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tinyreeses · 11 months ago
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justdealingwithsomeissues · 6 months ago
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It feels pretty obvious that we are building to Proteoge being like... the big bad of some storyline... but it is like the slowest most interesting burn... and he will just disappear for like half a year at a time....
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moonlightcycle571 · 3 months ago
I need Joker to fear Captain Marvel so dam badly. Let me explain.
So we know how we, as a community, all accepted that Billy Batson / Captain Marvel is the most egregious Tax Evader of DC (for this who don’t know, there was a whole poll and our boy Billy won out of literally everyone, including supervillains).
And in the Batman Cartoon (and some comics), it’s stated that Joker is terrified of the IRS.
I think you see the picture.
Joker: I may be crazy enough to fight Batman, but I am NOT crazy enough to deal with the IRS
Captain Marvel: lol imagine doing your taxes
Everyone present: w h a t
*clip goes viral*
IRS Agent: So, Captain Marvel was it? According to this footage, you have no been paying your taxes
Marvel: prove it.
IRS Agent: What?
Marvel: to make me pay anything, you need to know who I am and what’s to pay. I got nothing to pay.
IRS Agent: that’s not-
Marvel: not even Batman knows who or what I am. For all you know, I could be living in a multidimensional rock situated in, quite literally, the middle of nowhere.
IRS Agent: …
IRS Agent: I- w h a t
*some time later*
Marvel: no I’m not
IRS Agent: Don’t try-
Marvel, holding the lasso of truth: I am not CC Batson, I don’t owe you shit. Plus he’s totes dead so can’t be me.
Joker: This mofo is crazy! Crazy? I was crazy onc-
IRS Agent, in Fawcette: why is none telling me anything!!!! You, Child, what do you know of your local hero?
Itty Bitty Billy Batson: lmao aren’t you that Agent harassing Cap
IRS Agent: it’s not harassment if he owes the government taxes
Billy: good luck taxing anyone in Fawcette lmao, magic doesn’t give a shit about that. Also we have different currency’s that just switches on random basis. So unless the government takes Drachmas, you’re cooked
IRS Agent, on the verge of tears: this has never happened before
Billy: you know, I know someone who has been commuting tax evasion, tax fraud and more charges. His name is Ebenezer Batson. That’s E B E N Z E R and he lives just outside of Fawcette. Can’t miss him.
IRS Agent, who has a fridge with ‘CC Batson’ and is more than happy to get old man prey: thanks kid
Bonus 2:
Billy: Sweet, the IRS put my uncle in jail and the police gave me back my inheritance. Now to convert this into Fawcette currency (they will not be taxing this money)
Joker, visibly weeps
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piratespencil · 1 month ago
FRIDA saying “you made me” and Chet saying “that’s so strange, I swore I would never make anything out of metal” was INCREDIBLE.
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midnight-els · 1 year ago
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For All Mankind | 4x07 - Crossing the Line
Wrenn Schmidt as Margo Madison Ania Bukstein as Tatyana Volkova
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dread-red-queen · 9 months ago
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🚫 Do Not Re-Upload/Edit My Shots/Art Without My Permission🚫
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soleminisanction · 1 year ago
War Games hot take? 👀
Mm. I still need to muddle it over for a while before it turns into anything significant, but it boils down to, I honestly think that people who discard the event entirely when it comes to Steph's characterization are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
As in, I'd actually argue that it's one of the better Steph stories based on character writing alone -- death scene and all. It would've been better without that dictated plot point and there's NO justifying some of the art choices made (those torture sequences are frankly disgusting and never should've seen print), but in terms of how they're scripted? The writing's far from perfect, it'd have been better if they hadn't made her motivation for the whole thing "wanting to get Batman's attention" and stuck with something a little more in-character like trying to spitefully one-up him, but...
I feel like it's the only story that really digs into the narrative forces that drive her, or had driven her up to that point, divorced from specific external elements like her dad and her boyfriend. Things like the conflict between her unflagging self-confidence and the frustration caused by the perception that she's not progressing as fast/accepted as much as those she considers her peers, the tunnel vision she can develop when it comes to things that she wants and the obsessive lengths she'll go to to achieve her goals, her tendency to rush recklessly into situation without considering the potential fallout, and so on -- these are all aspects of Stephanie's character that had been previously established, but it feels like War Games is the story where it all really gets pushed to the foreground.
And then once the story gets going its fundamental tragedy comes in how the situation twists what had up to that time been her usual story. Up to that point, Steph had been repeated confronted with older heroes who would almost inevitably tell her to stay out of whatever danger she was sticking her nose into so she'll be safe, to which Steph would respond, "You don't tell me what to do" and get involved anyway, for better or worse.
