#quinn thoughts
tuiyla · 2 years
i'm always torn on how many of quinn's issues are her mental health vs her religious guilt. or maybe they go hand in hand? I mean, arguably, her entire S1 arc has its foundations in her religion...from the value attached to her chastity, her not being on birth control, her fear of telling her parents, abortion not even being an option...a whole lot of things play out differently for Quinn if she isn't basically convinced she's gonna be "burned like a witch" no matter what she does. I mean, she's made literally homeless essentially because she displeased God, in the eyes of her father. Then I think it's interesting how a couple of her frankly most unsympathetic moments (Grilled Cheesus and On My Way) are directly tied to her extremely severe take on God and forgiveness.
(I also have thoughts about how we NEVER see her cross necklace again from the moment she's decided to have sex with Santana, js)
Ooh this is the good stuff, love me some Quinn thoughts.
I would say they go hand in hand but I find what you're saying fascinating. Maybe mental health is more pertinent post-Beth because I do believe she has a case of the post-partum. But the way in which religion is so integral to Quinn's and her struggles and especially in season 1 is morbidly fascinating. The irony of her being president of the Celibacy Club and all, and Quinn's family not only being religious but being so Extra WASP-y.
There's this implicit exaggerated shame on Quinn for the pregnancy because she's religious. Or, at least, her family is, and I gather she grows to have some complicated feelings. (FASCINATING that she's never seen with a cross again after The Incident, gotta love the costume department. Granted, she doesn't appear much after that but still. Talk to me about that some more.) Quinn would still be pregnant even without religion but the actual problem of her not being accepted and kicked out of home and I'd argue even that she becomes an outcast at school is the result of religion. And I think she continues practicing her faith out of denial, but that's just imo. Because she can't bear to examine and potentially lose that, too, even though if she thought about it so many of her issues are because of the way her family viewed religion. And all that repression couldn't have helped the depression, either. So yeah, hand in hand.
I do have to point out with the likes of Grilled Cheesus and On My Way, some of my least fav Quinn moments, that she was essentially used as mouthpiece for views the writers wanted to represent and out of the two main Christian chs, she was the more opinionated and judgy. So I just like to keep that in mind while trying to take a Watsonian look. But I think the in-universe reasoning of, like you say, her severe views on "matters of the Bible" is valid. And I would explain that by what I've mentioned, that she refuses to scrutinize this harsh binary black and white of religion and her own relationship with it for a long while. A) because it's solace and one of the only kinds she has and b) because critically examining everything she believes about religion would lead her down the road of really considering just how fucked up her family was and is. Particularly re: pregnancy but beyond that, too. Because there's a reason she knew she'd be burned at the stake and why she had that Christian girl image in the first place, and it ain't inherent. So while I don't fully embrace these two eps and moments as part of my Quinn canon, I do think it makes sense in the context of her rationalizing things. The Bible must be right and correct because if it isn't and if maybe we shouldn't be so harsh, then what had happened to her was just another layer of fucked up. And it was. But how can a teenager even begin to process that? (Cue repression and depression.)
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Religion is a fascinating layer of Quinn's ch that, like all aspects, wasn't explored properly but that's why we love to talk about it. Talk religious guilt Quinn to me, Anon 😌 AND that's not to even mention that Glee basically never ever touches on Quinn's feelings on and attitude towards any sort of queer sexuality. Not explicitly. Which becomes suspicious when you're a queer Quinn truther like this blog is. That's just a whole other rabbit hole of rationalizing and guilt and trying to negotiate her upbringing with what she actually feels and thinks and knows. Even if we don't consider her to be queer (lies), her two best friends are in love and married, and she doesn't say a word against homosexuality even in the cringe epic fail God Squad scene in Heart. She's all for it, very unlike her attitudes in Grilled Cheesus and On My Way.
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dylan-duke · 1 year
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lipikkawrites · 22 days
A lot will go wrong before everything goes right.
Keep moving forward.
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thequinnfluence · 1 year
somebody with a marble hornets icon just liked my metalocalypse post my posts are reaching the right audience
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cookiescr · 9 months
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This is what happens when you don’t listen to your wife and don’t wear smudge proof lipstick…
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Gotham DoorDash review: 5/5 stars, my dasher got me my Batburger even though GCPD locked down the whole street for a Joker hostage situation. didn’t get my drink but dasher said something about throwing it at Harley Quinn so he could distract her and run up my steps. sucks about all the people that died, prayers 🙏🙏🙏
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wombywoo · 5 months
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minimalist-quotes · 17 days
A lot will go wrong before everything goes right. Keep moving forward
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 17 days
Steve: *has a slip of the tongue and calls Eddie 'Daddy'.
