#promotion time for kunikida
thepartyishere · 7 months
mori asks for requests for the ada member joining the agency bc they're going to be chosen by popular demand
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spacexseven · 1 year
We need more yandere ranpo🥺
we do...
cw: yandere character, jealousy, ranpo is a lil mean
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ranpo as a yandere would be so difficult to deal with, since he's so confident in his own ability to keep you by his side. but i like to think that with enough affection and coddling, you can get him to lower his guard and evade him, if only for a little while. he's not easy to fool, but once he's fallen, he doesn't want to believe that you'd want to leave him
ranpo w a villain darling...he loves the little games, and he loves how you can keep up with him. always a step ahead, always ready in case things go south, he hasn't found someone to challenge him in a long time. he purposely lets you slip away sometime, knowing that he will catch you during the height of your time, just to send a message—he's only been entertaining this chase because he thought your efforts were cute, but it won't last forever.
ranpo w a darling who's always so impressed by him. maybe you're a fan (like in promotion)? you're always in awe of him, gushing over how cool and smart he is, and how you'd never have guessed that the case would turn out that way. he gets so jealous when you talk about anyone else—kunikida, whose unperturbed actions win you over, mushitarou, whose title of detecive killer, and his ability that intrigues you, or even poe, who unknowingly wins you over with his charms. ranpo's words to you are slightly condescending, but he finds you awfully endearing; its's just the reality that you'd forever be a little dumb to him. don't worry, he likes you all the same :)
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crazyqueenmoon · 4 months
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Atsushi x Fem! Secretary, both mid-20s
Setting: 1960s AU
TW: sexism, mentions of s*xual harassment, CW: Drinking, smoking, implied NSFW stuff
So I’ve gotten back to watching the rest of Mad Men after so long. Though I haven’t finished it, it’s definitely a show I’ve found myself loving and find kinda similar to BSD in terms of its themes and workplace setting. Though they’re TOTALLY different as shows. Mad Men has no action, gore, or flashy characters and is 100% grounded in real life, so if you can’t be down with that stuff in a live-action show, expect to be bored AF. I’ve come it with some head-cannons around the 1960s. Also, Joan is one of my favorite female characters ever and I love Atsushi. Their personalities are completely opposite from each other, and this idea of Atsushi being this new employee at the ADA being shown around the office by a tsunderish secretary and them falling in love was just begging to be written, so here it is:
• The ADA would be like the Sterling Cooper office but with far less drama and gossip. The office would still look nice, but not nearly as nice
• You’re the badass, snarky head secretary of the ADA, refusing to settle for anyone’s BS. The Agency would not function without you helping all the higher-ups and you have a multitasking ability which allows secretarial tasks that typically take 8 hours to be completed in 10 seconds
• Unfortunately, most people have a hard time taking you seriously when it comes to your ambitions and underestimate your intelligence.
• BC it is the 1960s we’re talking about, unfortunately some of your male coworkers will be sexist a-holes that believe women aren’t supposed to be in higher positions/ ask for raises and should accept where they’re at and not be so demanding:
-Kunikida would say this to you after he got overhears you saying that you ought to be promoted. (I know you all love Kunikida and talk about how he drinks Respect Women juice, but this is 1960s Kunikida we’re talking about NOT Regular Kunikida. Plus Regular Kuni does kind of conduct himself in an old-fashioned way, so it doesn’t surprise me.
-You can expect Dazai to harass you and hit on you every single day unfortunately. He’ll also joke about how you’ve only gotten the job BC you offered Fukuzawa s*xual favors even though he’s well aware that’s not the case at all. But he will shut his goddamn mouth and behave in front of you once Fukuzawa or Kunikida is in sight. You’ve also learned some good comebacks from Yosano that’ll leave him terrified of you for the rest of the day. Interactions between you two will go something a little like this:
You: ‘I wanna be on top.’
Dazai: ‘Of me, dollface? Come on, now. Don’t be so feisty at work!’
You: ‘Of the company.’
Dazai: *laughs* ‘You’re gonna be a secretary for the rest of your life. That’s you’re fate, as a working woman. I don’t make the rules. But if you don’t like being a secretary, you can be mine instead.’
-Tanizaki also laughs when you mention this to him. He won’t make lewd comments about you or act domineering like Kunikida and Dazai do, but consider him trash as well.
-You tried to seduce Fukuzawa as a way to get promoted, but he noped immediately. He thinks of you as a daughter, and engaging in quid pro quo behavior completely goes against his values. He hires you because you’ve got the right skills and bc of your hard work, but doesn’t think you’re ready for a promotion combined with some sexist biases.
-Kenji respects you as his elder and superior. He wouldn’t really have any opinions on you being a leader, but even if he thought the same as all your male coworkers, it wouldn’t really bother you or frustrate you that much.
-Ranpo’s probably the only man in the office who isn’t dismissive of your ambitious tendencies, though he’s not necessarily a cheerleader about it. He’s more of a ‘Yeah, you’d be good at it, I guess’ kind of guy at most.
• You also smoke cigarettes a lot. You need them the way Ranpo needs his snacks, and it’s the only way you can calm yourself down.
•You’re filling in for Kunikida’s secretary today BC she’s sick. He calls you into his office, introducing you to your new employee, Atsushi Nakajima.
• “He’s the weretiger that he spent all night looking for, and now he’ll be working with us.”
• “Working with us?” you ask coolly. “Who’s idea was it, to employ a shapeshifter of all ability users?”
• “The president’s,” says Kunikida. “Should I report to him you doubted his decisions, Y/N?”
• “No need to,” you answer. “If it’s what president decrees, then I can expect it to be good.”
• Atsushi’s in awe as he looks at you pulling out a cigarette as you’re glaring.
• “Show the new guy around for the next hour,” says Kunikida, impatiently pushing a startled Atsushi from behind. “And cancel my 2 PM appointment! I won’t get it done with all these documents to read.”
• “Yes, Mr. Kunikida,” you scoff rolling your eyes.
• “Um, ma’am?” Atsushi asks. “Are you okay?”
• “Yes, I’m okay,” you say icily. “Now how about you shut up so I can give you the damn tour, tiger man? Could you do that for for me?”
• He nods quickly and walks behind you.
• “This is where you’ll be sitting,” you say, pointing to a small desk with a typewriter and a pen holder. It’s also facing a gray wall with no window. “Not pictureresque, I know. Though a chump like you should consider yourself lucky getting a desk with a typewriter. Now that you’re part of the Agency, you’d better learn to be punctual and not let your emotions get in the way. Don’t, and you’re left for dead. God knows it’s a pain, but it’s how work gets done around here.”
• Atsushi has no goddamn clue how to use a typewriter, so you have to teach him the whole day, in between passing out documents from Kunikida to the president and vice versa. You give Atsushi your worst frown once the day is done bc of all the stress he’s piled on you.
• On your desk the next day, you find a ‘Thank You’ card and a bouquet of flowers.
• It’s from Atsushi himself. He thanks you for helping him learn how to use a typewriter, and apologizes for upsetting you. Some of the ink is smeared, and he asks you to let him know how he can make it up to you.
•You march up to Dazai’s office holding the card and flowers, telling his secretary you’d like to speak to him shortly. She tells you he’s busy but he insists that she let you in over the intercom.
• “Eager, to see me so early, honey, huh?” he teases as you enter his office. “I knew you’d come through one of these days. You’re making me one lucky man.”
• “Is this some kind of joke, Dazai?” You demand, holding the card and flowers and opening the card.
• Dazai looks at the card and reads it. Handing it back to you. “Oh no, not my doing at all. The one thing I’d never do in a love note to a woman is let the ink get smeared with my tears. You’ve got an admirer Y/N. Atsushi-kun’s in love with you. You heartbreaker you. You’re makin’ me jealous!”
• You spend the whole day wondering if it’s true. As much of a scheming bastard Dazai is, he is good at solving mysteries
• You spend the next two weeks testing out if Atsushi’s got a crush on you, offering him employee training which he surprisingly manages to catch up on
•At this point, YOU’RE the one whose got a crush on him. He’s sweet, friendly, takes you seriously and doesn’t laugh at your goals. He’ll even bring you a treat from the bakery a couple times a week. But you won’t show those feelings to him. When you ask him if he’d like anything in return, he tells you he doesn’t.
• “Y/N, you never asked me what I can do for you in return,” he says.
