#python three month courses
thasbi · 1 year
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pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
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𓇼 the sun & the sea 𓇼 〰✷〰
— apollo / lester x daughter of poseidon!reader
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part i | part ii | part iii | part iv
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☆ radiostar is playin': forever always by the driver era…!
warnings: none taglist: @emidpsandia
He, apparently, was dead missing.
"He went alone on the mission with Python. He hasn't returned for three days now." A month later, Meg contacted you through an Iris message and explained everything that had happened. A month later and the days passed, nobody knew about him.
"We only know that he retrieved all the Oracles and the gifts of prophecy returned," Chiron told you, and Dionysus, for the first time, looked nervous and worried about his brother.
But if Apollo had succeeded in his mission, where was he? You hadn't dreamed of him either. Days went by and your anxiety grew.
"I didn't agree, but my brother insisted on pushing him to the limit," Poseidon said seriously, and Percy replied, "I think he took it too literally, don't you?" You suppressed a groan while your father scolded your brother with his gaze. Python was gone forever, but they knew nothing of Apollo.
"It's okay, it's only been five days," you thought, but you realized that every day you did it with a new number and without any news until almost two weeks had passed... Honestly, you didn't know how many times you had cried in all that time, you didn't even bother to hide it, and even your roommate requested a room change.
Lately, the time was bad in every sense. Thunder rumbled, and you hugged the pillow tighter, tears already rolling down your cheeks. The room was colder than usual; after all, you were alone in it. You accompanied yourself with the dim light of your desk lamp, and the flash of lightning illuminated the darkest corners. You realized you were crying over too many things, everything was very recent, you hadn't even finished processing Jason's death, and those lightning bolts... all they did was remind you of it.
"Wasn't it enough with him?" You wondered as you let out your sobs. Jason was his son just like Apollo, and if he led them both to death just to reaffirm his authority to everyone, you had no doubts that Zeus was a cruel father. The thunder shook the window, and you closed your eyes in anger, not retracting anything, even if Zeus annihilated you with one of his lightning bolts, you would never do so. Probably beyond, on Olympus, your own father struggled with annoyance with his brother, but even if Poseidon wasn't half the father that Paul was to you and Percy, he would never allow you to be harmed.
Your tennis sounded against the wet sand of the path leading to your favorite café. You walked in a ghost town with a hollow chest and the cold penetrating your bones, but it didn't matter because you already felt like those skeletons that Nico brought to the surface when he was in a bad mood; anyway, you moved forward to have a hot chocolate, it was Sunday, you had to have enough strength for classes the next day.
— Here it is — the lady said when you had just formed in line at the bar. You frowned and shook your head.
— Surely it's for someone else, I just got in line.
The girl smiled and looked at the label.
— Hot chocolate? —she asked in the waiting line, and no one recognized it, she returned to you and handed it to you again. — It was ordered in advance.
A joke from Frank? Frank didn't make jokes. But if it were, how did he know what you wanted?
You took it and looked at the label, it had a sun drawn on it that made you purse your lips. "Of course, it had to be," you thought bitterly and walked back taking the long way, the one that passed by the small Tiber.
The sunlight barely reflected on the water after all it was covered by the clouds, and you sighed as you looked at the huge body of water, your chest hurt. How did this happen? You would be better off if you hadn't entered that Grove, but you had to do your will, but you wouldn't have had those days with Apollo, which provoked mixed emotions in you again.
"this rhymes for him were different, but he hopes for put that ring and find what he's been missing."
— If you wanted to marry me so much, come back and do it — you murmured with your nose buried in your scarf and tears stinging your eyes. You cut your step and faced the river that continued to shine coldly, the small cup you held slipped from your hands with each sob, and when you let out the first whimper, you let it go. However, it didn't fall. You gasped, and when you looked beside you, your breath left you.
Of those brown curls, only a few remained mixed with the blond ones, of the freckles you counted that last time you had him too close, there were only about three hundred instead of a thousand. He was taller, and his body more athletic, but he wore the same Led Zeppelin t-shirt and ripped jeans from the knees. His smile was big and triumphant, the same blue eyes you had been waiting to see were just trying to memorize your fractions in the same way you were doing with him.
— And are you serious or are you just fooling me?— His voice. You threw yourself into his arms without considering if he could be hurt, but judging by how he looked... then you took him by the shoulders, he foolishly thought you would kiss him, but you just leaned back and kicked him in the chest with the skill that only you could have.
He groaned on the ground in a fetal position, and seconds later, he rose on his elbows with a confused look.
— Idiot — you shouted as you walked towards him and knelt to be at his height. Apollo couldn't help but smile like an idiot, and you couldn't help but hug him again. — Where the hell were you?
Your whimpering caused guilt in his chest, and he took care of your head as both lay back on the grass. He stroked your hair as you clung to his chest, wishing his scent would imprint on you to never forget it.
— Hey…— He called you, and you looked up, noticing tears in his eyes too. You cupped his cheek and, before he could say anything else, you kissed him. The first kiss. He closed his eyes, completely surrendered to you, feeling like he could finally breathe freely after months. When your soft lips left his, he held you tightly, burying his face in your neck. You couldn't see it, but Apolo had a flushed face and a knot in his stomach.
But you didn't need to see it, because as he hid in you, the sun broke through the clouds, shining brightly, almost lighting up the whole world with brighter colors than before. It was with that detail that you confirmed he had become a god again, and his feelings were showing to you in too many ways.
— I…— You spoke after several minutes of silence, causing him to sit properly on the grass with you, holding your hand. — I do want to be with you. I'm not just messing around, just so we're clear.
— Do you have an alternative? — He joked, and you gently pushed him while nervously looking at your hands.
— Fool.
— For you, of course — he cooed as he took your chin in his hand and forced you to look at him. His cheeks were still flushed, but you noticed that his skill to seduce without seeming like an inexperienced teenager had returned, and that's where your first jealousy arose because you wished only you could have that side of him.
— And only for me, I'm sure — you grumbled under your breath at having that thought, and he laughed.
— I was born to love only you, believe me.— Apollo said, getting up and offering his hand to help you. — And just like art, I'll be faithful to you.
— Wow, what a great poet — you took his hand, and he took you by the waist, bending down to touch his nose to yours. You never believed in the expression "like a Greek god" until he looked at you in that way.
— Are you going to marry me? — He stroked your nose with his while gently squeezing your waist. You nodded silently like a fool, and he gave you a peck on the lips with a smirk. — I just wanted to make sure, but actually, I don't need any of that to be devoted to you. You're everything to me.
He took your hand and led you along the edge of the small Tiber, which now shone fervently.
— Apollo! — You shouted from the reception of the mansion on Olympus, closing the big door forcefully and looking at your husband playfully peeking behind his throne.
— Yes, dear? — You pursed your lips and approached him.
— Where are my things?
— Which ones? — He played dumb, and you sighed.
— From my bedroom at the university, where are they?
—In your room...— you raised an eyebrow — here.
You growled and pulled him to come out from behind the throne.
— I told you it would be until I graduated.
Apollo pouted and slumped his shoulders.
—But I miss you.
You smiled and hugged him.
— I miss you too, but— you stepped back and showed the ring on your ring finger —I have this, darling, and that's enough to scare off my classmates. I don't need to come down from Olympus every day when I can be in the dorms.
Apollo nodded regretfully.
— Alright, alright...— he snapped his fingers and smiled at you — everything is already in your silly university dorm.
You smiled and gave him a kiss. As you started making your way to the exit, he sighed.
— I'll see you tonight — he shouted, and you turned around smiling.
The Sun illuminates the beauty of the sea but never tries to contain it, and the sea shows the sun that even in the stormiest moments or the darkest nights, its light never fades.
