay, team seven. Lol. So while Sasuke and Naruto get into form and fight Madara, what does Sakura do?
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Precisely nothing. Just sitting there in awe of Sasuke and Naruto. Spellbound at Madara's jutsu and power, that she didn't know zilch about. Kakashi is pretty pointless here as well, but he wasn't the one who just proclaimed they remembered the teamwork lesson and jumped in a fight without any plan. At least, he had the presence of mind to stop Sakura from joining in the fight when Naruto and Sasuke charge at Madara and she again finds herself watching their backs, as he tells her to not do it unless she has a plan. And she does stop, lol. She doesn't have the power or strategy, just ego. All she wants is to impress Sasuke and show off to Naruto and others, who cares there's a war going on? Lol.
3) It becomes pretty clear who the real team is here. And Sakura is very pointedly missing from it. And it stays that way till the end, staying true to the real team seven dynamic. The Main Act.
So after hyping up the team work element, Kishi discards Sakura's inclusion with a ruthless but consistently written treatment and makes her...?
She couldn't heal Kakashi, she couldn't punch Madara. And she didn't mature, like Kakashi believed. Still pretty useless. Lol.
I am aware that her stans only read the most surface level. How else would they justify something they invest so much in? But unfortunately, it's a fact and not a matter of opinion that Kishi never intended to portray her positively and he certainly puts a hell lot of effort to do so in a clever manner. It's not a coincidence that she (along with Hinata) is such a hated character. It's because she has been portrayed that way. Storytelling and visual language are intuitive by nature. All I am doing here is decoding them. I am writing here what you already know. I am just explaining the how of it. Excuse the digressions lol.
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nekoannie-chan · 7 months
Extra training
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader X Reader.
Word count: 385 words.
Rating: Mature.
Summary: Maybe you need extra training
Major Tags: Mention of smut.
Additional tags: This is my gift to @talia-rumlow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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You turned around; you didn't know exactly how you felt when you noticed that your superiors, Brock and Jack, kept looking at you. There were so many recruits; why were they looking at you?
You held your breath as you felt Brock take your arms.
“You have to hold them tighter, otherwise you'll hurt yourself," he said as he instructed you to do the exercise properly. You nodded.
You didn't even have a reason to be nervous.
From then on, you began to notice that they were paying too much attention to you during the training.
One night, after training, you stayed behind. It was your turn to put away what had been used during the session. You were cursing in the basement because your teammates had not stayed to pick up what they were supposed to, and now you had to do it. You had just put the weights down when suddenly you felt a look, and the basement door closed. Brock took your hand as Jack stood in front of the door. You put down the weight you had in your hand and swallowed your way out. You weren't quite sure what that meant.
“We can't deny what's happening, can we?“ Jack said it with a smile.
Brock smiled; he could feel the nervousness in you, your heart fluttering, or maybe your pants starting to get wet.
Brock took your face in his hands and brought his lips to yours as Jack came up behind you and hugged you.
Time stopped for a moment, and you let yourself get caught up in the moment. You didn't care if they broke the rules or not; this was something you'd wanted for a long time; you just hoped it wasn't a dream like the others you'd had.
You felt Jack's hand go down your hip as Brock began to undress you.
It didn't matter if anyone heard them; if they broke the rules, they were just indulging their innermost desires.
“I think you'll need an extra booster session after every training session," Brock commented playfully.
“Of course, no one can know about this," Jack said.
“Everything is clear," you assured him.
You had always followed the rules, and now, for the first time in your life, you were doing what you really wanted to do.
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talesfromthesnogbox · 3 months
BNBG (Brand New Babygirl)
Summary: Alex buys Henry lingerie, Henry decides to recreate the Intimate Words video for him in turn. Sequel to I Want Your Video, but can be read as a standalone!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,187
AO3 Link
I Want Your Video AO3 Link Tumblr Link
Henry was thinking of doing something stupid.
Well… not stupid so to speak, but something… uncharacteristic for him. Not that this was the first time he’d ever do anything wildly out of character.
You see, a few months ago, Henry did something for his friend Pez, stepped way out of his comfort zone, and ended up getting himself way more popular online than he already was, possibly a new kink, and a boyfriend. 
The boyfriend in question was Alex Claremont-Diaz, a lawyer that worked for Henry’s publisher, and quite possibly the most perfect man on the face of the planet. Smart, kind, considerate, gorgeous, talented with his fingers… and tongue… Henry really couldn’t have asked for anyone better.
Shortly after getting together, they’d decided to move Alex into Henry’s brownstone. Neither had ever lived with a partner before, but both of them loved it. There was an adjustment period of course, sharing a space with someone after living alone for years meant their routines had been totally thrown off, but the adjustment was worth it.
One thing Henry was never prepared for though was how much Alex spoiled him.
