#extrasensory perception
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inthedarktrees · 4 months ago
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ESP test at the American Society for Psychical Research
Henry Groskinsky, “ESP,” Life, 1972
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actualpsychicability · 4 months ago
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Some books from our psychic library. Let us know in the notes if you'd like more information on any of them! We'll be posting reviews and excerpts.
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ylespar · 5 months ago
Some interesting finds from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room pertaining to the Gateway Experience, Hemi-Sync, and remote viewing:
Declassified document CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 (Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process), released by the Central Intelligence Agency under the Freedom of Information Act on 2003/09/10.
Declassified document CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210023-7 (Gateway Intermediate Workbook), released by the Central Intelligence Agency under the Freedom of Information Act on 2003/09/10.
Declassified document CIA-RDP96-00789R001401600001-9 (ERV Lecture), released by the Central Intelligence Agency under the Freedom of Information Act on 2000/08/08.
Declassified document CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9 (remote viewing session targeting Mars), released by the Central Intelligence Agency under the Freedom of Information Act on 2000/08/08.
Declassified document CIA-RDP96-00789R001300180002-7 (remote viewing session targeting the Ark of the Covenant), released by the Central Intelligence Agency under the Freedom of Information Act on 2000/08/08.
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archivist-crow · 4 months ago
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The Miami Poltergeist - 1966/67
First poltergeist case in which scientifically controlled experiments were conducted to determine the nature of the activity. A human focal point was identified.
The Miami Poltergeist case began in late 1966 or early 1967, when an unusual number of objects in the warehouse of Tropican Arts, a wholesaler of novelty items, spilled and broke under mysterious circumstances. At first, carelessness on the part of shipping clerks was blamed. On January 14, 1967, the Miami police were called by the warehouse manager, Alvin Laubheim, who complained that a ghost was in his warehouse breaking things. The investigating oficer arrived and witnessed objects falling off shelves of their own accord.
After the case came to public awareness, parapsychologists, including Roll and J. Pratt, investigated. Almost immediately Roll suspected that a human focal point was responsible, and that the person was a 19-year-old shipping clerk named Julio (pictured above). The breakages and movements of objects always took place when Julio was in the vicinity, and the activity was most intense when Julio seemed to be irritated or upset. Julio’s proximity to the activity had led coworkers to accuse him of being the culprit, which he vehemently denied. He did confess, however, that the breakages made him happy. The researchers found no evidence that he was responsible for the incidents, or that any trickery was used to stage effects.
No objects moved when attempts were made to film activity. Also, activity in general decreased whenever Roll was on the scene, although he did manage to witness 13 of the 224 incidents that were documented.
Julio's father-in-law to be, Jose Diaz, a medium, was brought to the warehouse by management, and he claimed to see an alligator spirit that allegedly was responsible for the mischief. Diaz placed items about the warehouse to serve as diversionary "playthings" for the spirit, but the breakages continued.
Roll and Pratt examined all shelves to make sure that boxes and items were pushed as far back as possible to eliminate the possibility of vibrations or jarring causing them to fall naturally. To see if objects rose up in the air before falling, Roll placed notebooks as a barrier in front of rows of glasses on shelves. When broken glass was discovered and the notebooks stood undisturbed, it indicated that the glasses had risen up into the air before falling to the ground.
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The case also enabled Roll to test his psi field theory, which holds that phenomena reduce with distance from the agent due to a weakening psi field, comparable to a magnetic field. Activity was reduced with distance from Julio; however, objects farthest away from him traveled the longest distances, while objects nearest him traveled the shortest distance. To explain this, Roll proposed that the psi field rotates in a circular motion around an agent similar to a vortex. This explanation has been widely contested by other parapsychologists.
Julio agreed to take a battery of personality and psychological tests. Results that might indicate unconscious psychokinesis at work included anger, rebellion, a sense of unworthiness, guilt, rejection, detachment, passivity and inaction, a feeling of being apart from the social expressing aggression. Julio acknowledged disliking his boss. It also was discovered that 10 days prior to the start of the phenomena at the warehouse, Julio had had some upsetting experiences at home, with his stepmother trying to get him to move out of the house. He suffered nightmares and had suicidal feelings.
On January 30, a break-in occurred at the warehouse and some items and petty cash were taken. Julio was suspected, and he later confessed. The owner and manager did not press charges. The police sergeant also said that Julio claimed he had caused the poltergeist activity with trickery using threads; the sergeant, however, never examined the warehouse, and Roll and Pratt doubted the claim. Several days later, Julio stole a ring from a jeweler for his fiancee.
