#assurance habitation
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nfavocats · 3 days ago
Comment sĂ©curiser la gestion d’un bien immobilier en location meublĂ©e
Comment sĂ©curiser la gestion d’un bien immobilier en location meublĂ©e
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#AssuranceHabitation, #ConformitĂ©, #ConseilsImmobiliers, #Étapes, #GestionDeBiens, #GestionDesRisques, #GestionImmobiliĂšre, #GestionLocative, #Immobilier, #Investissement, #InvestissementLocatif, #Les, #Locataire, #LocationMeublĂ©e, #LocationSaisonniĂšre, #Obligations, #ObligationsLĂ©gales, #Pour, #Prendre, #PropriĂ©taire, #PropriĂ©tĂ©Locative, #ProtectionJuridique, #RĂ©glementation, #RĂ©glementationLocative, #ResponsabilitĂ©, #ResponsabilitĂ©DuPropriĂ©taire, #RisqueImmobilier, #SĂ©curitĂ©ImmobiliĂšre, #StratĂ©gieLocative
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soumissionsassurances-blog · 1 year ago
Documents pour soumission d’assurance de syndicat
Quels sont les documents nĂ©cessaires que le syndicat de copropriĂ©tĂ© doit fournir lorsqu'il demande des soumissions pour une assurance de syndicat auprĂšs d'un assureur ? Parmi les documents frĂ©quemment requis, on trouve l'historique des sinistres subis par le bĂątiment, la liste des travaux achevĂ©s ou en cours, le coĂ»t de reconstruction, le rapport d'Ă©valuation professionnelle, l’état du fonds d'autoassurance, la dĂ©claration de copropriĂ©tĂ© et bien plus encore ! Si votre copropriĂ©tĂ© doit souscrire une assurance, il est conseillĂ© de demander des soumissions en ligne pour comparer les offres ! C'est un service totalement gratuit et sans aucune obligation. Vous n’avez qu’un formulaire Ă  remplir disponible sur https://soumissionsassurances.ca/conseils-habitation/compagnies-assurance-syndicat/ et nos partenaires assureurs vous proposeront leurs meilleures polices. Ce service est disponible dans toutes les rĂ©gions du QuĂ©bec (MontrĂ©al, Trois-RiviĂšres, Sherbrooke, Saguenay, QuĂ©bec, Gatineau
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soumcourtiers · 2 years ago
Top 10 des plus beaux villages du Québec
Il existe bien des endroits au QuĂ©bec oĂč vous pouvez demeurer en paix et profiter de la vie tranquillement. Ces endroits quasi paradisiaques se retrouvent un peu partout dans la province, mais encore faut-il savoir oĂč ils se cachent. Soumissions Courtiers vous propose un Top 10 en 2023 sur nos plus beaux villages quĂ©bĂ©cois oĂč il fait bon vivre. De Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly dans la rĂ©gion de ChaudiĂšre-Appalaches, North Hatley dans les Cantons-de-l’Est, PercĂ© en GaspĂ©sie de Sainte-Rose-du-Nord au Saguenay, on voit bien que le QuĂ©bec recĂšle de coins charmants Ă  visiter ou habiter. Si vous cherchez vendre ou acheter une demeure dans ces superbes bouts de pays, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  remplir le formulaire de la page https://soumissionscourtiers.ca/10-plus-beaux-villages-campagnes-quebec. BientĂŽt, gratuitement, des courtiers immobiliers du secteur dĂ©sirĂ©, nos partenaires, vous contacteront pour se prĂ©senter Ă  vous et vous offrir leurs services. C’est sans engagement et cette comparaison de leur expertise vous permettra de choisir le reprĂ©sentant qui vous convient le mieux afin de vous trouver votre propre coin de paradis. Service partout au QuĂ©bec (Sherbrooke, QuĂ©bec, MontrĂ©al, Trois-RiviĂšres, Saguenay, Gatineau
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soumissionsdegatdeau · 2 years ago
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3 Avantages de choisir Solutions DĂ©gĂąt d’Eau
Remplissez gratuitement le formulaire de https://solutionsdegatdeau.ca/.Comparez sans obligation des soumissions pour rĂ©gler des dĂ©gĂąts d’eau avec un plombier ou autre professionnel. Partout au QuĂ©bec
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ani-and-the-corries-au · 1 year ago
Random au thought.
So I briefly mentioned Ani's smuggling in an earlier post, and because I love it I've decided that I need to elaborate.
It starts when he discovers that the only thing that the Corries (and most of the GAR) have ever eaten is ration bars and weird nutrient supplements. He has feelings about this of course.
And those feelings result in him smuggling in a couple of pretty much any snack he can get his hands on during visits, something that increases when he discovers just how little food that they actually have.
Around the time he discovers that they also have some severe shortages in other areas as well, he ends up subtilty recruiting the handful of senators who are working to improve clone rights in the Republic into his plotting because. "Negotiations with the masters are a lost cause, trust me. if you really wanna help you have to find more subtle ways."
