#Egregious tax evasion
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moonlightcycle571 · 3 months ago
I need Joker to fear Captain Marvel so dam badly. Let me explain.
So we know how we, as a community, all accepted that Billy Batson / Captain Marvel is the most egregious Tax Evader of DC (for this who don’t know, there was a whole poll and our boy Billy won out of literally everyone, including supervillains).
And in the Batman Cartoon (and some comics), it’s stated that Joker is terrified of the IRS.
I think you see the picture.
Joker: I may be crazy enough to fight Batman, but I am NOT crazy enough to deal with the IRS
Captain Marvel: lol imagine doing your taxes
Everyone present: w h a t
*clip goes viral*
IRS Agent: So, Captain Marvel was it? According to this footage, you have no been paying your taxes
Marvel: prove it.
IRS Agent: What?
Marvel: to make me pay anything, you need to know who I am and what’s to pay. I got nothing to pay.
IRS Agent: that’s not-
Marvel: not even Batman knows who or what I am. For all you know, I could be living in a multidimensional rock situated in, quite literally, the middle of nowhere.
IRS Agent: …
IRS Agent: I- w h a t
*some time later*
Marvel: no I’m not
IRS Agent: Don’t try-
Marvel, holding the lasso of truth: I am not CC Batson, I don’t owe you shit. Plus he’s totes dead so can’t be me.
Joker: This mofo is crazy! Crazy? I was crazy onc-
IRS Agent, in Fawcette: why is none telling me anything!!!! You, Child, what do you know of your local hero?
Itty Bitty Billy Batson: lmao aren’t you that Agent harassing Cap
IRS Agent: it’s not harassment if he owes the government taxes
Billy: good luck taxing anyone in Fawcette lmao, magic doesn’t give a shit about that. Also we have different currency’s that just switches on random basis. So unless the government takes Drachmas, you’re cooked
IRS Agent, on the verge of tears: this has never happened before
Billy: you know, I know someone who has been commuting tax evasion, tax fraud and more charges. His name is Ebenezer Batson. That’s E B E N Z E R and he lives just outside of Fawcette. Can’t miss him.
IRS Agent, who has a fridge with ‘CC Batson’ and is more than happy to get old man prey: thanks kid
Bonus 2:
Billy: Sweet, the IRS put my uncle in jail and the police gave me back my inheritance. Now to convert this into Fawcette currency (they will not be taxing this money)
Joker, visibly weeps
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puppetwoman17 · 8 months ago
If the cops ask me I see nothing.❤️
Def Billy tho. You can pay taxes for everyone Ollie😬
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Why do they deserve to win?
Oliver Queen
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Billy Batson
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wonderjanga · 4 months ago
Billy doesn’t pay taxes. Anything related to taxes, he doesn’t know about.
M’gann: “What’s an IRS?”
Kid Flash “They’re these guys who collect taxes.”
M’gann: “Really? I’ve never paid taxes before. Are they gonna come after me?” *sounds slightly concerned*
Kid Flash: “Maybe-”
Marvel: *comes out of the kitchen with cookies* “No, they’re not. M’gann, the IRS isn’t real.”
M’gann: “It isn’t?”
Marvel: “Yeah, it isn’t. Wally’s just pulling your leg.”
Kid Flash: “Uh… no, no I’m not… Marvel you do know IRS is real, right? It’s important to me that you know that.”
Marvel: “Well, they’ve never come for me and I haven’t paid a single tax in my life.”
Kid Flash: *sounds completely concerned* “That means you’re committing tax fraud.”
YJ and Marvel: *all huddled around Tim who’s hunched over a computer*
Marvel: “Why’s is everyone here?”
Robin!Tim: “What do you mean, Cap? This is a celebratory moment. We didn’t even know you could commit a crime, yet here we are.” *typing on computer*
Marvel: “Why’d you pull up C.C. Batson?”
Robin!Tim: “Cap, you’re not exactly hiding your face. Anyone could find out who you were if they just dug a little deeper than the surface.”
Artemis: “Your name is C.C.?” *tries to see the computer*
Robin!Tim: “Charles actually.”
Zatanna: “You look like a Charles.”
Marvel: “I do? Huh. Well, anyways, I’ve been legally pronounced dead so I shouldn’t have to pay them right?”
Robin!Tim: “Well, you’re alive now. That means that you technically faked your death and that also technically means that you’re committing tax fraud so…” *types on computer* “You should owe 5 billion to the IRS.”
Marvel: *sounds completely devastated* “WHAT?”
Aqualad: “How could he possibly have racked up that much?”
Robin!Tim: “Well, Cap’s been “dead” *does quotes with his hands* since 1958 so he put off 66 years of taxes. Plus, the price of a dollar went up as the years passed so yeah.”
Marvel: “Oh my gods…” *sounds like he’s about to have a mental breakdown*
Kid Flash: “Wow. You’re actually an egregious tax evader. 5 billion is insane.”
Even More Later…
Batman: *came to check on the kids*
Marvel: *in a corner, rocking back and forth, practically crying*
Batman: “What’s wrong with him?”
Robin!Tim: “He owes 5 billion to the IRS.”
Batman: “…What?”
Robin!Tim: “Yeah, I know, right?”
Batman and Robin!Tim: *watch as Conner comes by and puts a bunch of blankets on Marvel. They then see M’gann come in with some hot coco and hand it to Cap*
Batman: *sighs* “I’ll get the money.” *walks away*
Robin!Tim: “Hey, Cap! You can stop worrying now! Batman is gonna hook you up.
And that’s how, after much refusal from Billy and a lot of peer pressure from both the YJ and Mr. Batman, itty bitty Billy Batson ended up with 5 billion dollars. And since he didn’t want to be arrested for tax evasion, he was too scared to hand it over to the IRS. (It’s not like he knew how to pay them anyways) But hey, Billy now gets to treat himself, Mary, and Freddy. They now have a decent apartment, better clothes, and lots and lots of food money, and potentially toy money? Billy’s been eyeing these Bulletman and Bulletgirl action figures for his and Mary’s birthday coming up. He hopes Mary will like them, or at least the Bulletgirl figure, he knows she’s a big fan.
Also, I have no idea if the 5 billion dollar thing is right, I pulled that from somewhere and I honestly forgot where.
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phightingheadcanons · 2 months ago
Silly Minecraft headcanons because I saw the other ask about it and wanted to submit some on my own :)
Skateboard does a lot of speedrunning because he’s too impatient for the more time consuming aspects of the game like maxing out gear, building houses, etc.
Rocket invests a lot of time and resources into maintaining a steady supply of end crystals and obsidian so that he can kill people via end crystal PvP, but the problem is that he’s lowkey ass at it so most of the time he just dies to his own explosions 💀
Boombox has every single music disc on display in his base except for 11, 13, and 5, which are stored in a secret room in his base which is made of stone bricks and iron bars, and has redstone fake blood and skeleton skulls all over, the whole nine yards basically
Slingshot occasionally posts clips of his silly server shenanigans to the in-universe equivalent of Youtube to make some ad revenue off of it (bro’s on that hustle) and because of this everyone has their own silly way of censoring the word “die”, for example Rocket says “put on a T-shirt”, Shuriken uses “send back to the lobby”, Vinestaff uses “transport to the afterlife”, etc.
Shuriken likes to steal from everyone, and while it’s usually small stuff like food, if he gets into a silly enough mood he starts performing more egregious acts of theft like theft of diamonds or other precious materials, one time he even stole the mending villager from the trading hall (he always gives it back tho :3)
Sword can’t resist trying to tame every single tameable mob he comes across for some reason, which has resulted in him having 7 dogs, each with their own names (he is going to obtain a bunch of cats next)
-Tax Evasion Anon
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shrinkrants · 8 months ago
Michael Welu worked at the IRS for decades as a specialist in helping agents identify and investigate possible tax crimes. In an agency known for offices working in their own silos, Welu had the rare ability to move between divisions, dissecting and learning each office’s particular customs and procedures. But that experience had its own consequence for Welu: Seeing disparities in how the separate divisions treated different tiers of taxpayers left him exasperated and helped drive him into early retirement.
For more than 30 years, Welu watched the agency struggle with budget cuts and dwindling staff. What troubled Welu, he says, went deeper than just resource constraints.
During his time at the IRS, he says, upper management in the division tasked with auditing large corporations and ultrawealthy people — the Large Business and International Division — was quick to dismiss any suggestion that a powerful taxpayer may have committed a crime, and commonly discouraged front-line agents from pursuing big cases. This stood in deep contrast to the office that policed small businesses and self-employed people, which was empowered to — as Welu saw it — take an appropriately firm stance toward taxpayers breaking the law, even if they were dealing with far smaller dollar amounts.
“I was putting butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers in jail, but the big stuff we really wanted to go after was being ignored,” Welu told the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. “It could be the most egregious, ridiculous scheme and they were just not interested.”
. . .
Tax evasion by the ultrarich is a key element in Oxfam International’s recent forecast that the world will soon see its first trillionaire. Experts say the U.S.’s failures to address high-end tax evasion have contributed to worsening global inequality.
“Normal taxpayers are scared of the IRS — they fear real consequences,” one current LB&I agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told ICIJ. “These highly wealthy people, it’s more like a game to them.”
-- Spencer Woodman at The Lever
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capitalism-is-a-psychopathy · 8 months ago
The Psychopathy of Capitalism: Clandestine Practices and Their Implications
Capitalism, with its relentless pursuit of profit, often veils its most egregious behaviors behind a façade of normalcy. This article explores the psychopathic tendencies inherent in clandestine capitalist practices, revealing a singular point: the systemic dehumanization and ethical erosion engendered by these covert operations.
This paper examines the clandestine aspects of capitalism, focusing on the systemic dehumanization inherent in such practices. By analyzing the psychopathic traits of corporate behaviors hidden from public view, it argues that these clandestine actions not only perpetuate inequality but also erode the ethical foundations of society.
The essence of capitalism is profit maximization. However, when corporations engage in clandestine activities to achieve this end, they often exhibit traits akin to psychopathy—characterized by a lack of empathy, ethical disregard, and manipulative tendencies. This paper delves into how these hidden practices reflect a deeper psychopathy within capitalist systems, contributing to societal harm and moral decay.
Theoretical Framework
Psychopathy, as defined in clinical psychology, includes a constellation of traits such as superficial charm, manipulativeness, lack of remorse, and a profound absence of empathy. When these traits are observed within corporate entities, particularly in their covert operations, they illustrate a disturbing parallel between psychopathic individuals and the capitalist structures they inhabit. This theoretical lens is used to analyze clandestine capitalist practices.