It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Alex to show up to Henry’s floor of their office building with a bouquet of fresh flowers, or his favourite tea, or lunch when his meetings ran long (his second book was this close to releasing). An excellent cook, Alex would come home and start lavish dinners when he could, taking the time and having the patience to teach Henry a thing or two in the kitchen (that didn’t involve either man’s pair of lips and a lack of clothing). Henry had become quite fond of baking, and in turn would show up on Alex’s floor of their office with a fresh batch of cookies for him and his coworkers.
Little gifts here and there meant Alex was thinking of him, and Henry had accepted them all gratefully. Alex had never been shy to offer his boyfriend a gift, until one day a month before the second book release date.
How to Keep a Heart, the much awaited sequel to Henry’s debut novel was due to release in exactly one month, and Henry was exhausted. The stress, and meetings, and marketing, so much had gone into this book, he wasn’t feeling like himself anymore. 
“I’m sorry love, I know we said we’d have date night tonight.”
Alex shook his head, rubbing comforting circles on Henry’s back. “Baby it’s okay, I’ll cancel the reservation, why don’t we order a pizza or something and throw on a movie.”
The last thing Henry wanted was for his stress to interfere with Alex and their relationship.
“Pride and Prejudice?”
Alex kissed Henry’s cheek and got up to order their pizza. When he came back to the couch, he was holding a small shiny bag, something soft wrapped in tissue held within it.
“I have something for you… it’s—I—I’m not sure it’s the right time to give it to you though.”
Henry smirked, holding out his hands for the bag, but Alex stepped away. “I was going to give it to you tonight to I dunno, help you feel sexy or something, but I don’t know if it’s right to do that when you’re feeling this stressed. And! And I don’t want you to feel pressured to do anything with it or—I just want to preface this by saying I love our sex life.” 
“Alex you’re making me nervous.” 
“Sorry, I know I’m fucking this all up, I just haven’t bought… well I have, but I’ve never dated a man before you so this is kind of new territory.” He shook his head. “Nora once told me that when she’s stressed, she doesn’t feel good about herself, so she buys herself something nice to help that feeling go away. So I thought maybe if I bought you something nice you’ll remember how fucking gorgeous you are, and how much I love you and desire you. It’s dumb, I know, and you probably don’t—”
“Alex.” Henry was smiling. “Alex love, may I please see what’s in the bag? No matter what I’m sure I’ll love it.” 
Reluctantly, Alex handed Henry the bag. 
Henry shot Alex a grateful smile as he dove into the tissue, pulling out a neatly wrapped parcel. Carefully as to not rip the tissue, he pulled at the sticker and lifted the tissue.
“I-it’s really dumb, and we’ve literally never talked about this and maybe you’re not into it… it’s totally okay if you’re not into it, I can return it and we can forget this ever—”
“Oh.” Henry’s face blanched slightly as he held up the item. “It’s… it’s very soft.” His eyes widened as he turned the scrap of fabric in his hands. Alex’s gift was beautiful, and clearly made to fit someone with his anatomy, but Henry had never actually owned any lingerie. The light pink satin matched the colour of one of his favourite shirts. It was simple, entirely satin and elastic save for the strip of baby blue lace at the waistband, the material quite thick and looked well made. Gold beads adorned the strings of the baby pink ribbon tied in a bow right at the front, he almost hated to admit that immediately, he wasn’t opposed to the idea of owning it. Henry understood why Alex gifted him this. The thong was unlike anything he’d owned before, normally he was quite conservative in his underwear choices. 
“I’m sorry baby, I know we should have talked about this together before I went out and… I don’t know what I was thinking—” 
“Alex, love, you’re spiralling.” Henry stopped him, smile on his face. “Is this something you’ve thought about trying with me?”
“I-I mean, yeah. Baby, you’re beautiful, and I want you to feel like you are too. It’s just a little something extra to make you feel as sexy as I know you are.”
“That’s very sweet love, thank you. I don’t know if I’m quite comfortable wearing this yet, but can I think about it?”
Alex nodded enthusiastically. “Take all the time you need, and if you decide you never want to wear it, that’s fine too.”
“Pez! Keep it down, the whole restaurant doesn’t need to know this.” 
Henry had met Pez for lunch the next day for their longstanding weekly catchups, he’d filled his best friend in on the gift he’d received last night.
“Sorry Hazza, was just picturing you wearing it and I think I blacked out for a bit. Do you have a photo? I bet your sexy little arse looks fantastic in satin.” 
“Well I haven’t tried them on or anything.”
Pez tilted his head and assessed Henry. “Yet you’ve mentioned this little unmentionable to me, so you’re considering it, aren’t you.”
“I—” Henry’s cheeks flushed bright red. To reiterate, Henry was thinking of doing something stupid. Or… uncharacteristic. Stepping outside his comfort zone was not Henry’s strong suit.
“You are! I honestly don’t see the problem here babes. It’s just fancy underwear, and he’ll be the only one seeing ‘em anyways. You’ve already experienced la petite mort on youtube that thousands have seen, so what if your boyfriend wants to ogle you in some sexy panties in the privacy of your own home.”