• “Take me on a date,” you say. “At the Green Palace. 6 PM sharp.”
• “Date?!” he asks, shocked by your answer and how nonchalantly you said it.
• He takes you out and it goes well, eager to foot the bill despite his lowly salary.
• As you spend more time together, you vent to him about how you’re underestimated when it comes to your abilities because of your gender. He doesn’t know what that’s like, but he confides in you about how he’s felt so useless his whole life growing up in the orphanage and during his time at the church shelter. He also thinks it’s ridiculous that all the men at work belittle you, and believes you have what it takes to be in a higher role at the company.
• You’re one of the few people not to judge him for bringing up his traumatic experiences to him, and if he didn’t already trust you in the first place, he’s now given 1000% of it to you.
• You two keep your relationship a secret, though Dazai and Ranpo know. You’ll hear Dazai ask Atsushi personal questions about you two, but luckily Atsushi knows to be careful around him and scoffs at him, telling him it’s none of his business.
• He’ll come over to your apartment after missions to decompress and he’ll try to comfort you too when you’re stressed with work.
• A year into your relationship, you tell Atsushi it’s time everyone knows. He’s hesitant at first, but then agrees to it, and wants you to announce if this is to happen.
• Before announcing to the ADA, Fukuzawa decides to promote you to junior director. It’s got ‘junior’ in it, but it’s a far cry from being secretary and you get your own office. You’re now the only other female employee along with Yosano to have her own office.
• When you’ve announced to ADA, everyone cheers. Kunikida’s surprised, and angry you didn’t inform him about this, but gets over it. Fukuzawa wishes you told him, but approves of Atsushi as a boyfriend to you.
• Surf rock music plays on a record, and everyone gets drunk and hollers.
• “Happy one year together,” Atsushi says softly, holding a small gift bag. “ I got you this. Hope you like it.”
• “A marble bluebird,” you gasp, looking into the bag.
• “You said they’re your favorite birds once,” he says nervously. “I thought it’d be a great gift to give you.”
• “Atsushi…” you mutter. “Thank you.”
• You walk up him and kiss his cheek. His face turns bright red with everyone looking you two.
• “Don’t forget to give me one, too!” Dazai calls out. “It just took a measly glass bird? I’ll get you all of them, Y/N.”
• Kunikida makes a fist towards Dazai and he gets frightened.
• “ You hated my guts, when you first met me,” says Atsushi. “ The last thing I expected was that you’d fall in love with me.”
• “I never hated you, Atsushi,” you say. “ I just hated how I felt. You’ve helped me to believe in myself, and you’re always good to me. I love you, Atsushi.”
• “I-I love you too, y/n,” he stammers. He’s told you every single day, but he wants to say it again anyways. “You‘ve done really great. You deserve all this. Got any orders for me, director?”
• “Follow me to my office,” you jest, smacking his ass.
JFC this is MUCH longer than I thought it’d be. And writing this has kind of made me hate Dazai. But I had a lot of fun, writing this. If you’ve made it all the way here, thank you, thank you, thank you! Please leave a comment and LMK your thoughts.
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that-one-odd-shipper · 3 months
🍉 . Fic Post . 🍉
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This is a previously written fic! Right now I'm promoting my old fics just to let y'all know they exist.
🪭- A little Dazai fic! This is my first bsd agere fic I put out there, and I am pretty proud of it 🥺
🍄- This fic is inspired by the lovely Playrough's agency little fic! In which Dazai has a nap time set up for him by the agency since he tends to get cranky and fussy without sleep, but a meeting ends up making him miss it for the day. What Dazai didn't expect is how used to the naps his body had gotten.
🥀- Dazai is really small in all of my upcoming fics and this one, not even one year when he's regressed. Kunikida and Chuuya are co-caregivers to Dazai and it is mentioned how Dazai doesn't particularly like the concept of being little. This fic is pure fluff, a tiny bit of stress comes from the baby but not enough to be considered angst. It's a nice story to fall asleep to :)
❤- Now, I'll attach the first few paragraphs bellow for you to get a feel of the fic. Link to my ao3 and the fic itself will be at the end! Please enjoy, comment and like!
Ever since Kunikida and the Agency have found out about Dazai's regression, they've been pushing nap times. Something about him getting "Cranky, tired, and less productive" after a certain time in the day
Dazai kicked his legs under the table, trying to stay focused. There had been an important joint Mafia and Agency meeting today, which just so happened to fall at an inconvenient time.
...Stupid, he knows. Besides, Dazai is never productive so what difference would it make?!
These naps normally happen late at lunch. It's not like he could just slip out of the Agency to go home early, either! To ensure he got this nap in every day the Agency and the stupid slug, decided to pair up for this.
If he tried to escape and head home, Chuuya's stupid camera door sensor would catch it. Of course that was set up for him...the slug can't mind his business! He didn't even do anything before it was set up, the executive just assumed he would try! Rude...
And so, the little one had to accept that he would be caught either way. It was either walking around in the stuffy outdoors for the rest of the day every single day or taking a nap. His pride said the first option, but it's obvious what the best choice was.
'But Dazai, you're a genius! Why didn't you just deactivate the system or use another entrance?' Well, it's pretty hard to think clearly enough to sneakily turn off a system when you're admittedly very fuzzy and droopy.
From working so hard of course. Nothing else, totally.
He doesn't need an assigned nap! Not to mention, a person to watch over him. He knows when he needs to take a break... Totally. This is why in the first place he didn't want the agency to figure it out, but that all went down the drain...
Have they been nothing but accepting of him? Yes, that's the issue! They shouldn't be condoning this behavior, let alone enforcing it! Dazai doesn't deserve to act like a literal baby, "A healthy coping mechanism" be damned. He doesn't need one of those either.
Protesting that mindset to them only made it worse, however. That doesn't mean he wouldn't still attempt to be bratty and refuse, but it gets hard when all you feel is comfort and security in a Member's (or Chu's) arms.
How these naps played out was always the same. He would get fed a bottle of warm milk about 30 minutes before his nap, fed because he got the privilege of being able to feed himself taken away...
He only dropped it on his head like, once! It doesn't matter if it caused him to start crying, he can still do it like anyone else can feed themselves! He shouldn't have started crying anyway, it was a tiny little bump. God, why did little him have to be so sensitive?
When it was time for the nap, there were two main locations. With anyone besides Kunikida, Chuuya, Yosano, or Fukuzawa he was to be laid down on the couch smothered in blankets.
But when Kunikida had a chance, he would always volunteer to watch him first. It's like he has some attachment, the idealistic man always looks anxious when he's away from the embarrassing baby side.
With Kunikida, he was either laid on a tiny futon that was unrolled from the closet next to Kunikida's desk but rarely. Most of the time he's on someone's lap being rocked to sleep since motion puts him out like a light.
Others that were offered were Atsushi, Ranpo, Naomi, Junichiro, and with supervision of another adult, Kenji. However, with Ranpo and Atsushi, it gets... Complicated.
Atsushi and Ranpo are also little, but they are at least big kids! Most of the time, at least. They don't need naps or bottles, but they are also set off easily in the presence of another little.
That was learned the hard way when Kunikida ended up with 3 giggly and squeamish littles after coming back from break. From that day on all three of them couldn't be alone caring together, unless there was time for some sort of play date after nap time.
Dazai would rather live than have to regress more times than needed, so he's never had a play date with the two, though he's heard they do it decently often.
And of course, there was Chuuya. Sometimes, when he was free during lunch break he would come to pick Dazai up for his nap. Normally he'd get taken home, but occasionally he was taken to Chu's office where he got to sit on the rolly chairs!
However he always preferred going home because of the risk of someone walking into him, the genius Dazai Osamu...giggling as Chuuya Nakahara bounces him on his lap or gently spins the rolling chair around. Yea no.
Originally the nap thing was set to every other day, or just not required every day. Dazai ruined that for himself though very easily. Once he had gotten used to the napping, apparently his body went 'oo! Time for sleep!!!? ;?! ' around the scheduled time automatically now.
He ended up struggling to stay awake as he did work with Kunikida one day and got nothing done, per usual. Dazai eventually drifted off on his shoulder from the exhaust, not very grown-ass 22-year-old of him.
But back to the current situation, it's the dreaded nap time. Well, way past nap time. Currently, there is a meeting going on between the Agency and the port mafia, that's all fine. The fine part was that the meeting had gone at least an hour off schedule.
