After 5 months of my breakup, I realized that moving on isn't easy. You may do everything to forget someone but memories don't leave you so easily. You have to go through so many mood swings. Sometimes you feel you have moved on, at the same time you can feel the pain in heart that it's all about yesterday. Even after trying so hard, you don't stop missing them. You miss them in each and every moment. You hide the truth from your friends that you can still feel the same. You might hate them for everything bad they did to you but you still fail to hate them because heart knows that how much it loved. You can feel them in songs, movies, and everywhere. You want to talk to them and want to smile like before. Truth is that it's the only solution and healing. Fighting with your own thoughts is useless. You soon realize that peace is not in any person or relationship. It was always inside you but you wasted your time finding somewhere else where you lost it. You tell the whole world that you are silent and feel numb. You tell yourself the lies that you are not into them and that you are in love with yourself. Then why do you see them in your dreams? Why does every face remind you of them? Why dis you suddenly start crying? Because the truth is you are only learning to live without them and that's what we call moving on. When you know that being with them is not the right thing and also unloving them is something impossible then it hurts you deep. Trust the process of healing. It is a time taken process and depends on your acceptance power. But don't lie to yourself. Accept it if you can't unlove or can't hate the person it is the sign that you need to forgive them.
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tortue-souris · 7 months
"Je voulais une place. Les lesbiennes et les célibataires, elles n'ont pas de place. Silence. C'est dingue la violence qu'abrite un corps de femme si gracieux. Salomé se reprend. Le monde a changé, il paraît. Vous vous rendez pas compte de votre chance. Je crois qu'il est plus simple d'aimer une femme aujourd'hui. Je ne crois pas qu'il soit plus simple d'aimer être seule."
- Joséphine Tassy, L'Indésir
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deeeaahh · 4 months
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holy-potato-chip · 2 years
More than just the sum of our traumas
Recently read a book that once said “we are more than just the sum of your traumas” or something along those lines and it kind of stuck with me. I really like it because it implies so much more.
I don’t think that we are solely the result of your traumas, I refuse to believe that pain defines us. I am more than just my hardships, I am half the bread that my friend gave me on the day I forgot my lunch. I am my grandmas cake recipe. I am the last light of the day when I watch the sun go down. I am my friends’ laughter. I am every good deed that someone did for me and I am every good deed I did for someone. And maybe, just maybe, I could also be all the good things I do for myself.
Trauma is most likely inflicted by another person, and so is most of what we think makes us good, or helps us heal. But I think we are more than both of them. I can’t be just the people around me can I? There must be something so fundamentally me that carries everything else on top.
The book is called “Open water” by the way.
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headcanonthings · 23 days
*Bernard texting Ives about Tim* Bernard: I WANT TO GIVE HIM THINGS Bernard: LIKE BLOWJOBS AND SELF ESTEEM! Ives: please stop talking.
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(When Dick and Jason trudge through the door after a night of drinking) Bruce: Well, if it isn't the Hangover Twins! Dick: *opens his mouth to speak then runs over to throw up in a potted plant* Jason(wearily raising his hand):...Dibs on being Bradley Cooper.
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mizuski-pirat · 2 months
A quote from my awesome mutual @hey-i-am-trying while we were both trying to get our cishet friend to RP as queer of a character as possible
"Gender is a construct, which implies we can play Lego with it"
10/10 most badass thing I've heard in my life
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muxas-world · 4 months
When gustavo cerati write, "I love you forever and the forever is now" he was thinking of rosquez
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samanthag16 · 4 months
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donewithnothing · 8 months
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starchbean · 5 months
He Xuan: *Slaps down menu* "Welcome to Just Desserts, will you have the carton of bees, or THE OOZE?
Shi Wu Du: "Feh! I'll have... Neither!"
He Xuan: Oozing bees it is.
Shi Qingxuan: "BWO BWO, NYOOOOOOO~!" TwT
Shi Wu Du: "Stop that right now my dear dumbass brother, or I'm gonna lose it."
Shi Qingxuan: "Lose what?"
She Qingxuan: O H
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deeeaahh · 6 months
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izayoichan · 9 months
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pinterest game.
tagged by: @dandylion240 and @amuhav tagging: @purplesimmer455 @simmireen @mahvaladara @pamsimmerstories and anyone else that wants too?
go to pinterest and search: "celebrity", "outfit", "quote", "aesthetic". post with the FIRST picture in each category that appears that fits your vibe.
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writtenbyaloner · 7 months
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His hands, like those of a cobbler, could mend her heart. But to mend herself means to bear no shame and owe no favours.
– Abdulsamad S. M.
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halybs · 2 years
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An old comm :)
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