“Yes but Pez, I’m a man. The first man Alex has been with. I… does he miss being with women?”
Pez tsk’d and took Henry’s hand. “Has he mentioned missing being with women?” Henry shook his head. “Well there’s your answer. Henry my love, it’s just fabric, I wouldn’t read into it too much. I own lingerie, many of my male partners have owned lingerie, hell I bet you even Philip owns—”
“I beg you to not finish that sentence.” 
“Point is babes, it doesn’t mean anything other than your hot lawyer boyfriend wanted you to feel sexy. Own it. And if you’re not comfortable going right for the big guns, I can send you some stuff to help you work up to it.”
Unfortunately for Henry, his best friend had always been true to his word, and by the end of his work day, there was a shopping bag left for him at the receptionist’s desk. 
There were only a few pieces, nothing over the top whatsoever, in fact a lot of it looked like things Henry wore every day, except instead of the worn cotton he was used to, the boxers and briefs in the bag were soft lacy things. The only outliers were a three pack of thongs from Armani, a brand of underwear he knew and loved already… he’d work up to that.
For the next couple days, Henry dipped into Pez’s bag of tricks, washed and hiding at the back of his underwear drawer. The lace felt much the same, only… breezier, and the more he wore it, the more he understood why Alex thought he would enjoy lingerie. No, nobody would see it, not even Alex, he’d decided… not yet anyways. It was a secret for Henry to know and nobody else to find out. But he felt mischievous knowing he was in the office, in meetings, chatting over coffee in the canteen with his publishers, knowing under his neatly tailored pants he was wearing a pair of black lace briefs that made his ass look like a dream. 
The stress from the upcoming release never went away, but he felt a switch within himself flick on when he caught a glimpse of himself in the morning, freshly showered and nicely cupped in lace. 
Days before his book release, he decided to finally try one of the thongs from Pez’s gift. It was… strange. From the front it looked no different than any other pair of Armani briefs he owned, but from the back… seeing his ass on display sent a shiver of pleasure through him. He threw on a pair of jeans, hyperaware of how the denim felt against the bare skin of his ass for the first time… ever. 
He went through the motions of his morning, brewing an Earl Grey the way he liked it, catching up on the news, and finally, joining his sister for their weekend FaceTime calls.
“It was all quite dramatic. But then I said… Henry, are you even paying attention?”
Bea giggled on the other end of the line. “Baby bro your head is up in space. Is it the book release?” 
“Did something happen with Alex?”
“Bea I’m wearing a thong.” 
She raised her eyebrow. “O-okay, and judging by your face, it’s the first time you’ve worn one?” Henry nodded. “Ah well I suppose it takes some getting used to. I was still in secondary school when I bought my first one, with Amber Smith y’know, dad picked us up and I ran right to my room and hid it from mum. But we’re adults now so no having to hide sexy underwear from nosy parents.” Bea gasped. “Is this a sexy surprise for Alex?”
“Y’know, you’re way too invested in my sex life as my sister.”
“Oh shut up, you’re like my best friend, we can talk to each other about this.”
Henry did love his sister dearly, and she did occasionally have sound advice. 
“I-is it supposed to feel like I’ve got a wedgie all the time?” Bea cackled loudly. “It’s not funny! Do people just walk around like this all day?”
After some thorough research, Henry concluded Bea was right, it did just take some getting used to. He found that he liked the way the thong gave him a clean base under his trousers with no visible lines, and he’d forgotten what he was even worried about… it was just underwear. 
The day of his book release had finally come, and Henry was happier than he’d been in months. His publisher had hosted a small party the night before at an indie bookstore where one hundred fans were invited to kick off sales. That morning, he’d posted on all his socials, knowing soon enough readers would be commenting and tagging him in posts with their thoughts. He’d decided to take the rest of the day off to relax and enjoy some free time before he really got to work on his third book, the only thing planned was a dinner with Alex, and the surprise that would follow.
“Dinner was lovely, thank you for treating me.” Henry left a light peck on Alex’s lips. “What do you say about a cozy night in?”
Alex smiled, the smile didn’t reach his eyes, but he didn’t say anything admitting disappointment. “Sounds great baby. Star Wars marathon?”
“Mmmm, you know me too well. I’ll just freshen up, but I’ll meet you in the living room.” 
Henry tore away from his boyfriend, grabbing the scrap of fabric and his vibrator from the Intimate Words shoot. Opening himself up and placing the vibrator took barely any time at all. Henry had been thinking about this all week, eager to finally give his boyfriend a weekend full of pleasure after the craziest months of their lives.
