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(ok I'm gonna be honest, that's supposed to say 'you are my most beloved', but don't quote me on that as I don't speak Hindi lol, I just enjoy it a ton)Titles: A Person™, A Friend, a Very Catholic Human, and somebody who greatly appreciates your existenceAs an outwardly Catholic guy who loves the idea of making music that articulates the things that words cannot, I hope to get to know you better :D
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thelingering · 19 hours ago
margin your music taste is beautiful and no one can take that from you
hmmmmm @saltedcaramelchaos @aspiringbabushka @empire-of-the-words and anyone who wants to!!! (no pressure ^-^)
Starting a tag game because I'm bored and wanna talk about music :)
There are so many albums I love that I'm not including because 10 is already pushing it so far but anyway here they are!!!!
no pressure tags: @still-july @dchuntress @five-a-battery @magenta-somethings @gayboss-too-close-to-the-sun @hopefullygettingtaller @automaticsoulharmony @taters-for-tots @dire-straits-fn8ic anyone else who sees this!! I just really love talking about music :3
I would LOVE to hear about some albums you guys like, even if it's just one or two. I'm back on my going insane about music bullshit LMAO
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thelingering · 19 hours ago
prev's brain is like a rock the way it's not good at absorbing fandom material and interesting stuff and just sorta floats on the surface and doesn't look at the coolest stuff down in the depths
@margindoodles2407 @moethh @mist-of-flowers and anyone who'd wanna join in ^-^ (no pressure!)
Just fucking lie about the previous poster
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thelingering · 8 days ago
reader LIKED the fic? reader left thoughtful comment because they thought there was something worth analyzing? oh! oh! love for reader! love for reader for one thousand years!
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thelingering · 8 days ago
hmmm okay so in follow-up to my last post, there's another thing I've been up to this Lent: I made another silly phonetic writing script for English! (very long explanation below the cut)
so they way it works is: I sat down one say and was like, "Okay it's really easy to make something that works atrociously, but what about something at least somewhat helpful?", which led me to write out the alphabet and try to simplify it!
what I came up with is a couple definitive changes, that are thus:
1. Voicedness!
I decided that all voiced consonants were to be removed and replaced with their unvoiced relatives but with a little apostrophe mark above them to indicate their said voicedness :>
2. Vowels!
I realised that if English is to be made simple, that's essentially to say it's been made intuitive, so I wandered very rapidly into the problem of consonants being extremely straightforward, and vowels being equally as extremely not
my solution? was first to simply look up all vowel sounds and plot them accordingly, which resulted in the main 5 (diacriticless) corresponding to more or less their original short vowel sounds, with the inclusion of omega (Ω,ω) in representation of what the IPA denotes as an upside-down omega (hm i wonder why i chose omega XD), and the schwa!!!! oh how we love the schwa, it's the same both lowercase and uppercase
and so now that all the short vowels were mapped out, I moved onto the long sounds, to which I originally corresponded with doubled-up versions of the og vowels, to then be shorthanded into the original vowel with the upside-down triangle diacritic on top of them; The vowels themselves are a weeeee bit unintuitive to native English speakers, so they would take some getting used to *nod nod*
and then, those out of the way, I finished with diphthongs! these were relatively simple when I realised that in the IPA all diphthongs but one are a predetermined vowel sound paired with either and "i" or an "Ω", so I just used diacritics over the paired vowel to indicate as such! for the omega-paired vowels, a squiggle equivalent to the one in "ñ", and for the i-paired ones, a dot like a lowercase "i" is over them :D the one diacritic that didn't follow this pattern was, conveniently, an e paired with a schwa, so I just combined 'em into an o with a horizontal like through it lol
all in all, you have 7-ish short vowels that don't contain diacritics, 5 long vowel sounds that are marked with an angy-brow, and like 9 or so diphthongs that are almost unanimously marked with either a squiggle or a dot!
3. Little changes
I also took it upon myself to use an "m" marked as voiced to represent the letter "n", since they're both nasal consonants and I liked the compaction XD
and to represent "L" with the rhotic-consonant-voiced, since it can't be unvoiced and L is literally just some of the r-sounds pushed further into your alveolar
so! that's about it! this was delightful to think up one night, and I do use it sometimes when I'm making short notes on my whiteboard, so I can confirm there's somewhat of an air of intuitiveness surrounding it! I hope you all have enjoyed, and now enjoy the rest of your day :DD
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thelingering · 8 days ago
mmmmm Laplace's Transform..... I'm remembering I'm a math nerd now.... XD
So Laplace's Transform, basically a way of saying "the indefinite integral of (e^-st)*(f(t))dt evaluated from zero to infinity, where f(t) is your original function and the transformation that'll occur is transforming f(t) into terms of s, which is really cool imo
however! whilst I had already been oddly fluent in derivatives (I spent like half a year studying them because I love them so much), and I had also been aware of the concept of an antiderivative, I DIDN'T know indefinite integrals and antiderivatives were the same thing XD
And what's further, having known very little to begin with about antiderivatives, one can imagine my utter awe and confusion as to the happenings of the video explaining the Laplace Transform of f(1)
which then led me down a self-induced rabbit-hole of learning about integration, indefinite integrals, and integration by parts, all three of which I've fallen in love with as well
and now I can confidently say I'm at least partially familiar with Laplace's Transform and how to take the indefinite integral of functions of t decently well 👍 now does that mean I'll ever do it well? no probably not, I've hardly had time to reiterate the fundamental properties of integrals into my brain so I often get stuck looking at something awfully wrong loll
but nonetheless, I just wanted to ramble about integrals and how much I love derivatives and the like while I was still on tumblr for Sunday ^-^
have a great day y'all!!
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thelingering · 13 days ago
rb to give your mutuals a silly little paper valentine card and a red heart shaped lollipop 💖
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thelingering · 14 days ago
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thelingering · 15 days ago
so my dad's off deployed, and my mom and I are the only other two people in our house who wake up with alarms
and my mom got woken up by something at like six, and I've taken to using a small little digital alarm clock to wake me up so I don't go on my phone first thing in the morning
and daylight savings happened at 2 in the morning
and only our phones automagically update
so long story short somehow none of us checked out phones and we drove to church, and right before parking realised we were like. a whole hour late XDD
Luckily there're a ton of parishes around us, so we just drove to another one, but goodness if I didn't say I would like daylight savings to be gone at some point in my life lollll
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thelingering · 17 days ago
Reblog to give prev a hug. The type of hug where you’re squeezed extra tight and all of your negative feelings drain away and you put your head on their shoulder and everything feels better 🫂
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thelingering · 17 days ago
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thelingering · 19 days ago
Ah yes. Spaghetti.
@margindoodles2407 @moethh @nina206 @mist-of-flowers @ecceagnesdarling @empire-of-the-words @justmossyall
Ah yes. Spaghetti.
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thelingering · 20 days ago
god please make all my friends happy and let them stay happy and okay forever and experience good things 🙏
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thelingering · 20 days ago
this could be quite the penitential Lenten season coming up tomorrow ngl
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thelingering · 20 days ago
im so EEPY
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thelingering · 22 days ago
tsk tsk
leave your latin vocab 'til now it's gonna be strenuous committing em to heart, you shoulda known
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thelingering · 22 days ago
alas, I must away to my responsibilities
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thelingering · 23 days ago
oh the days where socialising just does Not
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