#sav rambles
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savanir · 9 months ago
I kind of wonder what the normal civilian outside perspective would be on a situation in which the Infinite Realms go to war against the GIW (and the Justice League) because of crimes (vivisection probably) against their King.
I have read a few fics in which the war happens, and those are always interesting. But imagine just trying to live your life. And either the denizens of the dead suddenly declare war (and it is important that they make clear why they go to war), or the American government makes the first move and it’s just… bad.
Even if alien invasions and apocalyptic events are a thing in the universe I cannot imagine most people being cool with such a development.
Like, why would anyone think it’s a good idea to declare war on beings that are already dead?
so the answer to that would be lengthy propaganda campaigns but that too isn’t going to work on everybody, it would just be absolute chaos.
Then there are the other nations of course, Europe takes ages to make a single decision on anything ever, China will shoot you if you try to go over their wall, Russia doesn’t agree with America on principle.
imagine making a sign and going out to protest against the war on the realms and then coming across an invading ecto entity, and they take one look at your little sign and feel your sincerity and go “oh okay, we shall not harm you” and that alone completely disproves the GIW’s claims that these beings are non sapient and non sentient.
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that-guy-sleepy-miles · 7 months ago
Hey, btw, I haven't made the post explaining Red King's design because I have to make an entire post explaining the LMK Magic System first.
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m0stlygh0st · 3 months ago
looking at the last reblog and getting the primal need to show it to him,,,
He’d either get a stupid little laugh out of it and save it for later or he would be ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED
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savannahsdeath · 1 year ago
im so done with being a lesbian. im texting one guy and hes like the male version of me so i thought we'll be good friends but hes starting to act all romantic towards me. he doesnt know about my sexuality and i dont want to talk about it with him, yet i dont know how to push him away without hurting him
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cowboybrunch · 9 months ago
google search history reveal:
what does nightshade taste like black nightshade berries taste skidded a word? what color are old bones royal servant called royal servant types opposite of impulsive hamlet wife drowining old towns near ocean old towns with foreste last name generator
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asterlavellan · 4 months ago
I have a LOT of OC lore that I need to start sharing.
I'm hoping to just create one nice big post that introduces you to my Inquisitor and Rook.
It's funny because I've had most of this lore for over 6 years but was often too busy going through rough stuff with life and health to be able to really actually share it.
Playing Veilguard made the last few little puzzle pieces I was missing for my Rook slot into place (I didn't want to predetermine everything for them before they even went through their big world saving events).
My hope and aim is to have not only a nice big masterpost but also mayhaps a few art pieces to share with you before the year ends.
Chronic illness has been kicking my ass and getting tendonitis in my wrist and thumb sure hasn't helped and has gotten in the way of creating and sharing stuff (and yes I played through Veilguard with it even though I shouldn't, I did mostly manage to get through most of the game one handed on Storyteller mode, shout-out to accessibility options).
But I'm determined to finally get stuff moving. I'll try and start with the basics and it's likely there will be a focus on my Rook for a while because having Solavellan stuff kicking around my brain for that many years, it's hard to kind of extract in a tangible way. My Rook's romance is fresher and in a way easier to discuss/write/make art for.
All of this to say, queer shit incoming and some really neat lore incoming if I do say so myself. (Big deal because I have no self esteem lads) Please look forward to it and let's all hope my body doesn't decide to further betray me and get in the way.
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asterlavellan · 27 days ago
(OC talk so please ignore if you're not interested 💚) -The last paragraph however is universal to all Inquisitors if you wish it, so skip to there if you'd like.
This I think was one of the subconscious driving reasons for why my brain realized that Aster is Ameridans descendant. It was never to try and make Aster any more important than they already were, there was already a mystery I decided upon where we didn't know their actual background, only that clan Lavellan found them under a pile of their dead clan after a massacre had occurred.