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thank you for responding, i figured tumblr might have trashed my ask. you’ve helped me a few times already, so thank you for your continued patience as we care for our BP coco! we love her so much and she’s always been a moderately active snake, even enjoying warm skin contact or coming out to explore with supervision. however, for the last couple months we’ve seen almost nothing of her! i figured she was going into shed at first so i kicked the humidity up from 50s to 60s. but after all this time we’ve only seen her for her to eat and it never seemed like she was in shed. i’m worried we’re overfeeding her because even though she’s eating like a champ, she doesn’t seem that hungry to me until we give her a f/t rat (then she’s all about it). my husband is very worried she’s going to starve to death in there because she isn’t coming out so we’re still feeding her every few weeks. i’m more personally concerned that i haven’t seen her drinking much at all.
i was worried for her so i pulled the top off of her humidity hide, and this is what i saw:
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are those fat rolls or dehydration? i want to do right by this little lady but i’m just not sure what i’m doing wrong :( i’m happy to take her straight to the vet, but if this is normal i wanted to know first.
So sorry to hear Coco hasn't quite been herself!
So, right off the bat, good news and bad news. Good news: she's at no risk of starving in there, and you also don't have to worry if you haven't been seeing her drinking (most bps will drink when we're asleep or otherwise not watching, so it's actually rare to catch them at it). Bad news: she definitely does look to be overweight to me. It probably looks a bit worse than it is in this picture because she is curled up pretty tight, but I am seeing some fat rolls.
Dehydration in ball pythons looks different - you'll see wrinkles, yeah, but they'll look more like the skin is pulling up. Here are some pictures of dehydrated snakes so you can see what I mean:
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Any sudden change in activity is enough to get me a little bit worried, so this is one of those cases where I do think a vet visit would be a good idea because it could be down to such a wide variety of things. My hunch is that you're probably overfeeding a bit; the lack of hunting behavior despite a good appetite is a pretty strong clue there, and snakes who are full will tend to spend more time hiding anyway as they digest. In addition, carrying some extra weight can make a snake less active than usual because of the strain on their bodies.
Now, as long as you're not seeing any obvious signs of illness (wheezing, open-mouthed breathing, any noises, etc.), I really don't think this is something you'll need to rush to the emergency vet for, but I think a wellness exam would be a good idea (if only to rule out anything more serious). Any sudden behavior changes always put me on high alert. You know your snake best - if something seems off to you, it's worth checking out, if only for your own piece of mind!
I think your best course of action is probably just going to be to cut down on your feeding frequency and size for a while. Going a size down and spacing your feedings out will help; I rarely ever feed my own ball pythons more often than every three weeks. They're very easy to overfeed, especially if they have good appetites like Coco!
Like I said, I don't think you've got any sort of emergency on your hards, and I think your best option is just going to be feeding less often, but I'd recommend a vet visit just to make sure nothing's up.
All the best to you and sweet Coco!
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thefallenangelsgang · 10 months
The Avantris Fam Discord got this a few days early, but, in a burst of academic energy I haven't felt in weeks, I wrote a 2k word Literary Analysis on Marius from Edge of Midnight in 4 hours (complete with citations and sources)
What you are about to read is the culmination of an 18 day hyper fixation (I averaged more than a session* a day) (*each session being about 3 hours in length). It has only been slightly edited for better Tumblr consumption. It is legitimately almost 2k words. It starts VERY academic (as I get to flex my knowledge on an obscure Arthurian legend I love) and then immediately drops off in quality as I traverse some "dubious psycho-analysis" (my own words) and try to wrap up a half finished thoughts that should be thousands of words longer.
If you want to see my active descent into madness or the original google doc this was written in, join the discord (linked above!). I've got massive Legends of Avantris Brain Rot and will for a very long time I fear.
TW for Sexual Assault Themes (please tell me if my tw tags are not extensive enough)
CW for my insufferable academic attitude, literary analysis where no one wanted it, "dubious psycho-analysis", half finished thoughts, DnD, vampires, and my sailors mouth
Marius: An Analysis on Chivalry and Chastity
Break to save your dash
To get the literary shit out of the way, Marius’s seduction is a parallel of the Arthurian Legend “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” intentionally or not. I have a sneaking suspicion perhaps The Duchess scene is also based on the “Tale of Sir Galahad” bit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail BUT that bit draws inspiration from Gawain’s story. So no matter which way you cut it, Marius is connected to Gawain to SOME degree.
Attempting to be brief, I’ll sum up Gawain as briefly as I, someone who loves this tale a ridiculous amount, can.
Gawain is King Arthur’s nephew, a knight of the round table, young, chivalrous, pious, but itching to prove himself. He loves the aging Arthur and Arthur loves him like a son but he feels restless in his station because he has not gone on a great quest like many of the other knights. 
Serendipitously, during the New Years celebrations a strange man enters Arthur’s great hall. He is green and carries a great axe in one hand and a bough of holly in his other. He challenges anyone in the room to hit him with the axe and he will return the blow in a year and a day. No one takes the man up on the challenge. Arthur is about to do it when Gawain takes his chance to prove himself. Thinking he can outsmart the Green Knight, Gawain cleaves the man’s head from his shoulders. Unexpectedly the Green Knight picks up his detached head, leaves the axe for Gawain as a trophy, and strides out of there with the reminder that he will return the blow in a year and a day. Gawain has effectively doomed himself.
Attempting to put off his fate, Gawain waits to seek the Green Knight until All Saints Day (November 1st). He is sent forth with all of the pomp and circumstance a Knight of the Round Table and favorite of King Arthur can get. He spends nearly two months seeking someone who knows of the Green Chapel where the Green Knight resides and is fruitless. Winter sets in and he begins to suffer exposure when he is greeted by a beautiful castle that seemingly appears out of nowhere. He meets the Lord of the Castle and the Lord's beautiful wife. In the spirit of Christmas the Lord challenges Gawain to a game. The Lord will be hunting the next three days, anything he catches is to be Gawain’s. In return Gawain is to give the Lord anything he receives during his stay.
Well what Gawain receives is a lot of unwanted attention from the Lord’s wife. She attempts to seduce the ever pious Knight. Gawain, minding his promise and his tenets, only allows her six kisses over the course of the three days. All of which he returns to the Lord. But seeing as she can’t sway him with the sins of the flesh, she tempts Gawain with magic. The same day she convinces Gawain to receive three kisses she offers him an enchanted sash that will keep him from harm. Gawain accepts this knowing it will save his life in the coming days. He breaks his promise to the Lord and does not divulge this gift.
Gawain keeps his appointment with the Green Knight who admonishes Gawain when he flinches at the first swing, holds back on his second, and finally drives home the third, only wounding Gawain slightly. Gawain now must confess his temptation to the Green Knight who tells him that it is not Gawain’s fault. This has all been a plan by Morgan le Fay to attempt to ruin Arthur. Gawain only fell to part of her plan and so it has been thwarted. He should learn from this stumble on his path. And learn he does.
Monty Python takes this tale and guts it for “the Tale of Sir Galahad” segment. Galahad is instead searching for the Grail when he stumbles upon a mystical castle with a grail shaped beacon. His temptress(es) are the “8 scores” of young women of Castle Anthrax. He too enters the castle sick from exposure and wounded and thwarts unwanted advances until he learns that the grail is not there. Before he can fall to his temptation Lancelot, Ector, and ironically Gawain rescue him from his “peril” judging it to be “too perilous” for him to face. (It is really important to note that the actual Sir Galahad in Arthurian Legend doesn’t have a story that even resembles this one. Galahad is supposed to be an emulation of good ol’ Jesus Christ and the perfect chivalric Knight. He literally ascends to heaven in his tale. The only reason Gawain’s Tale is used is because it is the perfect setting to test “Sir Galahad the Pure” as long as you fudge a few details.)
These are both humorous stories with happy endings. It is important that Marius’s story is not.
Marius is searching for the Grail much like Sir Galahad in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (a parallel Mikey brings up often by singing “Brave, Brave, Brave, Brave Sir Robin Marius”). 
Like both Gawain and Galahad his quest leads him on a lengthy adventure that causes him to suffer from exposure to the elements. A fate he is saved from by a mystical castle that appears out of nowhere. 