Once the toy was placed, Henry finally slipped on the soft pink thong Alex had gifted him just a month ago. He’d been experimenting, and he was used to seeing himself in pretty things, but this made him look exquisite. The pink satin was shiny and delicate against his skin, full and smooth where it held his partially-aroused dick. The blue lace complimented his alabaster skin, and brought out the colour of his eyes, but he knew Alex wouldn’t be focusing on his eyes tonight. 
Henry felt powerful as he positioned himself on their king bed, draping himself over a pillow, the remote to the vibrator hiding underneath it. From the mirror he’d positioned in front of the bed, just a few feet over from where it usually lived, Henry assessed himself. Nothing had even happened yet and he already looked debauched, his hair a glorious mess, the flush from his cheeks trailing down his chest, his pert nipples pebbled from the mix of the chill of the room with his partial nakedness and the anticipation of what was to come.
He cleared his throat, heart pounding, and called for his boyfriend. “Alex, love, would you mind giving me a hand with something?”
“Coming!” He heard his boyfriend call from down the hall. Oh you will be darling. “What’s up—” Alex entered their bedroom, and his jaw went slack. “Wow.”
“Hi dear, sorry if I startled you, I gave your little gift some more thought, and it turns out you were incredibly correct,” he trailed a hand along the lace at his hips, “I feel very, very sexy.” 
“O-oh my god, I… you… dios mio baby you’re a fucking wet dream come alive.” 
Alex rushed forward but Henry put a hand out. “Ah, one more thing.” He reached under the pillow and tossed the remote to Alex, gesturing to the plush chair in the corner of their bedroom. 
“What’s this?” 
Henry turned to retrieve the manuscript off his bedside table, hearing Alex groan as his ass came into view. He looked over his shoulder, wiggling his ass a little with an arched back, and pulled aside the thong to reveal the vibrator nestled deep inside him, with the L shaped base nestled snugly against his perineum.
“Well, you’ve watched my little video a few times now, I figured it’s a big day, why not recreate it. I know you’ve been dying to read the scene Shaan asked me to cut from the first draft, let me narrate it for you love, if you’d let me?” 
“H-holy fuck baby, really?”
“Tell me where you’d like me, Alex, this is your fantasy.”
Henry giggled as he could practically see the horny ideas float through Alex’s head. “I’m in charge?” 
“Yes love, my pleasure is in your hands. But—”
“I’m in charge but you’re in control. I know baby.” Alex stripped down to his boxers, his length already thickening with arousal. He handed Henry a pillow, and Henry knew already what Alex wanted from him. Bashfully, he swung a leg over the pillow, lowering himself so his own bulge still wrapped in the silky thong hung over the front of the pillow. “Look at you baby, already knowing what I want, like such a good boy.”
A shiver ran through Henry at the praise from Alex. He wiggled a bit on the pillow, the movement securing the vibrator in place, before starting as he did on camera.
“Hello love, my name is Henry Fox, and I’ll be reading from How to Keep a Heart by Henry Fox.” He giggled cheekily, watching Alex’s expression morph from full concentration to a goofy smile. 
Henry dramatically flipped the first page of the manuscript, eyeing Alex flirtatiously as he thumbed through the pages. “You absolute tease, you don’t remember what page it’s on?”
“No love, I didn’t memorize the page number for where the omitted sex scene started. And tease? How am I the tease, you’re the one controlling the plug in my arse. The plug that isn’t vibrating yet I might add.”
“Relax baby, it’ll start once you start reading.”
Henry rolled his eyes, but the smile gracing his features gave him away. “Chapter seven. The coast was clear; James tugged Gabriel past where the guards should have been stationed, and through the heavy door of his private chamber. He wasted no time pushing Gabriel against the door, and finally kissed him senseless. He hadn’t so much as tasted his lover since his father sent them away, and James was aching with need.” Henry shot Alex a look, and rolled his hips pointedly.
“‘You came back for me.’ Gabriel whispered in disbelief against the taller man’s lips. ‘No, you came back for me. Not my father’s jewels.’ ‘James mi amor, how could you ever believe I cared about some stupid shiny rocks more than you? You’re mi tesoro.’ James shuddered as Gabriel’s hands wandered down to his bottom. They’d only made love once, but James was shaking with need. His cock swelled as he ground himself against Gabriel’s thigh, torn between pulling him towards the bed, and wanting to give into his own pleasure right here against the door. His desire to be thoroughly fucked into the mattress won out, and he pulled away, reaching for Gabriel as his knees hit the edge of the bed. ‘I’ve been thinking about you, every night when the castle is quiet and the candles are snuffed out, but my fingers are nothing compared to your cock.’”
As Henry read on, the rest of the room falling away as he distracted himself with his own story, Alex clicked the button on the remote.
“James took Gabriel’s thick length in hand, and oh!” Henry’s head shot up to lock eyes with Alex, who’s deep brown eyes were solid black with need. His jaw went slack, the vibrations not powerful enough to throw him entirely off course, but distracting enough to make him want to stay in this position and ditch the manuscript. 