It was planned so as not to bump into the time he gets put down, but stupid Mori couldn't agree on the originally proposed terms, so now they've been stuck!
Another thing is that Dazai hadn't quite realized how his body had gotten used to the nap times. Now that's come to bite him in the ass because he can't stop rubbing his eyes and yawning.
The work is called Cranky Baby! Here's the preview, Links to the full story and my ao3 page bellow.
Work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56113351
My ao3 acc: https://archiveofourown.org/users/That_One_Odd_Shipper/pseuds/That_One_Odd_Shipper
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tulipe-rose · 5 months
Who got promoted to replace Ace after his death? I know his death was the start of Fyodor's menace streak, and the Port Mafia probably didn't care to fill the seat since they had much bigger issues to attend to, however now that the arc's terrorist conflict is wrapped up, Mōri now has time to attend to his inside duties as boss.
I personally believe that if Mōri had to choose, it'd be one of the black lizard, they're quite competent (other than being beaten up by Kenji), but it still somehow doesn't feel right.
I can just imagine the Ada transferee being the one assigned to the role out of nowhere, and no one has the right to object, because, 'don't question boss' orders, and don't try to understand them, just do what you're told.'
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bau-bee · 6 months
♡*:.𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 & 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭.:*♡
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You may NOT post my works as your own. If you see my worksheets published anywhere other than my account please tell me!
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Hello! I am Bau Bee and I have recently made the decision to start writing here instead and slowly transfer all my old works onto tumblr as fillers for updates. Most of the time I will be taking requests but it is subject to change at any time due to any reason.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞: Whilst you can call me by my tag I have absolutely no problem being referred to as a nick name or just my real name! That being Sloane. As you may have observed at the top of this blog I am 21 years old and I am taking college classes as of now.
𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠: I am a pretty open minded person so a lot of odd/unique requests will be at least considered. However, that’s not to say I don’t have rules, I will not write incest, underage characters, or pedophilia. These limits are NOT negotiable and never will be. Now, as in every blog, MDNI. Even if you do ignore that please don’t interact and brag about being underage and reading my smut or heavy topic angst, I cannot control you but I do expect you to not interact with the blog.
Master Lists
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 (𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨٫ 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫!:
Bungou stray dogs:
Dazai Osamu
Nakahara Chuuya
Ranpo Edogawa
Yasano Akiko
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Akutagawa Gin
Michizo Tachihara
Doppo Kunikida
Edgar Allan Poe
Sakunosuke Oda
Ango Sakaguchi
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nikolai Gogol
Call of duty: Modern Warfare 2:
Simon ‘Ghost’ Rylie
Captain Johnathan Price
Sergeant John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Gojo Satoru
Yugi Itadori (no smut)
Geto Suguru
Megumi Fushiguro (no smut)
Nobara Kugisaki (no smut)
Shoko Ieiri
Ryomen Sukuna
Nanami Kento
Toge Inumaki (no smut)
Maki Zenin (no smut)
Genshin Inpactf:
Raiden Shogun
Klee (platonic only)
Yaoyao (platonic only)
Qiqi (platonic only)
Nahida (platonic only)
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭:
Explicit Fluff Promots:
♡Baking w/ them!
♡Cuddles w/ them!
♡Going to the park w/ them!
♡Teaching them how to roller-skate!
♡They teach you how to roller-skate!
♡They get baby fever
♡Breaking into an abandoned area with them! (Specify)
♡They come home to you wearing their clothes!
♡Taking a nap on their lap!
♡Tackle hugs with them!
♡Making playlists with them!
And any others you may think of!
Explicit Angst prompts:
(TW on most of these)
☁︎Reader or character have panic attack.(specify on who)
☁︎Miscarriage hurt/comfort
☁︎SH hurt/comfort
☁︎ED hurt/comfort
☁︎Reader or character dies in the others arms (specify on who)
☁︎Previously abused reader hurt/comfort
And anything else you can think of!
Explict NSFW Prompts:
1.➢ They can’t wait to come home to you
2.➢ You dressed so special for them, why not take advantage of that?
3.➢ You've gotta be quiet just this once
4.➢You give them a visit in their office
5.➢You feel they’ve been a bit too over worked lately, and you plan to help them with that.
6.➢They found your special box.
7.➢You’ve been way too bratty for their liking ;)
8.➢You got too close to someone and they decide to put you in your place.
And any others you may think of!
Quoted Fluff Prompts:
��� “Well, only if you’ll be there with me.”
2. ♡”I’m in love with you and that’s really all that matters to me.”
3. ♡”Please, for me?”
4. ♡”I think my parents love you more than me at this point”
5. ♡“Stay with me, I don’t want you to leave”
6. ♡”I think I’m in love with you. No, scratch that, I know I am.”
7. ♡“Take me away to a dream world far from here”
8. ♡“Y’ alright, doll?”
9. ♡“You wouldn’t forget me, right?”
10. ♡“Your love has dug me into a hole and I can’t seem to put down the shovel”
11. ♡“You’ve been working for so long my love. Why not take a break with me.”
12.♡“Calm down I’m just braiding your hair.”
13.♡“Its called a hug, dweebatron”
14. ♡“Dance with me”
15. ♡“I dub thee, my cuddle buddy!”
16. ♡“Go ahead and take a nap, sleepyhead”
And any others you may think of!
Quoted Angst Prompts:
☁︎”So did this mean nothing to you?! Did I mean nothing to you?”
☁︎”Please come get me.”
☁︎”It doesn’t have to be this way!”
☁︎”Go ahead, walk out that door and never come back.”
☁︎”God, you are just so annoying! I don’t want to talk to you or even see you!”
☁︎“So why do you even stick around with me?!”
☁︎“Please don’t say you love me.”
☁︎”Just leave before I start missing you.”
☁︎“Why am I always your second choice?”
☁︎“I guess that’s just how little I meant to you.”
☁︎”Don’t do this here.”
☁︎“I know, I know I wasn’t enough. I always did.”
☁︎“Hey, don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself.”
And any others you may think of!
Quoted NSFW Prompts:
➢”Keep talking like that and I’ll bend you over this table in front of everyone”
➢”Don’t kink shame me!”
➢ “You’re not going out in that.”
➢”You’re not wearing anything under that, are you?”
➢”Put that thing away!”
➢”if you interrupt me one more time during this, so help me god.”
➢”I could just pull your bikini bottoms down right here in front of everyone and you couldn’t do anything about it.”
➢”I’m not jealous! You just happen to be mine…”
➢”Don’t ruin the sofa”
Now that’s all out of the way I would like to mention that I will be taking requests outside of those prompts and at some point I do plan on doing matchups! Also, special thanks to everyone who read this far!
-XOXO Bau Bee
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chuyasthighs0 · 2 years
Hello! I dont know if you are taking requests rn but if you feel comfortable could you write the bsd characters helping/comforting reader through a bad panic attack? Maybe reader has been super stressed w/ school or work and has just been bottling things up until they snap. Personally my panic attacks are intense: hyperventilating, shaking, tears, digging my fingers into my arms and legs almost bruisingly, unable to hold my weight- just in case you need ideas. If this is uncomfortable for you then dont worry about it. Love your writing!!!
Thanks for requesting!
Bsd characters comforting the reader with a bad panic attack
Ft.Dazai,Chuuya(I would’ve done more but I’m still analysing most of the characters so I can write them as accurately as possible)
No established relationship so take their comfort as however you want to see it maybe s/o or friend like comfort
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He knew that you were busy with work assigned by Kunikida and it honestly mad him sad you guys couldn’t muck around when you took it seriously
So with barely hanging out with him you slowly felt yourself slipping down
He didn’t notice it on the first day but when it got to later on into the week he noticed something was going on with you
So he’ll wait for you to fess it out to him or when your not so busy,but that eventually made him grow more impatient so he decided to wait til everyone left the office when work supposedly ended knowing you would stay behind to finish yours.
This had drove him into a mixture of worry and panic as he went to go look for you,oh boy it took ages to find where you were
When everyone leaves he makes himself comfortable at his desk that was besides yours but then realises you weren’t in here,somehow he didn’t notice you slipping out amongst everyone to the closet.