Using a qualitative approach, this study reviews existing literature on corporate misconduct, whistleblower accounts, and case studies of corporate malfeasance. It synthesizes these findings to draw connections between psychopathic traits and the clandestine actions of capitalist enterprises.
Analysis and Discussion
Clandestine capitalist practices, such as tax evasion, labor exploitation, and environmental degradation, are executed with a veneer of legitimacy while fundamentally undermining ethical norms. These actions mirror psychopathic behavior:
Lack of Empathy: Corporations often engage in activities that cause significant harm to individuals and communities without remorse. For instance, the exploitation of labor in developing countries, where workers are subjected to inhumane conditions for minimal pay, exemplifies a profound lack of empathy.
Manipulative Tendencies: Corporate lobbying and regulatory capture are forms of manipulation that ensure laws favor business interests at the expense of public welfare. This manipulative behavior distorts democratic processes and perpetuates inequality.
Ethical Disregard: Environmental violations, such as illegal dumping of toxic waste, reflect a blatant disregard for ethical standards and societal welfare. These actions prioritize profit over the health and safety of communities and ecosystems.
The clandestine practices of capitalism reveal a psychopathy that is deeply embedded in the pursuit of profit. By examining these covert operations through the lens of psychopathic traits, it becomes evident that such practices dehumanize individuals and erode the ethical fabric of society.
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ticktockaura · 4 months ago
Japan voting for new leader in shadow of scandals
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Japanese voters are today heading to the polls in a snap election, following a tumultuous few years for the ruling party which saw a “cascade” of scandals, widespread voter apathy and record-low approval ratings.
The election was announced by Shigeru Ishiba three days after he was selected as the leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) - before he had been officially sworn in as prime minister.
The decision was made despite the LDP seeing approval ratings of below 20% earlier in the year, in the wake of a political fundraising corruption scandal.
Yet the LDP still remains the strongest contender against opposition parties which have failed to unite, or convince voters they are a viable option to govern.
The main opposition party had an approval rating of just 6.6% before parliament was dissolved.
“It is so hard to make decisions to choose parties, I think people are losing interest,” Miyuki Fujisaki, a long-time LDP supporter who works in the care-home sector, told the BBC ahead of polls opening.
The LDP, she said, has its problems with alleged corruption, “but the opposition also does not stand out at all”.
“They sure complain a lot, but it’s not at all clear on what they want to do,” the 66-year-old said.
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For all the apathy, politics in Japan has been moving at a fast pace in recent months.
Shigeru Ishiba took over as prime minister after being voted in by the ruling party following his predecessor Fumio Kishida - who had been in the role since 2021 – making a surprise decision to step down in August.
The move to call the election came at a time when the LDP is desperate to restore its tarnished image among the public. Ishiba - a long-time politician who previously served as defence minister - has described it as the “people’s verdict”.
But whether it’s enough to restore trust in the LDP - which has been in power almost continuously since 1955 – is uncertain.
A series of scandals has tarnished the ruling party’s reputation. Chief among them is the party’s relationship with the controversial Unification Church - described by critics as a “cult” - and the level of influence it had on lawmakers.
Then came the revelations of the political funding corruption scandal. Japan’s prosecutors have been investigating dozens of LDP lawmakers accused of pocketing proceeds from political fundraising events. Those allegations - running into the millions of dollars - led to the dissolution of powerful factions, the backbone of its internal party politics.
“What a wretched state the ruling party is in,” said Michiko Hamada, who had travelled to Urawa station, on outskirts of Tokyo, for an opposition campaign rally.
“That is what I feel most. It is tax evasion and it’s unforgivable.”
It strikes her as particularly egregious at a time when people in Japan are struggling with high prices. Wages have not changed for three decades – dubbed “the lost 30 years” – but prices have risen at the fastest rate in nearly half a century in the last two years.
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plethoraworldatlas · 5 months ago
Big Tech, Big Oil, and private equity firms are among the leading companies that profit from controlling media and technology, accelerating the climate crisis, privatizing public goods and services, and violating human and workers' rights, the International Trade Union Confederation revealed on Monday.
The ITUC has labeled seven major companies as "corporate underminers of democracy" that lobby against government attempts to hold them accountable and are headed by super-rich individuals who fund right-wing political movements and leaders.
"This is about power, who has it, and who sets the agenda," Todd Brogan, director of campaigns and organizing at the ITUC, toldThe Guardian. "We know as trade unionists that unless we're organized, the boss sets the agenda in the workplace, and we know as citizens in our countries that unless we're organized and demanding responsive governments that actually meet the needs of people, it's corporate power that's going to set the agenda."
The "corporate underminers of democracy" are:
Amazon.com, Inc.
Blackstone Group
The Vanguard Group
ITUC chose the seven companies based on preexisting reporting and research, as well as talks with allied groups like the Council of Global Unions and the Reactionary International Research Consortium. The seven companies were "emblematic" of a broader trend, and the confederation said it would continue to add "market-leading" companies to the list.
"While these seven corporations are among the most egregious underminers of democracy, they are hardly alone," ITUC said. "Whether state-owned enterprises in China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia; private sector military contractors; or regulation-busting tech startups, the ITUC and its partners will continue to identify and track corporate underminers of democracy and their links to the far-right."
Amazon topped the list due to its "union busting and low wages on multiple continents, monopoly in e-commerce, egregious carbon emissions through its AWS data centers, corporate tax evasion, and lobbying at national and international level," ITUC wrote.
In the U.S., for example, Amazon has responded to attempts to hold it accountable for labor violations by challenging the constitutionality of the National Labor Relations Board. While its founder Jeff Bezos voices liberal opinions, Amazon's political donations have advanced the right by challenging women's rights and antitrust efforts.
Blackstone is the world's largest private equity firm and private real-estate owner whose CEO, Stephen Schwarzman, has given to right-wing politicians including former U.S. President Donald Trump's 2024 reelection campaign. It funds fossil fuel projects and the destruction of the Amazon and profited from speculating on the housing market after the 2008 financial crash.
The United Nations special papporteur on housing said the company used "its significant resources and political leverage to undermine domestic laws and policies that would in fact improve access to adequate housing."
ExxonMobil made the list largely for its history of funding climate denial and its ongoing lobbying against needed environmental regulations.
"Perhaps the greatest example of Exxon's disinterest in democratic deliberation was its corporate commitment of nearly four decades to conceal from the public its own internal evidence that climate change was real, accelerating, and driven by fossil fuel use while simultaneously financing far-right think tanks in the U.S. and Europe to inject climate scepticism and denialism into the public discourse," ITUC wrote.
Glencore is the world's largest commodities trader and the largest mining company when judged by revenue. Several civil society and Indigenous rights groups have launched campaigns against it over its anti-democratic policies. It has allegedly funded right-wing paramilitaries in Colombia and anti-protest vigilantes in Peru.
"The company's undermining of democracy is not in dispute, as it has in recent years pled guilty to committing bribery, corruption, and market manipulation in countries as varied as Venezuela, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and South Sudan," ITUC said
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bismuth-209 · 1 year ago
"saying the mechanisms are bad people"
they. are. do they think "every crime apart from the sexual ones" is like, just tax evasion and jaywalking?
there's more "this happens in canon besties why are you here" but this feels the most egregious
Any mechschord girlies remember the blacklist. Tag yourself im "you cannot refer to characters with non-canon pronouns" (which thus made headcanoning characters as trans something that had to be tagged and spoiled)
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luxurybrownbarbie · 4 years ago
Hey barbie,
Would love to get your opinion on femininity and dating coaches such as @thefemmeguide on ig?
Hi love.
I don’t think people need “femininity coaches”. @lady-marmalade mentioned this in a post a while ago and it really struck me. Femininity has so many forms, and this resurgence has made it so the Princess archetype is the only mold of femininity people allow, and it’s the only one people try to push now.
I did a cursory scroll because I had no idea that ig existed. I’m very happy I curate my online experiences. It turns out I had one of my friends following that account, so she and I needed to have a come to Jesus.
I am going to continue to say this, you don’t need to pay people for this advice.
This guide says a lot of nothing. Look at this. It doesn’t say anything.
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The founder follows and gets advice from forex scammers. The highlight reels are so high level, there’s nothing of substance included anywhere. These tiktoks are incorrect on many levels, and she’s preaching these as money “tricks”.
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These are both incorrect statements and the first will get you a one way ticket to jail for tax evasion. ☺️
All it is is the same advice rewritten over and over. And then she asks you to pay an absurd amount of money for “one on one coaching”, which I’m sure is not more in-depth than the posts she writes.
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I wouldn’t pay these ig gurus a dime, let alone nearly 2k. And this isn’t even the most egregious example. There’s services that cost upwards of 6k. With that money you can go to a matchmaker to millionaires and get a guaranteed millionaire and bypass a lot of the trouble.
One of the most glaring issues I’m seeing is that there are only about ten darkskin women, either in pictures or drawings on the page, and I scrolled back to the very beginning of the feed. And only one of them have type 4 hair. And the creator herself is a darkskin woman. 🤔 Plus, the things she writes about dressing and looking “high value woman” are very suspect. It seems very Eurocentric.
It’s all about a mold she’s trying to have people fit and it’s... so empty.
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dc-tournaments · 8 months ago
The Bruce vs Wally poll is so difficult LMAO.
Bruce *has* to be doing some amount of tax evasion to keep up the bat-finances, but he also is trying to improve the city and not be evil while still keeping the core power fantasy intact, which is kind of an impossible task for writers. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that however he's disguising his bat-expenses he is probably trying to pay taxes to the city in the process, because frankly most explanations for how businesses work in the DC universe crumble if you look at them at all.
On the other hand, Wally's tax evasion is so much less egregious, but it is genuinely important to his development. His money trouble, attempts to claw his way out of it, and Piper forcing him to confront the difference between "broke" and "homeless" is a big part of the "learning not to be a self-centered conservative shithead" arc that makes up the first sixtysomething issues of his Flash run. It's also really, really funny.
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luluwquidprocrow · 4 years ago
and i’ve written pages upon pages trying to rid you from my bones
originally posted: august 25th, 2019
word count: 13,060 words
rated: not rated
heavy angst,  canon compliant,  with enough canon divergence that makes the canon compliance worse,  epistolary
and if you don’t love me, let me go.
[a much less than 200 pages break up letter.]
opening notes:
title from the engine driver by the decemberists
By the time you read this
I guess an at least interesting description of us could be like ships passing in the night
I think now is
I think now might be the time for us to
First of all, I have canceled my subscription to the Daily Punctilio, which was just a good move on my part to begin with, and second of all, I couldn’t believe all that anyway, but third of all, do you know, Lemony
You’ll think me such a damn hypocrite, won’t you.
Why now? Why would I
Why would you do this now?
My Heart and I
ENOUGH ! we're tired, my heart and I.