Much like Gawain and Galahad, this Castle is the home of a seductress. 
And all too much like Sir Gawain, the Lord of this Castle is away on a hunting expedition. 
But here is where Sir Gawain, Sir Galahad, and Sir Marius’s stories diverge. Because Marius’s story partially is a story of sexual assault. 
We see in the ritual that Marius’s “head is filled with exhaustion, wine, and a strange perfume that feels almost magical in its enchantment” (Nikkie’s narration, 2:32:00, Chapter 17). There’s literally no other way to say this, Marius cannot consent to the acts about to take place in The Red Duchess’s bedchamber. He is too sick, too drunk, and, on top of it, literally charmed. 
His affliction is also another facet of this assault. While his transformation is not a direct result or part of the sex act, it follows quickly on the heels of it. Nikkie even notes Marius is still naked and that the shame of what has just happened is beginning to bubble up.
(Now this is where I get into the dubious psycho-analysis)
Perhaps attempting to swallow that shame, he accepts the Faux Grail and drinks from it, not questioning the appearance of the so-called Grail of Dawn. If he can just get through this night he can bring it back to Victor and all will be righted. He can live with the shame if it saves his kingdom. 
But that isn’t the Grail of Dawn he is drinking from and the woman who has just taken something irreplaceable from him is not just a beautiful woman looking for the comforts of the flesh on a cold, lonely winter’s night. And he is going through something so much more horrible than being assaulted like he has been.
And so he ends up back in the cold, irrevocably changed through no fault of his own, and he hates himself for it.
It’s heartbreakingly common that Sexual Assault survivors blame themselves for being assaulted. Marius’s conviction that he was at fault, that if only he was stronger, smarter, less feeble, he could have found a way to say no. He could have escaped her clutches. He wouldn’t be a Dhampir. He wouldn’t be haunted by her noxious perfume. He would still have his clear connection to Lathander. 
None of it is really his fault. The Duchess took advantage of him. There was truly nothing he could have done to change his fate that night.
At this point I am trying to articulate some of the things @middycat_ @zer09851 and @purpledinosaurdnd were talking about here https://discord.com/channels/223485292449890305/892828741900849182/1182483200505815153 
I think I want to jump into my High Inquisitor thoughts because they tie so closely with the novel I wrote above. This section is admittedly a little more scatterbrained. 
The High Inquisitor is a perfect example of both Marius’s self loathing and the way abusers seemingly can sniff out who has been abused before. From the second we meet her she singles Marius out. While yes, Marius is the most “normal” out of the EoM cast, Jericho is a MUCH easier target. He is touch starved and his sin is literally Envy. Jericho would have bent immediately at the first hints of affection and then she has an actual demon under her control. But Marius, though a tougher catch, is a much tastier meal so to say. (Not in that way you freaks /j) 
By answering to the High Inquisitor’s beckoning is how we end up with Marius as the Crimson Abbot. His self hatred would make him spiral and he’d turn to his Wrath to compensate. We’ve seen it before, especially recently when he thinks Lathander has abandoned him. He gives in because it's so much easier. She wants me? Fine. Let her have me in all of my broken glory. I’m too wrong to serve Lathander. Etc etc. 
Man, I wish I could string these thoughts together better.
AHA! This was the thought I had that I felt needed more context! 
@middycat_ brought up “hoping beyond hope that it’s not lathander’s choice to leave him”
I think the severed connection between him and Lathander is both a subconscious self-sabotage and a direct result of the ritual binding him to The Red Duchess. 
Most of the binding rituals I was pretty comfortable with. Lethica, Briggsy, Farryn, and somewhat Yorgrim were simply binding themselves to their gods/patrons. (I’m still not entirely sure what the Maiden of the Mists' whole deal is about but she seems mostly benevolent for now. Mr Crossroads didn’t really make Briggsy that way, he kinda was a bastard from the start. The zombification was a result of “fuck around and find out”). The ones I felt least comfortable with and that are reaping the most consequences are Jericho and Marius. Jericho’s character analysis is another similarly sized tome that will have to wait but he is having a harder and harder time keeping Virgil in check. Marius has bound himself to the woman that literally raped him. 
No wonder Lathander has found it hard to commune with him, The Duchess is practically breathing down his neck, whispering in his ear that he is not worthy of Lathander. He has been debased, ruined, made unloveable in the eyes of that god. And at least up until Chapter 22 he has been pushing back against that. Not any longer. He’s given in. As @middycat_ said “he’s a tired old man, a jaded old soldier who should have long since given up this fight to someone else.” 
I am afraid we are about to see the beginnings of the Crimson Abbot
And the only thing that can save Marius are his friends.
But I am also afraid they may not learn their lessons in time. Many of them tried to encourage him to fuck or made fun of him for not fucking the High Inquisitor when he was clearly triggered by something. 
Jericho will have to quash his envy. 
Briggsy and Farryn will have to admit they were wrong.
Lethica and Yorgrim will have to speak up.
Inaction hurts as much as action
And Marius needs all the help he can get.
[If you stuck this out A) you deserve awards and B) check out my other 2k word research essay on a niche topic: Why Ghouls Look Different Across the Fallout Games (Not because of Stylistic Differences) ]
This is fucking insane but here are the sources i used
Sir Gawain
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Gawain_and_the_Green_Knight https://www.yorku.ca/inpar/sggk_neilson.pdf (Translation PDF if you want to read the tale)
Sir Galahad
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galahad (for the one time i reference his actual arthurian legend)
Monty Python (I really can’t believe I cited this)
https://montycasinos.com/montypython/grailmm2.php.html (This is a script I was quoting from) https://montypython.fandom.com/wiki/Sir_Galahad (I was looking for other info on him in the movie but ended pulling the list of knights from this)
Pretty basic article on why victims blame themselves
https://www.throughthewoodstherapy.com/sexual-assault-survivors-blame/ (In case you want to do some light reading)
EoM Episodes
17 + 22 Definitely Anytime the High Inquisitor shows up
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luxuryandlilacs · 6 months
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So in January I created some New Year’s resolutions. I just went a little crazy with it just for the fun of it. Next I created my first quarter goals for the first three months. So basically I have resolutions for the three months. Due to circumstances and events, to avoid feeling overwhelmed and like a failure, I wanted to break those goals down into daily habits.
Goal - Have my dream body:
Habits: booty/legs three times a week, upper body and abs two times a week, incorporate more protein in my meals, actually go out of my way to cook more meals instead of eating lazy meals.
Goal - Read at least 12 books
Habit: Read everyday, finish a book or two per week.
These are a few examples I have. For the month of April, I want to reflect on my first quarter goals and see how much I’ve accomplished and note any improvements I can make for the next quarter.
I actually accomplished reading 13 books for the first quarter which is actually surprising lol. I’ve been pretty consistent with my work outs. I had a few lazy weeks but I haven’t had a week where I didn’t work out at all! Pats myself on the back.
For the next three months, I want to work on these areas of my life:
My Home Environment
My Mental Health
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I would usually use ChatGPT to give me some ideas on habits I can try to incorporate in my day to help with bettering these areas. However, it would just give basic ideas, oh well lol.
I create a habit tracker for each week and then do a week review to see how I did and how I can improve for the next week. Some habits I can have on my habit tracker in order to accomplish better outcomes in the three areas above are:
Educate myself on interior designing
Educate myself on Feng Shui
Meditate or do EFT tapping most days of the week
Take my Magneisum Glycinate supplement every night
Journal most days of the week
Complete the gratitude practice from The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
Practice Python and any other statistical programming language a few days of the week.
These are just a few I have on my mind but as the weeks go, I’ll probably come up with more and slowly incorporate them into my day.
Here’s to a WONDERFUL second quarter!