He eventually found you in one of the storage closets,breathing heavily as your body shook
Would catch you in his arms the moment your knees bucks from shaking too much
He’s running his hands soothingly through your hair or up and down your back creating patterns,letting you hurry your face into his shoulder not caring about if his shirt would be soaking up
Comforting isn’t his forte but if it’s with someone extremely close with him like you he’ll most certainly try his best
Your both a Port Mafia member and a University Student but sometimes that was a hard life to balance.Working there to afford tuition and a place to stay,then the harder part of not letting anyone from outside of the Mafia know your Mafia
Lately things got stressful when you had papers to write but also promotional stuff going on at work and you tried your best to cover up the stress
But failed because it didn’t slip pass your superior’s nose,Chuuya who always kept a watch on how you were doing after all he did want to make sure his best subordinate was doing well
He certainly noticed how shaken you were and when you would dig your nails into our during the meeting he brought you to
So he brought you to your office after and began with some small talk until he slightly pressed the personal questions a little bit making sure you were still comfortable at the same time.
It wasn’t long til the tears started trickling and you confessed that both work and university was stressful,he knew you did study in fact it was only him,Mori and Koyo who did
He’s removing his gloves from one hand as he makes his way over with a handkerchief in the other wiping the tears as his ungloved hand is cupping your cheek
And your holding onto to his shoulders as your breaths become more heavy and ragged
He whispered to you comforting words,affirming you that you’ll have less work(by that he’s dumping your load that Mori ordered him to give to you onto his other subordinates knowing they’ll handle it)
After that he made you promise to come to him if you need comfort or help
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guraveetee · 1 year
where are kouyou and mori? the remaining executive (minus verlaine) and the boss of the mafia, and we don't know if they're vamped or not. plus the fact that the lighter halves in the generation of soukoku's are compromised, where is mori in all of this? his powerful subordinates are turned, the city that he protects from the darkness is destroyed. where is the Boss?
and yosano! where is she? two key players in the plot are dying (dazai and fukuzawa), who will she save? firm believer that she's out there, waiting for the moment and move things forward. maybe sigma will get to tell her what he learned about fyodor, save dazai and fucking get out of that prison or she was with fukuzawa this entire time. but you know, she's still too late and kunikida's broken ass is promoted.
different places and different acts happening, we don't know where the fuck this will go, but ataushi will definitely be affected in some way.
also, where the fuck is nikolai?
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sunfudge · 2 years
This is always going to be known to me as that time Kunikida got promoted, you will seldom hear me refer to it by any other name
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dawn-falls · 1 year
Do you know what time it is? Time for BSD OCs! This time, I'll be bringing something mentioned on my previous OC post of the Younger Siblinghood: the Shield Society!
The Shield Society is small, but very popular amongst the army, having even aided and been aided by the Hunting Dogs themselves. They take on medium level missions to high level missions, such as Lyubov Dostoievskaya herself. This post will have a different kind of description from the previous one, because I think this is better for me, thank you.
Yukio Mishima: Captain of the Shield Society
Aliases: Kimitake Hiraoka
Age: 17, but pretends he's 42
Ability: Deception of a Mask (Confessions of a Mask)
— Allows him to shape-shift into any other form he wants, being it other people or some small alteration of himself.
— Needs to have seen said form.
— Can copy the voice if heard or imagined it, depending on what form he takes.
— Cannot copy abilities, but can copy physical abilities, like strength and speed.
The young Yukio Mishima has been pretending to be an adult while wearing the military uniform of the Shield Society. He lives a double life, with struggles from both double identities and school. He's not simply pretending to be someone else, he's pretending to be his father, the previous captain of the unit, after he passed away when he was 12. Why? That's a long story to explain another time. The Shield Society knows about his true identity of a kid, but won't say or do anything, they might say that it's to not earn any weird comments or lose their honour, but it's more than that.
He's gay, and is kinda afraid of admitting it, but he has told his unit about it and they're okay with it. One of the members enjoyed that fact a little bit too much. He has been in a relationship with a teenage girl named Sonoko, related to another military unit that went to the same school as his, while being in love with a boy named Omi. Both were killed during his 14s.
He's very insecure of himself, tends to have silent breakdowns when alone and takes to easily admire those strict, tall, good-looking, strong and organised men with powerful physiques or abilities and leadership skills. Some examples of those are Ōchi Fukuchi, Suehiro Tecchō, Yukichi Fukuzawa and his most recent and top of the list, Doppo Kunikida. Changes his personality a lot based on his surroundings, such as the unit, school and with the ADA. Some of his current close friends are Hideaki Sena, Mari Mori, Jun'ichiro Tanizaki, Yasunari Kawabata and Marcel Proust.
• Yukio Mishima is the main core of the SS, which means lots of characters here we're chosen for a certain connection with him.
• Used his real life story to make his character, so for more reference, check his background! Just warning that there will be mentions of suicide by seppuku (beheading), so go with the warning and caution over that.
Hiromi Kawakami: Vice-captain of the Shield Society
Age: 36
Ability: Tread on a Snake (Novel with same name)
— Can turn into a giant snake
— Has fangs due to that
— Her bite will poison the bitten (but at will, no accidents)
— Her skin is very hard, bullets barely tickle
Hiromi Kawakami is considered one of the very few "pioneer Shield soldiers", since she was part of the unit multiple years before Yukio's father's death. Reached the vice-captain position easily and was a little annoyed at the situation of forced promotion that Yukio had to become captain (unwillingly). Tends to be very calm and collected, and some even say she's the mother of the unit.
Has rescued Mari back when she and her brother lost each other, becoming her mentor, as well as Yukio's (since he surely needed advice, he barely had much idea of what to do as the captain). Both quickly rose in power and strategy, and she's proud of them. Of lately, she has grown a small obsession on seeking Mieko Kawakami, the doctor of a small mafia and former singer that she had an acquaintance with, as visible whenever she's allowed to take over for Yukio during his "outside businesses".
• One of the only two that had no relation or connection whatsoever with RL Yukio Mishima.
• Real Life Mieko and Hiromi never met each other that I'm aware, I just wanted to use it because I found it sillily funny that they have the same surname and kanji for said surname. Not that it's impossible, just wanted to mess with it.
Mari Mori was explained on the previous post, but this is just to put depth of her role in the SS. Check the previous OC post to find her ability and more.
Mari Mori is far from a paragon of a soldier in terms of behaviour, but can be a great example of a soldier physique and physical abilities. Her speed is almost unmatchable, and that is with no ability. She's considered to be the best friend of the captain, mostly because she's the second youngest of the unit, losing to the captain himself only, who she's more than happy to share her male-male romance novels with, and confident on doing so, because he won't judge the love, but might judge the storyline written. She doesn't care, honestly, good criticism is accepted.
• Daughter of Ōgai Mori known for her male-male romances, which were read by Yukio Mishima.
Ruikō Kuroiwa: The biggest brain
Age: 26
Ability: Muzan (Novel with same name)
— Allows him to manifest two sides of his brain: Intuition and Logic
— Both look exactly like Kuroiwa, but Intuition is a sorta red vision of him while Logic is blue
— Intuition sometimes acts as reflex and instinct, mostly being listened to in combat rather than in investigation and interrogation, with Logic taking over that aspect. Intuition also helps him figure out things like poison on a cup or a hidden knife, while Logic helps him figure out locations of evidence
— His brain sides can be separated and stay invisible for others, with only Kuroiwa seeing them
— They can go away from Kuroiwa, but if they start going far, he will start to doze off, like sleeping with eyes open. If they're far enough, he might not react to his surroundings
Ruikō Kuroiwa is a young soldier that may not be considered one of the pioneer soldiers of the SS, due to him joining just a few years before the former captain died, but he's a brilliant and loved soldier known for both his great physical abilities and his great intelligence, that may not be close to Ranpo Edogawa or Yukito Ayatsuji (who he met and is having a small problem with), but is still very impressive.
A huge fan, and calls himself the number one, of Ranpo Edogawa. Would love to work alongside him and is not afraid to admit said admiration towards the man. He's considered to be a fanboy in terms of excessiveness, and some even theorise he started working as an investigative soldier because of him. Usually is the one after evidence of others and hidden documents, since his ability can separate and sneak into places and get stuff without being caught or noticed. Considered to be one of the greatest pieces of the unit, even if not the greatest in terms of combat.
He firstly made acquaintance with Natsuko Imamura, and then went ahead and met Yukito Ayatsuji and Mizuki Tsujimura. Later on, he met Ranpo, Poe and Mushitarō, as well as Agatha Christie and Yōko Ogawa, due to some incidents involving a group called the Falkner.