We sit beside the headstone thus,
And wish that name were carved for us.
The moss reprints more tenderly
The hard types of the mason's knife,
As heaven's sweet life renews earth's life
With which we're tired, my heart and I.
You see we're tired, my heart and I.
We dealt with books, we trusted men,
And in our own blood drenched the pen,
As if such colours could not fly.
We walked too straight for fortune's end,
We loved too true to keep a friend ;
At last we're tired, my heart and I.
How tired we feel, my heart and I !
We seem of no use in the world ;
Our fancies hang grey and uncurled
About men's eyes indifferently ;
Our voice which thrilled you so, will let
You sleep; our tears are only wet :
What do we here, my heart and I ?
So tired, so tired, my heart and I !
It was not thus in that old time
When Ralph sat with me 'neath the lime
To watch the sunset from the sky.
Dear love, you're looking tired,' he said;
I, smiling at him, shook my head :
'Tis now we're tired, my heart and I.
So tired, so tired, my heart and I !
Though now none takes me on his arm
To fold me close and kiss me warm
Till each quick breath end in a sigh
Of happy languor. Now, alone,
We lean upon this graveyard stone,
Uncheered, unkissed, my heart and I.
Tired out we are, my heart and I.
Suppose the world brought diadems
To tempt us, crusted with loose gems
Of powers and pleasures ? Let it try.
We scarcely care to look at even
A pretty child, or God's blue heaven,
We feel so tired, my heart and I.
Yet who complains ? My heart and I ?
In this abundant earth no doubt
Is little room for things worn out :
Disdain them, break them, throw them by
And if before the days grew rough
We once were loved, used, — well enough,
I think, we've fared, my heart and I.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning, who knew what she was talking about
My Dearest Darling,
You call me a lot of things but, to be perfectly frank (not Ernest), Lemony, I think I’ve always liked that one the least. There was that summer where, among other things, Bertrand was trying to come up with nicknames for us in that charming way of his, and he came up with a real mess of awful nicknames and then I came up with the list we could Never Repeat In Public (capitals necessary) and then you said something very sweet to both of us, and anyway, we know what happened there, but the point of this is that you held us close and said, very seriously, that you would never ever ever ever ever (for the span of what I’d figure would be maybe two pages, short but evenly-spaced), no matter what happened, call Bertrand ‘Bert’ and that was damn good of you because Bertrand is not a Bert and never will be. We were right to veto Bertie, as well. He is a Bertrand, through and through. The other point was that you wound up calling us nicknames too but dearest darling was maybe the worst of all of them. Bea was my favorite. I liked the way you said it and I liked the way it sounded and I felt noble perfect unstoppable invincible worried fragile good when you said it. And that was good.
Speaking of, right now, Bertrand is with Kit, and don’t worry, they’re not talking about you (I know how you worry). They’re talking about boats and maps and cooking spices and Widdershins will probably come by later to give them both his version of A Stern Talking To (capitals debatable) about open water expeditions, which will probably be something like, ‘Fire this harpoon at anything suspicious! Aye! Shoot first and ask questions later! Aye!’ and it’s a real miracle that man doesn’t have a whole boatload of albatrosses hanging around somewhere. (Unless he does, and I just haven’t seen it.)
Bertrand and I—well, we’ve kept the house up. Even though he has that thing for natural light, you know what I mean. But we’ve managed to decorate it nicely. I got the Gothic Furniture (capitals required), he got his large windows, there is a last unopened root beer bottle in the fridge because every time we look at it both of us think about how you said it’s impolite to take the last one, and I thought, maybe I’d save it for when you came back but I don’t
The last thing I want is to
Bertrand and I, we’re going out to dinner tonight, because we’re still not all that comfortable with the kitchen yet. I mean, why did we get such a fancy kitchen? I’m sure one of these days I’ll come around to it and it’ll be fine but right now it’s, it seems a hassle, I guess. So we’re going out and I’ve already decided that I’m going to order this truly egregious amount of pasta and no one will stop me!
We don’t really have any plans for tomorrow. As it stands right now. We’ve both been sort of taking things as they come lately. Bertrand, Bertrand’s been very busy. Both of us have been busy, but I think he’s been trying to keep his mind occupied. A lot of us have. Even Hector looks more concerned than he usually does. I saw him the other day—not here, in town—and I didn’t think it was possible for Hector to look that harried. So much has been happening lately, I feel like even I haven’t had time to catch my breath, even in this part of the city. It’s like everything’s been going a mile a minute, taking me with it, and the moments where it stops, the moments where I have the time to think, are unbearably, agonizingly slow. But most of my life has been like that, you know.
And I know, I know you are too. Busy. And concerned.
I know.
When you
Did you
The last performance of our play was three days ago. Since the Daily Punctilio doesn’t have a theater section anymore, Bertrand and I haven’t been reading any rave reviews but we were rereading but, what can you do. Geraldine’s moved on to some other column now too, something about, I don’t even know, tax evasion? Shoes? I can never understand a single thing she writes. Even that ‘Secret Organizations You Should Know About’ thing didn’t even pan out, can you believe that? All she did was write about Esmé! All that trouble for
It looks like it’ll be the last play for a while. I know they wanted us to go on longer, but, well, that’s how it has to be. Don’t know what I’m going to do with myself without a script to lug around, but I’ll probably memorize something for kicks. Gilda Farrell’s lines, maybe, that’d be fun.
But it’d be better if you
This is really the first time I’ve had one of those unbearably slow moments in a while, and of course the first thing I think of is you. You and Bertrand have always filled those gaps for me, but now it’s different. It’s just
I saw Jacques the other day and he
Ramona’s the only one who hasn’t been so
I want to see you so much, Lemony. With everything I have, I want you with me, and I keep hoping that if I close my eyes, when I open them again, there you’ll be, alive and well and next to me and real. Or I’ll walk away from my desk and this letter and when I look back it’ll all have been a bad dream, the worst nightmare I keep stopping and hoping and when you’re not there and I’m still here I
I don’t know how to do this. I can’t
I didn’t want to do it like this.
I don’t want you to I’m, burying the lede, or doing any of this on purpose or anything, because by now you’ve definitely noticed how long this is (although, personally, I’m only at the beginning, but I have a feeling this is going to get long—I know I’ve said I could run laps around the city in the time it takes you to finish a single metaphor but between the two of us we both know I could go on for much longer and will), and you have a vague idea, or a concrete idea, or an idea you don’t want to think about, of where I’m going to go with this. If it was something simple it wouldn’t be like this. If I was just, telling you the news, I wouldn’t need so much time, and I need so much of it. I’m setting the stage trying to making sure I wanted to I can’t just
I am a weak woman, Lemony Snicket. And that is a complete lie, you and I know, but I am a weak woman and I don’t want to be but my hands are shaking.
You and I. You and I know so many things.
So why should we
We both know how to make Ramona laugh, and the right amount of sugar for Olivia’s tea, and where Jacques will be on Tuesdays even though he pretends he doesn’t keep a regular schedule, and where Monty has his keys stashed in his garden, and everything possible about Bertrand, including what book he’s reading right now even though you haven’t been home in two months (it’s still that cat book because he says he wants to see the look on your face when he reads it out loud after dinner) (it’s still that cat book), and what kind of records Kit wants for her birthday even though she never has the time to play them, and even what Esmé is going to eat tomorrow because would you believe that herring is still in, to her continued consternation. She can talk all she wants about how good herring is but I still see that look on her face when she eats it! Every meal, Lemony! I’m giggling as we speak and I wish you could see her because it is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my LIFE
Maybe those things are superficial, but they’re things we know about people, about ourselves, and that counts, doesn’t it? And—and I know what you look like when you wake up and I know what you look like when you’re fixing your typewriter and I have to help and I know what you look like when you think I’m not looking at you, and there was a time where that meant you didn’t look like everyone you knew had just died. You know what I look like at my worst, the worst I ever let you see. You knew it anyway. You It was enough.
And Bertrand. I know I’ve said it before but, you and I were so lucky. Lots of good things came from of this, right? The three of us, you and me and Bertrand. Our apartment and that wallpaper we took down in Bertrand’s when he moved out of his, with those horrendous yellow stripes. The cat we pretended to have and the elaborate medical history we made for it so we’d all have an excuse to go home early. (That poor cat, though. I don’t think it would’ve been possible for it to really survive like that. We should be better to our imaginary pets next time in the future.) Watching Bertrand dance to my records, which was terrible because we hadn’t taught him to dance yet. Trying out those new recipes. Keeping the windows open in the summer. The diner down the street, the ice cream shop on the corner, that night it rained and we all stayed outside and got soaking wet because why not? Bertrand making that excessive amount of soup the next day. You telling us we were the only things that mattered. Bertrand would push your hair out of your face when you were sleeping and I wanted to watch that for the rest of my life. I wanted it to be the last thing I ever saw.
Those moments, every moment. Reading in the dark, losing my glasses, you stopped dead the first time we were out with Bertrand and he was under a streetlamp and you both looked so beautiful and you kissed him for the first time and you didn’t even remember to be nervous.
And those million citations Jacques didn’t give us for public indecency during that spring he was disguised as a police officer. (He was definitely kidding when he brought it up. There was no way he could’ve seen us.)
It makes me so happy, to think about all that. I love you and Bertrand so much. I
Oh Lemony. I don’t think I can do any of this.  
In other better happier general news, Gustav let Bertrand and me see the pictures from the wedding, and then he archived them, because we agreed that was for the best, and Bertrand figured you’d probably say the same. I look absolutely stunning, and Bertrand looks incredibly handsome even though he finally admitted he agrees with you, that hat was not his style, and you, Lemony, in that white suit that matched Bertrand’s with those peach-colored flowers because peach is a better color than I ever gave it credit for and it looked so good in the spring because it was the color the wall in the living room turned when the afternoon sun hit, you look
It was such a beautiful day. Still spring, and right after Bertrand’s birthday. Us, Kit, Jacques, Ramona, Olivia, Dewey, Hector. Jerome was invited—or he was supposed to be, who knows what happened there. We barely saw Gustav the whole time too, since he kept climbing up into trees for better angles. The smallest place we could find that would hold all of us and be so out of the way. The cake Kit made, against everyone’s expectations. Ramona cried, because of course she did. All those flowers, no one could move the whole time for walking into at least six bees, but no one minded. So much love. It was palpable, and my whole body was alive with it, with such a soft warmth I could barely breathe. I don’t think I ever stopped smiling, not while dancing or singing or kicking my shoes off because such mortal trappings cannot contain me, or when you and Bertrand danced and you cried, or when a crow flew overhead and we all stopped, just for a single second, before every one of us decided not to care. For a few hours one glorious afternoon.
