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2t2r · 8 years ago
La maison de Blanche-Neige est à vendre
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/la-maison-de-blanche-neige-est-a-vendre/
La maison de Blanche-Neige est à vendre
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paruvenduannoncesbonsplans · 10 months ago
Faites estimer votre logement sur Paruvendu
En vous rendant sur Paruvendu, vous pourrez découvrir de nombreux services intéressants. Parmi les services disponibles, il est possible de faire estimer son logement afin d'en connaître la valeur.
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omnipotentnothing · 3 months ago
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Am i crazy or is this giving Assassins??
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darci-tbh · 11 months ago
I wonder if it's the trauma or the narcissism or something but there's smth so appealing about being viewed as a heartless irredeemable predator and abuser who Hurts People and has no remorse about it right up until it seems like someone might actually view me that way. then I'm all 🥺 no...
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brinconvenient · 23 days ago
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(original ebay listing located here)
I just think this is super neat! By a weird confluence of my recent ebay search history, this listing is the very first thing I saw in the "You may be interested in" feed and, boy howdy, let me tell you! I SURE WAS INTERESTED!
Apparently, in the late 90s, Nintendo and Singer partnered to release this cool little embroidery sewing machine called the Izek. You could use the Game Boy Color to command the Izek to create embroidery patterns that came with the Game Pak or you could create your own!
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I was poor, so I never had a Game Boy nor a Game Boy Color, but the only first-party peripherals I really remember for them were the terrible camera, the terrible printer and maybe the card reader (though that might have been for the Game Boy Advanced, idk - I didn't have that one either).
I love that the Izek existed, though. I love that Nintendo has historically had some just batshit, barely-functional peripherals (See: Power Pad, Power Glove, Super Scope 6, DK Bongos, etc).
If you leave a playing card company alone for over a century, it will create its own enrichment. I just love that.
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dirt-str1der · 10 months ago
I get so stupid when im reading trigun like knives is my favourite character ever but i couldnt tell you anything meaningful about him because hes like a cute dog to me
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Medierea, calea pașnică și echitabilă pentru rezolvarea conflictelor
Medierea, soluții creative și durabile Astăzi, aș dori să vă vorbesc despre un concept puternic care poate schimba modul în care abordăm conflictele în viața noastră – medierea. Ca mediator, am avut privilegiul de a vedea puterea și beneficiile pe care le poate aduce medierea în rezolvarea conflictelor. Așadar, permiteți-mi să vă împărtășesc câteva motive importante pentru care nu ar trebui să…
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soumimmeuble · 1 year ago
Avantages d’investir dans les condos locatifs
L'investissement dans des condos locatifs reste une option attrayante pour de nombreuses raisons. Tout d'abord, dans de nombreuses villes, les prix demeurent abordables, ce qui permet aux investisseurs débutants de se lancer aisément sur le marché. Le vaste bassin de clients potentiels, de meilleure qualité en raison des coûts plus élevés d'occupation, offre un réseau étendu de locataires potentiels. De plus, la demande pour ce type de propriété est forte. Enfin, l'entretien des lieux est souvent moins coûteux car les condos locatifs sont généralement plus récents. Si vous envisagez d'investir dans un immeuble à revenus ou des condos locatifs, il est judicieux de faire appel à un courtier immobilier afin de vous guider vers la meilleure propriété. Vous pouvez remplir le formulaire sur https://soumissionsimmeublearevenu.ca/condo-locatif/ afin que nos partenaires, des courtiers sélectionnés avec soin, puissent vous contacter gratuitement et rapidement. Surtout, cette démarche ne vous engage en rien et vous garantit des transactions impeccables. Ce service est disponible dans toute la province du Québec, que vous soyez à Montréal, Gatineau, Saguenay, Québec, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières ou ailleurs.