He was convicted and sent to jail for six months. After his departure from the warehouse, phenomena ceased.
Upon Julio's release, Roll and others attempted to arrange financial support for him so that he could undergo laboratory research for extrasensory perrception (ESP) and PK. Julio declined, and pursued marriage and a tumultuous job history. He eventually underwent tests, and showed significant results for PK but not for ESP. He indicated an ability to control his PK. Later, his father-in-law attempted to help him improve his control of PK in mediumistic sittings.
The Miami case is evidence in support of the theory that at least some cases of poltergeist outbreaks are caused unwittingly by human agents, perhaps due to repressed emotions and hostilities.
Text from The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, Third Edition by Rosemary Ellen Guiley (Checkmark Books - 2007)
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river-kodai-supremacy · 2 years ago
(please keep scrolling to read!!💖⚠️)
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this is some fan promotional art I made for the novel I have been waiting for!!!
here's the silly link to the amazon page!
💙💜💫here's the blurb:💫💜💙
""Show me where it says that some stories are forever and always off limits, just because of who we are."
Recently out of foster care and diagnosed as a Dissociative Identity Disorder system, Yancey Love and his fellow alters are simply trying to navigate life day by day. However, Yancey can't help yearning for a chance to be a part of something bigger than his own routines.
When a simple errand turns into a psychic-powered back alley brawl involving a telekinetic teen named River, Yancey gets way more than he wished for!
River claims his sister has been kidnapped by a mysterious agency of espers seeking out people with powers. That really wouldn't be Yancey's problem-until he discovers he and his headmates have psychic powers as well.
And they might be just the sort of abilities River needs...
Hoping for answers, Yancey agrees to team up with River. With enemy espers hot on their tail, and a dangerous world of secret organizations brewing ahead, this unlikely friendship is put to the test as the two struggle to work together.
Sci-fi with a bit of superhero meets mental health issues in this YA adventure exploring friendship, teamwork, courage, and the power of meaningful healing. "
- The Parallel by Kyra R. Croninger
this book is an amazing adventure that is full of great representation and has a fun and diverse cast of characters, all of which I have a hard time NOT falling in love with!
if you see this post, PLEASE go give it a try!! the kindle eBook is only $0.99 right now so its very cheap and I promise you its worth every penny and more! 💜💙💫
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sachyriel · 7 months ago
Photo-sensitive Psycho-pyrokinesis
You sneeze at bright lights and something catches fire around you.
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thebardostate · 5 months ago
God permits us to look backward, but God has forbidden us to look forward. And if we do, we do so at our own risk.
Cornell Woolrich, Night Has A Thousand Eyes
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vnetwork · 5 months ago
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pleasantsweetsmiracle · 8 months ago
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jaspersreprise · 10 months ago
Embrace your Sixth Sense
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Within each and every one of us is a power far greater than anyone can imagine. This is called a sixth sense, and although everybody has it, not everyone knows how to access it. Those who have mastered the art of tapping into the sixth sense have a natural ability to recognize otherworldly energies around them. Just like animals, we are all born with a natural ability to detect when a situation feels “off.” For example, we rarely see wild animals in the path of a tsunami; they usually sense something is amiss and make for higher ground. This sense of premonition tends to be socialized out of humans, starting from an early age. 
You’ve probably already heard before how little children can innately identify spirits, primarily because they are not long from the spirit realm and often have a guide close by. For kids, it is natural to state, “I see Grandma on the couch,” when Grandma died more than a year ago, but most ordinary families discourage this kind of behaviour and put it down to the child being eccentric. Children learn very quickly to suppress these abilities, and over time, because they don’t use it, they lose it. Think about a time when you knew what the outcome of an event would be, without a question in your mind. Whether you acknowledge it or not, you were leaning on your intuition. Most of us have natural skills of premonition, but many ignore these visceral feelings, opting to rely on logic and reasoning instead.
What I am about to share with you next borders on the oblivion. According to our understanding of spiritual teachings, some of us who choose to exercise our psychic gifts have a “call to duty,” to try and prevent future cataclysmic events. Sometimes we succeed in changing future events with our predictions. Sometimes we do not.