You look happier than I’ve ever seen you before and now I don’t know if I’ll ever see you like that again or forever and I’m sorry, I was right, I can’t do this, I can’t do this I can’t do this I can’t do this
I’ve taken a few deep breaths and I’m ready to
Oh who am I KIDDING
Lemony I love you so much and I need you so much my heart is going to break with it
justice does not need eyes to see,
but truth built himself eyes
in the porcelain patterns of his world
and let them do the talking
in the skies he
so kindly
let them see,
with the eyes he gave them,
one after another
after another
after another
i was something else
but i lived so close beside
that they could not accuse me
of being blind
but i could’ve seen everything
if i could see with every eye,
one after another
after another
after another,
every eye
a certainty,
every eye
the truth,
every eye
mine alone.
You told me when we were younger that I should give rhyming verse a try and, well, Lemony, not everything you said was good advice.
I do, though. I love you a great deal. I think it confuses people. Besides the fact that some of them never understood our relationship with Bertrand (cowards), I get the impression some of our associates don’t know why I love you. Which is just stupid of them, and I don’t owe them anything, none of them are going to read this. It’s not their business why I love you, it’s ours. And I love you because
How can you explain why you love someone? Someone can say ‘they make me laugh’ as much as they want and sure it’s true but is that really why? Can you ever really say why? Isn’t it enough to love somebody, with everything you have? To say, that’s the one I want, for the rest of my life? Who could I possibly need to defend myself to?
I love you because I love you, because I look at you and think I love you, because I inhale and exhale that I love you, because every part of me only feels right with you.
I love you because you embarrassed me but I thought you were kind. I love you because I didn’t ever have to explain anything. I love you because you always came back to me. I love you because you made me happy. I love you because you didn’t let anything stop you from loving me. I love you because you loved me. I love you because when you took my hand I thought I could do anything with that love.
I love you because you were mine. I love you because you looked at me. And I love you because it was more than that, it always was.
I love you because of the records you played. I love you because of the time we taught Bertrand to make root beer floats. I love you because you’d rehearse our lines with us even though you can’t act. I love you because of the way you would stand in the kitchen and wonder what you should make for dinner. I love you because you said you’d plant strawberry bushes in the backyard. I love you because you could never stand Geraldine Julienne. I love you because we would all sit around the table in my apartment and critique the newspaper articles together. I love you because you’d never take the train. I love you because Bertrand and I found every shortcut in the city for you. I love you because you and Bertrand would knit me the ugliest sweaters on purpose. I love you because you would take care of the bats for me and you were terrible at it.
I love you because you were wonderful where it counted. I love you because we’d stay up late and watch movies. I love you because you would hold Bertrand like it was the most important thing in the world. I love you because you would furrow your brow when you read something you didn’t like. I love you because you’d take me to the beach when it was cold. I love you because we went on picnics in the summer. I love you because when I walked into our apartment and then when I walked into our house it always felt like home. I love you because we made up that cat. I love you because you’d sing with me. I love you because Bertrand would take us bird-watching and name the birds with us. I love you because you bought me flowers.
I love you because you told me what happened. I love you because we went back there with you. I love you because I went into the lighthouse. I love you because I wasn’t going to not go. I love you because no one else would’ve gone. I love you because we let you walk out the door there and I knew you would come back.
I love you because we used to make out in the back of the movie theater and we’d take turns with Bertrand and then try to piece together what even happened in the movie when we got home. I love you because you used to sit in dark rooms with me and pretend we were ghosts and scare the other volunteers. I love you because we could just read for hours and not say a word. I love you because you let me cry in the bathroom. I love you because you would make up songs on the accordion when I was upset. I love you because I would whistle along when you did songs I knew. I love you because you would go out of your way to buy crackers. I love you because you would say things like “when we first met, you were pretty, and I was lonely” and you let me laugh. I love you because you would write me notes during class. I love you because you looked the same way I did the first time we saw Bertrand—shocked, and then a little impressed, and then irritated, because who did he think he was? I love you because who did any of us think we were, really. I love you because we grew to not care. I love you because we became people I was proud of.
I love you because you would feed that cat in the back alley on your way home and I would watch you from the window. I love you because that cat followed us to our house and then we had a real live legitimate cat until someone across the street put out better cat food. I love you because of the way you would read out loud, because you couldn’t act but when you read it was like seeing the sunrise for the first time. I love you because the one thing you did that was better than Bertrand was make tea. I love you because you taught me all your cookie recipes. I love you because we got you to sleep in the middle so we could protect you. I love you because they couldn’t take that away from me.
I love you because I’m here in an otherwise empty house, some boxes still unpacked, letting the dust settle, pouring my heart out when I don’t want to, because I do love you with everything I have, every part of me, every bone and every sigh and every drop of blood, and that’s the end of that. That’s all there is, I love you. That’s what it comes down to, I love you. That’s the only thing I want to say, I love you.
I do, I do love you. Lemony, please believe me.
I know Bertrand has his own thoughts, his own opinions. He doesn’t want to admit that he does, but he gets this, look, on his face. Like he doesn’t know what to do with himself, he doesn’t know what to do with his hands, like he’s lost something special but it was there a moment ago, wasn’t it. He thinks I haven’t noticed. After all this time, he thinks he’s not supposed to be here, and you it hurts, is all.
And as much as Bertrand is a part of us, indelibly, forever, just as you are, both of you so a part of me that I ache with it, this letter is between you and me. Not because it was the two of us first. But because you know, for as much as I don’t want to, I’ll say the things Bertrand won’t.
That’s how this has to be.
Olaf’s started talking to me again, which I didn’t think would happen in a million years. Although maybe I shouldn’t call it talking? More like, he sort of shows up if he knows I’m at headquarters (which is far and few between anyway so, really, what the hell?) and lounges in doorways with these big smiles and says these dramatic things at me instead of to me, which he can’t possibly expect me to believe. How stupid does he think I am? Because I’m not. He keeps going, hey Beatrice, have you read the Daily Punctilio? And I don’t say anything to him, even though yes, I’ve read the Daily Punctilio, dammit.
You and I both know what’s in the Daily Punctilio, and for a while I thought, maybe you were writing those articles yourself, part of another fragmentary plot, and that you’d tell me about it later, and you’d explain it to me, even though I wouldn’t need it to be explained, not really. But you didn’t. Not that you didn’t explain, you just, you just didn’t tell me anything. And you were gone and I couldn’t even see you anyway and that was what really made it hard? It wasn’t like I doubted you. I didn’t. I didn’t doubt you. I knew you wouldn’t do any of those things.
But everyone looked at me and they looked so damn pitying, like, oh it happens to the best of us, only he’s not the best of us. Maybe you should’ve seen it coming, well you know what he’s like, as if nothing had ever happened? As if we hadn’t grown up together? As if we wouldn’t have followed you to the ends of the earth because we believed in you? It’s not everyone, but it’s enough. Like some of them don’t owe you their lives.
Bertrand says that people deal with things in different ways, and saying those things about you is probably just another way they’re dealing with everything. Don’t you think it’s harder, it’s gotten harder, as we’ve gotten older? But they don’t have to throw you under the bus to do it. They don’t have to vilify you to make themselves feel better. They don’t have to look me in the eye like that, like I’m some, some poor miserable thing, or like I have to be protected, or like I don’t know what I’m doing, or like they can’t even trust me.
But what does that make me?
And Olaf would grin at me and I would hold my head high and look him back and spit in his face. I wasn’t going to let it get to me. It had only been a month. How long is a month, in the grand scheme of things? What does a month matter, against the beginning of a lifetime? And when a month became two, what did that matter?
I wouldn’t say that Hector and I were ever particularly close, but I’ve actually seen a lot of him lately. We meet up for tea because he keeps saying there’s something he wants to talk to me about but mostly he sits there and looks at his tea and I pretend I’m not super uncomfortable. And then he insists on paying the check, in exact change.
When I see Hector, I think about Haruki. I know how close they were. And Haruki respected you so much, more than anyone else. As in, he respected you more than he respected any of our other friends, but also more than maybe anyone else respected you, because that was how Haruki was. Loyal, the best of the best, and so fierce about it. I wanted him there at our wedding.  
Haruki was really the first person we lost, I guess. And I hate how we’re never going to know how it happened, because they say no one else was there, and the one person we do know was there, he’s never going to say a damn thing about it, and we all know that for sure. But I remember everyone gathering around to write Haruki’s obituary and how little we had to say. Not because we didn’t know him. But because, what were we going to say? What did we have left to say, who did Haruki have left, besides us? And what were we?
Hector looks at me and I don’t know what to say to him. He doesn’t know what to say to me. I’m terrified he’s going to tell me I should’ve known better too because then I won’t be able to stand it. But he just looks at me and I try not to cry and I’m trying not to cry now because he’s feeling it too, this awful business of feeling like things are starting to break. Sometimes I feel Hector is going to disappear, too.
I guess the question I started to think was, how long was I going to wait. Bertrand and I had waited for longer, and then there were times where we never waited, and hadn’t we reached a point where we weren’t supposed to, anymore? But then, when you’re married, aren’t you supposed to do whatever you have to?
But doesn’t it go both ways? One half can do their part but doesn’t the other half have to do something too and how much is it before you’re asking too much but how long is it before you’re not doing enough and when you’re married aren’t you supposed to know the answers to all the questions, the right and the wrong ones, you’re not supposed to care and you’re supposed to be there and it’s all is supposed to be okay, and
We never did do anything traditionally, though, did we?
I saved the article. I didn’t save all of them, but I saved this one.
The unidentified body recently pulled from the downtown river has been identified as local ex-theater critic and renowned person of interest, Lemony Snicket, who was last seen surveying the river and saying, “How deep do you think it really is?”
“For the record,” said the local police, who preferred to remain nameless and sent in their response by postcard from three towns over, “it was three feet.”
Mr. Snicket was identified by a source who was also unidentified, but proved their credentials by singing a variety of showtunes for the newspaper staff, to great applause.
“Yes, I suppose that’s him,” said the source, when asked to identify the photo of the river, which was presented to them while they were drinking a glass of water, because they were parched after the showtunes. When the glass of water spilled on the photograph, the source went on to say, “Oh, that’s definitely him.”
The body in question disappeared as soon as it was found, but the police have no reason to suspect foul play, as no livestock was found at the scene, the morgue, or the local bakery, and neither does our source.
“Can I leave now?” asked the source. “I need to go pick up my glasses.”
Mr. Snicket has recently been the suspect in a number of crimes, including arson, lockpicking, theft, and jaywalking without a license. He has been described as “that’s not what I would call a grey suit, it leaned closer to charcoal.” There is no planned funeral service at this time.