Eddie: *new kink unlocked AND has a bisexual awakening at the same time*
Dustin: *just trying to eat his lunch with his two favorite older brother figures.*
Robin: *gaydar goes off but can't find the location*
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tuiyla · 2 years
that infamous ryan murphy quote about how quinn was supposed to be this unsympathetic mean girl character to me and dianna “ruined” that is crazy to me because the poor girl finds out that she’s pregnant as early as season 1 episode 4 😭 and proceeds to get knocked down by life nearly every single episode after for the remainder of the first season. dianna did play a large part in making quinn so likable and sympathetic (in the following seasons especially but even just in season 1 also) but even just her character on paper kind of makes your heart ache for her. she’s only 15/16 years old, gets pregnant under some dubious circumstances, loses so much in the process, is kicked out of her own home and disowned by her father, bounces from place to place to live until actual angel mercedes steps in, struggles with the hardships of teen pregnancy and the decision of what she wants to do while literally being 15/16 years old. and of course she makes her fair share of mistakes along the way, she’s by no means perfect. she’s a bully when we first meet her and she lies to finn about him being the father. but my god i don’t know how you couldn’t not feel bad for this child, dianna and her wonderful ability of making quinn likable to watch onscreen aside.
We're doing it we're answering asks, let's goooo
That said an ask about the infamous Ryan Murphy quote has been sitting in my inbox for about 4 months at this point oops haha, but we'll answer one at a time
Cause girl! That's what I've been saying! Like, regardless of what RM actually meant when he backhand complimented Dianna I truly believe that this bitch didn't consider how sympathetic Quinn was bound to be and he's so wrong for that. There's no way you can have a character go through as much as Quinn did, on a show like Glee that ostensibly champions the downtrodden and not have her be sympathetic. I truly believe that three male writers didn't think people would feel for Quinn as much as they did in that situation. Which is bonkers because was she cruel towards Finn? Sure, but even Beth's conception itself is so dubious like we've covered before. But even IF Quinn was just some cold-hearted calculating whore who wanted to hurt Puck and Finn and everyone around her, she's still a 16-year-old pregnant girl who gets disowned. Come on! How the fuck am I supposed to feel more for Finchel's "tragic" inter-social (i.e. high school) class relationship in the face of that. Fuck relationship drama, this girl is h o m e l e s s and pregnant.
I really feel like the message of Glee throughout Quinn's pregnancy storyline up until the point Quinncedes happens is that Quinn... had all the hardships coming. That she deserved to be knocked down a peg. Only it happened through her getting knocked up and it's super messed up that the show pretends she's anything but a victim. Who the hell cares that she's bitchy. Who the hell cares that popularity is important to her. Newsflash assholes, it's just as important to out supposed heroes. Lmao I get so mad about Quinn's treatment. And this is why I can't in good conscience get behind people who say s1 is Quinn's best and that the pregnancy storyline was done well. No it wasn't. It decentred her whenever possible and wasn't in the least bit sympathetic if not for like, a single scene in Ballad and from Home on. And, of course, if not for Dianna. RM should be grateful Dianna did her thing with Quinn cause framing your arguably most tragic character as if she had it coming just because she's a bully at 15 is not a good look. But that's a recurring thing for Glee, ain't it. The more I think about it the more I believe Quinn and Santana's treatment re: pregnancy and outing are similar.
Quinn is a walking talking, but mostly crying tragedy. It's frankly disturbing that for some time they cling to this idea of her being irredeemable when she's just a mean kid playing into the same system everyone else does, too. But she happens to be on top and schadenfreude is real, I guess. Except it really wasn't for me there was no part of me that felt any justice in what Quinn went through. And guess what? Neither did Rachel. And I don't think Rachel is meant to represent the audience's perspective when she shows Quinn kindness in season 1 but alas, she does. I don't trust no bitches who don't feel the same.