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inkofamethyst · 1 year
September 6, 2023
Actual goals for this school year:
Stay within my monthly budgets (I'll give september a pass if needed)
Take a programming course (in R or Python probably)
Go to fitness classes both to stay fit and to meet people
Maintain connections with interesting people (pretend to be the fearless extrovert)
Try at least one new recipe each month (again, september gets a pass)
Decorate my room
Go to symposia and talks in various departments; bask in the intellectual community
Read for fun or listen to audiobooks on occasion
No studying while eating (exceptions include: exam in 48 hours or less, expected reading due in 24 hours or less)
These are more like "additional" goals, I guess, since I would indeed like to become hotter, weirder, richer, more terrifying, and more unpredictable. I know I should become richer and I'm always on the trajectory to become weirder, but I may have to put work into the other three.
A wise man on tiktok once said "not every day can be a slay" and you know what? He was right. Sometimes it's totally worth having a chill day where you just don't put massive amounts of thought into your life. Yes, romanticizing the little moments feels good. But if it requires more mental energy than I can reasonably give that day, then it's not worth it. Same goes for outfits and meals and all sorts, really. It's actually something I've been putting into practice long before I'd heard it put into those words. Granted, a day of "non-slay" might look different for everyone. But it doesn't mean that I'm a failure for deciding to wear leggings or sweatpants on a day when I really just can't be arsed.
When I was talking to that random dude the day before school started, I told him that this school year felt different. He asked why and I had to say that I couldn't really put my finger on it. That was a lie. I just didn't want to make our lighthearted conversation into a therapy session. In fact, I could place not just a finger, but all of my fingers and some of my toes on it. 1. far away from home for an extended period 2. the whole thing with ~~~elite~~~ education (not imposter syndrome, more like the internal and personal discomfort of contributing to a system of hierarchies (the same way that race is a human construct that isn't really real but the effects of racism are real? academic elitism is socially constructed but has real effects (and you know ultimately this may not matter because the academic job market sucks and I may not be offered find a position (that I like bc why not be picky) in the first place lol))) 3. feeling very young 4. feeling ungrounded because, unlike the rest of my cohort, I came up here a week before school started and moved in merely days prior, so I wasn't nearly as grounded in my space as I would liked to have been. There's probably some other things that I just can't conjure up right now.
Full disclosure, most of the above comes from before school started. I'm not swamped with work, not exactly, but I certainly haven't had much time to devote to journaling (tbh this is exactly the time that I should be journaling). I don't really know where all of my hours are going (and maybe it's just the school adjustment period, it is only the second day, after all). I'll do a full recap sometime later. Ultimately: I'm doing okay.
Today I'm thankful that I'm doing okay.
Last thing: considering auditioning for/joining a choir. It's mostly undergrads, though they take grad students. It seems like a dope program. But there's a musical theatre one (also mostly undergrads lol) that also seems cool. It's been a long while since I've done MT. I do miss it, I think. But doing MT covers doesn't make me feel nearly as powerful as singing as part of a symphony :/ I could always go for the real choir some other year if I really wanted. I'll be here for six or so. I've got time.
I mean I've always wanted to do a musical theatre duet.
This could also just be pre-audition nerves ha.
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digitindus · 8 months
DigitIndus Technologies Private Limited
DigitIndus Technologies Private Limited is one of the best emerging Digital Marketing and IT Company in Tricity (Mohali, Chandigarh, and Panchkula). We provide cost effective solutions to grow your business. DigitIndus Technologies provides Digital Marketing, Web Designing, Web Development, Mobile Development, Training and Internships
Digital Marketing, Mobile Development, Web Development, website development, software development, Internship, internship with stipend, Six Months Industrial Training, Three Weeks industrial Training, HR Internship, CRM, ERP, PHP Training, SEO Training, Graphics Designing, Machine Learning, Data Science Training, Web Development, data science with python, machine learning with python, MERN Stack training, MEAN Stack training, logo designing, android development, android training, IT consultancy, Business Consultancy, Full Stack training, IOT training, Java Training, NODE JS training, React Native, HR Internship, Salesforce, DevOps, certificates for training, certification courses, Best six months training in chandigarh,Best six months training in mohali, training institute 
Certification of Recognition by StartupIndia-Government of India
DigitIndus Technologies Private Limited incorporated as a Private Limited Company on 10-01-2024, is recognized as a startup by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade. The startup is working in 'IT Services' Industry and 'Web Development' sector. DPIIT No: DIPP156716
Services Offered
Mobile Application Development
Software development
Digital Marketing
Internet Branding
Web Development
Website development
Graphics Designing
Salesforce development
Six months Internships with job opportunities
Six Months Industrial Training 
Six weeks Industrial Training
ERP development
IT consultancy
Business consultancy
Logo designing
Full stack development
Certification courses
Technical Training
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pentanguine · 9 months
Python's 2023 in review
Enjoy me rambling and oversharing in typical long-winded fashion
I am so glad I stumbled into public librarianship. When I graduated I was still so sure I was going to work in an academic library, and it took fate intervening for me to realize that still probably wasn’t right for me. I love the public library combination of working with popular collections (the books actually circulate!?) and helping people with practical problems. It makes me feel useful, and like I’m part of the wider world
Unfortunately I am beset by imposter syndrome. I only graduated three months before I started the position, and I feel underqualified for what I know was a very competitive search. I am definitely the youngest person on my team, and I am so scared of disappointing people. It will be fine
Also unfortunately my commute is still way too long, but my god, I’m in control of it. All I have to do is get on the bus and stay on the bus til my stop. There’s no mucking around with a local shuttle service that can have a wait time of over an hour and has to be precisely timed while you also try to make a train connection…I just get on one bus. Wow. When the weather’s nicer and it’s lighter out, I’m going to try walking home to see if it’s faster
I dated one of my friends for nine months, and that was fun and weird. I really enjoyed just getting to express those feelings for once, but I didn’t like how much space he took up in my life. I’d set aside a night for myself and then he’d say “hey, want to call?” and I’d go “😍YES let me drop everything to hear your voice!”, which was very annoying. I desperately wanted more time to myself, but I was so infatuated I wanted to spend time with him more. I think I’d like to avoid that in the future.
I definitely did not experience Dating and Romance the way most people do, but it’s hard to tell if that’s because I’m somewhere on the ace spectrum, or because that’s just how I am as a person. I do feel like a lot of stuff was unintuitive to me, sort of like I was a robotic anthropology student experimenting with intimacy in order to gain a better understanding of the humans it’s been studying, but I also feel like that about many of types of human interaction, and “being attracted to him” was not where the disconnect was. Over the course of the relationship I kept up a strategy document outlining my goals and took 27 pages of notes, and that’s probably the most relevant fact about how my sexuality functions
I have started eating my burgers with all the toppings! This seems small and meaningless from the outside, but I used to eat every component of my food separately, because I Had To, and it feels really nice to just do things instead of holding myself apart so I can carefully avoid Bad Things which Are Not Right. It feels like relaxing into life like a warm bubble bath.
27 feels distinctly different from 26. Feels a lot like My Late 20s, which feels like Almost 30, which feels like an entirely different stage of life. My knee clicks louder and louder when I go up stairs, and my knee and elbow hurt when the weather changes. I hear my spine making noises a lot.
AAAGHHHH! I am trying to get top surgery this year and I don’t want to talk about it! But also that’s dumb because I want my friends to know about it! Also, reading other people’s reflections about top surgery has been so, so fucking helpful to me over the years, and it would be nice to add to that informal pool of knowledge by periodically sharing stuff. Unfortunately I am deathly allergic to talking about myself on the internet, so I don’t know if I can do it. But it’s a thing that’s happening! I am going to get a referral letter from my therapist, and then I can schedule consultations!
I have no idea what I’m doing with gender. At some point I seem to have stopped identifying as nonbinary, and while I like being called a man but I don’t think I am a man, except for the part where sometimes I wonder if I’m a trans man who just doesn’t want to go on T, except for the part where I feel like a [redacted] who wants to disguise themself as a man. Look, I just live here. 
I have reached a point where she/her pronouns make me uncomfortable, instead of just feeling factually incorrect
I’ve realized that I have as much facial hair as my ex did when he was 3 months on T. I was wildly, desperately jealous of that facial hair at the time. That’s super weird.