“Well? Go on baby, you were saying something about Gabriel’s thick length?” Alex took that moment to lower his boxers, his own hardness standing proud between his legs as he took himself in hand. Henry whimpered at the sight, and couldn’t help the roll of his hips against the pillow between his thighs. “So pretty for me baby, but those noises aren’t in your dirty little book, are they?” 
Henry shook his head, and brought the manuscript up to read from again. “James t-took Gabriel’s thick length in hand and swiped his thumb over the h-head, spreading the bead of pre-cum at the tip.” Henry’s abdominals contracted, momentarily taking his breath away as Alex pushed the vibrations to the next level. “‘I-I’ve never…’ James started, looking at Gabriel through th-thick lashes. He’d been wondering what the dark haired man would t-taste like, how it would feel to have him pump his s-seed down his throat, but James settled for a chaste kiss to the underside of Gabriel’s shaft— O-oh my god Alex.” 
His hand moved of its own volition towards his own hardness, and he shuddered as he drew circles over the soft satin of his panties. He reached in, over the waistband, but Alex suddenly stopped the vibrations. “Ah, ah, ah.” 
“Fuck.” Henry whimpered, his groan of frustration almost embarrassingly loud as his head hung forward. 
“No touchy.”
His hips rolled, trying to at least massage his prostate with the bulbous head of the vibrator, but it wasn’t enough. “Alex, please…”
“Begging already are we baby? Good boys don’t touch themselves when their boyfriend is supposed to be in charge.” Alex gave Henry a pointed look as he thumbed the underside of his dick. 
“I’ll be good, I promise. I just need…” 
“You need to stop touching yourself and let your toy do the work for you.”
Henry panted, but nodded all the same, adjusting himself so the head of his cock peeked out the top waistband of the panties. “Didn’t want to get them all messy.” 
A smirk crossed Alex’s face. “Mmmm, we’ll see how clean they stay.”
“James kissed his way up Gabriel’s oh god—” Alex pressed the button on the remote, cycling right to the midway point on the vibrator’s intensity. “F—fuck Alex.” Henry’s voice turned breathy, and his chest heaved as he fought to stay upright atop the pillow. “James kissed his way up Gabriel’s chest, licking into his belly button, stopping right under his strong pecs. He traced the underside with his tongue, teasing the skin around his nipples, smirking as his lover cried out under him.”
“Hey baby,” Henry’s eyes snapped up to meet Alex’s, “d’you wanna try something for me?” Henry nodded frantically. “Can you touch your pretty little tits for me please?”
A punched out moan left Henry’s lips, his hand shook as he dragged it up his torso to cup his flat pec. He threw his head back and ground his hips down into the pillow, whimpering as the vibrations finally hit just the right spot on his prostate. Henry had a past, Bea and Pez loved to joke about his “slut phase” (although Pez knew a lot more about Henry’s sex life than he cared to admit), but surprisingly none of his past lovers had ever given any attention to his chest. His hips stuttered as he gathered the courage to press into unknown territory and thumb over his nipple lightly.
It immediately pebbled under his touch, and a zing of pleasure shot down his spine as he did it again. “Christ”, he whimpered, arching his back into his hand. Precum dribbled from his dick, and he knew without looking it had already stained the pretty blue lace at his hips.
“Fuck sweetheart, look at you. So goddamn beautiful like that.”
“Wish it was your hands, your tongue Alex.” 
“Don’t forget about the other one.” 
Alex’s smirk was wiped off his face as Henry dropped his manuscript and locked eyes with him. He licked the pad of his thumb, keeping eye contact as he dropped his hand to his chest and thumbed the other nipple. His jaw went slack, and he leaned back on his other hand, grinding down on the pillow in earnest. Alex was speechless watching his boyfriend so lost in his own pleasure. He clicked the remote, upping the intensity of the vibrator and snickered as Henry let out a yelp of surprise. 
“Feel good baby?” 
“F-fuck. Incredible. Aahh shit.” He mewled. Henry’s hips thrust upwards and his abdomen contracted as the vibrator hit his sweet spot relentlessly. His thighs trembled and he repositioned himself again further back down the pillow so he could grip the front of it, knuckles going white. “I’m so fucking close Alex.” He sobbed. Alex upped the intensity again. If Henry was counting correctly, the toy was one setting away from full speed. His balls drew up as his already laboured breathing turned ragged, and he chased his pleasure, knowing he looked properly debauched now.
Just as he felt the beginnings of the tingling in his toes, the device stopped again.
“J-jesus christ Alex, fuck.” Henry’s heart pounded in his chest, his vision was blurred through frustrated tears. “Please let me cum.” 
Alex’s smirk was cocky as he stood from his chair, dropping the remote onto it carefully. His own dick was dripping, hard and hot, neglected as he’d instead watched his lover chase the pleasure for both of them. He drew a hand up to Henry’s cheek, wiping the tears away. “Not yet, mi amor.” 