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okay hear me out ik it’s mixing runs but still:
imagine all that stuff between joker, harley, and tim goes down: tim getting kidnapped, then brainwashed, joker junior happens, all that fun stuff and everything is the same event wise BUT tim either doesn’t kill the joker or he lives.
life moves on and tim heals as much as a vigilante can, harley leaves joker for ivy, joker still causes problems but no bat has died from him since jason and he’s still a psychopathic asshole but whatever. the thing is they keep tims past under lock and key, and none of the other bats know besides bruce and alfred.
it all comes to a head when they’re all kidnapped by joker and restrained and are losing hope by the minute for someone to save them and suddenly out of nowhere tim stills staring at something in the distance until his eyes go wide. the rest of the batfam don’t understand what’s going on until tim barks out a sharp command and two somethings come crawling out of the darkness and lo and behold it’s lou and bud (jokers hyenas) and they listen to him. they stop a bit in front of him only for tim to give another sharp command of gnaw before they’re shredding the rope. and right after they’re done, they lick his face like some overgrown puppies and tim doesn’t look like he’s enjoying it at all bc who knows who they’ve eaten. but tim gets up and unties his family and they all defeat joker before sending him off to arkham again.
this raises a series of questions like why do the hyenas listen to tim? why don’t they maul him on the spot? why are they acting like big babies and why does tim care where they go after the battle? why is he calling harley to pick them up and why does he have her number? so many questions.
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One takeaway I had from “A Quiet Place - Day One” was that it made me realize we usually don’t get this character dynamic from the leads. While it’s not uncommon to have a story about a cynical, depressed protagonist who rediscovers their humanity by meeting a well-meaning, good hearted stranger, it’s usually the opposite in terms of gender. It tends to be the man who is depressed and the woman who pulls him out of his funk. For example, “The Last of Us”.
So it’s pretty neat that Lupita got to be Joel Miller while Joseph Quinn got to be Ellie Williams.
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"You've made yourself her mausoleum," he says to the tomb keeper. Someone whose entire existence, whose only reason for being alive has been to care for a tomb and who defied god to open it and worship what was within. Of course this is her expression of love! Of course this is her fidelity! There was never any other choice.
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little-bumblebeeee · 5 months
Eddie waking up from their first night together and wanting to trace the moles on Steve’s back but he’s too ticklish so just fucking WHALLOPS Eddie in his sleep before rolling over and going back to his snoozing
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theriverbeyond · 3 months
it is soooooo interesting to compare the way the Fifth and Sixth engage with the necrocav dynamic because like, on first look (and especially compared to Everyone Else) they both seen so devoid of Issues and Problems and Violence. Contrast them with, like, the Third and Eighth houses, which are two of the most explicitly exploitative but also (IMO) the most honest necrocav relationships in the entire series -- they're (literally) exploitative, (literally) consumptive, (literally) violent, built on unquestioning devotion that demands blood. Pal and Cam and Abigail and Magnus seem almost idyllic in comparison, and YET!! their relationships are no less shaped by the Empire's cult of violent and required devotion, they are just less honest about it.
Like, the micro-level dynamic between Abigail and Magnus is as sweet and simple as they come, but there's no extricating their intimate relationship from the setting of violence in which that relationship is trapped in i.e. the cavalier as meat, the cavalier as a battery and the human body as something to be consumed and exploited.
And both Houses KNOW their relationships are built on violence. Both the Fifth (and Palamedes) seem visibly uncomfortable with the power dynamic inherent to the necrocav existance! Abigail and Magnus address this by attempting to perceive their dynamic as a marriage first and necrocav second, but their rejection of the necrocav framework is almost wholly aesthetic. They exist within and directly benefit from the bloody gears of the Empire without complaint, and even Abigail's critiques of the God/Empire seem to be purely academic in nature, more curious intrigue than any kind of genuine dissatisfaction with the status quo. And Magnus is by his own admission not a duelist nor any kind of fighter, but as a cavalier he takes up the sword, follows Abigail to Canaan House, and they both die together in the laboratory.
Compare this to the Sixth house, where instead of rejecting the paradigm at all Pal and Cam seem to have taken the stance of "through the power of love we can make necrocav healthy, actually", but again this is dishonest -- no amount of romanticization of necrocav consumption allows their relationship to actually BE non-exploitative, and the lie of equality haunts them to its natural end point i.e. their ultimate surrender to the Lyctoral process via their mutual death in flame.
And their relationship is especially interesting because of how Cam has thrown herself into the position of "cavalier" with complete abandon, leaving Pal unwilling to truly extricate himself from the role he has been assigned despite his clear discomfort with that level of devotion. See: "I can't bear this, I'm eating your life", "I never had rights to [your soul]" -- but, you know, he didn't HAVE to become the Master Warden, he didn't HAVE to accept Cam's devotion, he didn't HAVE to choose her as his cavalier. He chose to bear this, and he chooses to accept her ceding rights to her soul. I mean he does explode himself to prevent her from throwing herself on a spike to force his ascension but like, that didn't really stick, did it? Pal wants to escape the societal hierarchy he was born into, Cam says "no", and he accepts that answer, again and again and again.
"There was no alternative" / "We had the choice to stop"
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