So after replaying Jaws of Hakkon for the millionth time it finally clicked. Why everytime Aster sees Ameridan in that moment they feel more than just kinship, they see the father figure they had always yearned for (clan Lavellan took them in but they were treated differently as they had been considered 'god marked' (too much to get into rn but basically why they survived that day)) and Ameridan sees his and his beloveds face in Aster and knows within himself that they are of his blood. Many generations down the line sure but still his blood, and by sheer chance their inheritance of genes kicked up the likeness of him and his beloved to have Aster have a likeness to both of them.
I digress a little, but this is why meeting Ameridan is so important, admittedly he has friendships before becoming the Inquisitor but he has a better grasp than many I think of the loneliness that comes with that role but also the loneliness of making the decisions he did, even if he didn't realize he was stuck there for hundreds of years he still functionally made the decision to be alone/die and leave those he loved behind for the sake of others.
And regardless of your Inquisitors relationship to him I think for most of them they get to finally meet someone who has burdened a similar path to them.
For Aster it's even more potent when they see a man who looks somehow familiar though they've never met, feels their heart ache for reasons they don't understand and an overwhelmed urge to curl up against his chest and hide from the world. Yes they love Solas, yes they love Cole, yes they love their friends and they all bring them some level of solace. But Ameridan brings a level of unspoken understanding of carrying that weight, of knowing the burden that this title brings.
Aster has eternally wavered over their ability to do what they need to, doubting themselves constantly because they're just a Dalish elf who rocked up to the conclave and was thrust into events they never wanted to be involved in, they weren't special despite what the Lavellans said.
They never believed they were meant for the roles thrust upon them, but no one else was going to do the job so they had to step up. They had to do what was asked of them, because where would the world be if they didn't? The loneliness that simply even that brings, before we add on being the holy symbol, not only the holy symbol but a holy symbol to an oppressive organized religion that tried multiple times to try and wipe out their very race, and when they couldn't they imposed upon them subjugation.
Solas is yes a perfect character to understand a lot of what Aster is going through but unfortunately for the both of them he holds back the parts of himself that would have helped the most, his history. He can only give them so much which frankly for their relationship I think he finds it torturous that he cannot show them they're not alone in this role and for other millions of reasons.
Cole is empathetic and loving and tries everything he can to help Aster as Aster in turn does for him, the son they decided upon within seconds of meeting. But Cole also is not able to relate fully himself and there lies the loneliness for Aster.
The love and support they do find with their friends in the inquisition is vital and keeps them going, it inspires them and strengthens them. But they feel the eternal gap in experience between themselves and everyone. They already spent their whole life feeling distanced but this was a new, perhaps deeper gap because they were constantly being reminded of who they were to everyone else.
And again. This is where Ameridan comes in, this is where Aster gets to feel the 'oh you are me, we are the same' feeling they've never truly had the chance to feel. In the game Ameridan passes pretty quickly after unfreezing him but I took the liberty of giving him a few hours so that he and Aster could talk, so that Aster could have at least some time with someone who is so much like them, so similar, trials and tribulations alike. Along with getting to know an ancestor from a family they never got to know, a grief they always held and an unresolved feeling of identity. Idk something about it all just made sense to me to have Aster be his descendant. So alike in experience so why not also alike by blood. They both get to bond already over their shared trials, but they get to find a small semblance of peace and kindness within fate that they are family. Ameridan gets to see he has descendants who are wonderful. Aster gets to experience a belonging and acceptance they never truly had before.
And I think that Jaws of Hakkon is vital DLC for your Inquisitor because they get to know something very vital, yes they're not alone because they have friends who care for them. But there is a loneliness that comes with the very particular burden they carry. And Ameridan brings them that very specific thing they need.
Knowing simply that they weren't alone- Historically so. Was healing. Its something I've personally experienced in real life, and I think you probably have to, the excerpts from Kafkas diaries, Da Vincis and Van Goghs historical struggles, other quotes from artists and writers letters to others. You go through all this pain in life and sometimes it feels as if we're alone in the experience because it feels so specific, so particular to ourselves, and then we stumble upon a diary entry or a letter and the words from that well renowned visionary are written in the shape of your pain and it makes you realize you were never alone, that you were never failing, this battle has been fought a thousand times, and you can do it too. You are seen, you are known by people a thousand years dead. This is, I think who Ameridan is meant to be to the Inquisitor. Ameridan did it before and so now can your Inquisitor, they always could.