I realized I’m thinking of this holiday as a trip to visit my parents, and I can’t wait to get home afterwards. But where is home? All my family still lives in the South, and there is stuff I miss here. All the little things, like the sound of Southern accents all around me and the way all the stores have ceiling fans turned on in the middle of December, and also the stars, and the horizon, and magnolia trees everywhere. But my life is in The City, and I feel at home when I cross the bridge at night and see all the lights against the water. Home is my shitty little apartment with my 12x6 room and sloping floors and my linden tree outside the window.
In general, it’s been a great year for Large Life Things: I graduated with my masters! And I started a great full time job! And I asked out the guy I’d had a crush on for almost four years! And it ended, but not in disaster, and we’re still friends! And I have kicked the ball that will eventually start knocking over dominoes on the way to having top surgery! Exciting cool stuff!
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datavalleyai · 11 months
The Future of Full Stack Java Development
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Full-stack developers, also known as “jack of all trades,” are in high demand in India. They are capable of carrying out the duties of numerous professionals. They earn good money and have many job opportunities with rewarding experiences because of their diverse skills. Full-stack Java programming has a bright future because its popularity is growing and will continue to grow in the coming years.
It’s well known that full-stack developers are proficient in both server-side and client-side programming. They are the professionals who carry out the responsibilities of backend and frontend developers. Despite not always being regarded as specialists, their abilities enable them to handle development tasks with ease. All firms look forward to having a brilliant full-stack developer as a future developer for a number of reasons. They handle a variety of technologies, which enables them to manage more project facets than the typical coder.
An experienced web developer who primarily works with Java programming is known as a Java full-stack developer. The front end, back end, and database layer are the three levels of code that these web developers build. The web development teams are frequently led by full-stack Java engineers, who also assist in updating and designing new websites. Because there is a great demand for Java full-stack developers. Many institutions have seized the opportunity by providing well-thought-out Java full-stack developer courses. You may study full-stack development quickly and become an expert in the area with the aid of these courses.
Java Full Stack Development by Datavalley
100% Placement Assistance
Duration: 3 Months (500+ hours)
Mode: Online/Offline
Let’s look into the future opportunities for full-stack Java professionals in India.
4 things that will Expand the Future Purpose of Java Full-Stack Developers
The Role of a Full-Stack Developer
Full-stack developers work on numerous tasks at once. They need to be extremely talented and knowledgeable in both front-end and back-end programming languages for this. JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and other frontend programming languages are essential. When creating new websites or modifying old ones, Java is a key programming language used by Java full-stack developers. However, backend programming languages consist of .Net, PHP, and Python depending on the projects. The full stack developers are distinguished from other developers by their proficiency and understanding of programming languages. With the availability of the finest Java full stack developer training, students may now easily master a frontend programming language like Java. The full-stack developer is more valuable and in demand when they are knowledgeable in multiple programming languages.
Responsibilities of a Full-Stack Developer
Functional databases are developed by full-stack developers. It creates aesthetically pleasing frontend designs that improve user experience and support the backend. The entire web-to-web architecture is under the control of these full-stack developers. They are also in charge of consistently maintaining and updating the software as needed. The full-stack developers bear the responsibility of overseeing a software project from its inception to its finalized product.
In the end, these full-stack developers also satisfy client and technical needs. Therefore, having a single, adaptable person do many tasks puts them in high demand and increases their potential for success in the technology field. Through extensively developed modules that expand their future scope, the Java full-stack developer course equips students with the skills necessary to take on these tasks.
The full-stack developer salary range
Full-stack developers are among the highest-paid workers in the software industry. In India, the average salary for a full-stack developer is 9.5 lakhs per annum. The elements that determine income typically include experience, location of the position, company strength, and other considerations. A highly skilled and adaptable full-stack developer makes between 16 and 20 lakhs per annum. Full-stack engineers get paid a lot because of their extensive skills, they can handle the tasks of two or three other developers at once.
By fostering the growth of small teams, preventing misunderstandings, and cutting the brand’s operating expenses, these full-stack developers perform remarkable work. Students who take the Java full-stack developer course are better equipped to become versatile full-stack developers, which will increase their demand currently as well as in the future in the industry.
Job Opportunities of Java Full Stack Developers
The full-stack developers are knowledgeable professionals with a wide range of technological skills. These competent workers are conversant with numerous stacks, including MEAN and LAMP, and are capable of handling more tasks than a typical developer. They are skilled experts with a wealth of opportunities due to their extensive understanding of several programming languages.
Full-stack developers are in high demand because they can work on a variety of projects and meet the needs of many companies. The full-stack Java developer course helps students build this adaptability so they can eventually become the first choice for brands searching for high-end developers.
As a result, these are a few key factors improving the future prospects of Java Full Stack developers in India. They are vibrant professionals who are in high demand due to their diverse skill set and experience, and they are growing steadily. The Java full stack developer course can help students hone their knowledge and abilities to succeed in this industry.
Datavalley’s Full Stack Java Developer course can help you start a promising career in full stack development. Enroll today to gain the expertise and knowledge you need to succeed.
Attend Free Bootcamps
Looking to supercharge your Java skills and become a full-stack Java developer? Look no further than Datavalley’s Java Full Stack Developer bootcamp. This is your chance to take your career to the next level by enhancing your expertise.
Key points about Bootcamps:
It is completely free, and there is no obligation to complete the entire course.
20 hours total, two hours daily for two weeks.
Gain hands-on experience with tools and projects.
Explore and decide if the field or career is right for you.
Complete a mini-project.
Earn a certificate to show on your profile.
No commitment is required after bootcamp.
Take another bootcamp if you are unsure about your track.
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poolpartymusic · 1 year
been a while, forgot old e-mail
I think the last blog I made was 'dutchkidhuffingballons.tumblr.com', the name inspired by the Sam Fender song. I'm pretty sure I stopped writing when I got into my first relationship.
Turns out a relationship(or at leas this one) made me vent to an actual human and turn away from my diary-type blogs for once. Now, three years down the line, I'm still dating this beautiful man. I'm no longer in the honeymoon phase (although at times it does feel like I'm right back in it again), and for the past year/year and a half I've been trying to find my groove back.
It's different. Living and trying to do your own thing while simultaneously spending so much time with such a sweet man. It's easy to let time fly by and forget about my old hobbies. I don't draw as much anymore, I don't see as many friends any more. I also think that's just part of growing up, but I do want to find myself back still.
It's so much easier to journal through my computer than it is writing in my diary, which actually is quite a shame. I don't know why, but words come to me much easier like this.
Anyway, it's been a while. I forgot my e-mail to my old tumblr account. Decided I might as well make my tenth-thousandth blog.
I think I just want to journal about what changes I go through as a person, what thoughts I have and what struggles I must combat. Maybe this will be the last post I ever post on here. Who knows...
Today is the 17th of October 2023. I'm 23. I live in Utrecht, across from my boyfriend in the same apartment complex. Summer is officially over, it's pretty chilly out but today at least the sky is bright blue.
I'm in my third year at college, meaning I'm following a minor ICT at HU. Pro: It's only a 5 minute walk to school, and I only have in-person classes two days a week. I've learned quite some programming in Python and I think I'm pretty okay at it. Con: The business part of the minor is the main part, and I tend to find it a little less interesting. I don't feel very motivated for it.
I've realized that now, for maybe the first time ever, I don't really have a solid friend group anymore. Of course I have loose friends that I feel close to, but a month or two ago I stepped out of my High School friend group because it was no longer a fulfilling friendship for me. They never really reached out to me and I tried to see them whenever I was in my home town, but it was never that meaningful. I do miss it, but I do think it's good I put some distance between us.
My college friends from my film studies don't feel as close to me as they once did. Every time we hang out, they talk about their work and business related things. Interesting, but it does put some distance between us. I miss them, but most of them are always busy. I guess I feel like they don't really have time for me. And I don't blame them, because I haven't been the most active friend to them either.
