#declare war on russia
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evilmark999 · 16 hours ago
Trump & FOX, Musk and MAGA & the NRA exist because of the long-term results of NOT keeping life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness available at a minimum to all walks of life...
Take for example - and in general - EDUCATION:
Both call-outs are not only bold indictments of intelligence, they are also ABSOLUTELY useless after-the-fact - which is ONLY when either is ever used...
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Take for another example - and, again, in general - WAGES:
The Federal Minimum Wage has been sitting at $7.25/hour FOR MORE THAN A GENERATION!
And before it even became entrenched where it currently is, the Federal Minimum Wage had LONG BEEN way too low and out-of-touch with reality...
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When EVERYTHING else is climbing ever-upward and the lowest of the low are left all alone, then the tally of the lowest will ALWAYS grow and NEVER NOT STRUGGLE to break OUT...
How the FUCK can a government keep raising the POVERTY LINE & NEVER try to fairly ADJUST THE BOTTOM LINE!?!
When elected officials do this, they are telling you that it is okay with them that more citizens become impoverished EVERY YEAR!
Pete comes across as a Good Guy! However, at this point, I'm only going to vote for people with a proven record of honesty & transparency - just like Pete! - AND who share my outrage & will support mandates for BIG actions for fair wages, for proper education, for full healthcare, and so on - for ALL life, liberty & happiness issues - AND who will push HARD to get a Declaration of WAR with Russia!
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evilmark999 · 10 hours ago
All you Shrinking Violet MOTHERFUCKERS in
Declare War on Russia! NOW!!!
Make "giving aid or comfort to the enemy" an offense worthy of the
Are you still reading this?
[#1] In and of itself, a Declaration of War DOES NOT authorize the POTUS to use military force; it DOES, however, bring an ultimate penalty term for TREASONOUS actions into play...
[#2] Without an AUMF - an Authorization for Use of Military Force - from CONGRESS, a POTUS (no matter how corrupt) DOES NOT have the authority to initiate action with the military on his own...
[#3] Each and every Branch of the Military takes an oath to uphold the CONSTITUTION - NOT uphold a POTUS...
Talk about this!
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postcard-from-the-past · 2 months ago
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Arrival of the Romanov Imperial Family at the Winter Palace for the 1914 declaration of the First World War in St. Petersburg, Russia
Russian vintage postcard
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the-jam-to-the-unicorn · 11 months ago
Considering what NATO did (ot the lack of action), we have to give Ze credit for not screaming at them and calling them names five minutes straight in his latest nightly video.
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evilmark999 · 16 hours ago
Declare WAR on RUSSIA!
Make "giving comfort or aid to the enemy" a DEATH PENALTY offense!
Putin’s bitch strikes again. First the UN vote and now this disgrace publicly stunt. MAGA really does stand for: “Moscow Agents Governing America”.
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maximumphilosopheranchor · 2 years ago
Some Americans are so blinded by their sense of superiority, omg. And they SO don’t understand Russia.
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nawapon17 · 3 months ago
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renegadetalk-fm · 5 months ago
Zelensky Escalates War Against Russia, Israel Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ & Strikes Lebanon! Plus, Trump Promises To Reverse Replacement Migration!
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archaeologyinbulgaria · 5 months ago
Happy Independence Day: Bulgaria Celebrates 116th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey in 1908
This political cartoon on the cover of French periodical Le Petit Journal illustrates the Bosnian Crisis of 1908: Knyaz (King) Ferdinand (middle) of Bulgaria declares independence and becomes Tsar (Emperor), Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph (L) annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid looks on. Photo: Cplakidas, Wikipedia Bulgaria celebrates on Sunday, September 22,…
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evilmark999 · 11 days ago
I've been trying to think this through, and would like to know what others foresee...
[ PREFACE ] I'm not going to try to rehash or recap everything going on within the US and its Republican Party. If you need that from me, just disqualify yourself from this thought exercise for stupidly being part of the problem. FUCK OFF & DIE if this offends you...
We, the American people, need Congress to officially declare War with Russia!
Among other things, this would legally open up the death penalty to those who intercede - who provide aid and comfort - on behalf of Russia...
Can you see where I'm going with this?
Instead of talking DEI, the conversation needs to be more focused on DIE. We need an Orange Scare that works for us!
This administration and those that support it - such as the New NAZIs at Heritage, Elon Musk Evil Incorporated, all of the PACs, and those cowardly candy-ass Billionaire & Business backers - need to be instantly on notice that they should be fearing for their lives - WHICH IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN DOING!
Are you still reading this?
WE THE PEOPLE are the majority in this country, and HEADS NEED TO ROLL!
[ REMINDER ] The last time that Congress declared war - after the attack on Pearl Harbor - it took less than a day...
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evilmark999 · 10 days ago
How? Start by using their actions against them...
Congress! Only YOU can make "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" a Death-Penalty offense!
Am I crazy? Like a FOX!
Can we all at least TALK about this???
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imanes · 1 year ago
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"Refusal to handle military equipment for war in Palestine
While a genocide is underway in Palestine, workers at the various airports in Belgium are seeing weapons headed for war zones.