A shudder ran through Henry at Alex’s casual use of Spanish. He knew it did something to him, and using it in the bedroom, when he was so close to finishing, was mean.
“Let me help you, baby.” He guided Henry down off his knees, and onto his stomach further up the bed. “Is this okay?” Henry nodded, whimpering as Alex joined him on the bed and drew his knees up under him. Even though he was still wearing the satin panties, Henry felt exposed. His head rested on his hands, chest on the bed and ass in the air. He moaned as Alex pulled aside his thong, tracing the tip of his finger around the rim of his hole. “Stay there.”
Henry heard Alex move off the bed. It could have been a minute, it could have been an hour, the throbbing of his hard cock was the only thing he could focus on until he heard the familiar snick of a bottle opening. Again, the scrap of fabric between his cheeks moved, and with a light tug, the vibrator was removed from his ass. His hole clenched around nothing, and fluttered as Alex’s fingers gently circled his rim. 
“Alex, don’t need it. Please.”
“Hen I’m a lot bigger than your vibrator. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Don’t care, need you.” He wiggled his ass, trying to find any purchase he could against Alex’s thumb.
Alex nodded and began to slick up his dick with the lube he’d run to grab. Henry shivered in anticipation, gasping quietly when his boyfriend’s cock head finally tapped his hole. Alex eased in slowly, but Henry revelled in the feeling of the stretch. 
“Fuck baby, you’re tight. You’re sure you don’t need my fingers first?”
Henry shook his head. “No, too close. You feel so fucking good, please.” 
Once Alex was fully seated, both men shuddered. As much as Alex didn’t want to hurt Henry, the lack of prep made Henry’s ass tighter than it ever had been any other time they’d fucked. In turn, the fullness had Henry reeling, he held on for dear life, not wanting to cum until he was allowed to.
“Alex… please move.” Alex groaned deep as he gripped the other man’s hips, pulled out almost all the way, then thrust into Henry. It had only been a few moments, but Henry was already so fucked out, quiet gasps were the only sounds leaving his lips.
“Look at yourself baby, how fucking gorgeous you look.” Henry had forgotten about the mirror he strategically placed in view of the end of their bed. With all his strength, he tilted his chin straight, and groaned at the sight of them. Henry’s ass, full cheeks bracketed Alex’s trim waist as the tan man pounded into him, abs tight and glistening with sweat, clear focus gracing his features. 
The tip of Alex’s dick grazed Henry’s prostate, and from there he knew it was nearly over. “F-fuck, there… right there—” a choked out whimper left his throat as Alex relentlessly hit that spot. “I can’t—”
“Can’t what Hen?” Alex stopped all the sudden, panting and rubbing Henry’s back.
“For god’s sake Alex, I was about to cum.” He wiggled his hips, thrusting back as best he could on Alex’s dick. “Please let me cum.” 
Alex laughed. “Alright sweetheart.” He reached under Henry, and carefully pulled the front of the silky panties down, then thrust in again hard, knowing he’d found the right spot by the way Henry mewled. It only took a few more thrusts before Henry’s ass was clenching around Alex’s cock, his orgasm ripping one from Alex.
Henry shook, his toes curled, his hips pushed backwards into Alex erratically, and his fingers knotted in the bedsheets as he came with a shout. A steady stream of tears rolled down his cheeks as he felt Alex’s release fill him.
They both panted as they came down from their highs, Henry whining as Alex slipped out of him and moved him to lay down away from the wet patch he’d created.
“Surprise!” Henry blurted out breathlessly.
“Jesus Hen that was one hell of a surprise.” 
“Thank you again, for the gift. They’re beautiful and you were right, it does make me feel really sexy.”
Alex knocked his forehead against Henry’s, kissing his nose. “Sexy doesn’t even begin to cover how good you look. Selfishly, I’m really happy you decided to try it out.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to Henry’s, lazily kissing as they caught their breaths.
“Well… I kind of worked up to it you see… I have a whole new underwear drawer I’ve been keeping hidden from you, maybe I’ll show you sometime.”
“Oh my god I love you. Does this mean you’re open to me buying you some more pretty little pieces?”
Henry smiled deviously. “I think I’d rather like that.” He pushed Alex onto his back, straddling his hips and pinning his wrists to the bed. “Who knows, maybe I’ll do a whole sexy photoshoot for you,” he kissed Alex’s neck, “send you pictures at inopportune moments,” a peck placed softly to his lips, “maybe a video or two of me playing with myself…” Henry smirked as he felt Alex’s dick twitch beneath him. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes Henry, I’d be very much into that.’”
“Yes Henry, I’d be very much into that.” 
 Henry chuckled and fell back onto his place on the bed. “Did all that live up to your expectations?”
Alex kissed him softly, dragging Henry’s mostly naked body closer. “Exceeded them. By a long shot. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you too, and it was really fun having you boss me around, but maybe next time I can be the bossy one.”