I miss having a solid friend group...
Okay, well. I think that's good for now. If anyone other than myself ever comes across this blog (which I doubt): hello, welcome. Feel free to read my diary. I'll try to stay anonymous and I'll appreciate it if you'll let me. From experience I know that this isn't going to be that interesting to myself in a few years, let alone for someone who doesn't even know me. But hey, I hope you're okay.
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tokiro07 · 2 years
Ch. 137 thoughts
[Anyone Know a Good Vet? Cus These Pythons Are Wicked Sick!]
I am looking at Fuuko respectfully...👀
So Fuuko’s Unluck summoned Feng, to Nico’s confusion, and Fuuko explains that she has no control over what form Unluck takes, which is...not entirely true, but I guess it’s not a lie either. Fuuko is beholden to what is available to be drawn in; if it’s stormy, she can focus on making lightning or hail, but if there’s not a cloud in the sky she can’t spontaneously change the weather, it would definitely take some time at the very least, and Unluck seems to take the most convenient thing
If there’s cars around, she could reliably make one hit her target, but if she were in a barren field she’d be limited to something like an earthquake or a meteor. She can’t make literally any Unluck happen, but if she can identify her options, she can presumably choose from them
Feng having an established dynamic with Fuuko is really fun, with him viewing her as a rival martial artist when originally she was without question the weakest fighter that the Union had. Honestly knowing that he’s been chasing after her and she’s basically been manipulating that to get him to defeat UMAs for her...there’s a certain flavor of romance in that, y’know? 
Feng notes that Fuuko hasn’t aged since their first meeting and attributes this to her grasp of her soul, implying that Feng has retained his youth because he has somehow gained definitive knowledge of his own soul the way he did at the tail-end of Loop 100. Presumably this is a “young as you feel” kind of deal or an inverse of Andy’s vision of his soul being an old man; whereas Andy views himself as an old soul, Feng views himself as a peak human (hence his name), so if he found a way to superimpose the image of his soul onto his aging body, then of course he’d be able to overcome the weakness of Unfade being tied to its activation date. Also fitting that Feng has gained the ability to retain his youth in the same arc that we’re being reintroduced to Gina, whose Unchange only allowed her to fake retaining her youth rather than literally doing so. Perhaps Gina will learn to control her soul as well?
As Fuuko prepares for battle she lets down her hair; once a symbol of reclusion, her long hair is now a symbol of her confidence in her abilities, as she weaponizes it as a method to impart a small dose of Unluck into Feng in order to manipulate the ground and momentarily trap him. She’s also an incredibly difficult opponent for a martial artist, because any contact with her can create Unluck, so taking a hit is a small sacrifice if it means that the opponent only ends up damaging themselves
It’s also worth noting that part of Fuuko’s agreement with Feng is that he won’t kill anyone; him being able to keep that promise undoubtedly makes Feng more likable and endearing to Fuuko, ironically making Unluck more effective on him
Fuuko finishes the match with a Tetsuzanko, an attack that we learned in Shen’s flashback is well-suited for fighters with minimal skill/strength; Fuuko clearly isn’t as experienced as Feng, Andy or Shen, but she only really needs a move that will allow her to make contact, so it ends up being the perfect move for her to use. And she looks great doing it, too
I especially love her bandoliers, they give the impression of the iron rings used in Hung Gar. I’m a huge fan of the arm-warmer aesthetic, and knowing that the weight of the bullets probably increases her striking power makes them even cooler
I do wish that we could have seen Fuuko actually training with Shen and Mui, especially since this clearly took place during the three month timeskip between Unrepair and the Four Seasons (the last time she would have had any free time not taken up by being Under’s prisoner or a literal ghost, and considering that Shen isn’t a Jiangshi here), but hopefully the anime will give us a few clips here and there for moments like this
I also appreciate that we’re getting everyone’s full names one by one; Shen Xiang and Feng Kowloon in this instance. Without seeing the hanzi, obviously I can’t say for sure what they mean, but Kowloon means “nine dragons.” Weirdly, though, Kowloon is (as far as I can find) an anglicized corruption of the the Cantonese pronunciation (gaulung) and not the Mandarin, as everything else about Feng has been. In Mandarin it would have been jiulong, but the Japanese pronunciation is kuron, which is definitely closer to the Cantonese than the Mandarin, so that’s likely what they went with here. I imagine it draws from the Cantonese because it’s in direct reference to the city in Hong Kong, but I’m not an etymologist. Either way, I can’t fault Tozuka for going with the Japanese pronunciation in a Japanese manga, nor can I fault David Evelyn for basing his translation directly off of the material’s language and not another one that he probably doesn’t know. It’s like how Shen’s name should be “Zhen,” but the “zh” sound doesn’t really exist in Japanese and making his name “Shin” would defeat the purpose. If it were translated to Chinese I’m sure they’d go with what’s the most appropriate for the dialect, but it’s being translated to English from Japanese, so this is really what makes the most sense
Feng asks Fuuko what she believes it takes to be “the strongest,” and in regular fashion, she says she doesn’t know, as she’s seen many people be strong in different ways, but concludes that the unifying factor between all of them was their dedication and love for each other. Feng disagrees, but acknowledges that he lost and thus any argument he has to the contrary is currently moot, so he resolves to prove Fuuko wrong. However, we can be sure that this is step one in his development, and he will come to see the truth (or SHEN!) in Fuuko’s words, and will become strong because he takes Fuuko’s advice to take on Shen as a pupil. Shen once asked Feng if he ever considered him and Mei to be family, and under the influence of Untruth Feng said no; I’ve always taken this to be ambiguous between “lying because of Untruth” and “speaking the truth because of Untruth,” as we had seen both of those functions in the preceding chapters, but this arc is undoubtedly going to provide the answer as the former (especially after we saw Feng come in to make the save at the end of Loop 100)
As Feng makes his exit and his promise to kill Fuuko and Shen, Fuuko declares “sick. Wicked sick,” which frankly just absolutely gut punched me. She knows Feng’s gonna become a dad, all according to plan. She’s so devious now, I love her
Fuuko and Gina officially become friends, and Fuuko gives Gina her uniform, which I guess makes her the first official member of Fuuko’s Union! I guess Ichico counts, but I’m not really sure from this moment
The chapter ends with Fuuko digging up Apocalypse, confirming that the quests haven’t actually started yet, which more or less confirms that the punishments haven’t been introduced yet. This only confuses the issue on why the stars were present a few chapters ago, though, as Galaxy shouldn’t exist yet. I’m starting to wonder if that was just an error or if there’s going to be an explanation for it? Either way, I’m really excited to see the earlier quests and their potential punishments and rewards, and any Negators that might be introduced in the meantime. I’m not really expecting new Negators, but I am hoping for some (as they are my favorite part, obviously)
This arc has gotten better and better each chapter for me, so I am psyched for this next phase. See y’all next week when I gush over whatever else we learn!
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Cracking the Code: Explore the World of Big Data Analytics
Welcome to the amazing world of Big Data Analytics! In this comprehensive course, we will delve into the key components and complexities of this rapidly growing field. So, strap in and get ready to embark on a journey that will equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to excel in the realm of Big Data Analytics.
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Key Components
Understanding Big Data
What is big data and why is it so significant in today's digital landscape?
Exploring the three dimensions of big data: volume, velocity, and variety.
Overview of the challenges and opportunities associated with managing and analyzing massive datasets.
Data Analytics Techniques
Introduction to various data analytics techniques, such as descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.
Unraveling the mysteries behind statistical analysis, data visualization, and pattern recognition.
Hands-on experience with popular analytics tools like Python, R, and SQL.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Unleashing the potential of machine learning algorithms in extracting insights and making predictions from data.
Understanding the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and its role in automating data analytics processes.
Applications of machine learning and AI in real-world scenarios across various industries.
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Reasons to Choose the Course
Comprehensive Curriculum
An in-depth curriculum designed to cover all facets of Big Data Analytics.