The loading and unloading of these weapons enables the resupplying of organizations killing innocent people.
We, the different unions active in the ground handling sector, call on our members not to handle flights that ship military material to Palestine/Israel as there were also clear agreements and rules at the start of the conflict with Russia and Ukraine.
We call for an immediate ceasefire and ask the Belgian governments to be consistent and not to tolerate arms shipments through Belgian airports. As unions, we declare our solidarity with those who are taking action for peace.
The common trade union front"
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savanir · 8 months ago
I kind of wonder what the normal civilian outside perspective would be on a situation in which the Infinite Realms go to war against the GIW (and the Justice League) because of crimes (vivisection probably) against their King.
I have read a few fics in which the war happens, and those are always interesting. But imagine just trying to live your life. And either the denizens of the dead suddenly declare war (and it is important that they make clear why they go to war), or the American government makes the first move and it’s just… bad.
Even if alien invasions and apocalyptic events are a thing in the universe I cannot imagine most people being cool with such a development.
Like, why would anyone think it’s a good idea to declare war on beings that are already dead?
so the answer to that would be lengthy propaganda campaigns but that too isn’t going to work on everybody, it would just be absolute chaos.
Then there are the other nations of course, Europe takes ages to make a single decision on anything ever, China will shoot you if you try to go over their wall, Russia doesn’t agree with America on principle.
imagine making a sign and going out to protest against the war on the realms and then coming across an invading ecto entity, and they take one look at your little sign and feel your sincerity and go “oh okay, we shall not harm you” and that alone completely disproves the GIW’s claims that these beings are non sapient and non sentient.
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
It is over and everything is lost. This is the refrain repeated by Armenian families as they take that final step across the border out of their home of Nagorno-Karabakh.
In just a handful of days more than 100,000 people, almost the entire Armenian population of the breakaway enclave, has fled fearing ethnic persecution at the hands of Azerbaijani forces. The world barely registered it. But this astonishing exodus has vanished a self-declared state that thousands have died fighting for and ended a decades-old bloody chapter of history.
On Saturday, along that dusty mountain road to neighbouring Armenia, a few remaining people limp to safety after enduring days in transit.
Among them is the Tsovinar family who appear bundled in a hatchback littered with bullet holes, with seven relatives crushed in the back. Hasratyan, 48, the mother, crumbles into tears as she tries to make sense of her last 48 hours. The thought she cannot banish is that from this moment forward, she will never again be able to visit the grave of her brother killed in a previous bout of fighting.
“He is buried in our village which is now controlled by Azerbaijan. We can never go back,” the mother-of-three says, as her teenage girls sob quietly beside her.
“We have lost our home, and our homeland. It is an erasing of a people. The world kept silent and handed us over”.
She is interrupted by several ambulances racing in the opposite direction towards Nagorno-Karabakh’s main city of Stepanakert, or Khankendi, as it is known by the Azerbaijani forces that now control the streets. Their job is to fetch the few remaining Karabakh Armenians who want to leave and have yet to make it out.
“Those left are the poorest who have no cars, the disabled and elderly who can’t move easily,” a first responder calls at us through the window. “Then we’re told that’s it.”
As the world focused on the United Nations General Assembly, the war in Ukraine and, in the UK, the felling of an iconic Sycamore tree, a decades old war has reignited here unnoticed.
It ultimately heralded the end of Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway Armenian region, that is internationally recognised as being part of Azerbaijan but for several decades has enjoyed de facto independence. It has triggered the largest movement of people in the South Caucasus since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Azerbaijan has vehemently denied instigating ethnic cleansing and has promised to protect Armenians as it works to reintegrate the enclave.
But in the border town of Goris, surrounded by the chaotic arrival of hundreds of refugees, Armenia’s infrastructure minister says Yerevan was now struggling to work out what to do with tens of thousands of displaced and desperate people.
“Simply put this is a modern ethnic cleansing that has been permitted through the guilty silence of the world,” minister Gnel Sanosyan tells The Independent, as four new busses of fleeing families arrive behind him.
“This is a global shame, a shame for the world. We need the international community to step up and step up now.”
The divisions in this part of the world have their roots in centuries-old conflict but the latest iterations of bitter bloodshed erupted during the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Karabakh Armenians, who are in the majority in the enclave, demanded the right to autonomy over the 4,400 square kilometre rolling mountainous region that has its own history and dialect. In the early 1990s they won a bloody war that uprooted Azerbaijanis, building a de facto state that wasn’t internationally unrecognised.
That is until in 2020. Azerbaijan, backed by Turkey, launched a military offensive and took back swathes of territory in a six-week conflict that killed thousands of soldiers and civilians. Russia, which originally supported Armenia but in recent years has grown into a colder ally, brokered a fragile truce and deployed peacekeepers.
But Moscow failed to stop Baku in December, enforcing a 10-month blockade on Nagorno-Karabakh, strangling food, fuel, electricity and water supplies. Then, the international community stood by as Azerbaijan launched a 24-hour military blitz that proved too much for Armenian separatist forces. Outgunned, outnumbered and weakened by the blockade, they agreed to lay down their weapons.