With their help they also manage to add extra medical supplies and sometime new equipment almost entirely under the table.
The Corries are all deeply confused as to how it is that a 10 year old pulled this off.
It actually wasn't that difficult, mostly because Senator Amidala is weak for Anakin's puppy eyes and she still feels guilty about what happened with his little outburst after he found out about the slave army.
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ravencromwell · 7 months ago
For the last half year, I've watched @pinkcupboardwitch periodically wax rhapsodic here on the delights of chai tea. Having finally taken the plunge I can report apparently I shall be learning the intricacies of brewing chai because I'm thoroughly hooked. I had a chai latte, rather than the straight tea, but some cursory googling informs me milk is the best complement to the flavors, so fortune smiled in that regard.
Two things surprised me most: what a full sensory experience it was, and just. how well flavors my very American self wouldn't put together naturally gel. The spice aroma almost scared me off: it was strong and I'm not used to teasing out cinnamon and cardamom etc. When my nose smells "strong" I instinctively default to pepper and oh, hell it's going to be _hot rather than flavorful. But once I took that first tiny sip--think kid inching their toe into water and you'll have a good idea--and the flavor burst, not exactly sweet but bright and rich across my tongue, I started prolonging the experience. Inhaling the spice became aslow prelude, sweetening the anticipation of the flavors bursting across my pallet again.
I like wine, but I'll be honest. About all I can smell when I try to "discern its bouquet" is sharp and acid, to the point I have to work actively not to inhale because I know I'll enjoy the flavor once it's on my tongue if the aroma doesn't put me off entirely first. But this was strong, bracing and made me want to go sniff cardamom and ginger etc. to se if I can untangle the individual notes.
And erm. ginger is actually quite good in certain combinations, apparently? My (again very American. very southern.) take on ginger was too sharp, too _bitter in all the dishes I'd had it in except gingerbread but well. we Southern folks put so much sugar in gingerbread, I figured it could cover up *anything*. I couldn't imagine how vanilla would clash with what I expected to be a bitter ginger note. So I was delighted to learn that ginger, in small quantities, actually seems to contribute to the brighter notes, cutting through some of the sweet richness of the milk and (maybe) cardamom and vanilla along with the cinnamon.
When I've had coffee, I'm the kind of person who has to spice it up: yeah, I'm drinking coffee, I'll say as I drink something decadent with peppermint and white chocolate and a coffee base--it's less about the coffee than the frills, downplaying coffee's strength rather than complementing it. (My subsequent google made me cackle, because apparently a lot of coffee people actually really love black tea, and I couldn't find them more different. Mom was a coffee person, so I tried a fair bit of it and without an infusion of something, it was always so _bitter to me. But the dregs of the cup--which I figure come closest to the original tea flavor just tasted a little nutty, but so _fresh. Just such a different flavor profile, at least for me.)
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rpgmaking · 5 hours ago
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some more time skip pauling
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2000semocat · 1 year ago
Habit is being a bit silly, don't mind him
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chameleonsynthesis · 4 months ago
Once again the easiest way to deal with a problem proves to be just removing myself from the situation entirely.
If you blast music on your phone without headphones, the people sharing public transit with you should be allowed to smash it.
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decidentia · 1 year ago
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Just a note to say thanks for bearing with me. ♡
#this has turned into more of a hiatus than i expected#i've not been putting pressure on myself to be here#so i've just been peeking occasionally#on the other side of the screen things have been a mix of good and bad#i've been settling into my new job#throwing myself into renovations#doing all the prep for christmas#attending my pottery class#minding my neighbour's cat while she's away#trying to get into the habit of using my art tablet#( when i git gud i'll share something and maybe start drawing our blorbos )#also just trying to be more ' present ' in the everyday#tw for medical and terminal illness but my uncle was recently diagnosed with multiple system atrophy#we thought it was parkinson's ( which is what took his father ) but it's actually so much worse than that#he was an avid cyclist just a few years ago and working as an aerospace engineer#now he's in a wheelchair and recently broke his hip for the third time#there's not much i can do but i want to be there for my family as much as i can#so thank you for your patience#rest assured i adore writing and roleplay is a very important part of my life#it is my main creative outlet and i value the friendships that spring from it#i hope to get the wheels turning again in the next couple of weeks#i'll be spring-cleaning behind the scenes#you are always welcome to reach out if you want to check the status of anything but just be aware i'll be slower than usual to reply#i hope life has been treating you all kindly – sending you my love ♡#◈ — ooc; saddest little baby in the room
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mattatouile · 1 year ago
I think what people might not grasp is that, since childhood, I haven't given a shit if someone thinks I'm morally engaged in my entertainment 😂
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fromperdition4 · 2 years ago
Random Kinnporsche thought of the day:
Post finale, do you think Kinn ever starts complaining to his staff or whoever about the minor family, before he suddenly remembers, shit, that’s his husband?