Kōbō Abe: The Arrester
Age: 24
Ability: The Woman in the Dunes (Novel with same name)
— Traps people in a house in the dunes
— Can either trap everyone inside the same room as his or the particular people he touches, depends on his wishes of who to trap
— The longer people stay in the house, the less they want to leave
— Abilities don't work in the house
Kōbō Abe started of as a pupil of Jun Ishikawa back in a private academy for ability users, and soon joined the military unit Shield Society after catching the attention of the previous captain, Azusa Mishima. He tried his best to avoid a life in the battlefield, but thanks to his father and the previous SS captain, it was all in vain.
A man who tends to play with memories of himself and others (good or bad, anything to his advantage), Abe is often in the front line, usually side by side with Mishima or Kuroiwa, whose abilities are not very fit for combat. Can be considered ruthless and cruel, but just to those he views as an opponent and/or threat. Is not afraid of being honest, and that led to a few beefs with other soldiers from other units and some other people. Abe is the person that understands Mishima the most, since both ended up in positions that neither really wanted to be in.
• Has a connection to Yukio Mishima, and even participated of a protest with him, Jun Ishikawa and Yasunari Kawabata.
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lake-archive · 2 months
Chapter 17 - Change & Growth
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Characters: Annette 'Ann' Dorste-Hülshoff (OC), Ole (OC), Osamu Dazai
Words: 1,290
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Things are changing. No, rather… They have changed. Or no, they were starting to change? No, no, no. They are changing more as time went on? Hmm… It was hard to find the right words or expressions here, at least for Ann. After all, this was a big adjustment in several months if not a good year. They had always thought of Ole as their adorable, little cat to take care off. However, he was showing up more often outside in his transformed form. “ Grocery shopping is easier that way. I can also communicate quicker. ” He would use it as a reason and they weren’t doubting that. “ Same goes for housework. If I don’t do it, none of you two will. ” 
And thus since then Ole had been promoted to ‘housecat’ and he was certainly doing the best job he could. From cooking meals to studying at home to learning basic mathematics. He had asked for books from Ann and they obliged, given that he had been using his babyface on them as a cat, one he would usually use to beg for food. So he was certainly becoming eager, more responsible even. Though maybe that was also because of his age? Cats age quicker so Ole might mature quicker than thought. They weren’t sure… Yet it was heartwarming to see that he was trying out new things and wanting to help. 
It made them want to try harder as well. Maybe they should think about getting a second job just so they had enough finances to spare and there was more wiggle room? Then again that would also mean less time for writing and they couldn’t abandon that. But Ole was becoming such a hard worker now, it made Ann feel lazy in comparison. Heck, Ole even bothered to come over to Café Uzumaki during the afternoon and consult whoever he could about the basic needs for humans. It was usually Kunikida he would meet there, given that Ole saw him as ‘smart and reliable’. Well, he wasn’t wrong about both things. Though it had taken a bit of explaining that this was the little cat lurking around the Detective Agency or having been taken care of by them upstairs. 
“He… Sure grew fast…” Had been Kunikida’s reaction, an understandable one though.
“Y… Yeah. It had me a little surprised too.” Ann would agree, though they were referring to Ole’s mental growth. Becoming a responsible individual… Ah, it is bittersweet actually. That could mean the kitty who loved snuggling and pats and cuddling might be gone soon… Then again, maybe not, given Ole did that plenty as a cat.
However, there was one person who was always eyeing the scene with a little bit of jealousy from afar, right from another seat. And that someone had been at the café yet again and making that over the top pout face again, just as they were placing down his ordered coffee onto the table.
“Tch… Ole is mean. He has a very reliable Onii–Chan he could ask riiight here.” The guy would say with a huff. “He’s hurting my feelings without even knowing it.”
“Dazai and reliable huh… Two words which shouldn’t be in the same sentence.” They countered, though unable to hold back a little teasing undertone. Maybe it was just because they were in such a good mood these days, seeing Ole thriving. They felt like a proud older sibling already~ … Wait, they’re not really doing anything… Er… 
“I can help him out too, you know. All he needs to do is ask!” Dazai would say, though sounding like some pouty child, even sitting back onto the couch with another huff. He was probably just being as overdramatic as ever though.
“I’ll believe it when you manage to pay your tab in full.” They sighed. 
“That’s— Not the point right now.”
They shook their head. “Paying your orders on time counts as being reliable.” 
“W… Well… He’s not going to get any good advice on how to handle women from Kunikida–Kun!” Yeah this guy was just trying to search for a reason. He was desperate, wasn’t he?
“I don’t think Ole cares all that much.” Ann argued. Honestly, the cat doesn’t seem to be the type for that anyways. He had been eyed by a few female cats before yet he always walked past them after meowing at them. And when they nuzzled against him or rolled on the ground in front of them he only watched them in confusion, having literally tilted his head all the time. He has no interest in these things whatsoever. 
“You never know until you try.”
“Ahem… Has he ever brought a female cat home?”
A moment of silence, the guy really seemed to think hard for a moment until finally dropping his head in defeat. “Ok, maybe you’ve got a point there.” Though he then lifted it up again and one could easily notice that he was eyeing the cat boy. 
Actually wait, today was the day where Ole came over to learn how to read and write. He had asked for Kunikida’s assistance, especially after learning that this guy was a teacher before. And while maybe not in that field everyone could probably teach someone how to read and write. A cat just never had to worry about that before. And the kitty seemed more than eager to learn. 
“Although… I think Ole developing in this direction might not be a bad thing.” Ann heard Dazai bring up all of a sudden, a little more serious sounding than before. They turned back to him in surprise, only to see him watching this scene from his seat with a… Light smile? 
Yeah, he was watching this situation in the end and seemed to be not complaining. In fact one could tell that he had a hard time holding it back either. It was as if he was observing the growth of his very own child there. Ole was not related to Dazai in any way but one could see that he seemed to enjoy watching this.
And yet, with that said, there was also a different undertone in that smile. It was genuine, yeah, not one of an idiotic moron who was cracking a joke or slacked off, no. He meant it. But it also felt a little… Empty. It was a smile Ann had never seen before and it had gotten them a little curious… Though they shook their head quickly. They shouldn’t pry, should they? And yet it would not leave their mind in the end. Especially with what they heard him mumble at the end.
“I won’t lie, I start to feel a little left out by you two.”
They stared at him for a moment, in disbelief when hearing that. And yet he didn’t really seem to bother in the end, or not much at least. After all, he finally picked up the cup and took a short sip from it, only then to look over to Ann with his own gaze, then placing the cup back down. 
“Is something on my face?” He even asked them flat out, making them flinch right at that moment. 
“Ah… N… No! Not at all!” They responded though that may as well have been a lie, depending on how one looked at it. They even turned away quickly to not have to face him anymore. “I… I have some other customers to take care off! Bye!”
And then they left in a hurry. They wanted to say that they had been only imagining this but this smile of his would not leave their head that easily. There was something he wasn’t saying out loud in the end, was there?
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dazaiizm · 7 months
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featuring — armed detective agency, akagi angeline (oc), takamoto yumi (oc)
summary — the armed detective agency has a beach episode.
warnings — bsd x oc’s: dazai x oc, ranpo x oc, atsushi x oc, chaotic fun, slight angst, dazai brings a date that’s not angeline, suggestive content, smoking weed, fluff, mentions of traumatic backstories, japanese honorifics used
notes from dazai’s star: hi everyone ! i watched to publish my first oneshot here <3 it’s a beach episode because i luv beach episodes. also i do not intend to promote smoking weed in any way ! angeline self medicates so pls do not bash her for it. also also heads up, angeline has more of an hourglass figure compared to her face claim (i mean she has a succubus ability come on)
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per yosano’s request, the armed detective agnecy had a beach day. they didn’t do any work and took the day off to relax at the beach.
“y—you look very pretty, yumi-chan,” atsushi stammered, seeing her in a black bikini. “oh, thanks atsushi-san!” she exclaimed, smiling brightly. he was a sucker for her smile, causing his face to flush.
angeline, on the other hand, refused to change into her swimsuit. yes, she did bring it. but, she was way to insecure to actually wear it in front of her found family, who in all honesty, found her beautiful the way she is. she stayed in her shorts and oversized shirt.
“where’s dazai-san?” atsushi asked curiously. “he should be here,” doppo mentioned, checking his watch.