I’m replaying the Jaws of Hakkon dlc and it really has me mulling over the sheer loneliness of our Inquisitor’s situation.
The Hero of Ferelden gained their title and status after they had already bonded with their companions and stopped the blight. Hawke is known for their dysfunctional polycule/found family. Rook is in the same boat.
But the Inquisitor became a symbol before they even had a chance to really get to know anyone. Every other protagonist leads a group of companions, meanwhile the Inquisitor leads a political and military force. Sure, they still become close with some of their companions and advisors, but everyone constantly reminds them of their status as a holy symbol and how intimidating and unapproachable it makes them.
You can literally tell Varric, Mr. Friends-With-Everyone, “I don’t need a disciple, I need a friend” and he’ll reply “If you knew how intimidating you are, you wouldn’t make it sound so simple”. Imagine how isolating it must be to keep hearing that.
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sandalmighty · 4 months ago
I also need to make some art for my Rook, I love her so much
Some rambles:
I know not everyone feels this way, and I’ve seen criticisms, but I feel like I’ve connected with Rook so much beyond just a self insert kinda level
Going into the game I decided to make her look like a Hawke sibling, and I feel like that’s ended up fitting into her character so much better than I ever anticipated
This game gives me the same sleepless excitement that I had playing DA2 for the first time
I’m 55 hours in with only 4 more chapters to go, and I’m not ready to get to the end
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savscurrentautism · 7 months ago
alright i was gonna keep this blog as just fopanw, but. turns out it is not as big of a spintrest as i anticipated even though i still REALLY adore peri vbksns. we'll see if my interest returns in the second season, if it ever happens. in the meantime though i'll post some undertale yellow stuff perhaps cause that has definitely caused way more brainrot lately
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savanir · 3 months ago
So I've been thinking. Flatline's (Nika's) meta ability is to absorb skills from other people when they die. She uses it mostly to quickly learn all manner of combat abilities. (and frankly, after all the deaths in the Lazarus Tournaments I think she's straight up terrifying)
So does that mean that every time Danny transforms into Phantom, and she's nearby enough, she gets his current skills, or only half of them.
Or would it only apply for the portal incident. or perhaps not at all cause he never fully dies.
Anyway, I think she should be friends with team Phantom.
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that-guy-sleepy-miles · 1 year ago
I strive to be as head empty, heart full as Debbie.
Admitting my star sign was a mistake.
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that-guy-sleepy-miles · 8 months ago
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Red King! Specifically, the Red King of Eternal Slumber.
Sometimes, a family falls apart. Especially after something breaks them apart. When these things happen, especially in demon families, people might... go their separate ways. Create their own territories, find some locals to Lord over, the works.
The Demon Bull King is back, through the collaboration of his wife and son—but once he's freed, his son takes his leave. His son, who had hair that reached his ankles (how much he had changed). His son, who had greeted him with a smile, a wave, and a "Father. It's good to see you again, finally." His son, who had bade him farewell the same way ("Father. It was good to see you again.") before he was gone in a flash of fire.
His wife sighed, "I was hoping she would stick around longer than that..."
And then both of their attentions were taken by the little thief stealing the staff from under their noses.
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m0stlygh0st · 4 months ago
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What did you guys get for your wrapped? :0 I got metal illinois /j
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savannahsdeath · 1 year ago
my bsf (she has birthday tomorrow🤭) made this masterpiece so i decided to share it with you guys .
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cowboybrunch · 9 months ago
alright im tackling my pile of tag games today so give this post a smack if you wanna be tagged!!
also because im hungry and cant decide what to eat. let me know what you had for breakfast. did u eat breakfast? is it breakfast time where you live? do you have any breakfast suggestions?
also also get ready for the spam and i hope you have the best day
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asterlavellan · 3 months ago
Me: man I can't wait to finish all this art and writing to share with my Solavellans and Boners
My body:
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