Bertrand and I laughed a lot, because it was the most outrageous article we’d ever read, and we kept talking about what sort of bakery would even allow livestock inside, and of course we knew it was about you, but of course it wasn’t you, because we didn’t know where you were but we knew you were alive. You were alive, so no matter what we read or what anyone told us, no matter who wanted to believe what, we knew the truth.
And, again, Lemony, it wasn’t that I needed you to explain. It was that I wanted you to tell me. I wanted you to let me in on it. I wanted you to call or come by and tell us, your husband and your wife, hey no big deal but I’m gonna fake my death for the foreseeable future, is that okay? And instead I have to find out from Olaf waving it in my face? I have to find out from some absurd article I shouldn’t have even looked twice at? I have to find out from people I thought were my friends telling me I should have known better?
I sure don’t need to tell you, but, we just got married, Lemony! And we had a house and a life and plans and no matter what happened, no matter what else we had to do, because there was no way we were ever going to give this up and we knew that, we were going to stay together, we were going to do this, what we promised, not to other people but to ourselves, and each other,  and
Sometimes I want to think that you planned it like that, that you sat down and thought to yourself about the best worst way to do it and you thought, leaving us alone like this and faking your death and not saying a single word was the greatest way to break our hearts, especially after marrying us, that would hurt the most, you wanted to do it so you did it and you got away from us for good like you always wanted because you were never going to stay and you knew it, because then I can hate you like I’m supposed to and stop thinking of the way you smile at me
I hate that you aren’t a cruel person, I hate that you didn’t do it on purpose, I hate that the real true human tradition is that people are human and nothing else
How am I supposed to do this?
a bird up in her chamber
eats love for breakfast lunch and dinner
and steadily gets thinner
sings songs she won’t forget,
in the darkness by the lamps
says the shapes of lonely words
said by lonely people
in lonely rooms
to feel better about
what is a life with this alone
what is a life
like this?
“when we grab you by the ankle, where your life is ours to take
you’ll soon be doing wicked things, they’ll keep you long awake
when your whole life is a secret then you’ll be a volunteer
and you’ll scream a long time later, for
the world was never quiet here.”
Bertrand has been making lists. You know his tendency to organize, but the funny thing is he just keeps leaving them places. I’m sitting on like, three of them.
To Do
-Check maps
-Apologize to D
-Extra key
-Secure boat
-Study family trees
To Buy
-Thick, sturdy rope
-Do they make portable record players?
-Paintbrushes (for then and now, so get extra)
-White curtains? Will they match? Check ‘To Think’
-Extra wires, no candles!
To Think
-Ask Kit about Bernadette
-Examine garden for hiding spots
-Turtles or foxes?
-What if it turns out to be true?
-Or birds??
Definitely not birds.
You know, I haven’t seen Jerome in a while. Maybe it’s also been two months, I’m not sure. I feel like, even before the wedding, we weren’t seeing much of him—although it wasn’t like Jacques paraded him around or anything in the first place—but since then, I don’t think Jacques has even talked about him.
This means Jacques’s Tuesdays are open now, although you’d never know it. He still only shows up when he wants to. And if he doesn’t want to, then you have as much luck finding him as finding a grammar rule Jo doesn’t know. It must run in the family. I hate to
I had Kit get ahold of him for me. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know what to say to Kit anymore, which is unsettling, but Kit acts like she always does. She comes over and makes herself at home and talks to both of us like this is average everyday Kit business for her. I don’t know if I admire her tenacity or if it’s going to be something else I can’t stand down the line. I don’t know yet. She hugged me when she left, though. That’s just how Kit is. And I don’t really want to lose that.
I wasn’t sure if Kit would know, the thing I wanted to ask Jacques. I guess it wouldn’t surprise me if she did, but when I saw her I thought, maybe she didn’t know. She didn’t talk about you at all. And it wasn’t the ‘I’m Kit Snicket and I’m Being Purposefully Vague For Reasons, Now Deal With It’ sort of silence, it was the ‘I’m Kit Snicket and I Refuse to Admit I Don’t Know This Piece of Information, So I’m Going to Rearrange Your Bookshelves’ sort of silence. Still don’t know where she put T.S. Eliot. I think she took it with her.
Jacques didn’t want to talk to me. He’s too polite to say it, but I could tell. He kept making excuses, and by the time we finally got him to come here, he was uncomfortable and I was on edge. He came right out and said he couldn’t stay long. He knew why I wanted to talk to him and he told me straightforward that he couldn’t tell me.
I’m not proud of what I said to him.
If it was the last day, but it probably was but Lemony, I don’t I sure didn’t know.
I will remember every second until the day I die.
We waited until after the wedding to move into the house, especially because the only honeymoon we wanted was for the three of us to be there together, alone, for a little while. It was on the outskirts of the city, away from everything else, and we barely told anyone. We didn’t even tell everyone from the wedding.
I watched the sunrise, the soft shadows sliding along the sheets on the bed, catching on the suitcases we still hadn’t unpacked all the way, you and Bertrand warm beside me, and I didn’t want to get up. We put the best bed in the whole world in our room, and rightly so. High bed posts but no canopy because Bertrand was worried about dust. Crisp white sheets and I was so excited to look when we finally got up and see the wrinkles mashed down in them from where we slept because that meant it was ours for real. That rich wine comforter that it was too hot to use the first night so we still had it folded up at the foot of the bed, but you had this look in your eyes when we spread it out like you couldn’t wait for winter and when we’d be squished up against each other underneath it for warmth.
That morning, I just wanted to lay there and savor it. It wasn’t like we’d never been in the same bed before, or that we even needed to be married, but! To know I could hold it in my hands, that’s what it was.
And then Bertrand rolled over and got an elbow into my side somehow and you mumbled something about Wedding Pancakes (capitals implied) and then we had to eat breakfast.
I checked. The wrinkles were all there.
Bertrand and I.
We haven’t
We’ve been
We’ve been angry at each other.
And you know Bertrand, he doesn’t get angry, really, he gets, more disappointed than anything, but he’s. He’s been angry. At me. I know.
I get scared, because I don’t know what to do, so I, I can’t hold a conversation without yelling at somebody, and it’s usually Bertrand, and I hate yelling at him and sometimes he starts to yell back.
We’re not. Okay. Right now.
We weren’t supposed to do this without you and I don’t want to find out that we can’t, Lemony. And I know we can but I know it’s also not a matter of doing it with or without you, because that’s awful, I just keep wondering what if you were what held us all together and if you’re not here how are Bertrand and I supposed to go on like this. Saying the wrong things, avoiding each other, not coming home. I guess that’s how we’re ‘dealing’ with it but that’s sure some sick way to do it.
I don’t want to lose anybody and fighting for them means that I want to keep screaming until everything stops.
Jacques said you’d be back soon enough.
I told him I needed to know how soon was soon.
He said soon enough.
I said that wasn’t enough.
I never though of Jacques as one to yell. And he didn’t really yell, he mostly raised his voice, like I couldn’t hear him. I mean I was definitely talking over him but it was because I could hear him and I didn’t want to.
No one can tell me anything I don’t know. I know they think I haven’t felt the same worries as everyone else but that’s because I never wanted them to think that I did. And I did too good a job, apparently. I know we live hard lives, Jacques. I know it requires sacrifices, Jacques. I know there’s no guarantee, Jacques. I know there’s things you have to give up. I know you can’t be childish or selfish in this business. I know we knew what would happen. I know sometimes no matter how hard you try, you’re just going to fail.
He told me to wait for you.
After breakfast, we organized the library, because we still had so many things in boxes but we agreed we had to get that done. We put everything in, every repeat copy and every notebook because we actually had room for everything instead of trying to cram it all into smaller bookshelves. The library was the biggest room in the house and had that beautiful windowseat. (It still does. We’re still in this house, after all, but this moment, this day, just isn’t right now.) I’ll admit I spent more time lounging on it than I did organizing books, but, you sat on that windowseat with me, you knew how comfortable it was. I loved those windows and how bright the sun was (really.) and how good I knew it was going to look when it was raining. And you agreed, and Bertrand rolled his eyes at us, and I told him, he got his natural light, what more did he want?
For two people to stop lazing around and figure out if we were going in alphabetical order or by genre or by which ones most recently made us cry over lunch, Bertrand said.
It was alphabetical, of course.
We forgot about lunch, because we put the record player in the library until we could find another place for it and started playing our favorites. Bertrand could dance by then, obviously, we wouldn’t have married him if he couldn’t. We were very good at dancing together, after practicing for so long. No one was ever going to do a better three-way tango and we all knew it.
We picked through the fridge and some of the wedding gifts, once we got hungry and tired of dancing. We found out Jerome somehow still sent us at least thirty coasters, and learned that he apparently wildly overestimates our social life, because there was no way we were going to be inviting thirty people at a time over anymore, or at least, not for a while. You and Bertrand stacked them in the dining room in a cabinet, and those you organized by color. Then we stood at the window there and looked out into the garden (the best view of it was from the dining room) and talked about the flowers we were going to plant, and how Ramona was going to send us (express) a clipping from one of the rosebushes in her garden, the ones we’d look at during her family’s masked balls.  
We went to the corner store down the street and you and Bertrand pretended to fuss over tomatoes while I was looking at loaves of bread and when I turned around you were buying flowers for me, red and bright and beautiful. We put them in the kitchen while we all made dinner (salmon, with cherry tomatoes). Somehow I found the time to make sorbet for dessert and it was only then we realized how late it was and we laughed a lot that day and laughed a lot then because we didn’t need to care about things like that. Our house was barely put together and we tried to find a way to use every single coaster from Jerome and we hadn’t had words with the city about the electricity yet because there was so much we’d had to do beforehand that we had to use candles. We all had matches, and we weren’t naive enough to think we wouldn’t have them.  
I can’t tell you how powerful I felt, lighting those candles, because I know you and Bertrand felt it too. This was our doing and ours alone. This space was ours. We looked at each other over the candles, the shadows on our faces, and we’d never looked clearer.  
We could’ve lived forever, in that moment.  
I called your brother a coward and I told him that whatever happened to Jerome now that he wouldn’t protect him was his fault and his alone and if he could live with himself that’s fine but I couldn’t if I didn’t try to do this and if he didn’t tell me where you were I was going to kill him where he stood and he shouldn’t even think for one second that I wasn’t capable of doing what had to be done and if that meant I had to kill for what I wanted then I would.
You kissed us in the morning. You smiled. You walked out the door and then came back because you forgot your hat and Bertrand and I were still laughing even as the door shut behind you.  
And then you were gone.  
Kit came by again, after.  
We sat in that silence.  
She told me that it was the one thing they hadn’t told her. She hadn’t known, until I asked Jacques. We don’t have anywhere else to go, she said, in a moment of unprecedented candidness. So we always come back.  