“sorry we’re late!” osamu exclaimed, having his arm around an unknown girl. angeline felt her heart sink. he brought a date? after oozing possessiveness the last time they slept together?
angeline lowered her head. “dazai! this was supposed to be armed detective agency only! you can’t just bring a date,” kunikida yelled at him.
“relax, kunikida-kun. it’s not that big of a deal.” not that big of a deal? angeline’s mind was spiraling. why would he bring a date if he had angeline to dote on? was she not that important to him?
kunikida adjusted his breathing. “fine, just don’t do it again.” “okay!” dazai exclaimed. “hi everyone, i’m kaori,” the girl introduced herself. the agency greeted her back.
yumi glanced at angeline, frowning at her somber state. “hey, don’t worry about him. the fact that he brought a date shows how much of an idiot he is for not making a move on you,” she told her, making angel-chan smile slightly.
the black-haired girl rubbed her shoulder reassuringly.
“dazai-san really messed up this time,” atsushi told yumi, now in the ocean. “you bet, i can only imagine how angeline-chan feels,” yumi agreed, swaying her arms back and forth to stay afloat.
atsushi frowned. he didn’t want akagi to be treated like that, especially by the one she loved so dearly. although, there was one other person in the agency that caught her eye.
“angel-chan, wanna play volleyball?” ranpo called out, holding a volleyball in his hands. “sure!” she exclaimed, face brightening. ranpo couldn’t help but smile to himself, grateful her mood improved, even the slightest.
“be on my team, pleaseeeee angel-chan!” ranpo pouted and pleaded. the blonde chuckled, “sure, i’ll be on your team.” she sent a wink his way, making his cheeks flush a tiny shade of pink.
the two played with the agency while yumi and atsushi held a conversation in the water. angeline won several rounds. she took her anger out on the volleyball, slamming it past the opposing team’s hands.
“wow angel-chan, you’re really good!” yosano told her. “thanks,” she replied bashfully. “you are! do you have any experience in playing?” kaori asked, making her tense up.
turning to her, she forced a smile. “no, i don’t. just.. taking pent-up anger on the ball,” she chuckled weakly. kaori nodded.
a new round started and kaori managed to score. what set akagi off the edge was when she ran into dazai’s arms, which he eagerly wrapped his arms around her waist.
she stormed off silently, grabbing her purse along the way.
she headed towards the bathroom. yumi and atsushi saw her walking away from the group, knowing immediately what was up. yumi felt a pit in her stomach. she wanted to help, but didn’t have any ideas.
“hey, what’s wrong?” atsushi asked, seeing her melancholy expression. “nothing i just…i wish i could do something for angeline-san to help her experience true happiness…like how i feel when i’m with you,” she explained.
“o—oh.” atsushi avoided eye contact, flustered. “i agree, angeline-san deserves happiness.” “if only dazai-san would stop fucking around,” she huffed, turning back to him. her tense face softened when she locked eyes with him. everything felt at peace when she was with him.
on the other hand, angeline was not feeling peace. she bawled her eyes out in the bathroom. her sad cries and pleas for love would make anyone’s heart ache.
if dazai saw her now, he would do everything in his power to make angel-chan feel loved. but, since angeline declined his offer for a double suicide on multiple occasions, he sought after other women, trying to fill the missing void that only angeline was able to fill.
“why osamu? why must you do this to me?” she questioned to herself. she finally pulled the joint out and lit the tip. inhaling the weed into her veins, she felt immediate peace now.
“this is good shit,” she said, looking at her joint. she took another, long hit. smoke clouded her vision, which she smirked to. the more weed in her system, the better.
after getting so high she couldn’t feel the pain of dazai osamu, she contemplated changing into her bikini. “fuck it,” she thought, grabbing the two-piece out of her purse.
her red bikini highlighted her curves perfectly. although, angeline didn’t feel that way. she felt as if her chest was too small and stomach was too fat. she barely ate much, so she didn’t have any fat on her tummy.
she had a confidence boost at the time, so she didn’t care. exiting the bathroom, she tossed the finished joint in the garbage, making her way over to the group who were roasting marshmallows.
akagi took a seat next to ranpo, inching close to him. ranpo glanced at her outfit, eyes widening. “well, don’t you look nice?” he smirked. “thanks,” angel-chan said bashfully.
“hey, i’m high right now. do you mind roasting a marshmellow for me? i don’t wanna screw anything up,” she whispered in his ear, sending chills down his spine with her tone.
“s—sure,” he said, gulping down his marshmellow and placing a new one on his stick.
“you like her, don’t you?” kaori asked osamu, looking at him. “who?” dazai asked, a bit nervous. “the blonde,” she mentioned, pointing to her and ranpo giggling over something.
“oh, angel-chan.” he lowered his head from facing the two. “i can see it in your eyes,” she told him. dazai figured he’d just admit it, she already knew his answer, after all.
“yes, i’m in love with angel-chan.”
kaori nodded. “so, does that mean i’m just a distraction?” “n—no, of course not!” dazai shook his head frantically. she might’ve been, but dazai knew angeline wouldn’t forgive him if he just used girls as a distraction. he didn’t know though.
“it’s fine if i am, i understand the feeling,” she said, facing ranpo and luma again. dazai just looked at her. “i was in love with a married man. i couldn’t help but want him, despite him being my best friend’s husband,” the woman admitted.
“oh, i see,” dazai affirmed, nodding. it wasn’t entirely the same situation, but they could go hand-in-hand. “he then died in a car crash three months later, i couldn’t comfort my friend because i was going through my own grief—it’s one of my biggest regrets.”
the brunette wiped a tear from her face. “did you…ever talk to her again?” “yes, i admitted to her my feelings, being as honest as possible. she had a feeling, and was grateful her husband never returned them. i’m grateful for that too.”
“so, you’re still friends?” dazai inquired. “yes,” kaori replied, giving a single nod. “so…” she trailed off, turning to face osamu. “my advice is to talk to her, tell her how you feel. but, i understand if you’re not ready yet,” she advised, however not forcefully.
the suicidal maniac sighed, looking back at ranpo and angeline. he figured maybe kaori was right. but, what about ranpo? he’d be heartbroken if they started dating. neither angel-chan or osamu wanted him to be in pain.
he knew angeline liked ranpo as well. which made his heart swell in jealousy. she wanted both, but he wanted her to himself—all his.
dazai had to look away when they shared a marshmallow together. nobody was looking but him, so no one told them to knock off the PDA.
when it became darker, the agency packed up and began heading back to the agency. ranpo agreed to let angeline stay at his dorm since she didn’t want to be around her child, yuri, while she self-medicated.
he ran angeline a bath and washed her hair, the intimacy made both of them extremely flustered. angeline, being the lovesick yet touch-starved fool she is, didn’t know how to embrace the feeling, but she enjoyed it nonetheless.
ranpo then allowed her to sleep in his bed while he respectfully tried taking the couch. “ranpo-san, can you maybe.. stay with me tonight?” the lovesick fool asked, pleaded almost. the look in her eyes was impossible to say no to.
he eased into bed beside her, keeping his respective distance. but, angel wanted to be closer. she scooted closer to him, leaning against his shoulder.
“have you ever fallen in love?” angeline asked out of nowhere. “in love?” ranpo questioned. “mhm,” angel hummed, lifting her head up and looked at him. “i…guess i did.”
“what did it feel like?” her eyes looked longing, like she craved something—that something was love. “it..it feels like cloud nine one minute and hell the next,” he explained honestly. angel nodded. “that’s what love is,” she said solemnly. she craved love and intimacy so much, but forgets the pain and suffering love has put her through in the past.
“it doesn’t have to be,” he told her, making her look up into his eyes. “if only you liked me back, then it wouldn’t have to be pain and suffering,” he confessed, voice growing a little quieter.
“you…you like me?” “love,” he corrected, “i’m in love with you, angel-chan.” he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. she blushed profusely, averting eye contact.
“how can i believe you?” she asked, knowing he could easily be lying. although, ranpo has never lied to her. ever.
ranpo leaned in, hovering his lips over hers. she kissed him, and it felt like the world stopped. all ranpo could hear were their heartbeats and the soft sighs that fell into his mouth.
he ran his hands through her damp hair, pulling him onto his lap. “i love you too, ranpo,” she whispered, pecking his lips. “it’s us against the world, my dear.”