But in War Games, when Selina finds her and puts her in the care of her friends, telling her to stay where it was safe and let the adults take care of it, Steph seems to really understand for the first time that she's right -- and sneaks out anyway, not out of petulant defiance, but because she feels responsible for the destruction and is driven to help stop it. It's really the first time it feels like she truly understands the danger she's putting herself into and chooses to do so anyway for selfless, heroic reasons without a hint of personal self-gratification. It's not about revenge on her dad or getting back at her boyfriend or showing one of those stuck-up grown-ups that she's just as good as the next caped teen, it's just about fixing her mistake, and it's that heroic instinct that tragically gets her killed.
IDK like I said I think I have to muddle it over a bit more before I can fully form it into something but it walked into my head last night and wouldn't leave.
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7grandmel · 1 year ago
Todays rip: 16/11/2023
Windows Wonga Wappa
Season 7 Featured on: PROTONOMICON ~ The Cult of Proto Collection
Ripped by circunflexo
Yeah, look, Season 7 has had its grips in me recently, okay? I'm still making my way through the PROTONOMICON album, and just yesterday two humongous albums released covering rips from the entire year...after I'm done writing this post, I'm going to have to go update a bunch of older posts still sitting with tentative names. Until then, though - Windows Wonga Wappa.
Crypt of the NecroDancer has a long history on SiIvaGunner, as far back as Season 1 - though back then, it was almost entirely dedicated to ironic Kazoo covers of the soundtrack. That kind of put me off from listening to rips from the game in general for a long time, because it just seemed like the kind of joke that would keep going forever - and it wasn't really one I enjoyed all too much? Windows Wonga Wappa does indeed call back to this joke at the very start with a brief Kazoo fakeout, but its true intentions are far, far above what I'd ever expect - part brilliant YTPMV, and part tribute to *another* Konga Conga Kappa YTPMV by fellow channel ripper Nozobot. You may remember them from one of the channel's most landmark funny rips, Sex - Steve Harvey! Well, said rip was then later used by Nozobot as a basis for a YTPMV uploaded to their own YouTube channel, Konga Harvey Harvet. After having Sex - Steve Harvey haunt me for the better part of four years, it was incredible to see the very same nonsense samples and jokes used in it be elevated to the form of a proper YTPMV!
And that legacy, along with the entire Vinesauce Joel Protogent-theme that the PROTONOMICON Halloween event this year had, is what Windows Wonga Wappa builds on. The Windows OS sound samples used as the song's base foundation lay a fantastic sort of "bassline", allowing the rest of the song to go absolutely ham with Protogent-rap sentence mixing...look, everything regarding Protogent is a bit too much to explain in just this post - but it's one of the most memorable memes of Joel's most memorable series of videos, in a way circling back to the origins of SiIvaGunner as a whole.
Windows Wonga Wappa has so many fun layers and choices made in it - it really shows what strengths the art of YTPMV can have over mashups and melody-swaps. This cacophony of samples and sentence-mixed Protogent advert lines, all stitched together with a memorable base melody, is something that lets circunflexo truly flex their creative muscles as a ripper - a chaotic concoction of all that we love to hate about Windows.
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b1tchcup · 2 months ago
i know its a sub-fandom trope created to function as a yaoi blocker but i looooovee wife guy hashirama. I can’t get enough of it he was built to be a wife guy
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gushersgauntlet · 2 years ago
other ppl’s agent 3 and 8’s: -are in love or best friends-
My 8 reacting to my 3:
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thelingering · 7 months ago
I have noticed many a-people using yap blogs. I think it comes my time to create one
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macbethz · 1 year ago
Life sucks. Read a shitty comic no one has heard of that will remain with you for life because of its unrealized potential, ok?
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liam-zor-el · 1 year ago
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aww they're matching.
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starwalker03 · 2 years ago
How would WMLP Dick react to being called a Detective?
Man. Probably just straight up confusion and then he'd dissociate about it lmao. Detective is such a loaded word for him.
He was so cute at the end of season one about it. 'what? I'm a detective?' You're a little shit is what you are, look at your cute little face.
I think he's at a point now where he hasn't even thought of the word detective as something that describes him in so long that being called that would just throw him for a loop. Not even necessarily in a trauma response way he'd just kinda get thrown off.
If this was said to him by someone like Bruce or Ra's or something where being called a detective is so blatantly Important (TM) then maybe that would change. He'd get a bit touchy there.
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eyepatchdate · 11 months ago
the game is like: camera pans over to show arrows face as he realizes the final conclusion of what should by done by the man who inspired and illustrated who he wanted to become is. to destroy the world.
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salon-maiden-anabel · 2 years ago
I CANT BELIEVE I HAVENT POSTED ABOUT MY TIMESKIP JOHTRIO CONCEPTS they've been sitting in my files for a year bc i havent been able to do my version of Kris properly
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Anyway's professor's assistant Lyra sweep + Traveling Trainer Ethan sweep + Champion Kris sweep . Even if Kris herself isn't on here
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