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Extrasensory experience
ESP, or extrasensory perception, is a wide-ranging term often used when talking about a sixth sense. Many other phenomena comprise the sixth sense, too, such as any heightened feelings relating to our other five senses. Some of these are as follows:
CLAIRALIENCE - Gleaning psychic information through scents not obvious to others
For example, a psychic who helps with police investigations may smell orange blossoms, indicating that the subjects of a manhunt are hiding out in an orange grove. Or, more commonly, you may catch a whiff of your long-dead grandfather’s cologne or cigar smoke, indicating that he is nearby.
CLAIRAUDIENCE - Hearing sounds beyond others’ capability
This often includes the voices of deceased loved ones or other sounds that have significance in some way. For example, if someone you know loves London After Midnight, you might faintly hear one of their songs while in the same room with this person. Clairaudience is picking up on audial clues given off by the universe or another entity.
CLAIREMPATHY - Feeling the emotions or physical sensations of another person
This skill is set very similar to that of an empath, which is a person with the ability to feel the emotions and experiences of others. Most of us can easily sympathize with other people, but clairempathy takes it a step further: clairempaths feel the exact same happiness or pain as another person, or even an animal. People with empathetic powers must be careful not to absorb the energies of everyone around them, as this can be overwhelming and, at times, depressing. Psychics with these abilities must sometimes take time away from other people in order to protect and restore their own energy.
CLAIRVOYANCE - Sensing objects, energies, or entities not readily perceivable to others
If you have this ability, you may be able to look at someone and visualize them as a child in the house they grew up in, or perhaps you can see a deceased loved one near another person. You might have a vision of a friend in a situation that hasn’t yet happened—in a foreign city, for example, or as a much older person.
MEDIUMSHIP - Conversing with spirits
There is a difference between ESP and mediumship. All mediums have ESP, but not all people with ESP can communicate with the deceased and so are not mediums. Some mediums’ ability to talk with spirits occurs from childhood; others say they become aware of their skill later in life. Mediums can often see, smell, hear, and feel deceased people and spirits of all forms. People who gave true mediumistic gifts are rare. Some prefers to have the ability when in fact they might just have a conglomeration of the capabilities listed here. See “Connecting with the Dead”, which is my previous post, the most recent one for more helpful information.
PRECOGNITION - Prophesizing events, or seeing them in dreams, before they happen
Precognitive abilities have similarities to the occurrence or premonitions. People with precognition have predicted global disasters, plane crashes, and even future presidents. 
TELEPATHY - Reading or sensing another person’s thoughts, even over great distances
Twins often possess a reputation for having a psychic bond, knowing how the other is feeling without communicating. This can happen while in the same room or even across states.
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It only takes one of these traits to be considered psychic, but some people have more than one and can gather information from multiple domains simultaneously. These are amazing gifts, but if too much information comes in at once, it might also be overpowering. That is why it is so important to take care of yourself and know when you need a break. 
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inthedarktrees · 4 months ago
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Study of extrasensory perception at the American Society for Psychical Research
Henry Groskinsky, “ESP,” Life, 1972
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soulmusicsongs · 1 year ago
Singing About You And Me - Popcorn Wylie (Extrasensory Perception, 1974)
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marieandersoneq · 2 years ago
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ylespar · 1 year ago
“Stanford’s questioning was based on two considerations: (a) extrasensory response, like sensory response, presumably functions in support of the needs and/or dispositions of the organism; but (b), serving those inclinations logically need not require conscious knowledge of the information to which psi-driven action is responding. Indeed, an adaptive or disposition-affirming outcome orchestrated by implicit (that is, unconscious, automatically processed) psi or sensory information often might be the most efficient way to move the organism away from a threat or toward a gratifying situation. PMIR mechanisms support that possibility even when the respondent has no conscious awareness of it.”
Duggan, M. (2020). “Rex G Stanford”. Psi Encyclopedia. London: The Society for Psychical Research. https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/rex-g-stanford. Retrieved 30 March 2024.
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chaoticrei · 9 months ago
Am I the only one who can self-induce trance state, like very easily? And also can induce ASMR (don't even think about ASMR videos, I'm talking about cerebral orgasm)
Is there anyone here who knows about trance, extrasensorial perceptions, and clairvoiance?
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redfoxv · 10 months ago
The sleep setting in. My eyes becoming heavy. Mind is drifting off. I roll over wrapping you around me. I can feel you warm embrace. Exrasensory tingles harmonize with something deep inside. Completely enveloped. Free to abandon the physical. Into the dreamlands synchronized with thw harmonic bliss of the extasensory physical ensations.
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