Alex’s eyes went wide. “Fucking deal, sounds good, send me a g-cal invite and I’ll be there.”
Henry slipped the thong off and tossed it aside before snuggling into Alex more. “Hmmmm I know we should get up and shower but I’m so comfy here.”
Alex chuckled, stroking Henry’s hair lightly. “Give it like ten minutes and you’ll feel disgusting. How about we shower, grab David, and throw on Bake Off?”
“Sounds lovely sweetheart.”
“Talk to me again about that collection of sexy underwear you have now?”
Henry shook his head, smacking Alex’s stomach. “Another surprise for another time, love.”
“Can’t wait.”
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stardust948 · 6 months
ask game for teasing wips/upcoming projects
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
“Honey! It’s okay. It’s okay.” Warm hands cupped his face. “Breathe. I got you.”
The world slowly dialed back in, centering on slitted golden eyes staring intensely at him.
“Ursa…” Ozai pulled her into a tight hug. “You’re alright…”
“Me?” Ursa let out a nervous laugh. “You’re the one who…” She leaned her forehead against his. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“Forgive me.”
Ozai laughed slightly. They leaned in for a kiss when the door flew open and two very worried dragon children pounced him.
“Daddy! You’re okay!”
‘We were so scared!’
“Careful! He’s still recovering!” Ursa scolded.
Ozai paid no mind to the sharp pain as he hugged his precious children, alive and well. Ursa hugged his back. Ozai shifted some and the two shared a kiss. He was so relieved the nightmare was just that. A nightmare.
By Agni, he was going to make sure it stayed that way.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
“Once you’re released from prison, do you want to…live together again?” she mumbled the last part.
“Want to what?” Zuko asked.
Katara flushed. “Nothing.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s our last night together. I don’t want to ruin it.”
“Nothing you can do will ruin it.”
He gently kissed her forehead. Katara closed her eyes as his lips lingered.
“Katara…” Zuko rasped.
“Will you wait for me?”
She kissed his scar then pulled him close. “Yes.”
Zuko buried his face against her chest and wrapped around his arms around her. Warmth spread all across his body, igniting his inner flame.
“Will you stay with me?” Katara ran her cool fingers across his chest. “If only for a night?”
He kissed her neck, growing more excited as she shivered. The feeling from the strange dream was back but so much more intense. Raw. Alive.
“Katara…” Another kiss. “I love you.”
Hands wandered lower, inviting him closer. “Say it again…”
Zuko surrendered. To the feeling. To his body.
To her.
“I love you… I love you… I love you…”
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
Summary: Through experiment with firebending moves, Katara learns how to summon thunderstorms. Where there’s thunder, there’s lightning. And lightning with no control is a danger to it all. After a terrible accident, Katara swears to never summon storms again unless they find someone who can control the lightning.
Someone who wasn’t Zuko that is.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
“My name is Lee and these are my children.”
He turned and only Zuko, Katara, and Sokka. Ozai’s stomach dropped. Where was Aang?! Of all the times to run off!
“Which are?” The soldier pressed.
Ozai’s mind went blank. “Lee Jr… Ty Lee and… Lee the third.”
Sokka’s face twisted in confusion but before he could say something sarcastic, Ozai spoke up.
“My youngest. Mute from birth, poor thing.”
Sokka’s jaw dropped.
“A bit slow too.” Zuko smirked.
“But we still love him!” Katara pinched his cheek. “Who could say no to that face?
Sokka gave them both the dirtiest look possible.
“Children, huh?” The soldier glared at Zuko’s scar and the Water Tribe siblings’ dark skin. “Aren’t you all a <em>colorful</em> bunch.”
“If we’re done here-“ Ozai started.
“Not quite. Lift your head.”
Ozai tensed. Before he could make a move, Aang jumped in front of him, large straw hat obscuring Ozai’s face.
“Lee where are your manners?! How could you forget to introduce your dear old dad?!” he spoke in a ridiculous old man voice.
“My apologies… <em>Dad.</em>” Ozai cringed on the inside. “This is-“
“Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the Third!” He jabbed the soldier in the chest. “But that’s Mr. Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the Third to you!”
“Uh…” The soldier balked.
���I apologize for my father. He can get a little high strung sometimes.”
“Oi, watch yer mouth!”
Aang smacked Ozai’s head with his staff.
“Ack!” he rubbed his head then shot daggers at a smug Aang while the others snickered.
Oh he was so going to get it later.
“Now what’s the hold up here?!” Aang twitched his bushy mustache. “Back in my day they respected elders with the highest regard! Ya bow ya head, say yes sir, please and thank you, and offered to carry their bags. Did I hear any offers yet? Youth these days! Back in my day-”
“Okay okay!” The soldier sighed and waved them off. “Just stay out of trouble.”
“Don’t tell me what to do, young spark.” Aang jabbed his chest again. Ozai ducked as Aang swung his staff again then hobbled off. “Come along now sonny. I need to treat my sweet grandbabies to mountains of candy apples and shaved ice!”