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soumissionsnet-blog · 1 year ago
Comparez et Trouvez La Meilleure Entreprise Pour tous vos besoins en Immobilier
Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un spécialiste dans un domaine connexe à l’immobilier, que ce soit pour des rénovations, une vente ou achat de maison, une inspection, un prêt hypothécaire (taux et assurances), du paysagement, un système d'alarme, de la plomberie, un acte notarié, un déménagement...vous pouvez compter sur la plateforme de soumissions en ligne gratuites Soumissions.net afin de vous aider à dénicher le meilleur entrepreneur dans votre secteur. Il vous suffit de remplir un formulaire simple disponible sur https://soumissions.net/ afin que vos besoins nous parviennent. Par la suite, vous pourrez rapidement comparer les offres taillées sur mesure reçues de nos partenaires, des professionnels d'entreprises locales provenant des 4 coins du Québec telles que Montréal, Québec, Trois-Rivières, Gatineau, Saguenay, Sherbrooke, etc. Ainsi, vous pourrez déterminer en toute tranquillité ce qui vous conviendra le mieux en considérant votre budget, sans aucune obligation de votre part. Profitez de ce service gratuit pour simplifier votre recherche de professionnels qualifiés dans le domaine désiré. Services offerts par nos partenaires : – Inspecteurs – Courtiers immobiliers – Entrepreneurs en Rénovations – Déménageurs – Chauffe-eau – Aménagement Paysager – Systèmes de sécurité – Notaires – Domotique
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soummaison-blog · 2 years ago
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Les araignées ne sont pas dangereuses au Québec
Le Québec comporte plusieurs espèces d’araignées, mais ces divers types d’arachnides représentent-ils un danger ou non ? La réponse s’avère non. En effet, les araignées du Québec ne font de mal à personne sauf pour quelques gens allergiques qui subiront quelques effets selon la gravité de leur cas respectif. Alors, n’ayez crainte lors de votre prochaine rencontre avec ces petits êtres, ils ne vous mangeront pas ! De plus, les araignées occupent un rôle vital dans le cercle de la vie donc laissez-les tranquilles et elles vont simplement continuer à appliquer leurs bienfaits naturels. Toutefois, si vous subissez une invasion en règle et si cela affecte votre bien-être, faites confiance à un exterminateur de confiance, l’un de nos partenaires, pour vous en débarrasser vite, bien et à bon prix. Remplissez le formulaire rapidement au https://www.soumissionsmaison.com/araignees-quebec-dangereuses/ pour que des exterminateurs qualifiés vous fournissent sans engagement 3 soumissions gratuites pour leurs services. Comparez les prix et optez pour l’expert qui vous conviendra, le tout, partout dans les grandes régions du Québec (Montréal, Québec, Trois-Rivières, Saguenay, Gatineau, Sherbrooke…).
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soumcourtiers · 2 years ago
Coût de maison conteneur, Québec
Le concept nouveau de maison conteneur suscite un intérêt croissant et suscite des discussions. Outre le coût du terrain où vous pouvez installer ce type de maison, voici un aperçu des dépenses auxquelles vous pouvez vous attendre si vous êtes particulièrement intéressé par l'idée d'une maison conteneur. Les frais d'installation de la plomberie, de l'électricité, de la climatisation et du chauffage s'élèvent à environ 20 000 $. Le conteneur usagé coûte entre 3 000 $ et 5 000 $. La toiture et l'isolation représentent un coût supplémentaire de 8 500 $. Les portes et les fenêtres coûtent environ 6 500 $. Les placards et les étagères sont estimés à 2 000 $. La peinture et les finitions murales coûtent environ 5 500 $. Enfin, le revêtement de sol représente un coût d'environ 6 000 $. Ainsi, prévoyez un budget d'au moins 70 000 $ pour acheter une maison conteneur au Québec. Pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les maisons conteneurs et leurs coûts, veuillez remplir le formulaire disponible sur https://soumissionscourtiers.ca/maison-conteneur-prix-quebec/ pour recevoir et comparer gratuitement des soumissions personnalisées. Nos partenaires, des constructeurs spécialisés présents dans tout le Québec (Montréal, Saguenay, Gatineau, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières, Québec...), vous fourniront des estimations de prix et des informations sur leurs services, sans engagement de votre part.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 1 month ago
There is no messier combination than humanities teachers, 90s club anthem remixes and cocktails. The Sudafed I slammed before leaving the house really added that extra je ne sais quois.
Out with the faculty girls for a mid-half term catch up over some steak and vino, but when I'm home, Gaz No-Good, Very Bad Day Is Go!
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soumissionsevaluation · 2 years ago
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3 Avantages de choisir Soumissions Évaluation
Obtenez gratuitement une estimation de la valeur de votre maison sans engagement avec https://soumissionsevaluation.ca/ . Comparez nos partenaires courtiers immobiliers partout à travers le Québec
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letters-from-himring-hill · 29 days ago
Something I don't think anyone expected in Terrafell today: Morwen has derailed the nice calm interlude between courtroom drama segments into what will, by the looks of it, constitute at least a half-chapter digression on the techniques of forging swords. Gavrel made what is either his best decision ever or a huge mistake by bringing her to a forge, where she looked so fascinated that she got herself a blacksmithing lesson from the proprieter. She may also have discovered a person in Terrafell who is well-adjusted and has good priorities, but she's only known him for a little over half an hour, so he could have hidden trauma.
