#pursuit of happiness
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evilmark999 · 13 hours ago
Trump & FOX, Musk and MAGA & the NRA exist because of the long-term results of NOT keeping life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness available at a minimum to all walks of life...
Take for example - and in general - EDUCATION:
Both call-outs are not only bold indictments of intelligence, they are also ABSOLUTELY useless after-the-fact - which is ONLY when either is ever used...
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Take for another example - and, again, in general - WAGES:
The Federal Minimum Wage has been sitting at $7.25/hour FOR MORE THAN A GENERATION!
And before it even became entrenched where it currently is, the Federal Minimum Wage had LONG BEEN way too low and out-of-touch with reality...
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When EVERYTHING else is climbing ever-upward and the lowest of the low are left all alone, then the tally of the lowest will ALWAYS grow and NEVER NOT STRUGGLE to break OUT...
How the FUCK can a government keep raising the POVERTY LINE & NEVER try to fairly ADJUST THE BOTTOM LINE!?!
When elected officials do this, they are telling you that it is okay with them that more citizens become impoverished EVERY YEAR!
Pete comes across as a Good Guy! However, at this point, I'm only going to vote for people with a proven record of honesty & transparency - just like Pete! - AND who share my outrage & will support mandates for BIG actions for fair wages, for proper education, for full healthcare, and so on - for ALL life, liberty & happiness issues - AND who will push HARD to get a Declaration of WAR with Russia!
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unaffiliatedpangolin · 1 year ago
There’s a very important distinction in the founding American philosophy that goes unrecognized by far too many people. You have the right to the “pursuit of happiness” not to happiness itself.
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evilmark999 · 11 days ago
I've been trying to think this through, and would like to know what others foresee...
[ PREFACE ] I'm not going to try to rehash or recap everything going on within the US and its Republican Party. If you need that from me, just disqualify yourself from this thought exercise for stupidly being part of the problem. FUCK OFF & DIE if this offends you...
We, the American people, need Congress to officially declare War with Russia!
Among other things, this would legally open up the death penalty to those who intercede - who provide aid and comfort - on behalf of Russia...
Can you see where I'm going with this?
Instead of talking DEI, the conversation needs to be more focused on DIE. We need an Orange Scare that works for us!
This administration and those that support it - such as the New NAZIs at Heritage, Elon Musk Evil Incorporated, all of the PACs, and those cowardly candy-ass Billionaire & Business backers - need to be instantly on notice that they should be fearing for their lives - WHICH IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN DOING!
Are you still reading this?
WE THE PEOPLE are the majority in this country, and HEADS NEED TO ROLL!
[ REMINDER ] The last time that Congress declared war - after the attack on Pearl Harbor - it took less than a day...
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suspiciousplant123 · 8 months ago
What carmy said🗣️🗣️🗣️
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blindfolded-nakedtruth · 4 months ago
Their pursuit of peace comes at the cost of losing it.
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allaboutmovies22 · 4 months ago
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reading-writing-revolution · 7 months ago
"We shouldn’t work less simply because it allows us to be better workers. We should work less because it allows us to be better humans."
The problem here is that our American culture of total work is so destructive and completely unnecessary. What's the point of having an advanced society if we continue to operate with a 16th century "work ethic"?
Rich people want you to work until death while they bask in the fruits of your labor and their manipulation of tax codes and financial markets. They demonstrate that the goal is leisure while making it more and more difficult for you to relax and enjoy your life. Why? Lack of ethics? Lack of morals? Apathy? Apathy is the opposite of love, after all.
We really need to rethink how we live. There's no reason for everyone to work, producing so much garbage were growing in it. We could live better, and really, isn't that the only thing people really want?
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sirlonius · 6 months ago
There are so many things in this world to fall in love with and just as many things that will bring you happiness outside of a person so maybe the focus should be more on that.
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trodamus · 2 years ago
So polygon reviewed Remnant 2 and called it boring - and while there’s some background where the reviewer definitely doesn’t like that kind of game fundamentally, I feel like if you dins boring a game where you travel from contemporary earth, that had a major apocalypse in the 50s/60s due to connecting to the realms children dreamed of, where you travel to said realms one of which is 100% just bloodborne with elves…like what even makes you happy
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itsthefirefly · 1 year ago
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Happiness :)
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ohsoteary · 1 year ago
“crush a bit, little bit
roll it up, take a hit
feeling lit, feeling right”
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annieqattheperipheral · 1 year ago
Leafs goal song at first home game
they're in the zone can't blame em🫶
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newblvotg · 15 days ago
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your-heart-is-a-treasure · 2 years ago
Pursuit of truth, not success, is the ultimate purpose of an illuminated life.
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ithacanexile · 4 months ago
I very rarely post videos of myself, Unlike Trump I don’t like the sound of my voice. This was too important to say, especially from the Mayflower Steps where our nation’s story began. For us to keep the story going, we must vote #HarrisWalz as we are #NotGoingBack Vote!
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doplugg · 1 month ago
Pursuit of Happiness, but Usagi can't live without a pie 🍰
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