“Coming Grandfather!” Katara and Zuko ran after him followed by a pouting Sokka with his arms crossed.
“Let yer old grandpappy show you how it’s done!”
“Careful Dad.” Ozai forced a smile. “You know you can’t eat that stuff anymore.”
“Watch me!”
The soldier massaged his growing headache.
Mixed families were so weird.
Thanks for the asks!
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havendance · 4 months
3, 9, 18, 27 for the fic ask <3
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Favorites are so hard to pick. Of all time, I think it might by You Will Live Forever, the Owl House dragon slayer!Willow AU I cowrote with my bro @anguigenus. For DC, I have a soft spot for both of the fics in my depressing Batman!Helena AU (the End of the Line series).
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
I try to write most days, but it doesn't always work out. I have actually written a little something this morning though. Take the last sentence: "[Amanda had] started this mess, it was time she ended it."
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
This time I'll go with this line from Madness: "Her voice sounded like a fever, like smoke wafting up, like the last splash of alcohol before the bar closed."
When I picked this draft up after letting it sit for over a year, I had to go check and see if any of them had been used a descriptor for Delirium in the comics because it felt very plausible to me.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Blood for Blood. That fic spent a lot of time not working for me and prior to posting, it was still tainted by how much I had disliked it when it wasn't working. Part of me was also a little nervous about the ending because while it had been the image that had prompted the whole fic, it was also pretty different from how I'd written Helena previously. I was also a little irrationally worried that what if this was the fic that everyone ended up reading for Helena and they all came away with a mistaken understanding of her character because this was me very specifically taking her to a place different from canon and what if people who had never read her before thought that she just was the sort of person to commit mass murderers for fun? Suffice to say, that did not happen, and publishing this fic was one of those things where seeing people like it helped me to see it through new ideas, so I now quite like this fic after spending so much time hating it.
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litrumi · 4 months
Excerpt: Chapter 6 - "A Drop of Light in The Night" (Catnap X Dogday)
(Basically, it's about time I stop shitposting every day and maybe actually stick a little bit to my, you know, actual in-progress fanfic? So, why not tease a bit to the uninitiated that don't have any clue what's going on with it right now. After all, I'm like 80% done with Chapter 7 now. I hope I stick to it! This is the most I've done for a fanfic yet. Regardless...)
(Here's a piece of it, even though the full chapter's already published. VAGUE Spoilers that take place right in the middle of a particular conflict with our main duo. But Catnap isn't giving up! He's ready to get to the bottom of this! Also the music I was listening to when writing it is linked, but alsooo... an alternate song I think fits as well that I plan to use later is here too. Enjoy!)
Italics = Personal thoughts
"Quotes" = Verbal talking
AHHH! NO WAY! Now, it was my turn to have my world shaken. My face was stricken with wide eyes and a jaw-dropping expression from the realization.
Dogday is also caught by surprise from my reaction.
Are you serious?! Is that really why? But it's the only thing that makes sense! You've gotta be kidding me! Why would he...?!
"Uh... Catnap?" Dogday looks perplexed. "You okay there?"
I shake my head vigorously to snap out of it. I turn my attention to the confused pup.
This is absolutely insane! But I might just have an answer for him after all. It's not proof that I'll be able to show him, but there's no way he'd be able to deny this wild guess if it's true!
"Dogday..." I start. "As I've mentioned, Crafty told me about what you had been doing a lot of in these last three days. You've been in bed, trying to get quite a lot of sleep."
"That's right, you've said that already," He looks off to the side. "And?"
"By any chance, were you trying to sleep on purpose?"
"On purpose?" He looks nervous, starting to sweat. "N- No! Why would I be doing that on purpose?!"
"You had a goal in mind," I think about it carefully. "Something you wanted to do that could only, specifically, be done by sleeping."
"I- I need a reason to sleep?" He looks at me, completely flabbergasted. "Are you pulling my leg right now? There's nothing crazy about me wanting to sleep in my own bed!"
I slam my hands on the table. "Don't lie, Dogday! I already know why you were doing it!" I kind of don't, but this is the only chance I've got! Forget the details for now, just go with your gut!
I take a deep breath to gather my thoughts.
"The reason you've been trying so hard to go to sleep is because...!"
(Well, the story offers hints if you don't catch on by the end of the mystery. So, even if you don't figure it out yourself, Catnap will guide you along the way! There's no pressure!)
(Also, what reason could Dogday possibly have for trying to sleep THAT much? Right and wrong answers, thank you.)
(This chapter is, well, literally as someone else commented... "is basically Ace Attorney." It was kind of an experimental chapter. Not something that'll happen often, mind you. But I'm okay with it now.)
(If you wanna learn more, I've linked it at the top to "in-progress fanfic." So... there ya go!)
(Take care! Thanks for reading!)
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