Like, nothing’s actually wrong - Porsche is doing well and everyone’s getting along - it’s just. a habit now, y’know?
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soumissionsassurances-blog · 1 year ago
Assurance habitation pour maison ancestrale
Il existe 2 types d’assurance habitation en matiĂšre de maisons ancestrales. Tout d’abord, il y a l’assurance restauration et ensuite l’assurance habitation ordinaire. L’assurance restauration s’avĂšre la solution idĂ©ale aprĂšs un sinistre afin de restaurer l’intĂ©rieur et l’extĂ©rieur de maisons ancestrales. On calcule la prime selon les tarifs de restauration et de reconstruction. L’assurance habitation, quant Ă  elle, offre la mĂȘme chose, mais en fonction des procĂ©dures actuelles lorsque survient un sĂ©isme. En somme, il importe de magasiner pour connaĂźtre les meilleurs tarifs pour votre assurance habitation. Profitez des conseils d’un courtier en assurances, l’un de nos partenaires, pour savoir quelle assurance vous convient le mieux en remplissant le formulaire au https://soumissionsassurances.ca/conseils-habitation/assurance-maison-ancestrale-et-maison-ancienne/. Des soumissions gratuites et sans engagement vous seront offertes pour que vous puissiez comparer, et ce, partout en province (Trois-RiviĂšres, Sherbrooke, QuĂ©bec, MontrĂ©al, Saguenay, Gatineau
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soumcourtiers · 2 years ago
Top 25 pour les compagnies d’assurance habitation
Avec autant d’assureurs au QuĂ©bec, il n’est pas facile de dĂ©terminer rapidement quelle compagnie d’assurances offre les meilleures primes d’assurance habitation. Comme magasiner peut s’avĂ©rer un trĂšs long processus si vous devez contacter lesdites compagnies une Ă  une, il existe heureusement des solutions pour vous sauver du temps. Soumissions Courtiers a prĂ©parĂ© avec minutie un Top 25 des meilleures compagnies d’assurance habitation. Consultez l’article situĂ© sur la page https://soumissionscourtiers.ca/top-25-compagnies-assurance-habitation afin de connaĂźtre en 2023 quelles compagnies se dĂ©marquent du lot. Du mĂȘme coup, si vous souhaitez recevoir une soumission gratuite et comparer les prix avec l’un de nos partenaires courtier en assurance habitation, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  remplir le formulaire sur la mĂȘme page. Cela ne requiert aucun engagement et ce service est offert partout en province (QuĂ©bec, MontrĂ©al, Saguenay, Trois-RiviĂšres, Gatineau, Sherbrooke
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soumissionsdegatdeau · 2 years ago
Comparez 3 soumissions gratuites si vous faites face à un dégùt d'eau
Il existe diffĂ©rentes maniĂšres dont les dĂ©gĂąts d’eau peuvent nous affecter. Si vous avez besoin d’aide professionnelle pour des rĂ©novations, des problĂšmes de plomberie ou un besoin de nettoyage aprĂšs sinistre, vous pouvez remplir une demande de soumissions gratuites sur la plateforme Solutions DĂ©gĂąt d’Eau via le lien https://solutionsdegatdeau.ca/. En utilisant ce service, vous pourrez rapidement comparer et obtenir des prix de 3 de nos partenaires professionnels, qu’ils soient des plombiers ou des experts en rĂ©novation et en drainage, afin de trouver celui qui rĂ©pond le mieux Ă  vos besoins. Cette dĂ©marche ne vous engage Ă  rien et vous permettra d’économiser. Leur expertise est disponible dans les grandes rĂ©gions du QuĂ©bec, notamment Sherbrooke, QuĂ©bec, MontrĂ©al, Trois-RiviĂšres, Saguenay, Gatineau
 Services offerts : DĂ©shumidification – Nettoyage aprĂšs sinistre – DĂ©contamination – Moisissures – Plomberie – Drainage – AssĂšchement -RĂ©novation -Assurance Habitation
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theskyexists · 8 months ago
I do think it's funny when Brazilians complain about Europeans being unhygienic or stinky for showering....only once a day. Because........ In most cultures this is a regular amount of showering. Like...it's not just Europeans. 2/3 times a day sounds nice, especially if you live in a mostly super hot country. I also gave myself the luxury of showering twice a day when I lived in Spain in summer - because - and this is essential - I took my showers cold/lukewarm. In winter showering more than once a day means spending tons of gas on heating water. I also shower twice a day in winter sometimes as a luxury, just because it's nice. But like. This is rare because it literally impacts your energy bill significantly. And is bad for the environment. And isn't really necessary. Again. Most people don't sweat a ton or get grimy doing mild mannered activities like grocery shopping and sitting behind a computer in cool weather. I also think it's interesting that it's such a european-focused disdain...I've come across it like that multiple times. Again. Unless I'm wrong, North America also has so many people who shower once a day. I don't think this is different for most of Asia and Africa? Or Australia or. Brazil is statistically uh the country in the world in which people shower the most.
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