ylespar · 6 months
“Stanford’s questioning was based on two considerations: (a) extrasensory response, like sensory response, presumably functions in support of the needs and/or dispositions of the organism; but (b), serving those inclinations logically need not require conscious knowledge of the information to which psi-driven action is responding. Indeed, an adaptive or disposition-affirming outcome orchestrated by implicit (that is, unconscious, automatically processed) psi or sensory information often might be the most efficient way to move the organism away from a threat or toward a gratifying situation. PMIR mechanisms support that possibility even when the respondent has no conscious awareness of it.”
Duggan, M. (2020). “Rex G Stanford”. Psi Encyclopedia. London: The Society for Psychical Research. https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/rex-g-stanford. Retrieved 30 March 2024.
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arinewman7 · 1 year
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Léon Spilliaert
Water colour, lavis in India ink and colour pencil on paper, 1902
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Teller often used to translate into German verses by the Hungarian poet Ady, a great favourite of his. One of these translations, which were never published, seems full of the presentiment of an existence which Teller and other research workers in atomic physics were fated to lead.
The Lord takes all whom he strikes and loves,
he bears them far from Earth . . .
their hearts aflame, their brains made ice,
Earth sends her laughter up to them
and, compassionate, the sun strews diamond dust
upon their lonely way.
"Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists" - Robert Jungk, translated by James Cleugh
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Presentiment: Waking Before Alarms, Making Millions Through Day Trading
Most people have had the experience of waking soon before an alarm clock goes off and some can even wake before a specified time without an alarm. The usual assumption is that this depends on an exquisitely sensitive time sense, but Rupert argues that it may be explained better in terms of presentiment, or ‘feeling the future’, or even in terms of an ‘extended present’. We already know that our sense of the present is not a mathematical instant, but has width, and perhaps it widens over ranges of seconds to include portions of the near future, Presentiment is now a well-established phenomenon in laboratory experiments, carried out at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Cornell University and elsewhere, and may be widely distributed among people and non-human animals.
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buscandoelparaiso · 2 months
l'italnuoto che non dorme per il caldo e i letti scomodi e quindi
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foolbo · 7 months
un omaggio a tutti coloro che parlano una lingua che non è presente in qsmp oggi. è così bello che anche coloro che non sono ancora rappresentati abbiano ancora il loro posto nella comunità
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elipsi · 20 days
secondo giorno di lezioni e sono un po' allibita dalla qualità delle lezioni
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mostro-rotto · 1 year
Le persone che rispondono subito ai tuoi messaggi non sono disperate. Le persone che rispondono subito alle tue chiamate non sono disperate. Le persone che sono sempre lì quando ne hai bisogno, non sempre sono libere o senza lavoro. Forse sanno come ci si sente ad essere ignorati. Forse sanno come ci si sente ad essere soli e non avere nessuno su cui poter contare. Perché forse sono stati abbandonati quando avevano bisogno di qualcuno. Forse ti amano. Forse ti hanno reso la loro priorità. Non prenderli per scontati. Non perderli, sono ORO.
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Un professore s2 moodboard, parte 2:
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1, 5, 9 J.D. Salinger, Franny e Zooey // 3 Dino Buzzati, Le notti difficili // 4 Anne Rice, Intervista col vampiro // 6, 7, 8 Temptation Island, Canale 5 // 11 J.D. Salinger, Nove Racconti // 12 Nanni Moretti, Caro diario // 13 Taylor Swift, Who's afraid of little old me?
(parte 1)
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ylespar · 6 months
“The basic concept surrounding the PMIR [Psi Mediated Instrumental Response] was that human beings utilize psi to accomplish something (the instrumental response) that fulfills certain needs in which the individual consciously or subconsciously possesses. Such concepts lead to arguments suggesting that psi may be far more common in daily life than is immediately apparent, but that psi does accomplish its goals in a subtle elegant manner void of conscious awareness. Further arguments then direct us towards the question ‘if psi is a staple in our subconscious daily life, can psi be directed to be a staple in our conscious daily life to any extent?’”
— Theresa M. Kelly [Ref.]
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sara-smind · 2 years
Raga ma io adoro, totalmente
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One part of love is innocence,
One part of love is guilt,
One part the milk, that in a sense
Is soured as soon as spilt.
One part of love is sentiment,
One part of love is lust,
One part is the presentiment
Of our return to dust.
"Weaveworld" - Clive Barker
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aro-thoughts · 2 years
It is actually such a surreal thing to realise that when people talk about 'feelings' for someone, they actually mean feelings, like emotions. Yeah I do still believe that love is very much not an emotion but I realised the reason people say it is is that it is accompanied by so many and so much
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mourningmogaicrew · 2 years
Presential attraction
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Flags in order from top left to bottom right: presential attraction, apresential, apres-spec, demipresential, autopresential, fraypresential, cupiopresential, apresflux, aprespike.
Presential attraction: attraction based on wanting to know someone through their physical presence.
Presential attraction is the opposite of virtudinal attraction. This is a type of tertiary attraction (or physical attraction) and is not the same as wanting to know someone IRL or wanting physical contact/touch.
Apresential: not experiencing presential attraction.
Apres-spec: experiencing atypical or little presential attraction.
Demipresential: only experiencing presential attraction to someone after you form a(n emotional) connection to them.
Greypresential: experiencing atypical presential attraction (or relating to apresential experiences but not fully).
Autopresential: experiencing presential attraction to yourself (more than is typical). Examples may include wanting to spend time with (a version of) yourself or wanting to be in your own physical presence.
Fraypresential: experiencing presential attraction to someone when you first meet them or get to know them, but then the attraction fades after you form a stronger connection to them. The opposite of demipresential.
Cupiopresential: not experiencing presential attraction, but still desiring a relationship based off presential attraction or physically spending a lot of time with someone (ex: living with them or just enjoying their presence).
Apresflux: when your orientation fluctuates on the apres spectrum. Some people may become allopresential or completely apresential at times, others just have small changes in the amount of presential attraction they feel.
Aprespike: usually feeling no or very little presential attraction, but sometimes having (more intense) spikes of attraction before returning to baseline.
Flags are based off the original presential attraction flag (eyestrain warning if you click on the link), the demi/greysexual flags, the auto-spec flag, the fray/cupiosexual flags, and the aceflux/spike flags.
Also please note that there is a cool presential flag redesign here (eyestrain warning again) but I wanted to go even simpler/less like the original with mine.
Presential attraction (AKA tangible attraction) was coined in 2018 and the flag was made in 2021, this is just me making some subterms!
Flag IDs in alt text.
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machiavellli · 2 months
today is the day where I have to text half of my family because of their name
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foolbo · 7 months
è così bello poter parlare in italiano anche se non è una lingua ufficiale di qsmp. ho visto usare così tante lingue oggi e sono così orgogliosa della nostra piccola comunità <3
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