From the basics to advanced topics, we leave no stone unturned in building your expertise.
Practical exercises and real-world case studies to reinforce your learning experience.
Expert Instructors
Learn from industry experts who possess a wealth of experience in big data analytics.
Gain insights from their practical knowledge and benefit from their guidance and mentorship.
Industry-relevant examples and scenarios shared by the instructors to enhance your understanding.
Hands-on Approach
Dive into the world of big data analytics through hands-on exercises and projects.
Apply the concepts you learn to solve real-world data problems and gain invaluable practical skills.
Work with real datasets to get a taste of what it's like to be a professional in the field.
Placement Opportunities
Industry Demands and Prospects
Discover the ever-increasing demand for skilled big data professionals across industries.
Explore the vast range of career opportunities in data analytics, including data scientist, data engineer, and business intelligence analyst.
Understand how our comprehensive course can enhance your prospects of securing a job in this booming field.
Internship and Job Placement Assistance
By enrolling in our course, you gain access to internship and job placement assistance.
Benefit from our extensive network of industry connections to get your foot in the door.
Leverage our guidance and support in crafting a compelling resume and preparing for interviews.
Education and Duration
Mode of Learning
Choose between online, offline, or blended learning options to cater to your preferences and schedule.
Seamlessly access learning materials, lectures, and assignments through our user-friendly online platform.
Engage in interactive discussions and collaborations with instructors and fellow students.
Duration and Flexibility
Our course is designed to be flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
Depending on your dedication and time commitment, you can complete the course in as little as six months.
Benefit from lifetime access to course materials and updates, ensuring your skills stay up-to-date.
By embarking on this comprehensive course at ACTE institute, you will unlock the door to the captivating world of Big Data Analytics. With a solid foundation in the key components, hands-on experience, and placement opportunities, you will be equipped to seize the vast career prospects that await you. So, take the leap and join us on this exciting journey as we unravel the mysteries and complexities of Big Data Analytics.
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alisheaburgess · 1 year
Dev Diaries: Day 8...We Back!!!
Dev Diaries, Masterlist
Romancing the Process...coming soon
June 4, 2023
The Day number will just be a log number as I may not do Dev stuff every day. I'll be including the dates though.
Now that I have a month to take classes, I'm going to be a bit more strategic with what I'm taking and when. I want to get the most out of this 😊
For the Dev side, I'm going to finish up the bigger courses that I wasn't able to get into before. They will mainly be HTML and CSS. There are a couple of them that have intros to Python and the like. I have already had a little bit of Python in other courses, so I'm kinda looking forward to that one and more C# 😁 that's the one I'll be learning for my game dev stuff.
For the Diaries though...
I'm thinking about having a separate Design Diary (non-web design) and Doodle Diary because I'm also going to be working on those. I mainly want to so I can find things easier later but also... so I remember what all I'm doing now 😂😋
I am starting Romancing the Process! Which is just a diary of all the crazy stuff I'm learning, trying, and just my story as I experience it. I think it's gonna be fun (for me at least lol)
My goal for this month is to be as job ready as I possibly can be! I'm going to be purging my belongings as well in case I need to move. This will trick my brain into cleaning which is useful even if I don't move 😅 I'll be going over this more in Romancing the Process. I am trying to get a balance of input (learning) and output (creating). This is gonna be so much fun!!!!
Weekly DevPlan:
Courses to Tackle for the Week (starts Monday, today is bonus)
Improve UX Prototyping
Soft Dev
Full-stack Dev
1 Class at a time! 😊
The prototyping course is introductions to a bunch of tools you can use. It's kinda boring to start but then I turn into a child when they start the actual prototyping part 😂🤣 It's so much fun and I can't wait to get to play...I mean...use them.
I won't be doing each of these every day. They are in order of importance. I want to get the first three done this week. The bottom two be the least important and can take all month if need be lol
I've already done a prototyping course but it's super close to being completely done. I've almost exhausted their library of UX stuff 😅🥰 This is the last fuller course they have for it. After that it's just shorter courses that I plan to filter in.
Let's Go!!!
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risenwraith · 1 year
#74 Hair advice.
I often refer to my hair as feathers and myself as a corvid (y'know, 'cos scowling, goth, often ridiculous, occasionally doom) so this may not work for you but please consider...
Shear your hair short before chemo. Do a pixie cut, keep it longer on the top if you like, just cut it as short as you are comfortable going with. It gives you a chance to get used to super short hair if that isn't your usual thing. I mean do what makes you happiest, but I'm so glad I sheared my feathers short and then just shaved them when the time came.
It's weird - of course it is - no getting away from that. But, if you've had super-short hair for a month or so before The (dreaded) Moult, shaving it down to skin is less of an aesthetic shock.
This of course is what worked for me. I didn't want to loose my feathers, but when they fell out I didn't want to be weighed down, depressed or endlessly annoyed about it. (It's not like that Monty Python sketch about the leaves. You'd be dropping hair everywhere for at least three weeks if not more.)
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iiit-india · 15 days
Best Computer Course in Laxmi Nagar 2024
In today’s digital age, computer skills are no longer just a luxury; they are essential. Whether you’re looking to enhance your career prospects or simply want to navigate the tech-driven world around you, enrolling in a computer course can open up a myriad of opportunities. Laxmi Nagar has become a hub for quality education, offering various courses that cater to diverse learning needs and aspirations. If you're considering diving into the realm of technology, this guide will help you find the best computer course in Laxmi Nagar for 2024. Let's explore why taking a computer course is not only beneficial but also necessary in our fast-paced society.
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Is taking a computer course good?
Taking a computer course is undeniably advantageous in today’s world. It equips individuals with vital skills that are increasingly demanded across various industries.
The ability to navigate software, understand programming languages, or even manage databases can set you apart from the competition. Employers often look for candidates who possess these technical skills along with soft skills.
Moreover, learning about computers fosters problem-solving abilities and critical thinking. These are essential traits not only for professional growth but also for personal development.
Additionally, many online platforms offer flexibility in learning styles and schedules. This means you can enhance your knowledge while balancing other commitments.
In an era where technology continues to evolve rapidly, staying updated is crucial. A computer course provides the foundation needed to adapt and thrive amid constant change.
Which type of computer course is best?
Choosing the right computer course can be overwhelming. It largely depends on your interests and career goals.
If you're drawn to programming, coding boot camps or software development courses are ideal. These programs often focus on popular languages like Python, JavaScript, and C++.
For those interested in design, graphic design or web development courses can unlock creative potential. They teach essential skills in Adobe Suite and HTML/CSS.
Data analysis is gaining traction too. Courses in data science or analytics prepare you for a tech-driven job market that values insights derived from big data.
Cybersecurity is another field that's rapidly expanding. Training in this area equips students with knowledge to protect systems against threats.
The best type of course aligns with what excites you most while considering future job prospects.
Which course is highly demand in future?
As technology continues to evolve, certain computer courses are emerging as highly sought after.
Data science stands out prominently. With businesses increasingly relying on data for decision-making, skills in analytics and machine learning can lead to lucrative job opportunities.
Cybersecurity is another field gaining traction. As cyber threats rise, organizations are prioritizing the protection of their digital assets. Courses focusing on ethical hacking and network security will be invaluable.
Web development also remains a strong contender. The demand for skilled web developers is consistent as companies continue to expand their online presence.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning courses offer immense potential. These areas drive innovation across sectors, making expertise in these fields incredibly desirable.
Choosing a course aligned with future trends can position you well in an ever-changing job market.
Which 3 month computer course is best?
When considering a three-month computer course, several options stand out. Each caters to different interests and career goals.
If you’re looking to enter the IT field quickly, a course in web development can be invaluable. It covers essential programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, equipping you with the skills to create stunning websites.
For those drawn towards data analytics, a three-month data science boot camp is ideal. This program teaches tools such as Python and SQL that are crucial for analyzing vast datasets.