“I underestimated him,” she said.  
I told her she could keep The Wasteland, since it was practically hers because it had been yours. Kit smiled. She didn’t say much else.  
Bertrand and I aren’t the only ones losing someone here and I forgot that.  
Jacques and I looked at each other for a long time. I tried to apologize and he kept shaking his head. He told me where you were. He told me he didn’t know when you’d be back—or if you would at all. He told me he was the one writing the articles in the Daily Punctilio. He turned away from me. Then he gave me his handkerchief, and put his hand on mine, and got up and left.
What it feels like, Lemony, is like you
It feels like you picked
It feels like we didn’t matter and
And it’s not like we could ever choose or have one or the other I know I know I know but
We’re never going to be without it but I thought that
You picked an idea of nobility that you spent the past ten years struggling with and denouncing and promising you’d never
It wasn’t like we ever set out to save you anyway I
At the end of the day, that’s it. You picked the organization over us. And I didn’t think we were going to have to draw lines like that. At least not now. At least not right now. Because that means I have to make a decision. Because it means I can’t only think about me. Because it means I can’t keep waiting. And even if I could, I wouldn’t want to.  
I found out the other day.
I had a feeling, though. You just, you either have the feeling or you don’t, right? And I did. And I keep thinking about what your reaction would be. What you’d say. I keep thinking about your eyes, bluer than blue. I keep thinking about the world we said we were going to make when we were kids, the people we said we’d be. We were tiny and young and idealistic and you’re really only that way once in your whole life and when you’re not anymore, you can’t go back.  
We can’t go on like this.  
stripped off my dress like a skin,
so you could see everything
not only then,
but always.
didn’t know i was doing it,
guess i never really ran out of clothes.
you took off you shirt
and I was jealous.
you only needed to do it once and there you were.
I thought.
but now I keep finding shirts
in the places where I found you
and I can’t
find anything
that was mine
to put back on
I really can’t do anything
Enclosed you’ll find the ring. I know it’s not just the ring I married you with, but the ring I married Bertrand with, but whenever we look at it we think of you and I’m the one who has to wear it all the time and I can’t.  
But I don’t want to give it back because what if it’s the only thing I get to keep of you? But it wasn’t ever mine anyway, or yours, and who knows, maybe Ramona will marry Olivia with it someday, and maybe you’ll be there, only you wouldn��t be if you got the ring back, you’d never show your face again.  
And that’s not what I want, I don’t want you out of my life, Lemony, but if I give it back then maybe I do. Maybe that is what I want. Maybe I never want to see you again like this.  
Okay, I have to ask. I have to, because Jacques kept his mouth shut about this.  
The last time you saw us. Not the day, but the morning, walking out the front door. Did you know you weren’t coming back? You just left like you always did, to go to the newspaper, before Bertrand and I went to the theater, and as far as leaving someone for good goes that’s so
Did you meet up with Jacques, or Hector, or Jo, or even Kit, and did they tell you? Did headquarters address you personally? Did you take an assignment from someone else? Did someone corner you and were you trying to protect us? Was that the only way you could do it, going into hiding and faking your death? Who else was involved, besides Jacques? How long was it going to go on for? Did they expect you to do it by yourself? Did you have a plan, did any of them have a plan? What fragmentary plot was it even a part of? Did you know you weren’t coming back? Could you even come back? Did it even happen right away? Did it start out as some mediocre assignment you were going to tell us about later and then what happened so that I was reading the paper and there you were being accused of things I knew you’d never do? Why didn’t they ask me? Why didn’t they ask Bertrand? Why didn’t they ask us? You knew we’d do it together, we swore we’d do it together, why didn’t you tell us? What made it so that you couldn’t?  
Or did you really decide for yourself that that was it?  
I don’t want to believe that. I don’t, Lemony. I want to believe that it was one thing and then another but do you know why I can’t, why I keep asking? Do you understand why I need to know the truth? Why I need to be able to put it together? Why waiting and trusting isn’t enough anymore?  
No one could ever extinguish my love, Lemony, no one, nothing, not a single solitary thing ever, nothing could do it, but my trust is a different matter. Loving someone and trusting someone are two different things and I know you know that as much as I do. You. Knew. All. Of. This.  
You know. If it had ended at the article. I might’ve been okay with it. I might have. Not making any promises, because we both know better than that. But I might’ve. I could’ve.  
It didn’t end with the article.  
Olivia had a short-lived assignment working the telegrams recently. She gave Ramona a very specific telegram. Olivia was honestly surprised it had come through at all. That something like that would be sent over such an insecure line. And of course she showed Ramona. They didn’t show it to anyone else. Which was lucky, because you know Olivia. She wanted to do whatever she could.
Ramona sent it to me. Right away. I got it yesterday. She said she’d never felt worse in her entire life. She said she was sorry. She’s the only one who didn’t sound patronizing about it.
I never liked Monty Kensicle all that much as a name either.  
Lemony I can’t help but think that you’re sick of me, sick with me
It wasn’t like I ever—like I did it to be similar, I would NEVER, because both of us had our reasons for why we did what we did, you on that train, me and Bertrand at the opera. We knew what we were doing. Did we regret it? Enough for it to hurt, on the wrong days. Not enough for it to matter, in the long run. But enough for it to stop me every once in a while, in the way I know it stopped you.
But, but did you think, you couldn’t love someone who
Which would be, extraordinarily hypocritical of you, not to mention
I know you still think about it and I know how much it
I paid my price for what I did, Lemony, and so did you, and I didn’t
Is that how it works? Is that what happens? Is this what else I have to give up, for some shred of nobility, is my life going to be one mistake after another because I followed an order and I though they were right enough? Not even right, right enough, how stupid—is everything that happens to me going to be because of that? Am I losing you because it’s what I deserve?
Don’t I deserve good things? Don’t I still deserve happiness, and stability, and love, and a family, and all those things I worked so hard for? Because nobility wasn’t the end of it for me, this was what we wanted, something better, something for us, something we deserved, and this can’t be it, this can’t be the only thing we get for all of that, there has to be something else! And if I lose everyone close to me because of this organization Lemony I swear I don’t know what I’m going to do I feel like I’m going to lose my mind like this
I think of you out there, alone, and probably cold because you never bring a damn jacket with you anywhere. It’s summer but I’m imagining you as being cold, but I think that’s just because it’s sort of what you do when anyone thinks of someone as being anywhere alone.
Or, I’m just—I’m thinking of you out there, alone, for sure. I’m doing that. I’m thinking. About you. Alone.  
I think of you. Out there. Letting Jacques know, letting Olivia know, because you had to know who was working the telegram, otherwise you wouldn’t have sent it, I think of you going out of your way to tell your brother and not me and Bertrand and maybe you thought they’d tell me anyway but I had to pull teeth to get it from Jacques and if it had been anyone else! No one but Olivia would have said! You got lucky! But not enough! Because you still didn’t tell us! You went out of your way to not!! You! I think of you! Doing that instead of having the nerve! The decency! To tell us first! You!
How could you
How could you
I think of you, out there—hiding in the middle of nowhere with only the occasional newspaper for company, which, let me tell you, Lemony, is a very frustrating existence. You know what? I keep wanting to hope that you are dead because somehow that would make this easier, I can be angry at a dead man. But I can be angry at anyone, can’t I. Dead or alive, it doesn’t matter. I can be angry.  
I want to hope that you never sleep comfortably again. I want to hope that every sea is too uneven and every desert is too hot and every mountain is too cold and everywhere you go it’s too much. I want to hope that you try and come back and see how good and happy Bertrand and I are without you and you have to realize, you really did mess up. I want to hope that your boat goes down in the middle of the ocean and I know for sure! I want to think that you’ll be so miserable without us and it’ll never have been worth it!!  
You’re out there, without us. Without me.
I hope it was worth it.  
What am I going to do?
I’m not picking. It’s not—I’m not capable of that, picking between you two, and I know you both had this ridiculous fear that I was going to, but I wasn’t, and I’m still not. I am selfish and clingy and I know what I want and I love what I have, and I love both of you and Bertrand loves both of us and I was ready to stake my life on the fact that you loved both of us too.  
And I hate that I have to say it! Because I do! Apparently I do have to, Lemony! If it comes down to, who would I rather do this with, who would I raise a family with, who would I trust more than anything, and you made me make this choice, I’m sorry it can’t be the man who ran away from me! And part of me keeps thinking I’m not even me for saying that, I’m not, I’m not the Beatrice that was going to tear a room apart with her bare hands to get what she wanted, who would scale walls and climb buildings and shoot a gun and could ski and fence by fourteen, I’m not, taking risks, I’m not doing whatever I have to, and that everyone who told me Bertrand was boring (because there were people!!!) and safe and uncomplicated was right and that I’m betraying some fundamental aspect of myself by not even trying, and that I’m hurting Bertrand especially for making him a damn pawn in what I think my life is
But it’s not like I never did! It’s not like I didn’t spend years and years of my life trying to be a good person, trying to create the life I wanted, all of this is me, every ugly thought and every bad decision and every unfinished book and every theater script I keep leaving around places and every single page of this as I try to figure out where I want to go from here! And it just comes back to one thing, Lemony, just one thing! That we can’t do this! That I can’t have you in my life like this! That I didn’t believe it would happen but here it is, it’s happening!! I can’t avoid it! You walked away from me and expected me to be okay with it! You expected me to wait! You expected me to do it! You expected EVERYTHING from me and I only have so much to give, I’m only so much, I CAN’T DO EVERYTHING
And do you know what I am? Do you know what I am, really, when I get right down to it?? I am this, this awful woman with blood on my hands asking you for something that even I could never give anybody, not you or Bertrand or myself and I’m so sick of everything, I’m so sick of myself, I hate everyone and myself most of all, for being like this, for turning into this person, I hate hate hate hate hate all of this and how we were raised and what our future is going to be and what I’ve done and what is it going to take, for things to be better, for me to be better, for—what is it going to take, Lemony, for you to walk back through that door again and not do it over and over and over and I can’t keep letting you do this, I can’t, not to me or to Bertrand, I can’t keep hoping you’ll be there when I wake up and I can’t keep dreaming we’re going to die and I can’t keep pretending that anything about us has ever been okay or ever will be okay! Nothing about this is okay and how am I only realizing it now? How long have we been fooling ourselves into thinking that we could do this? How long do I have to be kind about this? How long do I have to play nice about you and this?  
I don’t know if I want to. I don’t know if I can look at you anymore.
I don’t know.  
Do you know how it was, Lemony? It was us first. You and me. From the second we saw each other in that green-walled room, it was you and me. Lemony and Beatrice. Root beer floats and being purposely mysterious to each other when we talked and being too clever. And I thought that meant we could do anything. We could die and I’d be happy because I was with you. As long as I had you.  