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tj-dragonblade · 15 days ago
🔍🔍 bloop
Thank you for making me put a few more words on this one! Follows on directly from the last snippet in the wip: search agency tag:
"And yet. It is my property, and I would have it back. Without paying for it again." "I feel for ya, buddy, but that ain't fair to me." The guy crosses his arms, squaring up to argue. Ordinarily Hob might feel inclined to step in, to mediate, but instinct stays him. This is not the item that Dream actually wants; he remembers very clearly Dream saying he was unconcerned with retrieving the gemstone and the 'headwear', that only the pouch truly mattered. So if this ruby is just a decoy, why insist on taking it back? He holds his tongue, lets Dream do whatever it is he's doing. Dream folds his arms, mirroring the proprieter. "Then let us find some compromise that is fair to us both," he says. "The woman who sold this to you. I have reason to believe she is in possession of other stolen goods of mine. I would like them back as well." "Sure you would," the guy says, nodding, his tone an obvious attempt to be sympathetic. "She was tryna sell a few things besides the gem; could be they were yours?" "A helmet, not unlike a gas mask in appearance, with a spine protruding from the front?" "Yeah, she had that. Almost bought it, what with the weird magical energy comin' off it, but I couldn't imagine actually unloading it to anyone and I didn't want it stuck in my hoard. Didn't feel right." "A wise decision," Dream agrees, and Hob doesn't miss the look that flashes over the dragon's face, a look that says he's not sure what kind of bullet he dodged by rejecting that sale and he's glad enough to never find out as Dream continues. "The other item is a small pouch full of enchanted sand." "She did have a pouch she tried to sell me; couldn't neither of us get it open, though, so don't know what was actually in it. Wasn't buyin' it unknown." "Do you know where she might have gone next to try fencing her goods?" Dream asks it with a tired note in his voice, a weary and defeated cast to his expression, and the dragon's whole demeanor softens just a little. "There's a lot of possibilities, yeah. I could maybe come up with a list, but—" He shrugs, seeming almost genuinely apologetic. "Then let me propose a trade," Dream says, unfolding his arms and placing both hands on the glass countertop. "Tell us everything you can about this woman—what she looks like, where she may have gone next, anywhere that would make a likely stop for selling stolen magical items. And I will relinquish my claim to the stone, withdraw my personal seal from it." "That's all you want?" The dragon sounds wary, like it's too good to be true. Hob thinks, given the size of that stone, that it probably is. But he's trusting Dream. Dream offers a wan smile. "There is greater value to me in retrieving my other property, even if it means the loss of this piece. You have already paid a great sum for it. Tell me anything you can of the one who sold it to you, of where she could feasibly attempt sales, and will let you keep what you have bought in gratitude. If I catch up to her, I can take the money from her in recompense." "Alright, okay. You got yourself a deal, my friend." The dragon holds out his hand to shake.
This needs some refinement yet but progress is progress.
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crypt2niite · 6 months ago
i think this recent chapter of one piece really made it click in alot of peoples minds that coby is a marine. a true, dedicated marine who believes wholeheartedly in the marine cause.
mild spoilers for one piece 1122.
this chapter and specifically yhis panel
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really solidifies that coby is a marine. coby is wholeheartedly a marine who wholeheartedly believes being a marine is the right thing, and that makes him one of three things.
1.) a cruel facist wannabe who idiolizes what the marines are right now and everything they represent
2.) a complacent idiot who, in blind and naive stupidity has allowed himself to be used by facists to enforce their regime unknowingly
3.) a even more naive idiot who genuinely believes one person has the ability to tear down a hundreds of years old dictatorship and the instutional police planet that has been built apoj those foundations from the inside without piggybacking off of the work, blood, death and tears of the rioters, revolutionaries and inssurectionists who are ripping down and fighting against the marines and world goverment in a immediately impactful way
coby is a true marine and what that means is blind faith in the marines no matter what that means for you, blind faith in your version of the marines, in the pipe dream that ‘you’re helping!’ that ‘its not perfect but i can make it better! i can change it from the inside im a true hero!!! i can do this thr right way. no awful unrulyness or law breaking. because the system itself is good, its just the bad people in charge 🥺’
coby is a true marine in the way garp is a true marine because they both are so close to being good people but will never be one and never had the potential to be ones, because of them being marines to their very core. no matter what.
coby is garps apprentice and it shows. garp is willing to throw away any attatchments he has, to watch young boys he promised to care for die because they contridict his belief in the marines, just as coby is willing to discard the one person who gave him a chance to be *anything* because that person contradicts his belief in the marines
the ‘good marines’. coby, garp, smoker, fujitora, ectect are some of my absolute favorite flavour of characters in one piece, they all have some way of burying their head in the sand, either via naivete, willful ignorance or what may be. theyre all absolutely awful, so easy to love and so hard to hate but so easy to dislike, its so easy to want them to just. fix it. become a pirate or fix the marines or do something to make them compatable with luffy, with freedom but they wont be. they never will be unless they can cast aside some of the very fundamentals of their psyche becase in the end, they are using their abilities to defend and aid the goals and wishes of a dictatorship, to defend the proprieters of slavery and cruelty.
also please dont take this as me hating coby or garp or saying u cant love them! i really like coby and think garp is funny atleast, and fujitora, one of the aformentioned so called ‘good’ marines is one of my favourite characters, period! he is so facinating in how he balances believing himself to be a good person while also actively supporting atrocities i love him sooo much
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