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gogolstoelicker · 3 years
Hi! I loved your headcanons for BSD character mcs!! If it's alright with you, could I request the dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders with a fem! mc who is like Kunikida? (Idk why but the image of mc yelling at Leona to do something productive reminds me a little bit of Dazai and Kunikida's relationship)
Dorm leader + vice dorm leaders with a Kunikida!MC
warning(s): -
•sorry its late tho JSNJSJS
You're very professional and diligent when it comes to your job. You constantly feel the need to organize, gather and schedule everything, which makes you come off as strict and harsh.
A trustworthy and loyal detective, your coworkers rely on you because of your authoritative capability and responsible nature.
Ability: The Matchless Poet (or Lone Poet i forgot), allows you to make objects written on the papers of your notebook come into existence. However, it does not work on objects larger than the notebook.
with your ideals and his rules, you guys can surely make the whole nrc cower in fear!
like they're in the cafeteria and they saw riddle? "i hope im not breaking any rules rn😥"
they're about to skip class and they saw you? "ah nvm, skipping is never an option😅"
you guys probably get along REALLY well
talking about the rules, ur ideals and how everyone is not following them
probably kins each other too at some point
you guys are now best buddies
like the whole school will always see the two of you hanging out once y'all have free time
i have free time today, hey wanna go to this unbirthday party?🤗
i have free time, wanna hang around, i made tea🤗
oh sevens, another riddle😥
oh well trey dealt with riddle, so he knows how to deal with you too
tries his best to calm u down whenever some students pissed u off by ruining ur schedule
or anything u organized honestly
tells u to relax for a bit too
following a strict schedule everyday AND having to deal with the first years ruining ur schedule by accident AND not allowing urself to rest much???
he's right there next to you, trying to bribe you into resting
or threat idk🤔
it didn't work most of the times so
so he just have to be that one passive aggressive friend so you would rest or smth
did it work? sometimes if he tried harder
"u wouldn't want to ruin ur own schedule by passing out or anything right?^^"
"that's why i have enough sleep and exercise everyday"
^ur daily conversation probably
if it's not for the fact that you're a lady, he would never listen to you lol
ruggie is forever greatful to have you around
bc as soon as u start telling leona off to stop skipping class and do something productive, he actually got up and do it
i mean he may looks like he's ten seconds away from ripping someone's throat out but at least he tries‼️
he actually leaves the class once he sees that you're not there but shhh
sometimes if he feels extra nice, he'll actually stay in the class
but he'll sleep in it LMAO he REFUSED to study
don't get him wrong, he appreciates that you even went out of your way to scold and sometimes motivate him to show his full potential but
he's a lazy lion at heart, you won't be able to get him to do anything
one time that happened again and someone snitched to you
leona is now forced to listen to your few hours lecture and how it does not fit ur ideals for him to not study
literally leona the whole time:
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oh you definitely got feed by his lies LMFOAOAOA
even azul himself is surprised by how naive you could be
BUT this only means MORE advantage to him👓✨
the amount of lies he fed u everyday...
its like that annoying scam seller that came knocking on ur door everyday
or those who tried to promote their "religion" cult on the streets
either way, that's how azul looks like to u everyday
he's sly so he probably made it seemed like smth good until jack just
pulls u away from azul so u won't get roped into some weird deal that won't benefit u at all
he ALWAYS finds a loophole in ur ideals so he can just
idk not follow but follow ur ideals at the same time?
he doesn't really mind you that much? as long as you're not nagging him about something of course
which is lowkey rare bc u approve of him apparently🤔
like attitude, style and how he handles work? P E R F E C T. CHEF'S KISS
while u do like how he's on time for schedule and actually gets his work done, u don't really like how uh
scheming he can be😥
but oh well he's from octavinelle, u cant do much about it so u just avoid him
he's actually quite amused that u even approve of him
he didn't know he could fit ur ideals but now that he knows, you know he will never let it go
now u have to deal with a 191cm tall man looming over u and teasing u subtly nonstop
if he hace free time that is since hes usually busy with monstro lounge and floyd's antics🤔
u crying bc he reminds u of ur annoying coworker
him being happy meeting jamil's best buddy
yes i said best buddy what about it
he actually liked to listen to ur rant abt ur ideals
i mean he may not understand it fully but he's willing to listen!
literally dragged u to his parties
yes, u dont like parties. yes, u have works to do
but u gotta relax and have fun sometimes prefect so let him drag u to have fun!
cue u standing in the corner with a glass of juice in hand
"what do people do at parties?" u may ask
and then u see kalim absolutely eating up the dance floor and having fun
he would even try to drag u to dance with him
goodluck trying to get away from said party
cries heavy tears
it's tears of happiness btw
fiNALly! someone who can take his place to take care of kalim once in a while!
the gods have finally heard his prayers after all this time, he's so happy
sometimes, he would even hang out with you just because
well if you're both not busy that is🤔
he's mostly busy with kalim's shenanigans and you have your day planned out already so
so if u both EVER have a free time, you guys would hang out‼️
with kalim tagging along ofc bc he can't really leave him alone
him being even more happy bc u don't have this favoritism towards either of them and actually treats them equally
and not treating him like kalim's shadow
him to u probably
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ah yes, probably got along too
he agree with ur ideals here and there
esp if it have smth to do with having good posture and how to present yourself better
might even ask to read through some of it
who knows, he might get a nice advice here and there
he would also give u some advice
u writing it down on ur book and trying to achieve that exact same thing the very next day
and vil wiping a single tear that left from his eyes bc omg!! that's his student!!
he does feel a sense of pride and is actually very proud of himself and u a little whenever u listen to his advice
probably the one to do ur makeup if he have spare time just so he can make sure u look the absolute best💯
overall, could be best advice buddies but both are too busy to hang out too🤗
caught him following stalking a someone
so now he's in a lecture abt how that's wrong
he is kind of like 🤩 when he first saw u
who is this strict prefect he may ask🤔
it's you🤩‼️‼️
while he does not follow u around daily, he does sing praises to you whenever u two crossed paths
welp there goes ur schedule😔you're 10 seconds late bc of him😔
actually doesn't mind his praises, u just wish he wouldn't tell u in the middle of the hallways
probably one of the first ones to find out about your ability
with rook and his stalking investigation skills, he can and will find out everything‼️
him cornering u sometimes just so he can tell u more praises
u shaking and crying bc u just wanna go through ur schedule and this is the 5th time he stopped u this week and it's only monday
a victim of u
in a good way i think🤔
ortho is probably the one whp introduced y'all
you, who saw idia , rolled up your sleeves and tried to make him have a healthier lifestyle
ofc u won't drag him out
it's just u whipping out a 100 slides powerpoint with your ideal book in hand telling him how much negative impact it would have living the way he is and ways to improve
he's shaking and crying bc u did this everytime you guys meet in his room
how do u even get in his room? i don't know either
he would sometimes roll his eyes here and there when u go on ur daily lecture
probably also saw u pull out some items from ur book bc u have to outline smth in the powerpoint to prove ur point
and he just goes🤨😮⁉️⁉️
it's a magic book⁉️⁉️
found out u can also pull out a gun from that and decided to listen carefully to your lectures from that day on
well he doesn't mind how strict u are with urself and others
he thinks its a rather good quality to have
he, as a future ruler, can surely learn a thing or two from u
u sobbing bc there's finally someone who's willing to go with ur ideals after riddle
he listens to u really well, he even tried to his best to follow it!
but there are times he would tell u to relax for a bit too
u must've been tired🤗come with him for a walk to rest ur mind🤗
u rejecting it bc its supposed to be ur bedtime
u going with him anyway bc he somehow convinced you
with sad lightnings bc he was sulking LMFOAOAOA
peepaw is always there to tell u to relax!
you'll get burnt out if u keep putting ur 100 into everything and putting urself into some strict schedule, take a break sometimes
found out how naive u could be
u could now see lilia growing horns and devil's tail
there's not a day lilia won't trick u
be it for his own amusement or for u to rest
like maybe he would make up some lie like
"in nrc, if u don't rest for a few hours, you'll surely get cursed by the great sevens for ur ideals to never come true"
cue u having tea time with lilia as rest, eating cookies and chatting away
it's a gamble if it's homemade by yours truly or brought from Sam's store
if it's made by lilia, then u can scold him once u made a trip to the infirmary🤗
probably tried to help him around in the kitchen so he could make better food
he appreciates it but his cooking, in fact, did not improve at all
in fact, its ur headache that improved bc of how many times u have to stop him from putting random ingredients in
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popopretty · 3 years
BSD Chapter 92
"At the Airport - the First Part"
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I don't speak Japanese nor English as my native language so I may make mistakes here and there. Please let me know if you find any.