And then there was Bertrand. And life felt different. Bertrand made it different, Bertrand made life different, he made it worth something else. And the bond that you and I had? Irreplaceable. And what we created with him only made it better. We had room in what we had for something so good. It really was Bertrand. I don’t know what would’ve become of us if it hadn’t been for him. And I saw that in you, too. You thought it too.
That was when I worried. When I started dreaming about terrible things happening to us. To you. I kept running from it because I didn’t know what else to do. I just didn’t want to lose you. I didn’t want to lose.  
I’m scared to do anything. I’m scared to be wrong. I’m scared to know anything else.  
I’m scared to die.  
I don’t think you are.  
I’m not sorry.  
Here are some questions. Here are some facts. Here are some things.  
1 – I’m tired.
2 – I can’t even wonder if we should have done things differently anymore, right after that moment we met. In that room, I never imagined any of this.
3 – Sometimes I do think you lied all along. And that’s not a reflection on our associates or anything but just, see question/statement 1.
4 – You had to have thought about what would happen.
5 – How could we have a family like this?
6 – Did you think you could run all your life? Did you think that would work out? That Bertrand and I would be satisfied with that?
7 – Did you want me like that?
8 – What am I supposed to do?
9 – How long did you think we could keep this up?
10 – Was I wrong?
11 – What did you want?
12 – I know you’d thought about what a family with us would look like and I didn’t think you’d let anything stand in the way of that and maybe that was where I was naive.
13 – What would you say if I asked you this in person?  
After all this, I—  
Bertrand has asked me if I have any spare pens.  
A long time ago, I sat in the diner near your apartment. We’d all known each other for a while, and you and Bea were very much together, and I didn’t quite feel like a third wheel anymore but I also didn’t feel like I was a part of everything yet. We were still dancing around each other, and I was doing it truly, incredibly badly.  
I was in the habit of meeting Jo on weekends, when we would go over our reports together because we worked in similar places. We’d meet in the diner. I would arrive early and take a seat near the door. It had the best view of your window. You never turned the lights on, but I would look at it and think about you and—I’m completely serious—write the worst poetry ever to exist. You and Bea have always been much better at it. Jo would take it upon herself to help and suddenly they were these grammar-specific poems, which meant I definitely was not going to send them. Jo is many things; Jo is just not particularly a writer of romance.
I never told you or Bea, because it didn’t seem noteworthy, once we were together. But, things happen in your life and you wish you’d been able to say so much more than you did. I wanted to tell you about the face Bea makes when you aren’t there. She bites her lip and frowns around the kitchen when there’s a lull in the conversation in the spots you would usually say something clever. I wanted to tell you how the bed doesn’t feel the same when you aren’t in it. Bea says the wrinkles don’t set the same, and I feel like it’s emptier without you. I wanted to tell you that the hottest summer days—and I feel like there have been an endless amount of them so far this summer, humid and muggy and not the least bit sultry—even they feel cold when we can’t see you. I wanted to tell you that every time I do the laundry, I remember how you can’t fold socks. I wanted to tell you that I’ve stopped folding socks altogether, which has become quite the problem. Bea and I have stacks of socks in the bedroom now, which is just silly. I wanted to tell you that I love watching you put your hat by the door when you come home, resting it on the table as gently as possible, giving such a small gesture has such a big importance.
I took those things for granted. So much of my life, I’ve thought that loving things so fiercely and so determinedly could be enough, and I’ve relied on that love to get me through what we had to do. Even when the three of us weren’t together, I think I would’ve been happy to stay that way, because I could still love both of you regardless, and just that would’ve been enough. Just to be able to love you, and have your companionship. I would have cherished that always.
I’m the one who’s been so lucky, Lemony. When we all got together, I felt like my life began. I felt like you and Bea pulled me along into something beautiful and breathtaking and nothing would ever compare. I felt like it would always be there, for the rest of my life.
And I’m—
I don’t hate you. I could never. You need to know, that no matter what happens, I will never hate you. I can’t promise to not be upset with you, because I am, and a little angry, and a little disappointed, and a lot sad. But I don’t hate you.
You and Bea have such beautiful ways to say things, and I’ve always been so jealous of the way you two write. You told me that both of you were jealous of my tendency to be a little more forthright, at least when I got down to it, because let’s not forget, I did spend two months coming up with nicknames for all of us instead of just telling you how much you meant to me. But I don’t have lengthy or passionate ways to say certain things, is what it is. Actions, definitely. But when I have to say it, it comes out.
I love you.
And I wish you were here.  
I never wanted to think about it, I guess. I’ve done a very good job of not thinking of things I didn’t want to think about. We do difficult things and live difficult lives. It takes its toll, and I’ve watched it happen. I thought if I held on tight enough—to you, to Bea, to myself—that we could escape some of it, no matter what we’ve done. And we’ve done a lot. We’ve been kept up in turn by sleepless nights and bad dreams and wondering too much. We’re not going to leave—not for good, and each of us know that—but it could be more manageable, together. We would figure it out, when we needed to. Perhaps I was a bit too optimistic about how well I could do it.
I hate to think it was something we did, or something we didn’t see. I hate to think that you gave up on yourself or on us. I hate to think I didn’t do enough. I know it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault. I know Bea keeps telling me I’m too kind for my own good, and I think it’s because I’m afraid to really feel anything. Feeling it makes it too real, something I have to actually contend with, and I don’t want to. I really don’t.
I want to say—I don’t want to tell you, I just want to say it—that I’m more hurt than I’ve ever been, and I don’t feel like I belong here without you, and that I think, you didn’t want to do it, but you knew what you were doing, and you did it because some things just sound easier, or hurt more but hurt less than others, and that I despise the people that we’ve become. I despise the things that we’ve been made into, and I don’t know how much of it we did to ourselves. I don’t know how much I can change.  
I won’t lie, Lemony, because I’ve never been much of a liar. It’s been hard without you. Bea and I haven’t been talking very much, and we get into arguments when we do. We’ve been avoiding each other. It’s hard to avoid someone you live with, for a lot of reasons. But we’ve been managing to do it. I’ve been hiding at the Denouement. Absolutely, definitely hiding. Dewey’s not pleased but he doesn’t say no to the help organizing the archives. Bea’s been going to the theater, even though she’s technically off-duty for the next seven months (it was self-imposed off-duty, which I’ll admit was surprising). When we do talk to each other, Bea has a tendency to raise her voice, which I don’t mind, necessarily, because I understand why she keeps doing it. I have a tendency of late to do the same, which I’m not proud of. Taking it out on each other isn’t good or responsible of us, but it’s where we are right now. It is a miserable place to be.
Bea assumes I’m upset with her, but I’m not. I’m upset with myself, mostly. I keep thinking that none of this would have happened if I wasn’t here, that I made things worse. If you and Bea had just gone on by yourselves, maybe there would be so much less unhappiness. Maybe I was what made it hard for you to stay. Maybe I pressured you, maybe I pressured myself. Maybe this is my lot in life. They’re awful things to think, but I’m thinking them. That’s what people do, when upsetting things happen. We try to figure out where we went wrong. We don’t come up with any answers, but it’s better than sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves, which we do enough of too. I know eventually we’ll stop hurting each other, Bea and I. It just feels a long way away right now. A lot of things feel that way. You, myself, my friends, anything I thought I knew or had.
I’m being very unkind, to myself. That’s not your fault. It’s just something I’m realizing now. I’ve spent a lot of my life being unkind to myself. I don’t know how not to be. There are many things I don’t believe that I deserve, a sentiment I know you understand. It’s hard to feel like we deserve anything, even what we love. The more I think about it, the more I think, maybe that was why. And that breaks my heart and scares me so much, Lemony, that we—you—are capable of feeling such sadness.
Honestly, part of me wants to keep waiting. The part of me that is a fairly patient person is probably willing to do so. But the other part of me that is less patient and a husband to both of you is the part that hurts, and the part that reminds me that I am allowed to say that there is only so much I can take. I want you here more than anything, but I know for sure none of this is ever going to be that simple again.
But going forward from this, I want to feel like I deserve things. There’s only so much time I can spend regretting, or hating myself, or wishing that I had done something different. It’s easy to get caught up in all of that, and I think I still will be, for a while. I think I’m going to keep thinking miserable things for some time to come. But on the other side of that is something else. Not necessarily a happiness, or a satisfaction, but a certain kind of existence. Or, I guess, a kindness.
I love you very much, Lemony, and I can’t imagine doing this without you. I still don’t want to.
But if you have to—Bea and I aren’t going anywhere. We’ll still be here. I can’t promise in what way, but we’ll be here, if or when or anything at all. I hope you can meet us in that something else one day.  
Until then, with all my love,  
I wish you bluebirds in the spring,
to give your heart a song to sing,
and then a kiss, but more than this,
I wish you love.
And in July, a lemonade
to cool you in some leafy glade,
I wish you health,
and more than wealth,
I wish you love.
My breaking heart and I agree
that you and I could never be,
so with my best,
my very best,
I set you free.
I wish you shelter from the storm,
a cozy fire to keep you warm,
but most of all,
when snowflakes fall,
I wish you love.
face the sun
in the night,
find it in the night
in the pieces,
dig for it,
dig it out with my hands alone.
what I left –
every last eye,
piling it back in.
new sunlight.
So—the sad truth is that the truth is sad. The real truth is that I never wanted to believe you were right about that. I thought I could get by on good looks and sheer force and well-hidden optimism and believing I was right. I was wrong. We were all wrong, some of us more wrong than others.
Where you went wrong is thinking that we—that I—would be okay with this. And that was where I went wrong too, I admit. The blame could be with all of us.
What I do know is that we can’t be together like this. Not like this. This is where it ends.
I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. I don’t know what Bertrand and I will do. And the two of us—Bertrand and I—can figure that out. In whatever way that is. Whatever you’re doing, I leave you to it.  
You will—always, always, always—be (somewhere) in my mind, and (deep) in my heart, and wherever (wherever.) (parenthetical required.) you are. Be it a boat, or a cave, or the city, or a grave, true or false. That’s the way you want it. That’s the way I will accept it. Good luck.
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caecilius-est-pater · 3 years ago
I think it's worth noting that in practice, this information is really only good as an intimidation tactic for a lot of people. Except for the more egregious crimes (tax evasion, union busting) the only way to actually see justice for a lot of these things is to pay for a lawyer and protracted legal battle to only maybe see results if you have hard evidence. Just the implicit threat of legal action is enough to scare some jobs, I have personally had success with that. But be prepared for the chance that they'll call your bluff and do it anyway.