For 30 years the Karabakh authorities had survived pressure from international powerhouses to give up statehood or at least downgrade their aspirations for Nagorno-Karabakh. For 30 years peace plans brokered by countries across the world were tabled and shelved.
And then in a week all hope vanished and the self-declared government agreed to dissolve.
Fearing further shelling and then violent reprisals, as news broke several Karabakh officials including former ministers and separatist commanders, had been arrested by Azerbaijani security forces, people flooded over the border.
At the political level there are discussions about “reintegration” and “peace” but with so few left in Nagorno-Karabakh any process would now be futile.
And so now, sleeping in tents on the floors of hotels, restaurants and sometimes the streets of border towns, shellshocked families, with a handful of belongings, are trying to piece their lives together.
Among them is Vardan Tadevosyan, Nagorno-Karabakh’s minister of health until the government was effectively dissolved on Thursday. He spent the night camping on the floor of a hotel, and carries only the clothes he is wearing. Exhausted he says he had “no idea what the future brings”.
“For 25 years I have built a rehabilitation centre for people with physical disabilities I had to leave it all behind. You don’t know how many people are calling me for support,” he says as his phone ringed incessantly in the background throughout the interview.
“We all left everything behind. I am very depressed,” he repeats, swallowing the sentence with a sigh.
Next to him Artemis, 58, a kindergarten coordinator who has spent 30 years in Steparankert, says the real problems were going to start in the coming weeks when the refugees outstay their temporary accommodation.
“The Azerbaijanis said they want to integrate Nagorno-Karabakh but how do you blockade a people for 10 months and then launch a military operation and then ask them to integrate?” she asks, as she prepares for a new leg of the journey to the Armenian capital where she hopes to find shelter.
“The blockade was part of the ethnic cleansing. This is the only way to get people to flee the land they love. There is no humanity left in the world.”
Back in the central square of Goris, where families pick through piles of donated clothes and blankets and aid organisations hand out food, the loudest question is: what next?
Armenian officials are busy registering families and sending them to shelters in different corners of the country. But there are unanswered queries about long-term accommodation, work and schooling.
“I can’t really think about it, it hurts too much,” says Hasratyan’s eldest daughter Lilet, 16, trembling in the sunlight as the family starts the registration process.
“All I can say to the world is please speak about this and think about us. We are humans, people made of blood, like you and we need your help.”
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limelocked · 1 year ago
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Y’all remember when the EBU banned Russia a day after declaration of war because letting them participate would “bring the contest into disrepute”?
They’ve thrown blood on the Eurovision signs in Malmö, the contest repute has never been more dis
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inky-duchess · 3 months ago
Fantasy Guide to the Absolute Monarchy
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As there are many breeds of government, there are equally as many species of monarchy. Today, we will be learning about the concept of absolute monarchy and how we can write them within our WIPs.
What is Absolute Monarchy?
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Absolute monarchy is when the monarch controls the country, the government and the people alone. The monarch has all power, militarily and politically. Their word is law, they control everything. They have governments, they have advisors and councillors but at the end of the day, they are the last word on every matter.
Perks of Being a Despot an Absolute Monarch
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It's really a no brainer. Ultimate power, ultimate control and importance. Who wouldn't want that? Nobody can tell you what to do. Nobody can stop you making decisions you feel are right. Nobody can prevent you from doing mad shit like:
Riding a horse across the Bay of Baiae
Building a vast palace on a swamp that almost bankrupts your realm and kills a shit load of people
Constantly invade France for the lols
Declare war on the sea
Rig the Olympics
The Downsides of Absolute Monarchy
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Most people would but absolute monarchy comes at a price. If you're the most powerful person in the kingdom, and every choice and decision is yours, then every mistake, every bad decision, every single thing is your fault. The crops failed? Your agricultural legislation. Your people are starving? You're starving them. No accommodation? That's a nice palace you got there, shame if somebody were burn you inside that fucking palace, huh? The thing about absolute power is that it corrupts and unchecked, anybody can become a monster. And of course, people don't generally like monsters.
When Absolute Monarchy Goes Wrong
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When you are alone on top, all the hatred and ire is fixed on you. And people don't generally like the idea of one person deciding their fate, especially when they are forced into silence. The French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the English Civil War all at the heart were conflicts of an Absolute Monarchy vs those under it. With the growth of different political parties and idealogies, the modern era has seen the abolishing of absolute monarchies. Monarchies had to adapt or die out and today, there are only a handful left. An absolute monarch ought to never forget that while they have all the power, that could be the key to their unravelling. The Tsars of Russia found this out the hardwayAn absolute monarch who pays attention to the climate around them and knows when to quit, is one that may be able to survive.
The Right Person vs The Wrong Person
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There's no logical reason to leave the fate of millions in the hands of one person, that is even more dangerous when that person is a buffoon. If one is going to do this foolish thing, the person who takes that responsibility and duty will have to be decesive, pragmatic, strong, able to think on their feet, organised, passionate. They must be able to make the right choice, no matter the consequences. They must have the fortitude to lead their country to stability during all troubles. Anything else, could lead them and the country to disaster. Yes, it's an impossible undertaking but some have managed it well enough to be called successful.
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