Graphic design courses also offer creative opportunities within a short time frame. Learning software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator opens doors in various industries from marketing to media.
Digital marketing courses provide insights into SEO strategies and social media management—skills increasingly sought after by businesses today. Explore your passion; each option holds its own unique potential for growth.
Which is the No.1 institute for computer course?
When searching for the best computer course in Laxmi Nagar, one name frequently emerges: IIIT-India. This institute is renowned for its cutting-edge curriculum and experienced faculty.
Students benefit from hands-on training that aligns with industry standards. The focus on practical skills sets it apart from other institutions in the area.
IIIT-India offers a variety of courses tailored to different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your expertise, there’s something for everyone.
The infrastructure is impressive, providing modern labs equipped with the latest technology. This environment fosters innovation and creativity among students.
Moreover, strong placement support ensures graduates find opportunities in top companies. Alumni success stories speak volumes about the quality of education here.
IIIT- India- Best Computer Course in Laxmi Nagar
When it comes to finding the best computer course in Laxmi Nagar, IIIT-India stands out as a premier choice. This institute is renowned for its exceptional curriculum and dedicated faculty. They offer a variety of courses tailored to meet the needs of both beginners and advanced students.
IIIT-India provides hands-on training that focuses on practical skills, ensuring that students are industry-ready upon completion. Their state-of-the-art facilities and resources further enhance the learning experience. Students gain access to modern technology, which is critical in today’s fast-paced digital world.
The institution emphasizes not just theoretical knowledge but also real-world applications. Programs cover everything from programming languages to data science and cybersecurity—areas projected to be highly sought after in the future job market.
As you explore your options for a computer course in Laxmi Nagar, consider what IIIT-India has to offer. With strong placement support and an impressive track record of student success, they have established themselves as one of the leading institutes for computer education in the area.
Choosing IIIT-India could be your gateway into a thriving career in technology. Whether you're looking for short-term courses or comprehensive programs, this institute caters to diverse educational paths while preparing you effectively for future challenges.
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biittech · 19 days
Computer Course in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi
In today’s digital age, a solid understanding of computers is essential. Whether you’re a student looking to enhance your skills or a professional aiming for career advancement, enrolling in a computer course can open numerous doors. If you find yourself in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi, you're in luck! This bustling hub offers some fantastic opportunities to gain valuable knowledge and expertise. Let’s dive into the world of computer courses available in East Delhi and discover what awaits you on this exciting journey toward technological proficiency.
How long is basic computer course?
The duration of a basic computer course can vary significantly depending on the institute and the curriculum offered. Generally, these courses range from four weeks to three months.
Some places offer intensive programs designed for quick learning, while others provide a more relaxed pace that allows for deeper understanding. Most classes usually meet just a few times each week, making it manageable for working professionals or students.
Beyond classroom hours, practical exercises play a crucial role in mastering essential skills like typing, internet navigation, and software applications.
Choosing the right course also depends on your existing knowledge and future goals. If you aim to build foundational skills quickly, opt for shorter programs with focused content tailored to beginners.
What is the top 5 best computer courses?
When it comes to choosing the best computer courses, several options stand out.
Web Development is a top choice for those looking to create websites and applications. It covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and backend technologies.
Data Science has gained immense popularity as businesses seek professionals who can analyze data trends. This course includes statistics, programming languages like Python or R, and machine learning.
Digital Marketing is essential in today’s online world. Learning SEO, social media marketing, and content strategy can open many career doors.
Graphic Designing combines creativity with technology. Courses in software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator equip students with skills needed for visual communication roles.
Cybersecurity is critical as cyber threats increase. This course focuses on protecting systems from attacks and ensuring data integrity through various security measures.
Which computer course is best for a job?
When considering the best computer course for job seekers, it's essential to focus on industry demand. Courses in programming languages like Python or Java are highly sought after. They equip you with skills relevant to various sectors.
Web development is another lucrative area. Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can open doors to many opportunities in tech companies.
Data analytics has gained immense popularity too. Mastering tools such as Excel and SQL makes candidates attractive to employers looking for data-driven decision-makers.
For those inclined towards cybersecurity, courses that cover network security and ethical hacking are invaluable. Organizations prioritize safeguarding their data more than ever.
Digital marketing is also a thriving field where understanding SEO, social media strategies, and content management systems can lead to successful careers. Each of these paths offers unique job prospects tailored for different interests and strengths.
How many years is computer degree?
A computer degree typically spans three to four years. This duration depends on the specific program and institution you choose.
For instance, a Bachelor’s in Computer Science generally takes four years. It covers essential topics like programming, algorithms, data structures, and software development.
On the other hand, some colleges offer three-year degrees focused more on practical skills than theoretical knowledge. These programs can be beneficial for those eager to enter the workforce quickly.
Additionally, pursuing an associate degree will usually take two years. This option is perfect for individuals looking to gain foundational skills before advancing further in their education or career path.
Your choice of course length should align with your career goals and personal circumstances.
Which computer course is best for a government job?
For those aiming for a government job, certain computer courses stand out. A diploma in Computer Applications is highly regarded. It provides foundational skills essential for many administrative roles.
Another strong option is the course in Data Entry and Management. This training equips candidates with vital typing and software proficiency, often required in government positions.
Additionally, pursuing certifications like Microsoft Office Specialist can enhance your resume. Proficiency in tools like Word and Excel is frequently demanded across various departments.
If you're interested in IT roles within the government sector, consider networking or cybersecurity courses. These areas are increasingly crucial as governments prioritize digital security.
Exploring programming languages such as Python or Java may open doors to technical jobs that support governmental functions and projects.
Which institute is best for computer course in Laxmi Nagar?
When searching for the best institute for a computer course in Laxmi Nagar, several factors come into play. Quality of instruction, course offerings, and student support are essential.
One standout option is BIIT Technology. This institute has established a strong reputation in East Delhi for its comprehensive curriculum and experienced trainers. They focus on practical skills that align with industry demands.
Another noteworthy feature of BIIT Technology is its flexible scheduling. Whether you’re a busy professional or a student, there’s likely a program that fits your lifestyle.
The hands-on training approach sets it apart from many other institutions. Students gain real-world experience through various projects and internships.
Positive reviews from alumni highlight the supportive learning environment at BIIT Technology. With small class sizes, personalized attention becomes possible, ensuring better understanding and retention of knowledge.
BIIT Technology- Best Computer Course in Laxmi Nagar
BIIT Technology stands out as a premier choice for those seeking the best computer course in Laxmi Nagar. Nestled in the heart of East Delhi, it offers a range of courses tailored to meet diverse learning needs.
The institute features experienced instructors who prioritize hands-on training and real-world applications. Students are equipped with essential skills that boost their confidence and employability.
Moreover, BIIT Technology fosters a supportive environment where learners can thrive. The small class sizes ensure personalized attention, allowing every student to grasp concepts effectively.
With state-of-the-art facilities and modern teaching methodologies, students engage deeply with technology. They graduate not just with theoretical knowledge but also practical experience that prepares them for various job opportunities in the tech industry.
Why join BIIT Technology?
When considering a computer course in Laxmi Nagar, BIIT Technology stands out as an exceptional choice. This institute offers various programs tailored to meet the needs of students and professionals alike.
The faculty at BIIT is highly qualified and brings practical experience to their teaching methods. Students gain hands-on exposure, which enhances learning outcomes significantly. The curriculum is frequently updated to keep pace with industry trends, ensuring that you acquire relevant skills.
Additionally, the infrastructure at BIIT Technology is modern and conducive for effective learning. With state-of-the-art labs and resources available, you will have everything you need to thrive in your studies.
Moreover, placement assistance offered by BIIT Technology can be invaluable when seeking job opportunities post-completion of your course. Their extensive network within the industry helps students transition smoothly into the workforce.
Choosing BIIT Technology means choosing quality education that paves the way for career success in today’s competitive environment. Whether you're eyeing a basic computer course or specialized training, this institute has it all covered right here in East Delhi.
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