A lot of jobs aren't doing this stuff because they don't know it's illegal, or even because they think you don't know it's illegal - they know they can get away with breaking the law because they don't pay their employees enough to afford lawyers.
An incomplete list of things that employers commonly threaten that are 100% illegal in the United States
"We'll fire you if you tell others how much you're making" The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 specifically protects employees who discuss their own wages with each other (you can't reveal someone else's wages if you were given that information in the course of work, but you can always discuss your own or any that were revealed to you outside of work duties)
"If we can't fire you for [discussing wages/seeking reasonable accommodation/filing a discrimination complaint/etc], we'll just fire you for something else the next day." This is called pretextual termination, and it offers your employer almost no protection; if you are terminated shortly after taking a protected action such as wage discussion, complaints to regulatory agencies, or seeking a reasonable accommodation, you can force the burden onto your employer to prove that the termination wasn't retaliatory.
"Disparaging the company on social media is grounds for termination" Your right to discuss workplace conditions, compensation, and collective action carries over to online spaces, even public ones. If your employer says you aren't allowed to disparage the company online or discuss it at all, their social media policy is illegal. However, they can forbid releasing information that they're obligated to keep confidential such as personnel records, business plans, and customer information, so exercise care.
"If you unionize, we'll just shut this branch down and lay everyone off" Threatening to take action against a group that unionizes is illegal, full stop. If a company were to actually shut down a branch for unionizing, they would be fined very heavily by the NLRB and be opening themselves up to a class-action lawsuit by the former employees.
"We can have any rule we want, it's only illegal if we actually enforce it" Any workplace policy or rule that has a "chilling effect" on employees' willingness to exercise their rights is illegal, even if the employer never follows through on any of their threats.
"If you [protected action], we'll make sure you never work in this industry/city/etc again." Blacklisting of any kind is illegal in half the states in the US, and deliberately sabotaging someone's job search in retaliation for a protected action is illegal everywhere in the US.
"Step out of line and you can kiss your retirement fund/last paycheck goodbye." Your employer can never refuse to give you your paycheck, even if you've been fired. Nor can they keep money that you invested in a retirement savings account, and they can only claw back the money they invested in the retirement account under very specific circumstances.
"We'll deny that you ever worked here" not actually possible unless they haven't been paying their share of employment taxes or forwarding your withheld tax to the government (in which case they're guilty of far more serious crimes, and you might stand to gain something by turning them in to the IRS.) The records of your employment exist in state and federal tax data, and short of a heist that would put Oceans 11 to shame, there's nothing they can do about that.
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opedguy · 2 years ago
Avenatti Sentenced to 14 Years
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Dec. 6, 2022.--Disgraced and disbarred 56-year-old former Atty. Michael Avenatti was sentenced today in Los Angeles federal court for defrauding millions from his clients, using the cash for his jetsetter lifestyle.  Avenatti was exploited by the mainstream media to go after former President Donald Trump, representing “Stormy Daniels” in her tell-all book deal and lawsuit against the former president.  Avenatti was so manic in his media exposure he offered on daily-and-nightly TV news shows his scathing attacks on Trump, winning him instant media success.  Avenatti was regular of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and other anti-Trump news networks looking, in 2018, for anything to discredit the former president or get him removed from office. Avenatti was so delirious in 2018 he suggested he’s run in 2020 against Trump for president.  All the accredited press sources didn’t care whether Avenatti was a total fraud and huckster.
No matter what the chatter about Avenatti defrauding his clients, the mainstream press put him on the air because of their hatred of Trump.  Nothing mattered other than giving air-time to anyone willing to denounce the former president.  Avenatti was already convicted in New York for extorting Nike Inc. for $25 millions and stealing from Stormy Daniel’s trust account.  Avenatti’s sentences run consecutively with his five years sentence from a New York federal ourt.  All cable and TV networks where Avenatti appeared knew about his mounting legal problems but used him anyway to attack Trump on national TV.  Avenatti exposed the U.S. press for its extraordinary bias against Trump, serving to define fake news.  Network TV news shows used Avenatti as much as cable news looking for headlines.  Once Avenatti was dragged into federal court, the cable and TV networks dropped him like a hot potato.
Avenatti was a cavalier as it gets stealing his clients’ trust fund cash to subsidize his extravagant lifestyle.  No media group, broadcast or print, has apologized to the public for using the disbarred lawyer as pundit all because he liked attacking Trump on cable and network TV.  Like the endless reports-and-stories about Trump’s ties to Moscow, no broadcast or print outlet has apologized for the years of fake news, all done to discredit Trump to the public.  “Mr. Avenatti received money on behalf of clients into clients trust accounts, misappropriated the money and lied to the clients about receiving the money,” said U.S. Atty. Nick Hanna in 2019.  Avenatti stole millions of dollars from his clients after receiving settlements yet lied to his clients about the reasons for not disbursing the funds.  Avenatti used his clients funds to support his jetsetter lifestyle all backed by his new life as media personality.
Avenatti during his heyday on cable and network news, provided titillating gossip about Stormy Daniels alleged affair with Trump, all designed to show, before the 2016 election, Trump’s 56-year-old former personal attorney Michael Cohen.  Cohen, who was convicted of fraud, income tax evasion, wire and bank fraud, among other things, was another cable and network news favorite.  Even after Cohen did his time in federal prison, he returned as a frequent anti-Trump pundit, despite serving as Trump’s personal attorney for many years. Like Avenatti, Cohen grabs the headlines whenever he can, despite having zero credibility because of his obvious ax to grind.  Avenatti and Cohen speak volumes about the abysmal state of today’s U.S. press, more consumed with ratings and headlines over anything factual.  Media executives routinely opt for ratings over anything with credibility.
Report about Avenatti stealing the whole $4 million settlement in 2015 from his paraplegic client in Los Angeles was especially egregious to the federal court judge, sentencing him to 14 years.  Avenatti never gave his client Geoffrey Johnson one penny of his own settlement.  While using Jonhson’s settlement, Aventatti gave his client money for rent while he spent his $4 million settlement like a drunken sailor.  “Mr. Johnson is the victim of an appalling fraud perpetrated by the one person who owed him loyalty and honesty most of all, his own attorney,” said Johnson’s attorney Josh Robbins.  What astounds more people following the Aventatti saga is how the media overlooked any of the mounting evidence that Avenatti was a dangerous con artist, showing no mercy to his clients while flitting around the country to whatever cable and network TV should would have him on air.
Avenatti’s story reveals the ugly side of today’s media where fake stories advance political agendas at the expense of real news.  All the years of fake stories from the press about Trump’s alleged ties to the Kremlin all proved part of a political agenda to get Trump removed from office.  When it comes to Avenatti, it shows the blinding ambition of today’s news sources to advance an anti-Trump political agenda.  Listening to Avenatti, a known con artist, slam Trump on cable and network TV showed that today’s media sourcing doesn’t exist.  Getting 14 years today is a small fraction of the many crimes committed by Avenatti while he appeared before the cameras on cable and network news.  What does the media have to say for itself for all the years of fraud?  CNN didn’t cover the Avenatti sentencing today because they have no one to blame but themselves for promoting a con artist on national TV.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’e editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years ago
Zumas Stalingrad masterclass wins one other delay in corruption trial
Former President Jacob Zuma’s legal professionals have appealed to guide state prosecutor Billy Downer to ‘step apart’ from the arms deal corruption case to guard the integrity of the courtroom case. The 80-year-old former statesman and French arms agency Thales is dealing with 18 counts of corruption, together with cash laundering, tax evasion, and racketeering, in reference to the multibillion-rand arms deal. Zuma’s lawyer, Advocate Sifiso Buthelezi recorded his objection to Downer showing because the state’s lead prosecutor within the arms deal corruption and fraud matter, saying Downer is the accused in a separate non-public prosecutions case. Buthelezi argued that Monday’s courtroom listening to was meant to be a established order assembly through which Zuma’s authorized staff have been to supply updates on the pre-trial appeals however as an alternative, he was ‘ambushed’ right into a ‘non-existent postponement listening to. Monday’s courtroom hearings had kicked off with Downer arguing for the trial to forge forward come 7 November regardless of a pending choice from the Concourt regarding a pretrial utility to have him recused. Zuma conspicuously absent from courtroom The case is being heard on the KwaZulu-Natal Excessive Court docket in Pietermaritzburg, however it was void of the hype and fanfare seen eventually week’s non-public prosecution case, the place the 80-year-old was in attendance. Within the non-public prosecution case, which is a separate authorized matter, Zuma accused state prosecutor Billy Downer of leaking delicate data to authorized journalist Karyn Maughan. Each Maughan and Downer have denied any wrongdoing. However this time, Zuma didn’t attend proceedings, and Downer went from the dock to the prosecutor’s desk, one thing Buthelezi argued dirty the integrity of the day’s proceedings. Makes an attempt to finish all pretrials earlier than the trial Downer recounted Zuma’s lengthy authorized battle trying to take away him from the case; from this time, Choose Piet Koen (who presided over Monday’s matter) had dismissed Zuma’s unique utility final October. After Choose Piet Koen dismissed that particular plea for eradicating Downer from the case, he then dismissed Zuma’s utility to attraction his ruling. Zuma then turned to the Supreme Court docket of Enchantment (SCA)to intervene. However SCA Choose President Mandisa Maya dismissed the particular plea utility in Could, prompting Zuma to strategy the Concourt to order the SCA to overturn its choice. Downer described that utility as ‘extraordinary’ saying it might solely extend the attraction course of. The Concourt then dismissed that attraction, however quickly after, Zuma’s legal professionals introduced one other utility to the apex courtroom for Downer’s removing. Downer argued that the previous president’s prospects of efficiently interesting Koen’s unique particular plea dismissal are very poor; due to this fact, the trial ought to resume whereas they watch for the Concourt to ship its ruling. ‘All litigation should, sooner or later, come to an finish’ Zuma’s legal professionals have since requested the courtroom to not set dates for him to seem for the corruption trial however as an alternative to postpone the case to Could subsequent yr (whereas arguing that this was not an utility for a postponement.) Buthelezi has argued that ought to the Concourt rule that Downer should be recused, there can be grounds for Zuma’s acquittal. However Downer hit again, labelling Zuma’s relentless and baseless appeals as egregious. The case continues. NOW READ: Zuma turns to ConCourt in bid to attraction dismissal of particular plea utility Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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thenorthlines · 3 years ago
Enforcing equality barely gives hope
Enforcing equality barely gives hope
Prafull Goradia A combination of democracy and socialism had been tried by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It did not end inequality but induced tax evasion The World Inequality Report, 2022, has been published. French political economist Thomas Piketty and his team have reportedly brought forth a goldmine of data in what they claim are several insights into this egregious problem. Christians are…
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