Have fun reading!
- Aya is at the airport trying to pick up something her father forgot. (She is pretty angry about it she says she will mix his soumen noodle with toothpicks next time he forgets something xD). When she is walking around, she hears the news about ADA being the terrorists. She remembers Kunikida and thinks to herself that there is no way the ADA would be terrorists, but she is still confused after hearing all the news about them.
- Aya bumps into Jouno, who ignores her and keeps going to meet up with Teruko and Tecchou. Fukuchi has told the Hunting Dogs that ADA will appear at the airport to steal One Order. Tecchou has some doubts about how ADA could find out that One Order will be transported to that airport, because the European governments have arranged many "fake" shipments to confuse those who want to steal it. But Fukuchi told them that as long as Ranpo is with them, he would definitely figure out.
- Jouno says that will be a problem, and suggests taking someone close to the ADA as hostages to threaten them. He turns to Aya who is standing nearby because he can tell she knows the ADA by listening to her heartbeats. He starts to threaten Aya, saying he would use her to set a trap against ADA, and that he doesn't care if ADA is evil or not. All he wants is to hear someone crying in agony. He wants to use the name of law to hurt and hunt down people, and hear the sound of their destruction. He is a social evil, but no matter how many criminals he executes, the society just keep admiring him and promoting him more.
- Tecchou appears right at that moment and uses his sword to stab in Jouno's butt to stop him (lol). Jouno gets mad at Tecchou, saying that he is only trying to make suspects cooperate. Tecchou tells him to go get a court order first or else it is not right. The two are going to get into a fight when Fukuchi appears. He tells them to stop and get ready for the mission. Then he asks Jouno to follow him because he has something to show him.
- When there are only two of them left, Fukuchi asks Jouno what he thinks about the ADA's terror tricks. Jouno says that it is a well-polished plan. From the explosion coins to the vampires, there is no way to prevent it. It's like the terrorist are ridiculing the world. He says that he even has some interest in these terrorists and can somehow sympathize with that sadism. He jokes that if the Hunting Dogs lose the final battle, he may even consider getting a new job at the ADA.
- Jouno asks Fukuchi what he wants to show him, and to his suprise, Fukuchi takes him to Bram. He then reveals to Jouno that he is the real mastermind and asks Jouno if he wants to join hands with him.
- At the same time, ADA is hiding somewhere inside the airport using Anne's room. Ranpo explains to everyone that when the plane that carries One Order arrives, they will steal it and destroy it before it is handed to Fukuchi. If One Order is stolen, then Decays of Angel's plan will be delayed by about two weeks, and that would give enough time for The Special Division for Unusual Powers to expose Fukuchi's scheme to all the nation. Atsushi is worried that the enemy might have already prepared a counterplan for that. Ranpo then tells Atsushi that they will use the enemy's hand against them.
The chapter ends here. I'm not sure what to comment here so I guess I will wait for the next chapter. Personally thinks Jouno will not join Fukuchi though...
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😭 Yeah, when I saw that AU what being revisited I just straight up skipped on reading it. I'm so sorry!! I just couldn't deal with even more brainrot in that moment. Also, I am STUCK IN THE BUTLER AU JUST AS YOU ARE and I like it here, thank you very much hehehe 💕.
There's just so much potential in the Butler AU 🥰. Power dynamics, forbidden relationships, subtle flirting and badass readers and demon butlers (hello yes, my mind can't avoid doing the Black Butler crossover).
Just imagine flirting with them if they were your butler. The thought is so hilarious to me 👏🏼😂.
Atsushi would be completely overtaxed with the situation. He's a diligent and deeply devoted butler, a bit clumsy sometimes, but always glad to be of service. He's had a secret crush on his master for years and always felt ashamed for it. But now they are giving him a smug smile and are gently, almost casually caressing his hand - w-w-what should he do???
Dazai would be a bit taken aback, but nonetheless pleasantly surprised and slightly smug. Of course he had noticed the way you looked at him and discreetly (or so you thought) gazes upon his frame when you thought he wouldn't notice. But he did notice, just as he did notice a blush creeping up your cheeks every time he leaned down to serve you your tea and your faces were close. Still, he didn't expect you to suddenly brush the hair out of his face and place a quick kiss on your cheek as he leaned forwaed yet another time to serve you. He isn't sure what to make of this, but he surely isn't going to decline your affection.
Chuuya is absolutely perplexed. You were the only priority in his life; your appreciation for his work and your warm smiles gave him a purpose he had long longed to find. So he didn't ask for a 'why' when you told him to kneel down before you. But he sure as hell didn't except the reason for it to be that you wanted to run your hand through his hair and softly tug a strand of it behind his ear. Your fingers are soft and warm, the unblemished skin of royalty, and no no he's surely not blushing.
Kunikida would lose his composure. He felt deeply honoured to be promoted to butler as his young age, much more to your personal butler and carried out his responsibilities with the utmost sense of duty. Never would he have dared to look at you in any other way than his master, it would have been very improper. So no, he didn't think much of it when you asked him to teach you the proper way to hold the billard cue. But as he was standing closely behind you to correcr your posture, as he felt you lean into his chest, he started questioning all his life resolutions.
Ango would be stunned. How was he supposed ro react to this? He was always working hard on fulfilling all his duties, but he had never bothered to pay much attention to your behaviour towards him. He was just another servant after all and he didn't expect you to pay any special attention to him, though he had to admit it was pleasant to hear you thank him for his work. You were his first masyer that ever bothered to recognize his efforts. Still, that didn't mean he expected you throw yourself into his arms one fateful night after a drink-filled soiree and drunkly snuggle your fave into his vest, telling him that he should carry you back to his carriage. But he obeyed and did his best to ignore the heat that crept up his neck as you burried your face on his shoulder.
Fukuzawa would be resigned, with a hint of well-hidden longing. He had been a butler for over a decade now and was an expert in reading his master's emotions and wishes. Of course he had noticed the rather shy behaviour of his new, young master whenever he was around. Of course he knew what it meant. But he never said a word about it. It wouldn't be right, even if he felt his heart soften every time he looked at their beautiful face. Still, here he was, sitting on their bedside and holding them in his arms, as consolation after a nightmare. They had called out to him and now that he felt their warmth in his arms, it cost him lot more will force not to slip a hand in their hair and draw them even closer than it should.
OH MY GOD I SWEAR THIS ISN'T WHAT I HAD PLANNED WHEN I STARTED ANSWERING THIS ASK HAHAHA, INSPIRATION JUST HIT ME HARD 😂😂😂😳 - anyways, I'm tagging a few people that I think may like this/participated in this AU 👉🏼👈🏼😖.
@kiyokoxd @bsdparadise @pompompurin1028 @requiem626k @alittlesimp
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
Hello, and thanks again for answering my questions
I want to ask you about Hirotsu, this man is baffling me, rather his rank in the Mafia is not commensurate with his tenure.
He is a senior member and a veteran, he was there before Dazai and even before Mori, and despite that, his rank is lower than Aktagawa and even lower than Higuchi, it seems that he does not receive the appropriate status for his tenure and he has a strong ability as well
Do you think there are reasons for that? Koyo is like Hirotsu for being a mafia before Mori, but she enjoys a high position as a CEO and right after Mori.
Does he lack ambition or does Mori see him as a threat and don't care about his promotion? He seems tolerant of Dazai despite his betrayal of the Mafia.
Seeing the old man being trampled on by younger people Dazai, Aktagawa and Higuchi is a little sad to me though it is normal since the hierarchy is based on competence and merit.
I should probably reread the series to properly answer BSD, but in general...
I like Hirotsu, I think he is a voice of reason in the mafia and he clearly cares about his comrades. That said, he is probably lower than others because he is not that strong. This does not mean he can't be an important player as he has shown multiple times, especially by giving advice or helping out the younger ones.
In general, I would not judge a character by their power or strength alone since it is something the series itself invites readers not to do. Ranpo has no power and is the smartest character in the series (or one of...). The current plotline with Braham has literally a child Kunikida saved be the hidden hero of the series, etc.
Hirotsu might not be as strong as Aku or Chuuya, but he is clearly wise, knows many secrets and is loved by those around him.
Thank you for the ask!
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